
Archive for the ‘Politique’ Category

Voila le chiffre des candidatures femmes au Liban pour les elections de 2018 : 111 femmes sur 976 candidats.

Je vais mettre a jour ce billet des que j’ai la liste nominative finale et les sieges.


Deja il y a les supers candidates de la coalition nationale women in politics,

Je cite :

Nada zaarour

Zoya  jreidini rouhana

Josephine zgheib

Vicky Khoury Zwein

Patricia Jean Elias

Hosn abboud

Regina kantara

Laury haytayan

Grace moubarak

Kholoud wattar kassem

Et bien d’autres encore comme:

Gina chammas

Des femmes dont on peut etre tres fieres! Elles legiferent et coordinent leurs actions

#elections2018 #IWD2018

Rita Chemaly

Below is the full list of Candidates to the Parliamentary 2018 Elections in Lebanon as taken from the Ministry of Interior Website


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*Updated infographic with the numbers of AKKAR and the numbers of candidates in Lebanon .(June 2 2016)

I am pleased to share with you , the beautiful Info graphic Map that was posted on NCLW Facebook page.  NCLW clarifies that this Map is indicative, and still need to add to it the results of Akkar. The aim of this map is to help visualise and understand the trends related to women participation in local governance (MUNICIPAL COUNCILS)  and have a pre-look at  the results while waiting for the official data on the number of winning women by the Ministry of Interior.

preliminary results show that in 2016,  599 women won in the Municipal Elections, whereas in 2010 520 women won.

as for candidates the counting shows that in 2016 1342 women were candidate in comparison in 2010: 1080 women were candidate.

the number is small , to compare, but I am sure that many factors might be interesting to analyse to see why women didn’t win more seats.

Presentation1 ELECTIONS

599 women won seats in Lebanese municipalities , 1342 were candidates in 2016

” As Data is key to lessons, NCLW team has worked on the documents related to the results of Municipal Elections of 2016 published by the Ministry of interior. The NCLW team has counted the number of women who won and the names of the women who didn’t in each Kada’. This basic counting is based on the name of the candidate, whether it is a name for a women or a men. Notice1 : the uncertain names were not counted in the results of 2016!

Notice 2: Akkar Results are not counted in these numbers, NCLW Team is waiting for their release by the ministry of Interior. This Infographic will be updated as soon as NCLW Team count the Akkar women Candidates * (this was done and new info is above)v 

Also, and based on CEDAW report , a comparison with the Municipal Elections of 2010 numbers is possible. NCLW Social Media Team is happy to share with you this in house created Infographic! while waiting for the official results , Congrats to Each Women who Won a Seat in a Municipality!”



Rita Chemaly


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J'ai entoure en rouge les confessions, mais ce decoupage electoral confessionnel est flagrant!!

J’ai entoure en rouge les confessions, mais ce decoupage electoral confessionnel est flagrant!!

Vous allez me dire, mais rita c’est normal nous vivons dans un pays confessionnel, ou la politique est histoire de confessions et de partage de pouvoir entre eux,

mais quand je suis entree sur le site du ministere de l’interieur pour checker qui sont les candidats et candidates,

la premiere chose qui saute a l’oeil est la confession:

l’image ci dessous est flagrante!!!

voila le lien pour connaitres les candidats aux elections legislatives libanaises de 2014….

en esperant que les elections aient lieu!!!!

514 candidats dont 35 femmes, bon tout ce que j’espere est que les elections aient lieu nous Avons OBLIGATOIREMENT besoin d’un “peu” d’Alternance.

un peu car beaucoup sont les femmes, fils et cousins et freres des actuels ministres, deputes ou ex-deputes!

Rita Chemaly

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By Rita Chemaly



From Mossoul, to Lebanon, here are some of the pictures shared on Social Media related to the Symbols used by ISIS to categorise people.

Do you remember the star used by the nazis on the jewish houses?

and here we go again in 2014 in a part of the world that is used to people from different communities and with different beleifs to live together.

What was drawn on the houses of some people by ISIS, was used on Social Media by activists and users

here is the status that went viral on Facebook: ” Who you stand with? Many users are changing their profile pic to the letter ‘N’ for ‪#‎Nazarene‬ – solidarity w/ Christians of ‪#‎Mosul‬ ‪#‎ISIS‬


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Le nombre de Femmes en Politique au Liban est a mon avis honteux.

Une seule femme au Gouvernment en 2014: Le celebre pouvoir executif reste en deca de nos expectations d’activistes et de citoyens et citoyennes.

4 femmes au Parlement: Notre celevre pouvoir legislatif gagne une des pire places dans le nombre des femmes au monde.

WomenInParliament_LEBANON Rita Chemaly

Statistiques sur le nombre de femmes au parlement libanais (2014) Source IPU

Voici une des illustrations prises de “L’inter Parliamentary Union:


Que faire pour que le Liban ne soit pas a la traine dans la participation politique des femmes?

Mettre en place des cellules de travail politique et strategique dans tous les partis politiques.

Non les femmes dans les partis politiques ne sont pas uniquement la pour creer des comites de Brunch, Breakfast et VIp soirees. Ni sont la juste pour les comites de bienfaisances.

Elles ont leur mot a dire en ce qui concerne l’economie du pays, le travail informel, la strategie de defense, la politique exterieure et interieure , l’armee et autres….

Allez citoyennes de ma patrie, ecrivons, actons et participons activement aux Choix de Notre Cite!

Rita Chemaly

Pour plus de details sur le systeme politique libanais et la participation des femmes, il est possible de checker mes articles precedents:

For a list of all related articles in different languages:

Rita Chemaly

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if you are interested in the status of Lebanon and whether Lebanon has ratified , accessed or signed a treaty, convention, protocol…

please do find attached this great map I found on the United Nations Website (United Nations treaty United Nations treaty collection, direct link, https://treaties.un.org/ , last accessed on January 21 2014.  )

the full treaty name is here, the date of signature or ratification is also featured

Good luck for all the researchers!

Rita Chemaly

LEBANON Treaties signed

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RMM ISP vient de paraitre detaille final volume 3L’Institut des Sciences Politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth a le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du troisième Volume du Recueil des Meilleurs Mémoires (RMM) de l’Institut.

Le RMM est une initiative de l’Institut qui vise à donner de la visibilité aux recherches des etudiant/es.

Le volume 3 assemble 4 articles écrits par des anciens de Sciences Po Beyrouth, sur des  sujets aussi divers que l’opposition nationale laique en Syrie, le Cinéma  d’après-guerre au Liban, l’adhesion à l’OMC, La controverse légitimité/legalité au Liban. Ce volume préfacé par Elias Bou Assi  contient aussi une version mise à jour du Catalogue détaillé des Mémoires soutenus à Sciences Po.

Le Cinéma d’après-guerre au Liban (1990-2005) : une approche politique


Cet article traite de la relation des productions cinématographiques de l’après-guerre et leur

relation avec les événements sociopolitiques, à travers l’exploration de thèmes centraux et

de questions structurelles qui reviennent sans cesse dans les long-métrages de cette période,

comme ceux de la mémoire et de la reconstruction (individuelle, collective et

géographique). L’auteure se penche également dans son article, sur la politique culturelle,

c’est-à-dire le rôle de l’Etat, de la société civile, des maisons de production étrangères et

des fonds privés sur le développement du secteur cinématographique.

La controverse légitimité/légalité : étude théorique de la crise gouvernementale de 2006 au Liban

Par Wissam EL-LAHHAM

La crise gouvernementale de 2006 a révélé l’incapacité de l’ordre constitutionnel libanais

à mettre une fin rapide et efficace à la situation exceptionnelle. Le propos de cet article, qui

se veut pluridisciplinaire, est de sortir du paradigme positiviste dominant, en analysant le

blocage des institutions politiques sous l’angle de la philosophie du droit. L’auteur de

l’article se fonde sur l’épistémologie juridique décisionniste élaborée par Carl Schmitt, et

sur la tradition de la métaphysique péripatéticienne afin d’appréhender la dynamique entre

les deux notions de légitimité et de légalité selon une nouvelle approche théorique.

L’adhésion du Liban à l’OMC: un défi de la mondialisation et moteur de réforme


Entraîné par le processus de la mondialisation, le Liban a demandé son adhésion à

l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC). L’auteure s’interroge sur les raisons qui ont

entravé l’entrée du Liban à l’OMC bien que le système libanais se caractérise par son

ouverture économique. L’auteure dans son article souligne les enjeux politiques,

économiques, régionaux ainsi que temporels qui font face à l’adhésion. Aussi elle montre les

mesures et les conditionnalités de l’adhésion du Liban à l’OMC, et essaye de mesurer les

coûts et les bénéfices de la conformité avec les conditions principales d’une telle étape. Enfin,

l’auteure évoque les défis qui restent à surmonter par un pays qui a peur d’être marginalisé

dans le système économique global.

La politique de l’opposition nationale laïque en Syrie : du Printemps de Damas à la Déclaration de Damas

Par Joanna NASSAR

Dans cet article l’auteure se penche sur une faction de l’opposition laïque et interne à la

Syrie, notamment durant la période qui s’étend depuis l’accession de Bashar al-Assad au

pouvoir en juillet 2000, jusqu’à la Déclaration de Damas, en Octobre 2005. L’auteure a

analysé les différentes mobilisations de l’opposition nationale laïque, notamment les

différentes interactions qui ont pris place entre les différents acteurs de la scène syrienne, et

qui ont fait bouger les choses au sein de la configuration politique et sociale après 2000 date

du « Printemps de Damas ».


