
Posts Tagged ‘politics’

For those who are interested a short term expert is needed  for a study on an advocacy campaign related to political participation of women.

the expert will work 20 days. the TOR is below.

Kindly do send your CVs to :

Team leader: Maggy  on the mail:      maggy.grabundzija@geewl.eu
Project Manager : Diana Casallas on the email:     casallas@eurecna.it


Team and Reporting Lines Tel Fax Email
Project Director: Mario Costariol +39041 2919411 +39 041 5322465 costariol@eurecna.it
Team Leader: MaggyGrabundzija maggy.grabundzija@geewl.eu
Project Manager: Diana Casallas +39041 2919-407 +39 041 5322465 casallas@eurecna.it
EU Task Manager: RoulaAbbas
The expert will report to: MaggyGrabundzija
Expert: To Be Selected Position: Senior Non-Key Expert on study on an advocacy campaign
Period: September  2016 Man-Women/days: 20 days



The EU funded project on Gender Equity and Empowerment of Women in Lebanon aims to improve mainstreaming of the gender dimension at policy and sector levels in Lebanon by strengthening the National Commission of Lebanese Women’s internal governance towards effective fulfilment of its mandate, to create effective coordination and networking mechanisms with State and non-State actions and to improve media outreach and advocacy.

The assignment is part of the Component 2, activity 2.2, create effective coordination and networking mechanism. The GEEWL is aiming at supporting the NCLW to enhance the civil society to advocate for quota system. In order to reach its objective, an advocacy study is required. In fact it is foreseen that the parliamentary elections will take place in May 2017. Several coordination meetings are already organised with the civil society, under the leadership of the NCWL, in order to encourage the participation of women in the upcoming parliamentarian elections. The advocacy for quota system for women has been identified as being one of the priorities actions in order to support women participation in politics in Lebanon.

There is a literature related to quota system for women in Lebanon. However, the literatureidentifiesobstacles for women participation in the political sphere, suggests mechanisms to implement quota system andprovide simulation ofthe implementation of specific quota system. However, no study has been designed and could gather the different actors advocating for the quota system behind a unified message. In addition, till today some actors of the civil society, among them feminists, are reluctant to call for the implementation of the quota system.

Thus, it is requested to the expert to carry out an advocacy campaign study which will aim at addressing those different issues as per identified.In addition, discussions are taking placeon the electoral law and the expert will review the different suggestions on discussed related to the different options suggests. Finally, the study on advocacy campaign will be the document of reference of the advocacy campaign on quota system for women in politics that the civil society will carry out.


Scope of the Work

The appointed expert will be required to undertake anadvocacy campaign study on quota system for women in Lebanon.


The study should include:


–    Answers to the following questions: Why quota system is necessary to enhance women participation in political sphere? Why do we need the quota system for women in political system in Lebanon? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the quota system for women in politics in Lebanon? What is the appropriate quota system for women in Lebanon?

–    Identification of messages forthe civil society to advocatewith regard to  the quota system for women in politics.

–    Identification of a coordination mechanism among  the civil society organisations to carry out an  advocacy campaign on quota system for women in politics in Lebanon.




The Expert will apply the following methodology to carry out the study:


1.        Review the literature related to the quota system for women in Lebanon, including but not limited to the studies conducted on women participation in the last municipalities elections (May 2016).

2.        Organise consultation meetings with CSOs and other stakeholders working on advocating for the quota system to enhance the role of women in Lebanon in the political sphere.

3.        Hold meetings with members of the parliamentarian committees responsible for reviewing the electoral law to enhance women participation in political sphere.

4.        Design advocacy messages that foster the advocacy campaign which will be conducted by the civil society organisations on the quota system for women in politics and identify the coordination mechanism among  civil society organisations to carry out the advocacy campaign on the quota system for women in Lebanon.

5.        Design and discuss aformat for the study with the GEEWL Team Leader and the NCLW.

6.        Share and discuss the findings of the advocacy messages with a group of experts’ specialists of quotas system for women in Lebanon (identified by the GEEWL and the NCLW).

7.        Organise a workshop with the CSOs to discuss and validate the advocacy messages proposed inthe study.

8.        Elaboratea study on anadvocacy campaign with recommendations related to the importance of the quota system for women in politics, messages that the civil society could carry out and a mechanism of coordination of the civil society.


Outputs Requested
1.        A detailed work plan of the mission to be agreed with theTeam Leader of the GEEWL and the NCLW.

2.        Produce a detailed advocacy campaign study of maximum 25 pages.


The assignment is expected to take place in the period September 2016 (20 working days) as per the below timeline:
1.        Literature review (3days)
3 days: day 1,2,3.
2.        Meetings with the organisations involved in the field of women in politics(3 days)
3 days: 4, 5, 6.
3.        Presentation of the study results with a group of experts (1 day)
1 day: 7.
4.        Organisation and facilitation of a workshop targeting the civil society (1.5 days)
1.5 day: 8.5.
5.        Study writing (11 days)
11 days: 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 12.5, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5, 16.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19.5.
6.        Presentations of the study to the NCLW (0.5 day)
0.5 day:20.



Contents of the Assignment
Project Work Plan – Component 2:
Activity 2.2: Create effective networking
Qualifications and Skills requested for the position
1.        Master’s Degree in gender studies fields, law and political sciencesorsocial studies.
2.        Excellent written communication skills in English.
3.        Excellent and effective communication skills.
4.        Knowledge of Arabic is a requirement.
General experience
1.        Minimum of 8years work experience in advocacy and lobbying in gender issues.
2.        Minimum of 3 years of experience in conducting studies on advocacy related issues.
3.        At least 3 years’ experience in advocacy in women participation in political sphere.
Specific experience
1.        Minimum of one work experience on electoral laws and quota system.


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Encore des discriminations, des discriminations en boucles!

Le parlement va “parait-il” re-etudier le projet de loi pour donner la nationalite libanaise a ceux qui sont d’origine Libanaise.

bon, voila un bon point pour les emigres de longue date, si j’oublie qu’un tel octroi ne se fait que pour une certaine balance communautaire.

mais encore plus le probleme est l’exception: ceux d’origine libanaise et qui ont droit a la nationalite sont seulement des Hommes!!! et non des femmes!!!

donc vos cousines, vos arrieres cousines, vos arrieres grands-meres, et leurs soeurs n’y ont pas droit, juste leur freres y ont droit!!

allons donc!!! mettons un gros zero au patriarcalisme, et aux societes retrogrades qui ne reconnaissent pas les femmes en tant que citoyennes pleines et entieres!!

ci-dessous le brief de la campagne ma nationalite est mon droit et celui de ma famille Image


Rita Chemaly

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Pour mon anniv, nous sommes allés voir la nouvelle pièce de théâtre Al Tayfeh 19 ou la secte 19.

Comme vous savez au Liban il y a 18 confessions , chacune a son propre statut personnel ( a ce sujet voir mes posts precedents after death discrimination ; Non au système politique confessionnel; Laicite au Liban mon reve; Lebanese confessions… A “Tabouleh” that deepens the discrimination between the Citizens; CEDAW implementation in a confessional Lebanon ; Sectarianisme sur fond communautaire, retour a des assabiyas infertiles au Liban et dans les universites)

la piece de théâtre m’a décue:

j’ai trouvé que le jeu d’acteurs n’existe pas, je ne savais qui prenait la parole!! les textes avaient l’air d’etre lus et récités!

le play back encore une fois dans les pieces theatrales avec musique au Liban est une horreur a mon avis!!!!!

si j’ai bien aime le teasing voila le lien (Check out this short trailer of the play with Youssef El Khal:
 ),  les danses, le fait d’avoir vu Youssef el khal de pres, 🙂 le sujet en lui meme , comment la corruption est decrite, l’idee d’avoir un centre de rehabilitation pour les detenus, bref les idees comme ca, passent mais certaines phrases dites et redites m’ont ahurie!!

une chanson repetee a la fin aussi dit: “nehna hon ya zaim” “on est la monsieur le Leader”, quand va-t-on arreter de courir derriere les “zaims”??? et pourquoi les zaims dans cette piece se choisissent tous seuls?? et se nomment les uns les autres??? c’est la democratie?? Un des zaims de la piece est tué,  il choisi son successeur sur son lit de mort…. vu? revu???!!!

pire!! les militaires sont la solution!!! Quoi???!!! on prone un coup d’état militaire comme solution au confessionalisme??!!!

attention a un certain moment de la piece : les balais etaient distribués comme arme, mais quelques temps plus tard, de vrais armes ont ete distribuées a des personnes qui voulaient faire une revolution “pacifique” : je vous donne des armes, mais attention ne les utilisez pas !!! quoi!?!?!!?

aussi, l’histoire de la fuite vers chypre??? quelle valeur ajoutee a la piece? dire que les libanais emigrent? lol on ne le savait pas!

bref, a tous ceux qui ne l’ont pas encore vue, allez voir cette piece, mais ne vous attendez pas a plus que du nationalisme exacerbe, et une histoire decevante!

la solution:  ajouter une confession aux 18?!!!!!

voila le lien de la page facebook.




