
Archive for the ‘Elections’ Category

Depuis 2009, pas d’elections au Liban.

Les elections sont supposees etres periodiques, or depuis 2009, nous les citoyens et citoyens qui ont 21 revolus, n’avons pas eu le droit de nous exprimer sur nos choix politiques et sociaux.

2018, enfin, les elections sont entrain de se preparer pour ceux et celles qui vivent au Liban et qui ont tous leurs droits civils et politiques,

et surtout, les Emigres Libanais ont pu aussi s’exprimer pour la premiere fois, avec des elections dans les pays du monde arabe, et partout dans le monde.

Enfin, les choix sont aux citoyens et citoyennes et cette premiere merite d’etre chaudement applaudie, meme si les taux de participation pour cette premiere restent faibles,

je vous laisse avec 2 sources sur les chiffres et statistiques de ces elections des emigres

  • statistics (2) on voters of Lebanese emigrants 2018 source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs http://mfa.gov.lb/arabic/home/taamim/statistics-elections
  • Numbers of L’Orient le Jour:  France, 4 660 électeurs sur 8 644 inscrits ; en Allemagne, 4 988 électeurs sur 8 355 inscrits ; en Suisse, 438 sur 889 ; en Australie, 6 602 sur 11 443 ; en Suède, 1 106 sur 1 910 ; en Grande-Bretagne, 961 sur 1 824 ; en Belgique, 785 sur 1 053 ; en Côte d’Ivoire, 1 585 sur 2 345 ; au Nigeria, 907 sur 1 253. Source: L’Orient Le jour https://www.lorientlejour.com/elections/article/1113029/problemes-de-communication-entre-les-emigres-et-les-ministeres-de-linterieur-et-des-ae.html




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Voila le chiffre des candidatures femmes au Liban pour les elections de 2018 : 111 femmes sur 976 candidats.

Je vais mettre a jour ce billet des que j’ai la liste nominative finale et les sieges.


Deja il y a les supers candidates de la coalition nationale women in politics,

Je cite :

Nada zaarour

Zoya  jreidini rouhana

Josephine zgheib

Vicky Khoury Zwein

Patricia Jean Elias

Hosn abboud

Regina kantara

Laury haytayan

Grace moubarak

Kholoud wattar kassem

Et bien d’autres encore comme:

Gina chammas

Des femmes dont on peut etre tres fieres! Elles legiferent et coordinent leurs actions

#elections2018 #IWD2018

Rita Chemaly

Below is the full list of Candidates to the Parliamentary 2018 Elections in Lebanon as taken from the Ministry of Interior Website


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Voila, nous avons recu par courrier les brochures des candidats a la 10eme circonscription , les francais qui vivent a l’etranger peuvent choisir un ou une candidate et le ou la suppleante .

pour des infos sur le role des deputes, et leur suppleants: je vous attache le lien Wikepedia des dernieres elections de 2012. je vais essayer de suivre les campagnes de pres pour voir quelles sont les causes qui sont portees par les francais qui resident au Liban,

aussi, cela me donne de l’espoir, je reve d’organiser des elections au Liban

Rita Chemaly

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CALL for students and professionals:  Are you interested in electoral systems? A USJ graduate or ISP student or alumni? Are you specialized in elections? Are you an electoral practitioner? A member of an NGO specialized in elections?

Join the course on elections organised by ISP-USJ and UNDP.

intensive-3-days-course-on-elections-at-isp-usj-rita-chemalyCall for registration in the 3 Day intensive Course on Electoral Systems

Course title:              Electoral Systems: A Comparative Perspective

Dates:                         Monday to Wednesday 17-19 October 2016

Location:                   Institute of Political Sciences, USJ , Huvelin Street,  Beirut

Working language:      English

Course overview:

The course is a short, intensive and participatory learning experience for electoral practitioners and graduates interested in exploring the essentials of the structure and functions of electoral systems from a comparative international perspective, and understanding the practical use of electoral systems as instruments for inclusion, representation and delivery capacity of democratic governments.

