
Archive for the ‘Divers et Amitie’ Category

20200405_100647Avec rody nous avons  essaye de raconter la fete des rameaux a nos enfants. Rafael 3 ans c’est vite ennuye. Il voulait juste la bougie. Jeannoel 6 ans est celui qui a assure. Il a prie ( des intentions et remerciement pour jesus, pour les biscuits et les tetas et jeddos) et il a meme chante “ouhibbouka rabbi yasou3” احبك ربي يسوع احبك ربي يسوع وليس لي سواك

Merci la colonie de cette ete (floomina) . Jn voulait enchainer avec il y a un crocodile (ken fi temsah w gorilla kbiri كان في تمساح و غورريلا ا كبيري

mais rody lui a explique que cette chanson n’etait pas une priere . Je me suis souvenue d’une chanson du Fokolari simple pour les enfants: enleve la tristesse de ton coeur, souviens toi dieu t’aime , excellente pour notre moral a tous et toutes et bien rythmee pour les enfants.

شيل الزعل من قلبك ما تخاف و ما تتردد صدقني و

تاكد ان الله بحبك هيدا هو العيد هيدا هو العيد الله ديما معنا و فرحنا اكيد.

Apres on a montre a jeannoel sur youtube l’histoire de Paques (la semaine sainte) en playmobile. C’est tres bien raconte. Il a regarde la version courte et longue de 8 minutes. Il adore ces videos .

Voila le lien que je recommande: https://youtu.be/4YjBoCnz1V0

La fete des rameaux en pyjamas (pas toujours bien accordes) a la maison c’est bien passee. On a pu porter dans nos prieres tous nos amis et notre famille. Avec le blingbling en moins et plus de prieres et des bougies simples et bien sur de l’encens.

Ah j’oubliais: les enfants ont decide de preparer une creche comme a Noel , mais special fete des rameaux avec les statuettrs que nous avons de ste marie, une croix, jesus dans son berceau , mais aussi avec un ane ( un doudou que mes amis m’avaient offert en 2005) un chien que rafael a insiste de mettre, des mini dinosaures, des vaches, car selon mes enfants Jesus etait l’ami des animaux…. tout cela sur une nappe toute en couleurs…  tres belle notre samdeh et superbement accordee 🙂

Rita em jn et raf

هوشعنا الاتي باسم الرب شعنينة مباركة

Chaanineh  mbarkeh a tous et toutes!

Fete des rameaux en temps de COVID19 #Corona virus



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Notre famille et communaute de foi et lumiere Antelias/Al Saydeh, ont gagne un ange au ciel , un ange qui va interceder pour nous. Elle est partie Tamar, qui parlait francais, qui adorait chanter et lancer des discussions sur l’amitie. Tamara tu es partie tot, tu es partie retrouver le tres- Haut, tu restes entouree des prieres de nous tous et toutes, et tu vois directement combien Dieu nous aime. 20160820_195434

Pour rappel, Foi et lumiere est une association qui assemble dans des communautes de dialogue et d’ecoute des personnes porteuses d’un handicap mental, leurs parents, leurs familles et des amis/es. Au Liban, les communautes sont nombreuses, et existent dans divers villages et regions.

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My friends know that we barely go out without our kids. Jn at 4 , needs to run and  play and enjoy his childhood. Bb raf at 3 months is still bf,

Finding open spaces with green trees and games for jn in beirut and where rody and I can watch him playing safely is our weekly search .

Last week we found this park just in Beirut, next to city center hazmieh called Yuppie park.

A big space with trees and more than 13 games for children for all ages. Small, toddlers and teenagers. Entry fees is 10 000LL for a child, and 5000LL for adults. If you go out you have to pay again, and no food is allowed inside.

There is a small place selling icecream chips and chocolate inside and… what I disliked : arguileh. Horrible arguileh in a park for kids 😦 😦

Positive points:  that there are parts where arguileh is  not allowed and others where you see on each table more than 5 arguileh.

I loved the place, safety is on the parents though to follow their children ( i mean run after them). 🙂

Toilets were clean too, also there are loads of garbage baskets and tables and chairs for parents to sit. I enjoyed sitting under the trees in the middle of beirut, while jn was discovering the pirates boat.

I advise this park for parents with kids! Mine enjoyed the tyrolienne and the big high toile d’araignee…

Ps: il y a du sable, donc vaut mieux ne pas mettre des sandales  mais des baskets pour les enfants et nous.

Below are some pics from the place

Rita em jn w raf


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Trash mountains in the Land of the CEDARS? it will be soon called the land of Trash = Lebanon.

Air pollution, Water pollution, Visual Pollution…. did I forget anything?

Trash that is not recycled, trash that covers the roads we take daily to work, to school, to university and now to Hospitals.


Trash mountain on road and Pedestrian passage, and some restaurants in Jal el Dib… Sahtein! 


Beautiful Lebanon and landfill of Trash!


Welcome all to Jal El Dib ! 

Refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle is the Zero Waste strategy that each Citizen from 1 to 90 years old can execute:

less plastic

less bags

less paper and cartons

reuse and recycle!!!

as for Our problem with trash… As a pregnant women I am now confined home as I am according to my doctor very very sick!

Thanks Trash burners in Antelias and Jal-El-Dib, xoxo!

I love you, as well as all sick children , sick moms, sick ladies, sick elders!

we love to take Antibiotics in Lebanon, as well as hystamed and other allergies medicines!

Money is poured in Lebanon regarding development: I think finding pro-active solutions with all MUNICIPALITIES AND LOCAL COLLECTIVITY is a MUST!

IT TOUCHES All kind of beneficiaries …. here you go donors, you might actually do effective Change!!! and Serve many!


a mad Sick pregnant Mom again!

Rita Chemaly



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Un grand ouf, a la fin de la semaine 2 apres la rentree scolaire de mon ptit en petite section!

Invites par l’ecole pour une reunion parents des nouveaux petits avec l’administration et les profs, la reunion etait pour moi une facon de comprendre le deroulement du quotidien de jean-noel, petit ecolier de la petite section!

Revisiter le Lycee pour une ancienne qui y a passe 15 ans de sa vie est toujours un moment porteur d’emotions fortes. Mais la, j’ai visite un Grand Lycee renove, et tres beau ( tel que nouvellement botoxe  avec de nouveaux immeubles et cours de recre), je suis sure que les ptits en grandissants vont adorer le nouvel super bel amphi ou nous avons ete acceuillis  par l’equipe administrative et pedagogique cet aprem!