Vous pouvez retirer les trois volumes du RMM (1, 2 et 3 publiés en 2013 ) du Secrétariat de l’Institut des Sciences Politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth:

  E-mail: isp@usj.edu.lb   Tel: 01-421000 ext 4443  

Pour plus d’informations au sujet du RMM visitez le site http://www.sciences-po.usj.edu.lb/

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I am enraged, those 2 days, all what TVs and media are covering are the supposed military attacks USA, France and Great Britain might do against Syria.

And since than, all the messages I am getting are “keep safe” “we will suspend our meetings” “stay home” ….

What??? I know that my post is just for me and wont be read by the BIG guys, but maybe if some of their team members may read it, they will understand, that some people who are “citizens” here in this part of the world are AGAINST any military attack!!! Syria is already living under the bombs, bombing more and letting foreign powers intervene as they did in Irak, Afghanistan, Libya or else, is a huge Mistake. Can they consider the citizens that are living in the region?? can they consider that if it didn’t work in other parts of the world, it won’t work in Syria too?!!!

I am afraid, Yes I am, for the security of those who are still living in Syria, for those who are living like me in Lebanon, and trying to make a living albeit the bombings and explosions we are witnessing!

Dear Big Guys, the Soft politic is in my opinion the solution, the political solution is still needed as it happened in Lebanon in 1989, and after in Doha….

Please dears think about it!! Syria is already a war-torn country and chemical weapons is already been used, don’t “add oil to the fire” and use a military attack, even those who you think needs you for a military attack are not as clean as they should be ! Fundamentalism, extremism, and dictatorship are all for me, simple citizen of this Middle East unacceptable!

Rita Chemaly

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Breastfeeding in Lebanon is not usually very well marketed. Why? In your nurseries, in the waiting room of your gynecologist, in the hospital, in the pharmacies, on Radio Stations, on TV,  Big boards and ads are here to market Formula milk or baby formula. what does it mean? the milk that is not natural and bottled.

I hear my friends and cousins when having a baby talk about feeding them with cerelac, bledina, nun, and other…. those may be good, but  the importance of Breastfeeding the new-born till at least 6 months has been recognised everywhere. and in Lebanon to protect breastfeeding , a law was passed in 2008 ( bravo our dear law makers, you did it!!) but it is not yet Implemented successfully :

the law 47/2008 stipulates “Organizing the Marketing of Baby and Young Child Feeding Products and Tools”, …  bans all marketing of formula milk, bottles, teats and pacifiers because they all embody an obstacle for the successful establishment and continuation of breastfeeding for a minimum of 6 months and preferably for up to 2 years (together with complementary foods).”

a Petition was prepared by some activists in Facebook The Lebanese Ministry of Public Health: Stop formula milk companies from marketing their products illegally!

more over the groups created on Facebook help “mother to be”  in Lebanon share their experience, ask questions and have the community comment and reply! Many answers are truly important to read!!

below are the 2 Facebook groups where mum’s and expecting moms are active :




I am with Breastfeeding because it is good for the mother and the child,

but in Lebanon, the short maternity leave that is just for 49 days (including weekends), makes it hard for women to keep up feeding their children.

I hope that Maternity leave law be amended for at least 12 weeks as recommended by ILO, and I hope that nurseries and places for breastfeeding can be established at work places with a minimum quota of female employee….

Rita Chemaly

to know more about this issue, here is the article that was published today by the Daily Star.

Baby formula pushers draw parents’ ire

BEIRUT: It took four attempts before Sarah Boudiab  found a pediatrician who didn’t  pressure her to introduce infant milk-replacement formula into her baby’s diet.  Since her child was 5 or 6 months old, in offices often decorated with  advertisements for formula, doctors variously expressed surprise that Boudiab  continued to breastfeed and beseeched her to introduce formula feeding.

“Breastfeeding past one year is only in underdeveloped countries,” she said  one pediatrician told her, while another, using a growth chart she knew to be  outdated, warned her: “Your baby isn’t growing well enough.”

“You get scared [when you hear such things],” Boudiab told The Daily Star,  noting that a mother less well-informed, less determined or with a less  supportive spouse may have succumbed to the pressure to switch to bottle  feeding. One pediatrician even recommended a particular brand of milk  replacement to Boudiab.

“You feel like pediatricians are not doctors – they are more like marketing  agents,” she said.

Although international health experts have long since resolved that in the  majority of cases breastfeeding is preferable to bottle feeding, rates of the  former remain low in Lebanon.

According to the most recent World Bank data available, only 15 percent of  Lebanese babies are exclusively breastfed between birth and the age of 6 months  old.

The reasons for this are manifold. A 2011 study by Mona Nabulsi, a  pediatrician at the American University of Beirut’s Medical Center, identified  lack of awareness about breastfeeding and little preparation for it as  contributory factors.

However, parents like Boudiab believe that the active and widespread  promotion of milk replacement formulas plays a significant role too.

In addition to traditional advertising methods, allegations abound that  formula companies enter into deals with medical professionals and institutions  to secure promotion for their products.

Iman El-Zein, a member of the Lebanese Association  for Early Childhood  Development, told The Daily Star  that among such arrangements is  the contribution of equipment to hospitals in exchange for the distribution of  milk samples upon the discharge of new mothers.

The distribution of formula samples upon discharge undermines new moms’  confidence in breastfeeding, she said.

Linda Shaker Berbari, a mother of two, echoes this, saying such promotions  and practices often lead mothers to believe that by feeding formula they are  choosing the “better option.”

When her children were born, one of the first things she was given was a  packet including formula samples, Berbari said.

“Had I not been aware of the dangers of formula, I wouldn’t have known it was  important for me to say ‘no,’” she added.

Some of the risks associated with formula milk for babies include: obesity,  asthma, allergies, lower IQ and cognitive development, respiratory infections  and diabetes.

Aware of the pros and cons of formula or not, what many are completely  oblivious to is that that since 2008 it has been clearly prohibited under  Lebanese law to market or promote infant or follow-up milk replacement products,  as well as things required for their administration – bottles, teat, etc. – for  children aged up to 36 months.

It is this comprehensive piece of legislation, Law 47/2008 – which even  stipulates how the products are labeled – that parents behind an Internet  campaign launched in May are trying to to get implemented.

The movement began when regular Light FM listener and new mom Sara Luis Hanna  was irked that a competition on  one of the station’s shows was introduced as sponsored by Apta Junior, an infant  formula produced by Danone.

“It was like a stab in the back by Light FM,” Hanna, who had recently become  aware of the legislation governing formula promotion and advertising, told The  Daily Star.

Already an attendee of pro-breastfeeding La Leche League’s meetings and  active on online mom forums, she decided to highlight the issue by founding her  own Facebook  group.

“Stop formula companies from marketing their products in Lebanon” has  attracted more than 300 members on Facebook since May and claims a number of  victories for its cause, including Light FM’s cancelation of its contract with  Danone.

Almost daily, the group’s members use the forum to highlight violations of  Law 47/2008 – from magazine adverts, to billboards, to formula companies’ logos  adorning waiting rooms.

They have also established a breastfeeding blog to raise awareness about the  legislation and the risks of formula feeding, and have launched a petition to  pressure the Lebanese government and the Health Ministry  to implement the law.

The group also credits itself with the calling off of a nutrition workshop  for moms organized in conjunction with the formula company Novalac.

While Danone  did not respond to an email from The Daily  Star querying its promotional activities for Apta Junior, Novalac’s  communication department promptly replied when contacted.

“Novalac was planning to make a workshop with a dietitian addressed to  mothers regarding babies’ nutrition,” the email said, but the event “was not  focused on milk in any way.”

Novalac explained that it canceled the workshop “to be able to clarify the  issue with [the Health Ministry] in order to get their approval to avoid any  further inconveniences.”

“We will never reconsider the workshop unless we have [the ministry’s]  approval,” the company said.

The Facebook campaigners have also been in communication with the Health  Ministry, exchanging emails with its Director-General Walid Ammar. He told the  activists a meeting had taken place with the formula producers and assured them  he was working to strictly implement the law.

But while Hanna said the response from the ministry thus far had been “good,”  she cautioned that she remained “a little skeptical.”

“We’ll see how far we have come in a couple of months or years,” she  said.

Zein, who contributed to the drafting of the law, is even more reserved in  her hopes for its implementation.

One of the causes of the widespread violation of the law is “the political  situation and the weakness of the Health Ministry,” she said, noting that with  its current caretaker status the government is unlikely to be particularly  active on the issue.

Zein also pointed out that the ministry had not yet set punishments for  violators of the law, and was “postponing and disregarding meetings of the  [National] committee [for the promotion and protection of breastfeeding]” the  formation of which is provided for by the law in question.

 breastfeeding in lebanon women rights

A  version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Daily Star on June  26, 2013, on page 4.
Source:  http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Local-News/2013/Jun-26/221595-baby-formula-pushers-draw-parents-ire.ashx#ixzz2XPklrSwj


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Lobbying with MPs, and the Commissions, is done.

what are expecting mothers to be in Lebanon are waiting for is the amendment of the Maternity leave period in  a general assembly.