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lebanonMy friends are posting pictures of their children at school with the Lebanese flag, chanting the national hymn,

Yes, symbols are a necessity, symbols may help in the creation of a “national” “unity”.

But which unity? which nation??

a nation that does not give the civil and political rights to half of its citizens?

women are not citizens, …. their are 2nd class citizens!!

a nation where the citizens pay member of parliaments , for them to stay home or bribe pple instead of legiferate??

our parliament is not able to meet in a general assembly to vote for important laws !!!

a nation where security = zero and less??

even on  the roads safety doesn’t exists… people can get smashed in their cars, watch young kids doing circus exercises on their motorbike on the roads, or get burned after an explosion!!!

a nation where politics = political heritage, = patriarchy = feudalism = I must be the wife, the sister, the daughter of a “martyr” !!

a nation without a law regulating political parties!!!!!

do I continue??

oh I can’t forget and shouldn’t miss the unforgettable :

a nation in which citizens are not equal!!! yes yes!! my nation “state” is all that, and bardo I ‘ll continue to protest, mobilize and struggle for the country I do love!! a country I wish will be able to progress and transform in a ” state of law”

Rita Chemaly


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I am enraged, those 2 days, all what TVs and media are covering are the supposed military attacks USA, France and Great Britain might do against Syria.

And since than, all the messages I am getting are “keep safe” “we will suspend our meetings” “stay home” ….

What??? I know that my post is just for me and wont be read by the BIG guys, but maybe if some of their team members may read it, they will understand, that some people who are “citizens” here in this part of the world are AGAINST any military attack!!! Syria is already living under the bombs, bombing more and letting foreign powers intervene as they did in Irak, Afghanistan, Libya or else, is a huge Mistake. Can they consider the citizens that are living in the region?? can they consider that if it didn’t work in other parts of the world, it won’t work in Syria too?!!!

I am afraid, Yes I am, for the security of those who are still living in Syria, for those who are living like me in Lebanon, and trying to make a living albeit the bombings and explosions we are witnessing!

Dear Big Guys, the Soft politic is in my opinion the solution, the political solution is still needed as it happened in Lebanon in 1989, and after in Doha….

Please dears think about it!! Syria is already a war-torn country and chemical weapons is already been used, don’t “add oil to the fire” and use a military attack, even those who you think needs you for a military attack are not as clean as they should be ! Fundamentalism, extremism, and dictatorship are all for me, simple citizen of this Middle East unacceptable!

Rita Chemaly

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Look at the Lebanese Highways and especially at the huge billboards everywhere!

 Women, teenagers, Men, children are harassed by pictures and advertisements using the women body and brain as a housewife, as a sexy doll, as a bimbo.

the examples in Lebanon are numerous. ( here are some previous examples taken from my blog : My body is not to be used for your crap ads! women’s body are sacred and not objects!

Salons de Beaute pour ENFANTS! au Liban tout est travaille pour Arranger l’image de soi

You can be Seduced by a Taouk…. or a warak arich on a women body… , for more info also do check Kherrberr website: here are great examples from it Mothers Are Not Washing Machines  , Scholl’s Babybotte: Influencing Children’s Gender Roles ! )

The problem is that me and other Lebanese and non Lebanese women living in Lebanon and bombarded by such pictures and adv will integrate them in our mind and we won’t be able to see the prejudice and discrimination they create after a while.

The small boy and the small girl are definitely influenced by those ads such as the “Babybotte and Barbie Adv! To the boy we will find it normal to buy and offer a Lego game that will help him use his brain, as for girls, we will find it normal to offer a doll, for her to pamper and integrate as an image of the mother she will once be!

I will always and always repeat that we live in a world were stereotypes related to gender role division are very difficult to overcome, but WE can do it!!

we have to be able to discern gender biased images, games and advertisements!

is it normal for media to use My body to market a car!?! I understand that women bodies are attractive but we have to stop using them and Instrumentalising them as objects for marketing!

  The gender division is so normal that when we go to a shop in Lebanon for children you’ll have a part in pink with lots of dolls and dentelles, and carrycots, and small kitchens and other part with cabs, construction games, army clothes, superman clothes for boys.

This is from where gender stereotyping begins! Malls, and shops for children!!!

Images and social Roles (women as a housewife, and men as house caretaker, and a society saviour ( the superman) ) are so commonly engraved in our sub conscience we usually reproduce and replicate them over and over! I was so glad when my Brother in Law wrote to me, “let your husband help you Iron your future new born clothes , this task is not just for women!!”

That is how we go out of the vicious circle of reproducing social roles and reinforcing social stereotypes!

I am working on it, Are you???

I loved this flyer that we (my husband and I found at the gynecologist, a Men bottle feeding his child) …. Do you think that this is common in Lebanon?? it is rare to find husbands helping with the education part of the children, why? again social roles, manly roles, patriarchal culture, and all those big issues we have to try to fight and overcome!

 Rita Chemaly


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is it just a piece of news? a women, mother of 5 children has been savagely assassinated by her husband who was beating her with a “stick” as one of the little children told the neighbours.

where is the law? still in the drawers of the parliament.

some months ago, the commission who has to study the law, changed it, and amended it as per the sects preferences! taking the most important stipulations and amending them not only to protect women and criminalize violence, but also the Members of Parliaments amended the law in a way making the sects laws of the personal status code predominant on a civil law…. that was needed to establish Equality and Justice among all citizens!!!!

the stories of Roula, Wafa, Rita, and soo many beaten and violented women should awake those who reconducted for themselves and let them study and know how to legiferate in a way that BUILD A STATE OF LAW. A LAW under which all CITIZENS are equal.

I am raging, and sad, if the MPs need some courses in legislation, laws, political sciences , let them ask us for help!!! and stop distributing services instead of DOING their Job RIGHT!



here are some reports about what happened
MTV report http://mtv.com.lb/News/223722
Lorient le Jour report : http://www.lorientlejour.com/article/823242/violence-domestique-la-mort-atroce-de-roula-yacoub-suffira-t-elle-a-faire-voter-la-loi-.html

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I participated to the African festival that was held in Jesus and Mary School in Rabieh last Sunday.

I was so happy to finally see African people in Lebanon wearing their countries costumes, and eating and dancing their countries folkloric dances.

The Ethiopian Delegation, the Madagascar Delegation, the Côte d’Ivoire Delegation, the Sudanese Delegation all prepared dances, and beautifully colored shows.

Proud to be african, I was just Happy and clapping madly to all the groups!!

even though I loved the Ethiopian dance, and if I wasn’t so heavy in my pregnancy I would have enjoyed dancing with them 🙂

not to forget about the Clothes!!!!!! A simple Waw!!! Mum and I found some Clothes truly beautiful!

for you some of the pictures of the event, thank You samar and Ghada for inviting us, we were supposed to be 2 but you know in My family we are all happy to always enjoy such beautiful events!!!!


Caritas migrant center distributed brochures to all attendees, It was truly lovely!











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discrimination men and women in lebanon rita chemalysocial security article amendment of article 14 in lebanon women rights

I cannot believe what I am reading on the website of the Parliament.

The Commission of Women and Children headed by MP Gilberte Zwein, has amended again the article 14 of the social security law, but not to end discrimination against women, on the contrary, by adding exceptions that were never in the first law before and exceptions discriminating more and more against women.

in Lebanon, if a woman works she is entitled to have social security, but as per article 14 of the social security law, just working man with unworking women can have their women benefit from social security. the equality in the lebanese social security law doesn’t exist!

A WORKING women cannot let her husband benefit from social security unless he is over 60 or deficient according to article 14.

The National Commission For Lebanese women prepared in 2011 a draft law, to amend the discrimination in article 14, and as stated in its annual report, members of parliament ( ZWEIN and Michel Moussa) Presented the amendment of the law.

The amendment presented in 2011, takes off all kind of discrimination and entitles the husband of a working  women to benefit from health care provided by the social security law if he doesnt work. the amendment prepared and presented has one goal: equality between lebanese women and men.

But while checking the lebanese parliament website http://www.lp.gov.lb/NewsPage.Aspx?id=10102 I read that the Parliamentarian commission on Women and Children met on october 2012, and amended the article 14, but not as presented in 2011 by Gilberte Zwein Herself, but with adding more and more discrimination against women husbands who work in liberal professions, or is enlisted in the commercial records of in the professions record!

here is the text for you in arabic!!!! 😦

زوج المضمون إذا كان لا يتعاطى عملا مأجورا، أو كان لا يتسفيد من تقديمات حصية، أو مساعدات مرضية من نظام الزامي عام، وأن لا يكون منتسبا إلى نقابات المهن الحرة، أو مسجلا في السجل التجاري، أو في سجل المهن”.

