
Archive for November, 2013

ALBA Students Protest Men’s Shorts Ban… With Skirts

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you have is an increasing number of brilliant PhD graduates arriving every year into the market hoping to secure a permanent position as a professor and enjoying freedom and high salaries, a bit like the rank-and-file drug dealer hoping to become a drug lord. To achieve that, they are ready to forego the income and security that they could have in other areas of employment by accepting insecure working conditions in the hope of securing jobs that are not expanding at the same rate

Alexandre Afonso

In 2000, economist Steven Levitt and sociologist Sudhir Venkatesh published an article in the Quarterly Journal of Economics about the internal wage structure of a Chicago drug gang. This piece would later serve as a basis for a chapter in Levitt’s (and Dubner’s) best seller Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything (P.S.) The title of the chapter, “Why drug dealers still live with their moms”, was based on the finding that the income distribution within gangs was extremely skewed in favor  of those at the top, while the rank-and-file street sellers earned even less than employees in legitimate low-skilled activities, let’s say at McDonald’s. They calculated 3.30 dollars as the hourly rate, that is, well below a living wage (that’s why they still live with their moms). [2]

If you take into account the risk of being shot by rival gangs, ending up in jail or…

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vacancies in Lebanon

Note Taker/Rapporteur Position

 Job Description

Founded in 1982, Search for Common Ground (SFCG) is the largest  dedicated international non-governmental organization working in the field of  conflict transformation. Operating within 34 countries, SFCG uses creative,  multi-faceted approaches to help divided communities understand differences  while working toward commonalities. SFCG has been working in Lebanon since  2008 and works to promote social cohesion through a combination of leadership  initiatives, journalism, and conflict sensitivity training.

Summary of Position

The SFCG Lebanon program is seeking a short-term Note  taker/Rapporteur (consultancy position) to help implement focus groups with  community members in Hbeish.

Note taker/Rapporteur Responsibilities

The note taker will be responsible for:

§  Taking notes during 15 focus  groups with different stakeholders from the Hbeish community

§  Translating the notes into  English for analysis

Minimum Qualifications


·         Bachelor’s Degree, Master  Degree preferred, in psychology, sociology, social work, international affairs,  or related topic

·         Excellent in both Arabic  and English

·         Strong listening skills  and attention to detail

·         High level of personal  accountability and responsibility

·         Strong listening and  analytical skills

·         Availability during the  month of December 2013

Highly Desirable:

·         Strong analytical  skills

·         2 or more years work  experience

·         Previous training in or  exposure to data collection, note taking, gender sensitivity, conflict  resolution, or other relevant topics

·         Experience working with  international NGOs

To Apply:  Please send a cover letter  and current resume to lebanon@sfcg.org  with the subject heading:  Note taker.  


SFCG is currently looking for a full-time intern to follow the social media  strategy for a crowd-funding campaign (November 2013-January 2014).


The Organization


Search for Common Ground (SFCG) is an international non-profit  organization that promotes peaceful resolution of conflict. SFCG’s mission is to  transform how individuals, organizations, and governments deal with conflict –  away from adversarial approaches and toward cooperative solutions. SFCG seeks to  help conflicting parties understand their differences and act on their  commonalities. With a total of approximately 400 staff worldwide, SFCG  implements projects from 30 offices, including in Asia, Europe, the Middle East,  the United States and Africa.


In Lebanon SFCG has been active since 2008 with a series of  projects involving the media and focusing on the role of youth in conflict  transformation dynamics. Through TV series such as Kilna bil  Hayy and The Team, SFCG has been  promoting a common Lebanese identity. In parallel to the media strategy SFCG  collaborates with local and international partners to empower youth in Lebanon  to develop and act upon a more inclusive national identity that emphasizes the  common good, shuns sectarian and ethnic divisions and inspires others.


The project


SFCG is currently producing a video game to encourage  interaction among youth in Lebanon and to train youth in conflict resolution  skills and tools.




The Intern will be responsible for:


·         Conducting a social media campaign on various social  media websites. (tweeting at least 3 times a day and posting on facebook and on  video game website during the peak hours)


·         Conduct research for  endorsers and sponsors both online and offline


·         Contact relevant websites  and bloggers to endorse and/or promote the campaign


·         Assist in managing the  media relations for the promotion of the game


·         Assist in the management of the social media accounts  and posting of material


·         Assist in developing strategies to generate traffic  on the social media accounts to ensure the success of the campaign


As internship  descriptions cannot be exhaustive, the position holder may be required to undertake other duties that are broadly in line with the above key  responsibilities.