Nabih Berri the speaker of the house has invited the Lebanese Parliament to a general assembly for monday July 1, Tuesday July 2 and wednesday July 3.

I hope that the Maternity leave law amendment for both LABOR LAW articles 28-29 , amending the Lebanese maternity leave from 49 days to 70 days will pass!!!

also, I hope that the maternity leave amendment for civil servants in Lebanon article 38 of law 112 will pass (amending it from 60 days to 70 days)….

I am looking forward for next week General assembly at the Parliament!!!!

Rita Chemaly


التاريخ: ١/٧/٢٠١٣

دعوة الى جلسة عامة

دعا الرئيس بري الى عقد جلسة تشريعية عامة تبدأ في العاشرة والنصف من صباح الإثنين في 1 تموز المقبل وتنعقد أيام الإثنين والثلاثاء والأربعاء صباحاً ومساءً. وذلك لدرس وإقرار المشاريع واقتراحات القوانين المدرجة على جدول الأعمال.

below are the previous posts I wrote related to Maternity leave

Members of Parliament we Want an Extension of the Maternity Leave In Lebanon 


Maternity Leave In Lebanon is in the drawer of Parliament because of Political problems

March 21 is mother day but in Lebanon women are not treated fairly maternity leave is a must

en Avril Le Conseil des Ministres Allonge le Conge maternite a 10 semaines

Lebanese Mothers: Missing Their Babies … an article about maternity leave by C.Benoit

Le conge maternite au Liban en route vers la ratification finale

A step Forward to women’s rights … Maternity leave in Labor law is amended

Article de Rita Chemaly sur le Conge Maternite au Liban paru dans la rubrique Droits des Femmes Special Magazine Novembre 2012

Article de Rita Chemaly sur le Conge Maternite au Liban paru dans la rubrique Droits des Femmes Special Magazine Novembre 2012

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following my article on the women and power in lebanon, and women and quota in lebanon,

here is the latest update that happened related to women and their political participation.

in 2013, 43 women listed below presented their candidacy to be Member of Parliament.

the Problem is that the parliament has deleted election law of 1960, and now in Lebanon there is a gap … does the actual parliament will stay? or elections will be organised soon?

while waiting for A PARLIAMENT TO BE ELECTED, AND FOR IT TO MEET in A GENERAL ASSEMBLY and vote for the Laws lingering in the drawers,

Rita Chemaly

here is the list of women who run for 2013 elections:

1. Georgette Haddad – Greek Orthodox – West Bekaa-Rashaya

2. Norma Ferzli – Greek Orthodox – West Bekaa-Rashaya

3. Alhan Farhat – Druze – Shouf

4. Rania Ghaith – Druze – Shouf

5. Fadia Karam – Greek Orthodox – Koura

6. Nadine Moussa – Maronite – Metn

7. Neamat Badreddine – Shiite – Nabatiyeh

8. Sethrida Geagea – Maronite – Besharri

9. Pauline Irani – Maronite – Baabda

10. Tracy Chamoun – Maronite – Baabda

11. Olfat Al-Sabaa – Shiite – Baabda

12. May Khansa – Shiite – Baabda

13. Ibtissam Saadi – Sunni – Baalbeck-Hermel

14. Rita Bakhos – Maronite – Beirut 1

15. Carole Babikian – Greek Orthodox – Beirut 1

16. Nayla Tuéni – Greek Orthodox – Beirut 1

17. Laury Haytayan – Armenian Orthodox – Beirut 2

18. Kholoud Al-Wattar – Sunni – Beirut 3

19. Dania Nakad – Sunni – Beirut 3

20. Rola Ajouz – Sunni – Beirut 3

21. Randa Yassir – Sunni – Beirut 3

22. Maya Terro – Sunni – Beirut 3

23. Mona Diab – Sunni – Beirut 3

24. Dalal Rahbani – Evangelical – Beirut 3

25. Gina Chammas – Minorities – Beirut 3

26. Fadwa Yaacoub – Minorities – Beirut 3

27. Angèle Al-Khawand – Maronite – Jezzine

28. Amani Mita – Sunni – Zahleh

29. Rouba Shokr – Sunni – Zahleh

30. Ohaila Abou Dahr – Greek Catholic – Zahleh

31. Dima Ghazaleh – Greek Catholic – Zahleh

32. Magda Breidi – Greek Catholic – Zahleh

33. Gilberte Zouein – Maronite – Keserwan

34. Joséphine Zoughaib – Maronite – Keserwan

35. Zeina Kallab – Maronite – Keserwan

36. May Chidiac – Maronite – Keserwan

37. Siham Salloum – Maronite – Akkar

38. Bahia Hariri – Sunni – Saida

39. Regina Kantara – Maronite – Tripoli

40. Nathalie Fadlallah – Maronite – Tripoli

41. Raya Haffar Hassan – Sunni – Tripoli

42. Laila Salhab – Sunni – Tripoli

43. Laila Shahoud – Alawi – Tripoli

For a list of all related articles in different languages:

Rita Chemaly

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discrimination men and women in lebanon rita chemalysocial security article amendment of article 14 in lebanon women rights

I cannot believe what I am reading on the website of the Parliament.

The Commission of Women and Children headed by MP Gilberte Zwein, has amended again the article 14 of the social security law, but not to end discrimination against women, on the contrary, by adding exceptions that were never in the first law before and exceptions discriminating more and more against women.

in Lebanon, if a woman works she is entitled to have social security, but as per article 14 of the social security law, just working man with unworking women can have their women benefit from social security. the equality in the lebanese social security law doesn’t exist!

A WORKING women cannot let her husband benefit from social security unless he is over 60 or deficient according to article 14.

The National Commission For Lebanese women prepared in 2011 a draft law, to amend the discrimination in article 14, and as stated in its annual report, members of parliament ( ZWEIN and Michel Moussa) Presented the amendment of the law.

The amendment presented in 2011, takes off all kind of discrimination and entitles the husband of a working  women to benefit from health care provided by the social security law if he doesnt work. the amendment prepared and presented has one goal: equality between lebanese women and men.

But while checking the lebanese parliament website http://www.lp.gov.lb/NewsPage.Aspx?id=10102 I read that the Parliamentarian commission on Women and Children met on october 2012, and amended the article 14, but not as presented in 2011 by Gilberte Zwein Herself, but with adding more and more discrimination against women husbands who work in liberal professions, or is enlisted in the commercial records of in the professions record!

here is the text for you in arabic!!!! 😦

زوج المضمون إذا كان لا يتعاطى عملا مأجورا، أو كان لا يتسفيد من تقديمات حصية، أو مساعدات مرضية من نظام الزامي عام، وأن لا يكون منتسبا إلى نقابات المهن الحرة، أو مسجلا في السجل التجاري، أو في سجل المهن”.

More terrible, Michel Moussa who first presented with ZWEIN the first amendment, was present at the commission meeting as it appears from NNA lebanon news
all what I can demand is for Parliamentary commissions to be more sensitive on the issue of discrimination and equality.

all I can demand from our MPs is to be fair vote for laws that truly are in the benefice of working women!!

Rita Chemaly 

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what is happening in #Syria is #horrible #Human basic & #Fundamental #rights have been forgotten by all parties!

I cannot look at the feed of my Facebook page, without being afraid of watching the horrific images coming from Syria!

I love this country, when I visited for the first time in 2005, i found the cultural heritage they have, and that syrian people are not protecting now. How can they be interested in their cultural heritage, when the life of Innocents are taken without any conscience???

all Parties in Syria should Stop violating Human rights, Children Rights, Women Rights.

I won’t re-post the shocking pictures of guys  handling the heads of the people they just killed!! this is an abomination!!!

in a war, (And in LEBANON) we have lived numerous ones, atrocities happen, but keeping quiet is an ABOMINATION!!!

The basic Human rights should be Respected!!!!!!

People and Innocents should be Protected!!!!

Khalass , Enough to Atrocities!!

yes for the implementation of basic rights even during war!


here are recent articles describing the war crimes happening in Syria our neighbor country

U.N. lists Syrian army and militias as sex predators
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2013/Apr-17/214104-un-lists-syrian-army-and-militias-as-sex-predators.ashx#ixzz2Rt7sWovW

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Article par Rita Chemaly Initialement Paru Dans le Magazine Special de Fevrier 2013

Article par Rita Chemaly Initialement Paru Dans le Magazine Special de Fevrier 2013

Cartographie des discriminations qui atteignent les femmes au Liban

Gros Plan sur les Droits des Femmes au Liban

Dans cette rubrique, chaque mois les droits des femmes sont passes au crible fin, pour la nouvelle année  nous dresserons la cartographie des discriminations qui atteignent les femmes au Liban. Si l’image que donnent les medias libanais des femmes au Liban est ouverte et progressive, dans la pratique et les lois, cette image virtuelle pimpante et brillante se transforme en image terne et noire.