Voila cela s’appelle papier mache!


1- Les parents en classe de petite section, PS : Quel tintammare 🙂

Deja notre experience a commence positivement avec les profs de JN en petite section! Les premiers jours, Jn a joue a la cuisine, au puzzle et a dessine (gribouille) un tres beau dinosaure/ crocodile vert!


Le premier dessin fait par Jn , notre picasso le 1er jour d’ecole!

Les profs de JN au nombre de 3 etaient la , et c’etait juste “smooth”! elles parlaient avec lui et les autres enfants, les observait en train de jouer, d’ailleurs la classe est Ouf! Spacieuse, ensoleillee et donnant sur les toboggans, le reve! Elle est dotee d’une cuisine, coin sieste, coin musique, coin livres, coin poupees et linges, coin puzzle et quoi d’autre…. c’est juste un grand espace pour apprendre en jouant , en observant et en s’amusant! vive  les Decouvertes!


Jn au GLFL s’amuse comme tout!

Les profs de JN en PS : sont dotees d’un sens d’humour exceptionnel, et sont adorables!

Aujourd’hui lors de la reunion apres le jour 5 de la rentree, la  prof roula nous a directement mis en confiance en nous montrant les photos prises durant ces quelques jours: on y voit que Tous les enfants jouent, et participent aux activites de la classe! Yey!!! les parents pleurent et les enfants eux s’amusent , jouent au tobogan et au papier mache ( ouii j’ai appris quelque chose aujourd’hui) avec roula w rima w leila!

Notre promesse aujourd’hui car elles nous ont tire les oreilles : essayer de parler en arabe/libanais  avec nos enfants a la maison, et faire plus attention a leur gouter : moins de sucre gras et de bonbons 🙂 , plus de fruits . Aie aie aie cela me rappelle que manger trop sucre et trop sale nuit a la sante!

Aussi, Parents de premiers enfants, essayer de ne pas avoir de bottes avec lacets! ouiiii les “chlik chlak” pour enlever les chaussures et les remettre avant la sieste et les activites sportives c’est plus simple! 🙂

Une super idee par une maman d’un des camarades de Jean-Noel, un groupe whatsapp pour les parents de la PSA! Chapeau! Rien de mieux , de plus rapide et efficace que l’utilisation des reseaux sociaux et des plateformes comme whatsapp pour les parents! Le courant entre les parents est tres bien passe , une photo de groupe des parents a ete prise !! yey!! si nous sommes tous et toutes clinquant,  dans 15 ans nous aurons plus de cheveux blancs a la diplomation des ptits. 🙂

Ce que j’adore, c’est que dans d’autres classes de PS, j’ai retrouve d’anciennes amies /s du Lycee qui sont la avec leur fils ou fille!!! Comme quoi le GLFL c’est bien des Generations!!!!

2- Les autocars: Connex la companie qui va accompagner nos enfants pour 15 ans! 3a hadir el bosta! toot toot vroom!

Nous habitons loin du lycee, et cela est plus simple pour nous d’utiliser le transport de ramassage scolaire  car trouver une place pour garer , deposer notre garcon et repartir travailler en plein centre de Beyrouth est juste une mission Impossible!

Jn est deja habitue a revenir en bus de la garderie depuis ces 2 ans, ainsi que de la colonie en ete. Mais la, on attend le bus tres tot, et le seul hic c’est le reveil a 5.45 am le matin!

Sinon, JN  a adore son Bus et surtout je dois la nommer car Jean-Noel l’adore: Madame ISABELLE!!! Elle et le chauffeur mikhael du matin nous acceuillent d’un grand sourire avenant avec un grand Bonjour!

Pour l’apres-midi, c’est ma maman/la teta de jn qui recoit mon fils qui revient avec un ptit bus avec une autre assistante, Mme Katia. Et parait-il tout ce passe bien aussi. d’ailleurs Mme isabelle nous a appele le 1er jour, elle avait confie Jean noel a son bus de retour, je vous ai dit qu’elle est adorable!

Le premier jour ou je devais envoyer JN en bus au Lycee, je n’ai pas dormi de la nuit. J’etais angoissee, je me posais des questions: ” est-ce qu’il se peut qu’il se perde, il ne va pas savoir leur montrer sa classe …” , bref, maman angoisse.

Je me suis reveillee a 4h et j’ai marque le NOM et Prenom de jn ainsi que notre numero de telephonne et sa classe partout! meme sur le dos du sac a dos, la gourde, ses habits, ses sous vetements!!! 🙂  mon mari pensait que je faisais simplement une crise d’angoisse. Avec un gros feutre des etiquettes scotchees partout et utilisation d’un vernis a ongle rouge pour bien marquer le nom et prenom de mon fils partout Vraiment Partout! je revois encore la tete de mon mari quand il a vu cela!

Il va de soit que le petit ne connaissant ni l’assistante ni le chauffeur pleure le premier jour, pour cela je vais proposer a connex et le lycee une rencontre comme celle avec les profs de la classe en presence des parents  des assistantes de chaque bus. Cela faciliterait l’integration des petites sections au Bus! Et cela les 2 premiers jours d’ecole. Pour les petites sections cela est Necessaire!  Tout simplement une ptite tente dans la cour les 2 premiers jours de l’integration/adaptation, ou les PS inscrits en bus vont visiter et faire connaissance avec les assistantes des bus de Connex .

Pour nous, cela c’est tres bien passe, le chauffeur et l’assistante sont adorables: Le jour 1 a l’aller Jean-noel a pleure, non mais vraiment pleure au debut, il m’a explique quand il est rentre que il m’avait perdue  😦  .

Mais depuis ce premier aller en bus, le reste des jours, il attend ” le bus de Jean Noel” avec impatience et surtout attend ”  Mme isabelle ” avec un Sourire de tres tres Bon matin!!!!

3-L’administration: proviseur et responsables de cycles

Nous les avions deja rencontre l’annee derniere au Lycee, pedagogues, ils sont toujours presents quand nous sommes au Lycee, j’ai beaucoup aime le fait qu’ils sont presents a la rentree et sortie des enfants. Ils  et elles etaint aussi presents pour nous acceuillir a la porte du Lycee le 1er Jour!


