
Archive for October, 2010



L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, première association mondiale d’universités francophones et Opérateur pour l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche des Sommets des Chefs d’Etat et de gouvernements de la Francophonie, fêtera ses 50 ans d’existence en septembre 2011.

Pour marquer son 50ème anniversaire, l’Agence organise un jeu-concours autour du thème :

« Qu’est ce que ma francophonie ? ».

Les candidats doivent répondre à la question posée.
La participation au concours est gratuite et sans frais ; elle est ouverte à l’ensemble des étudiants francophones de niveau Licence 3 ou Master.
Le support d’expression est libre (texte de 1500 signes maximum*, photo, vidéo, etc.).

* Le nombre de signes correspond à la somme du nombre de caractères et d’espaces dans le texte.

A l’issue des sélections, le jury retiendra les trois meilleurs candidats :

• 1er prix : Une invitation à participer à la manifestation du 50ème anniversaire de l’AUF à Montréal (Canada) : un aller retour Ville d’origine – Montréal (Canada) avec hébergement et frais de restauration pris en charge par l’AUF, selon les modalités en vigueur à l’Agence.

• 2ème prix : Une invitation à participer à la manifestation du 50ème anniversaire de l’AUF à Paris : un aller retour Ville d’origine – Paris (France) avec hébergement et frais de restauration pris en charge par l’AUF, selon les modalités en vigueur à l’Agence.

• 3ème prix : un mini-ordinateur portable (processeur : 1.66Ghz, mémoire vive : 1Go, stockage : 250Go, écran : 10.1 “).

Les lots ne peuvent faire l’objet d’un remboursement en espèces, ni d’aucune contrepartie de quelque nature que ce soit ; ils sont non cessibles.

En savoir plus

Télécharger le règlement du concours (en format PDF)
Participer directement au concours en renseignant en ligne le présent formulaire
Connaître l’histoire de l’AUF et visionner le diaporama : « les années pionnières »


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Recruitment Announcement

External Consultancy
for Web Development

On January 2010, CRTD.A launched the Regional Economic Empowerment Programme (REEWP) which is funded by Canadian CIDA and Oxfam Quebec.  The four year programme is rooted in CRTD.A’s gender and economic rights programme.  Within the four-year span of the programme, CRTD.A will be developing three inter-related REEWP components namely direct support and capacity building to rural women cooperatives and production units, research and knowledge as well as policy dialogue.

As part of the knowledge component, CRTD.A plans to set up a knowledge website on Women’s Economic Rights.  Within this framework, CRTD.A is seeking to commission the construction and development of the website to an external short-term consultant.

Key responsibilities and tasks include:

  • Assess and select the appropriate technical platform, virtual server and all other technical related aspects for the construction of the website
  • Develop various designs and scenarios for the website
  • Undertake the full construction of the website
  • Organise and provide a training to CRTD.A staff in order to enable internal uploading, downloading and updating of the portal

Technical understanding

  • Expert in JavaScript (esp jQuery and JSON/AJAX), CSS, (x)HTML, MySQL
  • Knowledge of Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, and PHP generally, plus Convio, Salesforce, DIA, BSD, or similar CMS/CRM platforms
  • Web 2.0 experiences
  • Working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator
  • Flash development skills preferred
  • Knowledge of website design and online engagement best practices
  • General understanding in the areas of CRM and CMS application, programming, database and system design
  • Excellent knowledge of Internet, Intranet, Extranet, and client/server architectures

Core Competencies

  • Demonstrated strong technical and problem-solving skills for finding out-of-the-box solutions when necessary
  • Bachelor degree in Computer Sciences or MIS from a recognized university
  • Demonstrable prior experience in designing and constructing websites/portals
  • Commitment to gender equality and social justice
  • Ability to work within a team
  • Strong time management skills when juggling multiple and demanding tasks
  • Ability to prioritize multiple responsibilities and organize workload
  • Ability to perform effectively under pressure and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment
  • Previous nonprofit organization experience is recommended

This call is open to companies and/or individuals. The contractual agreement will include the design, construction, and training. A separate agreement for the web maintenance may be included.

Applicants should send a letter of interest along with their portfolio and track record of experience.

Deadline for submission is November 5, 2010.

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Ibiza au Liban…

chers amis francophones, cet article que j’ai recu par mail et dont je ne connais pas la source est absolument a lire!

Dans les coulisses d’Ibiza

Par Jean-Georges PRINCE

Messieurs-dames, entreprenons ensemble un voyage au pays des merveilles. Pays qui prend des allures de parc Disneyland pour adultes. Départ, un Liban d’après-guerres, où les repères sont bafoués, enfouis sous trop de ruines, un Liban en reconstruction, un Liban qui espère. Arrivée, le pays où l’Alice d’aujourd’hui ressemble plus à une call-girl qu’à une princesse potentielle. Dans le Liban de nos jours, Alice a troqué sa robe bleue pour un microshort couleur or, ses couettes pour une tignasse blond péroxydé, ses nœuds pour des chaînes bling bling. Le lapin qui tenait à la main une montre à chaînette porte aujourd’hui une Rolex au poignet. Le fou au chapeau est devenu bel homme ; il s’adonne à des séances d’UV quotidiennes, se muscle comme pour aller à la guerre et conduit non plus un carrosse, mais une berline dont le seul prix rendrait fou.

Notre pays des merveilles est un trop-plein de n’importe quoi. Les repères sont perdus sous trop de fond de teint. Les valeurs enfouies sous le peu de tissus d’un décolleté. Laissez tomber l’heure du thé vers les coups de 5 heures. Dans notre pays des merveilles, il est l’heure du vin rosé à n’importe quelle heure. Les plages, qui autrefois accueillaient des familles et où les enfants jouaient à la palette, sont remplacées par des plages interdites aux moins de 18 ans. Non pas que nager soit un sport qui requiert l’âge légal. Non, car il ne s’agit plus de nager. Les plages d’aujourd’hui sont en quelque sorte des boîtes de nuit… mais de jour. Musique à un volume assourdissant, bouteilles de rosé flottant dans les piscines, bikinis qui ne cachent plus rien du tout et tatouages sur muscles saillants. Aujourd’hui à la plage, on n’a plus besoin de savoir nager pour aller dans l’eau. Les piscines font moins d’un mètre de profondeur et les longueurs ne sont plus requises. On flirte, on danse, on emballe les styles et l’on s’emballe. Blanche-Neige est ici un homme et les sept nains des blondes siliconées. On ne joue plus à construire des châteaux de sable, mais à construire des rêves de quelques heures. Car on peut être n’importe qui, le temps de quelques verres. De toute façon, la nuit tombée, plus personne ne se souviendra de rien. Le taux d’alcoolémie général aura dépassé celui d’une usine de vodka russe.