Le Liban a bien ratifié  la Convention Internationale pour l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l’encontre des femmes (CEDEF) ou plus communément connue sous l’acronyme anglais CEDAW en Avril 1997. Mais les exceptions émises par l’Etat sur cette Convention, font en sorte de creuser le fossé entre Hommes et Femmes. Le Liban a formulé une réserve contre l’article 9 – alinéa 2 et contre l’article 16, alinéa 1, relatif à l’égalité des deux époux dans le mariage et le choix du nom de famille, et l’article 29 lié a la transmission de la nationalité. Reserves et expections peuvent sont issus du jargon juridique, or ces simples termes ont des effets discriminants contre les Femmes Libanaises et travaillant au Liban.

La femme dans la famille, une discrimination à la base :

La discrimination commence par la famille, et le souhait d’avoir un garçon comme premier né. Le « maouloud » est homme, la déception des proches par le fait d’avoir une fille est souvent grande. Pire dans plusieurs pays arabe comme au Yémen et autres,  le mot “enfant” signifie “garçon”.

Quant aux études les études les exemples de discrimination et d’inégalités sont flagrants : souvent les filles sont inscrites dans des universités moins prestigieuses que les garçons sur lesquels on mise plus lors des études.

Le statut Personnel, Inégalité homme femme mais inégalités entre femmes libanaises aussi:

Le système libanais est formé par une multitude de confessions (18 avec les coptes), les statuts personnels revenant à telle ou telle confession marquent les inégalités entre hommes et femmes et entre femmes elles-mêmes….

  • le mariage entre chrétiens de différentes confessions exige de la femme d’obéir et de se soumettre au mari « la célèbre lettre de St Paul » chantée et louée dans toutes les cérémonies matrimoniales religieuses.
  • En cas de séparation ou divorce les différences sont nombreuses :
    • Pour l’héritage chez les musulmans l’homme à la part double.
    • Chez les chrétiens, dans la pratique des tractations sont menées dans le sens de garder l’héritage “dans la famille”. C’est-à-dire acheter la part des territoires fonciers des filles par les garçons.

La Nationalité, la femme libanaise est de seconde classe :

La femme libanaise mariée à un non Libanais, n’a pas le droit d’accorder sa nationalité à ses enfants et à son mari. Alors que l’Homme Libanais marié à une non-libanaise lui transmet la nationalité un an plus tard.

Dans son article premier, la loi de la nationalité No 15, du 19/01/1925, stipule qu’« est considéré comme libanais toute personne née d’un père libanais », Selon ce texte, toute personne née d’une mère libanaise n’est donc pas considérée comme libanaise. La nationalité au Liban relève du lien de sang, et non du lien du sol.  Le Sang de l’homme seulement…. Les arguments politiques, confessionnels et démographiques tuent le projet de loi égalitaire.

Il faut noter que la transmission de la nationalité n’est pas une pure formalité juridique.  La non- transmission de la nationalité aux enfants et à l’époux de la libanaise à des conséquences sociales importantes :

  • Les enfants et maris des femmes libanaises sont considérés comme des résidents et non des citoyens. Ils n’ont pas droit à l’école publique ni accès aux hôpitaux publics gratuits pour les libanais.
  • Ils  doivent obtenir des permis de séjour et de travail.
  • L’unité de la famille est remise en cause, de même que la sécurité psychologique les risques de déportations augmentent.
  • Quant à l’emploi, il faut noter que considérés comme résidents, le choix des métiers possibles à exercer, est limité ; Certains métiers sont réservés aux Libanais détenteurs d’un passeport libanais. Appartenir à des syndicats, unions et ordres impossible aux non-libanais. Mais aux enfants nés de mère libanaise ?

La femme et les discriminations au travail:

  • Le code du travail existe bel et bien au Liban mais il ne protège pas les femmes contre l’harcèlement sexuel;
  • Aussi, le code du travail ne protège aucunement les employés/es domestiques et agricoles;
  • Pour les allocations sociales et familiales récemment en juillet dernier 2012 un p’tit pas a été fait à ce sujet sous la pression des parlementaires et de la Commission Nationale pour les Droits de la Femme, mais dans l’attente de la mise en pratique et amendements des lois, les femmes n’ont pas encore les mêmes allocations sociales et familiales que les hommes ;
  • La discrimination la plus flagrante reste l’absence de tout congé paternité. Quant  au  congé de maternité il est de 7 semaines dans le secteur privé une période insuffisante selon les conventions et traités internationaux. Il faut noter qu’actuellement les commissions parlementaires étudient un projet de loi amendant le congé maternité pour 10 semaines, le projet attend depuis fin 2012 son vote à l’Assemblée générale du parlement.

La femme et la politique

Les femmes libanaises ont gagné après moult mobilisations  la réforme de la loi électorale en 1953  qui a consacré leurs droits politiques.

Mais vu les divers quotas confessionnels et  géographiques qui existent au Liban, il est  difficile aux femmes libanaises de percer le cercle de la domination masculine en politique. Les femmes attendent encore un quota et une représentation proportionnelle qui leur garantie leur droit au moins pour une période transitoire.

  • 1952 la femme   libanaise peut élire
  • 1953: peut   élire et être élue
  • 1964: première   femme libanaise parlementaire;
  • 2012 Aucune   femme au gouvernement

L’espoir pour les femmes existe toujours : la Constitution libanaise affirme l’égalité de tous les Libanais, quant aux droits civils et politiques et le Liban a signé de nombreux traités visant à l’amélioration de la situation de la femme, reste a appliquer ces textes, le mot est facile certes, mais les organisations et les femmes sont prêtes a combattre pour ces Droits !

Rita Chemaly

Auteure et Chercheure en Sciences Politiques

Blog sur www.ritachemaly.wordpress.com.

For a list of all related articles in different languages:

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King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia issued Friday a historic decree allowing women to be members of the kingdom’s previously all-male Shura Council for the first time. The decree amended two article in the council’s statute introducing a 20 percent quota for women in the country’s 150-member Shura Council, and the king appointed 30 women to join the consultative assembly. (source: http://www.wluml.org/news/saudi-arabia-breakthrough-saudi-arabia-women-allowed-parliament )

In Lebanon, women still fight for their basic rights such as transmitting their nationality,

have women in the political parties, have women on political parties lists, have women in Parliament.

The most conservative country alias Saudi Arabia was able to empower some women ” bin and bint… of someone) to be part of the Parliament, in Lebanon, do we need a decree by the supreme court to have Women participate in Politics?

for the info: the Lebanese government doesnt have Any women; 

at the parliament Lebanon has some women, that are the daughters, or sisters, or funding  ($) members of someone, or blocks….

our Nation needs change, I wont vote for Maronites women…. I would love to vote for good Candidates wherever their confession is, but I would love to know that they will engage with us on pushing forward for our Civil=Lebanese State Laws!!!


Isn't it strange that women are named by their daddy and grand-fathers?

Isn’t it strange that women are named by their daddy and grand-fathers?

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women right to nationality lebanon rita chemalywomen right to nationality lebanon rita chemaly


As the Legal Agenda stipulates, the Lebanese Women are not Close to Transmit the basic and Fundamental right of Citizenship and Right to the Lebanese Nationality to their Children neither to their Husbands.

The Nationality Campaign in Lebanon, will go to the street and protest to amend the law, in a FAIR, EQUAL and Just Way.

Killing the Nationality Law… and Killing Women’s right in such a way is Totally Refused!

Rita Chemaly


to know more about what happened kindly refer to the article below:

سادية جديدة باسم المصلحة العليا: “الدولة الذكورية” تدفن حق المرأة بمنح جنسيتها لأولادها نهائيا

سعدى علوه

“لا حق للمرأة اللبنانية بمنح جنسيتها لا لأولادها ولا لزوجها، فمن شأن ذلك الإضرار بالتوازن الطائفي الديموغرافي في البلاد، وبالمصلحة العليا للوطن”.. هذا هو فحوى القرار والتوصية التي رفعتها اللجنة الوزارية التي كلفها مجلس الوزراء دراسة القضية إثر طرح مشروع مرسوم حق اللبنانية بمنح جنسيتها لأولادها في 21 اذار الماضي، في ما روج له يومها على أنه “عيدية” الحكومة للمرأة اللبنانية في عيد الأم.

وجاءت “الهدية” المرّة والمحبطة للنساء في لبنان بعد طول انتظار عبر التوصية بالرفض التي رفعتها اللجنة الوزارية إلى رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي إثر إجتماعها بتاريخ 14 كانون الأول المنصرم، لتقضي على أي بذرة أمل ولدت لدى المرأة اللبنانية بالتمتع بالمساواة.

والمضحك المبكي في محضر التوصية السري، الذي حصلت المفكرة القانونية على نسخة منه، أن اللجنة الوزارية عادت إلى تفسير سابق للمجلس الدستوري يقول بإمكانية تجاوز مبدأ المساواة المكرس في الدستور اللبناني إذا كان تطبيقه يمس بالمصلحة العليا للبلاد، مع العلم أن هذا المجلس اعتمد التفسير المذكور في سياق الطعن بالقانون الذي حرم الفلسطينيين من حق التملك العقاري.