L’equipe administrative et pedagogique au complet acceuille les parents des PS! GLFL rocks!

voila, c’est le Grand Lycee, mon ecole, ouiii meme 15 ans plus tard  et je suis tres contente que Jn y aille, et surtout qu’il s’y plait!

voila notre photo de famille prise par la marraine de Jn!


Rody Jn and Me in my Old School ! Grand Lycee franco libanais sept 2016

Bonne Rentree !!!

Rita Chemaly

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ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality produced this wonderful short movie in which Syrian refugee  that are women, men and a little girl tell us about their hope of building a future of Peace!

I was moved by this short movie, and especially by the positive messages sent from all those brave women and this little girl who raised at the end a beautiful wish of seeing her grandma in a safer place! 

Refugees in Lebanon numerous, their life is super difficult eventhough many where hosted by their family members of extended family. This short movie highlights their hopes! 

Kuddos to Abaad Team!


Rita Chemaly

#IWD #IWD2016  

 “When fear and security determine the future”
“When the pen becomes the weapon for reconstruction”
“When the smile becomes a message of hope and peace”
“Voices against all odds”

Syrian refugee women and men in Lebanon raise their voices against alienation, fear, and violence, as they share their hopes and determination to build a safe future.

A short video by ABAAD about the experiences, hopes, and aspirations of Syrian refugees released on the occasion of International Women’s Day,
and marking five years since the beginning of the Syrian crisis which has had numerous repercussions on women, girls and men refugees in Lebanon

ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality

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W hechli Berbara! La garderie ou va Jean-Noel, nous avait prevenus: passez prendre vos enfants l’apres midi, ils seraient deguises!

Et Quels beaux deguisements faits avec beaucoup d’amour et a la main par les maitresses des enfants!

Jean-Noel etait deguise en “Burger” tout le plat y etait: les tomates, le fromage “extra cheese” :-), les frites et a ne pas oublier le Ketchup!

L’equipe du Cocon Campus des Puces de JalelDib s’est vraiment donnee a fond!

Arrivee a la garderie,  l’ambiance est a la fete, la directrice et toutes les responsables deguisees, encore plus, sur des tables eparpillees dans les couloirs, les celebres “Kataefs ”  un dessert a base de achta et sirop de sucre “kater” attendait les parents, j’ai vu aussi des verres de “Kameh” ou le ble qui est offert a la ste barbe agremente de noix!

Je n’oublie pas les citrouilles que jn a prefere! elles etaient sur les tables et souriaient a tous et toutes , petits et grands!

a vous quelques photos du tres beau deguisement des enfants de 2 ans 🙂 merci Ratrout et Soumayaa! c’est un nouveau tresor qui s’ajoute a notre collection!! Notre Burger etait a “croquer”!! 🙂

Rita Chemaly ou Em jnBarbe 2015 Liban Chemaly rita deguisement enfant


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What to do with your kids when they can’t go out to bike ( garbage is everywhere on the streets) or have a simple walk? ( because in Lebanon streets are  smelly)?

Rana is a mum of 3 children, she is a  great mum! She has  invited all the neighborhood kids to a very simple fun and yummy activity.  Cup cakes decoration.

The aim is to bring some simple cup cakes, a pack of chocolate vermicelle and some colorful vermicelle, some chocolate chips colored (smarties) , a pack of nutella. Each Child had a special plate and they had to dig in the nutella put it on their cup cake and decorate it as they feel.

Kids enjoyed the nutella as much as expressing their feelings by spraying smarties and vermicelles on z cakes!

Here are exclusive pictures taken in hrajel ! #livelovelebanon and z wonderful parents children can rely on to have fun!

Rita or em jn

I will add Jn picture as soon as I get it!! 🙂

Here is Jn beautiful Chocolate smile ! Thks Rana for it!!

Here is Jn beautiful Chocolate smile ! Thks Rana for it!!

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Un excellent Manual de pedagogie universitaire a ete developpe par l’USJ.

Le manuel est tres “amical” “friendly-user” . Aussi j’ai decourvert qu”il souligne l’importance de l’interactivite en classe.

Il couvre les questions les plus importantes que tout enseignant et chercheur-enseignant doit connaitre. ma partie preferee est celle sur le Plagiat. (preparee par Bazan, bravo steph!)

a vous le lien du Manuel: http://www.mpu.usj.edu.lb/doc/Ressources/manuel-de-ped-uni/manuel-complet.pdf

et  chapeau a mon universite!!! 🙂

Rita Chemaly

pedagogie universitaire

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To mark International Youth Day, 2014, IOM has produced a short film, titled ‘Letter from a Refugee’. The film features moving, honest interviews with a group of young ladies who have fled Syria; they describe the extreme fears, mental health issues and ongoing hope they experienced as young people in a war zone.

the movie is below


Rita Chemaly


below is the release by WUNRN

Direct Link to Video:

12 August 2014 – Lebanon/Syria – IOM today launched a video documenting the hopes and fears of a group of young Syrian women in Lebanon to mark International Youth Day, which this year focuses on mental health. 

“Letter from a Refugee” follows their emotional journey from fleeing the war in Syria, the stress of separation from family and friends, the difficulties of adapting to their new environment and, ultimately, the discovery of their own inner strengths.

The video was shot at DARI, a Recreational and Counselling Center for Families in Baalbeck in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, and is the result of a creative self-help workshop – part of an Italian government-funded IOM project: “Psychosocial Support to Crisis-Affected Youth and their Families in Syria and Neighboring Countries.”

The IOM project has provided psycho-social help to over 220,000 displaced Syrian young people and their family members in Syria and Lebanon and trained some 1,290 mental health professionals in the two countries since June 2013.

“Good mental health is not only the absence of mental disorders, but is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life and is able to make a contribution to his or her community,” says IOM Head of Psychosocial Support Guglielmo Schininà.

“Young people on the move, including refugees, displaced, unaccompanied children and young people left behind by migrating parents, often face stresses that are not considered “normal.” Their ability to contribute to the life of their community of origin and host community is often hampered by administrative, cultural and social barriers, and stigma,” he adds.

“This video and animation laboratory helped these girls to acknowledge their suffering, share their experiences, establish solidarity with each other and explore shared coping strategies,” he notes.


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2 weeks ago I was attending a training aiming at launching a campaign to empower women economically.