Laissez tomber les dîners aux chandelles ou les pique-niques nocturnes de la version de Disney. La version libanaise du pays des merveilles vous offre de bien plus intéressantes perspectives. Car le Libanais aime vivre quand il fait noir. C’est en effet plus pratique pour cacher ses défauts. Alors, sortons boire un verre si ça vous chante. Destination ? Voyons, le dernier endroit à la mode, haut lieu du tourisme mondial, roof top le plus célèbre de la planète, boîte convoitée par tous les touristes. Arrivé à la porte, vous devrez faire face à une armée de videurs aux mines peu sympathiques je l’avoue, qui, après vous avoir scanné de la tête aux pieds, vous demanderont le nom auquel est réservée votre table depuis au moins neuf mois. Pas de nom, pas d’entrée. Strict, je vous dis. Un ascenseur vous mènera trois étages plus haut vers la scène de tous les vices. Ambiance survoltée ? Que nenni ! Ambiance bon enfant, où tout le monde est là, un verre à la main, une cigarette dans l’autre, à se regarder et surtout à être regardé. Car oui, messieurs-dames, on ne vient pas là pour danser ou s’amuser, mais pour être vu. Ce privilège ne vous coûtera pas moins d’une centaine de billets verts si vous avez de la chance. Les moins chanceux, eux, devront payer plusieurs centaines de billets vu l’emplacement de leur table, mais ils seront mieux vus de tous puisque leur bouteille, qui se doit d’être la plus chère, leur sera remise par une horde de serveurs se déplaçant en convoi, tenant en main ces bougies-feux d’artifice qui, autrefois, n’ornaient que les gâteaux d’anniversaire des petits innocents.

Les Minnies Mouses ont toutes la même poitrine, cachée (c’est un euphémisme) sous les mêmes hauts, le même déhanché plus qu’érotique. Les Mickeys, eux, sont bien imbibés et caressent du bout des doigts les grandes oreilles des Minnies les plus gentilles. Vous étoufferez toute la nuit et pour, couronner le tout, le DJ propulsera des jets de flamme vers le ciel plusieurs fois dans la nuit pour accompagner le beat des chansons qu’il passe. Vous pourrez vous rafraîchir aux toilettes et même vous affaler sur un des nombreux canapés qui trônent devant l’entrée des WC (vous vous demanderez sûrement à quoi sert cette île de coussins et je ne saurais vous répondre. Je ne sais pas). Au bout de plusieurs heures et seulement une fois que vous êtes sûr d’avoir vu tout le monde et que tout le monde a su que vous étiez là, vous pourrez prendre l’ascenseur dans le sens inverse, uniquement pour attendre une bonne trentaine de minutes votre voiture puisque vous n’aurez donné que les 5 000 LL habituels de pourboire au valet qui vous la ramènera. Si vous aviez su, vous auriez sûrement, vous aussi, aligné les dollars pour ne pas avoir à poireauter 30 minutes entre les saoulards de fin de soirée. Mais vous ne saviez pas… Rentrez vous coucher, messieurs-dames, après cette soirée et laissez-vous emporter par Morphée. Offrez-lui un bon pourboire afin qu’elle vous transporte au pays des merveilles originel. Car ce soir, vous aurez été les témoins d’un pays où les seules merveilles encore présentes sont celles de nos rêves et de notre imagination.

Si vous y croisez Cendrillon, dites-lui que l’heure de son couvre-feu a été changée : elle pourra rentrer à 5 heures. Peu importe le nombre de vêtements qu’elle aura perdus tant que sa citrouille ressemblera à un coupé allemand.

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You feel like eating some great food coming from rural areas of Lebanon,

Food cooked by women of diverse regions in the cedar country?

would you like to try the great experience of eating home-made products made by great Lebanese Women, coming from rural areas, rural villages, in Beirut?

Come and discover the taste of traditional Lebanese food rediscovered by rural cooperatives!

food that looks like art, and smell like flowers! and is divine in mouth!

hum, my text looks poetic,

my aim is to encourage you to come, and support Rural women cooperatives while eating healthy, and local food products, at Cafe Gemayseh the 29 of october!

I will live you dears with the text below in arabic!

women rural cooperatives annual meeting in Beirut

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you may find below the links to the skeyes,
samir Kassir’s eyes,
in arabic are the titles of the violations against  freedoms in the MENA region.
قاضي التحقيق الثاني في دمشق يستجوب المحامي الكردي إسماعيل عبدي

اعتقال ثلاثة مواطنين كرد بعد ترحيلهم من قبرص إلى سورية

استمرار محاكمة المحامي والكاتب الكردي مصطفى إسماعيل أمام القضاء العسكري في حلب

صحيفة “الحياة الجديدة” تقرّر إغلاق مقرّها في غزة

القوات الاسرائيلية تستهدف الصحافيين عمداً خلال المواجهات في سلوان وتصيب مصوّرَيْن

رئيس مجلس إدارة ” LBC ” يرد على القرار الظني: الآن بدأت المعركة الحقيقية ولن أهادن

القضاء اللبناني يقرّر إعادة ملكية قناة الـ”ل.بي.سي” إلى “القوات اللبنانية”

مجلس نقابة المحررين اللبنانيين يقرر عقد خلوة في 31 تشرين الاول/اوكتوبر لتعديل النظام

احتجاز مصورين صحافيين وناشط حقوقي خمس ساعات في مستوطنة قرب بيت أمر

“دويتشة فيله” تختتم “ملتقى الشباب الإعلامي” في القاهرة بعد ثلاثة أيام من النقاشات

