
Posts Tagged ‘Lebanon’

Anti-gender movements are driving a backlash to deny #women rights & criminalize #LGBTQI+ people. #Lebanon has been witnessing a fierce backlash from soldiers of God, Hezb Allah, followed by MP Achraf Rifi from Tripoli and Mikati positions, Trying to get cover of the Christian Patriarch.

In a country with crises (hyperinflation, brain drain, lack of meds), the political apparatus, be it territorial, partisan, or sectarian found a new way to strengthen acabiyas, re-using z term “chouzouz” & pointing to LGBTQ+ &rainbows in a nation with impunity since more than 3 years.

Conservative actors are reinforcing #patriarchy while preparing laws with 10 years of imprisonment for LGBTIQ+ people & criminalization of “actors” who promote LGBTIQ “Ideologies”.And since the #BeirutBlast no one is in prison. long live impunity in my #Lebanon

Noting that in the UPR 2021 Report, more than 15 countries encouraged Lebanon to amend its penal code, mainly repealing Article 534 of it. Instead of doing so, Parliament commissions are reinforcing acabiyas of patriarchal norms. afraid of a rainbow?

Rita Chemaly

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Les élections libanaises de mai 2022, des élections en demie teinte dans un pays en crise et un système sclérosé, Afkar/ Idees 2022

“Cette analyse a été rédigée par Rita Chemaly, Enseignante, chercheure à l’Institut des Sciences Politiques de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban 2022.

1-Contextualisation des élections dans un Etat en désintégration

Au mois de mai 2022, les libanais et libanaises âgés de plus de 21 ans ont eu la possibilité d’élire leurs représentants au parlement. Les élections législatives ont été tenues alors que le Liban vit une crise financière et économique grave. Crise classée par la Banque mondiale en juin 2021 « parmi les 10, voire les 3 crises mondiales les plus sévères depuis le milieu du XIXe siècle ».

Elections organisées, trois ans après les contestations du mouvement d’Octobre 2019 qui avait cristallisé la colère des citoyens et citoyennes contre la classe politique.

Les élections ont été organisées aussi, 2 ans après l’explosion du 4 aout 2020 qui a détruit la capitale Beyrouth et une grande partie de ses banlieues, et tué plus de 230 victimes selon le collectif des familles des victimes avec des milliers de blessés et des déplacés.

Les élections ont été tenues en plusieurs jours, deux jours pour les élections des libanais vivant à l’étranger et un jour pour les libanais vivant au Liban.

Le ministère de l’intérieur et des municipalités qui a administré la tenue des élections a fait face à la désintégration des services étatiques, notamment la grève des employés du secteur public, ajouter à des coupures sévères du courant électrique qui devait être payé en dollars « frais » pour fournir les écoles publiques et municipalités où avaient lieu les élections sur tout le territoire libanais. L’expression dollars frais selon le nouveau contexte libanais signifie des dollars « cash » qui n’étaient pas déposés dans les banques libanaises avant la crise d’octobre 2019. La désintégration des services étatiques se traduit dans les administrations par le manque sévère de fournitures et matériels logistiques, aux fonctionnaires démotivés qui devaient ouvrir et administrer des bureaux de vote alors que payer le transport pour aller au bureau qu’ils devaient gérer devenait hors de portée. Cela dû à l’augmentation des prix du carburant et de l’essence au Liban, aussi dû à l’hyperinflation, et à la perte de valeur de la monnaie nationale, qui fait que les salaires des employés ne leur suffisent plus pour couvrir leur simple transport vers leur lieu de travail, ni pour gérer leurs dépenses quotidiennes.

Les citoyens et citoyennes vivent une hyperinflation de 154.8 % (selon le gouvernement libanais étude présentée en mai 2022 aux créditeurs et publiée sur le site du ministère des finances) , l’augmentation des prix des transports de plus de 541% en un an selon le Département National de Statistiques, et la perte de plus de 95 % de la valeur de la monnaie nationale, la livre libanaise. Aussi, les élections ont été organisées alors que les citoyens qui avaient des comptes dans les banques vivent aussi des restrictions sur les retraits en devises étrangères et en monnaie nationale, restrictions mises en place par le secteur bancaire, et non par une loi, au parlement. Les dépôts sont gelés et ont perdu leur valeur. Notamment depuis l’implosion du système Ponzi, qui a été mis en place depuis plus de trente ans, pour attirer les capitaux a des taux d’intérêts élevés.

Le jour des élections au Liban, le 15 mai 2022, les électeurs et électrices ont dû aussi aller à leur village d’origine pour pouvoir voter puisque les mégacentres c’est-à-dire des centres qui selon la loi permettent aux citoyens de voter à proximité de leur lieu de vie, n’ont pas été développés, par manque de volonté politique et de moyens. Cela a augmenté l’incertitude quant au déplacement des libanais.es vers les centres de vote, notamment dues à la crise économique et financière.

Les élections étaient une étape clé attendue, et demandée au Liban. La communauté internationale, les associations pour la démocratie ont insisté pour leur tenue. Selon Antonio Guterres le Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies, «… le nouveau Parlement se doit d’adopter d’urgence toutes les lois nécessaires à la stabilisation de l’économie et à l’amélioration de la gouvernance. » En effet, les questions prioritaires mises sur l’agenda lors de cette phase électorale, étaient celles des dépôts bancaires, le pouvoir d’achat, la dévaluation de la monnaie, le prix des services médicaux et de santé, ainsi que la désintégration des administrations publiques et la consolidation d’un Etat de droit souverain, détenteur de la violence symbolique avec des armes aux mains de l’Etat seul, pas aux mains d’un parti comme le Hezbollah.

John W. Kingdon dans son ouvrage paru en 1984, Agendas, Alternatives and Public Policies, montre clairement que dans des « périodes de grands changements politiques, l’agenda est ouvert », les élections libanaises dans un contexte aussi fertile en évènements, et avec des indicateurs qui changent  étaient perçues comme un tournant important qui permet de changer le paysage politique,  répondre à l’explosion du port de Beyrouth et à l’implosion de la société et à ceux qui font en sorte d’arrêter les poursuites judiciaires, mesurer le poids des divers camps politiques et leur représentativité, offrir dans le langage systémique de nouvelles demandes de la part des responsables et répondre aux demandes de la population. (David Easton parle de pressions et de demandes qui entrent dans le système et qui en ressortent en outputs) ; Les demandes avant les élections étaient nombreuses, une mesure de la représentativité des blocs, l’accountability d’une classe politique dominante qui n’a pas pris de mesures contre le grand effondrement économique et financier, ni mener la guerre à l’impunité, et la grande question du désarmement du Hezbollah.

Au vu de la situation économique et sociale, comment interpréter les résultats des élections de ce printemps 2022, quels enseignements tirer au vu de la crise financière et économique la plus sévère du monde ?

Les élections sont une des périodes phares pour le changement, les élections permettent aux cartes de se redistribuer, à des alliances de se cristalliser, se défaire ou se consolider, à des projets d’être mis en exergue. Quels changements les élections libanaises de mai 2022 vont amorcer dans l’équation politique, numériquement, et dans le fond ? Quel est l’impact des élections sur l’identification de nouveaux leaders et mouvements et partis sur la scène nationale ? La kleptocratie libanaise a été tant de fois dénigrée avant les élections, quel effet, ce tournant que sont les élections, vont avoir sur l’élite politique, une nouvelle élite pourra-t-elle émerger, une élite plus centrée autour de questions liées à la justice sociale et à l’Etat de droit, ou la même kleptocratie va garder le même poids dans les choix mis sur l’agenda du parlement après les élections ? Quel impact sur le système consociatif libanais, basé sur une distribution des postes sur des bases communautaires et géographiques ?

Après, avoir introduit le contexte, et pour offrir une analyse des résultats des élections libanaises, nous allons passer en revue plusieurs indicateurs :

La loi électorale, le taux de participation et d’abstention, la dispersion des votes entre diverses listes et candidats.es, la participation des femmes en politique, et les percées de nouvelles figures politiques sur la scène parlementaire.”

