
Posts Tagged ‘middle-east’

I was glad to be once again the host of Etijah show “Cases”, in which we tackled the recurrent problem of Human trafficking in the region.

After explaining and defining what  is Human trafficking and observing what are the Human trafficking forms in the region,  you will discover that during the episode the other host Mrs Hariri and I, did not convene on the matter of the migrant domestic workers in the region. For me I couldn’t but define the migrant Workers as specific subjects to clear Human Trafficking.

I remember that back in 2011, I blogged about how the Lebanese parliament passed and approved an  Anti-Trafficking Legislation by that amended the Lebanese penal code and criminal procedures to specifically address the crime of trafficking in persons. here is the link to my September 2011 post related to Human trafficking https://ritachemaly.wordpress.com/2011/09/05/anti-trafficking-law-approved-in-lebanon/

Again I repeat: Human trafficking is the trade of human, human trafficking is the fact of threating,  Forced labor is a form of human trafficking, removal of organ is a form of human trafficking,  mobilizing children as child soldiers is trafficking, threating the migrant worker, locking her in the house, confiscating her/his passport, is a form of Human trafficking.

All governmental institutions (related Ministries, related administrations, police, parliament, …) with the help of non-governmental institutions such as NGOs, schools, media should work on preventing Human trafficking in Lebanon, especially with the recurrent Syrian Crisis and the preeminent problem of child marriages that we are witnessing!

Rita Chemaly

here is the definition by the protocol to prevent and suppress Human trafficking : Article 3, paragraph (a) of the    Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons defines Trafficking in Persons as    the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs .”

the show can be watched on You Tube via this direct link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT10ZlXeoWA 

below is the description of the show on You tube:

 Published on Mar  4, 2014

The show CASES, produced by Aly Sleem and Shant Kerbabian and hosted by Shant Kerbabian, deals with human rights violations, regardless of any political affiliation and agenda. We stand by the oppressed people everywhere, so we aim at tackling their cases professionally from both humanitarian and legal perspectives. Our objective is to raise awareness and to speak out for those who have no voice
We were glad to host: In our Studio: Ms. Diana Hariri, Activist and General Coordinator of Human Rights Center, LIU

Via Satellite from Beirut:Dr. Rita Chemaly, Author and Human Rights Activist

rita chemaly expert talking about human trafficking in the middle east



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Un juge libanais dans le Metn n’a pas utilise l’horrible article 534 du code penal

Youpi!!! enfin un homme de droit sensé!!

quand un ami juge m’a raconté l’histoire il y a quelques jours je ne l’ai pas cru, mais Youmna dans le Legal agenda explique comment le juge a statué et relate toute l’histoire et a publie le jugement!!

et jl’ai bien dit aujourdu’hui est une belle journee ensoleillee au Liban!!

bravo ce premier pas Monsieur le Juge Dahdah, a quand la police, les forces de l’ordre et la société vont arrêter de stigmatiser, stéréotyper et criminaliser l’homosexualité au Liban???

Ci dessous le lien de l’article paru dans le legal agenda http://www.legal-agenda.com/article.php?id=676&folder=articles&lang=ar#.Uxg_001WFol et voilale lien du jugement !!! http://www.legal-agenda.com/images/articles/1394018421-حكم.pdf ce qui est interessant c’est que le Liban a reconnu sa “gender identity”

et je ne peux que repeter ce que Gino a bien conclu dans son post a ce sujet” To everyone still not ok with all of this, please, just remember, who the fuck are you to have a say in other people’s lives when it doesn’t affect you? Mind your own business and stop worrying what gays, lesbians, transgender and other gender minorities do with their lives, their bodies and who they choose to love. “

voila!! c’est dit! 🙂

trop contente!! belle journee!!

Rita Chemaly

أندروجين” أمام القضاء الجزائي اللبناني: حكم ثان لإعادة تعريف المجامعة خلافاً للطبيعة