“صحافيون متحدون” يدين رقابة الحكومة المصرية على رسائل القصيرة ” SMS ”

“الاتحاد الدولي لرابطات حقوق الانسان” يطالب ساركوزي بالتدخل لاطلاق سراح الناشط السوري

محاكمة خمسين مواطناً كردياً أمام القاضي الفرد العسكري الأول في حلب

جلسة جديدة لمحاكمة الكاتبة السورية رغدة الحسن أمام محكمة الجنايات العسكرية في حمص

تسعة فرنسيين من ركاب “أسطول الحرية” يرفعون شكوى ضد اسرائيل أمام “الجنائية الدولية”

المحكمة الاسرائيلية تدين الصحافي برهوم جرايسي من دون فرض عقوبة أوتسجيل ملف جنائي بحقه

إحالة صحافي وناشر أردنيَّيْن على المحكمة بتهمة “خرق قانون المطبوعات والنشر”

محكمة عسكرية فلسطينية تحكم على معتقل من “حزب التحرير” بالسجن ستة شهور

قناة “الجزيرة” تشترط تشكيل لجنة تحقيق مستقلة لتقديم أدلّتها على التشويش إلى الحكومة

“مجموعة مراقبة حالة حرية التعبير” تطالب بالإفراج عن الصحافي التونسي بوكدوس المضرب

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if you don’t know already, Lebanese Women CAN’T transmit their Lebanese Nationlity to their children Neither to their Husbands.

what does this mean?

if your Lebanese sister get married, and her husband is not lebanese, she can’t give him her nationality.

the same goes to your daughter!

the same goes to me, and to your mum if she wants to remarry (la samaha allah) 🙂

whether the husband comes from what is called a first class country or not :-), this is just to tease some of those who thinks that the nationality should be given to women married to French or Americans…

the Nationality is a right!!

International treaties have spoke about it!

for more info you may check my old posts about the issue:-)

for today I ll leave you with the gr8t video sent to me by Roula….

Enjoy it! and Let us Do Something!!!


http://vimeo.com/15790537: a short documentary (12 min) featuring the nationality cause.

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What will happen ten years from now? the internet will still be fun? what will happen to smart gadgets? what will happen to the business? how can we develop the business through the new gadgets? my question, that is one the the assumption of my thesis: will we be more segmented? fragmented media? if the internet is free and open? in  the future, will each person just go to the news and content that are more or less homogene with their own political and social ideas?


a break .. lunch break to go back to the live notes from INET lebanon …

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to follow the news live follow the news on twitter @ritachemaly

the challenges and opportunities of using the internet.

with the presence of Nahas for the first opening panel,

the secong panel: began with melodie, who explained to “lebanese” how to open pages on Facebook, and having a separate profile personal/work.

to sell a companie with pictures of its employees, after having studied the competitors, and the need to use social media….


One good presentations in the second panel:

mainly Jad Melki’s research about the habits of youth while using the internet,

the presentation was based on a research done with students between 13-28 years old.

the presentation was followed by Ayman Itani, who told us, the trends “a la mode” in the social media. how to poke, who is facebooking, what they are putting online.

then the Samer  Karam has jumped in to speak about the social in social media: the social is the medium in social media.

the mode must fit the media?  tv with a news paper… does it make sense? “akid” no.

social for karam is the interaction between the people. twitter in nothing, twitter is just tweets. without the conversations, interactions, and images, there is no social.

when we talk social media? we have to ask what it is to be social?

the virtual world: you have to follow other, and make other exists.

the interactions are the social and the social is the media. but what are the modes  of this media?

you have to exist and to continue to exist!

Existing in the Consciencness of the pple.

persistence, relevance, influence.

influence is not just a matter of celebrity,

and for samer, there is more .. the media in social media is alive, it is a living breathing organism.

when you inject something it is not static,

the audience is your medium, the people who you are targeting are the peopel who you are targeting through.

if the modes is a circle, what should we do?

the triple E catalyst is the answer of Samer:

you can only activate the modes , persistence, relevance, influence,

by to be the catalyst, by seeding content,

you enable content, you engage, and then you empower!!!

voila, this is for samer, he resumed what I found out in my thesis about the impact of the internet and social media on societies.



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un concert dans la balle salle de l’UNESCO pour Charbel Rouhana,

la competition n’etait pas facile, avec un concert pour Feyrouz en meme temps au Biel,

mais quand meme la salle etait comble.

et l’une des chansons patriotiques au son du celebre oud , est la tres belle chanson, en arabe s’il vous plait!

je continuerais mon billet en arabe, mais pour ceux qui ne lisent pas l’arabe:

a vous les grandes idees de la chanson:

please s’il te plait “ya mama baddi ekol”

le pauvre garcon n’a pas droit a sa tartine s’il ne dit pas la phrase en francais!

“Waouw la sahra est cool” oh comme la soiree est belle,

“domage c’est fini”

et le plus fort de la chanson:

exprime toi pour ta nation en arabe

exprime ta colere en arabe

exprime ton ennui en arabe

exprime toi pour ton peuple en arabe

hi? a la place du Bonjour “sabah el khair” ou Marhaba?

tu dis Hi, alors que tu manges notre man2ouche, et que tu adores le tabouleh?

alors, en arabe!!

عبرعن فرحك بالعربي

عبر عن وطنك بالعربي

اشك عن ضجرك بالعربي

خبر عن شعبك بالعربي

يا ليل يا عين… يا ليل يا عين…

Charbel Rouhana en concert photo: Rita Chemaly



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la fille du Che avec les dignitaires religieux et l ambassadeur de Cuba


نعم للثورة

نعم للتضامن

نعم للوحدة

نعم للاحترام

نعم لحرية الرأي


La liberté, la solidarité et le respect sont les trois mots repetes par la fille de CHE, lors de sa visite au Liban.