The course will cover the following broad issues around electoral systems:

  • Electoral systems as rules of the game for elections with discussion on where the rules are embodied, the essence of democracy as a government of the people, main elements of electoral systems including formula of representation, and the relevance of the type of electoral management bodies for the working of the electoral system.
  • Electoral system families around the world with review of proportional, majority and mix systems, and the variations within each family. Comparative look at electoral systems used around the world and those in the Arab region.
  • Inclusion and representation through electoral systems with a review of demographic versus territorial representation, gender and minority representation, the inclusion of poor, illiterate and persons with disabilities in the electoral system, and dealing with electoral justice in making electoral systems effective. Linkages between the different formulas of representation with the interests of politicians and leaders.

The course involves completing three days of interactive sessions, lectures and review of country experiences; daily group work will lead to the required end of course assignment. Participants will receive a certificate of completion.

The course will be led Professor Rafael López-Pintor, a pioneer in the democracy promotion movement who has helped improve the electoral systems of more than twenty countries. He will be assisted by Wissam Lahham and Rita Chemaly from the Political Science Institute. Other professors and experts in the field will also contribute to the interactive sessions, lectures and best practice case studies, fostering innovation, creative learning and networking amongst peers.

Detailed program of the 3 days can be downloaded :


Course fees:                 100$ for USJ students, 300$ for non USJ students and professionals

For registration, send a cover email explaining why you wish to attend the course with your CV to isp@usj.edu.lb, with the subject title “registration 3 Day intensive Course on Electoral Systems” by Friday October 7 2016, at noon at the latest. ISP administration will shortlist the candidates and inform them of their successful registration by email

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Many campaigns were led in Lebanon prior to the municipal elections, the aim is to see if they had an impact on women being candidates in their localities and if citizens voted for Women.

Today I wish to shed light in this post on the Women who won the municipal elections and their numbers in each Directorate in Lebanon !!

Mount Lebanon has good results without the quota system! It Appears that in Metn till now the number of women winners is the highest. (57 women won the elections) , while waiting confirmation from the ministry) ,  I am sure that in  6 years, we might have better results if a quota system is used in the electoral law! in Beirut a Women had the highest score of voters! that is a great news!

As for how many women won in each Directorate/kada2, here is a sneak peak to some basic name counting*:  In my hometown Keserwan/Mount Lebanon:  28 women won (Achkout and Ajaltoun   we have great women in the Municipalities!!Rima Malek will rock ajaltoun! ) in Keserwan 41 women didn’t win, the total number of women candidate is 69 and the uncertain names * is 32. In Metn: 57 women won! won of them in Sinel FIl is Z vicky who did a great job on the Women in Municipalities project, 44 women’s name are listed as not winners, 😦   As for Jbeil  24women won , 28 women didn’t win 😦 , Total of women candidates 52 and the uncertain names are 26. in the  Chouf: Mount Lebanon 43 women won ( we have one Cousine there!! yey!!!, let us see what they will implement in the region!!) , 58 women are listed as not winners, the total number of candidates is  101 and we have 10 uncertain names. For Aley: /Mount Lebanon: 35 women are listed as winners,  34 women are listed as not winners , and we have counted 12 uncertain name.  total number of candidates 69. In baabda, 39 women’s are listed as winners! 46 not!

Here is the copy of the table posted on FB by NCLW:

Basic first counting of women winners in each of the results documents published by the ministry of interior

Basic first counting of women winners in each of the results documents published by the ministry of interior

*my colleagues at Nclw team have passed through the detailed results excel sheets as they have been published on the elections.gov.lb page  and counted as a first exercise the names of all the women in them. Noting that uncertain names were not counted in those who won or lost.  the uncertain names are the one such as “nidal” ” claude” “Michele” “andreh” “douha” “gaby”….. in arabic this might be for a women or a men name! 🙂 we might have more winning or just women candidates in those uncertain names! more to come soon!!! While waiting for the official stats and numbers  by the ministry and the UNDP leap team!