16 personalities which one are you test Chemaly

Yes, for this time I was a trainee and not the trainer, the trainer chosen holds  a background in psychology. And even if on the spot I couldn’t find the personality test relevant, I do think that I learned something new,

Even though I totally dislike using it to classify people!!

And here is a question to my dear friends Fady, Zein, and other councillors and psychologists , do you really use such tests to verify the personality of others in your clinics? Or when doing your HR counselling!??!?

Labelling people in my opinion has disastrous consequences on their advancement. and on their self-esteem.

But for me and for the fun part I am still trying the exercise the trainer gave us on my family, and friends 🙂

Because of the exercises done and the new topics based on the trainer’s researches around “how to know the other” , it was interesting for me to get to know the other PERSONALITY , based on Briggs Myers personality test! Yes to all the Lebanese Magazines (You can use it for your test part)!!

here is the full name of the research and here are some links I googled (You can try the test and check your personality). Though I don’t recommend you to do it on your other half … 🙂

Based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, you may find if your are:  passionate, perceptive, Extravert, introvert, bref….

yalla use the test online and have fun “categorising” the others and Yourself! Attention do not take it too seriously do it for the fun part.

Here is the personality test for free in english it will take around 10 minutes for you to fill it! 🙂


ps: my test didn’t work out, 🙂

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Did you know that a person with mental disability has  many privileges? that person can do Anything just like you!

and here is the great play that has been produced and executed by Saydeh community of Faith and Light (In which I am a very proud member)

the Play is called let us create bridges, and features 2 brothers living in a big farm with their respective families and children.

One day a dispute separated the brothers and they wanted to create a Wall to separate their farm.

the carpenter didn’t understand what was asked from him and one night instead of a Big wall separating the 2 farms, He and his team created a Bridge, bringing together again the 2 brothers and their families.

The hole story and the play was produced , executed and implemented by Faith and Light Community in Lebanon “Saydeh” and played in May 2014 in Lebanon

below is the video posted om You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UJUBQKrsro

Rita Chemaly ( A very proud member of Faith and Light)

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When JN was born, family and friends came to visit us at home,

and my mother in law, and my mum began making this sooo delicious lebanese dessert that is offered in decorated cups.

Meghli means boiled.

this dessert is easy to make, I learned how to do it after observing my hameto doing it for 4 times 🙂

how to do it? it needs 5 minutes to prepare and half an hour to boil. and it s done!!

the ingredients are: 2 spoons of krawya (spice you can find at the supermarket) 1 spoon of yensoun ne3im,  one spoon of Kerfeh(spice you can find at the supermarket) 1 cup and a half sugar (some persons like it more sweet they put 2 cups of sugar) 1 cup of rice ( riz ne3in, and 9 cups of water.

you put everything in a tefal ( or non stinky tanjara) and you make them boil while you mix all the time.

meghli cups are served cool and decorated with nuts and other delicacies!

here are some of the cups done for jn! 🙂

Rita Chemaly

2013-10-16 14.19.59 2013-11-02 17.33.53 DSC00170


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childnotbride logo

A la tele, et sur les radios, des histoires de jeunes enfants filles mariees de force alors qu’elles ont 11 et 12 ans font la une au Liban ces dernieres semaines. Pourquoi le probleme du mariage des enfants a ressurgi ainsi?

Pauvrete, exil, migrations, refugies, les causes sont nombreuses, les associations s’efforcent d’aider les jeunes filles, mais au Liban une loi n’existe pas pour les aider selon l’avocate Khalil qui suit plusieurs cas de filles “kidnappees” et “mariees” de force ou avec leur consentement.

L’avocate a explique dans une emission radio pour la voix du Liban que pour certaines des filles, cela commence par etre un jeu, et est presente par les “kidnappeurs” comme des bonbons.

voila l’histoire d’une jeune de 11 ans d’une jeune fille kidnappee et mariee et dont les parents ont porte plainte.

زواج القاصرات برسم القضاء والضحية طفلة في الحادية عشرة من العمر

زواج القاصرات أطل من بلدة فنيدق العكارية في ضوء تعرض الفتاة فاطمة القرحاني للخطف على يد شاب يبلغ من العمر 21 عاما بعد رفض العائلة طلبه للزواج بها. وفي ضوء الوساطات جرى التوافق على اتمام الزواج مع تحفظ الوالد.

المحامية بشرى الخليل وفي حديث الى صوت لبنان اشارت الى ان الحق العام  مرتبط بالحق الشخصي مشيرة الى امكانية بلوغ القضية المسار القضائي لجهة  قضية خطف وذلك في حال بقي الوالد على رفضه زواج ابنته القاصر.

Source http://www.vdl.com.lb/newsite/newsdetails.php?newsid=58172

Oui pour faire consentir une petite fille a quitter son foyer et se mariee , le marriage est presente comme une jolie chose “tu vas mettre une jolie robe”, “tu auras du maquillage”, “tu seras princesse pour un jour.”

voila une video de Girls Not Brides qui explique comment mettre un terme au marriage des enfants. The world we want: End child marriage

Every year, approximately 14 million girls are married before they turn 18, robbed of their rights to education, health and a life free of violence. Child marriage undermines our efforts to build a healthier, safer, just and more prosperous world for all.

Solutions exist. Child marriage can end. But we must work together.

This new video from Girls Not Brides looks at how we can work together to make child marriage history and improve the lives of millions of girls around the globe.child marraige One-size-too-big lebanon women rights rita chemaly

Il faut mettre un terme au mariage des enfants au Liban! et Vite!

Les consequence sont horribles!

Rita Chemaly


Les articles precedents sur le meme sujets : https://ritachemaly.wordpress.com/2014/01/25/early-marriages-in-lebanon-who-helps-the-bride-child/

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On parle de Daesh et de Al Nosra pour faire peur aux gens au Liban, en Syrie et en Irak?

Mais aujourd’hui nous avons decouvert Rody et moi que dans le conte du Petit Poucet que nous lisions pour notre petit de 4 mois, des horreurs pires que celles de Daesh existent!! De un les termes et mots utilisés sont pour le moins que je puisse dire “horripilants”

“Travaillons hardiment. En disant ces mots, il coupa sans balancer la gorge  à ses sept filles.”

et encore, dans ce conte les femmes sont stereotypées!