Elle a assiste a la premiere journee de solidarite avec les 5 journalistes cubains, arrêtes par les Etats-Unis.

très gentiment, elle a pris des photos avec les jeunes présents,

assiste a la danse Folklorique palestinienne “wen 3a Ramallah

et au concert de Sun Cubano…

a vous les photos de cet apres-midi, haut en slogans, couleurs, et dynamisme!

la révolution a nouveau?


des bananes frites a la cubaine

jeunes de la gauche en liesse



conference de solidarite



les 5 journalistes arretes avec l'image du Che


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Yesterday and after 16 days of non stop hunger and water strike, Dr. Abedelmeneem Mousa Ibrahim the Sudanese human rights activist stopped his hunger strike for no reason but Victory.
After 16 days of lobbying and pressuring both General Security to free the arbitrarily detained Sudanes in the Lebanese prisons, and the Sudanese embassy changing the committee of the Sudanese cultural club to become elected by the people, transparent and representative of the community’s needs, not of the country’s regime, Dr. Abed along with the support of Sudanese and Lebanese activists were able to:

1 – Get Minister Ziad Baroud to promise us that he will follow up on the situation of the 18 detainees and will make sure no now stays in prison as long as their sentence has finished.Have a promise of releasing the arbitrarily detained in the prisons once their papers are regulated.

2 – Get the National, regional, international and online media raise the urgency for 10 days in a row about racism, migrants rights, arbitrarily detained migrants, refugees and the behavior of the General Security.

3 – Gather all the independent human rights activists, human rights organizations, migrants and locals to lead the civil struggle.

4 – Change the old committee set by the Sudanese embassy by a new democratically appointed one to protect the community in Lebanon.

So in few words this movement was victorious and Dr. Abedelmeneem is now in Carantina Hospital recovering from a painful 16 days of hunger strike.
On the behalf of the Dr, the Sudanese community, migrants, human rights organizations and independent activists we would like to thank you very much for the support you have showed and gave.
More information to be sent in the following few hours ( this is in short )
To call the Dr and congratulate him please call : 70 899 381
To visit him please call me to coordinate : 71 – 421 593
The video of yesterday’s journey will be up online soon.

Thank you,
كلنا ” في ” الوطن

بعد ستة عشر يوما أوقف الد. عبد المنعم موسى إبراهيم إضرابه عن الطعام وإنتصر
بعد ستة عشر يوما من الضغضط على الأمن العام من أجل إطلاق سراح المحتجزين السودانيين تعسفا في السجون اللبنانية والسفارة السودانية في لبنان من أجل أن ترفع يدها عن النادي الثقافي السودانيوينتخب مجلس جديد يتابع أمور وظروف الجالية السودانية ويحميها٫ إستطاع الد.عبد المنعم وناشطي حقوق الإنسان أن:
١ – يحصلوا على وعد من الوزير بارودبأن يطلق سراح المحتجزين تعسفا في السجون اللبنانية ونظارات الأمن العام من كانت أوضاعه قانونية
٢- الحصول على التغطية الإعلامية المحلية والإقليمية والعالمية والإعلام الإلكتروني لمدة عشرة أيام متواصلة متكلمة عن أوضاع اللاجئيين والالمهاجرين والالإعتقال التعسفي والعنصرية ومماراسات الأمن العام اللبناني
٣- تجمع جميع ناشطي حقوقو الإنسان المستقلين والمنظمات وأعضاء الجاليات المهاجرة في لبنان لقيادة الحملة
٤- إقالة اللجنة القديمة للنادي لإعادة تعيين لجنة جديدة تتابع أوضاع الجالية السودانية وتحميهم
بإختصار شديد التحرك والإضراب عن الطعام كان ناجحا والد. عبد المنعم في مستشفى الكارانتينا الحكومي الآن يتعافى من ستة عشر يوما من عدم الطعام أو الشراب
الد. عبد المنعم والجالية السودانية وناشطي حقوق الإنسان وأعضاء الجاليات المهاجرة يشكرون دعمكم الامحدود الذي من دونه ما كان الد. عبد لينتصر لجاليته
المزيد من العلومات ستكون متاحة في الساعات المقبلة
للإتصال بالد. عبد المنعم: ٧٠٨٩٩٣٨١
للزيارة في المستفى: ٧١ ٤٢١ ٥٩٣
الفيديو الذي يصور نهار البارحة سيكون على الشبكة بعد بضعة ساعات

كلنا ” في ” الوطن


for more info dear friends,  I ll keep you posted, but for those issues you may call cldh too!

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for you to see the pictures of the Internet @ liberty 2010 conference

co -organised by google and CEU campus in Budapest,

plz check my latest Flicker pictures!



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if you would like to hear the half an hour radio  interview about Blogging in Lebanon, plz press the link below.

the interviewer was Mme Suzanne Daou Sayegh, in Radio Liban, for the program Sawa.

the interview was aired on Saturday September 25 2010.




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voila, en septembre une belle croix a ete inaugurée au Liban.

une Croix qui apparaît de par sa grandeur dans le Guiness Book.

tout en acier-fer, au somment de Faqra-Kfardebian, donnant sur Qanat Bakiche.

avant de monter voir cette croix, qui est apparue dans Guiness book,

je me suis dite: encore une idee Flashy a la libanaise.

mais en dessous de cette croix, c’est OUF!

cela m’a rappelle la tour eiffel et, parait-il des ascenseurs vont bientôt être incorporés a la croix, tout comme pour la dame de fer!

si la croix tout en fer, est difficilement un symbole religieux qui aide a la concentration et a la méditation, au moins, ce Grand et imposant symbole peut permettre de dire:  “Sobhane el Khale2“, gloire a Dieu…

et au travail des hommes! des femmes aussi?

Avec les images que j’ai prises de la croix, je vous laisse!



Photo Rita Chemaly Croix Fakra LIBAN

Rita Chemaly's Picture of the Lebanese big Cross



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friends, activists,

in the turmoil of different kind of racism in Lebanon,

I feel that you must know that the Sudanese community is also trying to show that Interntional treaties are not put into practice in Lebanon!

an action is being taken by a Single man, he is on a hunger strike since few days!

his demand are simple:

1 – The release of the 17 Sudanese detained arbitrarily in the Lebanese prisons

2 – The re-election of the Sudanese cultural club in Beirut that can influence the embassy to take action to release the detained.

in the realm of what is happening,

here are some more info…. from today October 4th!

