
Archive for the ‘Web Science et Communication’ Category

Call for Conference Papers: Rethinking Media Through the Middle East

Organized by the Media Studies Program at the American University of Beirut and the Arab Council for the Social Sciences
American University of Beirut
January 12 & 13, 2017

Within the field of media studies, Middle Eastern media is often treated as a domain of interest only to area specialists. As Edward Said argued in Orientalism, the region popularly known as the Middle East is not peripheral but integral to European history, culture, and civilization. This subversive insight, however, has largely been treated as secondary to foundational claims in media theory. If knowledge about Middle Eastern media usually serves only to supplement dominant frameworks and paradigms, we are interested in thinking about the ways it can instead extend, qualify, or even explode them.
‘Rethinking Media Through the Middle East’ aims to create an interdisciplinary conversation to challenge this deficit. Taking a broad view of the Middle East that incorporates the Arabic-speaking world, Turkey, Iran, and various ethnic minority groups, this conference asks how the Middle East might serve to disrupt, interrupt, subvert, challenge, or transform our understanding of what media are and do. We are especially interested in papers that shift our focus to south-south comparisons and relationships or that challenge how we theorize US and European media. This conference aims to explore the study of media as an independent field, but one that interconnects, influences, and is influenced by other intellectual formations and traditions.

The following is a partial list of topics that papers might explore in relation to the conference theme:

Media and Political theory
-mediated populism
-charisma and authority
-critical perspectives on humanitarianism
-biopolitics, sovereignty, and governmentality
-queer theory and the state

Colonialism, imperialism, and historicizing global media
-early cinema
-transnational circulation before neoliberalism
-MidEast wars and news media
-postcolonial theory, decolonial theory, and critical race theory
-diasporic, migrant, and refugee communities

Area studies, and media and communication studies
-area studies and the history of the social sciences
-contemporary debates in social and cultural theory

Research methodologies
-activist research
-feminist methodologies
-archival access
-language and fieldwork

Questions of materiality
-political economy, liberalization, and the state
-global infrastructures and the Middle East
-media archaeology beyond the study of design and invention
-economies of repair and breakdown
-affect, the senses, and technology

Other topics
-legacies of post-structuralism
-war, cultural memory, and the archive
-digital media and sexual cultures
-media studies futures

We invite abstract submissions (300 words) on the variety of topics listed above, or other topics that engage with the conference theme. Submissions should include author name(s), affiliation, e-mail address, paper title, and a brief bio, and be emailed to mediastudies@aub.edu.lb no later than July 15.

Decisions on acceptance of abstracts will be communicated to individual authors by August 15.

Modest travel subsidies may be available. Applicants should identify in their email if they would like to be considered.

For further information, please contact the organizers, the Media Studies Program at the American University of Beirut at mediastudies@aub.edu.lb


Media Studies Research Design Workshop for Graduate Students

Organized by: The Media Studies Program at AUB and the Arab Council for the Social Sciences
Date: Saturday, January 14, 2017
Participants: Graduate students in Media Studies (or whose research encompasses media) from across the Arab region
Confirmed Senior Scholars: Marwan Kraidy, Helga Tawil-Souri, Tarik Sabry, Michael Curtin, and Joseph Oliver Boyd-Barret

This one-day workshop will give MA students at the thesis proposal stage and beyond, and early PhD students, the opportunity to work with senior scholars to develop their research design and methodology. Students will explore the close relationship between formulating a research question, defining an appropriate method of research, and forming an argument about research findings.

The workshop will consist of two parts. The first half of the day will be oriented to general issues related to designing and refining a research project in media studies. Students will be grouped according to the stage of their project. The second part of the workshop will involve discussion of participant’s projects in small groups and on an individual basis, through detailed feedback from senior scholars and other workshop participants.

To Apply:
Submit a 2 to 3 page detailed abstract, detailing your primary research topic, questions, and method.  Abstracts should also clarify what stage the project is at (drafting a proposal, beginning to write, or first draft).

When you apply, please also include the following information in the body of the email:

Personal Information
Name (Family Name, First Name):
Current Residence:
Degrees Awarded (with year):
Current Institutional Affiliation (MA/ PhD level):
Expected year of Graduation :


Deadline for submissions is September 2, 2016. Selection decisions are announced bySeptember 30, 2016.

Accepted applicants will be required to circulate a full draft of their proposal or thesis chapter by December 15, 2016. Conveners will circulate a reading list in advance of the workshop.

Please note: This workshop is open only to MA/early PhD students from the Arab region. While the workshop will be in English, we will accept abstracts and papers written in Arabic.

Accepted applicants will also be invited to audit a conference on the topic ‘Rethinking Media through the Middle East,’ also organized by the workshop coordinators, held at AUB during the two days before the workshop.

Funding for accepted applicants from outside Lebanon (airfare and hotel) will be provided by ACSS.

Applications and queries should be sent to mediastudies@aub.edu.lb

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ImageThe evolution of media and the progress of communication have made it easier than ever for young people to share their private information, pictures and other. More people are encountering the risk to be bullied when they share their private pictures, their statuses and their life.

Bullying occurs when a person or a group repeatedly and intentionally use or abuse their power to intimidate, hurt, oppress or damage someone else”.  Bullying can be physical, verbal, social, or on the cyber space.

On Social Media what we witness is a replication of the bullying done on the traditional media such as TV shows. Prime time comedies such as Wajdi w majdi in Lebanon are what we can categorize as social bullying. “Repeated mimicking,” “nasty pranks”, using homophobic or racist slurs damage the reputation of a whole community such as the LGBT.

Usually teenagers, children and communities that are bullied are “ill-equipped” and do not know how to respond.

In my opinion parents and teachers should clearly explain to their children and students the importance of the privacy settings of social networks , such as facebook.

With the progress of the education system in Lebanon and the use of tablets and internet since primary school, teachers and responsible should create groups of the children for them to put the norms of ethics. And a sharter of responsible use of the comment part of the social networks and platforms such as Facebook and twitter.

Moreover they need to talk to them and teach them to never post or say anything that they wouldn’t want the whole world to know. One day the boss may check the profile of a person. As the ex-girl friend of Mark Zuckeberg said in the movie of the social network: “the internet is written in Ink and not in Pencil.” What you post, send or publish can never be deleted, and can easily go viral so be aware!

Rita Chemaly

PS: I wrote this post after doing research for the episode of CASES that hosted me and my long time friend Hussein. .

TO WATCH the full episode: http://youtu.be/Vv960GiW85g

Below is the description published on You Tube: “The show CASES, produced by Aly Sleem and Shant Kerbabian and hosted by Shant Kerbabian, deals with human rights violations, regardless of any political affiliation and agenda. We stand by the oppressed people everywhere, so we aim at tackling their cases professionally from both humanitarian and legal perspectives. Our objective is to raise awareness and to speak out for those who have no voice

We were glad to host:

In our studio in Beirut: Rita Chemaly, Author and Researcher on Human Rights

Via Satellite from Beirut: Hussein Itany, Human Rights Activist and Advocacy Trainer”

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Who is interested in knowing how to use ICT in their campaigns?

how you can use facebook, twitter, and other tools to promote your goals?

it is a webinar on wednesday april 30 2014,

full details are below!

prepare your speakers, mic and pc and check your internet connection first!

good webinar!

Rita Chemaly

iKNOW Politics invites you to the webinar on “The role of ICTs in empowering women in politics”

When?  April 30th, 2014 at 9 am EDT

The 21st century has seen an unprecedented increase in the percentage of internet users around the world. 27.5% of people in Asia are now internet users, in Latin America and the Caribbean it’s 42.9% and the increase in internet users from 2000 to 2012 has been highest in the African continent, with an approximate 3,606.7% increase. Over 1.11 billion Facebook users communicate across borders every day. At least one-half of the world’s population has a mobile phone, and the number is increasing every day. Texting is the number one most used data service in the world, with 8.6 trillion text messages sent worldwide in 2012. In developing countries, two in three people have mobile phone subscriptions. Interestingly, the most remarkable innovations that have come from the use of mobile phones were where internet coverage was poor.