Pour lire l’article dans son integralite,

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Tellement de personnes m’ont marquees cette annee. Je vais les prenommer seulement. La moitie ne sont pas sur fb ou reseaux. Ou n’ont pas le temps de chequer ces platesformes. Ce sont dans tous les sens du terme mes heroines et heros. Des heros pour vivre au quotidien et insuffler de l’optimisme de l’espoir. Une pensee du coeur a vous.
Pr gaby sans qui je ne serais meme pas assise ou debout . Ma maladie me faisant perdre des forces (toutes mes forces) av le traitement. Il est de tous les combats , un combattant pour la justice , pour un monde juste. Un reel Etat. Pas une ferme. Un heros qui est la a travailler dans l’ombre. Pour les retraites, pour calmer des.conflits, pr gab un mot un heros.
Jihadix avec qui j’adore argumenter. Il me pousse , il nous pousse a reflechir. A aller de l’avant.
A hayatii pour l’espoir qu’elle donne aux jeunes , un exemple. Solidarite et feministe .
Aux me. maya et randa et ghada, les asetzehs avec qui j’adore discuter de droits et lois.
A ceux et celles qui ne lachent rien, dr.helou , myriam, hussein, hassan, frances, pour un monde de droits (rights) plus inclusif.
A fatima pour qui des solutions existent toujours.
A carole qui est une heroine de la resistance. Oui resistance qui malgre des challenges , est la pour trouver des solutions et pousser les equipes a exceller. Rien qu’exceller avec des solutions quand on n’en voit plus. Quand des cons lui mettent des batons dans les roues . elle fonce. Une visionnaire.
A mes jj, rit, hisham chris, charboul qui menent un combat pour l’inclusion de tous et toutes. Et malgre les difficultes ne perdent pas le nord. Difficultes? “Decimation” devrais-je dire. Au temps ou les gens cherchent a survivre. Eux cherchent a assurer un minimum a ceux et celles qui sont les oublies de notre Etat. Pire de leur famille . Et bon, nous sommes la familia . Comme dans la mafia. On se choisit une famille de coeur. Je pense a celles et ceux qui nous ont quitte mon coeur saigne mais je vous aime. Et je sais que pr vous , on combat encore.
A carlouche une amie en or. Une doctora qui gere mille battikhas. Et a malgre tout du temps pour les autres.
Mon dr. Elias qui a pu me pousser a reprendre un traitement au temps des dinosaures . Un tps, ou au liban , trouver un simple panadol relevait de la mission impossible.
A nataly qui a creer une association dans ces tps durs.
A alia qui a su me redonner confiance en moi , e
A dr helou qui est un dr hors pair dans ces moments difficiles .
A youm une perle!
A celles que je ne vois plus souvent mais qui me manquent depuis 6 mois. L’ekip de rock (alloun, ritou, chant, zeina, mme joum, gergy, mme hoda)
Aux combattantes de la vie au quotidien, renno ou la eddisseh el sultaneh, siham, pouti. Pouti qui croit que le pays va aller mieux malgre tout. Attend et check it me repete t il… bon pap, ala rasseh. Mais garde ton masque et baisse le son de la tele plz. Ce que je repete encore et encore a celui qui “fetih fere3 caritas”. “Haram pap, il me dit” et jdois m’incliner . Mamamia qui eduque “ayya eduque”, joue au monopoly, Qui est ce, scrabble avec le noni! Qui repond aux milles et cents questions et interrogations de mes diablotins.
La hameto qui est toujours presente pour nous, pour ces ptits, qui adore faire plaisir aux autres.
Une femme au grand grand coeur. Une grande dame. Ma belle mere.

Des personnes qui donnent sans fin, et qui me font croire que tout est possible.
Vous allez vous reconnaitre, jvous aime. Cheesy easy, bleh comme le dit le best team, ceux et celles qui travaillent comme une fourmiliere pour qu’on y croit encore et encore… voila j’ecris a “tete reposee” sans editing ni copy writing … ni visuels de ouf. Mais un coeur rempli pour vous de belles pensees.

Heroines et heros jvous aime.

2022 on retrousse les manches.

Rita 2021/2022

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Rody and i are staying. We hope that our passion for what we do , our work, our community, will continue despite as friends say ” being drained by ensuring basic commodities”.

Yesterday i had to wait 24 hours for my cell to recharge for 7% for the battery thanks to drastic power cuts.
We go at 5.30am and wait for filling fuel until 9.30 to 10 am if we have the chance to get fuel. Kids sleeping in the back of our small car. Me praying that no “machkal” /clashes will happen as our kids are with us and we are afraid.
Twice we waited and waited and when our turn arrived the fuel station said sorry we are closing.
2 weekends ago, we couldn’t find simple bread in bakeries.
Yesterday i decided to go to the supermarket. Each visit we need special psycho-support sessions. I’m still not believing the prices of simple items that we were used to buy.
Today even products we dont even know  abt are out of reach.

the price of 200 grammes of jambon is out of reach. Same for cheese . The price of mortadelle beef with olives is the least. Lebanon a mum of 2, 2021 hyperinflation crises.
Gifts from my friend to my kids. Panadol and anti inflammatory suppositories from egypt because of lacking of basic medicine 2021 crises. Lebanon

Drained? Yes.

Frustrated? Yes.

Angry? Yes.

Resilient? NO .

We are f… up .

Basic medicine is lacking.
Panadol. Simple panadol against normal kids fever is lacking! My best friend coming from egypt offered my kids panadol. Yes. The gifts today are medicines. Basic ones.
Chronic deseases medicines? A nightmare search for patients. My personal experience:
Cant thank enough pere Gabriel , without him i wont be able to stand , to walk without passing away. Daily in my prayer . Each time i take those pills i remember how  hard it is to find them.  How bad my health is when i dont take them.

And my desease is simple if compared to cancer patients without medicine.

Despite all this.

My family and i dont want to leave. “on s’accroche coute que coute”.
Is it the good decision for our kids? No clue. For our elder parents? We dont know. We tell them when there is power ( my parents have only a land line working when there is power ) things will get better soon.
As a dauther and dauther in law of elders, as a mother of two small kids i hope that our choice to stay and fight by just staying in Lebanon is not the worst decision we took for them all.
Here is in brief what we are living.

i have been tweeting our daily experience with #MayDay for some times.

suistanable solutions? Will keep that for another day. Hoping that my connection will pass this post and let me publish it. Because also connection is lost when we live with power cuts


september 2021

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Voila le chiffre des candidatures femmes au Liban pour les elections de 2018 : 111 femmes sur 976 candidats.

Je vais mettre a jour ce billet des que j’ai la liste nominative finale et les sieges.


Deja il y a les supers candidates de la coalition nationale women in politics,

Je cite :

Nada zaarour

Zoya  jreidini rouhana

Josephine zgheib

Vicky Khoury Zwein

Patricia Jean Elias

Hosn abboud

Regina kantara

Laury haytayan

Grace moubarak

Kholoud wattar kassem

Et bien d’autres encore comme:

Gina chammas

Des femmes dont on peut etre tres fieres! Elles legiferent et coordinent leurs actions

#elections2018 #IWD2018

Rita Chemaly

Below is the full list of Candidates to the Parliamentary 2018 Elections in Lebanon as taken from the Ministry of Interior Website


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Eager to tell you about the MOOC  on Gender Based violence in the context of migration!

The course will begin on May 15!

what is a MOOC? a MOOC is Massive Online Open Course , that is offered for free by the Global Campus of Human Rights coordinated by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC).

The Mooc addresses gender, migration, and Human rights studies. The Lecture I participate in, is related to gender based violence faced by migrants and asylum seeking girls in the MENA region. The Political Sciences Institute (ISP) of Saint Joseph University part of the Arab Master in Democracy and Human Rights,  has worked hard while dedicating a team to gather data, prepare, review, shoot, edit and produce the MOOC on GBV addressed by migrants girls and women in the region.  Examples for this specific lecture are taken from the newest published reports in the region related to GBV and SGBV.  Sexual Exploitation, trafficking  Statelessness, Child Marriage, Schooling and access to education are presented. Also main International Instruments addressing GBV are presented.

The MOOC is a free course of 5 hours per week, for 6 weeks, that is open to “upper year undergraduates; postgraduates; NGO activists and practitioners interested in interdisciplinary human rights, gender equality, women’s empowerment, migration; young lawyers and social scientists; active and motivated citizens from around the world.”

I am very excited to be part of this Global Campus MOOC, and to have prepared the first MOOC addressing GBV and women’s rights in the region. Can’t thank enough the team who helped put all the lecture together (ISP team you rock! )  as well as the friends who helped gather the latest information in a very short deadline. (Special thanks to Ghida, Hayat, Raghda, Zeina, Myriam, and special thanks to Jihad who filmed and edited the lecture ).