Dear Activists,
The general security might come and arrest Dr. Abed El Meneem today as they earlier said, in addition yesterday 3 police men came to threaten him and insult the Sudanese community along with a racist acts.
If you are interested which you probably are please do visit the Dr today on his 10th day of hunger and water strike in order to protect him.
If the police try to move him from his place it risks that he might have some serious health complications.
For more info please contact me on : 71 421 593
Please share.

ناشطات وناشطين٫
قد يحضر الأمن العام اليوم لإعتقال الناشط الد. عبد المنعم المضرب عن الطعام والشراب منذ عشرة أيام
البارحة حضر ثلاثة من عناصر الدرك لتهديد أفراد الجالية ونعتهم بنعوت عنصرية وشائنة في عقر ناديهم
نرجوا منكم النزول اليوم لمركز النادي للتضامن مع الد. أو حتى إلقاء التحية مما سيعزز معنوياته
إن حاول الأمن العام إعتقال الد. ستسوء صحته مما قد يهدد حياته
الرجاء نشر الخبر

Below you may find the interview done byFARAH kOBEISSY

After the racist acts by the Lebanese general security in not responding to the calls of the human rights activists to release the 17 Sudanese detained arbitrarily and the several calls by Dr. Abed el Meneem to the Sudanese embassy to take action in front of the Lebanese authorities he decided 7 days ago to start a hunger strike demanding: …


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a dream, the people dream!

a dream of change,

the dream of actually saying what we think without fearing for a responsibility, or a task we have been assigned for it!

when a minister doesn t know what is happening in his ministry, what can we do?

especially Can He do Something?

or Just take Prices without being sure of what is happening back home?

Citizens: Be AWARE!!!!!

as i Said in an older post:

Rizkallah 3a ma mada!

زياد بارود: شو صار في واشنطن؟

بيار أبي صعب
المهزلة المضحكة ـــ المبكية المتعلّقة بعرقلة العرض البيروتي لفيلم ديغول عيد (الصورة) «شو صار؟»، لم تنته فصولاً في بلد الحريّات. هذا الشريط الذي يغوص بشجاعة وصدق في الجراح المشتركة للحرب الأهليّة، خارج أي نزعة فئويّة أو ثأريّة، سحب مرّتين في شهر واحد، من «مهرجان الفيلم اللبناني»، ثم من «أيّام بيروت السينمائيّة» («الأخبار»، ٧/ ٩/ ٢٠١٠). ومع ذلك، فقد اختارت مديرة «مهرجان بيروت الدولي للأفلام» الذي يفتتح في ٦ ت١ (أكتوبر)، أن تقوم بمحاولة ثالثة. لقد قرّرت كوليت نوفل إدراج اسم ديغول عيد (الصورة) على برنامجها، إلى جانب جوسلين صعب وإيلي خليفة، لتقدّم نظرة أمينة إلى راهن السينما اللبنانيّة بتجاربها وأجيالها. لكن سرعان ما اكتشفت أنّها ذهبت بعيداً في التفاؤل حين اصطدمت، هي الأخرى، بجدار الرقابة الأصم. هنا ابتكرت طريقة

مقطع من “محاضرة زياد بارود في واشنطن”

جديدة (من دون مخالفة القانون)، لفضح عبثيّة الوضع الذي تفرضه سلطة من بقايا زمن آخر: فيلم «شو صار» باق في المسابقة الرسميّة، وإن حرم الجمهور من مشاهدته… وقد ينال جائزة يستحقها، فتكون الصفعة أكبر لحرّاس الانحطاط ومن يقف وراءهم.
نعم، تقتضي الأمانة عدم تحميل موظفي الأمن العام الوزر كلّه في

«الفيلم لم يمنع… تدخّلت شخصيّاً لذلك» (وزير الداخليّة)

النهاية. المسؤوليّة تتحمّلها السلطة السياسيّة، بدءاً بوزير الداخليّة الذي فاجأنا بتصريح غريب من واشنطن حيث كرّم أخيراً. شارك زياد بارود يوم ٢٩ أيلول (سبتمبر) الماضي، في ندوة من تنظيم «معهد الولايات المتحدة للسلام» (USIP) بالاشتراك مع «المؤسسة الدوليّة للأنظمة الانتخابيّة» (IFES). وردّاً على سؤال محرج طرحه مروان معلوف، الناشط من أجل الحريّات، عن أسباب منع فيلم «شو صار؟»، أجاب بالحرف الواحد: «الفيلم لم يمنع… تدخّلت شخصيّاً لذلك… كما تعلمون، هذا التزام أخذته على عاتقي».
هل منع الفيلم أم لم يمنع؟ هل منع أم «لم يرخّص له»، وبقرار شفهي فقط؟ لن نقول «معاليه ما معه خبر شي»، أو «بطل في واشنطن، مغلوب على أمره في بيروت». علينا أن نصدّق حرفيّاً ما أعلنه معالي الوزير. ومن حقّ كوليت نوفل اليوم، بل من واجبها، أن ترى في تصريح بارود الموثّق (راجع التسجيل على موقع «الأخبار») غطاءً رسميّاً لها. فلتعرض فيلم ديغول عيد كأن شيئاً لم يكن

Check this article and video

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last week, many things happened,

I will begin with ste therese fiesta with Jesus Ma Joie launching their new cd.

I usually love the songs and the lyrics, and the sounds.

usually the dancing was not only beautiful to watch, but it took me too to a new way of praying. But BUT what i saw on Saturday, sorry friday, was Not what i Was expecting.

As you may know Saturday was Ste Therese birthday, and I was glad to see the old folks in Shaileh.

I was very glad to participate to Ste therese mass at shaileh, but i was very disappointed by Jesus Ma Joie this year theater group.

Plastic girls, dancing, taking the ” pause” for the photo shoot.

I am used to participate to all Jesus Ma Joie Mass, and gatherings,

those last years, I was shocked by the blondies, and the “har2aneh” on the “mazbah”.

taking the pause, rearranging the hair, while dancing in a spiritual dance?!

i am not against blond, but spiritual dancing must go with faith, must not just let a message be spread by the words, but also by the way it is given.

what I  saw, of the theater piece about the “Tadhiey” , and the girls in pink and white was Shocking!