Deadline for application: November 31 2013


Interested candidates should send CV and cover letter to: lebanon@sfcg.org

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ghadi le film opinion de rita chemaly flanelle ghadi le film opinion de rita chemaly ghadi movie opinion by rita chemaly


I went with the Faith and Light Community to watch the movie Ghadi. The movie is a social comedy, which won many awards.

the pictures are nice, the colors, the comedy part describing the Lebanese customs and behavior in a village all those things are funny.

But What I disliked, Big time Disliked is how the movie is not related at All to Ghadi!!

Who is Ghadi? In the movie Ghadi is a child that has a mental handicap. The movie is entitled Ghadi, but for me, the child Doesn’t appear in the movie at all!!! Even on the billboards , the ads of the movie are not related to Ghadi, but picture the dad and the mum on a bicycle! why?

We didn’t meet Ghadi in this Movie!!!

we met he father Leba (Alias Georges Khabbaz) and his ideas and plot to make a story related to an “angel”.

Ghadi the handicapped boy, is pictured in this movie as an “angel” but even this we didn’t see!

he never mingled with the people of the “mshakkal” village he is supposed to live with!

the movie show us a small boy always sitting ALONE!! always sitting in his boxers and “flanella” ,

always alone! and just socializing with his father, mother and sisters!!

a Handicapped person can socialize, can communicate, sorry let me correct it, the only interaction I have noticed in this movie that is supposed to turn around a handicapped boy, was when he smiled and tried to make his neighbor Takla smile while mimicking his daddy.

a special case, can socialize, and can communicate, shouldn’t always be featured sitting on a balcony alone, just looking at people from behind bars,

again, I loved the visuals and the actors who played and showed us the Lebanese ways of living in a village,(sex worker, butcher, hairdresser….)  but and again, I disliked the message behind the story of the angel , and I was furious when I didn’t see ghady (the small boy that is a special case) having Any kind of communication, or any role, or any socialization in this movie!!

in Faith and Light we don’t see the special cases as special anymore, even the worse handicap is seen as “normal” and we try to make everybody participate in our activities. the aim of FL, for example is to help people to go out from the home circle, to let people KNOW, Mingle, and discuss with special cases!! discussion and communication, even listening are a way to know special cases better!!

I didn’t like how ghadi never get down from his home, stayed sitting on the window, always played alone,  never mingled with other fellows from the village, ghadi was pictured and stereotyped even more as a special case, as a different case,  and as an abnormal case!

bref, this Is my humble opinion!

rita chemaly

here is the trailer of the movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGkDvVlFXbk

“Published on Sep 25, 2013

The trailer of Ghadi, a film by Amin Dora, a social comedy written by and starring Georges Khabbaz giving you a closer insight about a special kid and the struggles of his humble family. Expect strange phenomena to affect the behavior and beliefs of their little Lebanese town’s population.”

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lebanonMy friends are posting pictures of their children at school with the Lebanese flag, chanting the national hymn,

Yes, symbols are a necessity, symbols may help in the creation of a “national” “unity”.

But which unity? which nation??

a nation that does not give the civil and political rights to half of its citizens?

women are not citizens, …. their are 2nd class citizens!!

a nation where the citizens pay member of parliaments , for them to stay home or bribe pple instead of legiferate??

our parliament is not able to meet in a general assembly to vote for important laws !!!

a nation where security = zero and less??

even on  the roads safety doesn’t exists… people can get smashed in their cars, watch young kids doing circus exercises on their motorbike on the roads, or get burned after an explosion!!!

a nation where politics = political heritage, = patriarchy = feudalism = I must be the wife, the sister, the daughter of a “martyr” !!

a nation without a law regulating political parties!!!!!

do I continue??

oh I can’t forget and shouldn’t miss the unforgettable :

a nation in which citizens are not equal!!! yes yes!! my nation “state” is all that, and bardo I ‘ll continue to protest, mobilize and struggle for the country I do love!! a country I wish will be able to progress and transform in a ” state of law”

Rita Chemaly


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Lebanon doesn’t need an epic split…. happy independence day!

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A tribute to Lebanese Girls

A tribute to Lebanese Girls.

dears, attention I did not write this post, I am re-blogging it!