يمنى مخلوف

من ارشيف المفكرة القانونية

في بدء التكوين كان آدم، أول الرجال، وكانت حواء أولى النساء، ولكنه وفقا” لأفلاطون، قبل آدم وقبل حواء، كان أندروجين، كائن مكتمل، يمتلك جنس الذكر وجنس الأنثى معا”، أعضاؤه التناسلية مزدوجة، إلا أنه بعدما اشتد غروره وتجرّأ على مهاجمة الآلهة، عوقب فشطر الى جزئين، ذكر وأنثى.   بتاريخ 28/1/2014، أصدر القاضي المنفرد الجزائي في جديدة المتن ناجي الدحداح حكماً بتبرئة متحوّلة جنسياً، بعدما تم الادعاء عليها على أساس أنها تقيم علاقات مع ذكور. وقد شكل هذا الحكم مؤشراً هاماً جداً، ليس فقط على صعيد التعامل مع متحولي الجنس ولكن أيضاً على صعيد تفسير المادة 534 من قانون العقوبات الخاصة بمعاقبة المجامعة خلافاً للطبيعة، والتي غالباً ما استُخدمت لمعاقبة العلاقات المثلية. ومن المعلوم أن المادة المذكورة طرحت في السنوات الأخيرة إشكاليات متنوعة في الوسط القضائي تمحورت حول معنى العبارات المستعملة فيها، فمنهم من رفض تجريم العلاقات المثلية على أساسها، ومنهم من فسّر المادة على أنها تجرّم هذا النوع من العلاقات[1].   وقائع الدعوى: شخص وُلد مع أعضاء تناسلية مشوّهة وغير مكتملة، أي أن أعضاءه التناسلية لا تسمح بتحديد انتمائه الجنسي الذكري أو الأنثوي، تسجل في سجلات الأحوال الشخصية على أنه ذكر، إذ لا وجود لأي خانة ثالثة في قيود الأحوال الشخصية، والفرد يصنّف عند ولادته إلزامياً بالذكر أو الأنثى. لكنه لطالما شعر بميل كبير ليصبح امرأة بسبب الهرمونات الأنثوية في جسمه، ما أدى به الى الخضوع في التسعينيات الى عمليات جراحية من استئصال للعضو الذكري وزرع رحم اصطناعي. وعلى أثر علاقاته الجنسية مع الذكور، تم توقيفه والادعاء عليه أمام القاضي المنفرد الجزائي في جديدة المتن وقد شكلت هذه الملاحقة على حد علمنا الحالة الأولى لمحاكمة متحوّل جنسي أمام القضاء الجزائي، علماً أن القضاء المدني قد سبق له أن استجاب لطلبات عديدة مقدمة من متحوّلي جنس لتصحيح قيودهم في سجلات الأحوال الشخصية[2]. تبعاً لذلك، طُرح على القاضي سؤال أساسي بشأن مفهوم المجامعة خلافاً للطبيعة.هل هي المجامعة التي تتم بين شخصين ينتميان الى الجنس الواحد؟ وفي حال الإيجاب، كيف يتم تحديد هذا الجنس والهوية الجنسية؟ هل هي الهوية المعتمدة في الأوراق والسجلات، أم هي الهوية البيولوجية، أو لربما الهوية النفسية، أو يا ترى الهوية الاجتماعية؟ وما مدى حرية الشخص في تحديد هويته الجنسية وفي ممارسة العلاقات الجنسية؟   ينطلق القاضي في تحليله بادئ ذي بدء من هوية الشخص المتهم كما أُدرجت في سجلات النفوس فيشير اليه بالذكر. إلا أنه يرافق الشخص منذ ولادته لغاية تاريخ الحكم: وعليه، وبعد أخذه بعين الاعتبار تطوّر الشخص اجتماعياً ونفسياً وخارجياً، يتراجع القاضي عن تصنيفه الأولي المسند الى ظاهر سجلات النفوس فيعود ويشير الى المتهم بمفردات لغوية مزدوجة عبر تعريفه له بـ”المدعى عليه(ا)”، مشدداً بذلك على هوية جنسية مزدوجة، معقدة وعميقة، لا يمكن وضعها في خانة ذكر أو أنثى، فتظهر لنا للمرة الأولى على الصعيد القانوني هوية ثالثة تشمل الذكر والأنثى، وتكرّس حرية الشخص في الانتماء الجنسي وإن لم يدخل في إطار الفئات المعتمدة في المجتمع.   وإن هذا التمنع له بالطبع ارتدادات مهمة على صعيد المادة 534 من قانون العقوبات. فتحييد الجنس كعنصر لتطبيق هذه المادة، والارتكاز على “الشكل الخارجي” والتصرفات الاجتماعية والشعور النفسي من شأنه إعادة النظر بتجريم العلاقات بين المثليين. إذ إنه في ظل عدم اعتماد الانتماء الجنسي كعامل لتطبيق المادة، لا يمكن تعريف المجامعة خلافاً للطبيعة سنداً لهذا الانتماء عبر تفسيرها على أنها تشمل العلاقات بين الأفراد المنتمين الى الجنس نفسه.   هذه القراءة للحكم تؤكدها الخلاصة التي وصل اليها الحكم بإبطال التعقبات لارتكاب جنحة المادة 534 من قانون العقوبات لانتفاء عناصرها الجرمية، عملاً بالمبدأين الآتيين:   أولا: مبدأ عدم التوسع في تفسير النص الجزائي. في هذا المجال، يذكّر الحكم “أن المشترع لم يحدد مفهوماً واضحاً للمجامعة على خلاف الطبيعة” وأنه في غياب هذا التعريف، يستعيد القاضي سلطة تقديرية لتفسير النص، على أن تفسير النص في المادة الجزائية يتجه نحو الحصر نظراً لما قد يؤدي التوسع في التفسير الى تقييد للحريات الفردية. من هذا المنطلق، يذهب الحكم الى تعريف حصري لمفهوم “الخلاف للطبيعة” حيث إنه يؤكد أن “الأشخاص المصابين بحالة الاضطراب في الهوية الجنسية (…) وإن شذوا عن القاعدة وخرجوا عن المألوف، فهم يبقون من ولادة الطبيعة التي لم يخرجوا إلا منها”، مذكّراً بأن الخروج عن المألوف لا يعني الشذوذ وأن الطبيعة لا تعرّف بسلوك الأكثرية. ومن هذه الجهة، يتميز الحكم بنظرته للطبيعة الإنسانية معيداً بذلك أصداء الحكم الصادر عن القاضي المنفرد الجزائي في البترون بتاريخ 2-12-2009 الذي جاء فيه حرفياً “أن الإنسان هو جزء من الطبيعة وأحد عناصرها، فلا يمكن القول عن أي ممارسة من ممارساته أو عن أي سلوك من سلوكه أنه مخالف للطبيعة حتى ولو كان سلوكاً جرمياً لأنها هي أحكام الطبيعة”. وتجدر الإشارة هنا الى ما ذهب اليه الحكم لجهة أن مفاهيم القانون الجزائي تستقل عن مفاهيم الأديان السماوية مفادها، فضلاً عن اعتماد القاضي على معايير علمانية مستقلة، تحرير السلوكيات الاجتماعية، خاصة الجنسية منها، من قيود الأهداف التناسلية للعلاقات الجنسية.    أما المنطلقات الثانية التي استند اليها الحكم، فمفادها “ما كرّسه الدستور اللبناني وشرعة حقوق الإنسان لجهة وجوب ضمان المساواة بين الأفراد في المجتمع وصون حريتهم الشخصية، خصوصاً عندما لا تؤدي هذه الحريات الى الإضرار بالغير. وبالطبع، لهذه المبادئ أبعاد تتعدى متحولي الجنس لتشمل المثليين، حيث إن المحكمة الأوروبية لحقوق الإنسان قد سبق لها أن استندت الى المبادئ نفسها لإدانة الدول التي تجرّم علاقات المثليين[3] وقد أشار الحكم موضوع التعليق في هذا الإطار الى “قرار مجلس حقوق الإنسان الصادر بتاريخ 17 حزيران 2011 الذي لحظ بوضوح، لأول مرة، إجراءات لمواجهة الانتهاكات والتمييز تجاه الأشخاص بسبب ميلهم الجنسي وهويتهم الجنسية، وإن كان غير ملزم للبنان”.   أخيراً، لا بد من التشديد على أن معضلة المادة 534 من قانون العقوبات ليست بهاجس يحصر بمثليين ومتحولي الجنس، فالحديث عن تجريم كل مجامعة خلافاً للطبيعة يثير مسألة مدى حرية الأفراد أياً كان ميلهم الجنسي في تنظيم علاقاتهم الخاصة خارج إطار الزواج، وفق ما يرونه مناسباً، دون أي تمييز كان. إذ إنه على الرغم من أن القانون اللبناني لا يعاقب المساكنة غير الزوجية في لبنان بصورة مباشرة، إلا أنه عبر التمييز بين الحقوق الإرثية للأولاد الناتجين من علاقة زوجية وأولئك الناتجين من علاقة خارج إطار الزواج، يعود ويعاقبها وإن بصورة غير مباشرة.   وإلغاء المادة 534 من قانون العقوبات حجر أساس لصد التعديات غير المحقة في خصوصية الفرد. والحكم موضوع التعليق يرسم لنا مع سابقه المشار اليه أعلاه الاتجاه الذي يقتضي سلوكه.
نشر في العدد الرابع عشر من مجلة المفكرة القانونية     المزيد عن الحكم على الرابط ادناه

[1]وحيد الفرشيشي ونزار صاغية، العلاقات المثلية في قوانين العقوبات: دراسة عامة عن قوانين الدول العربية مع تقريرين عن لبنان وتونس. [2]يمنى مخلوف، قضاة الأساس يجتهدون: لمتخالطي الجنس أن يصححوا قيد جنسهم في سجلات النفوس، المفكرة القانونية، 26 ايلول 2011. [3] Diane Roman, Fasc. 640 : droit au respect de la vie privée, du domicile et de la correspondance, 2007 : « Réfutant que la protection de la morale puisse justifier des poursuites pénales, la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme a affirmé que “ du point de vue de la proportionnalité, les conséquences dommageables que l’existence même des dispositions législatives en cause peut entraîner sur la vie d’une personne aux penchants homosexuels, comme le requérant, prédominent aux yeux de la Cour sur les arguments plaidant contre tout amendement au droit en vigueur. L’accomplissement d’actes homosexuels par autrui et en privé peut lui aussi heurter, choquer ou inquiéter des personnes qui trouvent l’homosexualité immorale, mais cela seul ne saurait autoriser le recours à des sanctions pénales quand les partenaires sont des adultes consentants”. La protection de la vie privée fournit un cadre général interdisant à l’État de s’immiscer, sauf justification suffisante fournie par le risque de nuire à des individus vulnérables ou par des répercussions sur la collectivité (CEDH, 22 oct. 1981, Dudgeon c/ RU : GACEDH, PUF, 2005, p. 410, F. Sudre et al. – V. aussi, CEDH, Modinos c/ Chypre, série A. 259, 22 avr. 1993. – CEDH, ADT c/ RU, 31 juill. 2000 : RTDH 2002, p. 345, note M. Levinet – Solution identique dans C. suprême États Unis, 26 juin 2003, n° 02-102, John Geddes Lawrence and Tyron Garner petitioners v. Texas. – V. D. Borillo (dir.), Homosexualités et droit, Les voies du droit : PUF, 1999) ».

Les autres articles sur le meme sujet:

l’article en anglais : Lebanon shows love for LGBT, reverses same-sex law in landmark case http://www.albawaba.com/editorchoice/lebanon-gay-558913

L’homosexualité au Liban dans l’attente d’une décriminalisation et d’une acceptation au Liban, un pays du Moyen Orient ou les normes patriarcales et religieuses priment


Homosexuel? des tests de la honte au Liban…


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It’s a Man’s Lebanon.

a great article by gino , in which he puts all my thoughts into words!!

and here is a part of it “Fake boobs, fake lips, fake ass cheeks, fake heels, fake brands, fake eyelashes and nails. Women are expected to dress provocatively, with cleavage on the verge of bursting and heels more fitting for a corner hooker, you’d think these girls are getting some action. If they do though, they become “damaged material” to other guys and girls, “ruining the honor” of her family. Heck, even posing topless like Jackie Chamoun can get you in a ton of trouble. So, in a hyper-sexually suggestive society, being promiscuous if you’re female is still very much frowned upon.”

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if you are interested in the status of Lebanon and whether Lebanon has ratified , accessed or signed a treaty, convention, protocol…

please do find attached this great map I found on the United Nations Website (United Nations treaty United Nations treaty collection, direct link, https://treaties.un.org/ , last accessed on January 21 2014.  )

the full treaty name is here, the date of signature or ratification is also featured

Good luck for all the researchers!