While it is doubtless that current communication technology has a lot to offer any activist or politician, it may be of particular value for women in politics since mobile phones, the internet and social media channels have the potential to, not only serve as an equalizer for women politicians and activists, but to also increase their political participation. Often discriminated against in traditional media, women have started going around traditional communication outlets, such as television and radio, to adopt more direct and interactive communication tools, such as Facebook, Twitter, SMS, promotional videos, podcasts, and blogs, which have proved very effective, eliminating the use of intermediaries in communication and allowing the women themselves to be ‘the news makers’.

Women members of parliament are increasingly using these different technology platforms during their political campaigns and careers to generate dialogue with their constituencies as elected representatives. Political leaders are catching on to the crowd sourcing possibilities that these technologies offer.

Blogs, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts have been created for many women politicians and activists. Additionally, text messages are used to alert journalists and to create viral campaigns during public rallies, televised debates and press conferences. YouTube videos are also supplementing paid television spots for political messages and breaking dependency on mainstream media sources. Political activists are using these social networks to personally organize events and disseminate information on public policy issues and communication between individual citizens and their government is increasing through online petitions, discussion forums and platforms.

Join us on April 30th, 2014 at 9 am EDT for an inspiring webinar on the use of ICTs to empower women in politics. NDI will tell us a bit about their Survey “The use of ICTs for women in politics”, Ms. Oyungerel, Member of Parliament in Mongolia, will share her experience during the “Women CAN Campaign” and Ms. Danya Bashir Hobba, a Libyan activist and Executive Director for “Social Media for Change”, will show us the power of social media in reshaping societies.

Register here!!

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Les nouveaux gadgets en vogue au Liban? Des applications smartphone directement développées pour rester en vie dans un pays où les incidents sécuritaires se multiplient, depuis que son voisin syrien est secoué par l’une des guerres les plus meurtrières de la région.

Fusillades, enlèvements, explosions ou voitures piégées sont en constante augmentation dans le pays. Déjà éprouvé par une guerre civile dévastatrice jusqu’en 1990, le Liban, fief du Hezbollah, allié de Bachar al-Assad, redoute le spectre d’éventuelles frappes occidentales.

«Dans d’autres endroits du monde, la seule chose qui pourrait entraver votre chemin, ce sont les embouteillages. Au Liban, il y a plein d’autres obstacles» explique au Financial Times Mohammad Taha, entrepreneur qui a lancé l’année dernière l’appli Ma2too3a. Cette sorte de GPS cartographie en temps réel les manifestations, barrages routiers ou autres affrontements sur le principe du crowdsourcing: chaque témoin d’un événement transmet l’information. Selon Taha, Ma2too3a a déjà été téléchargée plus de 80.000 fois.

L’armée libanaise a lancé le 30 août dernier sa propre application intitulée LAF Shield (bouclier des forces armées libanaises) dans le but de mettre en place un «canal de communication directe avec les citoyens». Les utilisateurs sont invités à transmettre au plus vite toute information ayant trait à la sécurité dans le pays: site dangereux, objet suspect, localisation d’une victime de kidnapping, d’une cache d’arme, etc. Mais aussi d’entrer en contact au plus vite avec le commandement militaire en cas de danger.

Un entrepreneur, Firas Wazneh, est en train de son côté de développer l’appli Way to Safety (la voie de la sécurité), sorte de Shazam spécialisé dans… les coups de feu. L’appli pourra identifier le type d’arme utilisé en fonction de son bruit. Alors que les fusillades et attentats se multiplient au Liban, les utilisateurs auront le moyen d’éviter, tant que faire se peut, les points les plus chauds.

link to way to safety http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8Zc1qvZ4So

article lu sur  Slate.fr : source http://www.slate.fr/monde/77324/liban-syrie-smartphone-securite-attentats

article publie le 4/9/2013

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because many “illiterate ” digital, have shown an interest on how to use Facebook, twitter and other social media platforms,

the National commission for women in Lebanon and the Ministry of Social Affairs have tailored a special training program for beginner users.

They gave me the responsibility to train “Digitally” illiterate women and men on how to use Social Media platforms to make some noise on the web about the causes they champion.

It was one of the most wonderful experience, seeing elder women who usually open Facebook to contact their children abroad with (their help), try to figure out how to make keywords, write catchy status, make interesting pictures….

for you here is the synopsis and the overview of the training program specially tailored for those wonderful women and men!

Rita Chemaly





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to all my foreign friends, to the husband of helene, of Souad, to Mathieu, to Catherine, to franzi, to Aicha, to Bea, to Iza, salsoul ( u understand lebanese better than me) bref, you are my friends, and when you come to leb, or hear some lebanese talking don’t say ouchh… now there is an application that teaches you how to speak the great “hi kifak ca va” dialect!
Jana, my long time friend from university sent me the update and the news related to the application.
also, I couldn’t but notice the yummy home page of the app, here it is below for you:
“Marhaba, you are about to download this application because you have a spouse or a Lebanese acquaintance, and you’ve been lost in translation when she/he speaks in lebanese, especially with family or on the phone with his/her mother in law! And you are so eager to speak this language …
Or it may be your Lebanese origins that lead you to take courses in lebanese dialect, to reconnect with them, or just to share with family when you visit the Land of Cedars.
But you may also be one of those people who are passionate about Lebanon, who knew about it through a friend, a private or professional trip, a book or a documentary. And you are curious about this dialect…
this is how the application home page explains it all… http://www.keefaktheapp.com/index.html

A new application Made by Lebanese to the World, is taking lots of space, virtually!
Friends, try it and tell me if you understand me or others when we talk!!
as for the developers, good work, I will try it too!!

Good luck!!
Rita Chemaly

You may also check KEEFAK through the below links:


– FB Page: facebook.com/keefaktheapp

– Twitter Account: @KeefakTheApp

– YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TFqUvjYiGVE

keefak application lebanon rita chemaly

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Equality now

The Equality now organisation, is asking web users to participate in a massive e-mail campaign, urging the Head of Lebanese state, the head of government, the Ministers, and parliament to revise the Nationality law in Lebanon. Harrassing people by the same letters and requests have not shown any results in my opinion, mainly regarding issues such as citizenship. Anyways,

the Campaign is called: 

Lebanon: Give women equal citizenship rights to men under the nationality law.

the campaign had been launched in 2010. according to the website of Equality now,  and a new update had been published explaining the latest actions done in that matter mainly after the denial by the ministerial committee of the right for women to transmit their nationality.



11 February 2013 UPDATE: The Ministerial Committee established to study Lebanon’s nationality law has failed to meet the aspirations of Lebanese women married to non-nationals. In a disappointing decision, the Ministerial Committee concluded on 14 December 2012 that Lebanese women should not be granted the right to pass their nationality to their children and spouses, a decision made public on 16 January 2013. Instead, it recommended to the Prime Minister that restrictions on children of Lebanese women married to non-nationals relating to resident permits, education, work in the private sector and access to state medical care should be eased. If implemented, these recommendations are welcome in that they should alleviate the hardships experienced by the children of Lebanese women married to non-Lebanese men. However, campaigners still want removed, once and for all, the discrimination that treats Lebanese women and men differently under the nationality law.

>> TAKE ACTION NOW! Please continue, in support of Lebanese women campaigning for their rights, to urge the President and the Prime Minister to revise the nationality law urgently and comprehensively to ensure that all Lebanese citizens, male and female, have the equal right to confer their Lebanese nationality on their spouses and children.

the campaign is asking web-users to write e-mails to the head of state, and the government, and the ministers.