Stay tuned  and follow the link to participate and enroll  in the MOOC! https://www.eiuc.org/education/global-campus-mooc-gbv-migration.html 

In solidarity from Lebanon

Let us address GBV in our region and internationally with sustainable solutions!

Rita Chemaly



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Trash mountains in the Land of the CEDARS? it will be soon called the land of Trash = Lebanon.

Air pollution, Water pollution, Visual Pollution…. did I forget anything?

Trash that is not recycled, trash that covers the roads we take daily to work, to school, to university and now to Hospitals.


Trash mountain on road and Pedestrian passage, and some restaurants in Jal el Dib… Sahtein! 


Beautiful Lebanon and landfill of Trash!


Welcome all to Jal El Dib ! 

Refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle is the Zero Waste strategy that each Citizen from 1 to 90 years old can execute:

less plastic

less bags

less paper and cartons

reuse and recycle!!!

as for Our problem with trash… As a pregnant women I am now confined home as I am according to my doctor very very sick!

Thanks Trash burners in Antelias and Jal-El-Dib, xoxo!

I love you, as well as all sick children , sick moms, sick ladies, sick elders!

we love to take Antibiotics in Lebanon, as well as hystamed and other allergies medicines!

Money is poured in Lebanon regarding development: I think finding pro-active solutions with all MUNICIPALITIES AND LOCAL COLLECTIVITY is a MUST!

IT TOUCHES All kind of beneficiaries …. here you go donors, you might actually do effective Change!!! and Serve many!


a mad Sick pregnant Mom again!

Rita Chemaly



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Un grand ouf, a la fin de la semaine 2 apres la rentree scolaire de mon ptit en petite section!

Invites par l’ecole pour une reunion parents des nouveaux petits avec l’administration et les profs, la reunion etait pour moi une facon de comprendre le deroulement du quotidien de jean-noel, petit ecolier de la petite section!

Revisiter le Lycee pour une ancienne qui y a passe 15 ans de sa vie est toujours un moment porteur d’emotions fortes. Mais la, j’ai visite un Grand Lycee renove, et tres beau ( tel que nouvellement botoxe  avec de nouveaux immeubles et cours de recre), je suis sure que les ptits en grandissants vont adorer le nouvel super bel amphi ou nous avons ete acceuillis  par l’equipe administrative et pedagogique cet aprem!


Voila cela s’appelle papier mache!


1- Les parents en classe de petite section, PS : Quel tintammare 🙂

Deja notre experience a commence positivement avec les profs de JN en petite section! Les premiers jours, Jn a joue a la cuisine, au puzzle et a dessine (gribouille) un tres beau dinosaure/ crocodile vert!


Le premier dessin fait par Jn , notre picasso le 1er jour d’ecole!

Les profs de JN au nombre de 3 etaient la , et c’etait juste “smooth”! elles parlaient avec lui et les autres enfants, les observait en train de jouer, d’ailleurs la classe est Ouf! Spacieuse, ensoleillee et donnant sur les toboggans, le reve! Elle est dotee d’une cuisine, coin sieste, coin musique, coin livres, coin poupees et linges, coin puzzle et quoi d’autre…. c’est juste un grand espace pour apprendre en jouant , en observant et en s’amusant! vive  les Decouvertes!


Jn au GLFL s’amuse comme tout!

Les profs de JN en PS : sont dotees d’un sens d’humour exceptionnel, et sont adorables!

Aujourd’hui lors de la reunion apres le jour 5 de la rentree, la  prof roula nous a directement mis en confiance en nous montrant les photos prises durant ces quelques jours: on y voit que Tous les enfants jouent, et participent aux activites de la classe! Yey!!! les parents pleurent et les enfants eux s’amusent , jouent au tobogan et au papier mache ( ouii j’ai appris quelque chose aujourd’hui) avec roula w rima w leila!

Notre promesse aujourd’hui car elles nous ont tire les oreilles : essayer de parler en arabe/libanais  avec nos enfants a la maison, et faire plus attention a leur gouter : moins de sucre gras et de bonbons 🙂 , plus de fruits . Aie aie aie cela me rappelle que manger trop sucre et trop sale nuit a la sante!

Aussi, Parents de premiers enfants, essayer de ne pas avoir de bottes avec lacets! ouiiii les “chlik chlak” pour enlever les chaussures et les remettre avant la sieste et les activites sportives c’est plus simple! 🙂

Une super idee par une maman d’un des camarades de Jean-Noel, un groupe whatsapp pour les parents de la PSA! Chapeau! Rien de mieux , de plus rapide et efficace que l’utilisation des reseaux sociaux et des plateformes comme whatsapp pour les parents! Le courant entre les parents est tres bien passe , une photo de groupe des parents a ete prise !! yey!! si nous sommes tous et toutes clinquant,  dans 15 ans nous aurons plus de cheveux blancs a la diplomation des ptits. 🙂

Ce que j’adore, c’est que dans d’autres classes de PS, j’ai retrouve d’anciennes amies /s du Lycee qui sont la avec leur fils ou fille!!! Comme quoi le GLFL c’est bien des Generations!!!!

2- Les autocars: Connex la companie qui va accompagner nos enfants pour 15 ans! 3a hadir el bosta! toot toot vroom!

Nous habitons loin du lycee, et cela est plus simple pour nous d’utiliser le transport de ramassage scolaire  car trouver une place pour garer , deposer notre garcon et repartir travailler en plein centre de Beyrouth est juste une mission Impossible!

Jn est deja habitue a revenir en bus de la garderie depuis ces 2 ans, ainsi que de la colonie en ete. Mais la, on attend le bus tres tot, et le seul hic c’est le reveil a 5.45 am le matin!

Sinon, JN  a adore son Bus et surtout je dois la nommer car Jean-Noel l’adore: Madame ISABELLE!!! Elle et le chauffeur mikhael du matin nous acceuillent d’un grand sourire avenant avec un grand Bonjour!

Pour l’apres-midi, c’est ma maman/la teta de jn qui recoit mon fils qui revient avec un ptit bus avec une autre assistante, Mme Katia. Et parait-il tout ce passe bien aussi. d’ailleurs Mme isabelle nous a appele le 1er jour, elle avait confie Jean noel a son bus de retour, je vous ai dit qu’elle est adorable!

Le premier jour ou je devais envoyer JN en bus au Lycee, je n’ai pas dormi de la nuit. J’etais angoissee, je me posais des questions: ” est-ce qu’il se peut qu’il se perde, il ne va pas savoir leur montrer sa classe …” , bref, maman angoisse.

Je me suis reveillee a 4h et j’ai marque le NOM et Prenom de jn ainsi que notre numero de telephonne et sa classe partout! meme sur le dos du sac a dos, la gourde, ses habits, ses sous vetements!!! 🙂  mon mari pensait que je faisais simplement une crise d’angoisse. Avec un gros feutre des etiquettes scotchees partout et utilisation d’un vernis a ongle rouge pour bien marquer le nom et prenom de mon fils partout Vraiment Partout! je revois encore la tete de mon mari quand il a vu cela!

Il va de soit que le petit ne connaissant ni l’assistante ni le chauffeur pleure le premier jour, pour cela je vais proposer a connex et le lycee une rencontre comme celle avec les profs de la classe en presence des parents  des assistantes de chaque bus. Cela faciliterait l’integration des petites sections au Bus! Et cela les 2 premiers jours d’ecole. Pour les petites sections cela est Necessaire!  Tout simplement une ptite tente dans la cour les 2 premiers jours de l’integration/adaptation, ou les PS inscrits en bus vont visiter et faire connaissance avec les assistantes des bus de Connex .

Pour nous, cela c’est tres bien passe, le chauffeur et l’assistante sont adorables: Le jour 1 a l’aller Jean-noel a pleure, non mais vraiment pleure au debut, il m’a explique quand il est rentre que il m’avait perdue  😦  .

Mais depuis ce premier aller en bus, le reste des jours, il attend ” le bus de Jean Noel” avec impatience et surtout attend ”  Mme isabelle ” avec un Sourire de tres tres Bon matin!!!!