Rita Chemaly

LEBANON Treaties signed

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Thank you Cases show for hosting me to shed light about women rights in Saudi-Arabia , KSA

to watch the show hosted by Farah Atoui and produced by Aly Sleem for Etejah TV Channel, follow the link


Kudos to all Saudi women driving, campaigning, speaking out and defying norms and bans,

You’ll do it one day, and achieve your political, social and economical rights!!

Rita Chemaly

Cases Rita Chemaly about women rights in Saudi Arabia KSA

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To continue with the series related to pregnancy and newborns,

for the moms to be in Lebanon, the first test to do is the pharmacy test:

1- First test if you think you maybe pregnant:

I bought a Clearblue test from a pharmacy at 12 000LL.

if the + appears, it means you are pregnant! and you can begin offering champagne to your family (you cannot drink champagne, you will drink some water ).

ps: in 2 words this test is easy to use, the pharmacist will recommend you to do it in the morning, you should do pipi (urine) on it, and look at the screen, 2 minutes after you may be sure if there is a plus or a minus.

in brief, this test measures an hormone that exists in the urine. the Human chorionic gonadotropin (hcG) is a hormone produced initially by an embryo  in the early stages of pregnancy.

here are 2 snapshots for the easy digital test:



2- Call your gynecologist, or choose a good one (after asking some of your friends and relatives):

If you call the gynecologists in Lebanon, all will give you a meeting one month after, you did the clear blue test ( I tested it! I was impatient of making sure that I am pregnant, but no, all the secretary, even with all the “habibteh” involved, will make sure for you to take an appointment one month later.

The gynecologist will do an ultra-sound / echography, the Social Security in Lebanon covers the test and the gynecologist tariffs.

in Lebanon each visit will cost you around 50 000LL to 60 000 LL (ultra-sound /  echography included) , some of those who think they can do miracles will take 80$, ultra-sound /  echography excluded.  I called more than 9 gynecologists in Lebanon (women and men) before choosing the one I felt the most comfortable with.

3- Tests before pregnancy – the Wedding tests that are an Obligation to do:

The gynecologist I chose, is excellent, he said to me why re-do all the blood tests, you did them before the wedding:

In Lebanon, all people who want to get married are Obliged to do some medical tests, by the Lebanese state.

the toxoplasmose, HIV, rubella, Hemoglobine…. are a must to check.

People will have to go to Adlieh, from the Syndicate of doctors, they will have to pay for the 2 forms they take to fill 🙂 around 30 $ we don’t remember exactly.

here are some snapshots of the forms to fill by both partners.




than you will have to go to a laboratory or an hospital to do the blood tests.

the cost of the blood test for men and women are below ( that is what we paid for them, in 2012).

around 137000 LL for a women and 98000 LL for the men.

below is a snapshot with the price of each test:

for both women and men:

women blood test for marriage and pregnancy in Lebanon

Men blood tests cost before wedding in lebanon

the toxoplasmose, will help women to know what to eat and not to eat during pregnancy,

and if each women has an allergy on cats, dogs or whatever.

4- Tests to do During Pregnancy:

on each visit, the blood pressure, the weight and an urine test for albumin and glucose are measured.

some gynecologists in Lebanon, will ask their patient to do some blood test each 3 months, to make sure of diabetes,

but my gynecologist, make sure that everything is fine by during an urine test during pregnancy using strips.

here is a snapshot of the test we do on each appointment.


before the  ultra-sound /  echography…..

those tests will take less than 5 minutes, and  are important it helps to know if there is a diabetes that is being prepared or preeclampsia, it means a lot of sweet or salt in the blood…. 🙂

I hope that this post and the information it has are useful to some…

Rita Chemaly

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I just got a call from dodo my friend who has been living in Canada.

The law there entitles her to see her children grow, watch their first steps, see how their first tooth grow….

the law there gives a women 50 weeks and for the Paternity 5 week that the dad can choose to take the moment he wants!

plus the dad is entitled for a 2 days for the delivery!!!!!!

and we in Lebanon are struggling to have 70 days for maternity leave!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know that all moms and dads in Lebanon have to think what to do after 49 days??? do they put their new born in Kindergarden, do they ask their “hametos” “mother in laws” or any relative to watch over, do they bring a Domestic worker to watch for the new born!??!?!

Do you think dear MPs that these solutions are Safe???? is it how you want Lebanese families to raise the future citizens of Lebanon????!!!!


We have to act!!!

Rita Chemaly

Canadian maternity leave versus lebanon maternity leave

some sources about Canadian law http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/pubs/guide/pregnancy.php

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I am enraged, those 2 days, all what TVs and media are covering are the supposed military attacks USA, France and Great Britain might do against Syria.

And since than, all the messages I am getting are “keep safe” “we will suspend our meetings” “stay home” ….

What??? I know that my post is just for me and wont be read by the BIG guys, but maybe if some of their team members may read it, they will understand, that some people who are “citizens” here in this part of the world are AGAINST any military attack!!! Syria is already living under the bombs, bombing more and letting foreign powers intervene as they did in Irak, Afghanistan, Libya or else, is a huge Mistake. Can they consider the citizens that are living in the region?? can they consider that if it didn’t work in other parts of the world, it won’t work in Syria too?!!!

I am afraid, Yes I am, for the security of those who are still living in Syria, for those who are living like me in Lebanon, and trying to make a living albeit the bombings and explosions we are witnessing!

Dear Big Guys, the Soft politic is in my opinion the solution, the political solution is still needed as it happened in Lebanon in 1989, and after in Doha….

Please dears think about it!! Syria is already a war-torn country and chemical weapons is already been used, don’t “add oil to the fire” and use a military attack, even those who you think needs you for a military attack are not as clean as they should be ! Fundamentalism, extremism, and dictatorship are all for me, simple citizen of this Middle East unacceptable!

Rita Chemaly

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Lobbying with MPs, and the Commissions, is done.

what are expecting mothers to be in Lebanon are waiting for is the amendment of the Maternity leave period in  a general assembly.

Nabih Berri the speaker of the house has invited the Lebanese Parliament to a general assembly for monday July 1, Tuesday July 2 and wednesday July 3.

I hope that the Maternity leave law amendment for both LABOR LAW articles 28-29 , amending the Lebanese maternity leave from 49 days to 70 days will pass!!!

also, I hope that the maternity leave amendment for civil servants in Lebanon article 38 of law 112 will pass (amending it from 60 days to 70 days)….

I am looking forward for next week General assembly at the Parliament!!!!

Rita Chemaly


التاريخ: ١/٧/٢٠١٣

دعوة الى جلسة عامة

دعا الرئيس بري الى عقد جلسة تشريعية عامة تبدأ في العاشرة والنصف من صباح الإثنين في 1 تموز المقبل وتنعقد أيام الإثنين والثلاثاء والأربعاء صباحاً ومساءً. وذلك لدرس وإقرار المشاريع واقتراحات القوانين المدرجة على جدول الأعمال.

below are the previous posts I wrote related to Maternity leave

Members of Parliament we Want an Extension of the Maternity Leave In Lebanon 


Maternity Leave In Lebanon is in the drawer of Parliament because of Political problems

March 21 is mother day but in Lebanon women are not treated fairly maternity leave is a must

en Avril Le Conseil des Ministres Allonge le Conge maternite a 10 semaines

Lebanese Mothers: Missing Their Babies … an article about maternity leave by C.Benoit

Le conge maternite au Liban en route vers la ratification finale

A step Forward to women’s rights … Maternity leave in Labor law is amended

Article de Rita Chemaly sur le Conge Maternite au Liban paru dans la rubrique Droits des Femmes Special Magazine Novembre 2012

Article de Rita Chemaly sur le Conge Maternite au Liban paru dans la rubrique Droits des Femmes Special Magazine Novembre 2012

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I participated to the African festival that was held in Jesus and Mary School in Rabieh last Sunday.

I was so happy to finally see African people in Lebanon wearing their countries costumes, and eating and dancing their countries folkloric dances.

The Ethiopian Delegation, the Madagascar Delegation, the Côte d’Ivoire Delegation, the Sudanese Delegation all prepared dances, and beautifully colored shows.