I did an Action of “Tadhiyeh” and saw all the piece.

it was boring, it was shocking, and I hope that you will take action to rethink the message and the way you need to spread it!

if you need help do not hesitate to ask for it! but the message and the way it was illustrate was not a message that goes to the heart of people!

let us be more simple, less plastic, let us focus on the core message without putting a “smiling” Therese near a blondy on the stage.

Thank god, there was the pregnant woman and the children to act naturally and not artificially on stage!

all this is to say that an action is needed.

I have sent a message by facebook to pere Michel and pere Toufic

I hope that they will explain if they don’t share my opinion,

or take action if they didnt know waht is happening, or why pple are responding like that…
j’assistais depuis mon retour au pays a la fete de sdte therese, vendredi a Shaileh,. et j’ai ete choquee et outree par ce que j’ai vu!
une piece de theatre qui n’a rien de spirituel que le cadre et les paroles!
j’ai demande a plusieurs personnes autour de moi si elles ont ressenti la meme chose, et il s’est avere que oui:-(
qu’est ce qui arrive?
pourquoi cette facon de danser dans une piece qui est supposee etre sprirituelle et naturelle?
j’ai vu beaucoup d’artifices, qui m,’ont choquee surtout que generalement Jesus ma joie nous pousse vers le fait d’etre plus naturels, et proches de dieu sans artifices.
je m’excuse pour ce message, mais je ne pourrais pas ne pas m’exprimer par ce que j ai toujours aime, et adore participer aux rassemblements de prieres et camps de Jesus Ma joie.

Rita Chemaly

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Hello friends,

if your are interested in knowing what is happening to sri-lanki house worker in Saoudi Arabia, the gays rights in Algeria, teen marriage in Jordan, Women working in Saoudi Arabia, and more… do not hesitate to read the e -brief below:

Gender and Development e -Brief / Issue 100

September 2010

In This Issue


“Challenges of Change: Religion, Secularism & Rights”



Libya – CEDAW & Reservations – New Nationality Law

Former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet to head New United Nations Women’s Agency

… And the GEAR Campaign Enthusiastically Welcomes the New Under-Secretary-General, Michelle Bachelet, Former Chilean President


WLUML and SKSW Statement on the Release of Shiva Nazar Ahari

Non-Haredi Women Plan March to Protest Discrimination against Women

National LGBT day in Algeria

Civil Society Denounces Legalization of Violence Against Women in Sudan

Palestinian Woman Breaks Taboo to Cycle Across Gaza Strip

Mothers of Palestinian Prisoners in Israel Mark Eid in Protest

Iraqi Women Want Stable Government & Women’s Impact

Supermarkets Break Taboo with Women Cashiers in KSA


Tackling Sexual Harassment in Egypt

Israeli and West Bank Women Risk Jail for Day at the Beach

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani Denies Torture Claims, Suspicion of Forced Confession

… and A Call for General Assembly Condemnation of Stoning as Crime Against Humanity

Couple Hammered 24 Nails into Sri Lankan Maid In Saudi Arabia

Teen marriage a restless topic in Jordan


Closing of Tourist Places in Gaza for Non-Compliance with Islamic Customs

Islamic Fundamentalism’s War Against Women, 1993

Islamic Texts as a Source for Acceptance of Queer Individuals

American & Iranian Women Released from Iran Prison


WLUML Networker Blogs About Culture and Women’s Rights


Registration of “Temporary Marriages” Voted Down

No Birth Registration/Rights – Children of Conflict in Iraq


Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women – General Recommendations


MRG Report on Continued Persecution of Minorities

Women and Memory Forum Reader on Gender & Political Science


Fatherhood In Islam

“Safe Age of Marriage in Yemen”


Video – FGM Still Widespread in Egypt

Gender and Development e-Brief receives material from various sources for its publication. Should you wish to refer to these sources/ sites directly, the list includes publications from: AVIVA, www.aviva.org, AWID: www.awid.org, Democracy Digest: www.freedomhouse.org, Development Gateway: www.developmentgatway.org, Dignity: www.dignity.org, e-Civicus: www.civicus.org, Eldis: www.eldis.org, ESCWA: www.escwa.org.lb, GDB: www.developmentex.com, Global Knowledge Partnership: www.globalknowledge.org, IGTN: www.IGTN.org, ILO: www.ilo.org One World: www.oneworld.net, Siyanda: www.siyanda.org, The Daily Star: www.dailystar.com.lb, The Drum Beat: www.comminit.com, The Soul Beat: www.comminit.com, The World Bank: www.worldbank.org, UNDP: www.undp.org, Wicejilist: www.wicej.addr.com, WLP: www.learningpartnership.org; WIDE: www.wide-network.org; IRIN News: www.irinnews.org, Women’s UN Report Network: www.wunrn.com, Women Living Under Muslim Laws: www.wluml.org


“Challenges of Change: Religion, Secularism & Rights”

A one-day event was held on “Challenges of Change: Religion, Secularism & Rights” in Washington, DC on 21 September 2010. The event is organized by the Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) in cooperation with Cultural Conversations of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University. For more information visit the website http://www.wluml.org/node/6638



Libya – CEDAW & Reservations – New Nationality Law

Libya’s new nationality law granting women married to foreign spouses the right to pass their own nationality to their children is a significant move forward for women’s rights, Human Rights Watch. But the law still contains some contradictory provisions that could be interpreted to perpetuate discrimination, Human Rights Watch said. For more information please read the full article http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2010/09/02/libya-step-ahead-women-nationality-rights

Former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet to head New United Nations Women’s Agency

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today (14 September) named former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet to head United Nations Women (UN Women), a newly created entity to oversee all of the world body’s programmes aimed at promoting women’s rights and full participation in global affairs. For more information visit the website http://www.wluml.org/node/6645

… And the GEAR Campaign Enthusiastically Welcomes the New Under-Secretary-General, Michelle Bachelet, Former Chilean President

The Gender Equality Architecture Reform (GEAR) Campaign is thrilled that the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon has chosen Michelle Bachelet as the new Under-Secretary-General (USG) of UN Women. This appointment is essential to the effectiveness of the new entity and the campaign is pleased that the UN SG has selected a qualified and strong leader for this high level UN position that will envision and work for the future of women’s rights and advocate for women worldwide. For more information please read the full press release form: http://www.gearcampaign.org/news_events/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/September-14-2010-GEAR-Press-Release-USG-Appointment.pdf


