
Archive for June, 2019

تسعى كفى من خلال حملة “فكروا فيا” التي أطلقتها يوم الجمعة 2 شباط 2018 وتبنّتها وزارة العمل اللّبنانيّة، إلى فتح حوارٍ بنّاء مع أصحاب العمل اللّبنانيّين حول مسائل عادةً ما يواجهونها في علاقتهم مع عاملة المنزل. وقد اختارت كفى لتحقيق هذا الهدف ثلاثة سيناريوهاتٍ شائعة استوحتها من أرض الواقع وجسّدتها في ثلاثة فيديوهات وملصقات إعلانيّة، أرادت كفى عبرها أن تظهر مدى ارتباك العديد من أصحاب العمل في التعاطي مع عاملات المنازل اللّواتي يوظّفونهنّ في ظلّ نظام كفالة مُسبِّب لمعظم الانتهاكات التي تتعرّض لها العاملات في لبنان. هذا النظام نفسه الذي يحدّد، إلى حدّ بعيد، شكل تصرّفات أصحاب العمل مع العاملات ويؤثّر في إرساء ممارساتهم السلبيّة اليوميّة معهنّ ومواقفهم العامّة اتجاههنّ.لا تُظهر حملة “فكروا فيا” صاحب/ة العمل بصورة المُصمِّم على ارتكاب الانتهاك وغير الآبه بأوضاع العاملة وحقوقها، إنّما بصورة المُرتبِك والحائر والخاضع للظرف السائد و”ما يقوم به الجميع”، مساهمًا بذلك، من حيث يدري أو لا يدري، باستمرار الظلم والممارسات المخالِفة للقانون وحقوق العاملة الإنسانيّة والعمّاليّة.تأمل كفى من خلال هذه الحملة أن يتماهى العديد من أصحاب العمل مع المواقف المُجسَّدة في السيناريوهات الثلاثة المختارة، وهي تتعلّق بحجز جواز سفر العاملة المنزليّة، وعدم دفع أجورها، وحجز حريّتها، وتدعوهم إلى أن “يفكروا فيا” -في الموقف وفي العاملة- كما تلفت انتباههم إلى أنّ الممارسات الشائعة التي يشاهدونها في السيناريوهات الثلاثة هي في الواقع ممارساتٌ غير عادلة ومخالِفة للقانون، يجب أن يعملوا على وضع حدّ لها عن طريق المطالبة بإلغاء نظام الكفالة، والحماية القانونيّة لعاملات المنازل، وتغيير التصرّفات التي اعتادوا ممارستها. في ما يلي، بعض المعلومات حول الحالات الثلاث التي تناولتها حملة “فكروا فيا”: * أنتجت كفى حملة “فكروا فيا” بالشراكة مع الجمعيّة الدوليّة لمكافحة الرقّ وبدعمٍ من منظّمة العمل الدوليّة*المعلومات المذكورة مستقاة من دراسة وطنية نُشرت في العام 2016 أجرتها الجامعة الأمريكيّة في بيروت بالتعاون مع منظمة كفى عنف واستغلال والجمعيّة الدوليّة لمكافحة الرقّ وبدعم من منظّمة العمل الدوليّة. “Think about it, think about her”A media campaign by KAFA targeting Lebanese employers of domestic workers On February 2nd 2018, KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation launched a mediacampaign* entitled “Think about it, think about her” targeting Lebanese employers of migrant domestic workers (MDWs), as a continuation of its 2016 campaign highlighting employers’ perceptions of MDWs.The new media campaign, supported by the Lebanese Ministry of Labor, seeks to open a constructive dialogue with Lebanese employers around a number of issues they usually face in their relationship with the domestic worker. For this purpose, KAFA chose three common scenarios inspired by the realities of the working relationship between MDWs and their employers, depicting them in three short videos that emphasize the situation of perplexity many employers find themselves in, mostly because of the sponsorship system and the burdens it imposes on them. This is the same system that is behind many of the violations against MDWs, and that shapes, to a far extent, the daily practices of employers and their general attitudes towards the workers.The current campaign does not seek to portray a negative image of employers as being absolutely careless towards the worker’s well-being or as intentionally abusive. Instead, it shows them as confused employers who end up adapting to the existing structure and “doing what everybody does”, consequently perpetuating, knowingly or unknowingly, normalized illegal acts against MDWs and their deprivation of their human and labor rights.KAFA hopes to see a majority of employers identifying with the three situations addressed by the campaign: the withholding of the worker’s passport, the non-payment of her salary, and the restriction of her freedom of movement. Ultimately, employers are invited to think about it (the situation) and think about her (the worker), and their attention is drawn to the fact that the common scenarios they see in the videos and visuals represent, in reality, unfair and illegal practices which they are encouraged to challenge. Moreover, KAFA calls upon employers to help end the aforementioned injustices by demanding to change the sponsorship system, protect domestic workers in the law, and to challenge harmful normative behaviors. Hereunder we include quick figures and information related to each of the three scenarios addressed by the campaign: *المعلومات المذكورة مستقاة من دراسة وطنية نُشرت في العام 2016 أجرتها الجامعة الأمريكيّة في بيروت بالتعاون مع منظمة كفى عنف واستغلال والجمعيّة الدوليّة لمكافحة الرقّ وبدعم من منظّمة العمل الدوليّة. “Think about it, think about her”A media campaign by KAFA targeting Lebanese employers of domestic workers On February 2nd 2018, KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation launched a mediacampaign* entitled “Think about it, think about her” targeting Lebanese employers of migrant domestic workers (MDWs), as a continuation of its 2016 campaign highlighting employers’ perceptions of MDWs.The new media campaign, supported by the Lebanese Ministry of Labor, seeks to open a constructive dialogue with Lebanese employers around a number of issues they usually face in their relationship with the domestic worker. For this purpose, KAFA chose three common scenarios inspired by the realities of the working relationship between MDWs and their employers, depicting them in three short videos that emphasize the situation of perplexity many employers find themselves in, mostly because of the sponsorship system and the burdens it imposes on them. This is the same system that is behind many of the violations against MDWs, and that shapes, to a far extent, the daily practices of employers and their general attitudes towards the workers.The current campaign does not seek to portray a negative image of employers as being absolutely careless towards the worker’s well-being or as intentionally abusive. Instead, it shows them as confused employers who end up adapting to the existing structure and “doing what everybody does”, consequently perpetuating, knowingly or unknowingly, normalized illegal acts against MDWs and their deprivation of their human and labor rights.KAFA hopes to see a majority of employers identifying with the three situations addressed by the campaign: the withholding of the worker’s passport, the non-payment of her salary, and the restriction of her freedom of movement. Ultimately, employers are invited to think about it (the situation) and think about her (the worker), and their attention is drawn to the fact that the common scenarios they see in the videos and visuals represent, in reality, unfair and illegal practices which they are encouraged to challenge. Moreover, KAFA calls upon employers to help end the aforementioned injustices by demanding to change the sponsorship system, protect domestic workers in the law, and to challenge harmful normative behaviors. Hereunder we include quick figures and information related to each of the three scenarios addressed by the campaign:

* The media campaign is produced by KAFA in partnership with Anti-Slavery International and with the support of the International Labor Organization* The data is taken from a national study published in 2016, conducted by the American University of Beirut, in collaboration with KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation and Anti-Slavery International, with the support of the International Labor Organization.

تسعى كفى من خلال حملة “فكروا فيا” التي أطلقتها يوم الجمعة 2 شباط 2018 وتبنّتها وزارة العمل اللّبنانيّة، إلى فتح حوارٍ بنّاء مع أصحاب العمل اللّبنانيّين حول مسائل عادةً ما يواجهونها في علاقتهم مع عاملة المنزل. وقد اختارت كفى لتحقيق هذا الهدف ثلاثة سيناريوهاتٍ شائعة استوحتها من أرض الواقع وجسّدتها في ثلاثة فيديوهات وملصقات إعلانيّة، أرادت كفى عبرها أن تظهر مدى ارتباك العديد من أصحاب العمل في التعاطي مع عاملات المنازل اللّواتي يوظّفونهنّ في ظلّ نظام كفالة مُسبِّب لمعظم الانتهاكات التي تتعرّض لها العاملات في لبنان. هذا النظام نفسه الذي يحدّد، إلى حدّ بعيد، شكل تصرّفات أصحاب العمل مع العاملات ويؤثّر في إرساء ممارساتهم السلبيّة اليوميّة معهنّ ومواقفهم العامّة اتجاههنّ.لا تُظهر حملة “فكروا فيا” صاحب/ة العمل بصورة المُصمِّم على ارتكاب الانتهاك وغير الآبه بأوضاع العاملة وحقوقها، إنّما بصورة المُرتبِك والحائر والخاضع للظرف السائد و”ما يقوم به الجميع”، مساهمًا بذلك، من حيث يدري أو لا يدري، باستمرار الظلم والممارسات المخالِفة للقانون وحقوق العاملة الإنسانيّة والعمّاليّة.تأمل كفى من خلال هذه الحملة أن يتماهى العديد من أصحاب العمل مع المواقف المُجسَّدة في السيناريوهات الثلاثة المختارة، وهي تتعلّق بحجز جواز سفر العاملة المنزليّة، وعدم دفع أجورها، وحجز حريّتها، وتدعوهم إلى أن “يفكروا فيا” -في الموقف وفي العاملة- كما تلفت انتباههم إلى أنّ الممارسات الشائعة التي يشاهدونها في السيناريوهات الثلاثة هي في الواقع ممارساتٌ غير عادلة ومخالِفة للقانون، يجب أن يعملوا على وضع حدّ لها عن طريق المطالبة بإلغاء نظام الكفالة، والحماية القانونيّة لعاملات المنازل، وتغيير التصرّفات التي اعتادوا ممارستها. في ما يلي، بعض المعلومات حول الحالات الثلاث التي تناولتها حملة “فكروا فيا”: * أنتجت كفى حملة “فكروا فيا” بالشراكة مع الجمعيّة الدوليّة لمكافحة الرقّ وبدعمٍ من منظّمة العمل الدوليّة*المعلومات المذكورة مستقاة من دراسة وطنية نُشرت في العام 2016 أجرتها الجامعة الأمريكيّة في بيروت بالتعاون مع منظمة كفى عنف واستغلال والجمعيّة الدوليّة لمكافحة الرقّ وبدعم من منظّمة العمل الدوليّة. “Think about it, think about her”A media campaign by KAFA targeting Lebanese employers of domestic workers On February 2nd 2018, KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation launched a mediacampaign* entitled “Think about it, think about her” targeting Lebanese employers of migrant domestic workers (MDWs), as a continuation of its 2016 campaign highlighting employers’ perceptions of MDWs.The new media campaign, supported by the Lebanese Ministry of Labor, seeks to open a constructive dialogue with Lebanese employers around a number of issues they usually face in their relationship with the domestic worker. For this purpose, KAFA chose three common scenarios inspired by the realities of the working relationship between MDWs and their employers, depicting them in three short videos that emphasize the situation of perplexity many employers find themselves in, mostly because of the sponsorship system and the burdens it imposes on them. This is the same system that is behind many of the violations against MDWs, and that shapes, to a far extent, the daily practices of employers and their general attitudes towards the workers.The current campaign does not seek to portray a negative image of employers as being absolutely careless towards the worker’s well-being or as intentionally abusive. Instead, it shows them as confused employers who end up adapting to the existing structure and “doing what everybody does”, consequently perpetuating, knowingly or unknowingly, normalized illegal acts against MDWs and their deprivation of their human and labor rights.KAFA hopes to see a majority of employers identifying with the three situations