Proud to be african, I was just Happy and clapping madly to all the groups!!

even though I loved the Ethiopian dance, and if I wasn’t so heavy in my pregnancy I would have enjoyed dancing with them 🙂

not to forget about the Clothes!!!!!! A simple Waw!!! Mum and I found some Clothes truly beautiful!

for you some of the pictures of the event, thank You samar and Ghada for inviting us, we were supposed to be 2 but you know in My family we are all happy to always enjoy such beautiful events!!!!


Caritas migrant center distributed brochures to all attendees, It was truly lovely!











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discrimination men and women in lebanon rita chemalysocial security article amendment of article 14 in lebanon women rights

I cannot believe what I am reading on the website of the Parliament.

The Commission of Women and Children headed by MP Gilberte Zwein, has amended again the article 14 of the social security law, but not to end discrimination against women, on the contrary, by adding exceptions that were never in the first law before and exceptions discriminating more and more against women.

in Lebanon, if a woman works she is entitled to have social security, but as per article 14 of the social security law, just working man with unworking women can have their women benefit from social security. the equality in the lebanese social security law doesn’t exist!

A WORKING women cannot let her husband benefit from social security unless he is over 60 or deficient according to article 14.

The National Commission For Lebanese women prepared in 2011 a draft law, to amend the discrimination in article 14, and as stated in its annual report, members of parliament ( ZWEIN and Michel Moussa) Presented the amendment of the law.

The amendment presented in 2011, takes off all kind of discrimination and entitles the husband of a working  women to benefit from health care provided by the social security law if he doesnt work. the amendment prepared and presented has one goal: equality between lebanese women and men.

But while checking the lebanese parliament website http://www.lp.gov.lb/NewsPage.Aspx?id=10102 I read that the Parliamentarian commission on Women and Children met on october 2012, and amended the article 14, but not as presented in 2011 by Gilberte Zwein Herself, but with adding more and more discrimination against women husbands who work in liberal professions, or is enlisted in the commercial records of in the professions record!

here is the text for you in arabic!!!! 😦

زوج المضمون إذا كان لا يتعاطى عملا مأجورا، أو كان لا يتسفيد من تقديمات حصية، أو مساعدات مرضية من نظام الزامي عام، وأن لا يكون منتسبا إلى نقابات المهن الحرة، أو مسجلا في السجل التجاري، أو في سجل المهن”.

More terrible, Michel Moussa who first presented with ZWEIN the first amendment, was present at the commission meeting as it appears from NNA lebanon news
all what I can demand is for Parliamentary commissions to be more sensitive on the issue of discrimination and equality.

all I can demand from our MPs is to be fair vote for laws that truly are in the benefice of working women!!

Rita Chemaly 

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#Women are NOT only Housewives… It’s time to put an END to #Sexist #Ads & stop #reinforcing #gender #stereotypes ….

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Maternity Leave in Lebanon is of 49 days... an amendment extending the period to 10 weeks is waiting for its Vote at the General Assembly

Maternity Leave in Lebanon is of 49 days… an amendment extending the period to 10 weeks is waiting for its Vote at the General Assembly

Lebanese pregnant women are still waiting for the General Assembly Of the Lebanese Parliament to meet and discuss and Vote the Extension of the Period of Maternity leave from 49 days to 10 weeks for those who abide by the Labor Law, and from 60 days to 10 weeks for the public sector employees….

Women in Lebanon Urge the Lebanese Parliamentarians to Meet in a Genral Assembly not to discuss the electoral law only but their Maternity Leave, that will intitle them with less than their Basic Rights!!!!!

Rita Chemaly


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One of the most Horrible action against #human rights and human #dignity without talking about the freedom of choice,

the story as it has been prepared by NOW, is below for your information,

in both english and arabic.



“I was standing outside the nightclub with my friends when I was ordered by [municipality] police to get into the car, with no legal order” one of the transgender revelers harassed Saturday night at Dekwaneh club Ghost told NOW, on condition of anonymity. She said she was taken into a room where she was abused both verbally and sexually by municipality head Antoine Chakhtoura’s deputies.

“They hit me and pushed me around and insulted me by using derogatory terms like ‘faggot’ and ‘half-a-man,’ then they asked demeaning questions such as how much do I make per hour and whether I enjoy ‘sucking on it,’ then asked me to strip naked and then took photographs of me.”

Lebanese activists and experts believe Chakhtoura’s actions have set a dangerous precedent whereby the Lebanese official can apply his own conception of justice as Lebanese law.

Among those who were arrested late night Saturday were three gay men and a transgender person. Each were forced to undress in front of Chakhtoura’s policemen, under his order, so they could determine their gender.

Following Saturday’s events, in an interview with the Lebanese television station LBC, Chakhtoura admitted that the detained were undressed, saying “Of course we made them take off their clothes, we saw a scandalous situation and we had to know what these people were. Is it a woman or a man? It turned out to be a half-woman and half-man and I do not accept this in my Dekwaneh.”

In an interview with NOW, Chakhtoura defended his actions saying “It is not my business what gender they decide to be, but they were violating moral codes of conduct and were taking drugs and it is my duty to put an end to it.”

However, the transgender person emphasized that she had no drugs in her possession and has asked the forces to give her a blood test to check for the viability of the accusations. Her requests have gone unanswered.

As for the sealing of the night club, Chakhtoura stressed to NOW that he believes it endorses sexual activities inside and outside its premises, and promoted the trafficking of drugs and “drunken” behavior. He also claims that his actions are justified by Article 74 in the municipal law code.

Ghost nightclub’s management has condemned the municipality’s accusation, stressing to NOW that the accusations against them are false and that the raid had no prior warning.

The manager, who also preferred to remain anonymous, explained that Chakhtoura came to the location and accused him of drug trafficking and prostitution, and when he was given the freedom to look into his accusations Chakhtoura replied “No, I don’t want to check, I want this place to be shut down.”

“I refused to close down,” then he walked out saying “but you have gay men in here.” Soon after, twelve of Chakhtoura’s policemen entered the nightclub, bullied customers out, and turned the music off. As of Monday afternoon, Ghost nightclub was sealed by order of the municipality, a note visible on its door with the names of the 4 persons who had been detained.

Lawyer and human rights activist Nizar Saghieh explained that the head of the municipality, in his actions, surpassed the relevant legal institutions and should thus be held legally accountable.

“By law, he is only allowed to gather the information needed and file a complaint to the public prosecution office. He has no right to take the decision on his own. His raid is illegal,” stressed Saghieh.

Until now, the club’s management has not filed a law suit against Chakhtoura and is waiting for the prosecution office to issue its own order, because they strongly believe Chakhtoura’s case is personal.

“Clearly, he has personal issues with homosexual men because this is not the first time these harassments take place, his men have been detaining passersby for over 6 months now,” the manager added.

Charbel Maydaa, the director of Helem, an NGO whose mission is to defend gay rights, confirmed the above allegations and explained that the organization has been monitoring the nightclub since they learned of the recurrent harassment and abuse of gay men and transgender people. Maydaa told NOW that customers near the nightclub are frequently exposed to abuse because of their appearance, and that victims were taken to the police municipality in the trunks of police cars.

Saghieh added that the municipal police’s detainment of customers is also illegal and should be looked into urgently because it is a clear violation of the constitution.

“They have no right to question subjects in any case; it is the judicial police jurisdiction and that is, if there was a crime at hand, but there isn’t one, transsexuality is not a crime, there is no legal finding to support it anywhere.”

Saghieh emphasized that if the subjects decide not to pursue a case, then it is  the lebanese civil society’s duty to address the issue as quickly as possible.

“This is a crime and Chakhtoura admitted to it publicly. Lebanese civil society should file a complaint against him at the public prosecution office.”

“This is very dangerous. He is forcing his own values, considering anything against them a crime, then punishing the wrong-doers. This should not be accepted,” said Saghieh.

SOURCE https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/reportsfeatures/transgender-club-victim-speaks-out

هذا ما حصل في ملهى المتحولين جنسياً في الدكوانة

رئيس بلدية يعتقل ويضايق مثليين ومتحوّلين جنسياً


“كنتُ أقف خارج الملهى الليلي مع أصدقائي عندما أمرتني شرطة البلدية بالدخول الى السيارة، دون أي مذكّرة قانونية” قالت لـ NOW واحدة من المشاركين في الحفلة الصاخبة الذين تعرضوا لمضايقات ليلة السبت الماضية في ملهى Ghost في الدكوانة، شرط عدم ذكر اسمها. قالت إنّها أدخلت الى غرفة حيث تعرّضت لأذى شفهي وجنسي من قبل مندوبي رئيس البلدية أنطوان شختورة.