3-L’administration: proviseur et responsables de cycles

Nous les avions deja rencontre l’annee derniere au Lycee, pedagogues, ils sont toujours presents quand nous sommes au Lycee, j’ai beaucoup aime le fait qu’ils sont presents a la rentree et sortie des enfants. Ils  et elles etaint aussi presents pour nous acceuillir a la porte du Lycee le 1er Jour!


L’equipe administrative et pedagogique au complet acceuille les parents des PS! GLFL rocks!

voila, c’est le Grand Lycee, mon ecole, ouiii meme 15 ans plus tard  et je suis tres contente que Jn y aille, et surtout qu’il s’y plait!

voila notre photo de famille prise par la marraine de Jn!


Rody Jn and Me in my Old School ! Grand Lycee franco libanais sept 2016

Bonne Rentree !!!

Rita Chemaly

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A new episode in Gender based violence, was highlighted during a discussion on Women rights!

The Discussion was organised by proeminent NGO , RDFL.

A Lebanese member of Parliament (re-conducted illegally) went out of the paper prepared by him or “for him??” and said that a women has a role in pushing men to rape her!

I am still shocked by the insanity of such an MP. He don’t understand the Harm such words do for all women. Such Words make sexual harassment at work , in public spaces, as well as in a Home Legal!!!

I do understand now why Most of our rotten laws such as the Penal Code, have such inanities! (reference to article  522)

What I loved is that bloggers, media, women activists, women right defenders spoke out about this insanity, and a petition asking MP to resign is being circulated!

Here is what is being circulated on the web, through different platforms:

النائب ايلي ماروني هان المرأة اللبنانية عندما صرّح: “في بعض الاماكن وبعض المطارح بدنا نسأل شو دور المرأة في قيادة الرجل إلى اغتصابها” وكان النائب يحمل المرأة مسؤولية الاغتصاب هيدا التصرف مرفوض من قبل أي رجل (او امرأة)، وخاصة نواب الامّة. مطلوب من الجميع التضامن لنطلب منه الاعتذار أو الاستقالة. الرجاء نشر البوست المرفق ابتداء من الان على كل صفحاتكم وحساباتكم على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. وشكرا




Below is the link to the Video in which Lebanese member of Parliament states his inanities:

اليكم/ن الفيديو الذي يظهر المواقف الذكورية التي أطلقها النائب إيلي ماروني حول حقوق النساء وبشكل خاص الجنسية، المادة ٥٢٢ والإغتصاب الذي اعتبر أن للمرأة دور في حدوثه. كذلك، يظهر في الفيديو الرد الكامل للنائب ماروني على اعتراض الناشطة حياة مرشاد على كلامه حيث لوح بإلباسها البرقع كي لا تخجل من تمثيله لها في البرلمانhttps://www.facebook.com/sharikawalaken/videos/1207350935984570/


Below is the statement Written by women activists, and that is open to be signed by all:

بيان للتوقيع والنشر صاغته ناشطات نسويات رداً على تصريحات النائب #ايلي_ماروني المهينة للمرأة في لبنان



Below are the articles in the newspapers and media outlet that cover what happened:


LBC News

The Daily Star


Action is Needed by the Political Party Kataeb of that Mp.

There is a need to amend and Delete article 522 which Blames Women being raped for their own rape, and which give them as a victory to the one who rape them!!

I call all Political parties to take action in Written against article 522 and against discriminatory articles of Penal code in Lebanon

Rita Chemaly




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Wonderful and amazing Video on gender equality by IWSAW-LAU, about the inequality facing women in Lebanon, and how decision makers are not considering the women voices!

The video, and the Lyrics are just great! by a simple cartoon they tackle GBV,  it tackles women stereotyping and the fact that law makers are not discussing women issues and rights with Women!!

I loved also  how they say that law makers prepare laws and forget them and Loose them in the drawers!!!

I remember that since 2011 many law amendments were presented to the Parliament in Lebanon regarding equality, and till now, LAWS were not Discussed !!! or Voted for….

MPs, did where , in which drawer did you hide those laws amendments?!!

Hat off IWSAW team!!!

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For those who are interested a short term expert is needed  for a study on an advocacy campaign related to political participation of women.

the expert will work 20 days. the TOR is below.

Kindly do send your CVs to :

Team leader: Maggy  on the mail:      maggy.grabundzija@geewl.eu
Project Manager : Diana Casallas on the email:     casallas@eurecna.it


Team and Reporting Lines Tel Fax Email
Project Director: Mario Costariol +39041 2919411 +39 041 5322465 costariol@eurecna.it
Team Leader: MaggyGrabundzija maggy.grabundzija@geewl.eu
Project Manager: Diana Casallas +39041 2919-407 +39 041 5322465 casallas@eurecna.it
EU Task Manager: RoulaAbbas
The expert will report to: MaggyGrabundzija
Expert: To Be Selected Position: Senior Non-Key Expert on study on an advocacy campaign
Period: September  2016 Man-Women/days: 20 days



The EU funded project on Gender Equity and Empowerment of Women in Lebanon aims to improve mainstreaming of the gender dimension at policy and sector levels in Lebanon by strengthening the National Commission of Lebanese Women’s internal governance towards effective fulfilment of its mandate, to create effective coordination and networking mechanisms with State and non-State actions and to improve media outreach and advocacy.

The assignment is part of the Component 2, activity 2.2, create effective coordination and networking mechanism. The GEEWL is aiming at supporting the NCLW to enhance the civil society to advocate for quota system. In order to reach its objective, an advocacy study is required. In fact it is foreseen that the parliamentary elections will take place in May 2017. Several coordination meetings are already organised with the civil society, under the leadership of the NCWL, in order to encourage the participation of women in the upcoming parliamentarian elections. The advocacy for quota system for women has been identified as being one of the priorities actions in order to support women participation in politics in Lebanon.

There is a literature related to quota system for women in Lebanon. However, the literatureidentifiesobstacles for women participation in the political sphere, suggests mechanisms to implement quota system andprovide simulation ofthe implementation of specific quota system. However, no study has been designed and could gather the different actors advocating for the quota system behind a unified message. In addition, till today some actors of the civil society, among them feminists, are reluctant to call for the implementation of the quota system.

Thus, it is requested to the expert to carry out an advocacy campaign study which will aim at addressing those different issues as per identified.In addition, discussions are taking placeon the electoral law and the expert will review the different suggestions on discussed related to the different options suggests. Finally, the study on advocacy campaign will be the document of reference of the advocacy campaign on quota system for women in politics that the civil society will carry out.


Scope of the Work

The appointed expert will be required to undertake anadvocacy campaign study on quota system for women in Lebanon.


The study should include:


–    Answers to the following questions: Why quota system is necessary to enhance women participation in political sphere? Why do we need the quota system for women in political system in Lebanon? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the quota system for women in politics in Lebanon? What is the appropriate quota system for women in Lebanon?

–    Identification of messages forthe civil society to advocatewith regard to  the quota system for women in politics.

–    Identification of a coordination mechanism among  the civil society organisations to carry out an  advocacy campaign on quota system for women in politics in Lebanon.




The Expert will apply the following methodology to carry out the study:


1.        Review the literature related to the quota system for women in Lebanon, including but not limited to the studies conducted on women participation in the last municipalities elections (May 2016).

2.        Organise consultation meetings with CSOs and other stakeholders working on advocating for the quota system to enhance the role of women in Lebanon in the political sphere.

3.        Hold meetings with members of the parliamentarian committees responsible for reviewing the electoral law to enhance women participation in political sphere.

4.        Design advocacy messages that foster the advocacy campaign which will be conducted by the civil society organisations on the quota system for women in politics and identify the coordination mechanism among  civil society organisations to carry out the advocacy campaign on the quota system for women in Lebanon.

5.        Design and discuss aformat for the study with the GEEWL Team Leader and the NCLW.

6.        Share and discuss the findings of the advocacy messages with a group of experts’ specialists of quotas system for women in Lebanon (identified by the GEEWL and the NCLW).

7.        Organise a workshop with the CSOs to discuss and validate the advocacy messages proposed inthe study.

8.        Elaboratea study on anadvocacy campaign with recommendations related to the importance of the quota system for women in politics, messages that the civil society could carry out and a mechanism of coordination of the civil society.


Outputs Requested
1.        A detailed work plan of the mission to be agreed with theTeam Leader of the GEEWL and the NCLW.