“Elle monta en haut où elle fut bien surprise lorsqu’elle aperçut ses sept filles égorgées et nageant dans leur sang. Elle commença par s’évanouir (car c’est le premier expédient que trouvent presque toutes les femmes en pareilles rencontres).”

?!? Et ce genre de conte est memorise par les Enfants!!

voila le lien ou toute l’histoire du Petit Poucet de Perrault est publiée http://clpav.fr/lecture-poucet.htm

et vous me demandez pourquoi en regardant les exactions de Daesh et Al Nosra on fait des cauchemars? Et qu’est -ce qui arrive avec des histoires pareilles ? on fait de beaux reves?

Rita Chemaly

petit poucet rita chemaly

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ghadi le film opinion de rita chemaly flanelle ghadi le film opinion de rita chemaly ghadi movie opinion by rita chemaly


I went with the Faith and Light Community to watch the movie Ghadi. The movie is a social comedy, which won many awards.

the pictures are nice, the colors, the comedy part describing the Lebanese customs and behavior in a village all those things are funny.

But What I disliked, Big time Disliked is how the movie is not related at All to Ghadi!!

Who is Ghadi? In the movie Ghadi is a child that has a mental handicap. The movie is entitled Ghadi, but for me, the child Doesn’t appear in the movie at all!!! Even on the billboards , the ads of the movie are not related to Ghadi, but picture the dad and the mum on a bicycle! why?

We didn’t meet Ghadi in this Movie!!!

we met he father Leba (Alias Georges Khabbaz) and his ideas and plot to make a story related to an “angel”.

Ghadi the handicapped boy, is pictured in this movie as an “angel” but even this we didn’t see!

he never mingled with the people of the “mshakkal” village he is supposed to live with!

the movie show us a small boy always sitting ALONE!! always sitting in his boxers and “flanella” ,

always alone! and just socializing with his father, mother and sisters!!

a Handicapped person can socialize, can communicate, sorry let me correct it, the only interaction I have noticed in this movie that is supposed to turn around a handicapped boy, was when he smiled and tried to make his neighbor Takla smile while mimicking his daddy.

a special case, can socialize, and can communicate, shouldn’t always be featured sitting on a balcony alone, just looking at people from behind bars,

again, I loved the visuals and the actors who played and showed us the Lebanese ways of living in a village,(sex worker, butcher, hairdresser….)  but and again, I disliked the message behind the story of the angel , and I was furious when I didn’t see ghady (the small boy that is a special case) having Any kind of communication, or any role, or any socialization in this movie!!

in Faith and Light we don’t see the special cases as special anymore, even the worse handicap is seen as “normal” and we try to make everybody participate in our activities. the aim of FL, for example is to help people to go out from the home circle, to let people KNOW, Mingle, and discuss with special cases!! discussion and communication, even listening are a way to know special cases better!!

I didn’t like how ghadi never get down from his home, stayed sitting on the window, always played alone,  never mingled with other fellows from the village, ghadi was pictured and stereotyped even more as a special case, as a different case,  and as an abnormal case!

bref, this Is my humble opinion!

rita chemaly

here is the trailer of the movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGkDvVlFXbk

“Published on Sep 25, 2013

The trailer of Ghadi, a film by Amin Dora, a social comedy written by and starring Georges Khabbaz giving you a closer insight about a special kid and the struggles of his humble family. Expect strange phenomena to affect the behavior and beliefs of their little Lebanese town’s population.”

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A tribute to Lebanese Girls

A tribute to Lebanese Girls.

dears, attention I did not write this post, I am re-blogging it!

I do think that those social characters are shared between all girls, not only Lebanese, but yes yes, I liked this post 🙂


The Real Lebanese Girl:

The real Lebanese girlThe Lebanese girl is a caring and loyal friend, and she values friendship a lot. She is always there to listen, to give advice, and would do anything to help her friends when they need it. She is there in the good times and in the bad times.

She is open-minded, has an open heart and does not judge, yet she is also conservative and has her values.

She is beautiful, elegant and very fashion oriented, but there is a lot more to her than her outer beauty. She is smart, talented, successful and independent. She is a hard-worker who takes on responsibilities, well educated, and sometimes even over qualified. She has a Master’s degree, and she’ll even surprise you with a PhD.

She is very generous, very welcoming, and an excellent host. She’ll offer you her food, home, car, cloths if she thinks you need it.

She is not afraid to give compliments, because she knows it won’t make her any less beautiful. She appreciates the good people in her life, and will show her appreciation whenever she can. She is genuine and real, and will not waste time around people who don’t matter.

She likes to have fun, laugh out loud, enjoy a drink, and she loves to party. She likes to go to the new and happening places to enjoy good times with her friends and not just to be seen.

She may not be the best driver in the world, but at least she gets around by herself, and doesn’t need a man in a luxury car to come and pick her up and drive her around.

She loves to be treated like a princess, but she’ll also treat her man like a king. She likes to be pampered and invited every now and then, but she doesn’t depend on anyone.

Every now and then, she likes to reward herself with some expensive and branded cloths, but on her regular days, she is more than happy to dress in the down to earth Mango, Zara, Vero Moda, H&M outfits

She values family dearly and gives extreme importance to family time. She is an appreciative and loving daughter, a caring and protective sister, and a devoted mother.

She travels around the world, but never forgets her roots, her family and her friends.

She’ll never miss any of your events. She’ll party with you on your birthday, celebrate with you on your graduation, send you flowers on your engagement, get drunk with you on your bachelorette, and be the first at your wedding. She’ll also hold your hand at your relative’s funeral, check on you when you’re sick, bring you chocolate during your exams, and jog with you to help you lose the calories once you’re done.

She is ambitious and follows her dreams. She is passionate about certain causes, pours her heart into campaigns and charities, and attends fundraising and awareness events for causes she believes in.

She is a jewel that deserves to be appreciated and praised. She is rare, but she still exists.

Like and share if you know any real Lebanese girls like that!

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This post may shock , I do think that readers won’t like it. “If  you chose to have a baby you must sacrifice as the Lebanese love to say”, LOL.

I know all that and all the bla bla, but I felt the need to write the feelings I had for some weeks, I wanted to write this post before, but I didn’t have time and the force to do it. If I’m writing this post now, it is for me not to forget the feelings I felt the first 3 weeks…

It is not a post related to social, political or human activism. It is a personal post about my personal feelings.

for those who will be chocked, “tammano” now, at the 5th week, the first 3 weeks seems to be forgotten.Rita Chemaly

Parenthood: the very difficult and exhausting beginnings.