“ضربوني وعاملوني بقسوة وأهانوني مستخدمين تعابير بذيئة مثل “مخنّث” و”نصف رجل”، ومن ثم طرحوا عليّ أسئلة مهينة مثل كم هو أجري في الساعة وإذا ما كنتُ أستمتع بالأمر، ومن ثم طلبوا مني ان أخلع ثيابي والتقطوا لي صوراً”.

يعتقد الناشطون والخبراء اللبنانيون أنّ أعمال شختورة تفرض سابقة خطيرة حيث يمكن لمسؤول لبناني أن يطبّق مفهومه الخاص للعدالة على اعتبار أنّه قانون لبناني.

من بين أولئك الذين تمّ اعتقالهم ليل السبت الماضي كان ثلاثة مثليين وشخص متحوّل جنسياً. وكل واحد منهم أجبر على خلع ثيابه أمام رجال شرطة شختورة، بأمر منه، بحيث يتمكنون من تحديد هويتهم الجنسية.

بعد أحداث ليلة السبت، وفي مقابلة له مع محطة التلفزيون اللبنانية LBC، اعترف شختورة بأنّهم جعلوا المعتقلين يخلعون ثيابهم، قائلاً “بالطبع جعلناهم يخلعون ثيابهم،عندما رأينا وضعاً فاضحاً وكان علينا أن نعرف ما هم هؤلاء الأشخاص. رجال أو نساء؟ وبدا أنّهم أنصاف رجال وأنصاف نساء وأنا لا أقبل بمثل ذلك في الدكوانة التي أنتمي إليها”.

وفي مقابلة له مع NOW، دافع شختورة عن أفعاله قائلاً “ليس شأني أية هوية جنسية يريدون لأنفسهم، ولكنّهم كانوا ينتهكون قوانين السلوك الأخلاقية وكانوا يتعاطون المخدرات ومن واجبي وضع حد لذلك”.

غير أنّ المتحوّلة جنسياً أكّدت أنّه لم يكن بحوزتها مخدرات وطلبت من القوى [الأمنية] أن يُجرى لها فحص دم للتحقّق من صحة الاتهامات. ولم تتم الاستجابة لمطالبها.

وبالنسبة لختم الملهى الليلي بالشمع الأحمر، أكد شختورة أنّه يعتقد بأنّه يسمح بالنشاطات الجنسية داخل مبناه وخارجه، وأنّه يروّج لتجارة المخدرات ولسلوك السكيرين. وهو يزعم بأنّ أفعاله تبرّرها المادة 74 من قانون البلديات.

ومن جهتها أدانت إدارة ملهى “غوست” اتهام البلدية، مشدّدة لـ NOW على أنّ الاتهامات الموجهة لها باطلة وأنّ “الكبسة” على الملهي لم يسبقها أي تحذير.

وشرح مدير الملهى، الذي فضّل هو كذلك عدم الإفصاح عن هويته، أنّ شختورة جاء الى المكان واتهمه بتجارة المخدرات وبالدعارة، وعندما سُمح له بالتحقّق من صحة اتهاماته، أجاب شختورة “لا، لا أريد التحقّق، أريدُ إقفال هذا المكان”.

“رفضتُ الإقفال”، ومن ثم خرج قائلاً “ولكن لديكم مثليين هنا”. وبعد ذلك بقليل، دخل 12 من رجال شرطة شختورة الى الملهى، قاموا بالتنمير على الزبائن، وأطفأوا الموسيقى. ومنذ بعد ظهر يوم الإثنين الماضي، جرى إقفال ملهى غوست بالشمع الاحمر بأمر من البلدية، وتبدو ملاحظة عُلّقت على بابه بأسماء الأشخاص الأربعة الذين جرى اعتقالهم.

وفي هذا السياق، شرح المحامي والناشط في مجال حقوق الإنسان نزار صاغية أنّ رئيس البلدية تخطّى بهذه التصرّفات، المؤسسات القانونية المختصّة وبالتالي يجب أن يحاسب قانونياً على ذلك.

“كما ينص القانون، يُسمح له فقط بجمع المعلومات المطلوية ورفع شكوى الى مكتب المدعي العام. لا يحق له أن يتخّذ القرار بنفسه. إغارته على المكان غير قانونية” شدّد صاغية قائلاً.

حتى الآن، لم ترفع إدارة الملهى قضية على شختورة وهي بانتظار أن يُصدر مكتب الادعاء حكمه، لأنّهم يعتقدون اعتقاداً راسخاً بأنّ قضية شختورة قضية شخصية.

“من الواضح أنّ لديه مسائل شخصية حيال الرجال المثليين لأنّ هذه ليست المرة الأولى التي تحصل فيها هذه المضايقات، فمنذ أكثر من ستة أشهر يقوم رجاله باعتقال المارة”، أضاف المدير.

وبدوره أكّد شربل الميدع، المدير التنفيذي لجمعية “حلم” غير الحكومية التي تهتم بالدفاع عن حقوق المثليين، على الادعاءات السابقة وشرح أنّ الجمعية كانت تراقب الملهى الليلي منذ علموا بالمضايقات المتكرّرة وبالإساءة الى الرجال المثليين والأشخاص المتحولين جنسياً. وقال الميدع لـ NOW إنّ الزبائن قرب الملهى الليلي دائماً ما يتعرّضون للاعتداء بسبب مظهرهم، وأنّ ضحايا الأحد الماضي نُقلوا الى مقر شرطة البلدية في صناديق سيارات الشرطة.

وأضاف صاغية أنّ اعتقال الشرطة البلدية للزبائن هو أيضاً غير قانوني ويجب النظر فيه بأقصى سرعة لأنه مخالفة واضحة للدستور.

“ليس لديهم الحق باستجواب أي كان في أية قضية كانت؛ فهذا من اختصاص الشرطة القضائية، هذا في حال كانت هناك جريمة، ولكن لا توجد جريمة، التحوّل الجنسي ليس بجريمة، ليس هناك أي حيثية قانونية لدعمها في أي مكان”.

وشدّد صاغية على أنّه في حال قرّر المعنيون بالحادثة عدم رفع أي قضية، فمن واجب المجتمع المدني اللبناني معالجة المسألة بأسرع وقت ممكن.

“هذه جريمة وقد اعترف شختورة علناً باقترافها. على المجتمع المدني أن يرفع شكوى ضدّه لدى مكتب المدعي العام”.

“هذا أمر شديد الخطورة. إنّه يفرض قيمه الخاصة، معتبراً أي شيء يعارض هذه القيم جريمة، ومن ثمّ يعاقب الآثمين الذين ارتكبوها. لا يجب القبول بذلك”، قال صاغية




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what is happening in #Syria is #horrible #Human basic & #Fundamental #rights have been forgotten by all parties!

I cannot look at the feed of my Facebook page, without being afraid of watching the horrific images coming from Syria!

I love this country, when I visited for the first time in 2005, i found the cultural heritage they have, and that syrian people are not protecting now. How can they be interested in their cultural heritage, when the life of Innocents are taken without any conscience???

all Parties in Syria should Stop violating Human rights, Children Rights, Women Rights.

I won’t re-post the shocking pictures of guys  handling the heads of the people they just killed!! this is an abomination!!!

in a war, (And in LEBANON) we have lived numerous ones, atrocities happen, but keeping quiet is an ABOMINATION!!!

The basic Human rights should be Respected!!!!!!

People and Innocents should be Protected!!!!

Khalass , Enough to Atrocities!!

yes for the implementation of basic rights even during war!


here are recent articles describing the war crimes happening in Syria our neighbor country

U.N. lists Syrian army and militias as sex predators
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2013/Apr-17/214104-un-lists-syrian-army-and-militias-as-sex-predators.ashx#ixzz2Rt7sWovW

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Dears, the UNFPA communication office have released the new issues of the newsletter TANSEEQ for Ending GBV in Lebanon”.

as the communication team of UNFPA stiplulates, “This newsletter constitutes Lebanon’s very first national networking tool on Gender Based Violence (GBV). It provides a comprehensive snapshot of activities in the area of GBV undertaken between July and December 2012 in Lebanon. A total of 14 actors in the area of GBV have contributed to the present issue.