2.        Produce a detailed advocacy campaign study of maximum 25 pages.


The assignment is expected to take place in the period September 2016 (20 working days) as per the below timeline:
1.        Literature review (3days)
3 days: day 1,2,3.
2.        Meetings with the organisations involved in the field of women in politics(3 days)
3 days: 4, 5, 6.
3.        Presentation of the study results with a group of experts (1 day)
1 day: 7.
4.        Organisation and facilitation of a workshop targeting the civil society (1.5 days)
1.5 day: 8.5.
5.        Study writing (11 days)
11 days: 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 12.5, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5, 16.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19.5.
6.        Presentations of the study to the NCLW (0.5 day)
0.5 day:20.



Contents of the Assignment
Project Work Plan – Component 2:
Activity 2.2: Create effective networking
Qualifications and Skills requested for the position
1.        Master’s Degree in gender studies fields, law and political sciencesorsocial studies.
2.        Excellent written communication skills in English.
3.        Excellent and effective communication skills.
4.        Knowledge of Arabic is a requirement.
General experience
1.        Minimum of 8years work experience in advocacy and lobbying in gender issues.
2.        Minimum of 3 years of experience in conducting studies on advocacy related issues.
3.        At least 3 years’ experience in advocacy in women participation in political sphere.
Specific experience
1.        Minimum of one work experience on electoral laws and quota system.


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*Updated infographic with the numbers of AKKAR and the numbers of candidates in Lebanon .(June 2 2016)

I am pleased to share with you , the beautiful Info graphic Map that was posted on NCLW Facebook page.  NCLW clarifies that this Map is indicative, and still need to add to it the results of Akkar. The aim of this map is to help visualise and understand the trends related to women participation in local governance (MUNICIPAL COUNCILS)  and have a pre-look at  the results while waiting for the official data on the number of winning women by the Ministry of Interior.

preliminary results show that in 2016,  599 women won in the Municipal Elections, whereas in 2010 520 women won.

as for candidates the counting shows that in 2016 1342 women were candidate in comparison in 2010: 1080 women were candidate.

the number is small , to compare, but I am sure that many factors might be interesting to analyse to see why women didn’t win more seats.

Presentation1 ELECTIONS

599 women won seats in Lebanese municipalities , 1342 were candidates in 2016

” As Data is key to lessons, NCLW team has worked on the documents related to the results of Municipal Elections of 2016 published by the Ministry of interior. The NCLW team has counted the number of women who won and the names of the women who didn’t in each Kada’. This basic counting is based on the name of the candidate, whether it is a name for a women or a men. Notice1 : the uncertain names were not counted in the results of 2016!

Notice 2: Akkar Results are not counted in these numbers, NCLW Team is waiting for their release by the ministry of Interior. This Infographic will be updated as soon as NCLW Team count the Akkar women Candidates * (this was done and new info is above)v 

Also, and based on CEDAW report , a comparison with the Municipal Elections of 2010 numbers is possible. NCLW Social Media Team is happy to share with you this in house created Infographic! while waiting for the official results , Congrats to Each Women who Won a Seat in a Municipality!”



Rita Chemaly


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Many campaigns were led in Lebanon prior to the municipal elections, the aim is to see if they had an impact on women being candidates in their localities and if citizens voted for Women.

Today I wish to shed light in this post on the Women who won the municipal elections and their numbers in each Directorate in Lebanon !!

Mount Lebanon has good results without the quota system! It Appears that in Metn till now the number of women winners is the highest. (57 women won the elections) , while waiting confirmation from the ministry) ,  I am sure that in  6 years, we might have better results if a quota system is used in the electoral law! in Beirut a Women had the highest score of voters! that is a great news!

As for how many women won in each Directorate/kada2, here is a sneak peak to some basic name counting*:  In my hometown Keserwan/Mount Lebanon:  28 women won (Achkout and Ajaltoun   we have great women in the Municipalities!!Rima Malek will rock ajaltoun! ) in Keserwan 41 women didn’t win, the total number of women candidate is 69 and the uncertain names * is 32. In Metn: 57 women won! won of them in Sinel FIl is Z vicky who did a great job on the Women in Municipalities project, 44 women’s name are listed as not winners, 😦   As for Jbeil  24women won , 28 women didn’t win 😦 , Total of women candidates 52 and the uncertain names are 26. in the  Chouf: Mount Lebanon 43 women won ( we have one Cousine there!! yey!!!, let us see what they will implement in the region!!) , 58 women are listed as not winners, the total number of candidates is  101 and we have 10 uncertain names. For Aley: /Mount Lebanon: 35 women are listed as winners,  34 women are listed as not winners , and we have counted 12 uncertain name.  total number of candidates 69. In baabda, 39 women’s are listed as winners! 46 not!

Here is the copy of the table posted on FB by NCLW:

Basic first counting of women winners in each of the results documents published by the ministry of interior

Basic first counting of women winners in each of the results documents published by the ministry of interior

*my colleagues at Nclw team have passed through the detailed results excel sheets as they have been published on the elections.gov.lb page  and counted as a first exercise the names of all the women in them. Noting that uncertain names were not counted in those who won or lost.  the uncertain names are the one such as “nidal” ” claude” “Michele” “andreh” “douha” “gaby”….. in arabic this might be for a women or a men name! 🙂 we might have more winning or just women candidates in those uncertain names! more to come soon!!! While waiting for the official stats and numbers  by the ministry and the UNDP leap team!

Also , I am so please to see that on Women in Front Facebook Page a great initiative is taking place:  tagging all the women winners in municipalities! that will create easily a great network for them!! thumbs up!

here is a collage I had fun creating it using what I saw online and  showing some of the municipalities and the great Women who won in Them!  Kuddos to all !


women winners collage municipal local elections lebanon rita chemaly 2016

Collage of Women Winners in Local Councils in Lebanon 2016 * credit fb screenshots! hehe 

Women Power!!:-)

Rita Chemaly

rita chemaly women and gender right activist Lebanon

During one Event held in 2016 aiming at encouraging women to be candidate in the elections!


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The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC) at the Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality has announced the launch of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity & Expression (SOGIE) Monitor.

“The SOGIE Monitor is a unified online documentation tool between organizations working on gender and sexuality, with a focus on LGBT populations.”

This online  platform has been created to document and classify cases of human rights violations on the basis of gender identity & expression and sexual orientation. Marsa Sexual Health Center, Helem (Lebanese Protection for LGBT), LebMASH (Lebanese Medical Association for Sexual Health), and MOSAIC (MENA Organization for Services, Advocacy, Integration and Capacity Building) are Part of It! Hat off to the 3 Organisations!!!!

“The aim is to allow individuals as well as service providers to document cases of violations via a secure interface and to provide the necessary follow-up and referral for violation cases. Filling this information gap will also allow for the publication of regular reports of the different violations, to be used as an important tool for advocacy and lobbying.”

For more information, here is the  website in Arabic: www.thesogiemonitor.org

Again Hat off for such a wonderful Initiative!!

Rita Chemaly


here is the link 



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Achkout Municipal Council 2016 one Women on board Rita Chemaly

ACHKOUT Results for the Municipal Council 2016 Elections . Source Elections.gov.lb

Youpiii!!! The Ministry of Interior in Lebanon is doing great in Publishing Online the results of the elections of the municipal councils in Lebanon!!


I am sooo happy to be able to access such information!

Yippee!! It will be better if for the directorates other than Beirut we can have the results by Kalam and Ghouraf. It is needed to see how voters voted, to whom, was it different if they are women and men, (Gender segregated data and even as we have them communities segregated data!)  and what was the “abstentions”  numbers in each kalam /ghouraf!

Here is a sneak peak from the elections, of my beloved  Home Town Achkout! Yeyyy!!!!

Numbers and stats will mean something soon!!! Access to information is Important in the state of Law!

Rita Chemaly

I’m waiting for the Chouf results !!! hurry hurry in uploading them!

Elections results in Lebanon Rita Chemaly



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Design, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer



The Design, Monitoring and Evaluation (DME) Officer is responsible to ensure the program quality through providing technical guidance and support in line with DME policy and framework (LEAP). This position would be based at the national office and will be assigned to specific programme/projects to lead, train and guide programme/projects staff, technical staff and other field staff on DME standards aligned to all the partnership and local initiatives for the portfolio under his/her purview.


