
Archive for the ‘NGO’ Category

Eager to tell you about the MOOC  on Gender Based violence in the context of migration!

The course will begin on May 15!

what is a MOOC? a MOOC is Massive Online Open Course , that is offered for free by the Global Campus of Human Rights coordinated by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC).

The Mooc addresses gender, migration, and Human rights studies. The Lecture I participate in, is related to gender based violence faced by migrants and asylum seeking girls in the MENA region. The Political Sciences Institute (ISP) of Saint Joseph University part of the Arab Master in Democracy and Human Rights,  has worked hard while dedicating a team to gather data, prepare, review, shoot, edit and produce the MOOC on GBV addressed by migrants girls and women in the region.  Examples for this specific lecture are taken from the newest published reports in the region related to GBV and SGBV.  Sexual Exploitation, trafficking  Statelessness, Child Marriage, Schooling and access to education are presented. Also main International Instruments addressing GBV are presented.

The MOOC is a free course of 5 hours per week, for 6 weeks, that is open to “upper year undergraduates; postgraduates; NGO activists and practitioners interested in interdisciplinary human rights, gender equality, women’s empowerment, migration; young lawyers and social scientists; active and motivated citizens from around the world.”

I am very excited to be part of this Global Campus MOOC, and to have prepared the first MOOC addressing GBV and women’s rights in the region. Can’t thank enough the team who helped put all the lecture together (ISP team you rock! )  as well as the friends who helped gather the latest information in a very short deadline. (Special thanks to Ghida, Hayat, Raghda, Zeina, Myriam, and special thanks to Jihad who filmed and edited the lecture ).

Stay tuned  and follow the link to participate and enroll  in the MOOC! https://www.eiuc.org/education/global-campus-mooc-gbv-migration.html 

In solidarity from Lebanon

Let us address GBV in our region and internationally with sustainable solutions!

Rita Chemaly



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For its second edition, the Youth Forum for citizenship initiatives will take place at USJ, Medical sciences campus.

it will put students in close contact with NGOs! Students coming from diverse universities!

below are the details taken from the facebook page of the event,

I will be in one of session related to Advocacy and Lobbying , it will be great to see you there tomorrow from 10 to noon!


Below the details taken from the facebook page of the event:

youth citizenship initiative rita chemaly lebanon

100 Stands – Training for Youth and NGOS , Internship or Volunteer Opportunity!

NGO session:
– Session 1 : HR for volunteers and NGO management
– Session 2 : Strategic thinking and quality management
– Session 3 : Crowdfunding
– Session 4 : CSR programs and NGO strategy
– Session 5 : Project based learning in eco-citizenship sustainable development

To register: https://goo.gl/forms/Jb0BQV4d2287jQ012
Students sessions:
– Session 1: Political Leadership
– Session 2: Social Innovation and Project development
– Session 3: Lobbying and advocacy
– Session 4: Networking and leadership

To register: https://goo.gl/forms/uN5GF10wQVFdxZGF2

AT 12:15PM

Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth – USJ

With the collaboration of :
YASA-Association Des Jeunes Pour La Sensibilisation À La Sécurité
La Troisième Voix pour le Liban / The Third Voice for Lebanon
CDLL – Cénacle De La Lumière
AAA – Autism Awareness Association NGO
And more..

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Their motto: ” It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving ” … they are the “foodblessed” volunteers!  

Souper meals on wheels in LebanonWhat do they do ?  they are a ” a local hunger relief initiative run by a group of volunteers with a passion and will to fight hunger in Lebanon. ”

Their  mission combines environmental and social responsibility. “We work with strategic partners –including food and non-food companies- through recovering surplus food from events, organizing food drives, and fundraiser events to collect food (which includes surplus perishable food and non-perishable food items) and distribute it to local non-profit partners in need. While we help other non-profits, our efforts divert food wastes for reuse and better serve under privileged communities. A win-win-win model!”

Check this video!



Are you In?

If you are looking to donate your time or money or surplus food or anything else you can think of, please get in touch:


Here is the link to the website!


Wonderful work!!

Rita Chemaly



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#TakeBackTheMétro, me rappelle la Campagne de Salwa qui a été initiee au Liban par le Collectif feministe “Nasawiya” il y a quelques annees. La campagne #TakeBackTheMétro en France est lancee par “Osez le féminisme !” pr que les femmes affirment leur droit d’user des espaces publics sans crainte.

#takebackthemetro femez les cuisses  Rita Chemaly

#takebackthemetro Rita Chemaly

voici l’article qui l’annonce:


Osez le féminisme ! lance aujourd’hui sa nouvelle campagne : Take back the métro !, L’objectif ? Dénoncer les violences machistes dont sont victimes les femmes dans les transports en commun et interpeller les transporteurs afin qu’ils réagissent.