WLUML and SKSW Statement on the Release of Shiva Nazar Ahari

The Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) international solidarity network and the Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women (SKSW campaign) welcome the news that Shiva Nazar Ahari was released from prison on Sunday 12 September 2010. Formerly a civil engineering graduate student, Ahari was expelled from university as a result of her student activism. She had endured 266 consecutive days in Evin Prison, 100 of which were spent in solitary confinement, for participating in non-violent actions. For more information visit the website


Non-Haredi Women Plan March to Protest Discrimination against Women

The posters put up in Mea She’arim, a Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) neighborhood of Jerusalem, answered some questions about what to expect during the week-long Sukkot holiday, and especially the mid-holiday Simhat Beit Hasho’eva celebrations. On one hand, contrary to rumors, women will not be forcibly prevented from entering the neighborhood. On the other, women are definitely not invited. For more information please refer to the link


National LGBT day in Algeria

A movement is born … We no longer want to hide, we do not want to hug the walls, we do not want to stand idly by, we will no longer suffer in silence, we do not want more laws 333 and 338 of the Algerian penal code, we will no longer respond . Now we will act. A date is also born, Oct. 10 date is proclaimed National Day of gays lesbians bi and trans Algerian (LGBTQ). For more information please refer to the link


Civil Society Denounces Legalization of Violence Against Women in Sudan

We call upon the Sudan government, UN agencies, the African Union countries, Human Rights organizations, the International community and men and women of faith across the world to join hands and stop the Sudan Parliament whose majority represents the current Sudan ruling party. The parliament continues to legalise acts of violence against women and girls, by enforcing laws that directly escalate the prevalence of violence against women and girls in our society. For more information please refer to the link http://www.wluml.org/node/6630

Palestinian Woman Breaks Taboo to Cycle Across Gaza Strip

In Gaza, an unspoken rule bans women from riding bicycles after they have hit puberty. But last Saturday, one young Palestinian woman decided to defy the taboo, sparking smiles – and a few threats – from fellow Gaza residents. In a spur of the moment decision, 28-year-old Palestinian journalist Asmaa Alghoul decided to join three of her friends, two Italian human rights workers and an American, on a tour of Gaza by bicycle. For more information please refer to the link http://www.wluml.org/node/6620

Mothers of Palestinian Prisoners in Israel Mark Eid in Protest

A committee of mothers of Palestinian prisoners met outside the headquarters of the Red Cross in Gaza City, protesting the continued incarceration of their sons and daughters. The mothers read a letter to assembled protesters saying there was “no celebration of Eid without our loved ones in prison,” for more information:


Iraqi Women Want Stable Government & Women’s Impact

Manal Omar has worked with Women for Women International, a nonprofit NGO, as regional coordinator for Afghanistan, Iraq, and Sudan. She now resides in Washington, DC, where she is the director of Iraq Programs at the United States Institute of Peace. She is author of the memoir: Barefoot in Baghdad: A Story of Identity-My Own and What It Means to Be a Woman in Chaos. For more information: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/08/17/opinion/main6782583.shtml

Supermarkets Break Taboo with Women Cashiers in KSA

Saudi Arabia’s leading supermarket chain has broken the country’s strict taboo on women working in public with a pilot programme of women cashiers, a company official said.

Panda hypermarkets has put 16 Saudi women to work at one store in the Red Sea city of Jeddah to test the concept in a country where Islamic conservatives have prevented women from working in gender-mixed environments.



Tackling Sexual Harassment in Egypt

Suzanne Mubarak, first lady of Egypt, is a woman who treats criticisms of her country with a generous dose of skepticism. Take sexual harassment, a phenomenon that has indisputably been on the rise in recent years. It’s an issue in which Suzanne Mubarak, as head of the government’s National Council for Women, might be assumed to take at least a passing interest. “Egyptian men always respect Egyptian women,” she informed a pan-Arab television station, a few weeks after a series of sexual assaults marred a major public holiday. For more information please refer to the link http://www.wluml.org/node/6668

Israeli and West Bank Women Risk Jail for Day at the Beach

The day starts early, at a petrol station alongside a roaring Jerusalem road. The mood among the 15 Israeli women is a little tense, but it’s hardly surprising – they’re about to break the law and with it one of the country’s taboos. They plan to drive into the occupied West Bank, pick up Palestinian women and children and take them on a day trip to Tel Aviv.Today’s is the second such trip – another group of women went public with a similar action last month. For more information please refer to the link http://www.wluml.org/node/6656

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani Denies Torture Claims, Suspicion of Forced Confession

The Iranian woman facing death by stoning after being convicted for adultery appeared on the Islamic republic’s state TV channel last night to say she has not been whipped or tortured. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, whose stoning sentence was suspended in July, was allegedly given 99 lashes on 2 September after the Times ran a picture of an unveiled woman mistakenly identified as her, her lawyer said at the time. www.wluml.org/node/6650

… and A Call for General Assembly Condemnation of Stoning as Crime Against Humanity

We are writing to ask that the UN general assembly condemn stoning as a crime against humanity and issue an emergency resolution calling for an end to the medieval and barbaric punishment as well as the immediate release of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and others sentenced to death by stoning. . For more information please refer to the link http://www.wluml.org/node/6666

Couple Hammered 24 Nails into Sri Lankan Maid In Saudi Arabia

A Saudi couple tortured their Sri Lankan maid by hammering 24 nails into her hands, legs and forehead, after she complained of a too heavy workload, officials said. Nearly 2 million Sri Lankans sought employment overseas last year and around 1.4 million, mostly maids, were employed in the Middle East. Many have complained of physical abuse or harassment. LT Ariyawathi, a 49-year old mother of three, returned home on Friday after five months in Saudi Arabia. For more information please refer to the link http://www.wluml.org/node/6613

Teen marriage a restless topic in Jordan

Wesal Jamil was 16 when her family arranged her marriage to a man in his thirties. A decade later, the mother of seven regrets her lost youth. “My dream was to become a teacher but my marriage deprived me from education and now I have many duties,” Jamil told AFP. “I regret that. Education would have secured me a job to at least help my husband shoulder financial responsibilities,” she added. http://www.wunrn.com/news/2010/09_10/09_06_10/090610_jordan.htm