Major Activities End Results Expected
  1. Quality Assurance
  1. Ensure that all DME processes within WV Lebanon programmes/projects are compliant to the relevant DME standards and frameworks.
  2. Be aware of and support implementation of new WVI programmatic initiatives.
  3. Ensure data is gathered for an effective knowledge management within WV Lebanon.
  4. Ensure effective coordination of LEAP 3.0 and Horizon 3.0 implementation.
  1. Implementation of WVI DME Policy, WV Lebanon Monitoring System and other relevant frameworks.
  2. Contribution to implementation of new programmatic initiatives of WVI that WV Lebanon committed to.
  3. WVL knowledge management system is maintained.
  4. WVL demonstrates high performance of LEAP 3 and Horizon implementation.
  1. Assessment and Design
  1. Assist programme/project managers in the programme/project design process, including needs assessments, establishment of goals and objectives, setting of indicators, development of implementation plans, M&E plans, evaluation and reporting.
  2. Participate in planning for compilation, and writing of the operational plans, annual report and other periodical program documentation.
  3. Lead assessments processes by coordinating with relevant sectors in alignment with strategic priorities, oversee and ensure the quality and completeness of the assessment report design, TOR, submission and approval. Compile documentation and information necessary to facilitate strategic planning in WVL.
  4. Ensure the development of high quality M&E plan, ITT & DIPs, and ensure that every project under his/ her profile have these tools completed, updated and in place.
  1. Programme/project assessment reports and design documents developed in compliance with LEAP standards.
  2. Strategic planning facilitated in a timely manner and with due quality.
  3. Macro-level assessment and landscape analysis reports, narrative of strategic programme are developed, submitted and filed duly.
  4. M&E plan, ITT & DIPs are of high quality
  1. Monitoring and Evaluation
  1. Conduct regular monitoring visits to programmes/projects and provide detailed monitoring reports.
  2. Monitor compliance with WV International Operations Audit standards during the quarterly monitoring
  3. Assist programme/project managers in developing Terms of Reference and develop programme/ project evaluation designs.
  4. Contribute to National Strategy Evaluation and Landscape assessment for new strategy elaboration
  5. Conduct and/or assist in conducting programme/project evaluations.
  6. Where specified by ToR, prepare evaluation reports for programmes/projects evaluated.
  7. Undertake other duties related to DME as assigned by DME Manager.
  1. Regular monitoring reports provided in a timely manner and with due quality.
  2. Monitoring reports reflecting the compliance status of programmes/ projects with international audit standards
  3. All programme/project evaluations have filed ToRs and designs.
  4. National Strategy Indicators measured and reflected in Evaluation report. Landscape analysis report for new strategy developed.
  5. Programme/project evaluations based on LEAP aligned terms of Reference and Evaluation Design (developed in cooperation with partners).
  6. Programme/project evaluations conducted in a timely manner and with due quality according to LEAP/donor requirements.
  7. Other duties duly performed.
  1. Capacity Building
  1. Provide DME-related capacity building for relevant WVL staff.
  2. Initiate self-learning initiatives, understand, unlearn and relearn concepts, systems, techniques, processes and standards that are both internal and external to WV which would enable him/her to carry out responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner
  3. Ensure that knowledge obtained from specific trainings, and international travel opportunities is disseminated to the broader DME team and respective technical staff, and field staff with relevant resources and learning material
  4. Represent WVL at local, national and international forums, working groups, and communities of practice in a manner that will place WVL strongly and preferred partner for program implementation, research and learning.
  5. Attend and participate in WVL’s spiritual nurture events.
  1. Relevant staff trained as per the L&D Plans.
  2. Professional capacities are improved.
  3. Capacity of M&E staff is improved and their well-being is maintained
  4. WVL is represented in international forums and recognized as a key partner in for evidence building
  5. Staff spiritually nurtured and reflects in daily work WV core values.
5. Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs
  1. To be aware and prepared to participate in implementation of the National Office Disaster Preparedness Plan (DPP).
  1. Knowledge of the NO DPP and the role of the position holder.


  • Masters or Bachelors degree in Social Sciences, International Development Studies, Community Development or any relevant professional qualification with an independent research work demonstrating the capacity for critical analysis and application of specialist knowledge.
  • At least three years of relevant experience in design and implementation of M&E systems; including qualitative and quantitative approaches to assessment and monitoring.
  • Good contextual knowledge of local issues, community priorities and social and cultural constraints and realities
  • Excellent knowledge about research philosophies, principles, statistical definitions, scientific tool and techniques
  • Ability to design and execute a facilitation process with appropriate and relevant facilitation tools
  • Evidence of understanding, and commitment to WV’s Ministry Framework, the vision, mission, core values and guiding principles
  • A thorough knowledge & understanding of LEAP standards and related DME Processes
  • Ability to recognize, capture and manage DME resources and learning effectively
  • Ability to understand, explain & contextualize complex DME tools
  • Expert data handling skills (classification, categorizing, tabulation etc.) and demonstrates diligence in data management
  • Expert knowledge of information presentation techniques (graphing, charting, tabling etc.) and interpreting them
  • Evidence of, and commitment to, on-going personal and professional development
  • High level communications skills
  • Ability to attend and participate in capacity building opportunities, trainings and meetings locally and internationally as required by the organization.
  • Ability to train diverse participants with integrity respect and humility
  • The position requires ability and willingness to travel locally up to 70% of the time
  • The position requires 30% of the time to be office based
  • The position requires a valid driving license (in Lebanon) for more than 2 years
  • The position requires availability and willingness to work outside regular office hours (occasionally)


– See more at: https://careers.wvi.org/jobs/lebanon/programme-effectiveness/design-monitoring-and-evaluation-officer/4556#sthash.8dbgeJwr.dpuf

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To contribute to WVL Finance Department with implementation of all appropriate processes to ensure continued effective operation of the accounting functions, good stewardship, transparency and accountability.


% Time Major Activities End Results Expected
20% I. Reporting a. Field Financial Report is placed on LN within the established deadline. Statements reviewed for completeness and correctness, appropriate adjustments are made as necessary.
a. Provide inputs into preparation and submission of FFR (Field Financial Reports) in compliance with World Vision International requirements.
25% II. Accounting, compliance, reweaving and monitoring.
  1. Source documents and monthly vouchers reviewed and verified before submission for posting to Sun System.
  2. Payment packages are reviewed and all outstanding issues are addressed before processing.
  1. Ensure review of source documents and preparation of monthly vouchers.
  2. Review the source documents/ payment package before processing the payment to ensure alignment with local legislation and WV policies and procedures.
50% III. Ongoing financial activities
  1. All vouchers prepared/ reviewed according month closing schedule. All entries are made into accounting software on a daily basis.
  2. All payments processed within 3 working days after complete supporting documents submitted to the accounting.
  3. Cash Count Document prepared in line with WVL policy. Cash Balance is equal to the balance per cash book. All cash and bank check payments done without delay.
  4. Payments to the employees are processed within set deadlines.
  5. All accounts payable/receivable are reconciled by T3 code (vendor/employee). There is no outstanding and/or unknown balances recorded. Bank balances per books are the same with balances in Bank statement.
  6. Employee advances are cleared within the deadline.
  7. Provide documents requested by auditor and ensure accurate filling of these documents after audit is finished.
  8. Assets data register updated regularly, reports are prepared per request. Data in the Assets data register are the same with the result of stock tacking.
  9. LDR’s are sorted and filed by 30th of the next month.
  10. Accurate documents storage is organized by sorting/filing documents by their types and periods.
  11. All SA’s submitted to other World Vision offices within 30 days. Ensure SAs recorded in the GL are reconciled with Sun System records and outstanding issues are addressed in timely manner.
  12. All accounts are reconciled and necessary adjustments are made.
  1. Prepare/review coding on financial vouchers for valid account/cost centre /donor combinations. Enter financial data into “Interface Voucher” database as required.
  2. Process payments within 3 working days after complete supporting documents submitted to the finance department.
  3. Track daily cash balance. Prepare cash and bank check payments to employees, casual workers and suppliers as required.
  4. Assist with monthly salary recording and processing salary transfers to staff (if needed).
  5. Conduct all account payables/receivables and all bank accounts balances reconciliation monthly.
  6. All submitted EERs are reviewed timely and there are no outstanding advances to the staff.
  7. Provide assistance during audit process with timely provision of selected documents.
  8. Maintain the Assets data register (software if applicable), including assets provided to the beneficiaries Prepare assets reports per request. To reconcile results of the inventory stock taking performed by admin with the records at least annually.
  9. Collect and file LDR’s on a regular basis.
  10. To organize accurate documents filing and storage.
  11. Prepare SA’s for other World Vision offices within the deadline. Maintain SA database. Prepare SA vouchers and monitor SA balances monthly, reconcile with GL balance.
  12. Assist the Finance Compliance Manager with monthly reconciliations as required.
5% Other Responsibilities a. Be aware and prepared to implement National Office Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs (HEA) plan

b. Participated regularly in devotional and staff meetings.

c. Assigned tasks are performed on expected level within assigned timeframe.

a. To be aware and prepared to implement National Office Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs plan.

b. Attend and participate in regular devotions and staff meetings.

c. Perform other functions as requested by Supervisor.