Waa waaa waaa, baby is crying.

You usually master what you do, and what you learned. At school, University, Work, even in your relationships.


Here, hearing the waa waaaa waaa, you feel lost, and you DON’T know what to do.

You studied and prepared yourself for the upcoming phase,

You watched video’s , surf the net, did research, talked to your fellow friends who already have babies, and tons of them,

But NO.

Nothing prepares you to what you live in those first 2 weeks.

At the hospital the first days are easier, nurses take care of some of the main duties (changing diapers, giving bath) and when baby cries they come and help in calming him.

Coming back home,


all the rooms changes. Even if you have prepared a nursery!

All new born stuff are here and there, in the Kitchen, in the Library, in Your room, On your bed…

it is the first days “karkabeh” ….

But it is not the were the point is. it is more than that,

You feel tired after your delivery and can’t understand what is happening when baby cries all the time.

Diapers are clean, baby is showered , he is not “mamghouss” he is not “mchawwab”,

what is happening???

you cuddle him, you sing, you dance, nothing helps.

Yes maybe after trying all the “salaam salaam” and “fi zill himayatiki”,

the “tirachrach” song with the dance helped in calming the baby for 4 seconds!

what was the problem I understood 2 days after coming back home:

I chose to breastfeed exclusively.

I found out that THIS was the most DIFFICULT choice in this phase.

the first 2 to 3 weeks, you first feel a CRUCIFYING Pain,

yes, it is not as easy to learn the Breastfeeding positions, how to help your new born latch, and how to make him eat without falling asleep.

Moreover, the baby will need to eat ON DEMAND. the first 2 to 3 weeks it means ALL the time.

Something that I have read soo many times before, but didn’t understand, and if you hear some of the pediatricians they will tell you , “lachou el azeb” breastfeed for 15 minutes, and if you want give some formula (milk for babies), they will sleep for 4 hours at night.

Grrr…. The World Health Organisation, and the very well known book “j’eleve mon enfant”  and the other readings I Did, they all advise you to Breastfeed for at least 4 months.

this is how I made my choice.

but for me who usually got time to read, blog, watch tv, answer phone calls, work, cook, sleep or whatever other thing,

this Breastfeeding on demand MEANS I don’t have time for anything. NOT EVEN GO TO THE BATHROOM, or have a proper shower!

More than that, you usually know that communication and dialogue will help you Resolve problematic issues at work, with your peers, in your community,

with your newborn, NO. the first weeks communication is resumed to I want to eat, and please change my diapers!

You will do that EXCLUSIVELY on the first weeks.

I Wasn’t prepared to that 🙂

neither physically neither morally. especially when you don’t sleep neither at night nor day!

when baby cries “I Want to eat”, AND  for a breastfeeding mom, THIS means you will be sitting all the time for the baby to eat.

While sitting you can’t do anything, …. hmmm let me correct it: you can watch SOAP operas on TV, the Turkish one’s translated in Syrian, I know all of them now , I even watch the morning shows of most of the TV Stations. And I discovered that the French TV stations are dull also, they still have the MORICO TV SHOPPING emission! (with a different name of course Tele Shopping in the morning! ).

for those who usually enjoy multi tasking , run here and there and do many things,

with your new born on the first 3 weeks, you can’t .

I enjoyed the fact that I was able to take a mini shower one afternoon, without hearing the constant crying 🙂

On the First month birthday a change appeared,

yes, I was able to get 2 hours sleep on the morning! yes This was an achievement!

Friends, and family members coming to visit and congratulate us were shocked when I said that NO Mother ever explained her feelings of the first weeks. Moms are Heroes, this is what I understand now after those 3 weeks experience!

I repeated to all my friends, that they must be Prepared MORALLY and Physically  to the first 3 weeks,

those are the hardest. No SLEEP, no Rest.

the first 3 weeks you ask yourself…. are babies truly cute???

THE CHANGE, Begun after those 3 weeks:

now at the 5th week, yes, we enjoy parenthood ….we enjoy it.

YES 🙂 Finally, we begin to play to mom and dad roles with a broad smile,

baby hears you, watch your face if you are close, and a beginning of communication begins.

you will still feel like a “Lurpack” but, you will do it with more pleasure.

at the End, a big thanks to those who helped those first weeks:

my hameto, my cousins and my close friends with whom I talked day and night on the JN growing up group on whats up, my old comrade from school lama, and a group of people I don’t know on the real world, just on the virtual one, but they were a big help “the breastfeeding in Lebanon” mothers group on Facebook.

I can’t forget the role of the husband…. mine is a sweetheart, and the one who pushed me to continue and not to stop. Yes his constant support  and encouragement helped a LOT, and here we are, sitting together, him having diner and me having time to share this story with you, with a sweet lovely baby sleeping in his crib…. Peacefully 🙂 for half an hour I presume before his number 24 Snack of milk again 🙂

Rita, em JN for now….

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Dear readers,

If it has been a while I didn’t update this blog, it is because I am a new Mum!!

Yes, my husband and I are the happy parents of our first baby boy.Publication faire part Jean Noel

I will update this blog with new articles on Women rights, Human rights, Lebanese stories, and parenthood as soon as I get some time.

thanking you for writing to me!

Rita (em-hanna miled)


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To continue with the series related to pregnancy and newborns,

for the moms to be in Lebanon, the first test to do is the pharmacy test:

1- First test if you think you maybe pregnant:

I bought a Clearblue test from a pharmacy at 12 000LL.

if the + appears, it means you are pregnant! and you can begin offering champagne to your family (you cannot drink champagne, you will drink some water ).

ps: in 2 words this test is easy to use, the pharmacist will recommend you to do it in the morning, you should do pipi (urine) on it, and look at the screen, 2 minutes after you may be sure if there is a plus or a minus.

in brief, this test measures an hormone that exists in the urine. the Human chorionic gonadotropin (hcG) is a hormone produced initially by an embryo  in the early stages of pregnancy.

here are 2 snapshots for the easy digital test:



2- Call your gynecologist, or choose a good one (after asking some of your friends and relatives):

If you call the gynecologists in Lebanon, all will give you a meeting one month after, you did the clear blue test ( I tested it! I was impatient of making sure that I am pregnant, but no, all the secretary, even with all the “habibteh” involved, will make sure for you to take an appointment one month later.