I do think that those social characters are shared between all girls, not only Lebanese, but yes yes, I liked this post 🙂


The Real Lebanese Girl:

The real Lebanese girlThe Lebanese girl is a caring and loyal friend, and she values friendship a lot. She is always there to listen, to give advice, and would do anything to help her friends when they need it. She is there in the good times and in the bad times.

She is open-minded, has an open heart and does not judge, yet she is also conservative and has her values.

She is beautiful, elegant and very fashion oriented, but there is a lot more to her than her outer beauty. She is smart, talented, successful and independent. She is a hard-worker who takes on responsibilities, well educated, and sometimes even over qualified. She has a Master’s degree, and she’ll even surprise you with a PhD.

She is very generous, very welcoming, and an excellent host. She’ll offer you her food, home, car, cloths if she thinks you need it.

She is not afraid to give compliments, because she knows it won’t make her any less beautiful. She appreciates the good people in her life, and will show her appreciation whenever she can. She is genuine and real, and will not waste time around people who don’t matter.

She likes to have fun, laugh out loud, enjoy a drink, and she loves to party. She likes to go to the new and happening places to enjoy good times with her friends and not just to be seen.

She may not be the best driver in the world, but at least she gets around by herself, and doesn’t need a man in a luxury car to come and pick her up and drive her around.

She loves to be treated like a princess, but she’ll also treat her man like a king. She likes to be pampered and invited every now and then, but she doesn’t depend on anyone.

Every now and then, she likes to reward herself with some expensive and branded cloths, but on her regular days, she is more than happy to dress in the down to earth Mango, Zara, Vero Moda, H&M outfits

She values family dearly and gives extreme importance to family time. She is an appreciative and loving daughter, a caring and protective sister, and a devoted mother.

She travels around the world, but never forgets her roots, her family and her friends.

She’ll never miss any of your events. She’ll party with you on your birthday, celebrate with you on your graduation, send you flowers on your engagement, get drunk with you on your bachelorette, and be the first at your wedding. She’ll also hold your hand at your relative’s funeral, check on you when you’re sick, bring you chocolate during your exams, and jog with you to help you lose the calories once you’re done.

She is ambitious and follows her dreams. She is passionate about certain causes, pours her heart into campaigns and charities, and attends fundraising and awareness events for causes she believes in.

She is a jewel that deserves to be appreciated and praised. She is rare, but she still exists.

Like and share if you know any real Lebanese girls like that!

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L’Institut des Sciences Politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth a le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du deuxième Volume du Recueil des Meilleurs Mémoires (RMM) de l’Institut.

Le RMM est une initiative de l’Institut qui vise à donner de la visibilité aux recherches des etudiant/es.

Le volume 2 assemble trois articles écrits par des anciens de Sciences Po Beyrouth, sur des

sujets aussi divers que la démographie, les nouveaux medias et la modernisation politique au Liban. Ce volume préfacé par Georges Corm, contient aussi une version mise à jour du Catalogue détaillé des Mémoires soutenus à Sciences Po.

Démographes sans démographie. Construire la sociologie d’une communauté scientifique :

le cas des démographes libanais;


La démographie, sujet à sensibilité politique notoire au Liban, forme l’objet d’étude de cette recherche. En se demandant comment les démographes parviennent à travailler en l’absence de recensement, l’auteur analyse les pratiques d’une communauté scientifique en adoptant une perspective latourienne et ethnométhodologique. En suivant de près la genèse d’une enquête nationale récente, l’auteur s’interroge aussi, sur la capacité des professionnels des sciences du nombre et de la population au Liban, à contribuer à la formulation des politiques publiques.

Les technologies de la communication et la modernité du système politique libanais : étude de cas centrée sur les NTIC, et l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux;


Les technologies de la communication et la modernité du système politique libanais forment

l’objet d’étude de cette recherche. L’objectif consiste à comprendre un processus de

communication et de mobilisation pour des causes politiques et sociales via les médiums que sont les nouveaux médias électroniques. L’auteure aborde à l’aide d’un corpus théorique les divers paradigmes liés aux effets des médias, sur la société d’une part et sur eux-mêmes de l’autre.

Ensuite, la mobilisation en ligne est reconstituée et ses limites explorées: la lutte pour la visibilité, l’enjeu de l’image et de la réputation, la multiplicité des messages, la fracture numérique etc.