More terrible, Michel Moussa who first presented with ZWEIN the first amendment, was present at the commission meeting as it appears from NNA lebanon news
all what I can demand is for Parliamentary commissions to be more sensitive on the issue of discrimination and equality.

all I can demand from our MPs is to be fair vote for laws that truly are in the benefice of working women!!

Rita Chemaly 

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One of the most Horrible action against #human rights and human #dignity without talking about the freedom of choice,

the story as it has been prepared by NOW, is below for your information,

in both english and arabic.



“I was standing outside the nightclub with my friends when I was ordered by [municipality] police to get into the car, with no legal order” one of the transgender revelers harassed Saturday night at Dekwaneh club Ghost told NOW, on condition of anonymity. She said she was taken into a room where she was abused both verbally and sexually by municipality head Antoine Chakhtoura’s deputies.

“They hit me and pushed me around and insulted me by using derogatory terms like ‘faggot’ and ‘half-a-man,’ then they asked demeaning questions such as how much do I make per hour and whether I enjoy ‘sucking on it,’ then asked me to strip naked and then took photographs of me.”

Lebanese activists and experts believe Chakhtoura’s actions have set a dangerous precedent whereby the Lebanese official can apply his own conception of justice as Lebanese law.

Among those who were arrested late night Saturday were three gay men and a transgender person. Each were forced to undress in front of Chakhtoura’s policemen, under his order, so they could determine their gender.

Following Saturday’s events, in an interview with the Lebanese television station LBC, Chakhtoura admitted that the detained were undressed, saying “Of course we made them take off their clothes, we saw a scandalous situation and we had to know what these people were. Is it a woman or a man? It turned out to be a half-woman and half-man and I do not accept this in my Dekwaneh.”

In an interview with NOW, Chakhtoura defended his actions saying “It is not my business what gender they decide to be, but they were violating moral codes of conduct and were taking drugs and it is my duty to put an end to it.”

However, the transgender person emphasized that she had no drugs in her possession and has asked the forces to give her a blood test to check for the viability of the accusations. Her requests have gone unanswered.

As for the sealing of the night club, Chakhtoura stressed to NOW that he believes it endorses sexual activities inside and outside its premises, and promoted the trafficking of drugs and “drunken” behavior. He also claims that his actions are justified by Article 74 in the municipal law code.

Ghost nightclub’s management has condemned the municipality’s accusation, stressing to NOW that the accusations against them are false and that the raid had no prior warning.

The manager, who also preferred to remain anonymous, explained that Chakhtoura came to the location and accused him of drug trafficking and prostitution, and when he was given the freedom to look into his accusations Chakhtoura replied “No, I don’t want to check, I want this place to be shut down.”

“I refused to close down,” then he walked out saying “but you have gay men in here.” Soon after, twelve of Chakhtoura’s policemen entered the nightclub, bullied customers out, and turned the music off. As of Monday afternoon, Ghost nightclub was sealed by order of the municipality, a note visible on its door with the names of the 4 persons who had been detained.

Lawyer and human rights activist Nizar Saghieh explained that the head of the municipality, in his actions, surpassed the relevant legal institutions and should thus be held legally accountable.

“By law, he is only allowed to gather the information needed and file a complaint to the public prosecution office. He has no right to take the decision on his own. His raid is illegal,” stressed Saghieh.

Until now, the club’s management has not filed a law suit against Chakhtoura and is waiting for the prosecution office to issue its own order, because they strongly believe Chakhtoura’s case is personal.

“Clearly, he has personal issues with homosexual men because this is not the first time these harassments take place, his men have been detaining passersby for over 6 months now,” the manager added.

Charbel Maydaa, the director of Helem, an NGO whose mission is to defend gay rights, confirmed the above allegations and explained that the organization has been monitoring the nightclub since they learned of the recurrent harassment and abuse of gay men and transgender people. Maydaa told NOW that customers near the nightclub are frequently exposed to abuse because of their appearance, and that victims were taken to the police municipality in the trunks of police cars.

Saghieh added that the municipal police’s detainment of customers is also illegal and should be looked into urgently because it is a clear violation of the constitution.

“They have no right to question subjects in any case; it is the judicial police jurisdiction and that is, if there was a crime at hand, but there isn’t one, transsexuality is not a crime, there is no legal finding to support it anywhere.”

Saghieh emphasized that if the subjects decide not to pursue a case, then it is  the lebanese civil society’s duty to address the issue as quickly as possible.

“This is a crime and Chakhtoura admitted to it publicly. Lebanese civil society should file a complaint against him at the public prosecution office.”

“This is very dangerous. He is forcing his own values, considering anything against them a crime, then punishing the wrong-doers. This should not be accepted,” said Saghieh.

SOURCE https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/reportsfeatures/transgender-club-victim-speaks-out

هذا ما حصل في ملهى المتحولين جنسياً في الدكوانة

رئيس بلدية يعتقل ويضايق مثليين ومتحوّلين جنسياً


“كنتُ أقف خارج الملهى الليلي مع أصدقائي عندما أمرتني شرطة البلدية بالدخول الى السيارة، دون أي مذكّرة قانونية” قالت لـ NOW واحدة من المشاركين في الحفلة الصاخبة الذين تعرضوا لمضايقات ليلة السبت الماضية في ملهى Ghost في الدكوانة، شرط عدم ذكر اسمها. قالت إنّها أدخلت الى غرفة حيث تعرّضت لأذى شفهي وجنسي من قبل مندوبي رئيس البلدية أنطوان شختورة.

“ضربوني وعاملوني بقسوة وأهانوني مستخدمين تعابير بذيئة مثل “مخنّث” و”نصف رجل”، ومن ثم طرحوا عليّ أسئلة مهينة مثل كم هو أجري في الساعة وإذا ما كنتُ أستمتع بالأمر، ومن ثم طلبوا مني ان أخلع ثيابي والتقطوا لي صوراً”.

يعتقد الناشطون والخبراء اللبنانيون أنّ أعمال شختورة تفرض سابقة خطيرة حيث يمكن لمسؤول لبناني أن يطبّق مفهومه الخاص للعدالة على اعتبار أنّه قانون لبناني.

من بين أولئك الذين تمّ اعتقالهم ليل السبت الماضي كان ثلاثة مثليين وشخص متحوّل جنسياً. وكل واحد منهم أجبر على خلع ثيابه أمام رجال شرطة شختورة، بأمر منه، بحيث يتمكنون من تحديد هويتهم الجنسية.

بعد أحداث ليلة السبت، وفي مقابلة له مع محطة التلفزيون اللبنانية LBC، اعترف شختورة بأنّهم جعلوا المعتقلين يخلعون ثيابهم، قائلاً “بالطبع جعلناهم يخلعون ثيابهم،عندما رأينا وضعاً فاضحاً وكان علينا أن نعرف ما هم هؤلاء الأشخاص. رجال أو نساء؟ وبدا أنّهم أنصاف رجال وأنصاف نساء وأنا لا أقبل بمثل ذلك في الدكوانة التي أنتمي إليها”.

وفي مقابلة له مع NOW، دافع شختورة عن أفعاله قائلاً “ليس شأني أية هوية جنسية يريدون لأنفسهم، ولكنّهم كانوا ينتهكون قوانين السلوك الأخلاقية وكانوا يتعاطون المخدرات ومن واجبي وضع حد لذلك”.

غير أنّ المتحوّلة جنسياً أكّدت أنّه لم يكن بحوزتها مخدرات وطلبت من القوى [الأمنية] أن يُجرى لها فحص دم للتحقّق من صحة الاتهامات. ولم تتم الاستجابة لمطالبها.

وبالنسبة لختم الملهى الليلي بالشمع الأحمر، أكد شختورة أنّه يعتقد بأنّه يسمح بالنشاطات الجنسية داخل مبناه وخارجه، وأنّه يروّج لتجارة المخدرات ولسلوك السكيرين. وهو يزعم بأنّ أفعاله تبرّرها المادة 74 من قانون البلديات.

ومن جهتها أدانت إدارة ملهى “غوست” اتهام البلدية، مشدّدة لـ NOW على أنّ الاتهامات الموجهة لها باطلة وأنّ “الكبسة” على الملهي لم يسبقها أي تحذير.

وشرح مدير الملهى، الذي فضّل هو كذلك عدم الإفصاح عن هويته، أنّ شختورة جاء الى المكان واتهمه بتجارة المخدرات وبالدعارة، وعندما سُمح له بالتحقّق من صحة اتهاماته، أجاب شختورة “لا، لا أريد التحقّق، أريدُ إقفال هذا المكان”.