واللافت أنه باستثناء وزير الشؤون الإجتماعية وائل ابو فاعور، يحمل محضر التوصية تواقيع جميع أعضاء اللجنة وهم نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء سمير مقبل رئيساً وعضوية وزراء العدل شكيب قرطباوي والداخلية مروان شربل والخارجية عدنان منصور ووزير العمل سليم جريصاتي ووزير الإعلام وليد الداعوق. ولدى اتصال “المفكرة” بالوزير فاعور، أكد عدم علمه بالقرار والتوصية، مؤكداً أنه لم يدع إلى الإجتماع المذكور. وأشار أبو فاعور أنه سيبحث الموضوع مع رئيس الحكومة الذي سيلتقيه اليوم. مع العلم أن اللجنة أشارت في محضرها أنها وصلت إلى قرارها ب”الإجماع”، فعن أي اجماع نتحدث؟

واستندت اللجنة في توصيتها التي تكرس التمييز السلبي بحق النساء في لبنان، وتؤكد ذكورية الدولة تجاه نصف المجتمع، إلى جملة من المعطيات التي تخالف في جوهرها حقوق الإنسان وتتناقض مع مجمل الإتفاقيات الدولية التي وقعها لبنان. وفي بعض ما استندت إليه، لا تخالف اللجنة الوزارية بنود الإتفاقية الدولية للقضاء على كافة اشكال التمييز ضد المرأة(سيداو) فقط، حيث ذكرت بتحفظ مجلس النواب اللبناني على البند الثاني من المادة التاسعة من الإتفاقية، والذي يتعلق بمنح المرأة حقاً متساويا مع حق الرجل في ما يتعلق بجنسية أولادها، بل أنها ذهبت أبعد من ذلك في اتجاه السعي الى اعطاء أسس دستورية لقرارها. ف”مواءمة مقتضيات العيش المشترك والمناصفة والتساوي والفعالية في معرض التمثيل النيابي (المكرسة دستوريا) تصبح أكثر تعذرا وتعقيدا في ظل تفاقم الخلل الديموغرافي بين أبناء الشعب اللبناني من المسيحيين والمسلمين قبل التحرر المأمول من القيد الطائفي”، مما يسمح اذا بالشذوذ عن مبدأ المساواة بين الجنسين. ولتدعيم وجهة نظرها، استندت اللجنة صراحة إلى قرار سابق للمجلس الدستوري إثر الطعن بالقانون الذي حرم الفلسطينيين من التملك العقاري. وتضمنت التوصية فقرة تفيد “بما انه سبق للمجلس الدستوري ان اورد ان مبدأ المساواة الذي يتمتع بالقوة الدستورية لا يعمل به عند وجود اوضاع قانونية مختلفة لا يصح معها إعمال المساواة، أو عندما تقضي بذلك مصلحة عليا…”..وبذلك أصبح بإمكان اعضاء اللجنة والحكومة من خلفهم، لا بل سمحوا لأنفسهم، وبكل ضمير مرتاح، بتغليب المصلحة الطائفية على المصلحة الحقوقية لمواطنين يشكلون نصف المجتمع اللبناني.

واثباتا للاخلال بالتوازن الطائفي، وفي محاولة لتبرير فعلتها بطريقة تتناغم مع الحساسية الطائفية التي تعوم عليها البلاد، أشارت اللجنة إلى “أن وزارة الداخلية زودتها بأرقام عن عدد المستفيدين من منح الأم اللبنانية الحق بمنح جنسيتها لأولادها والجنسيات والطوائف التي ينتمون إليها، وهي أرقام تخل بالتوازن الديموغرافي الطوائفي إخلالاً كبيرا، فضلاً عن شمولها عددا لا يستهان به من الفلسطينيين”. وتظهر الأرقام التي حصلت عليها اللجنة من وزارة الداخلية أن الأجانب الذين سينالون الجنسية من خلال أمهاتهم اللبنانيات يصل إلى نحو 380 الف شخص والأهم توزع جنسياتهم وطوائفهم. وتوقفت اللجنة في توصيتها أمام عديد الفلسطينيين الذين سينالون الجنسية من أمهاتهم، لتحذر من الموضوع وتأثيره على التوازنات اللبنانية. إذ يبلغ عدد النساء اللبنانيات المتزوجات من فلسطينيين أربعة آلاف وخمسمائة إمرأة من أصل 76 ألف إمرأة لبنانية متزوجات من أجانب، وهي نسبة ليست كبيرة مقارنة مع التهويل الذي يلوح به معارضو منح المرأة اللبنانية جنسيتها لأسرتها. مع العلم أن اللجنة نفسها أشارت إلى حصول 15 ألف إمرأة فلسطينية على الجنسية اللبنانية نتيجة زواجهن من لبنانيين، ولكن ذلك لا يعتبر مشكلة طالما أن مانح الجنسية هنا هو رجل، بالمفهوم الذكوري للمسؤولين في لبنان وفلسفتهم الحقوقية التمييزية السلبية تجاه المرأة.

وانتهت اللجنة إلى الإعتبار، وبناء على كل ما تقدم “أنه من حق الدولة اللبنانية، وفي ضوء مصلحتها العليا، أن تقرر وضع القيود التي تحدد مداها لإكتساب غير اللبنانيين الجنسية اللبنانية، إذ تمارس في ذلك حقاً سيادياً محفوظاً لها دون سواها على الأرض اللبنانية، لا سيما إذا كان اكتساب الجنسية يتعارض مع مبدأ رفض التوطين (زواج اللبنانية من فلسطيني) أو يخل بصورة فاضحة بالتوازن الديموغرافي أو يزيده تفاقماً، على ما حصل في مرسوم التجنيس في العام 1994”. يذكر أن المرسوم المذكور شهد الكثير من المحسوبيات الطائفية والمذهبية والرشاوى التي مررها زعماء السياسة والطوائف يومها.

وخلصت اللجنة “بالإجماع” كما ورد إلى اقتراح “عدم الموافقة على مشروع القانون المذكور والإستعاضة بإجراءات من شأنها منح كل الحقوق لأولاد اللبنانية المتزوجة من أجنبي مع استثناء الحقوق السياسية. وتبعا لذلك، اقترحت منح اقامة دائمة من دون بدل عوضا عن سمة المجاملة، والحق بالتعليم والانتساب الى المدارس والمعاهد والجامعات كافة والحق في العمل في القطاعات الخاصة والحق في الطبابة والاستشفاء في القطاع الصحي العام والخاص والاستفادة من تقدمات وزارة الصحة ووزارة الشؤون الاجتماعية والصندوق الوطني الاجتماعي. الا أن ذلك لم يمنعها في حمأة تعداد الحقوق التي تقترح منحها عن استثناء حقوق أخرى تحفظها فقط للمولودين من ذكر لبناني وهي حق العمل في المهن الحرة والقطاع العام أو القطاعات التي تنص القوانين والأنظمة والقرارات المتعلقة بها على توافر شرط الجنسية اللبنانية صراحة وهي قطاعات واسعة جدا. كما تجدر الاشارة الى أن اللجنة لم تذكر الأزواج البتة وما اذا كانوا يستفيدون من الإجراءات التحسينية أم سيقتصر إقتراحها على أولاد اللبنانيات وحدهم.

وتعليقاً على توصية اللجنة، أكدت منسقة حملة “جنسيتي حق لي ولأسرتي” لينا بوحبيب شعور القيمين على الحملة “بالإمتعاض جدا والغضب من هذه النتيجة”، ورفضها “جملة وتفصيلا وبالمطلق”. وأشارت بوحبيب إلى إجتماع عقدته الحملة مع اللجنة في الثالث من كانون الأول الماضي، حيث أكد لهم أعضاؤها أنهم سيدرسون الموضوع بمناخ ايجابي. وقام ممثلو الحملة بتبليغ نتائج اجتماعاتهم مع اللجنة للسيدات المعنيات بالقضية والمناصرين لها خلال إجتماع الهيئة العامة للحملة قبل نحو عشرة ايام وتركت اجواء ايجابية وآملة بين النساء. وبذلك لم يكن نساء الحملة يدركون ما تعد اللجنة لهم. وتشير بو حبيب إلى أن الحملة اتصلت بمكتب رئيس اللجنة سمير مقبل يوم الجمعة الماضي وسألت عما وصلت إليه الأمور، فأكدوا لهم أنهم لم يجتمعوا بعد، في حين أن توصيتهم وقرارهم مؤرخ في 14 كانون الماضي، “ليفاجأونا بتوصيتهم الظالمة والمتناقضة مع حقوق الإنسان والمرأة، والتي تحمّل النساء وزر الطائفية البغيضة في لبنان بحيث تشكل النساء بنظرهم خطرا على المصلحة العليا للدولة”.

وبعدما عبرت عن استياء القيمين على الحملة مما حصل، أكدت بو حبيب نية الحملة بالتصعيد “لأن ما حصل غير مقبول ومرفوض”، مؤكدة أنه “سيتم الإعلان عن الخطوات اللاحقة بعد التشاور مع السيدات المعنيات”. وعليه، قضت اللجنة الوزارية على أمل اللبنانيات وحقهن بالتمتع بالمواطنة الكاملة والمساواة، وليس حملهم لجنسية من الدرجة الثانية لا تخولهن منح جنسيتهن لأولادهن الذين ولدوا وترعرعوا في لبنان ولا يعرفون وطنا سواه. والمؤسف في الموضوع أن هذه الحكومة نفسها أقرت مشروع قانون يخول اللبنانيين المتحدرين من أصل لبناني منذ العام 1921 إستعادة جنسيتهم اللبنانية، برغم أن غالبية هؤلاء لا يعرفون موقع لبنان على الخارطة الدولية، ولا يتحدثون لغته ولا يشعرون بأدنى الإنتماء إليه.