Enfin en dressant le portrait des audiences des medias traditionnels et des NTIC, l’auteure

s’interroge sur la contribution que peuvent avoir des médias polarisés sur la formulation de politiques publiques dans un système démocratique.

Le chéhabisme ou les limites d’une expérience de modernisation politique au Liban;

Par Marwan HARB

Cet article analyse une expérience unique et particulière de modernisation politique qu’a connue le Liban. Entamée parle Président Fouad Chehab, cette expérience se transforma en praxis politique et donna naissance au chehabisme. L’essence du chehabisme se trouve dans la volonté d’organiser et de mobiliser l’appareil d’Etat autour d’un développement économique conçu comme le premier corollaire de la justice sociale et d’une conscience nationale. En effet, la construction d’un Etat central fort qui exerce un pouvoir hiérarchique régulateur se présente comme une étape nécessaire dans la construction d’un Etat capable de produire de la modernité. Cet article vise a éclairer les limites de cette expérience en analysant la nature hiératique du système politique libanais et les multiples enjeux de toute épreuve de reforme au Liban.


Vous pouvez retirer les trois volumes (1 , 2 et 3 ) du RMM ainsi que les autres publications de l’Institut en contactant le Secrétariat de l’Institut des Sciences Politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth:

E-mail: isp@usj.edu.lb   Tel: 01-421000 ext 4443

Pour plus d’informations au sujet du RMM visitez le site http://www.sciences-po.usj.edu.lb/

rmm vient de paraitre detaille final volume 2

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RMM ISP vient de paraitre detaille final volume 3L’Institut des Sciences Politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth a le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du troisième Volume du Recueil des Meilleurs Mémoires (RMM) de l’Institut.

Le RMM est une initiative de l’Institut qui vise à donner de la visibilité aux recherches des etudiant/es.

Le volume 3 assemble 4 articles écrits par des anciens de Sciences Po Beyrouth, sur des  sujets aussi divers que l’opposition nationale laique en Syrie, le Cinéma  d’après-guerre au Liban, l’adhesion à l’OMC, La controverse légitimité/legalité au Liban. Ce volume préfacé par Elias Bou Assi  contient aussi une version mise à jour du Catalogue détaillé des Mémoires soutenus à Sciences Po.

Le Cinéma d’après-guerre au Liban (1990-2005) : une approche politique


Cet article traite de la relation des productions cinématographiques de l’après-guerre et leur

relation avec les événements sociopolitiques, à travers l’exploration de thèmes centraux et

de questions structurelles qui reviennent sans cesse dans les long-métrages de cette période,

comme ceux de la mémoire et de la reconstruction (individuelle, collective et

géographique). L’auteure se penche également dans son article, sur la politique culturelle,

c’est-à-dire le rôle de l’Etat, de la société civile, des maisons de production étrangères et

des fonds privés sur le développement du secteur cinématographique.

La controverse légitimité/légalité : étude théorique de la crise gouvernementale de 2006 au Liban

Par Wissam EL-LAHHAM

La crise gouvernementale de 2006 a révélé l’incapacité de l’ordre constitutionnel libanais

à mettre une fin rapide et efficace à la situation exceptionnelle. Le propos de cet article, qui

se veut pluridisciplinaire, est de sortir du paradigme positiviste dominant, en analysant le

blocage des institutions politiques sous l’angle de la philosophie du droit. L’auteur de

l’article se fonde sur l’épistémologie juridique décisionniste élaborée par Carl Schmitt, et

sur la tradition de la métaphysique péripatéticienne afin d’appréhender la dynamique entre

les deux notions de légitimité et de légalité selon une nouvelle approche théorique.

L’adhésion du Liban à l’OMC: un défi de la mondialisation et moteur de réforme


Entraîné par le processus de la mondialisation, le Liban a demandé son adhésion à

l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC). L’auteure s’interroge sur les raisons qui ont

entravé l’entrée du Liban à l’OMC bien que le système libanais se caractérise par son

ouverture économique. L’auteure dans son article souligne les enjeux politiques,

économiques, régionaux ainsi que temporels qui font face à l’adhésion. Aussi elle montre les

mesures et les conditionnalités de l’adhésion du Liban à l’OMC, et essaye de mesurer les

coûts et les bénéfices de la conformité avec les conditions principales d’une telle étape. Enfin,

l’auteure évoque les défis qui restent à surmonter par un pays qui a peur d’être marginalisé

dans le système économique global.