“رفضتُ الإقفال”، ومن ثم خرج قائلاً “ولكن لديكم مثليين هنا”. وبعد ذلك بقليل، دخل 12 من رجال شرطة شختورة الى الملهى، قاموا بالتنمير على الزبائن، وأطفأوا الموسيقى. ومنذ بعد ظهر يوم الإثنين الماضي، جرى إقفال ملهى غوست بالشمع الاحمر بأمر من البلدية، وتبدو ملاحظة عُلّقت على بابه بأسماء الأشخاص الأربعة الذين جرى اعتقالهم.

وفي هذا السياق، شرح المحامي والناشط في مجال حقوق الإنسان نزار صاغية أنّ رئيس البلدية تخطّى بهذه التصرّفات، المؤسسات القانونية المختصّة وبالتالي يجب أن يحاسب قانونياً على ذلك.

“كما ينص القانون، يُسمح له فقط بجمع المعلومات المطلوية ورفع شكوى الى مكتب المدعي العام. لا يحق له أن يتخّذ القرار بنفسه. إغارته على المكان غير قانونية” شدّد صاغية قائلاً.

حتى الآن، لم ترفع إدارة الملهى قضية على شختورة وهي بانتظار أن يُصدر مكتب الادعاء حكمه، لأنّهم يعتقدون اعتقاداً راسخاً بأنّ قضية شختورة قضية شخصية.

“من الواضح أنّ لديه مسائل شخصية حيال الرجال المثليين لأنّ هذه ليست المرة الأولى التي تحصل فيها هذه المضايقات، فمنذ أكثر من ستة أشهر يقوم رجاله باعتقال المارة”، أضاف المدير.

وبدوره أكّد شربل الميدع، المدير التنفيذي لجمعية “حلم” غير الحكومية التي تهتم بالدفاع عن حقوق المثليين، على الادعاءات السابقة وشرح أنّ الجمعية كانت تراقب الملهى الليلي منذ علموا بالمضايقات المتكرّرة وبالإساءة الى الرجال المثليين والأشخاص المتحولين جنسياً. وقال الميدع لـ NOW إنّ الزبائن قرب الملهى الليلي دائماً ما يتعرّضون للاعتداء بسبب مظهرهم، وأنّ ضحايا الأحد الماضي نُقلوا الى مقر شرطة البلدية في صناديق سيارات الشرطة.

وأضاف صاغية أنّ اعتقال الشرطة البلدية للزبائن هو أيضاً غير قانوني ويجب النظر فيه بأقصى سرعة لأنه مخالفة واضحة للدستور.

“ليس لديهم الحق باستجواب أي كان في أية قضية كانت؛ فهذا من اختصاص الشرطة القضائية، هذا في حال كانت هناك جريمة، ولكن لا توجد جريمة، التحوّل الجنسي ليس بجريمة، ليس هناك أي حيثية قانونية لدعمها في أي مكان”.

وشدّد صاغية على أنّه في حال قرّر المعنيون بالحادثة عدم رفع أي قضية، فمن واجب المجتمع المدني اللبناني معالجة المسألة بأسرع وقت ممكن.

“هذه جريمة وقد اعترف شختورة علناً باقترافها. على المجتمع المدني أن يرفع شكوى ضدّه لدى مكتب المدعي العام”.

“هذا أمر شديد الخطورة. إنّه يفرض قيمه الخاصة، معتبراً أي شيء يعارض هذه القيم جريمة، ومن ثمّ يعاقب الآثمين الذين ارتكبوها. لا يجب القبول بذلك”، قال صاغية




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what is happening in #Syria is #horrible #Human basic & #Fundamental #rights have been forgotten by all parties!

I cannot look at the feed of my Facebook page, without being afraid of watching the horrific images coming from Syria!

I love this country, when I visited for the first time in 2005, i found the cultural heritage they have, and that syrian people are not protecting now. How can they be interested in their cultural heritage, when the life of Innocents are taken without any conscience???

all Parties in Syria should Stop violating Human rights, Children Rights, Women Rights.

I won’t re-post the shocking pictures of guys  handling the heads of the people they just killed!! this is an abomination!!!

in a war, (And in LEBANON) we have lived numerous ones, atrocities happen, but keeping quiet is an ABOMINATION!!!

The basic Human rights should be Respected!!!!!!

People and Innocents should be Protected!!!!

Khalass , Enough to Atrocities!!

yes for the implementation of basic rights even during war!


here are recent articles describing the war crimes happening in Syria our neighbor country

U.N. lists Syrian army and militias as sex predators
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2013/Apr-17/214104-un-lists-syrian-army-and-militias-as-sex-predators.ashx#ixzz2Rt7sWovW

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Dears, the UNFPA communication office have released the new issues of the newsletter TANSEEQ for Ending GBV in Lebanon”.

as the communication team of UNFPA stiplulates, “This newsletter constitutes Lebanon’s very first national networking tool on Gender Based Violence (GBV). It provides a comprehensive snapshot of activities in the area of GBV undertaken between July and December 2012 in Lebanon. A total of 14 actors in the area of GBV have contributed to the present issue.

 This issue’s special features are:

  • Supplement on the “16 Days to End Gender Violence” and the “White Ribbon” campaigns
  • Section on the Inter-Agency SGBV Task Force operating under the Protection working group for the Syria Humanitarian response
  • Winning articles of the UNFPA-supported GBV article-writing contest  among Journalism students at the Lebanese University”.

 to read this english version:


to read the arabic version:



tanseeq ending gender based violence in leabnon rita chemaly expert on women rights

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Organization: IndyACT

Country: Lebanon

Website: http://www.indyact.org

Job Profile

IndyACT is a global league of independent environmental, cultural and social activists. IndyACT

is currently focusing its operations in the Arab World. Although it is a new organization,

IndyACT has already established several campaigns in the Arab region, especially Lebanon, on

issues such as climate change, resource management, marine and coastal protection, and youth

and women’s rights. The organization’s motto is “Passion with Professionalism” and applies it in

all its campaigns.

IndyACT is currently seeking a Communication Officer.

Job Title Communication Officer


To undertake the planning, development and delivery of IndyACT’s internal and external

communications, including website, monthly newsletter and other member communications

and publications, in liaison with other IndyACT staff; to contribute to wider policy and

communications and IndyACT work programmes.

Required Qualifications


University degree in a related field.


Two years work experience in communication and campaigning.


Excellent command of spoken and written English and Arabic. French is a plus.

General Qualifications

– Personal belief in and support of IndyACT core values.

– Writing and outreach experience.

– Media and awareness-raising experience.

– A strong capacity for analysis, communication and information management.

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Full Time Job Vacancy (6 months with the possibility of extension)

Project Officer
For the Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Program
At The Forum for Development Culture and Dialogue (F.D.C.D.)
The Project officer will support the peacebuilding program of  FDCD in designing, implementing and following-up with local projects in Lebanon that targets various focus group all over the country.
Major Tasks:
• Assisting the Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Program Coordinator in implementing and following up running peacebuilding projects in Lebanon.
• Monitoring and assisting in the evaluation process for several projects.
• Establishing contact and maintaining correspondence with individuals and institutions within the project work of  PBCR-FDCD.
• Implementing peacebuilding conference in different Lebanese regions.
• Assisting in Planning and executing training programs in peacebuilding, leadership, conflict prevention and relevant topics.
• The Job Holder may be assigned to other tasks related to the implementation of different F.D.C.D. projects.
• BA degree required in social work, political science, peace and conflict studies or relevant majors.
•  1 year experience in N.G.O. Work
• Knowledge in peacebuilding and conflict resolution techniques 
• Lebanese nationality
• Excellent communication skills in Arabic (written and Oral)
• Good Communication skills in English (written and Oral) – French is a Plus
• Able to travel to different geographical region in Lebanon
• Able to work under Time Pressure and Deadlines 
• Computer Skills ( Word, Excel…)
• Able to start working by May – June 2013
This Position is set for 6 months period ending on the 31 of December 2013. Could be extended in case of Program Renewal.
How to Apply:
Send your Two Pages C.V. To : info@fdcd.org – State in the subject : Project Officer Vacancy – PBCR – FDCD.
Deadline for applicants: 23th of April 2013
–Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be called for an interview

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I am angry and truly disappointed by the movie created by Beirut Marathon Association for the #women race on 26 of may, those who talked at the beginning are sexist!!! and what they said is DISCRIMINATING against women!!!!! I refuse totally to be a part of such an initiative!