The gynecologist will do an ultra-sound / echography, the Social Security in Lebanon covers the test and the gynecologist tariffs.

in Lebanon each visit will cost you around 50 000LL to 60 000 LL (ultra-sound /  echography included) , some of those who think they can do miracles will take 80$, ultra-sound /  echography excluded.  I called more than 9 gynecologists in Lebanon (women and men) before choosing the one I felt the most comfortable with.

3- Tests before pregnancy – the Wedding tests that are an Obligation to do:

The gynecologist I chose, is excellent, he said to me why re-do all the blood tests, you did them before the wedding:

In Lebanon, all people who want to get married are Obliged to do some medical tests, by the Lebanese state.

the toxoplasmose, HIV, rubella, Hemoglobine…. are a must to check.

People will have to go to Adlieh, from the Syndicate of doctors, they will have to pay for the 2 forms they take to fill 🙂 around 30 $ we don’t remember exactly.

here are some snapshots of the forms to fill by both partners.




than you will have to go to a laboratory or an hospital to do the blood tests.

the cost of the blood test for men and women are below ( that is what we paid for them, in 2012).

around 137000 LL for a women and 98000 LL for the men.

below is a snapshot with the price of each test:

for both women and men:

women blood test for marriage and pregnancy in Lebanon

Men blood tests cost before wedding in lebanon

the toxoplasmose, will help women to know what to eat and not to eat during pregnancy,

and if each women has an allergy on cats, dogs or whatever.

4- Tests to do During Pregnancy:

on each visit, the blood pressure, the weight and an urine test for albumin and glucose are measured.

some gynecologists in Lebanon, will ask their patient to do some blood test each 3 months, to make sure of diabetes,

but my gynecologist, make sure that everything is fine by during an urine test during pregnancy using strips.

here is a snapshot of the test we do on each appointment.


before the  ultra-sound /  echography…..

those tests will take less than 5 minutes, and  are important it helps to know if there is a diabetes that is being prepared or preeclampsia, it means a lot of sweet or salt in the blood…. 🙂

I hope that this post and the information it has are useful to some…

Rita Chemaly

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I insist, in a home the roles between a men and a women must be equal… Both can take care of their new born for example.

I was happy when my cousin told me that at first her husband gig, used to give the bath to the little girl, and more happy when I see dads playing with their kids in Jungle land… ( exception rare, mais existe).

The myth of the Lebanese boy, who usually lives with his parents, and under the spell of his mom, ironing his shirts, till 35 year or more, must change, this Lebanese boy, will one day be a dad, and He HAS to Participate and Be IN CHARGE, of the well being of his children, or new born… the Dad who only helps is for me a parent who is not doing his full job :-))

The same for the new mom who waits for her “hameto” or her “mom” or “gouvernante” or Domestic worker to iron, feed, sterilize, wash, give bath, change diapers….

euno… don’t you think that we can cuddle the so long waited new born by ourselves???

bref, as I am a pure Lebanese Women, and girl, who lived with her parents taking her in charge till 29 years old, I do not know how to take care of a baby, or a new born.

So when I new I was pregnant, I decided to prepare my self to the new job I will have to deal with, taking care with love of the new born.

I needed to learn how to Breastfeed, How to change Diapers, how to sterilize bottles, how to give a bath, how to massage the new born, how to cut the nails, and how to clean the face….

yes yes yes… all those are tasks, we as new parents have to learn, quickly!! if we want to succeed and have time to play, cuddle, love the new born 🙂

so, My Husband and I, searched the internet for good learning tips , and we would love to share them with all pregnant women, and future daddy to be!!!

for you some very interesting short videos: Some are in French other in English:

1- how to clean the face of a new born / comment nettoyer le visage du nouveau ne : video in French http://www.aufeminin.com/bebe/video-soin-visage-bebe-n58255.html  or this http://www.aufeminin.com/video-maman-bebe/toilette-bebe-n77363.html

2- How to clean the ombilical cord of a new born / comment nettoyer le cordon du nouveau ne: video in French http://www.aufeminin.com/bebe/video-soin-du-cordon-n58254.html

3- How to change baby diapers/ comment changer la couche de bebe : video in French http://www.aufeminin.com/bebe/changer-couche-nouveau-ne-n58983.html

4- How to give a bath to a new born/ Le bain du nourisson: video In French http://www.aufeminin.com/bebe/video-bain-de-bebe-n58251.html

Page in English http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/bathing-skin-care/Pages/Bathing-Your-Newborn.aspx

video in English how to prepare and bath a baby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RnxD-KRkw8 or this good movie too  in English http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k3SLNVccoo

5-How to place the new born to sleep/ comment coucher bebe video in French http://www.aufeminin.com/video-maman-bebe/video-coucher-bebe-n59189.html

et comment echapper a la mort du nourrison ou le SIDS video en anglais http://www.babycenter.com/2_how-to-reduce-your-babys-risk-of-sids_10360426.bc#videoplaylist

6- How to cut the nails of a new born / comment couper les onlges de bebe : video in French http://www.aufeminin.com/video-maman-bebe/couper-ongle-bebe-n84642.html

video In English how to trim nails of baby http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/bathing-skin-care/Pages/Trimming-Babys-Nails.aspx

7- Femme enceinte en voiture que faire / Pregnancy and car travel: video in English http://video.about.com/pregnancy/Pregnancy-and-Car-travel.htm

8- checkliste pour bien allaiter/ Breastfeeding checklist page in English : http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/breastfeeding/Pages/A-Breastfeeding-Checklist-Are-You-Nursing-Correctly.aspx

9- Que preparer avant d’aller a la maternite? what to prepare in your bag before going to deliver? video in English:  http://video.about.com/pregnancy/How-to-Pack-a-Maternity-Bag.htm

10- Comment soigner la peau de bebe/ Baby Skin basics video in English: http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/bathing-skin-care/Pages/Baby-Skin-Basics.aspx?nfstatus=401&nftoken=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&nfstatusdescription=ERROR:+No+local+token&nfstatus=401&nftoken=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&nfstatusdescription=ERROR:+No+local+token

11- Les taches sur bebe / Baby skin condition and what appears video in English: http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/bathing-skin-care/Pages/Baby-Skin-Conditions.aspx