“Please continue to write to the Lebanese authorities listed below welcoming these new labor regulations but asking them to revise the nationality law urgently and comprehensively to ensure that all Lebanese citizens, male or female, have the equal right to confer their Lebanese nationality on their spouses and children.Please continue to write to the Lebanese authorities listed below welcoming these new labor regulations but asking them to revise the nationality law urgently and comprehensively to ensure that all Lebanese citizens, male or female, have the equal right to confer their Lebanese nationality on their spouses and children.|

the equality now page even propose a letter to be sent to all:


‘Dear President/ Prime Minister:

I am writing to express my support of Lebanese women campaigning for their rights to pass their nationality on to their children and non-national spouses. I am concerned that the Ministerial Committee established to study Lebanon’s nationality law did not meet the aspirations of Lebanese women married to non-nationals by failing to recommend ways to revise the nationality law in order to guarantee full equality between women and men in this regard.

I understand that the Ministerial Committee concluded on 18 December 2012 that Lebanese women should not be granted the right to pass their nationality to their children and spouses, and instead recommended only that restrictions on children of Lebanese women married to non-nationals should be eased in relation to resident permits, education, work in the private sector and access to state-medical care.

While I welcome these recommendations to alleviate the hardships experienced by children of Lebanese women married to non-nationals, they do not treat Lebanese women as equal citizens under the nationality law as required by the Constitution and Lebanon’s international legal obligations. These women and their families will continue to face difficulties in their daily lives. I therefore urge you to revise the nationality law without delay to ensure that all Lebanese citizens, male and female, have the equal right to confer their nationality on their children and spouses.

Thank you for your attention.”

For more information about the campaign follow the link http://www.equalitynow.org/take_action/discrimination_in_law_action362

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La diplomatie du téléphone portable à la conquête des pauvres

Après le coup d’Etat au Mali, le directeur de Microsoft pour l’Afrique, M. Cheick Modibo Diarra, a été nommé premier ministre. Google, dont certains employés se sont illustrés dans le « printemps arabe », recrute des militants des droits humains, et la secrétaire d’Etat américaine Hillary Clinton soutient des projets humanitaires mêlant affaires et technologie : voici venue l’ère de la diplomatie numérique.


Dans les heures qui suivent le tremblement de terre du 12 janvier 2010 en Haïti, plusieurs initiatives permettent de cartographier les besoins, les demandes d’aide, les appels de familles de disparus… Enseignant-chercheur spécialisé dans la cartographie de crise, Patrick Meier s’associe au programmeur kényan David Kobia, qui, en 2007, avait fondé le système Ushahidi, destiné à permettre à des citoyens de signaler les affrontements postélectoraux. De façon inattendue, cet outil va offrir une plate-forme à l’information d’urgence en Haïti : Meier et Kobia mettent en effet sur pied un système d’alertes géolocalisées transmises par téléphone mobile. L’opérateur Digicel leur emboîte le pas et fournit aux Haïtiens un numéro d’urgence unique, le 4636. Des centaines de vies seront sauvées.


A l’aide du service de messagerie (SMS) des téléphones portables et d’instruments de géolocalisation, Ushahidi permet d’organiser la réponse avec très peu de moyens. De tout le pays affluent des signalements : disparitions, manque de nourriture ou d’eau dans les orphelinats, personnes rescapées, etc. Traduits en français, anglais et créole par deux organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) — Samasource et Crowdflower —, les textos sont localisés, vérifiés et catégorisés avant d’être publiés sur une carte par une équipe de volontaires rassemblés à la Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, basée dans le Massachusetts, où enseigne Meier.

Grâce à une passerelle SMS mise en place par Instedd, une start-up américaine spécialisée dans la gestion informatisée des situations de crise, la Croix-Rouge — mais également les marines américains — est en mesure de recevoir les alertes signalant une situation dangereuse et sa localisation.

Cette rencontre inédite entre informaticiens kényans et armée américaine a joué un rôle déterminant dans la redéfinition, sous l’impulsion de Mme Hillary Clinton, des méthodes du département d’Etat. Les Etats-Unis ont certes une longue tradition d’usage des technologies de communication, liée à la transmission de la Voix de l’Amérique — nom de la radio de diffusion internationale lancée durant la seconde guerre mondiale et destinée à promouvoir les intérêts américains. Mais, ces dernières années, le smart power est devenu un axe stratégique de cette politique. Variante du soft power (« pouvoir doux ») de Joseph Nye — terme désignant le déploiement de moyens d’influence non coercitifs, structurels, culturels ou idéologiques —, ce « pouvoir de l’intelligence » théorisé en 2004 par Mme Suzanne Nossel, présidente de l’organisation Human Rights Watch, propose un catalogue d’outils — diplomatiques, économiques, militaires, politiques, légaux ou culturels — adaptés à chaque situation. Il s’agit aussi de favoriser les sociétés américaines de haute technologie dans le cadre d’une coopération renouvelée entre l’Etat, le marché et les ONG ou les fondations d’intérêt public. Avec cette doctrine, la diplomatie américaine favorise donc un modèle économique nouveau, hybridant les secteurs marchand et non lucratif.

Un outil pour déjouer
la censure d’Internet

Les réseaux de télécommunication numériques et mobiles en sont les instruments privilégiés. « La communauté technique a mis en place la technologie des cartes interactives pour nous aider à identifier les besoins et à cibler les ressources, indique ainsi Mme Clinton dans son discours fondateur du 15 février 2011. Ce lundi [en Haïti], une fillette de 7 ans et deux femmes ont été retirées des décombres d’un supermarché qui s’était effondré par une équipe américaine de recherche et de sauvetage, après avoir envoyé un texto appelant à l’aide. » La secrétaire d’Etat insiste sur la nécessité de faire en sorte que le peuple s’approprie les technologies numériques afin de faire avancer la démocratie et les droits humains. Elle en appelle à un « partenariat entre l’industrie, le monde universitaire et les ONG afin d’organiser un effort permanent qui permettra d’exploiter la puissance des technologies de connexion et de les mettre au service de nos objectifs diplomatiques (1) ».

Financé à hauteur de 2 millions de dollars, Commotion est un projet typique de cette approche. Il s’agit d’un réseau cellulaire autonome qui fonctionne selon les mêmes principes qu’Internet et tient dans une valise. Il doit permettre aux militants de contourner la censure du réseau — on se souvient qu’en Egypte, en janvier 2011, juste avant la chute de M. Hosni Moubarak, Internet avait été coupé. A l’origine de ce projet, un militant du logiciel libre et des libertés numériques, M. Sascha Meinrath, qui envisage de relier par Wi-Fi des ordinateurs portables et des téléphones mobiles afin de constituer une infrastructure sans fil à haut débit (2), où des outils de sécurisation permettraient d’assurer l’anonymat des utilisateurs. Ainsi, paradoxalement, au moment même où WikiLeaks piratait le département d’Etat, la smart diplomacy rejoignait les problématiques « hacktivistes » (3).

L’Afghanistan fut l’un des premiers terrains d’expérimentation de cette techno-diplomatie. En 2009 déjà, le pays comptait plus de quinze millions d’abonnés mobiles, sur une population de trente millions de personnes. 65 % d’entre eux envoient des textos, et plus de la moitié utilisent leur téléphone pour écouter la radio. Mais l’armée américaine a aussi remarqué que les talibans étaient plus actifs dans les zones peu couvertes par le réseau mobile. Y voyant un lien de cause à effet, elle a investi 113 millions de dollars pour développer les communications civiles, dans une véritable stratégie associant propagande et développement économique. En outre, dans le cadre de la lutte contre la corruption, la police afghane paye désormais ses employés par l’intermédiaire du système mobile M-Paisa (lire « Une carte SIM en guise de porte-monnaie »), et non plus en argent liquide (4).