Selon une enquête réalisée par Osez le Féminisme dans le métro parisien, 94% des 150 femmes interrogées indiquent avoir déjà subi des comportements sexistes intimidants, du sifflement à l’agression sexuelle. Par peur d’agression, près des trois quart d’entre elles adaptent leur comportement ou leurs tenues vestimentaires lorsqu’elles sont dans le métro. Une étude Reuters parue cette semaine indiquait que 8 Parisiennes sur 10 pensaient que personne ne les aideraient si elles étaient victimes d’un viol dans le métro.

Malgré le débat public sur le harcèlement de rue, ce sujet ne s’est pas encore traduit par des actions de sensibilisation de grande ampleur de la part des pouvoirs publics.

Pourtant, les régies de transports communiquent largement pour prévenir des vols à la tire, la fraude ou la mendicité, mettent en garde les voyageurs contre les pickpockets, les colis suspects ou même sensibilisent sur les incivilités. Ils ne l’ont jamais fait sur les violences sexistes qui touchent pourtant une grande partie de leurs usagèr-e-s.

Cela doit changer! Les femmes sont aussi légitimes que les hommes dans l’espace public et devraient être parfaitement libres de circuler et de se déplacer comme bon leur semble. Nous voulons :

que les femmes puissent se réapproprier les transports et en faire usage sans craintes,
que les transporteurs tels que la RATP en Ile-de-France, mènent des actions de prévention et de lutte contre les violences sexistes.

Pour reprendre le le métro, le bus, le tram, le RER et tous les transports mis à la disposition des citoyennes, Osez le Féminisme! lance une campagne intitulée #TackBackTheMetro. Vous pouvez y participer:

– En vous inscrivant pour les prochaines actions collectives et festives dans le métro: pour « reprendre » les transports,
– En diffusant sur les réseaux sociaux les visuels humoristiques qui visent à détourner les visuels existants dans le métro parisien,
– En signant et en diffusant la pétition à destination des régies de transport afin qu’elles mettent en place un plan de lutte contre ces violences

NB: Le nom de notre campagne, #TakeBackTheMétro fait référence aux marches “Take Back the Night”[Reprenez la nuit]. Initiées aux États-Unis dans les années 70, ces marches nocturnes composées uniquement de femmes visent à affirmer leur droit de faire usage des espaces publics sans crainte de harcèlement sexuel ou d’agression sexuelle.

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I am lost with some “studies” using 2005 as a baseline. I can’t stand duplications in the work of International Organisations. They are ready to pay amounts for  compilations that exists already, and for action plans that already have been developped in a participatory manner by numerous NGOs and  Govermental organisations.

In Lebanon, numerous authors, researchers and Organisations have worked on studies and documents that go beyond that date (2005) or 2006.

For all those who want to do a research about women rights in Lebanon, please do go back to the core CEDAW reports,

please do call NGOs working on legal issues (they are not numerous and phone calls wont take a whole day). (The goodones I advise you to call are : Abaad, Crtda, LFPA, LADE, CFUWI, KAFA, and of course the National Institution that that holds a coordinative and consultative mission that is NCLW:

Moreover you can check some Websites: all Information is available online, this is normal access to information right:

CEDAW report published in 2014 is available online!

Additionly to follow on legal issues, do not hesitate to check the easy and friendly tables published in NCLW reports:
Annual report 2013 (available in English and Arabic) is comprehensive related to the National Campaigns organised by numerous NGOs.

Annual report 2012 covers what happened till the end of 2012. (available in english and arabic)

and Annual Report 2011, shows the great work and details all laws related to women and the efforts done to implement them .

Moreover a full compilation of all the laws that exist in the Lebanese parliament drawers and the decrees presented to/or studied by the council of ministers have been compiled thematically in this big study funded by UNFPA lebanon. (Arabic version)

There is the  raodmap worked on with the Lebanese Parliament funded by UNDP and compiling  all laws related to women and that has been published in August 2013. AVAILABLE IN arabic .

For those who want to go back to the core texts developped and updated in a participatory manner here is the link for the Women National Strategy 2011-2021 (available in French, english and Arabic). Here is the Link to the National Action Plan 2013-2016 (available in arabic) and that aims to follow up on the implementation of the national strategy goals by various stakeholders.

More than that, all texts quoted previously give credit to all NGOs that have worked on a certain issue, so hearing again the “assumption” that NGOs in Lebanon do not work together or collaborate is in my opinion misleading! and using numbers from 2005 2006 reports a baselines for “legal and contextual researches” is in my opinion outdated.

No more outdated studies about women In Lebanon 2014 Chemaly

Rita Chemaly.

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