Also , I am so please to see that on Women in Front Facebook Page a great initiative is taking place:  tagging all the women winners in municipalities! that will create easily a great network for them!! thumbs up!

here is a collage I had fun creating it using what I saw online and  showing some of the municipalities and the great Women who won in Them!  Kuddos to all !


women winners collage municipal local elections lebanon rita chemaly 2016

Collage of Women Winners in Local Councils in Lebanon 2016 * credit fb screenshots! hehe 

Women Power!!:-)

Rita Chemaly

rita chemaly women and gender right activist Lebanon

During one Event held in 2016 aiming at encouraging women to be candidate in the elections!


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Achkout Municipal Council 2016 one Women on board Rita Chemaly

ACHKOUT Results for the Municipal Council 2016 Elections . Source Elections.gov.lb

Youpiii!!! The Ministry of Interior in Lebanon is doing great in Publishing Online the results of the elections of the municipal councils in Lebanon!!


I am sooo happy to be able to access such information!

Yippee!! It will be better if for the directorates other than Beirut we can have the results by Kalam and Ghouraf. It is needed to see how voters voted, to whom, was it different if they are women and men, (Gender segregated data and even as we have them communities segregated data!)  and what was the “abstentions”  numbers in each kalam /ghouraf!

Here is a sneak peak from the elections, of my beloved  Home Town Achkout! Yeyyy!!!!

Numbers and stats will mean something soon!!! Access to information is Important in the state of Law!

Rita Chemaly

I’m waiting for the Chouf results !!! hurry hurry in uploading them!

Elections results in Lebanon Rita Chemaly



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The National Commission for Lebanese Women, that is a National machinery affiliated to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers , has prepared a Draft law aiming at Helping Women to be Candidates and Win the elections for the municipalities.

The municipalities elections in Lebanon are a family and neighbors issue. The Women who want to be candidate needs to be registered as a condition in the registry of the Municipality. “sejjel kayd”.

The discrimination appears in article 25, of the current Municipality law, in which a Women will loose all her links to the family, and networks that she has created in her municipality of origins ” sejil kaydiha el assassi”  if she gets married, as she is directly and without asking taken down from the registry of origin and enlisted in the registry of her “Husband”.

For me, it is a PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY in which a Women is the PROPRIETY of her FATHER until Marriage, after MARRIAGE, SHE IS THE PROPRIETY OF HER HUSBAND;

regardless my point of view of how the laws in LEBANON discriminate against women in the texts and make her directly affiliated to a MAN (the father or husband) , the new draft law is  a new step forward for women’s rights in Lebanon. this is done through this draft law amendment registered at the Parliament by the Active MP Ghassan Mukahiber, on the 11/4/2016 under registry number 168/2016,

as a Practical example, I as a married women from Achkout/Kesrwan , can be candidate after my marriage in Achkout if I wish ! Because in the Municipality of my Husband which is Deir Dourit/Chouf, no one have ever heard of me! 🙂 unlike Achkout, where all my activism, links, are tight 🙂

apart from this personal example, and for this,

 I am now asking ALL MPS (the reconducted oops! ) (another polemique here hein? ) to LEGIFERATE and VOTE and ratify this NEW amendment PRIOR TO THE 2016 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS!

WE AS WOMEN need IT!!!!  WE still fight for our rights in municipalities : a change of the law is a must!

Rita Chemaly

here is the text of the law amendment as presented to the parliament by Ghassan Mokhaiber.

here is the link to the Press release covered by our National News Agency! http://nna-leb.gov.lb/ar/show-news/216377/ 


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As Parliamentary Commissions in Lebanon are studying the electoral law , we have been invited as Women active groups to give our opinion related to the “temporary, measure” the women  quota.