People should understand that verbal abuse is Refused, that stereotyping women as incompetent is refused!! Stereotyping women as unable to drive is not Funny, this is discriminating!!!



we want people to RESPECT women and the causes the women movement in Lebanon is supporting! such as the nationality cause, the criminalization of violence , the criminalization of sexual , and verbal harassment, the respect for our bodies, and our brains , the causes the women movement in Lebanon is supporting are so important, and not funny, e political participation of women is a must, respect of women bodies is a double must, respect of women intelligence and participation even in a race is a triple must! what I keep in mind after watching less than 1 minute of this movie is sexism, stereotyping, and discrimination against Lebanese women!!!

Rita Chemaly

I am truly sad that they mixed important issues with such “maskhara” as we say in Lebanon.Image

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Internship: Social and Solidarity Economy

Closing date: 22 Apr 2013
Vacancy number: INT065

UNRISD is now accepting applications for an internship position, under the supervision of the Deputy Director, in the area of Social and Solidarity Economy.
Required qualifications: Currently enrolled in a Master’s or PhD degree programme in the social sciences;
Good understanding of social economy, sustainable development and social movements issues;
Excellent communication skills including written and spoken fluency in English and experience in editing English texts; good working knowledge of French and Spanish desirable;
Proficiency in MS Office package.

Responsibilities: Follow-up activities related to the 6-8 May 2013 UNRISD conference on the Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy, These are likely to include assisting with editing, preparing publications, updating the website, serving as a communications focal point and other tasks.
Conducting background research on social and solidarity economy issues;
Identifying governmental, intergovernmental and civil society actors and networks supporting social and solidarity economy initiatives and informing them of the outcomes of the UNRISD project on the Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy;

The deadline for applications is 22 April 2013. The internship will be ideally for three to four months, starting mid-June 2013.

If you are interested in the work elaborated above and have the corresponding qualifications, please apply online by clicking the button below and clearly specify your qualifications. Please note that due to limited staff resources only those candidates who are short-listed will be contacted.

In accordance with the rules and regulations of the UN Internship Programme, this internship is not financially remunerated. UNRISD is not responsible for interns’ travel expenses to and from Geneva, or for their medical insurance for the period of assignment.
Source: http://www.unrisd.org/80256B3C005BF3C2/search/75625F6BE218C77BC1257B350029BEE1?OpenDocument&utm_campaign=email_alerts_weekly_1_4_2013&utm_medium=email_html&utm_source=en&utm_content=content_link&cntxt=A9003&cookielang=en#top

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March 21 is Mothers day! the Beginning of Spring and the blossoming of flowers… In Lebanon, expecting mothers are waiting for the General Assembly of the Lebanese Parliament … The Members of Parliament, those who were Elected by the people, the mothers, and the dads need to VOTE ASAP the amendment of the Maternity leave Period.

Maternity leave should be Fully paid and the period must be extended to at Least 10 weeks.
Maternity leave in Lebanon too short campaign rita chemaly

Knowing that the International Labor Organisation had in 1952 called in the Maternity Protection Convention called for a minimum of 12 weeks leave and recommended for a 14 weeks leave.

“Currently, 119 countries meet the ILO standard of 12 weeks with 62 of those countries providing for 14 weeks or more. Just 31 countries mandate a maternity leave of less than 12 weeks.”

 Lebanese women associations conceded 2 weeks for the amendment to pass.

we are still waiting for the ELECTED parliamentarians to do their duty and Go to the General Assembly in the House of People to VOTE  for such an amendment!!

Rita Chemaly


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Lebanese Women claim their rights:

the right to live safely at home

the right not to be harrassed at work

the right not to marry her rapist

the right to transmit her nationality to her children

the right to Live and To be A Lebanese CITIZEN!!!!

Rita Chemaly,

also for those who feel that big rage I feel,

do not hesitate to wath this short short movie, that is translated to English….

a great initiative bt the take back the parliament movement.




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Women in Detention guide TO gender sensitive monitoring_English_0Women in Detention guide Rita Chemaly Lebanon

A new guide is launched and it is adressed to monitoring bodies responsible for the external scrutiny of places of deprivation of liberty.

i quote the introduction of the guide:

“It outlines the risks faced by women deprived of their liberty of being subjected to torture and ill-treatment and measures that can be taken to reduce such risks. The main focus of the paper is the situation of women in detention in the criminal justice system, though the discussion is in many cases equally relevant to women deprived of liberty in other contexts, such as psychiatric institutions and immigration detention facilities. “

In lebanon, I know that CLDH and SOLIDA worked with detainees, also, the good work Zeina Daccach did with women in detention in Lebanese prisons. Catharsis (The lebanese center for Drama Therapy) held the project in which women detainees played theater pieces.

Going back to the guide and for you to know more what is the content of the guide, here is the synoposis:


II Why should monitoring bodies look at this issue?

III Concepts

1. Gender and gender mainstreaming

2. Discrimination and violence against women

IV Risk factors and measures to reduce risk

1. Certain contexts which heighten risk

a. Societal context

b. Legislative context

2. Certain times that heighten risk

a. Police custody and pre-trial detention

b. Transit

3. Certain policies and practices that heighten risk or cause physical or mental suffering

a. Inadequate safeguards and assessments on admission

b. The nature and scope of medical examinations

c. Not separating male and female prisoners

d. Supervision by male staff/ mixed gender staffing

e. Searching policies and practices

f. Solitary confinement/ disciplinary segregation

g. The inappropriate and unjustified use of restraints

h. Inadequate provision for gender specific hygiene, sexual and reproductive healthcare

i. Inadequate provision for family contact

j. Inappropriate decisions to separate dependent children from their mothers in prison

k. Detention for protection

4. Certain categories of women who are at heightened risk

a. Girls

b. Victims of human trafficking and sex workers

c. Women with mental healthcare needs

d. Other groups that are at heightened risk

V What qualities do monitoring bodies need to engage in this issue?

Recommended further reading


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Immediate Recruitment Announcement 

Gender Equality Team Coordinator

One year full time contract renewable

CRTD.A is announcing an immediate vacancy for the Gender and Equality Team Coordinator.


The Gender and Equality Team is entrusted with spearheading the Arab Women’s Right to Nationality Campaign, implementing the Leadership capacity building programme, engaging in CRTD.A’s work within the regional “Equality without Reservation Coalition” as well as developing and disseminating knowledge and communication material on gender equality in Lebanon and the Arab region.



Key tasks and responsibilities


● Provide support and accompaniment to the GET team members

● Develop action plans for the Nationality campaign and ensure implementation and monitoring

● Develop leadership and related capacity building programmes

● Provide timely and comprehensive reports on activities

● Liaise and collaborate with other CRTD.A teams

● Engage with CRTD.A national and regional partners



Key competencies


● Up to 5 years of experience in a related field

● A relevant university degree

● Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Arabic and English

● Ability to coordinate a small team and develop workplans

● Reliable and able to meet deadlines

● High interpersonal skills

● Commitment to gender equality and social justice


Deadline for application: 15 March 2013


Interested candidates should send their CV, a detailed motivation letter and three references to vacancy@crtda.org.lb.  Please indicate “Gender and Equality Team Coordinator “in the subject line.


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

اعلان عن توظيف فوري

منسق/ة لبرنامج المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي

عقد عمل لمدة سنة قابل للتجديد


تعلن مجموعة الأبحاث والتدريب للعمل التنموي عن حاجتها للتوظيف الفوري لمنسق/ة لبرنامج المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي.


تتضمن مسؤوليات منسق/ة برنامج المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي، دعم حملة “جنسيتي حق لي ولأسرتي” وتطويرها، تنفيذ نشاطات التدريب على القيادة النسائية، تعزيز مشاركة مجموعة الابحاث والتدريب للعمل التنموي في الحملة الاقليمية “لتحالف المساواة دون تحفظ”، تطوير التنسيق، التواصل، تطوير ونشر المعرفة حول المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي في لبنان والمنطقة العربية.


مهمات منسق/ة برنامج المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي:


– تأمين الدعم وادارة فريق المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي

– تطوير خطط عمل حملة الجنسية وضمان حسن المتابعة والتنفيذ

– تطوير برنامج القيادة وبناء القدرات النسائية

– رسم الخطط التنفيذية ووضع تقارير دورية حول سير العمل

– التنسيق والتعاون مع فرق العمل الاخرى في مجموعة الابحاث والتدريب للعمل التنموي

– التواصل مع شركاء وشبكة علاقات مجموعة الابحاث والتدريب للعمل التنموي في لبنان والمنطقة العربية


على المتقدم/ة للوظيفة أن تتوفر لديه/ها المواصفات التالية:


– خبرة في مجال مماثل تصل الى 5 سنوات

– حيازة شهادة جامعية في الحقل الاجتماعي

– اتقان كامل للّغتين العربية والانكليزية قراءة وكتابة

– قدرة على التخطيط  وادارة فريق العمل

– صفات شخصية عالية، تتسم بالجدية وبالقدرة على الالتزام بالمهل المحددة


آخر مهلة لاستلام الطلبات: 15 آذار 2013


على المرشحين/ات المهتمين/ات إرسال سيرتهم/ن الذاتية، إضافة الى رسالة تعريف شخصية، وثلاثة اسماء لاشخاص معرّفين، على العنوان التالي: vacancy@crtda.org.lb، على أن يتم الإشارة في عنوان الرسالة الى “منسق لبرنامج المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي


ملاحظة: سوف يتم الاتصال فقط بالذين/اللواتي يتم اختيارهم/ن للمقابلة.