  • Degree in Finance or Accounting.
  • At least 3 years of experience in accounting.
  • Knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and a practical knowledge of financial systems and internal controls.
  • Requires proven experience in treasury activities, establishment and monitoring of budgets, and an understanding of data processing concepts and systems.
  • Computer literacy and working knowledge of spreadsheet applications.
  • Fluency in English required
  • Must have good oral and written communication skills, team building skills, and ability to work in a cross-cultural environment with a multi-national staff.
  • Analytical skills and good attention to details.
  • Must be self-motivated, innovation, able to work under pressure.
  • Ability to travel across the country 10 % of time.


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The National Commission for Lebanese Women, that is a National machinery affiliated to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers , has prepared a Draft law aiming at Helping Women to be Candidates and Win the elections for the municipalities.

The municipalities elections in Lebanon are a family and neighbors issue. The Women who want to be candidate needs to be registered as a condition in the registry of the Municipality. “sejjel kayd”.

The discrimination appears in article 25, of the current Municipality law, in which a Women will loose all her links to the family, and networks that she has created in her municipality of origins ” sejil kaydiha el assassi”  if she gets married, as she is directly and without asking taken down from the registry of origin and enlisted in the registry of her “Husband”.

For me, it is a PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY in which a Women is the PROPRIETY of her FATHER until Marriage, after MARRIAGE, SHE IS THE PROPRIETY OF HER HUSBAND;

regardless my point of view of how the laws in LEBANON discriminate against women in the texts and make her directly affiliated to a MAN (the father or husband) , the new draft law is  a new step forward for women’s rights in Lebanon. this is done through this draft law amendment registered at the Parliament by the Active MP Ghassan Mukahiber, on the 11/4/2016 under registry number 168/2016,

as a Practical example, I as a married women from Achkout/Kesrwan , can be candidate after my marriage in Achkout if I wish ! Because in the Municipality of my Husband which is Deir Dourit/Chouf, no one have ever heard of me! 🙂 unlike Achkout, where all my activism, links, are tight 🙂

apart from this personal example, and for this,

 I am now asking ALL MPS (the reconducted oops! ) (another polemique here hein? ) to LEGIFERATE and VOTE and ratify this NEW amendment PRIOR TO THE 2016 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS!

WE AS WOMEN need IT!!!!  WE still fight for our rights in municipalities : a change of the law is a must!

Rita Chemaly

here is the text of the law amendment as presented to the parliament by Ghassan Mokhaiber.

here is the link to the Press release covered by our National News Agency! http://nna-leb.gov.lb/ar/show-news/216377/ 


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To all the blog readers wanting to know what the national machinery in Lebanon is working on regarding to Women’s rights in lebanon, here is the Annual Report dated December 2014 covering all the components from LAWS to Circulars, with clear details regarding the discrimination faced by women . Also, the networking happening between the NCLW and the CSOs as well as the International agencies is clear!!

the report is in 2 languages!!!

Rita Chemaly!!

Women in Lebanon will one day be Free of ALL kind of Discriminations thanks to the efforts of ALL!!!


NCLW Annual Report 2014 copy reducedNCLW Annual Report 2014 english and arabic


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This picture of Georges Clooney is going viral but even for a fun campaign some basic requirements/ conditions are not met: Clooney is the husband of a lebanese woman but because of the nationality law dating of 1925 can’t be lebanese as Amal alameddine can’t transmit her nationality to her hsuband as per lebanese law!!!

Aha again shedding lights on the biggest discrimination facing lebanese woman.

So georges help fight to amend this patriarchal law for lebanese women to be able to transmit their basic rights for their husbands and children!!!

Rita ChemalyFB_IMG_1459115490036

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Researcher and Coordinator
Duty Station: Beirut, Lebanon
Section/Unit: Democratic Governance
Reports to: Chief Technical Advisor and Head of Research
Project reference: 00085494
Budgeted level: SC-7
Source of Funding: 00085494
Duration of Employment: 8 months (Renewable)
II. Scope/Objective

The Common Space Initiative (CSI) project supports consensus building, sustainable civil peace, constitutional strengthening and stakeholder dialogues in Lebanon. This support will be provided through technical assistance, technical information and shared knowledge resources, collective and action research, common meeting spaces for stakeholders, expertise and other essential resources.

Under the overall supervision of the Chief Technical Advisor and guidance of the Head of Research, the Researcher and Coordinator will be providing support in coordinating all policy dialogues facilitated by CSI as well as providing research support needed in the development of public policies.

III. Functions / Key Results Expected

1. Support and coordinate Dialogue Forums & Expert Committees by liaising with members on needs identified by the group, research, reports, knowledge resource, membership participation, and planned activities.
2. Coordinate, liaise, and follow-up on communication between concerned parties, partners and members of Dialogue Forums and Expert Committees. This will include taking minutes of non-formal dialogue meetings, sharing all information in a timely fashion, support and respond to the needs of participants.
3. Participate and assist in the coordination of activities of Dialogue Forums and Expert Committees in the framework of each group’s terms of reference and the Common Space procedural principles.
4. Work closely with the Head of Research to provide knowledge resources and coordinate the provision of information in public policy dialogues, civil peace and consensus building initiatives of the Common Space.
5. Conduct research on public policies as directed by the Head of Research and support in the drafting of concept notes and TOR for commissioned research/external researchers.
6. Follow up with all external experts on the delivery of outputs in a timely matter and in a way that would meet the criteria set and quality standards
7. Provide support in expanding the network of experts and partners as needed to support all dialogue groups and consolidate knowledge provision and expertise.
8. Support the Head of Research and the Shared Knowledge Coordinator the development of all CSI publications
9. Support the Head of Research in the drafting of all needed reports including: dialogue reports, quarterly reports. Annual reports and other when requested.
10. Support the Head of Research on related tasks when needed
IV. Competencies

• Demonstrated conceptual and analytical ability.
• Excellent inter-personal skills and ability to resolve problems independently.
• Proven team worker’s skills.
• Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values.
• Displays cultural, gender, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

V. Recruitment Qualifications

Education: University Degree (Bachelor or equivalent) or Graduate Degree (Masters or equivalent)  in Political Science, International Relations, Economics, Sociology, or related fields.
Experience: A minimum of 4 years of relevant work experience with a University Degree or 2 years with a Graduate Degree.
Language Requirements: Fluency in written and oral Arabic and English. Knowledge of French is a plus.

To apply : http://www.undp.org.lb/jobs/VacancyApply.cfm

good  luck!!!

Rita chemaly


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ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality produced this wonderful short movie in which Syrian refugee  that are women, men and a little girl tell us about their hope of building a future of Peace!

I was moved by this short movie, and especially by the positive messages sent from all those brave women and this little girl who raised at the end a beautiful wish of seeing her grandma in a safer place! 

Refugees in Lebanon numerous, their life is super difficult eventhough many where hosted by their family members of extended family. This short movie highlights their hopes! 

Kuddos to Abaad Team!


Rita Chemaly

#IWD #IWD2016  

 “When fear and security determine the future”
“When the pen becomes the weapon for reconstruction”
“When the smile becomes a message of hope and peace”
“Voices against all odds”

Syrian refugee women and men in Lebanon raise their voices against alienation, fear, and violence, as they share their hopes and determination to build a safe future.

A short video by ABAAD about the experiences, hopes, and aspirations of Syrian refugees released on the occasion of International Women’s Day,
and marking five years since the beginning of the Syrian crisis which has had numerous repercussions on women, girls and men refugees in Lebanon

ABAAD-Resource Center for Gender Equality

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#IWD2016, everywhere people are taking the #PledgeForParity , I can’t do it….

daily what I , as a young woman in Lebanon is Living is hell:

usually the top priorities are for me to Campaign for Women of my country to BE ABLE TO TRANSMIT THEIR NATIONALITY to their husbands and CHILDREN.