 This issue’s special features are:

  • Supplement on the “16 Days to End Gender Violence” and the “White Ribbon” campaigns
  • Section on the Inter-Agency SGBV Task Force operating under the Protection working group for the Syria Humanitarian response
  • Winning articles of the UNFPA-supported GBV article-writing contest  among Journalism students at the Lebanese University”.

 to read this english version:


to read the arabic version:



tanseeq ending gender based violence in leabnon rita chemaly expert on women rights

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Organization: IndyACT

Country: Lebanon

Website: http://www.indyact.org

Job Profile

IndyACT is a global league of independent environmental, cultural and social activists. IndyACT

is currently focusing its operations in the Arab World. Although it is a new organization,

IndyACT has already established several campaigns in the Arab region, especially Lebanon, on

issues such as climate change, resource management, marine and coastal protection, and youth

and women’s rights. The organization’s motto is “Passion with Professionalism” and applies it in

all its campaigns.

IndyACT is currently seeking a Communication Officer.

Job Title Communication Officer


To undertake the planning, development and delivery of IndyACT’s internal and external

communications, including website, monthly newsletter and other member communications

and publications, in liaison with other IndyACT staff; to contribute to wider policy and

communications and IndyACT work programmes.

Required Qualifications


University degree in a related field.


Two years work experience in communication and campaigning.


Excellent command of spoken and written English and Arabic. French is a plus.

General Qualifications

– Personal belief in and support of IndyACT core values.

– Writing and outreach experience.

– Media and awareness-raising experience.

– A strong capacity for analysis, communication and information management.

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Full Time Job Vacancy (6 months with the possibility of extension)

Project Officer
For the Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Program
At The Forum for Development Culture and Dialogue (F.D.C.D.)
The Project officer will support the peacebuilding program of  FDCD in designing, implementing and following-up with local projects in Lebanon that targets various focus group all over the country.
Major Tasks:
• Assisting the Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Program Coordinator in implementing and following up running peacebuilding projects in Lebanon.
• Monitoring and assisting in the evaluation process for several projects.
• Establishing contact and maintaining correspondence with individuals and institutions within the project work of  PBCR-FDCD.
• Implementing peacebuilding conference in different Lebanese regions.
• Assisting in Planning and executing training programs in peacebuilding, leadership, conflict prevention and relevant topics.
• The Job Holder may be assigned to other tasks related to the implementation of different F.D.C.D. projects.
• BA degree required in social work, political science, peace and conflict studies or relevant majors.
•  1 year experience in N.G.O. Work
• Knowledge in peacebuilding and conflict resolution techniques 
• Lebanese nationality
• Excellent communication skills in Arabic (written and Oral)
• Good Communication skills in English (written and Oral) – French is a Plus
• Able to travel to different geographical region in Lebanon
• Able to work under Time Pressure and Deadlines 
• Computer Skills ( Word, Excel…)
• Able to start working by May – June 2013
This Position is set for 6 months period ending on the 31 of December 2013. Could be extended in case of Program Renewal.
How to Apply:
Send your Two Pages C.V. To : info@fdcd.org – State in the subject : Project Officer Vacancy – PBCR – FDCD.
Deadline for applicants: 23th of April 2013
–Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be called for an interview

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to all my foreign friends, to the husband of helene, of Souad, to Mathieu, to Catherine, to franzi, to Aicha, to Bea, to Iza, salsoul ( u understand lebanese better than me) bref, you are my friends, and when you come to leb, or hear some lebanese talking don’t say ouchh… now there is an application that teaches you how to speak the great “hi kifak ca va” dialect!
Jana, my long time friend from university sent me the update and the news related to the application.
also, I couldn’t but notice the yummy home page of the app, here it is below for you:
“Marhaba, you are about to download this application because you have a spouse or a Lebanese acquaintance, and you’ve been lost in translation when she/he speaks in lebanese, especially with family or on the phone with his/her mother in law! And you are so eager to speak this language …
Or it may be your Lebanese origins that lead you to take courses in lebanese dialect, to reconnect with them, or just to share with family when you visit the Land of Cedars.
But you may also be one of those people who are passionate about Lebanon, who knew about it through a friend, a private or professional trip, a book or a documentary. And you are curious about this dialect…
this is how the application home page explains it all… http://www.keefaktheapp.com/index.html

A new application Made by Lebanese to the World, is taking lots of space, virtually!
Friends, try it and tell me if you understand me or others when we talk!!
as for the developers, good work, I will try it too!!

Good luck!!
Rita Chemaly

You may also check KEEFAK through the below links:


– FB Page: facebook.com/keefaktheapp

– Twitter Account: @KeefakTheApp

– YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TFqUvjYiGVE

keefak application lebanon rita chemaly

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March 21 is Mothers day! the Beginning of Spring and the blossoming of flowers… In Lebanon, expecting mothers are waiting for the General Assembly of the Lebanese Parliament … The Members of Parliament, those who were Elected by the people, the mothers, and the dads need to VOTE ASAP the amendment of the Maternity leave Period.

Maternity leave should be Fully paid and the period must be extended to at Least 10 weeks.
Maternity leave in Lebanon too short campaign rita chemaly

Knowing that the International Labor Organisation had in 1952 called in the Maternity Protection Convention called for a minimum of 12 weeks leave and recommended for a 14 weeks leave.

“Currently, 119 countries meet the ILO standard of 12 weeks with 62 of those countries providing for 14 weeks or more. Just 31 countries mandate a maternity leave of less than 12 weeks.”

 Lebanese women associations conceded 2 weeks for the amendment to pass.

we are still waiting for the ELECTED parliamentarians to do their duty and Go to the General Assembly in the House of People to VOTE  for such an amendment!!

Rita Chemaly


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Lebanese Women claim their rights:

the right to live safely at home

the right not to be harrassed at work

the right not to marry her rapist

the right to transmit her nationality to her children

the right to Live and To be A Lebanese CITIZEN!!!!

Rita Chemaly,

also for those who feel that big rage I feel,

do not hesitate to wath this short short movie, that is translated to English….

a great initiative bt the take back the parliament movement.




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Immediate Recruitment Announcement 

Gender Equality Team Coordinator

One year full time contract renewable

CRTD.A is announcing an immediate vacancy for the Gender and Equality Team Coordinator.


The Gender and Equality Team is entrusted with spearheading the Arab Women’s Right to Nationality Campaign, implementing the Leadership capacity building programme, engaging in CRTD.A’s work within the regional “Equality without Reservation Coalition” as well as developing and disseminating knowledge and communication material on gender equality in Lebanon and the Arab region.



Key tasks and responsibilities


● Provide support and accompaniment to the GET team members

● Develop action plans for the Nationality campaign and ensure implementation and monitoring

● Develop leadership and related capacity building programmes

● Provide timely and comprehensive reports on activities

● Liaise and collaborate with other CRTD.A teams

● Engage with CRTD.A national and regional partners



Key competencies


● Up to 5 years of experience in a related field

● A relevant university degree

● Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Arabic and English

● Ability to coordinate a small team and develop workplans

● Reliable and able to meet deadlines

● High interpersonal skills

● Commitment to gender equality and social justice


Deadline for application: 15 March 2013


Interested candidates should send their CV, a detailed motivation letter and three references to vacancy@crtda.org.lb.  Please indicate “Gender and Equality Team Coordinator “in the subject line.


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

اعلان عن توظيف فوري

منسق/ة لبرنامج المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي

عقد عمل لمدة سنة قابل للتجديد


تعلن مجموعة الأبحاث والتدريب للعمل التنموي عن حاجتها للتوظيف الفوري لمنسق/ة لبرنامج المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي.


تتضمن مسؤوليات منسق/ة برنامج المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي، دعم حملة “جنسيتي حق لي ولأسرتي” وتطويرها، تنفيذ نشاطات التدريب على القيادة النسائية، تعزيز مشاركة مجموعة الابحاث والتدريب للعمل التنموي في الحملة الاقليمية “لتحالف المساواة دون تحفظ”، تطوير التنسيق، التواصل، تطوير ونشر المعرفة حول المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي في لبنان والمنطقة العربية.