The first question that comes to mind:  are they considering a women quota?

yes they do, but Under which electoral system, no body know 😦 how Lebanon will be divided in régions, the annexe was not distributed for us to review it.

what is a quota for women, here is an extract from Atlas of Electoral Gender Quotas © International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 2014.

Direct Link to Full 16-Page Text: http://www.idea.int/publications/atlas-of-electoral-gender-quotas/upload/Atlas-on-Electoral-Gender-Quotas_3.pdf

“Electoral Gender Quotas – A Major Electoral Reform

Gender quotas are numerical targets that stipulate the number or percentage of women that must be included in a candidate list or the number of seats to be allocated to women in a legislature. They aim to reverse discrimination in law and practice and to level the playing field for women and men in politics. Gender quotas, as they mostly regulate political parties’ actions, underscore the notion of political parties as the ‘gatekeepers’ through which citizens pursue opportunities for political leadership (Dahlerup 2006). Therefore quotas play a critical role in providing meaningful and effective opportunities for female party members to access elected public offices. To date, gender quotas have proved to be the single most effective tool for ‘fast-tracking’ women’s representation in elected bodies of government. It is, however, important to note that as an extensive body of research in this field suggests, quotas may have a differential impact in different contexts and in different electoral systems and may take longer than a single electoral cycle to produce the desired impact. Furthermore, electoral gender quotas do not remove all structural, institutional and societal barriers for women in politics, and need to be complemented by other measures designed to level the playing field for women.

There are three key types of gender quotas in politics:

1. Legislated candidate quotas – These quotas regulate the gender composition of the candidate lists and are binding by law for all political parties in the election; they are mandated either through national constitutions or by electoral legislation.

2. Legislated ‘reserved seats’ – These measures regulate by law the gender composition of elected bodies, by reserving a certain number or percentage of seats for women members, implemented through special electoral procedures; they are mandated either through national constitutions or by electoral legislation.

3. Party quotas (also called voluntary party quotas) – These quotas are adopted by individual parties for their own candidate lists, and are usually enshrined in party statutes and rules.

All key types of gender quotas are increasingly used around the world to promote women’s political participation and representation. To date, some 1185 countries and territories— more than half of all—use some type of gender quota for an elected office. Based on the information presented in this Atlas, 60 countries and territories/special areas around the world use legislated candidate quotas (which may be used in conjunction with reserved seats or voluntary party quotas), 36 countries and territories/special areas use the system of reserved seats (few of which also use legislated candidate quotas as well) and in 37 countries and territories at least one political party represented in parliament uses a voluntary party quota (countries with both, legislated candidate quotas for national legislatures and voluntary party quotas are excluded from this number). Please see Annex A for a full list of countries in these three categories. The lists presented there include countries with legislated candidate quotas, reserved seats and voluntary party quotas for the composition of lower or upper houses or both, and/or sub-national elected bodies.”

Rita Chemaly

For a list of all related articles in different languages:

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J'ai entoure en rouge les confessions, mais ce decoupage electoral confessionnel est flagrant!!

J’ai entoure en rouge les confessions, mais ce decoupage electoral confessionnel est flagrant!!

Vous allez me dire, mais rita c’est normal nous vivons dans un pays confessionnel, ou la politique est histoire de confessions et de partage de pouvoir entre eux,

mais quand je suis entree sur le site du ministere de l’interieur pour checker qui sont les candidats et candidates,

la premiere chose qui saute a l’oeil est la confession:

l’image ci dessous est flagrante!!!

voila le lien pour connaitres les candidats aux elections legislatives libanaises de 2014….

en esperant que les elections aient lieu!!!!

514 candidats dont 35 femmes, bon tout ce que j’espere est que les elections aient lieu nous Avons OBLIGATOIREMENT besoin d’un “peu” d’Alternance.

un peu car beaucoup sont les femmes, fils et cousins et freres des actuels ministres, deputes ou ex-deputes!

Rita Chemaly

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