Des acteurs très divers multiplient ainsi les initiatives technopolitiques. On peut mentionner le programme des « Routes de la soie numériques » lancé par l’Internet Bar Organization. 85 % des Afghans vivent de leur terre ; après des années de guerre, il existe d’importants conflits de propriété foncière. Le programme utilise les fonctionnalités du GPS, les photographies et les textos pour envoyer des informations sécurisées dans une base de données. Un cadastre virtuel a ainsi été constitué, et une assistance juridique est proposée pour régler les conflits, en lien avec le droit coutumier.

Il arrive également que le smart power se concrétise dans la surveillance d’élections. C’est le cas en Afrique subsaharienne. L’ambassade des Etats-Unis en Guinée a appuyé la commission électorale du pays pour la mise en place, lors du scrutin du 27 juin 2010, le premier depuis 1958, d’un programme baptisé « I vote, I see, I send » (« je vote, j’observe, j’envoie »). Ce programme permettait de relayer des textos sur un site Web où ils pouvaient être analysés par les observateurs et les électeurs (5). L’ambassade de France a été associée à ce programme à travers la mise en place d’un centre de presse. Surveillance officielle et « sous-veillance » citoyenne (comme celle d’Ushahidi au Kenya) se complètent, utilisant parfois les mêmes plates-formes.

En 2010 et 2011, au Soudan, le contrôle citoyen des élections a également reçu l’appui des membres du département d’Etat, tandis qu’en Ethiopie, en Egypte, en Tanzanie, en Côte d’Ivoire et au Liberia des systèmes inspirés par Ushahidi ont été déployés (6). Les rapports envoyés pointent les fraudes (impossibilité de voter, bulletins manquants pour certains candidats…), mais aussi des irrégularités durant la campagne (harcèlements, illégalité de certaines actions, provocations racistes…) et permettent de signaler les violences postélectorales.

Signalés à la vitesse d’un texto — dans des situations d’observation sur le terrain, on a plus facilement sous la main un téléphone portable qu’un ordinateur —, les actes délictueux sont épinglés sur une carte. Cette approche relève du principe, difficile à traduire en français, d’accountability. Si le sens politique du terme évoque la responsabilisation des gouvernements, dans le vocabulaire de la sociologie l’accountability renvoie à un réseau conceptuel associant factualité, visibilité et responsabilité (7). Dans ce cadre, la transparence ressort d’une philosophie politique qui autorise à rendre visibles des éléments pour étayer un pacte de factualité — au sens où il est indéniable qu’« il s’est passé là quelque chose pour quelqu’un » — engageant la responsabilité de chacun.

Depuis la Silicon Valley, Mme Clinton a lancé un appel aux entrepreneurs ès technologies dans le monde : « Il faut soutenir les personnes qui sont derrière ces outils, les innovateurs et les entrepreneurs eux-mêmes. Nous savons que les chefs d’entreprise sont nombreux à vouloir consacrer une partie de l’expertise de leurs salariés à résoudre les problèmes dans le monde entier ; mais, souvent, ils ne savent pas comment faire. Quel est le point d’entrée ? Quelle idée va avoir le plus d’impact (8 ? » Discours assorti d’un appel à la coopération entre diplomates, entrepreneurs et organisations sans but lucratif pour soutenir l’espace d’innovation mobile que représente l’Afrique.

Application pour femmes enceintes

Un appel aux bonnes volontés ? Pas seulement. Deuxième marché régional après l’Asie, celle-ci connaît la plus forte croissance du monde, avec 649 millions de connexions à la fin de 2011 et 735 millions d’abonnés prévus à la fin de 2012, selon le rapport de l’Association mondiale des opérateurs mobiles (GSMA). Google, implanté en Afrique du Sud et au Kenya, a mis en place, en lien avec la Fondation Grameen (9) et l’opérateur MTN, une structure de développement d’applications — un « AppLab »  où ont été réalisés différents services mobiles : SMS Tips, qui répond aux questions sur la santé ou l’agriculture envoyées par texto, ou encore Google Trader, qui met en relation petites entreprises et acheteurs en temps réel.

Par le biais de concours comme Apps4Democracy, basé sur les données publiques ouvertes et librement utilisables que diffuse le gouvernement sur le site Data.gov, les acteurs du smart power recrutent de nouveaux partenaires. C’est sur ce modèle qu’une compétition baptisée Apps4Africa a été lancée, en juillet 2010 à Nairobi, par Mme Judith McHale, sous-secrétaire à la diplomatie et aux affaires publiques. Elle a suscité une vingtaine de propositions venues du Kenya, du Rwanda, de l’Ouganda et de la Tanzanie. L’application gagnante, Mamabika, est un dispositif qui propose aux femmes enceintes des bidonvilles de Nairobi d’épargner neuf mois durant sur un compte lié à leur téléphone, pour pouvoir accoucher dans une clinique (10). Autres concours et programmes soutenus par le smart power « féministe » et technologique de Mme Clinton : le mWomen BOP App Challenge (ou TechWomen), dont le but est de créer des applications spécifiques pour les femmes des pays pauvres. Son modèle : HarassMap, un système de cartographie qui rapporte des cas de harcèlement sexuel et de violence conjugale en Egypte.

Bon nombre de fondations américaines sont engagées dans cette voie. On peut s’interroger sur leur rôle, quand certains acteurs locaux clament, à l’instar du chanteur militant afro-américain Gil Scott Heron : « The revolution will be not funded (11) » (« La révolution ne sera pas financée »). Créée par le fondateur d’eBay, M. Pierre Omidyar — qui théorise son approche dans la Harvard Business Review (12) —, la Fondation Omidyar Network a ainsi ouvert un fonds doté de 2 millions d’euros pour favoriser, en Afrique subsaharienne, les initiatives axées sur « les technologies qui donnent aux citoyens des outils »contraignant les gouvernements à les prendre en compte. Une ONG néerlandaise, Hivos, administre le fonds basé à Nairobi. En septembre 2010, au sommet de la Clinton Global Initiative (fondée en 2005 par l’ancien président William Clinton), la Fondation Omidyar avait annoncé un versement de 55 millions de dollars au réseau Tech for Transparency, dont près de la moitié pour l’innovation dans le domaine mobile. La fondation soutient aussi FrontlineSMS, une passerelle consacrée à la communication des ONG et souvent associée à la plate-forme Ushahidi.

Pour M. Bill Gates, fondateur de Microsoft et acteur le plus en vue dans le monde de la technophilanthropie, il est peu efficace de vendre des ordinateurs dans les pays pauvres, mais il faut absolument utiliser les téléphones portables, qui permettent de sauver des vies (13). Il intervient donc dans le domaine du m-health (usage du mobile en santé), en organisant des concours pour des logiciels de lutte contre le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH/sida), le paludisme, la tuberculose, etc. En favorisant, naturellement, Windows Mobile, le système d’exploitation de Microsoft.

Créée en 1994, la Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates (BMGF) dispose d’un capital de 66 milliards de dollars. Pour bénéficier du régime d’exonération fiscale des fondations, au moins 5 % de ses avoirs doivent être consacrés à des donations. Restent 95 %, qui sont investis dans des activités lucratives et parfois bien peu philanthropiques (14). En 2009, la BMGF a fourni plus de 3 milliards de dollars de subventions et dépensé 409 millions de dollars en frais d’exploitation, principalement pour des projets visant à améliorer la vie des pauvres dans les pays en développement. Dans le domaine de la santé publique, à part le gouvernement des Etats-Unis, aucun bailleur de fonds n’est aussi influent (15). Grâce au don de 30 milliards de dollars de M. Warren Buffett, la fondation a plus que doublé son fonds initial, devenant ainsi l’institution caritative la plus importante.

Cette rencontre entre MM. Gates et Buffett a permis à M. Matthew Bishop, chef du bureau du journal The Economist à New York, de forger la notion de « philanthrocapitalisme (16) » pour désigner la convergence entre grandes causes et bonnes affaires. MM. Buffett et Gates imposent en effet un nouveau type de partenariat avec les organisations caritatives et les gouvernements. Il s’agit de montrer que l’entreprise peut être « la plus grande force du bien dans le monde »,au moment où les Etats réduisent leurs budgets sociaux et prennent souvent moins de risques que ne peuvent le supporter ces nouvelles organisations philanthropiques.