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Yesterday a protest was held in Lebanon, to demand the outlaw of domestic violence.

The protest begun by a march from Sanayeh towards the head of Parliament head quarters.

when I saw the protest on TV, I observed that a “dance” was organised during the protest.
here are some TV reportage about the march http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvx8t1iwSXI&list=PLDE66A357407C699B&index=23

KAFA violence and exploitation

it resembles to the One billion rising campaign. It felt awkward to see belly dancing and some moves during a protest against violence, rape, humiliation.

When I talked with Lina today, she told me about an article she sent to us and that I didn’t get the chance to read. The article shows why reservations are expressed against the PR campaign of dancing against violence.

bref, for those who would like to read it, I am pasting it below. 

Rita Chemaly

Why I Won’t Support One Billion Rising

The premise of One Billion Rising is to ‘rise’ above forms of violence; to dance, to celebrate and in doing so to ‘DEMAND an end to this violence’. It was created by Eve Ensler, the creator of The Vagina Monologues, whose exposure has risen along with the success of the play. It is receiving considerable media attention, has gained political ambassadors such as Stella Creasy MP, and has even had special mention of support from the Office of the UN Secretary General.

However, reservations about this campaign are being expressed quietly amongst grassroots activists. I say quietly not because we’re not speaking loudly, but because mainstream feminists, mainstream press, politicians and large organisations don’t tend to be so interested in those of us lacking considerable PR power.

The primary problem with One Billion Rising is its refusal to name the root cause of women’s inequality; its outright refusal to point the finger at a patriarchal system which cultivates masculinity and which uses the control and subjugation of women’s bodies as an outlet for that machoism. In fact, a colleague saw Stella Creasy speak at an event last week where she spoke about One Billion rising and its inclusion of men in the campaign, stating ‘violence is not a gender issue; this affects our societies as a whole’. Really Stella? Really?

In asking women to dance in order to overcome violence and rape, focus is displaced and root causes are overlooked, it completely diverts the world’s attention away from the real issue of gender based violence and rape with a pleasing-to-the-eye coordinated dance. It’s like saying to survivors ‘Ok, you’ve been raped, but you can overcome it if you come together and dance for 20 minutes on Valentine’s Day… Eve Ensler says so…’. It’s patronising and it denies not only the causes of violence, but also the devastating and long lasting effects. Thus, a campaign with unprecedented media fire-power has failed to achieve anything other than to create a façade which will have no effect whatsoever upon the global pandemic which is gender based violence.

The fact is that Eve Ensler’s other charitable organisation, V-Day, has raised money for some effective work on the ground; running educational projects, re-opening refuges and safe houses. These are the activities which have actual effect. However, instead of continuing to focus on and raise money for such essential services, it seemed important to Ensler (or some PR guru at her end) that a high profile, notoriety-gaining campaign be launched. I don’t see why it can’t be enough to do essential grassroots work. Why has such a huge PR campaign, with ‘a message from Eve’ videos plastered everywhere, been necessary?

The answer from most will be that it is an awareness raising exercise. However, I can tell you from working with grassroots organisations, that seeing footage on the news of women dancing in unison will do absolutely nothing to educate or deter a perpetrator or potential perpetrator. Educational programmes on the ground are much more effective form of deterrence. News footage does not equal awareness, educational programmes do.

The other counter argument to my reservations would be that this campaign provides an effective form of cathartic release for survivors through the medium of coordinated dance. However, from women I’ve spoken to with knowledge of counselling survivors, the displacement of focus onto a dance on one day would not be considered to be an effective way to ‘rise’. Surely the money spent on this campaign would have been better used to support counselling organisations as an effective form of therapy?

The aforementioned reservations I have about this campaign are not massively uncommon. Many campaigns have come before which, by way of seeking to be inclusive of men, refuse to name the causes of gender based violence. However, where One Billion Rising goes one step further is in itsworld domination international influence. One of the main hubs for the campaign is in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where a report found that fourty-eight women are raped every hour; a statistic which is likely to have risen (not the same kind of ‘rise’ unfortunately) in recent months during fighting with M23 rebel insurgents – a conflict in which rape has been systematically used as a weapon of war.

I recently listened to a Congolese woman talk in a speak-easy setting of radical grassroots feminists. She was radiantly and beautifully powerful in her unfiltered anger towards the One Billion Rising movement, as she used the words “insulting” and “neo-colonial”. She used the analogy of past crimes against humanity, asking us if we could imagine people turning up at the scenes of atrocities and taking pictures or filming for the purposes of “telling their story to the rest of the world”. Take it one step further and try to imagine a white, middle class, educated, American women turning up on the scene to tell survivors to ‘rise’ above the violence they have seen and experienced by…wait for it…dancing. “Imagine someone doing that to holocaust survivors”, she said.

Eve Ensler has reportedly spent much time in the DRC in the build-up to Valentines Day. I really wonder under what premise she is there? What goes through her mind? Does she think that her shared experiences of abuse make her a kindred spirit to Congolese women? That her presence will bring about comfort? Change? Does she really have such an inflated sense of ego that she simply must jet set around, visiting One Billion Rising hubs?

Another woman at the same event, an Iranian woman who had demonstrated in the 70’s and seen female comrades beaten, raped, doused in acid, set alight, imprisoned and murdered, also used the word “insulting”. “Who is someone else to come to my country and claim to ‘help’ me by telling me to ‘rise’ above the experiences I have had?!” She went on to recount the numerous occasions when she’d been patronised by white, middle class, educated feminists who assumed that as an Iranian woman she lacked education and had lived a sheltered and oppressed life (only to be left open-mouthed by her exceptional education, theoretical knowledge and sharp gendered analysis). We laughed at the hilarity of the questions she’d been asked (“So do you go everywhere by camel in Iran?”) but reflected soberly at the state of a feminist movement dominated by white academics.

The consensus from those on the ground, providing services to women survivors, was that women of privilege should not preach feminist ideals, particularly where gender and race intersect – and essentially where ‘developed’/’developing’ world’s intersect. The focus for white, western feminists should be on gender equality at home, where there are enough problems for a lifetime of activism. But, if the white saviour complex were to endure, that the best form of action would be to lobby their own governments to stop their patriarchal, neo-colonial influence in so-called ‘developing countries’. For it is western companies that create resource enclaves in oil and mineral rich countries, the profits from which local communities never benefit. And it is western governments that continue to pervade the economic systems of ‘developing countries’ with their development aid laden with conditionality to replicate western models of governance which is often irreconcilable with historical economic, cultural, social and economic patterns. And it is western backed arms traders which cash in on conflict in many ‘developing’ regions, fuelling both sides for financial gain. Not content with its first wave of colonisation, the west continues to insist upon ‘helping’ other countries. Word on the street is that the people don’t want ‘help’; they want to make their own decisions and bring about change free from outside influence.

I sat at the back, listening intently and trying my best to take in the radical thought reverberating off the cold walls of a poorly heated, poorly lit room in Finsbury Park, not saying anything. It wasn’t my place to interject into this space with my white-ness, educated-ness or my relative middle-class-ness. It was my place to listen, drink in as much knowledge as possible, and admire these amazing women with the knowledge and analysis to recognise a problematic campaigning, and to reject it outright in favour of gritty, thankless, unrecognised, poorly paid and underfunded grassroots work. It was a pleasure to learn from them. And it is with their words in my head that I will not support One Billion Rising.

 Follow Natalie Gyte on Twitter: www.twitter.com/@NatalieGyte @w

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King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia issued Friday a historic decree allowing women to be members of the kingdom’s previously all-male Shura Council for the first time. The decree amended two article in the council’s statute introducing a 20 percent quota for women in the country’s 150-member Shura Council, and the king appointed 30 women to join the consultative assembly. (source: http://www.wluml.org/news/saudi-arabia-breakthrough-saudi-arabia-women-allowed-parliament )

In Lebanon, women still fight for their basic rights such as transmitting their nationality,

have women in the political parties, have women on political parties lists, have women in Parliament.