وحاولت اللجنة الوزارية تغطية جريمتها بالتوصية بسلة من الحقوق لأبناء المرأة اللبنانية المقيمين في لبنان، من إقامة مجانية وحق العمل (ولكن هناك استثناء لبعض المهن) وبالتطبب في المستشفيات الحكومية وبالإنتساب إلى الضمان الإجتماعي.. وغيرها من التقديمات التي كان بامكانهم الحصول عليها وعلى العديد من الحقوق الأخرى لو تم اقرار حقهم بالجنسية من دون منة من أحد. الدولة اليوم دولة ذكورية بامتياز.. بل هي دولة سادية قبل كل شيء.

Source: Legal Agenda Article.  

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دعــوة مشـاركة


حضرة السيدات والسادة الكرام ،

الانتخابات هي حجر الأساس في بناء الديمقراطية، والتنافس الحر بين المرشحين والمرشحات هو أساس كل عملية انتخابية سليمة. فلا إنتخاب من دون امكانية الإختيار ولا اختيار بغير وجود مجموعة من المرشحين والمرشحات  يحملون  أفكاراً أوبرامج متنافسة.

الفوز في الانتخابات هو أمر شديد الصعوبة، ولكن ما هو مؤكد ان عملية الفوز تصبح أكثر سهولة إذا عرف المرشح، سواء كان رجلاً او إمراة، كيف ينظم حملته، وكيف يواجه المصاعب والتحديات التي قد تعترض طريقه.

فإذا كنت تطمح لأن تكون مرشحا، سواء كنت رجلا او إمراة، وترغب في إدارة شؤون حملتك بشكل فعال من الناحية التنظيمية أو توّد المشاركة في تنفيذ حملة مرشح ما، فان “مركز الشراكة للتنمية والديمقراطية” اللبناني وبالتعاون مع “مؤسسة فريدريش ايبرت” الألمانية  وضمن مشروع ” خطط  وفوز”، سيوفر لك الدعم التقني والمراجع الأدبية المفيدة خلال الورشة التدريبية التي سيقيمها على مدى يومين من الساعة 9:00 ق.ظ – 3:00 ب. ظ  في بلدة حاكور-عكار، أوتيل جنة عرقة (825041-06).

التاريخ: 26 و27 كانون الثاني 2013

عنوان الورشة: تنظيم حملة انتخابية فعالة

مضمون الورشة:

● دور النائب ومسؤولياته

● تخطيط الحمـلة الانتخابية

● تعريف البرنامج الانتخابي وتحديده

● تشكيل الفريق الانتـخابي

● تطوير الإستراتيجية الدعائيـة والإعلامـية

● تمويـل الحملة الانتخابيـة

المشاركة مجانية والأماكن محدودة، سارع الى ملىء استمارة مشاركة على الرابط التالي في مدة أقصاها 20 كانون الثاني 2013 :


لمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال بمركز الشراكة للتنمية والديمقراطية على الرقم 01303911  أو على البريد الالكتروني التالي: pcdd@pcdd.org

[i] مركز الشراكة للتنمية والديمقراطية هو منظمة غير حكومية مستقلة . تتجسد رؤية المركز في التوصل الى مجتمع مدني ديمقراطي ، قادر على التأثير في السياسات العامة. وهو يهدف الى دعم منظمات المجتمع المدني، وتعزيز الشراكة والمساهمة في الشأن العام من خلال تنفيذ مشاريع في مجال التنمية والديمقراطية  والعمل على تنمية القدرات والمهارات التي تمكّن الافراد والمنظمات من النهوض بمجتمع مدني حيوي.  www.facebook.com/pcdd.lb – www.pcdd.org

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 I am sure an increasing number of Lebanese citizens who are sick and tired of their political system, realize that political competition over who is more anti-Palestinian is a smokescreen meant to cover inefficiency, ineptness, and corruption.

Response to Nayla Toueni

Dear Nayla Toueni,Lacking in analysis or journalistic integrity, your article, العبء الفلسطيني مجددا,merely regurgitates a xenophobic Lebanese discourse that tirelessly uses Palestinians to cover up the failings of a sectarian Lebanese political system run by a band of war lords and children from political dynasties.  Your article echoes another recent incoherent diatribe by Lebanese Minister of Energy, Gebran Bassile, who advocated closing the Lebanese border in the face of all refugees, and who singled out Palestinian refugees as more dangerous and unwanted.  In a typically opportunistic move, he miraculously managed to blame Palestinians for the chronic electricity shortage in Lebanon!

Whereas the two of you (Toueni and Bassille) belong to two vying political camps, what brings you so intimately close (and keeps you afloat) is the bankrupt logic of مزايدات at the expense of Palestinians.

Perhaps there was no purpose for drafting the short rant you drafted on the last day of 2012 other than to outbid Bassille’s racism, lest the Lebanese start to think that the Christian right in the March 8 camp and their Shia allies can be more anti-Palestinian than the Christian right in the March 14 camp and their Sunni allies.  Palestinians, and I am sure an increasing number of Lebanese citizens who are sick and tired of their political system, realize that political competition over who is more anti-Palestinian is a smokescreen meant to cover inefficiency, ineptness, and corruption.

In your reference to Palestinians as مستوطنين, a term used to describe colonial settlers such as Whites in South Africa or European Jews in Palestine, you either made a linguistic mistake (in which case you need to hire a language editor) or you intentionally used the term to misconstrue reality.  Had you read a basic history book on the Arab region, you would have realized that Palestinians arrived to Lebanon as refugees fleeing ethnic cleansing in 1948; they continue to insist on their right to return to Palestine.  The Palestinians who have been arriving to Lebanon from Syria in recent months are also refugees fleeing the same violence perpetrated against Syrian citizens by the Syrian regime.  Based on what logic, other than prejudiced presumptions, do you suggest that these refugees (who are granted the right to work and other civil rights in Syria and denied the same rights in Lebanon) dream of staying in Lebanon in squalor conditions?  Based on what logic, other than racist stereotyping of Palestinians as criminals, do you suggest that the refugees are plotting to hide in camps in Lebanon when in reality they are impatiently waiting to return to the jobs and lives they tried to build in Syria until they return to Palestine?

As you warn us of a “new Palestinian nightmare”, I assure you that there are many Lebanese who view the sectarian system in which you are an active participant as the “Lebanese nightmare.”  Since you (and Bassille) are so concerned about Lebanon’s limited resources, it is only fair that you yourselves leave these resources to the Lebanese people and stop blaming Palestinians for all the social ills caused by the corruption of the political elite which you exemplify.  Had the sad excuse for an article you published in Annahar been written by an American or French journalist about Lebanese immigrants abroad, she would have surely been asked to resign to save the newspaper from accusations of racism and even lawsuits.

Dr. Sawsan Abdulrahim

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The Heroes of Sandy Hook Elementary.

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Excellent film d’une conference par Ahmed Benchemsi donnee au Canada….

il parle de la laicite “secularism : from within” dans le monde arabe.


a voir!!!

Rita Chemaly


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Liban: Attentat Beyrouth, la caméra de sécurité qui a tout filmé. Exclusif | Frédéric HELBERT, le blog.


EXCLUSIF- Enquête attentat Beyrouth.

Les enquéteurs en possession de bandes vidéos de caméras de sécurité de la banque BEMO montrant deux hommes achevant les préparatifs de l’attentat à la voiture piégée

Les Services Français en « back-office » sur l’enquête

Ce sont des éléments capitaux que les enquêteurs ont saisi, et qui leur ont appris beaucoup:

Les bandes-vidéo des caméras de sécurité de la Banque « Bemo » (banque européenne pour le Moyen-orient) dont un des batiments est située dans la rue très étroite ou a eu lieu l’attentat à la voiture piégée, d’une puissance inouïe, visant Wissam el-Hassan. Sur la photo de l’immeuble que j’ai prise peu après l’attentat, on distingue à l’angle de l’immeuble abritant les locaux de la banque « Bemo », l’une des caméras de sécurité, désaxée par le souffle, juste au dessus du toit de l’ambulance.

La banque BEMO, est située dans l’immeuble faisant face à celui devant lequel était garée la voiture piégée, qui a tué le chef des renseignements des FSI (forces de sécurité intérieures)  semé la mort et la dévastation dans tout un quartier. Les enquêteurs ont pu récupérer les bandes vidéos de ses caméras de sécurité. Une découverte de premier plan selon un enquêteur qui y a eu accès.

On y voit un homme faire le guet, car se garer  dans la rue Ibrahim Mounzer (rue très courte et étroite) à Achrafiyeh… relève de l’exploit. L’homme est donc chargé de repérer et signaler dès qu’une place se libère. Lorsque cela se produit,  le matin de l’attentat, à 7h15 précises, selon le timing de la vidéo, les images le montrent bloquant une place se dégageant, jusqu’à ce que le véhicule piégé Toyota RAV4, vienne aussitôt s’y placer. Les deux hommes sont en suite pris en charge par une autre voiture. Dont la plaque d’immatriculation aurait été filmée selon mon interlocuteur qui n’en en dira pas plus.