Grandes causes et bonnes affaires

Selon MM. Gates et Buffett, « donner » pourrait ainsi devenir le plus grand levier du changement dans le monde. Mais « donner » de façon stratégique — et selon les modèles du monde des affaires. Ces nouveaux philanthropes doivent être compris comme des investisseurs sociaux au sens propre du terme. Ils se distinguent de l’action de charité qui animait les premiers industriels créateurs des fondations américaines, comme Andrew Carnegie ou John D. Rockefeller.

Dans la culture de ces acteurs, les technologies permettent aussi de scruter les retours sur investissement. Ainsi, le téléphone portable est au philanthrocapitalisme ce que le chronomètre est au taylorisme. Grâce à ses diverses fonctionnalités — textos, caméra vidéo et appareil photo, répondeur téléphonique, GPS… —, le portable est un bon outil dereporting, et donc de transparence. Les actions soutenues financièrement par ces fondations peuvent être présentées en détail aux donateurs. Chacun peut voir comment le projet est utilisé, et combien il est utile. L’action humanitaire technicise, la philanthropie se rationalise, le don charitable devient investissement.

Les nouveaux riches de la Silicon Valley, milliardaires de l’informatique qui ont parfois pris leur retraite des affaires, semblent bien décidés à conquérir les économies des pays émergents. Le téléphone portable, ce petit objet si efficace et rendant de réels services aux populations, constitue pour cela leur outil de prédilection.

Laurence Allard

Maîtresse de conférences à l’université Lille-III et chercheuse associée à l’Ircav-Paris-III ; auteure de Mythologie du portable, Le Cavalier bleu, Paris, 2010.

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Join the Inaugural: Call for applications for Master of Public Administration (MPA) program at CEU. This two-year program offers students the opportunity to concentrate in Global Media and Communication in their second year.  Scholarships and fellowships available.



The CEU School of Public Policy (SPP) is seeking to recruit exceptional students from all parts of the globe to enroll in its inaugural class for the two-year Master of Public Administration (MPA) program to begin in September 2013. CEU is an English-language, graduate university located in Budapest, Hungary and is accredited in both the United States and Hungary. Applications are open until 24 January 2013.

Read the MPA brochure and apply now!


About the MPA

The School’s professional degree program will equip students to make innovative contributions towards addressing the paramount public policy challenges of the 21st century. The MPA curriculum consists of integrated components designed to foster intellectual growth and reflective thinking, the development of practical skills and experiential learning.

Areas of concentration initially offered will include analysis in a host of public policy areas such as: Regional and Global Governance, Human Security and Sustainable Development and Global Media and Communication. In cooperation with the Open Society Foundations and SPP’s network of worldwide partners, the program will entail a student-designed, policy-oriented practice component (called the passion project), which commences in the winter term of the first year of the MPA program, builds on a summer internship, and runs through the entirety of a student’s second year.

We are recruiting students with a passion for public policy and the public good ready to challenge established models and schools of thought.

Prospective students

The School of Public Policy seeks applicants for its inaugural class who are committed to making a positive difference in the world of global public policy. Successful applicants will demonstrate a strong academic record, an interest in public policy, and high leadership potential. Although not a requirement, it is preferable that applicants possess one to several years work experience, obtained through paid/unpaid employment, professional or volunteer work, and/or internship opportunities, and have exposure to international or multicultural environments.

Join us in promoting innovative solutions worldwide and foster change: in government, international institutions, within non-profits, or in the private sector.

Scholarships and fellowships

SPP will offer a number of merit-based fellowships and scholarships.

For further information about the School of Public Policy, visit the SPP website or Facebook page, or contact the SPP at sppadmissions@ceu.hu.

Join a community of action-oriented thinkers and policy makers.

About SPP

Launched in September 2011, SPP aspires to become (in the words of its founder George Soros) a “new kind of global institution dealing with global problems.” In its degree and non-degree programs (including executive education), SPP aims to create an educational experience that involves not only the acquisition of skills and knowledge but also the cultivation of a mindset that emphasizes entrepreneurship, innovation, cultural awareness and a commitment to the public good. Building on Central European University’s rich traditions of promoting diversity and open societies, the SPP will cultivate a rigorous interdisciplinary environment and a dynamic laboratory of ideas.


Further opportunities to specialize in media and communication studies at CEU


1) Media, Information and Communication Policy Specialization within the Master in Public Policy (1 year program and 2 year Erasmus program).Visit their Website.


2) Political Communication certificate within the Master in Political Science (1 and 2 year programs). Visit their Website.


3) Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations. Visit their Admissions Website.

Good luck!!

Rita Chemaly

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NCLW is requesting a webmaster for its offices in Hazmieh.
The annoucement can be found on NCLW website :
للعمل في مقر الهيئة الوطنية في الحازمية webmaster مطلوب

ترغب الهيئة الوطنية لشؤون المرأة اللبنانية التعاقد مع Webmaster للعمل في مقرّها في الحازمية.

الشروط المطلوبة:

1.    University Degree

2. Knows Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)

3.    Knows Adobe Photoshop

4.    Basic Knowledge in HTML/CSS, JavaScript

5.    Basic Knowledge in SQL Server Databases.

6.    Knowledge in Computer Support

7.    At least 2 years experience

Send your C.V. to: info@nclw.org.lb – or Fax 05/955103

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The Social Good Summit is where big ideas meet new media to create innovative solutions. Held during UN Week, the Social Good Summit unites a dynamic community of global leaders to discuss a big idea: the power of innovative thinking and technology to solve our greatest challenges. This September, we want YOU to join the conversation with leaders and citizens from around the globe. The most innovative technologists, influential minds and passionate activists will come together with one shared goal: to unlock the potential of new media and technology to make the world a better place, and then to translate that potential into action.


This year’s Social Good Summit will be more engaging than ever. People from around the world, in both the developed and the developing world, will unite in person and online to participate in The Global Conversation – the world’s largest conversation on how technology can grow communities and improve life for all of us as we move toward being a networked society. The Social Good Summit in New York City takes place September 22 – 24, 2012, but this is just the beginning of the global conversation.


On September 24, 2012 the Social Good Summit is coming to China and Kenya. Key leaders and citizens of Beijing and Nairobi will unite and explore the same themes that inspired the birth of the Social Good Summit. You’ll hear directly from these countries via Livestream, and can witness the live intersection of New York, Nairobi and Beijing on Monday morning from the stage of the 92Y in New York City.

The 2012 Social Good Summit is brought to you by Mashable, 92nd Street Y, the United Nations Foundation, Ericsson, the United Nations Development Programme, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


You can take action by joining this global conversation:


-Attend the Social Good Summit in New York City from September 22 -24

-Organize or attend a Social Good Summit Meetup in your own hometown or anywhere around the world as part of The Global Conversation

-Watch the Summit on YouTube and interact in real-time with the Social Good Summit community via social media with the hashtag #SGSglobal


to know more about the event:


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SHARE Beirut is a weekend-long public, free and non-commercial hybrid event blending an Internet culture and technology related daytime conference with dynamic cutting-edge music festival by night. It will bring together hundreds of passionate people, forward-thinkers, cultural creatives, activists and artists from Lebanon as all around the world for talks and parties in 72 hours of powerful gathering to share ideas, knowledge and creativity.


It’s about understanding and celebrating Internet culture and all the aspects of open, decentralized and accessible forms of communication, exchange and creation. It’s about empowerment of individuals and networking of like-minded people. It’s about setting the values and new standards that will prevent any kind of oppression, censorship and surveillance for future generations. It’s about understanding alternative economic, cultural and educational models. It’s about Internet ecology and struggles to protect Internet as open and free territory for all of us. It’s about energizing sub-cultural groups and praising diversity that these cultures are bringing. It’s about promoting open access to software, hardware, information, knowledge, science, government, design and almost everything else that can be open. It’s about sharing. It’s about how to do it yourself. But mostly, it’s about cats doing flips, birds flying over the moon and robots making biiips.