Usually the top priority is for me to scream :WE AS WOMEN need to have full equality in Marriage, divorce, adoption, INHERITANCE (which we don’t or because of our Rotten Personal status laws, or because of Practices aiming to prefer a boy to a girl , a brother on his sister, a man over with wife.)!

Usually my top priority for #IWD is for me to campaign for what typical women’s right movement in Lebanon has usually campaigned for ” Women in Politics”, “Women in leading positions”

What I am Campaigning for today , ON #IWD2016 and after almost a year living in the GARBAGE is for a CLEAN ENVIRONMENT IN LEBANON. #Planet5050 but for #Lebanon!

Do you know that we (women, men, children, elder) live in a river of garbage?

Pollution has eaten our WATER, pollution has eaten parts of our LUNGS, pollution made by US, HUMAN BEINGS IN LEBANON has turned what used to be ” the green Lebanon” to a GARBAGE BIN.

Today I will be busy campaigning for Women to have a leading role in Municipalities , as you may all know by now, it seems that the elections for the municipal councils in Lebanon are on May 2016.

The TOP priority of all Counciles should be an ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTION to the garbage CRISIS.

it is not possible for children to all be sick for more than months, it is not possible for elder people in Lebanon to all have oxygen all the time now!

we need SOLUTIONS that are ENVIRONMENTAL FOR GARBAGE that is polluting our AIR, ATMOSPHERE, WATER, and Health!!!!! Solutions made by ALL SEGMENTS OF A SOCIETY WOMEN AND MEN.

Again, as stated in november 2015 , I repeat the Same Scream from LEBANON:

SOS big SOS an environmental / HEALTHY PUBLIC Policy is NEEDED NOW!!! Garbage is polluting air, water, underground water, streets….!!! Reducing Reusing and Recycling is a step, what is else needed?!!! Women with a clear Environmental vision and a Will to implement ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS?!?!!







Rita Chemaly



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Hier, j’ai recu par mail, une alerte concernant le remaniement ministeriel en France. Aujourd’hui en lisant l’article de liberation l’information se confirme. Je croyais que la France est un pays ou le feminisme a reussi a faire des progres sur le plan des mentalites patriarchales. Et bien non, avec le #remaniement ministeriel d’Hollande, le role des femmes a ete reconfine et  accole aux taches de femme “epouse” et de mere “la maman”.

Hmm… je pense  que le remaniement ministeriel est incomplet: le remaniement a rattache  le droit des femmes a celui de famille et des enfants, ils ont oublie aussi de rajouter un titre au ministere: taches menageres! La Totale !

Je suis libanaise, une societe ou  “feminisme” “distribution des roles au sein du foyer” ne sont pas toujours les bienvenus. Oui chez nous les stereotypes de tous genres sont ancres. Je vis constamment sous les doigts de ceux qui essayent de me coller l’etiquette de “maman”a tout va. Pire on essaye aussi de me coller une autre etiquette celle tres connue de “sett beyt” en libanais, l’expression veut dire la dame de la maison celle qui gere la famille et la maison. hmm laissez moi preciser: celle qui garde le foyer propre , qui cuisine pour son homme et son enfant qui ne devrait parler que de chiffons avec ses amies lors des sobhiyis. Et bien du tout, je fais la sourde oreille quand on me parle de la sorte, pire quand au Liban on m’appelle avec le nom du Mari. Car on pert notre nom en se mariant, on devient l’objet de la famille, des enfants, et de l’Epoux.

Bon, au Liban la route vers une quelquonque egalite est tres longue  , mais  en France retourner en arriere sur des aquis est une honte, une sorte de claque a tous les efforts des feministes!

A bas les stereotypes! Think out of the Box!

Rita Chemaly

femme-menage-homme stereotype

Photo stereotype prise de Marie Claire 

ci dessous le copier colle du mail que j’ai recu:

de Danielle BOUSQUET, Chantal JOUANNO et Pascale VION

Remaniement ministériel:
Associer les droits des femmes à la famille et à l’enfance
suscite de sérieuses préoccupations

Parité au nouveau Gouvernement : nous nous en félicitons. Mais, mettre sous un même Ministère « la famille, l’enfance et les droits des femmes », n’est-ce pas enfermer les femmes dans le rôle stéréotypé qui leur est assigné depuis des siècles : celui d’épouse et de mère ?

La formulation et le périmètre de ce Ministère sont d’autant plus déconcertants que, depuis 4 ans, les avancées en matière d’égalité femmes-hommes sont incontestables. La Loi sur l’égalité réelle du 4 août 2014 avait, en effet, consacré l’enracinement de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes dans toutes les politiques publiques. Pour autant, tellement d’inégalités perdurent.

A cette aune-là, nous nous interrogeons sur le périmètre du Secrétariat d’Etat chargé de l’égalité réelle. Nous attendons des clarifications et des assurances du Gouvernement quant à son engagement en matière de droits des femmes et d’égalité entre les sexes.

Danielle BOUSQUET, Présidente du Haut Conseil à l’Egalité entre les femmes et les hommes,
Chantal JOUANNO,  Présidente de la Délégation aux droits des femmes et à l’égalité du Sénat
Pascale VION, Présidente de la Délégation aux droits des femmes et à l’égalité du CESE

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What is the Right that I miss the most as a Lebanese Women? This is the question I as a women rights activist is always asked, and my answer is Clear:  the Right to transmit my Nationality to my Children is THE Right we need to work on in Priority.

As a Women, the nationality law that dates from 1925  in Lebanon still prohibits Lebanese women married to foreigners from granting their nationality to their husband and children. 2704-salma-hayek-gibran_ Nationalite femme libanaise droit rita chemaly

the Article 1 of the 1925 Nationality Law states that citizenship is granted to those born of Lebanese fathers only. Not Lebanese Mothers. The implication is dreadful for Lebanese women and mothers: Children born of Lebanese mothers are not granted citizenship in Lebanon. that means no Lebanese passport, No lebanese social security, No access to Public schools, no access to Lebanese universities, no Access to Lebanese jobs protected by Syndicates…. In addition to all that a new Law passed in November 2015 in the Lebanese parliament, granting the  expatriates who have male ancestors only to get Lebanese Citizenship. Even the Constitutional Council wasn’t able to reject such a law that clearly violates the principle of equality between men and women enshrined in Article 7 of the Lebanese Constitution. (Read more about the rejection of annulment of such a discriminating law here)
Citizenship in Lebanon is based on ancestry from the FATHER /Men Side only,  not where one is born. In my opinion this is a  discrimination showing how Lebanon is a patriarchal society !

Today I read that Salma Hayek the Hollywood famous actress with Lebanese origins have clearly highlighted that women in Lebanon need to be able to TRANSMIT Their Nationality to their Children. True!! if as activists and lobbyist and advocates our voice is not heard by our elected Members of Parliament, maybe the voice of a Hollywood actress is more Powerful??? They can hear her voice easily???

Il faut noter que Shakira est d’origine libanaise, Salma Hayek Aussi, … mais la nationalite ne peut leur etre octroyee car elles sont des femmes, d’origine libanaise. Mika aussi  est d’origine libanaise par sa mere non??? donc il n’y a pas droit non plus! On le cree ce Lobby d’Acteurs et actrices et chanteurs pour demander ce Droit Primordial pour Nous Libanais et Libanaises???

Rita Chemaly

below are some of the links and article I wrote previously in English , french or Arabic  about this issue:

Lebanese women not satisfied with second class

Cartographie des discriminations qui atteignent les femmes au Liban 

Le Dossier que j’ai prepare sur la Nationalite pour le Magazine

Les femmes libanaises insistent pour transmettre leur nationalite a leur famille 

Transmitting the Nationality in Lebanon is only for Men

Patriarchy and discrimination against women should not prevail Lebanese women should have the right to transmit their nationality

La nationalite a ceux qui sont d’origine libanaise … aux hommes pas aux femmes!

je reve : je suis libanaise de 2nde classe?

Kindly note that in this blog, I featured more than 20 articles and short movie and covered plenty of protests and street movments about this issue. they are all featured under this tag: Nationality tag ; Discrimination tagwomen rights tag


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