addressed by the campaign: the withholding of the worker’s passport, the non-payment of her salary, and the restriction of her freedom of movement. Ultimately, employers are invited to think about it (the situation) and think about her (the worker), and their attention is drawn to the fact that the common scenarios they see in the videos and visuals represent, in reality, unfair and illegal practices which they are encouraged to challenge. Moreover, KAFA calls upon employers to help end the aforementioned injustices by demanding to change the sponsorship system, protect domestic workers in the law, and to challenge harmful normative behaviors. Hereunder we include quick figures and information related to each of the three scenarios addressed by the campaign: *المعلومات المذكورة مستقاة من دراسة وطنية نُشرت في العام 2016 أجرتها الجامعة الأمريكيّة في بيروت بالتعاون مع منظمة كفى عنف واستغلال والجمعيّة الدوليّة لمكافحة الرقّ وبدعم من منظّمة العمل الدوليّة. “Think about it, think about her”A media campaign by KAFA targeting Lebanese employers of domestic workers On February 2nd 2018, KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation launched a mediacampaign* entitled “Think about it, think about her” targeting Lebanese employers of migrant domestic workers (MDWs), as a continuation of its 2016 campaign highlighting employers’ perceptions of MDWs.The new media campaign, supported by the Lebanese Ministry of Labor, seeks to open a constructive dialogue with Lebanese employers around a number of issues they usually face in their relationship with the domestic worker. For this purpose, KAFA chose three common scenarios inspired by the realities of the working relationship between MDWs and their employers, depicting them in three short videos that emphasize the situation of perplexity many employers find themselves in, mostly because of the sponsorship system and the burdens it imposes on them. This is the same system that is behind many of the violations against MDWs, and that shapes, to a far extent, the daily practices of employers and their general attitudes towards the workers.The current campaign does not seek to portray a negative image of employers as being absolutely careless towards the worker’s well-being or as intentionally abusive. Instead, it shows them as confused employers who end up adapting to the existing structure and “doing what everybody does”, consequently perpetuating, knowingly or unknowingly, normalized illegal acts against MDWs and their deprivation of their human and labor rights.KAFA hopes to see a majority of employers identifying with the three situations addressed by the campaign: the withholding of the worker’s passport, the non-payment of her salary, and the restriction of her freedom of movement. Ultimately, employers are invited to think about it (the situation) and think about her (the worker), and their attention is drawn to the fact that the common scenarios they see in the videos and visuals represent, in reality, unfair and illegal practices which they are encouraged to challenge. Moreover, KAFA calls upon employers to help end the aforementioned injustices by demanding to change the sponsorship system, protect domestic workers in the law, and to challenge harmful normative behaviors. Hereunder we include quick figures and information related to each of the three scenarios addressed by the campaign:

* The media campaign is produced by KAFA in partnership with Anti-Slavery International and with the support of the International Labor Organization* The data is taken from a national study published in 2016, conducted by the American University of Beirut, in collaboration with KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation and Anti-Slavery International, with the support of the International Labor Organization.

Link to the press release: www.kafa.org.lb/kafa-news/159/thinkaboutiten

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