The most conservative country alias Saudi Arabia was able to empower some women ” bin and bint… of someone) to be part of the Parliament, in Lebanon, do we need a decree by the supreme court to have Women participate in Politics?

for the info: the Lebanese government doesnt have Any women; 

at the parliament Lebanon has some women, that are the daughters, or sisters, or funding  ($) members of someone, or blocks….

our Nation needs change, I wont vote for Maronites women…. I would love to vote for good Candidates wherever their confession is, but I would love to know that they will engage with us on pushing forward for our Civil=Lebanese State Laws!!!


Isn't it strange that women are named by their daddy and grand-fathers?

Isn’t it strange that women are named by their daddy and grand-fathers?

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Equality now

The Equality now organisation, is asking web users to participate in a massive e-mail campaign, urging the Head of Lebanese state, the head of government, the Ministers, and parliament to revise the Nationality law in Lebanon. Harrassing people by the same letters and requests have not shown any results in my opinion, mainly regarding issues such as citizenship. Anyways,

the Campaign is called: 

Lebanon: Give women equal citizenship rights to men under the nationality law.

the campaign had been launched in 2010. according to the website of Equality now,  and a new update had been published explaining the latest actions done in that matter mainly after the denial by the ministerial committee of the right for women to transmit their nationality.



11 February 2013 UPDATE: The Ministerial Committee established to study Lebanon’s nationality law has failed to meet the aspirations of Lebanese women married to non-nationals. In a disappointing decision, the Ministerial Committee concluded on 14 December 2012 that Lebanese women should not be granted the right to pass their nationality to their children and spouses, a decision made public on 16 January 2013. Instead, it recommended to the Prime Minister that restrictions on children of Lebanese women married to non-nationals relating to resident permits, education, work in the private sector and access to state medical care should be eased. If implemented, these recommendations are welcome in that they should alleviate the hardships experienced by the children of Lebanese women married to non-Lebanese men. However, campaigners still want removed, once and for all, the discrimination that treats Lebanese women and men differently under the nationality law.

>> TAKE ACTION NOW! Please continue, in support of Lebanese women campaigning for their rights, to urge the President and the Prime Minister to revise the nationality law urgently and comprehensively to ensure that all Lebanese citizens, male and female, have the equal right to confer their Lebanese nationality on their spouses and children.

the campaign is asking web-users to write e-mails to the head of state, and the government, and the ministers.

“Please continue to write to the Lebanese authorities listed below welcoming these new labor regulations but asking them to revise the nationality law urgently and comprehensively to ensure that all Lebanese citizens, male or female, have the equal right to confer their Lebanese nationality on their spouses and children.Please continue to write to the Lebanese authorities listed below welcoming these new labor regulations but asking them to revise the nationality law urgently and comprehensively to ensure that all Lebanese citizens, male or female, have the equal right to confer their Lebanese nationality on their spouses and children.|

the equality now page even propose a letter to be sent to all:


‘Dear President/ Prime Minister:

I am writing to express my support of Lebanese women campaigning for their rights to pass their nationality on to their children and non-national spouses. I am concerned that the Ministerial Committee established to study Lebanon’s nationality law did not meet the aspirations of Lebanese women married to non-nationals by failing to recommend ways to revise the nationality law in order to guarantee full equality between women and men in this regard.

I understand that the Ministerial Committee concluded on 18 December 2012 that Lebanese women should not be granted the right to pass their nationality to their children and spouses, and instead recommended only that restrictions on children of Lebanese women married to non-nationals should be eased in relation to resident permits, education, work in the private sector and access to state-medical care.

While I welcome these recommendations to alleviate the hardships experienced by children of Lebanese women married to non-nationals, they do not treat Lebanese women as equal citizens under the nationality law as required by the Constitution and Lebanon’s international legal obligations. These women and their families will continue to face difficulties in their daily lives. I therefore urge you to revise the nationality law without delay to ensure that all Lebanese citizens, male and female, have the equal right to confer their nationality on their children and spouses.

Thank you for your attention.”

For more information about the campaign follow the link http://www.equalitynow.org/take_action/discrimination_in_law_action362

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ToR_PAR-Coordinator_Lebanon (2)

ToR_PROWD_Communication Consultant

Cover of Ilo report working with domestic workers 1980-2012

Cover of Ilo report working with domestic workers 1980-2012

ILO in lebanon is seeking for a national research consultant and a communication consultant for a project aiming to promote the rights of Women Domestic Workers;
Kindly find attached the 2 TORs related to the counsultancies,

also, for you to know more about ILO work in this field,
I am attaching the link of a report of 92 pages related to the program : PROWD OF ILO: Promoting Rights of Women Domestic Workers Programme (PROWD); The report is intitled “Working with Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon (1980-2012): A mapping of NGO services ” and has been prepared by Marie-Jose Tayah,
the direct link to the report is http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/arpro/beirut/downloads/events/2012/prowd_2012/report.pdf

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women right to nationality lebanon rita chemalywomen right to nationality lebanon rita chemaly


As the Legal Agenda stipulates, the Lebanese Women are not Close to Transmit the basic and Fundamental right of Citizenship and Right to the Lebanese Nationality to their Children neither to their Husbands.

The Nationality Campaign in Lebanon, will go to the street and protest to amend the law, in a FAIR, EQUAL and Just Way.

Killing the Nationality Law… and Killing Women’s right in such a way is Totally Refused!

Rita Chemaly


to know more about what happened kindly refer to the article below:

سادية جديدة باسم المصلحة العليا: “الدولة الذكورية” تدفن حق المرأة بمنح جنسيتها لأولادها نهائيا

سعدى علوه

“لا حق للمرأة اللبنانية بمنح جنسيتها لا لأولادها ولا لزوجها، فمن شأن ذلك الإضرار بالتوازن الطائفي الديموغرافي في البلاد، وبالمصلحة العليا للوطن”.. هذا هو فحوى القرار والتوصية التي رفعتها اللجنة الوزارية التي كلفها مجلس الوزراء دراسة القضية إثر طرح مشروع مرسوم حق اللبنانية بمنح جنسيتها لأولادها في 21 اذار الماضي، في ما روج له يومها على أنه “عيدية” الحكومة للمرأة اللبنانية في عيد الأم.

وجاءت “الهدية” المرّة والمحبطة للنساء في لبنان بعد طول انتظار عبر التوصية بالرفض التي رفعتها اللجنة الوزارية إلى رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي إثر إجتماعها بتاريخ 14 كانون الأول المنصرم، لتقضي على أي بذرة أمل ولدت لدى المرأة اللبنانية بالتمتع بالمساواة.

والمضحك المبكي في محضر التوصية السري، الذي حصلت المفكرة القانونية على نسخة منه، أن اللجنة الوزارية عادت إلى تفسير سابق للمجلس الدستوري يقول بإمكانية تجاوز مبدأ المساواة المكرس في الدستور اللبناني إذا كان تطبيقه يمس بالمصلحة العليا للبلاد، مع العلم أن هذا المجلس اعتمد التفسير المذكور في سياق الطعن بالقانون الذي حرم الفلسطينيين من حق التملك العقاري.

واللافت أنه باستثناء وزير الشؤون الإجتماعية وائل ابو فاعور، يحمل محضر التوصية تواقيع جميع أعضاء اللجنة وهم نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء سمير مقبل رئيساً وعضوية وزراء العدل شكيب قرطباوي والداخلية مروان شربل والخارجية عدنان منصور ووزير العمل سليم جريصاتي ووزير الإعلام وليد الداعوق. ولدى اتصال “المفكرة” بالوزير فاعور، أكد عدم علمه بالقرار والتوصية، مؤكداً أنه لم يدع إلى الإجتماع المذكور. وأشار أبو فاعور أنه سيبحث الموضوع مع رئيس الحكومة الذي سيلتقيه اليوم. مع العلم أن اللجنة أشارت في محضرها أنها وصلت إلى قرارها ب”الإجماع”، فعن أي اجماع نتحدث؟