Une organisation méthodique à l’extrême. Des tueurs sachant tout de leur cible.

C’est un premier point fondamental qui démontre une organisation minutieuse, un plan précis, et le déploiement d’une logistique disposant de moyens impressionnants.  » les tueurs dit un autre enquêteur traçaient  Wissam el-Hassan avec d’impressionnants moyens de renseignements humains et sophistiqués. Il savaient qu’il était en Europe. Ils ont su quand ils rentraient.Ils connaissaient ses habitudes et ses secrets, puisque c’est sur le trajet qu’ils connaissaient d’une « safe-house » ou Wissam el-Hassan se reenait régulièrement, que l’attentat a été commis. Le choix de la rue n’est pas anodin. Petite, étroite. Voiture piégée placée en face d’un immeuble et non du terrain vague voisin, pour que l’effet de souffle destructeur  joue à pleins et que la « cible » n’ait aucune chance de s’en sortir, quelque soit les dommages collatéraux, et le nombre de victimes non visées directement aussi touchées par l’explosion« . 

Wissam el-Hassan sur écoute? trahi par l’un des siens? Il a été pisté tout le long de son parcours jusqu’à la dernière seconde…

www.frederichelbert.comLes enquêteurs estiment  également que le chef des services des renseignements des FSI, en contact avec de nombreux politiques, était sans doute sur écoute! Et que ses moindres faits et gestes étaient observés.  Ainsi les organisateurs de l’attentat ont pu savoir ou et comment agir, quand il est arrivé d’Europe, quand il a quitté l’Europe pour revenir au Liban sans prévenir personne. Aucun convoi de sécurité ne l’attendait à l’aéroport. Il avait ses raisons, relevant plutôt de la sphère personnelle. Mais toute arrivée sensible à Beyrouth ne passe jamais inaperçue. « . Quand on atterrit à Beyrouth, ça se sait toujours… Il y a donc eu aussi sans doute tout au long d’un parcours presque balisé par les tueurs des hommes chargés d’une surveillance visuelle. Du premier signalant le départ de la cible jusqu’au dernier actionnant le détonateur après avoir été prévenu par une « vigie », ayant une vue dégagée sur la voiture de Wissam el-Hassan, s’engageant dans la rue de l’attentat  » selon une source très proche de l’enquête.

La possibilité d’une infiltration humaine au sein des FSI, n’est pas écartée. Enfin, même s’il est trop tard pour corriger ce tir-là, les enquêteurs s’étonnent de l’absence de vigilance extrême et permanente dont aurait du faire preuve un homme aussi détesté et possédant tant d’ennemis… Mais qui avait ses raisons de vouloir  en l’occurrence une discrétion qui lui a hélas la vie. Ainsi qu’à des civils loin de toutes ces affaires de sécurité.

Un fidèle de la victime décidé à aller jusqu’au bout. Les services français en « back-office »

« Je ne vous dirais rien sur l’identité les commanditaires, et exécutants  éventuels ou soupçonnés  confie l’une des sources de cette enquête sur l’enquête. Vous pouvez imaginez ce que vous voulez, regarder ou vous voulez… Vous avez d’ailleurs fait  état vous-même publiquement d’une hypothèse très privilégiée.  Nous, pour l’instant on mène une enquête technique et rigoureuse à la recherche du moindre indice. Les bandes-vidéos de la banque BEMO nous ont montré que l’on avait affaire à un réseau formidablement structuré et pro: On a un fil: les images de cet homme guettant une place, et la trouvant à 7h15 du matin, le jour de l’attentat, pour que l’un de ses complices vienne y placer le véhicule piégé avec du C4 et du TNT. C’est un premier élément fondamental dans l’avancée d’une enquête ou ne lâchera rien ». A la question de savoir si les services français sont associés à cette enquête ultra-sensible, l’homme répond par un sourire entenduWissam el-Hassan entretenait d’excellents rapports avec ses homologues français. Il y a eu des échanges d’informations, notamment ur le conflit syrien et le dossier Samaha (dossier sur lequel la rumeur toujours insistante leur prête un rôle actif, dans l’opération ayant permis de déjouer le complot). Le chef des renseignements des FSI après une visite au BKA à Berlin est passée par Paris, la veille de son assassinat, pour y voir sa famille qu’il avait mis à l’abri là-bas.« Alors évidement,  Les services français sont à nos cotés dit un haut-gradé  des FSI, mais à leur manière. Ce ‘est pas le FBI qui débarque avec armes et bagages sur le terrain. C’est plus subtil « . Selon le terme employé dans le jargon du métier, ils sont en back-office ».  Autrement dit: ils apportent discrètement leurs infos, leurs tuyaux, collectés grâce à des moyens de renseignement humains et électroniques. Leur pouvoir d’analyse dans une région qu’ils connaissent bien et ou ils possèdent de solides points d’ancrage pourrait aussi se révéler aussi décisif.

Frédéric Helbert.

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“ACT for the Disappeared” Campaign “Enough Waiting We Want to Know” highlights the ongoing impact of the issue of the disappeared on thousands of people in Lebanon.
The campaign includes TV spots, billboards, and a media campaign on social networks. ACT with us and join the campaign fb.com/act4thedisappeared !!


<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/iPqKXVwhtVk&#8221; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>


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Dear Readers,


Kindly find below the latest issue of the Middle East & North Africa Gender and Development e-Brief (No 125)  


Best regards, 



The Middle East &North Africa 
“Gender and Development E-Brief”
Issue #125
October 2012




Iranian Women’s Rights Activists Stop the Registration of Anti-Women Tradition As ‘National Heritage’

Women on Waves Boat Makes First Trip to a Muslim Country, Morocco



Syrian Refugee Women – High Risk of Violence in Lebanon

… and Refugees suffer from critical lack of women’s health care
Algeria TV boss convicted for sexual harassment

Child Marriage on Rise Due to Hunger in Niger

Woman Allegedly Raped By Police, Accused of “Indecency” in Tunisia...

… Public Support & President Apology for Alleged Police-Raped Victim

Maronite clergy unleashes unprecedented public attack on what they refer to as “the gender concept”

Ikea deleted women from Saudi version of catalogue

Women lose out on affordable housing in Gulf countries

Egypt teacher cuts girls’ hair for not wearing veil



Oman Has Lowest Divorce

Women’s Day Video in Tunisia

In Yemen Women Say Lives Worse Since Revolution

Women & Children Refugees Flee Attacks in Sudan

Egypt’s Brotherhood top officials face investigation over attacks on women protesters


UN Joint Statement: “Adultery as a criminal offence violates women’s human rights”



UN: Marrying Too Young, End Child Marriage Report

Arab Region: No Revolutions without Equality and Justice: The struggle for women’s rights in rethinking development in the Arab region

A frank discussion from woman to man


Please note that the MENA Gender and Development e-Brief is posted on line on the following URLM:http://crtda.org.lb/sites/default/files/newsletters/MENA%20GAD_125.pdf

The MENA Gender and Development e-Brief receives material from various sources for its publication. Should you wish to refer to these sources/ sites directly, the list includes publications from: AVIVA, www.aviva.org, AWID: www.awid.org, Democracy Digest: www.freedomhouse.org, Development Gateway: www.developmentgatway.org, Dignity: www.dignity.org, e-Civicus: www.civicus.org, Eldis:www.eldis.org, ESCWA: www.escwa.org.lb, GDB: www.developmentex.com, Global Knowledge Partnership: www.globalknowledge.org, IGTN: www.IGTN.org, ILO: www.ilo.org One World: www.oneworld.net,Siyanda: www.siyanda.org, The Daily Star: www.dailystar.com.lb, The Drum Beat: www.comminit.com, The Soul Beat: www.comminit.com, The World Bank: www.worldbank.org, UNDP: www.undp.org, Wicejilist:www.wicej.addr.com, WLP: www.learningpartnership.org; WIDE: www.wide-network.org; IRIN News: www.irinnews.org, Women’s UN Report Network: www.wunrn.com, Women Living Under Muslim Laws:www.wluml.org

The MENA Gender And Development E-Brief is published by CRTD.A.

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Below you can read a part of the article of Bassam explaining what the journalist in Future did yesterday at Martyr’s square Beirut…

if that was the answer of Liana and Elias for him, good for them,  Liana I salute your courage, as I saluted the courage of Samir Kassir when we was against all odd asking people not to use the world Syrian people but fuel their anger against the regime!

yes, I was shocked by the “use” and “instrumentalisation” of the sorrow of people yesterday;

Burning the country, burning tires, and sending RPJ and Energa all night is not the solution.

God bless those who spoke again maturely and asked some of the followers to calm down.

Again, the final question I tried to solve in the Book Spring 2005 in Lebanon, was of a citizenship built on common grounds: chaos? or unity and respect? I am lost! this is not what peaceful collective Action looks like…. Gene Sharp … we need to refresh our memories and Peaceful tools!