Closing of Tourist Places in Gaza for Non-Compliance with Islamic Customs

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) is gravely concerned over the unjustified intervention of the Ministry of Interior into public freedoms, closing a number of tourist places in Gaza City, imposing restrictions on their work and arresting one of these places’ owners under the pretext of gender mixture and non-compliance with the Islamic customs. For more information please refer to the link http://www.wluml.org/node/6660

Islamic Fundamentalism’s War Against Women, 1993

As the influence of Islamic fundamentalism spreads, more and more women are fleeing its repressive laws – compelling Western nations to deal with such cruel traditions as forced marriages, honor killings, and female circumcision.In April 1991, a 22-year-old Saudi student arrived at Montreal’s Mirabel Airport and requested asylum on the unprecedented grounds of gender persecution.  www.wluml.org/node/6652

Islamic Texts as a Source for Acceptance of Queer Individuals

Queer Muslims face a multitude of challenges, of which one is rejection. This is anchored by the belief that homosexuality is a major sin in Islam and punishable by death under Shariah law. The Inner Circle has documented through engaging with the local Muslim community of Cape Town that most people who react harshly towards queer Muslims do so from a position of fear and ignorance of the challenges facing queer Muslims. For more information please refer to the link http://www.wluml.org/node/6628

American & Iranian Women Released from Iran Prison

The American woman released by Iran on Tuesday after more than a year in prison said she was grateful to Iran’s president for her freedom shortly before she boarded a flight to the Gulf sultanate of Oman where her mother greeted her with a warm embrace. Iran freed Sarah Shourd, 32, after arrangements were made to satisfy Iran’s demand for a $500,000 bail. American officials said neither the U.S. government nor the family put up the money for the bail and they thanked U.S. ally Oman, which they said had played a critical, behind-the-scenes role in securing Shourd’s release. However, the case that has deepened strains between the U.S. and Iran was still far from resolved. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100914/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iran_us_hikers


WLUML Networker Blogs About Culture and Women’s Rights

Each year the UC Berkeley-based Human Rights Center awards summer fellowships to students from University of California campuses, to enable them to work with human-rights organizations in the U.S. and abroad. Several current Human Rights Fellows, including political-science student Rochelle Terman, have agreed to share their experiences this summer, with regular updates from the field to be published on the NewsCenter:



Registration of “Temporary Marriages” Voted Down

The controversial Family Protection bill was dealt a blow at the Islamic parliament today as one of its articles outlining legal registration of “temporary marriages” was voted down. ILNA reports that Article 21 of the new bill failed to pass through the parliament with only 45 votes in favour of it. The article was one of the points women’s rights activists objected to in the so-called Family Protection bill. For more information please refer to the link http://www.wluml.org/node/6680

No Birth Registration/Rights – Children of Conflict in Iraq

IN BAQUBAH, IRAQ Zahraa is a rambunctious toddler. She still sucks on a pacifier, and her mother dresses her in pink. But according to the government, she does not exist.

The daughter of an al-Qaeda in Iraq militant who forced her mother into marriage and motherhood, then disappeared, Zahraa is one of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of children whose births amid the anarchy and insurgent violence of Iraq were never legally recorded.



Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women – General Recommendations

The Committee also makes recommendations on any issue affecting women to which it believes the States parties should devote more attention. For example, at the 1989 session, the Committee discussed the high incidence of violence against women, requesting information on this problem from all countries. In 1992, the Committee adopted on general recommendation 19, which requires national reports to the Committee to include statistical data on the incidence of violence against women… for more information please follow the link



MRG Report on Continued Persecution of Minorities

Although the overall security situation in Iraq has gradually improved, the conditions for minority communities of the country’s diverse population remain extremely distressing. Investigations throughout 2009 by Minority Rights Group International’s (MRG’s) partner in Iraq, Iraqi Minorities Organization (IMO), coupled with secondary research sourced from 2009 and the first half of 2010, lay bare the frequent bombings, torture, arbitrary arrest, intimidation, displacement and marginalization facing Iraq’s cultural and religious minorities. For more information please refer to the link http://www.wluml.org/node/6618

Women and Memory Forum Reader on Gender & Political Science

The Women and Memory Forum has recently published the first book of its new series of Readers on Gender in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the Arabic language. The book is titled Reader on Gender and Political Science, edited by Mervat Hatem and translated by Shohart El-Alem. For more information please refer to the link http://www.wluml.org/node/6605


Fatherhood In Islam

It is important for Muslims to have a discussion about fatherhood while keeping in mind the ever-fragile state of Muslim families. We need to re-assess the language we use and the ontological assumptions we make when we speak about the role of the father because often, the problem doesn’t just lie with the crisis but the way we deal with it. To read the full essay please click on the link http://www.tariqramadan.com/Fatherhood-in-Islam.html

“Safe Age of Marriage in Yemen”

The Direct Link to the four Page case study:



Video – FGM Still Widespread in Egypt

A doctor in Egypt is being taken to court for carrying out an illegal operation to circumcise young girls. It follows the death of a 13-year-old, from a village in the Nile Delta, in the north of the country.

An investigation has raised fears that the practice of female genital mutilation, which was banned two years ago, is still widespread in Egypt. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-11160935

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job vacancy in research

The Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut is seeking a full-time Research Assistant for 1 year starting November 2010.

Responsibilities will include assisting scholars in their research on political economy issues by collecting and organizing statistical data, searching and analyzing literature from books articles, and specialized websites, interviewing key people, reviewing and editing papers. He/she would also help with events organization and contribute to the development of the center’s database.

Requirements: Master (graduate) in Economics or any related field; 2 years of Research Experience on Middle East Economic issues; native level of Arabic and fluency in English and French; excellent knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet Explorer, Outlook.
Candidates must have good analytical and organizational skills; be able to meet deadlines and work under pressure. Knowledge of the political economy issues of the Middle East and North Africa will be a valuable asset.

You can apply by sending your cover letter and resume to: HR@carnegie-mec.org

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