مهمات منسق/ة برنامج المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي:


– تأمين الدعم وادارة فريق المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي

– تطوير خطط عمل حملة الجنسية وضمان حسن المتابعة والتنفيذ

– تطوير برنامج القيادة وبناء القدرات النسائية

– رسم الخطط التنفيذية ووضع تقارير دورية حول سير العمل

– التنسيق والتعاون مع فرق العمل الاخرى في مجموعة الابحاث والتدريب للعمل التنموي

– التواصل مع شركاء وشبكة علاقات مجموعة الابحاث والتدريب للعمل التنموي في لبنان والمنطقة العربية


على المتقدم/ة للوظيفة أن تتوفر لديه/ها المواصفات التالية:


– خبرة في مجال مماثل تصل الى 5 سنوات

– حيازة شهادة جامعية في الحقل الاجتماعي

– اتقان كامل للّغتين العربية والانكليزية قراءة وكتابة

– قدرة على التخطيط  وادارة فريق العمل

– صفات شخصية عالية، تتسم بالجدية وبالقدرة على الالتزام بالمهل المحددة


آخر مهلة لاستلام الطلبات: 15 آذار 2013


على المرشحين/ات المهتمين/ات إرسال سيرتهم/ن الذاتية، إضافة الى رسالة تعريف شخصية، وثلاثة اسماء لاشخاص معرّفين، على العنوان التالي: vacancy@crtda.org.lb، على أن يتم الإشارة في عنوان الرسالة الى “منسق لبرنامج المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي


ملاحظة: سوف يتم الاتصال فقط بالذين/اللواتي يتم اختيارهم/ن للمقابلة.



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Article par Rita Chemaly Initialement Paru Dans le Magazine Special de Fevrier 2013

Article par Rita Chemaly Initialement Paru Dans le Magazine Special de Fevrier 2013

Cartographie des discriminations qui atteignent les femmes au Liban

Gros Plan sur les Droits des Femmes au Liban

Dans cette rubrique, chaque mois les droits des femmes sont passes au crible fin, pour la nouvelle année  nous dresserons la cartographie des discriminations qui atteignent les femmes au Liban. Si l’image que donnent les medias libanais des femmes au Liban est ouverte et progressive, dans la pratique et les lois, cette image virtuelle pimpante et brillante se transforme en image terne et noire.

Le Liban a bien ratifié  la Convention Internationale pour l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l’encontre des femmes (CEDEF) ou plus communément connue sous l’acronyme anglais CEDAW en Avril 1997. Mais les exceptions émises par l’Etat sur cette Convention, font en sorte de creuser le fossé entre Hommes et Femmes. Le Liban a formulé une réserve contre l’article 9 – alinéa 2 et contre l’article 16, alinéa 1, relatif à l’égalité des deux époux dans le mariage et le choix du nom de famille, et l’article 29 lié a la transmission de la nationalité. Reserves et expections peuvent sont issus du jargon juridique, or ces simples termes ont des effets discriminants contre les Femmes Libanaises et travaillant au Liban.

La femme dans la famille, une discrimination à la base :

La discrimination commence par la famille, et le souhait d’avoir un garçon comme premier né. Le « maouloud » est homme, la déception des proches par le fait d’avoir une fille est souvent grande. Pire dans plusieurs pays arabe comme au Yémen et autres,  le mot “enfant” signifie “garçon”.

Quant aux études les études les exemples de discrimination et d’inégalités sont flagrants : souvent les filles sont inscrites dans des universités moins prestigieuses que les garçons sur lesquels on mise plus lors des études.

Le statut Personnel, Inégalité homme femme mais inégalités entre femmes libanaises aussi:

Le système libanais est formé par une multitude de confessions (18 avec les coptes), les statuts personnels revenant à telle ou telle confession marquent les inégalités entre hommes et femmes et entre femmes elles-mêmes….

  • le mariage entre chrétiens de différentes confessions exige de la femme d’obéir et de se soumettre au mari « la célèbre lettre de St Paul » chantée et louée dans toutes les cérémonies matrimoniales religieuses.
  • En cas de séparation ou divorce les différences sont nombreuses :
    • Pour l’héritage chez les musulmans l’homme à la part double.
    • Chez les chrétiens, dans la pratique des tractations sont menées dans le sens de garder l’héritage “dans la famille”. C’est-à-dire acheter la part des territoires fonciers des filles par les garçons.

La Nationalité, la femme libanaise est de seconde classe :

La femme libanaise mariée à un non Libanais, n’a pas le droit d’accorder sa nationalité à ses enfants et à son mari. Alors que l’Homme Libanais marié à une non-libanaise lui transmet la nationalité un an plus tard.

Dans son article premier, la loi de la nationalité No 15, du 19/01/1925, stipule qu’« est considéré comme libanais toute personne née d’un père libanais », Selon ce texte, toute personne née d’une mère libanaise n’est donc pas considérée comme libanaise. La nationalité au Liban relève du lien de sang, et non du lien du sol.  Le Sang de l’homme seulement…. Les arguments politiques, confessionnels et démographiques tuent le projet de loi égalitaire.

Il faut noter que la transmission de la nationalité n’est pas une pure formalité juridique.  La non- transmission de la nationalité aux enfants et à l’époux de la libanaise à des conséquences sociales importantes :

  • Les enfants et maris des femmes libanaises sont considérés comme des résidents et non des citoyens. Ils n’ont pas droit à l’école publique ni accès aux hôpitaux publics gratuits pour les libanais.
  • Ils  doivent obtenir des permis de séjour et de travail.
  • L’unité de la famille est remise en cause, de même que la sécurité psychologique les risques de déportations augmentent.
  • Quant à l’emploi, il faut noter que considérés comme résidents, le choix des métiers possibles à exercer, est limité ; Certains métiers sont réservés aux Libanais détenteurs d’un passeport libanais. Appartenir à des syndicats, unions et ordres impossible aux non-libanais. Mais aux enfants nés de mère libanaise ?

La femme et les discriminations au travail:

  • Le code du travail existe bel et bien au Liban mais il ne protège pas les femmes contre l’harcèlement sexuel;
  • Aussi, le code du travail ne protège aucunement les employés/es domestiques et agricoles;
  • Pour les allocations sociales et familiales récemment en juillet dernier 2012 un p’tit pas a été fait à ce sujet sous la pression des parlementaires et de la Commission Nationale pour les Droits de la Femme, mais dans l’attente de la mise en pratique et amendements des lois, les femmes n’ont pas encore les mêmes allocations sociales et familiales que les hommes ;
  • La discrimination la plus flagrante reste l’absence de tout congé paternité. Quant  au  congé de maternité il est de 7 semaines dans le secteur privé une période insuffisante selon les conventions et traités internationaux. Il faut noter qu’actuellement les commissions parlementaires étudient un projet de loi amendant le congé maternité pour 10 semaines, le projet attend depuis fin 2012 son vote à l’Assemblée générale du parlement.

La femme et la politique

Les femmes libanaises ont gagné après moult mobilisations  la réforme de la loi électorale en 1953  qui a consacré leurs droits politiques.

Mais vu les divers quotas confessionnels et  géographiques qui existent au Liban, il est  difficile aux femmes libanaises de percer le cercle de la domination masculine en politique. Les femmes attendent encore un quota et une représentation proportionnelle qui leur garantie leur droit au moins pour une période transitoire.

  • 1952 la femme   libanaise peut élire
  • 1953: peut   élire et être élue
  • 1964: première   femme libanaise parlementaire;
  • 2012 Aucune   femme au gouvernement

L’espoir pour les femmes existe toujours : la Constitution libanaise affirme l’égalité de tous les Libanais, quant aux droits civils et politiques et le Liban a signé de nombreux traités visant à l’amélioration de la situation de la femme, reste a appliquer ces textes, le mot est facile certes, mais les organisations et les femmes sont prêtes a combattre pour ces Droits !

Rita Chemaly

Auteure et Chercheure en Sciences Politiques

Blog sur www.ritachemaly.wordpress.com.

For a list of all related articles in different languages:

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Yesterday a protest was held in Lebanon, to demand the outlaw of domestic violence.

The protest begun by a march from Sanayeh towards the head of Parliament head quarters.

when I saw the protest on TV, I observed that a “dance” was organised during the protest.
here are some TV reportage about the march http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvx8t1iwSXI&list=PLDE66A357407C699B&index=23

KAFA violence and exploitation

it resembles to the One billion rising campaign. It felt awkward to see belly dancing and some moves during a protest against violence, rape, humiliation.