Spring 2005 was Peaceful, I described the actions clearly … what the fall of 2012 is preparing to us? do you need a description or an image?

Source: L’Orient Le Jour… est ce pacifique ya sharp?



Source: Reuters Houssam Chabro… and is this pacific collective action?



Photo de Nada Merhi L’Orient le jour…. Pour moi voila une mobilisation pacifique qui est moins couverte mediatiquement certes, mais qui me rappelle ce Printemps 2005 au Liban…. le Mythe… Rita


Rita Chemaly

طالق بالثلاثة


من استوديو «المستقبل» الى ساحة الشهداء، حمل قطيش شعار «الطلاق حتى العدالة»، وتقدم الجماهير، رافعاً قبضته التي زينها بشارة صفراء، لأنّ

الطلاق برأيه هو مع «حزب الله وجميع أتباعه في قوى 8 آذار». كلام قطيش لم يعجب النائب السابق الياس عطا الله الذي اعتبر شعار الطلاق «حالة غضب وليس موقفاً سياسياً». وأضاف: «نحن لا نطلّق أحداً». مداخلة عطا الله أدت إلى مشادة كلاميّة مع قطيش نقلتها وسائل الإعلام مباشرةً على الهواء. لكن ما لم تنقله الشاشة هو التلاسن بين قطيش وليانا ابنة الصحافي الراحل سمير قصير، بعدما ادعى قطيش أنّ «الناس في الضاحية توزع البقلاوة». رفضت ابنة قصير اتهام «الناس في الضاحية» وحصر التهمة بـ«الفاعل الحقيقي». لم يعجب الأمر قطيش، فعبّر عن استيائه بكلام خارج السياق. وجددت قصير رفضها لـ«زج الشعارات التحريضيّة في الحدث»، مطالبة الحاضرين بالتعاطف مع الشهداء لا توزيع الاتهامات «ضدّ جميع أهل الضاحية الذين هم جزء من هذه البلاد». وقطيش يحاول أن يكون حاداً، من دون كاريزما سمير قصير 2005 حتى الآن.
بدا قطيش أمس كمن يريد أن يستنسخ تجربة الصحافي فارس خشان. لكنه فاق فارس تأثيراً أمس. أراد أداء دور بوعزيزي بيروت، لكن من دون بنزين. مع

ذلك، كاد «أنصاره» أن يحرقوا شيئاً آخر، غير أجسادهم.

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a vous l’analyse de la situation par un ami, karim, je reprend son billet comme tel;
SOURCE: The Beirut Entreprise blog : Tumultuous Lebanon, Where the Intelligence War Never Pauses
Dr. Karim El Mufti
University Professor
Political Scientist
It took longer than usual compared with other political assassinations (given the high secrecy linked to security related areas), but the information eventually came out, the head of the Intelligence Branch of the Internal Security Forces (ISF), Brigadier Wissam El Hassan, was targeted and terminated.
1. The political war and Syria
Minutes into the Ashrafieh blast and 14 March local figures were already trying to make political good fortune out of the tragedy, raising the scenario of an alleged targeting of the Kataeb House, or the 14 March General Secretariat office, or even how Syria the terrorist “targeted the heart of a Lebanese Christian area”. The context changed once the announcement broke of the direct plot against the ISF Brigadier, even though the accused party remained the same: Syria had killed Al Hassan in “retaliation of the arrest of Michel Samaha”, the close advisor of Bashar Al Assad ; he was targeted because of the “efforts made by the ISF to stop Syrian infiltrations into Lebanon”.
Blaming directly the Syrian regime for the terrorist blast, self-exiled Saad Hariri was, from day one, trying to use the killing as a high horse to make a comeback onto the Lebanese political landscape after a period of political numbness: “if I were prime minister, my actions would be to stand against Bachar el Assad and say very clearly that anything that will come into Lebanon, if the regime is trying to export its terrorists to Lebanon, we would definitely refuse it[1].
Other spokespersons from the 14 March coalition carried on with the interpretation that this attack was an export of the Syrian conflict into the heart of the Lebanese capital. As clearly put by Kataeb president and anti-Syrian figure, Amine El Gemayel, to the LBC television : “This regime, which is crumbling, is trying to export its conflict to Lebanon”.
But this explanation falls short when, at the same time, the same anti-Syrian coalition eagerly connected the attack (due to “troubling similarities”) with past attacks on anti-Syrian figures (Gebran Tueni or Antoine Ghanem for instance), at a time when “Syria al Assad” was well up on its feet, way before the civil war there.
Still, there is no doubt in the extensiveness of the blow the anti-Syrian coalition 14 March has just received with the decapitation of the head of a security service loyal to its agenda. Along with other public administrations, like the Council for Reconstruction and Development and Ogero within the Telecommunications Ministry, this ISF branch represented little of what was left of the opposition’s influence within State institutions, remotely led by Saad Hariri since he was removed from power in January of last year. Given the sensitive and strategic nature of the Information Branch within the ISF, needless to say how enduring the hit came to the political leverage of the 14 March coalition.
2. The evidence war and the STL
Wissam Al Hassan was not only a top security operative who made possible the dismantlement of pro-Israeli cells, or the arrest of former Minister Michel Samaha last August for planning to carry out terrorist attacks on Lebanese soil, he was most importantly in charge of the Lebanese side of the investigation of Rafic Hariri’s assassination. Brigadier Al Hassan was hence among the people the prosecutor at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) could count on in order to build his case. In that, the indictment against the four members of Hezbollah is based, in the prosecutor’s own words, on “circumstantial evidence[2] related to a series of interconnected telecommunications cells that were operating in preparation to the attack, and that were allegedly set up by the four suspects yet to be arrested.
With the overturn of the political equilibrium and the formation of the 8 March pro-Syrian government, which is hostile to the STL work, the intelligence unit run by Brigadier Al Hassan had the mission of keeping the cooperation with the STL’s prosecutor alive. It is important to highlight that the ISF Information Branch is the unit that uncovered the telecommunications cells’ matrix (with the support of another police martyr and IT expert, Captain Wissam Eid, assassinated in January 2008), before linking it to Hezbollah members, and then possibly leaking the information to Der Spiegel who suggested this eventuality in May 2009, two years before the indictment was issued. Since that time, a crucial target shift has taken place, passing from the suspicion of an official Syrian involvement to a Lebanese (Hezbollah) involvement in the assassination of Rafic Hariri.
As such, anti-Hezbollah formations in Lebanon had high hopes in the work of the ISF intelligence branch as it was fuelling, genuinely or not, the accusation party, despite the loss of control over the government. Whether these pieces of evidence were authentic or not was never really the primary concern of the 14 March coalition. Some opposition figures, like Samir Geagea, chose to entirely endorse the views of the prosecutor as to the involvement of Hezbollah suspects[3], even before the pre-trial Judge had set a trial date, whereas Hezbollah officials regularly rejected the telecommunications related evidence considering it fabricated.
This evidence war, that will contribute to determine the fate and outcome of the coming trial, has put Brigadier Wissam El Hassan at the centre of a vast intelligence (national, regional and international) confrontation, as he fell victim of irreconcilable conflicting interests where the battles behind the scenes never pause.
3. The 14 March window of opportunity to regain political ground
For the opposition group, the killing of Al Hassan has hence taken away a strong Lebanese ally in the investigation team that would have been keen on beefing up the accusation party against the four Hezbollah suspects, especially with the trial date (in abstentia) approaching and fixed to 25 March 2013. In the minds of 14 March figures, as the trial would advance against Hezbollah members, the popularity of the party of God would be shaken, and this during election year.

Until then, fearing another May 2008 violent showdown, 14 March leaders have decided to throw their internal wrath against Nagib Mikati. The prime minister now faces a tough spot as the attack happened on his watch while he is representing a pro-Syrian government, despite ingenious manoeuvring to escape impossible contradictions during his mandate through decisions that digressed from core 8 March interests. We can mention for instance the funding of the Lebanese share of the STL, the spearheading of aid towards the Syrian displaced usually considered as supporting the Free Syrian Army, or the freezing of the wage increase, an important component of 8 March agenda, as a gesture to the private sector. At the end of the line, Prime Minister Mikati offered his resignation that has been, curious constitutional outcome, “suspended”, as he is today threatened by experiencing the same political fate as Omar Karame whose political carrier crashed back in April 2005 in close circumstances.
Accumulating political and street pressure against the present prime minister is a convenient way for 14 March to be blaming a Sunni official for the death of another Sunni official, hence hitting on Hezbollah’s hold over the government in an indirect fashion without being accused of fuelling sectarianism, and eventually try and bring it down. This short-term battle represents, for opposition figures, a small window of opportunity to regain some political capital a few months before the 2013 elections, but at the cost of maintaining Lebanon in a state of tumult.
Beirut, 21 October 2012

[1] Saad Hariri interview to CNN, reported by The Daily Star, 20 October 2012, available athttp://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Politics/2012/Oct-20/192109-hariri-tells-cnn-hasan-killed-over-samaha-case.ashx#ixzz29owAYqFW
[2] §3, p.3 of the indictment
[3] Press conference of Samir Geagea in Meerab on 27 August 2011, cf. Geagea : L’acte d’accusation est basé sur suffisamment de preuves, L’Orient-Le Jour, 28 August 2011.

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