واستندت اللجنة في توصيتها التي تكرس التمييز السلبي بحق النساء في لبنان، وتؤكد ذكورية الدولة تجاه نصف المجتمع، إلى جملة من المعطيات التي تخالف في جوهرها حقوق الإنسان وتتناقض مع مجمل الإتفاقيات الدولية التي وقعها لبنان. وفي بعض ما استندت إليه، لا تخالف اللجنة الوزارية بنود الإتفاقية الدولية للقضاء على كافة اشكال التمييز ضد المرأة(سيداو) فقط، حيث ذكرت بتحفظ مجلس النواب اللبناني على البند الثاني من المادة التاسعة من الإتفاقية، والذي يتعلق بمنح المرأة حقاً متساويا مع حق الرجل في ما يتعلق بجنسية أولادها، بل أنها ذهبت أبعد من ذلك في اتجاه السعي الى اعطاء أسس دستورية لقرارها. ف”مواءمة مقتضيات العيش المشترك والمناصفة والتساوي والفعالية في معرض التمثيل النيابي (المكرسة دستوريا) تصبح أكثر تعذرا وتعقيدا في ظل تفاقم الخلل الديموغرافي بين أبناء الشعب اللبناني من المسيحيين والمسلمين قبل التحرر المأمول من القيد الطائفي”، مما يسمح اذا بالشذوذ عن مبدأ المساواة بين الجنسين. ولتدعيم وجهة نظرها، استندت اللجنة صراحة إلى قرار سابق للمجلس الدستوري إثر الطعن بالقانون الذي حرم الفلسطينيين من التملك العقاري. وتضمنت التوصية فقرة تفيد “بما انه سبق للمجلس الدستوري ان اورد ان مبدأ المساواة الذي يتمتع بالقوة الدستورية لا يعمل به عند وجود اوضاع قانونية مختلفة لا يصح معها إعمال المساواة، أو عندما تقضي بذلك مصلحة عليا…”..وبذلك أصبح بإمكان اعضاء اللجنة والحكومة من خلفهم، لا بل سمحوا لأنفسهم، وبكل ضمير مرتاح، بتغليب المصلحة الطائفية على المصلحة الحقوقية لمواطنين يشكلون نصف المجتمع اللبناني.

واثباتا للاخلال بالتوازن الطائفي، وفي محاولة لتبرير فعلتها بطريقة تتناغم مع الحساسية الطائفية التي تعوم عليها البلاد، أشارت اللجنة إلى “أن وزارة الداخلية زودتها بأرقام عن عدد المستفيدين من منح الأم اللبنانية الحق بمنح جنسيتها لأولادها والجنسيات والطوائف التي ينتمون إليها، وهي أرقام تخل بالتوازن الديموغرافي الطوائفي إخلالاً كبيرا، فضلاً عن شمولها عددا لا يستهان به من الفلسطينيين”. وتظهر الأرقام التي حصلت عليها اللجنة من وزارة الداخلية أن الأجانب الذين سينالون الجنسية من خلال أمهاتهم اللبنانيات يصل إلى نحو 380 الف شخص والأهم توزع جنسياتهم وطوائفهم. وتوقفت اللجنة في توصيتها أمام عديد الفلسطينيين الذين سينالون الجنسية من أمهاتهم، لتحذر من الموضوع وتأثيره على التوازنات اللبنانية. إذ يبلغ عدد النساء اللبنانيات المتزوجات من فلسطينيين أربعة آلاف وخمسمائة إمرأة من أصل 76 ألف إمرأة لبنانية متزوجات من أجانب، وهي نسبة ليست كبيرة مقارنة مع التهويل الذي يلوح به معارضو منح المرأة اللبنانية جنسيتها لأسرتها. مع العلم أن اللجنة نفسها أشارت إلى حصول 15 ألف إمرأة فلسطينية على الجنسية اللبنانية نتيجة زواجهن من لبنانيين، ولكن ذلك لا يعتبر مشكلة طالما أن مانح الجنسية هنا هو رجل، بالمفهوم الذكوري للمسؤولين في لبنان وفلسفتهم الحقوقية التمييزية السلبية تجاه المرأة.

وانتهت اللجنة إلى الإعتبار، وبناء على كل ما تقدم “أنه من حق الدولة اللبنانية، وفي ضوء مصلحتها العليا، أن تقرر وضع القيود التي تحدد مداها لإكتساب غير اللبنانيين الجنسية اللبنانية، إذ تمارس في ذلك حقاً سيادياً محفوظاً لها دون سواها على الأرض اللبنانية، لا سيما إذا كان اكتساب الجنسية يتعارض مع مبدأ رفض التوطين (زواج اللبنانية من فلسطيني) أو يخل بصورة فاضحة بالتوازن الديموغرافي أو يزيده تفاقماً، على ما حصل في مرسوم التجنيس في العام 1994”. يذكر أن المرسوم المذكور شهد الكثير من المحسوبيات الطائفية والمذهبية والرشاوى التي مررها زعماء السياسة والطوائف يومها.

وخلصت اللجنة “بالإجماع” كما ورد إلى اقتراح “عدم الموافقة على مشروع القانون المذكور والإستعاضة بإجراءات من شأنها منح كل الحقوق لأولاد اللبنانية المتزوجة من أجنبي مع استثناء الحقوق السياسية. وتبعا لذلك، اقترحت منح اقامة دائمة من دون بدل عوضا عن سمة المجاملة، والحق بالتعليم والانتساب الى المدارس والمعاهد والجامعات كافة والحق في العمل في القطاعات الخاصة والحق في الطبابة والاستشفاء في القطاع الصحي العام والخاص والاستفادة من تقدمات وزارة الصحة ووزارة الشؤون الاجتماعية والصندوق الوطني الاجتماعي. الا أن ذلك لم يمنعها في حمأة تعداد الحقوق التي تقترح منحها عن استثناء حقوق أخرى تحفظها فقط للمولودين من ذكر لبناني وهي حق العمل في المهن الحرة والقطاع العام أو القطاعات التي تنص القوانين والأنظمة والقرارات المتعلقة بها على توافر شرط الجنسية اللبنانية صراحة وهي قطاعات واسعة جدا. كما تجدر الاشارة الى أن اللجنة لم تذكر الأزواج البتة وما اذا كانوا يستفيدون من الإجراءات التحسينية أم سيقتصر إقتراحها على أولاد اللبنانيات وحدهم.

وتعليقاً على توصية اللجنة، أكدت منسقة حملة “جنسيتي حق لي ولأسرتي” لينا بوحبيب شعور القيمين على الحملة “بالإمتعاض جدا والغضب من هذه النتيجة”، ورفضها “جملة وتفصيلا وبالمطلق”. وأشارت بوحبيب إلى إجتماع عقدته الحملة مع اللجنة في الثالث من كانون الأول الماضي، حيث أكد لهم أعضاؤها أنهم سيدرسون الموضوع بمناخ ايجابي. وقام ممثلو الحملة بتبليغ نتائج اجتماعاتهم مع اللجنة للسيدات المعنيات بالقضية والمناصرين لها خلال إجتماع الهيئة العامة للحملة قبل نحو عشرة ايام وتركت اجواء ايجابية وآملة بين النساء. وبذلك لم يكن نساء الحملة يدركون ما تعد اللجنة لهم. وتشير بو حبيب إلى أن الحملة اتصلت بمكتب رئيس اللجنة سمير مقبل يوم الجمعة الماضي وسألت عما وصلت إليه الأمور، فأكدوا لهم أنهم لم يجتمعوا بعد، في حين أن توصيتهم وقرارهم مؤرخ في 14 كانون الماضي، “ليفاجأونا بتوصيتهم الظالمة والمتناقضة مع حقوق الإنسان والمرأة، والتي تحمّل النساء وزر الطائفية البغيضة في لبنان بحيث تشكل النساء بنظرهم خطرا على المصلحة العليا للدولة”.

وبعدما عبرت عن استياء القيمين على الحملة مما حصل، أكدت بو حبيب نية الحملة بالتصعيد “لأن ما حصل غير مقبول ومرفوض”، مؤكدة أنه “سيتم الإعلان عن الخطوات اللاحقة بعد التشاور مع السيدات المعنيات”. وعليه، قضت اللجنة الوزارية على أمل اللبنانيات وحقهن بالتمتع بالمواطنة الكاملة والمساواة، وليس حملهم لجنسية من الدرجة الثانية لا تخولهن منح جنسيتهن لأولادهن الذين ولدوا وترعرعوا في لبنان ولا يعرفون وطنا سواه. والمؤسف في الموضوع أن هذه الحكومة نفسها أقرت مشروع قانون يخول اللبنانيين المتحدرين من أصل لبناني منذ العام 1921 إستعادة جنسيتهم اللبنانية، برغم أن غالبية هؤلاء لا يعرفون موقع لبنان على الخارطة الدولية، ولا يتحدثون لغته ولا يشعرون بأدنى الإنتماء إليه.

وحاولت اللجنة الوزارية تغطية جريمتها بالتوصية بسلة من الحقوق لأبناء المرأة اللبنانية المقيمين في لبنان، من إقامة مجانية وحق العمل (ولكن هناك استثناء لبعض المهن) وبالتطبب في المستشفيات الحكومية وبالإنتساب إلى الضمان الإجتماعي.. وغيرها من التقديمات التي كان بامكانهم الحصول عليها وعلى العديد من الحقوق الأخرى لو تم اقرار حقهم بالجنسية من دون منة من أحد. الدولة اليوم دولة ذكورية بامتياز.. بل هي دولة سادية قبل كل شيء.

Source: Legal Agenda Article.  

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