La politique de l’opposition nationale laïque en Syrie : du Printemps de Damas à la Déclaration de Damas

Par Joanna NASSAR

Dans cet article l’auteure se penche sur une faction de l’opposition laïque et interne à la

Syrie, notamment durant la période qui s’étend depuis l’accession de Bashar al-Assad au

pouvoir en juillet 2000, jusqu’à la Déclaration de Damas, en Octobre 2005. L’auteure a

analysé les différentes mobilisations de l’opposition nationale laïque, notamment les

différentes interactions qui ont pris place entre les différents acteurs de la scène syrienne, et

qui ont fait bouger les choses au sein de la configuration politique et sociale après 2000 date

du « Printemps de Damas ».


Vous pouvez retirer les trois volumes du RMM (1, 2 et 3 publiés en 2013 ) du Secrétariat de l’Institut des Sciences Politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth:

  E-mail: isp@usj.edu.lb   Tel: 01-421000 ext 4443  

Pour plus d’informations au sujet du RMM visitez le site http://www.sciences-po.usj.edu.lb/

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Thank you Cases show for hosting me to shed light about women rights in Saudi-Arabia , KSA

to watch the show hosted by Farah Atoui and produced by Aly Sleem for Etejah TV Channel, follow the link


Kudos to all Saudi women driving, campaigning, speaking out and defying norms and bans,

You’ll do it one day, and achieve your political, social and economical rights!!

Rita Chemaly

Cases Rita Chemaly about women rights in Saudi Arabia KSA

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The LDF program advances political reform efforts in the Middle East and North Africa by providing emerging civic leaders and democracy activists the opportunity to spend several months in the United States to gain academic skills, practical experience, and networking opportunities with like-minded professionals.

Hosted by Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs in Syracuse, New York, the LDF program will take place between March 22 and June 21, 2014. Fellowships will take place at institutions and organizations in Washington, D.C.

Candidates have to be Lebanese or long-term Palestinian residents in Lebanon, between 25 and 40 years with at least a bachelor’s degree and five years of experience in a political reform oriented field (e.g., civil society, rule of law, human rights, family law reform).

This is a great opportunity for Lebanese civic leaders and activists to enhance their skills and gain new leadership experiences.

Interested candidates can log on to: http://lebanon.usembassy.gov/mepildf.html to know more about the program requirements and download the application form. They can also check this YouTube video which is a testimony by one of the fellows who explains how important and rewarding the LDF program is. 

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Last week, El Etijah has organized a specific episode related to Women and war. I have participated to this episode of the Evening Show of Esraa Haidar Zayour, to watch the 50 min episode : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e73mMlYV618&feature=youtu.be

Women and War English Rita Chemaly Al Etejah TV 2013

Thanks to Esraa for shedding light on this important subject especially now, that Lebanon welcomes Syrian refugees.

War and armed conflicts change the social role of men and women,

war has horrible consequences on Women:

Rape, domestic violence, prostitution, early marriages, dropping out of schools, trauma, fear, anguish, dispersion of families….

thanks Esraa for highlighting what is being done to overcome war consequences in the refugees camps, and what needs to be done to empower Women ….

Stop Violence! No to War! Yes for Peace, Yes for Dialogue!

Rita Chemaly

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This post may shock , I do think that readers won’t like it. “If  you chose to have a baby you must sacrifice as the Lebanese love to say”, LOL.

I know all that and all the bla bla, but I felt the need to write the feelings I had for some weeks, I wanted to write this post before, but I didn’t have time and the force to do it. If I’m writing this post now, it is for me not to forget the feelings I felt the first 3 weeks…

It is not a post related to social, political or human activism. It is a personal post about my personal feelings.

for those who will be chocked, “tammano” now, at the 5th week, the first 3 weeks seems to be forgotten.Rita Chemaly

Parenthood: the very difficult and exhausting beginnings.

Waa waaa waaa, baby is crying.

You usually master what you do, and what you learned. At school, University, Work, even in your relationships.


Here, hearing the waa waaaa waaa, you feel lost, and you DON’T know what to do.

You studied and prepared yourself for the upcoming phase,

You watched video’s , surf the net, did research, talked to your fellow friends who already have babies, and tons of them,

But NO.

Nothing prepares you to what you live in those first 2 weeks.

At the hospital the first days are easier, nurses take care of some of the main duties (changing diapers, giving bath) and when baby cries they come and help in calming him.