During the 3 days of the conference Beirut will become the world’s epicenter in exchanging progressive ideas and knowledge on Internet culture, society, technology, music and new media. The lectures and talks will be given by leading international stars in these fields, world-class bloggers and artists who will educate the audience on new forms of activism and approaches in using advanced technologies and the latest tools to create, influence and affect. Discussions will delve deep into the underground of the Internet subcultures and explore groups that fight for digital and human rights, free information flow and access, improving transparency, and protecting the privacy of fellow peers and residents. The event will be accompanied by an intensive music program, which will be simultaneously organized in several well-selected clubs and alternative venues in Beirut. Contributors and visitors who obtain one of 1500 unique free wristbands will get access to both day and night events where many local, regional and international artists will perform for audiences who will share vibes and energy to celebrate the Internet as open and free territory for all.


From 5th to 7th of October (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) 2012.
Get ready and don’t plan anything else for this weekend. 🙂

FB Event I Google Calendar I ICal


Yes. Even though the main venue is huge and several clubs are on board, capacity is limited, so it is important that you register for the event. Around 1500 unique wristbands will give access to over 80 talks, exhibitions, concerts and DJ sets, so we encourage you to register as quickly as you can. Moreover, we encourage you to contribute and help us make this event even better.


Main conference venue is Solea V in Beirut – a dazzling and very hip venue promising to host large events, dripping with atmosphere. The center boasts a huge skylight, and an indoor tree under high ceilings. Night program venues, clubs and program are soon to be announced, so be sure to subscribe to the newsletter.

Location: Jisr el Wati, next to Jaguar Dealership Sin El-Fil
Capacity: 1500 people

Google Maps I Foursquare Location


Share is organized by Share Foundation, nonprofit organization that is dedicated to protecting the rights of Internet citizens and promoting positive values of openness, decentralization, free access and exchange of knowledge, information and technology. The activities of Share Foundation are supported by cooperation and friendship with a wide network of various institutions, individuals and organizations such as State of Exit FoundationGoogleVimeoMozilla Foundation.MeErste FoundationInstitute for Sustainable Communities,Electronic Frontiers FoundationPirate PartyFlattrDigitalna AgendaRepublica …


We are not looking for sponsors, we are trying to find partners who will share our vision of creating social and cultural impact on society.
Check our presentation (pdf) and contact us

Issues and topics that we are addressing are important for every system and society. Freedom of speech, ecology of media, internet neutrality, privacy and transparency should be on the list of priorities of any responsible government.
Check our presentation (pdf) and contact us

Contact us. We will try to help as much as we can in your activities. We can create this event together, give you opportunity to spend 3 days with an international expert in your field of work, give you a space and time to present yourself or even try to fundraise for your activities.

Do something together with us. We will organize a lot of collaborative activities before, during and after Share Beirut: remixing, crowd-designing, filmmaking, street art and interventions, flash mobs.
Here you can check some of our previous activities:

Donate (Karma +1).

Flattr this


Multiple award winning and Vimeo staff picked documentary about the first SHARE Conference that happened long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time at info@sharebeirut.net

The Force is strong with this event.




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Beirut – In recent days, the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli has been the site of highly publicised clashes between diverse political and sectarian groups. However while this small minority battles, the majority of Lebanese citizens are standing up against violence – both online and on the ground.
Soon after the clashes began, Lebanese civil society activists condemned the spread of violence through Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Their calls for national unity and to disarm the city circulated online in record time. Building on this public support, activists created new social media pages – many of which gathered over a thousand members.
These ordinary Lebanese citizens are standing up to show that they reject violence, that they are organising to stop it and that, ultimately, they refuse to be silent.
The Facebook group “Tripoli without weapons!” posted an appeal to local and national authorities that read, “. . . We are citizens who condemn the proliferation of weapons in the neighbourhoods and streets of our city Tripoli. We implore the state and all political, executive, security and military authorities to take whatever steps necessary to rid Tripoli of the weapons circulating through it. Yes to a weapon-free Tripoli! “.
Following this appeal, many key individuals declared a city-wide strike to protest the violence that had claimed several lives, and held a demonstration in front of Tripoli’s public administration offices to raise awareness of their cause.
Demonstrators waved Lebanese flags, sang the national anthem and demanded an immediate response to the city’s problems of rampant poverty and a lack of security, which are seen as interrelated. They called on the state to provide better security and reiterated the need for street militias to disarm. The non-violent protest brought together the President of the Municipal Council, members of parliament from the region, as well as leaders from all faith groups and other members of civil society. Their message was clear: Lebanon needs to return to the rule of law and provide security for all, throughout the country.
With the sectarian strife dividing Tripoli, and fearing that the country as a whole is heading once more towards violence, other civil society activists responded quickly through multiple initiatives, this time in Beirut. Online, youth showed their patriotism with pictures they created in response to the situation, with captions that read: “Neither Sunni nor Shiite, nor Christian, nor Druze, but Lebanese.”
“Our union is our salvation” was another slogan activists displayed on the steps of the National Museum in Beirut, where white chairs with the names of victims of the recent violence, unnamed chairs with Lebanese flags, and a large sign reading “That’s enough!” all begged for a return to peace.
In addition, scholars formed online groups to say no to war in Lebanon. The Third Voice for Lebanon is one example of a non-partisan, non-denominational and apolitical grassroots online group which publishes and circulates texts that protest violence and cronyism, as well as the recruitment and the indoctrination of children into militias and extremist groups. It uses peaceful demonstrations in Lebanon and overseas to say no to violence and yes to peace.
Lebanese civil society is calling upon the state to take firm action against violence and the circulation of weapons in poor areas by establishing security and supporting sustainable development that can help end the poverty that drives violence. The hurdles Lebanon faces now are very real. But these collective actions by Lebanon’s diverse, multifaceted civil society demonstrate hope.
* Rita Chemaly is a writer and researcher in social and political science and author of the book Spring 2005 in Lebanon, between Myth and Reality. She won the Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press in 2007 and blogs at www.ritachemaly.wordpress.com. This article was written for the Common Ground News Service (CGNews).
Source: Common Ground News Service (CGNews), 26 June 2012, http://www.commongroundnews.org/article.php?id=31597&lan=en&sp=0

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L’Observatoire vous invite à lire son plus récent numéro de Télescope « Les administrations publiques à l’ère du numérique »

Au cours des deux dernières décennies, les TIC ont profondément évolué et les administrations publiques ont dû adapter leurs façons de faire. Télescope a choisi de consacrer son plus récent numéro au thème du numérique. Des chercheurs de partout sur le globe partagent le fruit de leurs recherches sur des sujets tels que la transparence, la gouvernance électronique, les réseaux sociaux, la prestation et le partage de services, les logiciels libres, les registres publics, l’infonuagique, le cybercontrôle et les coûts.

Pour consulter le numéro en cours : >>>

NOUVEAUTÉ : Diffusion des articles en anglais

Afin de joindre un plus large public, Télescope diffuse désormais, avec l’accord des auteurs concernés, les versions originales anglaises des articles traduits publiés dans ses pages. Pour le plus récent numéro traitant du numérique, les articles mis en ligne en anglais traitent de transparence, des réseaux sociaux, de la prestation de services publics par message texte, de services partagés et d’activités d’espionnage électronique et de contrôle. Notez que ces articles sont pour la plupart les versions originales fournies par les auteurs et qu’aucune révision linguistique n’a été réalisée.

Pour consulter les articles disponibles en anglais : >>>

Bonne lecture!