When I talked with Lina today, she told me about an article she sent to us and that I didn’t get the chance to read. The article shows why reservations are expressed against the PR campaign of dancing against violence.

bref, for those who would like to read it, I am pasting it below. 

Rita Chemaly

Why I Won’t Support One Billion Rising

The premise of One Billion Rising is to ‘rise’ above forms of violence; to dance, to celebrate and in doing so to ‘DEMAND an end to this violence’. It was created by Eve Ensler, the creator of The Vagina Monologues, whose exposure has risen along with the success of the play. It is receiving considerable media attention, has gained political ambassadors such as Stella Creasy MP, and has even had special mention of support from the Office of the UN Secretary General.

However, reservations about this campaign are being expressed quietly amongst grassroots activists. I say quietly not because we’re not speaking loudly, but because mainstream feminists, mainstream press, politicians and large organisations don’t tend to be so interested in those of us lacking considerable PR power.

The primary problem with One Billion Rising is its refusal to name the root cause of women’s inequality; its outright refusal to point the finger at a patriarchal system which cultivates masculinity and which uses the control and subjugation of women’s bodies as an outlet for that machoism. In fact, a colleague saw Stella Creasy speak at an event last week where she spoke about One Billion rising and its inclusion of men in the campaign, stating ‘violence is not a gender issue; this affects our societies as a whole’. Really Stella? Really?

In asking women to dance in order to overcome violence and rape, focus is displaced and root causes are overlooked, it completely diverts the world’s attention away from the real issue of gender based violence and rape with a pleasing-to-the-eye coordinated dance. It’s like saying to survivors ‘Ok, you’ve been raped, but you can overcome it if you come together and dance for 20 minutes on Valentine’s Day… Eve Ensler says so…’. It’s patronising and it denies not only the causes of violence, but also the devastating and long lasting effects. Thus, a campaign with unprecedented media fire-power has failed to achieve anything other than to create a façade which will have no effect whatsoever upon the global pandemic which is gender based violence.

The fact is that Eve Ensler’s other charitable organisation, V-Day, has raised money for some effective work on the ground; running educational projects, re-opening refuges and safe houses. These are the activities which have actual effect. However, instead of continuing to focus on and raise money for such essential services, it seemed important to Ensler (or some PR guru at her end) that a high profile, notoriety-gaining campaign be launched. I don’t see why it can’t be enough to do essential grassroots work. Why has such a huge PR campaign, with ‘a message from Eve’ videos plastered everywhere, been necessary?

The answer from most will be that it is an awareness raising exercise. However, I can tell you from working with grassroots organisations, that seeing footage on the news of women dancing in unison will do absolutely nothing to educate or deter a perpetrator or potential perpetrator. Educational programmes on the ground are much more effective form of deterrence. News footage does not equal awareness, educational programmes do.

The other counter argument to my reservations would be that this campaign provides an effective form of cathartic release for survivors through the medium of coordinated dance. However, from women I’ve spoken to with knowledge of counselling survivors, the displacement of focus onto a dance on one day would not be considered to be an effective way to ‘rise’. Surely the money spent on this campaign would have been better used to support counselling organisations as an effective form of therapy?

The aforementioned reservations I have about this campaign are not massively uncommon. Many campaigns have come before which, by way of seeking to be inclusive of men, refuse to name the causes of gender based violence. However, where One Billion Rising goes one step further is in itsworld domination international influence. One of the main hubs for the campaign is in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where a report found that fourty-eight women are raped every hour; a statistic which is likely to have risen (not the same kind of ‘rise’ unfortunately) in recent months during fighting with M23 rebel insurgents – a conflict in which rape has been systematically used as a weapon of war.

I recently listened to a Congolese woman talk in a speak-easy setting of radical grassroots feminists. She was radiantly and beautifully powerful in her unfiltered anger towards the One Billion Rising movement, as she used the words “insulting” and “neo-colonial”. She used the analogy of past crimes against humanity, asking us if we could imagine people turning up at the scenes of atrocities and taking pictures or filming for the purposes of “telling their story to the rest of the world”. Take it one step further and try to imagine a white, middle class, educated, American women turning up on the scene to tell survivors to ‘rise’ above the violence they have seen and experienced by…wait for it…dancing. “Imagine someone doing that to holocaust survivors”, she said.

Eve Ensler has reportedly spent much time in the DRC in the build-up to Valentines Day. I really wonder under what premise she is there? What goes through her mind? Does she think that her shared experiences of abuse make her a kindred spirit to Congolese women? That her presence will bring about comfort? Change? Does she really have such an inflated sense of ego that she simply must jet set around, visiting One Billion Rising hubs?

Another woman at the same event, an Iranian woman who had demonstrated in the 70’s and seen female comrades beaten, raped, doused in acid, set alight, imprisoned and murdered, also used the word “insulting”. “Who is someone else to come to my country and claim to ‘help’ me by telling me to ‘rise’ above the experiences I have had?!” She went on to recount the numerous occasions when she’d been patronised by white, middle class, educated feminists who assumed that as an Iranian woman she lacked education and had lived a sheltered and oppressed life (only to be left open-mouthed by her exceptional education, theoretical knowledge and sharp gendered analysis). We laughed at the hilarity of the questions she’d been asked (“So do you go everywhere by camel in Iran?”) but reflected soberly at the state of a feminist movement dominated by white academics.

The consensus from those on the ground, providing services to women survivors, was that women of privilege should not preach feminist ideals, particularly where gender and race intersect – and essentially where ‘developed’/’developing’ world’s intersect. The focus for white, western feminists should be on gender equality at home, where there are enough problems for a lifetime of activism. But, if the white saviour complex were to endure, that the best form of action would be to lobby their own governments to stop their patriarchal, neo-colonial influence in so-called ‘developing countries’. For it is western companies that create resource enclaves in oil and mineral rich countries, the profits from which local communities never benefit. And it is western governments that continue to pervade the economic systems of ‘developing countries’ with their development aid laden with conditionality to replicate western models of governance which is often irreconcilable with historical economic, cultural, social and economic patterns. And it is western backed arms traders which cash in on conflict in many ‘developing’ regions, fuelling both sides for financial gain. Not content with its first wave of colonisation, the west continues to insist upon ‘helping’ other countries. Word on the street is that the people don’t want ‘help’; they want to make their own decisions and bring about change free from outside influence.

I sat at the back, listening intently and trying my best to take in the radical thought reverberating off the cold walls of a poorly heated, poorly lit room in Finsbury Park, not saying anything. It wasn’t my place to interject into this space with my white-ness, educated-ness or my relative middle-class-ness. It was my place to listen, drink in as much knowledge as possible, and admire these amazing women with the knowledge and analysis to recognise a problematic campaigning, and to reject it outright in favour of gritty, thankless, unrecognised, poorly paid and underfunded grassroots work. It was a pleasure to learn from them. And it is with their words in my head that I will not support One Billion Rising.

 Follow Natalie Gyte on Twitter: www.twitter.com/@NatalieGyte @w

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King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia issued Friday a historic decree allowing women to be members of the kingdom’s previously all-male Shura Council for the first time. The decree amended two article in the council’s statute introducing a 20 percent quota for women in the country’s 150-member Shura Council, and the king appointed 30 women to join the consultative assembly. (source: http://www.wluml.org/news/saudi-arabia-breakthrough-saudi-arabia-women-allowed-parliament )

In Lebanon, women still fight for their basic rights such as transmitting their nationality,

have women in the political parties, have women on political parties lists, have women in Parliament.

The most conservative country alias Saudi Arabia was able to empower some women ” bin and bint… of someone) to be part of the Parliament, in Lebanon, do we need a decree by the supreme court to have Women participate in Politics?

for the info: the Lebanese government doesnt have Any women; 

at the parliament Lebanon has some women, that are the daughters, or sisters, or funding  ($) members of someone, or blocks….

our Nation needs change, I wont vote for Maronites women…. I would love to vote for good Candidates wherever their confession is, but I would love to know that they will engage with us on pushing forward for our Civil=Lebanese State Laws!!!


Isn't it strange that women are named by their daddy and grand-fathers?

Isn’t it strange that women are named by their daddy and grand-fathers?

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