12- Comment prendre soin du penis du bebe/ how to care for an Uncircumcised penis:   page in englishhttp://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/bathing-skin-care/Pages/Care-for-an-Uncircumcised-Penis.aspx

13- Comment calmer les pieds d’une femme enceinte/ how to calm swollen feet during pregnancy . Video in English http://video.about.com/pregnancy/Swollen-Feet-and-Pregnancy.htm

14- Les meilleures positions pour bien allaiter / How to breastfeed easily video in English http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bs0X_O8ZhM or http://www.babycenter.com/2_10-tips-for-breastfeeding-success_10326780.bc

15- Des lectures en francais sur l’allaitement:




16- Un guide produit par L’UNICEF concernant la premiere tetee: video en anglais: http://www.unicef.org.uk/BabyFriendly/Parents/Resources/AudioVideo/Positioning-and-attachment/

17- Comment enrober bebe/ How to swaddle the new born http://www.babycenter.com/2_how-to-swaddle-a-baby_10347122.bc

I hope that those links and videos are interesting and will help each expecting mom and dad!!

Rita Chemaly

new-born-baby how in lebanon men and women can take care of children

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I just got a call from dodo my friend who has been living in Canada.

The law there entitles her to see her children grow, watch their first steps, see how their first tooth grow….

the law there gives a women 50 weeks and for the Paternity 5 week that the dad can choose to take the moment he wants!

plus the dad is entitled for a 2 days for the delivery!!!!!!

and we in Lebanon are struggling to have 70 days for maternity leave!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know that all moms and dads in Lebanon have to think what to do after 49 days??? do they put their new born in Kindergarden, do they ask their “hametos” “mother in laws” or any relative to watch over, do they bring a Domestic worker to watch for the new born!??!?!

Do you think dear MPs that these solutions are Safe???? is it how you want Lebanese families to raise the future citizens of Lebanon????!!!!


We have to act!!!

Rita Chemaly

Canadian maternity leave versus lebanon maternity leave

some sources about Canadian law http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/pubs/guide/pregnancy.php

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I am enraged, those 2 days, all what TVs and media are covering are the supposed military attacks USA, France and Great Britain might do against Syria.

And since than, all the messages I am getting are “keep safe” “we will suspend our meetings” “stay home” ….

What??? I know that my post is just for me and wont be read by the BIG guys, but maybe if some of their team members may read it, they will understand, that some people who are “citizens” here in this part of the world are AGAINST any military attack!!! Syria is already living under the bombs, bombing more and letting foreign powers intervene as they did in Irak, Afghanistan, Libya or else, is a huge Mistake. Can they consider the citizens that are living in the region?? can they consider that if it didn’t work in other parts of the world, it won’t work in Syria too?!!!

I am afraid, Yes I am, for the security of those who are still living in Syria, for those who are living like me in Lebanon, and trying to make a living albeit the bombings and explosions we are witnessing!

Dear Big Guys, the Soft politic is in my opinion the solution, the political solution is still needed as it happened in Lebanon in 1989, and after in Doha….

Please dears think about it!! Syria is already a war-torn country and chemical weapons is already been used, don’t “add oil to the fire” and use a military attack, even those who you think needs you for a military attack are not as clean as they should be ! Fundamentalism, extremism, and dictatorship are all for me, simple citizen of this Middle East unacceptable!

Rita Chemaly

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Lobbying with MPs, and the Commissions, is done.

what are expecting mothers to be in Lebanon are waiting for is the amendment of the Maternity leave period in  a general assembly.

Nabih Berri the speaker of the house has invited the Lebanese Parliament to a general assembly for monday July 1, Tuesday July 2 and wednesday July 3.

I hope that the Maternity leave law amendment for both LABOR LAW articles 28-29 , amending the Lebanese maternity leave from 49 days to 70 days will pass!!!

also, I hope that the maternity leave amendment for civil servants in Lebanon article 38 of law 112 will pass (amending it from 60 days to 70 days)….

I am looking forward for next week General assembly at the Parliament!!!!

Rita Chemaly


التاريخ: ١/٧/٢٠١٣

دعوة الى جلسة عامة

دعا الرئيس بري الى عقد جلسة تشريعية عامة تبدأ في العاشرة والنصف من صباح الإثنين في 1 تموز المقبل وتنعقد أيام الإثنين والثلاثاء والأربعاء صباحاً ومساءً. وذلك لدرس وإقرار المشاريع واقتراحات القوانين المدرجة على جدول الأعمال.

below are the previous posts I wrote related to Maternity leave

Members of Parliament we Want an Extension of the Maternity Leave In Lebanon 


Maternity Leave In Lebanon is in the drawer of Parliament because of Political problems

March 21 is mother day but in Lebanon women are not treated fairly maternity leave is a must

en Avril Le Conseil des Ministres Allonge le Conge maternite a 10 semaines

Lebanese Mothers: Missing Their Babies … an article about maternity leave by C.Benoit

Le conge maternite au Liban en route vers la ratification finale

A step Forward to women’s rights … Maternity leave in Labor law is amended

Article de Rita Chemaly sur le Conge Maternite au Liban paru dans la rubrique Droits des Femmes Special Magazine Novembre 2012

Article de Rita Chemaly sur le Conge Maternite au Liban paru dans la rubrique Droits des Femmes Special Magazine Novembre 2012

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grossesse et natation

Au Liban, les femmes enceintes sont generalement suivies par leur genycologue.

le mien m’a bien dit de vivre normalement, quant aux exercices physiques la marche pour 20 minutes par jour etait excellente pour moi.

en faisant des recherches par contre je decouvre aussi que l’aquagym et la natation sont des exercices excellents pour les femmes enceintes. Au Liban il est vrai que le weekend les plages et les piscines sont bondees, mais pour celles qui peuvent avoir acces a une piscine calme en cours de semaine, quelle chance!

Quels exercices sont bons a faire en piscine pour les femmes enceintes?

a vous des  video prise sur internet pour l’eau et la grossesse que je trouve interessantes!

Rita ( Mother to be :- ) )


voila la serie de 4 exercices pour tonifier les bras et les muscles de la poitrine et des épaules. 

dans le lien ci-dessous des exercices pour tonifier les jambes

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7pKmd4ICds  exercices aquatiques pour tonifier les jambes pendant la grossesse avec la chaîne “vivelafitness”.

 enfin des exercices de relaxations pendant la grossesse… allez les femmes enceintes c est beau non?




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