— Pierre Cliche


L’Observatoire de l’administration publique | ENAP

NEW : Télescope now offers its English-speaking readers the opportunity of consulting certain articles that were originally written in English. By publishing these papers online with the consent of the authors, the editorial board has followed through on its desire to disseminate journal articles on a broader scale. It is important to note that these original articles have not been revised or edited; thus they do not necessarily include modifications made by the authors following the peer review process and that were incorporated into the French version. Reproduction in whole or in part of texts published in Télescope is authorized, provided the source is acknowledged.

LATEST ISSUE OF “TÉLESCOPE” DEDICATED TO Public administrations in the age of ICTs

Over the last two decades, information and communication technologies have considerably evolved, forcing public administrations to adapt their ways of doing business. The most recent issue of the online French-language journal “Télescope” is dedicated to ICTs. Researchers from around the world share the results of their research concerning a range of subjects such as transparency, e-Governance, social networks, service delivery and shared services, open-source software, public registers, cloud computing and costs.

To view papers in English: >>>

To view current issue (in French): >>>


— Pierre Cliche


L’Observatoire de l’administration publique | ENAP

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plusieurs sites internet gouvernementaux sont pirates ce matin, par un parti qui se nomme “Raise Your Voice”  ,

Dont le site de la présidence libanaise, du ministère de la justice, des douanes,….

les pirates ont promis de continuer de pirater les sites du gouvernement, tant que celui ci ne s’attache pas a défendre les droits des citoyens….

a vous la capture d’écran prise d’un des sites pirates!

Rita Chemaly

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Many Arab countries have witnessed governments being dismantled by movements organized through the Internet and social media pages;

Since 2005, Lebanese bloggers with a big help from the diaspora began using internet tools, with massive e-mailing lists  , SMS, and blogs to express their views for freedom, truth, independence and  sovereignty;

“En effet, lors du Printemps 2005, et surtout quelques jours après le 8 mars 2005, on ne peut que relever la multiplication du courrier électronique envoyé, des blogs créés, et l’envoi de SMS (pour inviter à manifester lors du 14 mars 2005, ou pour parodier la manifestation du 8 mars, ou le discours de Bachar el Assad …). ” Source : Rita Chemaly Le Printemps 2005 au Liban entre Mythes et realites” Edition l’Harmattan, Paris, 2009, p. 117

“Le blog peut décrire une réalité, il peut critiquer et devenir un espace où s’exprime un malaise ou les protestations des citoyens(…)”Source : Rita Chemaly Le Printemps 2005 au Liban entre Mythes et realites” Edition l’Harmattan, Paris, 2009, p. 119

In 2011, Tunisian, Libyan, Egyptian and lately Syrian activists have been using internet to create collective movements and organize protests;

Many of the activists have been intimidated by their regimes to stop expressing their views;

Recently in Lebanon a new draft law wanted to censor the internet sphere , the web activists organized a campaign raising awareness against such a law, and its effect and impact on the internet freedom;

In Irak, the law against “internet crimes”, as the article in the Economist observes,  is in my opinion a way to muzzle any kind of expression from the opposition and growing civil movements;

The problems with such laws in my opinion, are the use of general concepts under which many blogging posts and online activities can be punished;

Killing the freedom of expression in the Arab World by laws and bills that must protect the freedom of each individual to express his believes is a dangerous trend;

The fight against censorship and repression must begin with a fight against such laws!

Rita Chemaly

To illustrate my opinion, I can just recall the adv of the Samir Kassir award for the Freedom of the press:

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On ne se refait pas ! Nicolas Sarkozy a appliqué une nouvelle fois, jeudi 22 mars, la règle immuable qui a été la sienne depuis dix ans, au ministère de l’intérieur puis à l’Elysée : un drame = une loi pénale. Les critiques ont beau s’être multipliées contre ces législations d’émotion et de circonstance, il n’en a cure.

A peine estompé le fracas de la fusillade qui a conclu l’assaut du RAID contre Mohamed Merah, l’auteur des meurtres en série de Toulouse et de Montauban, le chef de l’Etat a déclaré solennellement que “toute personne qui consultera de manière habituelle des sites Internet qui font l’apologie du terrorisme ou qui appellent à la haine et à la violence sera punie pénalement”. Compte tenu des circonstances, cela paraît relever du bon sens autant que de la nécessité.

Dans un Etat de droit, pourtant, rien n’est moins évident. En effet, la jurisprudence du Conseil constitutionnel ou de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme est constante : toute limitation de la liberté d’expression doit être strictement encadrée. La Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen en fait un principe qui ne souffre qu’une seule exception : “Nul ne doit être inquiété pour ses opinions, même religieuses, pourvu que leur manifestation ne trouble pas l’ordre public établi par la loi.”

Une personne qui consulte un site Internet faisant l’apologie du terrorisme ou de la violence ne trouble pas, en soi, l’ordre public. Sauf à retenir le concept de dangerosité potentielle, à l’image du roman de science -fiction de Philip K. Dick, Minority Report, dans lequel une police omniprésente arrête les criminels en puissance avant qu’ils ne commettent un délit ou un crime.

Il existe un précédent, affirme le président : la consultation de sites pédopornographiques est passible de deux ans d’emprisonnement et de 30 000 euros d’amende. Mais, en pratique, c’est la possession d’images pédopornographiques qui est poursuivie. Et, surtout, une image est un objet de consommation, pas une idée ni une opinion. Poursuivre et condamner une personne pour ses lectures, aussi détestables soient-elles, créerait donc une redoutable législation d’exception. Même les Américains ne sont pas allés jusque-là après le 11-Septembre 2001.

Au-delà de ces questions de principe, la proposition de M. Sarkozy pose d’épineux problèmes de faisabilité. Quels seraient les critères définissant un site “terroriste” ? A partir de quand la consultation de tels sites serait-elle “habituelle” ? Surtout, comment procéderait-on à la constatation du délit ? Grâce, comme en Chine, à une police de l’Internet, dont l’unique fonction est de surveiller ce que lisent et disent les citoyens chinois ?

Dans le grand débat qui oppose défenseurs de la liberté totale sur Internet et partisans de la régulation, Nicolas Sarkozy se range parmi les seconds, non sans arguments. Dans le cas présent, cependant, il se trompe de cible. La France dispose déjà d’outils législatifs exceptionnels pour lutter contre le terrorisme, y compris sur Internet. Un coup de menton supplémentaire n’y ajoutera rien.

Source: http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2012/03/23/internet-bouc-emissaire-de-l-antiterrorisme_1674698_3224.html



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Creating Facebook Pages with Impact: A New Guide/دليل جديد: إنشاء صفحات فيسبوك ذات تأثير.

Smex publient un guide pour utiliser savamment les plateformes des reseaux sociaux, telles que les pages de Facebook;

a vous leur annonce, et en lien leur guide:

Rita Chemaly

This week, we’re proudly announcing the release of our new Arabic-language guide Creating Facebook Pages with Impact (Arabic): A Guide for Arab Civil Society Organizations. The 72-page guide walks NGO communications teams through nine major steps in developing a strategy for your Facebook Page, such as selecting administrators, setting goals, and using Insights to monitor your progress. The guide also includes examples of successful Arab-world Pages and is illustrated with screenshots to help you navigate the numerous Facebook Page features, including the most recent changes.


You can download the PDF from the Scribd link above or request a print version (you will be responsible for shipping costs if mailed outside Lebanon).


Please note: At the moment, the guide is available only in Arabic. We’re seeking funding to complete the layout and possibly printing for the English version. If you or your organization can help, please get in touch with mohamad[at]smex[dot]org.


نفخر هذا الأسبوع بالإعلان عن إصدار دليلنا الجديد باللغة العربية، تحت عنوان إنشاء صفحات فيسبوك ذات تأثير: دليل لمنظمات المجتمع المدني العربي. هذا الدليل الموّلف من ٧٢ صفحة، يقوم بإرشاد فرق التواصل في المنظمات الغير حكومية من خلال تسعة خطوات رئيسية ليقوم بالمساعدة على بلورة إستراتيجية لصفحة الفيسبوك خاصتك، مثل كيفية إختيار المديرين، وضع الأهداف،  وإستعمال الرؤى لمراقبة تقدّمك. كما يشمل الدليل أمثلة عن صفحات الفيسبوك الناجحة في العالم العربي ويتخلّله شرح مفصّل بالصور لمساعدتك على التنقّل بين ميزات صفحة الفيسبوك العديدة، بما فيها أحدث التغييرات.