Coming back home,


all the rooms changes. Even if you have prepared a nursery!

All new born stuff are here and there, in the Kitchen, in the Library, in Your room, On your bed…

it is the first days “karkabeh” ….

But it is not the were the point is. it is more than that,

You feel tired after your delivery and can’t understand what is happening when baby cries all the time.

Diapers are clean, baby is showered , he is not “mamghouss” he is not “mchawwab”,

what is happening???

you cuddle him, you sing, you dance, nothing helps.

Yes maybe after trying all the “salaam salaam” and “fi zill himayatiki”,

the “tirachrach” song with the dance helped in calming the baby for 4 seconds!

what was the problem I understood 2 days after coming back home:

I chose to breastfeed exclusively.

I found out that THIS was the most DIFFICULT choice in this phase.

the first 2 to 3 weeks, you first feel a CRUCIFYING Pain,

yes, it is not as easy to learn the Breastfeeding positions, how to help your new born latch, and how to make him eat without falling asleep.

Moreover, the baby will need to eat ON DEMAND. the first 2 to 3 weeks it means ALL the time.

Something that I have read soo many times before, but didn’t understand, and if you hear some of the pediatricians they will tell you , “lachou el azeb” breastfeed for 15 minutes, and if you want give some formula (milk for babies), they will sleep for 4 hours at night.

Grrr…. The World Health Organisation, and the very well known book “j’eleve mon enfant”  and the other readings I Did, they all advise you to Breastfeed for at least 4 months.

this is how I made my choice.

but for me who usually got time to read, blog, watch tv, answer phone calls, work, cook, sleep or whatever other thing,

this Breastfeeding on demand MEANS I don’t have time for anything. NOT EVEN GO TO THE BATHROOM, or have a proper shower!

More than that, you usually know that communication and dialogue will help you Resolve problematic issues at work, with your peers, in your community,

with your newborn, NO. the first weeks communication is resumed to I want to eat, and please change my diapers!

You will do that EXCLUSIVELY on the first weeks.

I Wasn’t prepared to that 🙂

neither physically neither morally. especially when you don’t sleep neither at night nor day!

when baby cries “I Want to eat”, AND  for a breastfeeding mom, THIS means you will be sitting all the time for the baby to eat.

While sitting you can’t do anything, …. hmmm let me correct it: you can watch SOAP operas on TV, the Turkish one’s translated in Syrian, I know all of them now , I even watch the morning shows of most of the TV Stations. And I discovered that the French TV stations are dull also, they still have the MORICO TV SHOPPING emission! (with a different name of course Tele Shopping in the morning! ).

for those who usually enjoy multi tasking , run here and there and do many things,

with your new born on the first 3 weeks, you can’t .

I enjoyed the fact that I was able to take a mini shower one afternoon, without hearing the constant crying 🙂

On the First month birthday a change appeared,

yes, I was able to get 2 hours sleep on the morning! yes This was an achievement!

Friends, and family members coming to visit and congratulate us were shocked when I said that NO Mother ever explained her feelings of the first weeks. Moms are Heroes, this is what I understand now after those 3 weeks experience!

I repeated to all my friends, that they must be Prepared MORALLY and Physically  to the first 3 weeks,

those are the hardest. No SLEEP, no Rest.

the first 3 weeks you ask yourself…. are babies truly cute???

THE CHANGE, Begun after those 3 weeks:

now at the 5th week, yes, we enjoy parenthood ….we enjoy it.

YES 🙂 Finally, we begin to play to mom and dad roles with a broad smile,

baby hears you, watch your face if you are close, and a beginning of communication begins.

you will still feel like a “Lurpack” but, you will do it with more pleasure.

at the End, a big thanks to those who helped those first weeks:

my hameto, my cousins and my close friends with whom I talked day and night on the JN growing up group on whats up, my old comrade from school lama, and a group of people I don’t know on the real world, just on the virtual one, but they were a big help “the breastfeeding in Lebanon” mothers group on Facebook.

I can’t forget the role of the husband…. mine is a sweetheart, and the one who pushed me to continue and not to stop. Yes his constant support  and encouragement helped a LOT, and here we are, sitting together, him having diner and me having time to share this story with you, with a sweet lovely baby sleeping in his crib…. Peacefully 🙂 for half an hour I presume before his number 24 Snack of milk again 🙂

Rita, em JN for now….

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