يمكنك تنزيل نسخة على شكل PDF  من خلال رابط Scribd  الموجود في الأعلى أو يمكنك حجز نسخة مطبوعة (سوف تكون مسؤولاً عن تكاليف الشحن إذا تم إرسالها إلى خارج لبنان).

ملاحظة: الدليل متوفّر حالياً باللغة العربية فقط. ونحن نسعى للحصول على تمويل لإكمال النموذج وربما طبعه  باللغة الإنكليزية. إذا كانت منظمتكم تستطيع المساعدة، من فضلكم تواصلوا معنا على mohamad[at]smex[dot]org

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a campaign by individual users to help keeping our internet safe and, keep hands off the internet freedom in Lebanon;

Dangerously,  and for the second year, Lebanese officials try to censor the internet sphere by laws;


to know more a great post by zeina http://zeinactivism.blogspot.com/#!/2012/03/all-you-need-to-know-about-lira.html

and http://josephchoufani.blogspot.com/2012/03/stop-daouka-lebanese-internet.html

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how social networks work in the Syrian Uprising?

how can we describe the composition of the networks in Syria

How the government and the Opponents are working?

who are the activists?

what can we object to the online uprising of the Syrian revolution?

those issues were exposed by Enrico De Angelis at the UIR webscience, at the CEMAM;

for those who are interested as I am, do not hesitate to read my not fine tuned notes;

The Syrian Online Revolution 2011 -2012 by Enrico De Angelis notes by Rita Chemaly

for more information on the same subject related to Lebanon, and the Arab Spring, do not hesitate to read my previous posts and conferences notes:

Rita Chemaly

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Chers (es)

a tous les interesses (ees) Francis Pisani un des co-auteurs de ” comment le web change le monde” que j’avais utilise comme source pour ma recherche sur les Nouveaux medias et leur impact sur le systeme politique, est au Liban,

ce soir il donne une conference a l’USJ, Campus des Sports ( Rue de Damas) a 5h.

Soyez nombreux…

le dernier article ou j ai cite pisani:


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Voila, la nouvelle fait le tour des medias sociaux libanais, le site de la NBN,

la national broadcasting news , mieux connue par la Nabih Berri News, car elle appartient au chef du parlement libanais, a ete piratee par ceux qui se nomment ” les libres de Hama” “ahrar hama”,

donc la guerre sur internet fait rage a nouveau entre les pro et les cons.

voila l’image recue a 11.24 aujourd’hui: www.nbn.com.lb :

les libres de Hama signent le hacking du site de la NBN une television libanaise pro-regime syrien

Pour les articles précédents  sur le sujet :

  • Internet war Israeli hackers of Lebanese parliament Monitor :


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Dear Readers,


Kindly find below the latest issue of the Gender and Development e-Brief (No 112)

Please note that the Development e-Brief is posted on line on the following URLM:http://crtda.org.lb/webfm_send/431


Best regards,



Gender and Development e -Brief / Issue 112

September 2011





In Lebanon

Girls’ camp in Lebanon focuses on technology for empowerment

Support Groups with Iraqi Refugee Men & Youth on SGBV

In Iran

‘We are everywhere’: Gay and Lesbian Iranians Come Out on Facebook

In Yemen

Protests continue in Yemen with Women



Questionnaire Challenges Candidates on Human Rights Issues in Tunisia


In Irak

Continuing Challenges for Women’s Rights in Iraq

Attacks Continue on Women Human Rights Defenders

In Jordan

Rape Case Turns Focus to Jordan’s Factory’

In Iran

Gay Rights: A World of Inequality

Women’s rights activist, Faranak Farid, beaten severely in detention


In Saudi Arabia

Women in Saudi Arabia to vote and run in elections

In Lebanon

A small step towards literacy

In Bahrain

Woman Elected MP Unopposed in By-Election in Bahrain

In Morocco

Gender at the Heart of New Moroccan Constitution

In Tunisia

Tunisia is leading the way on women’s rights in the Middle East

More on Tunisia lifting reservations on CEDAW



Gender Equality boosts development- the World Bank Report


Gender and Development e-Brief receives material from various sources for its publication. Should you wish to refer to these sources/ sites directly, the list includes publications from: AVIVA, www.aviva.org, AWID: www.awid.org, Democracy Digest: www.freedomhouse.org, Development Gateway: www.developmentgatway.org, Dignity: www.dignity.org, e-Civicus: www.civicus.org, Eldis: www.eldis.org, ESCWA: www.escwa.org.lb, GDB: www.developmentex.com, Global Knowledge Partnership: www.globalknowledge.org, IGTN: www.IGTN.org, ILO: www.ilo.org One World: www.oneworld.net, Siyanda: www.siyanda.org, The Daily Star: www.dailystar.com.lb, The Drum Beat: www.comminit.com, The Soul Beat: www.comminit.com, The World Bank: www.worldbank.org, UNDP: www.undp.org, Wicejilist: www.wicej.addr.com, WLP: www.learningpartnership.org; WIDE: www.wide-network.org; IRIN News: www.irinnews.org, Women’s UN Report Network: www.wunrn.com, Women Living Under Muslim Laws: www.wluml.org


Gender And Development E-Brief is published by CRTD.A.

To get all previous GAD e-brief issues please log on to: http://www.iris-lebanon.org/arabic/inner/ebrief.htm

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for those who were not able to attend yesterday’s panel at the Social Media Week intitled ” Crowd sourcing, Social Collaboration, citizen journalism and the future of traditional journalism“.

here is for you a very brief brief:-)

The panel was moderated by Nathalie Bontems  from  Communicate Magazine, with the participation of Sybille Rizk from the Commerce du Levant, Wadih Tueni de Nahar, Maya Rahal de Hibr, me, and the multiple pple who asked questions and participated to the debate:  here are some of the issues raided: what is citizen journalism? Are the Online personal blogs reliable sources for information, how can we check the facts transmitted online, How can the traditional media benefit from the social networks to grow without the bruden of the financial part they have to assume, are the monopolised traditional medium in lebanon ready to accept and respect comments from the readers, web users are engaged in the community and work to cover stories they watch, ….

My presentation during the panel focused on the ways traditional media are using social networks  ( with examples);

Opinion leaders in the new framework of the online world are the Citizen, the web users who are the “digital natives “;

Finally,  raised the controversial polemic asking whether blogs and social networks are reinforcing traditional well known sources and media.

For you to read the paper: Rita Chemaly article for Social Media Week Beirut Wednesday 21 Sept 2011;

For you to access the presentation that illustrated it: RITA Chemaly Presentation Social Media Week Beirut ppt

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Social Media Week Beirut (SMW Beirut) will be organized for the first time in Beirut, by 90:10 Group Middle East.

“SMW Beirut is aimed to be a unique and innovative social media week, happening over 5 days, with more than 30 events in different venues in the city, giving access to as large audience as possible, connecting people & content around diverse and rich themes, with speakers and participants from different horizons, bringing to all the learning experiences for a better understanding of social media in each of industry sectors.”

Friends don’t hesitate to check the website, the schedule, the program, http://socialmediaweek.org/

I ll be participating for 2 days:

Wednesday 21 sept the panel entitled ” Crowd sourcing, Social Collaboration, citizen journalism and the future of traditional journalism” with 6 panelist and a moderator.

Friday 23 sept “The impact of Social Networking on the way we Govern & are Governed

as For the place both discussions are going to be at  Altcity, Hamra….

See you there?

Dont forget to REGISTER!!


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