
Archive for the ‘researcher’ Category

J’ai eu la chance de participer a une formation intensive, de plusieurs semaines, au debut à distance, puis en face a face, sur l’audit participatif du genre au ITC ILO a Geneve. Cela Grace , a la Commission Nationale pour La femme Libanaise (NCLW: Chequez notre site http://www.nclw.org.lb )

Qu’est ce que l’Audit du genre et a quoi sert il?

Deja l’audit est Participatif. On ne peut pas faire d’audit sans la cooperation de l’instance/ organisation / Institution / Companie auditee.

aussi, l’audit est une methode de recherche, j’en parle souvent dans mon cours de sociologie politique. Suite a la methode quantitative et qualitative on peut parler aussi de l’audit participatif, lie au genre, on essaye tout simplement de voir si dans diverses composantes de chaque instance, les droits , l’egalite et le genre sont respectes. Nous utilisons pour cela, tout comme dans les sciences sociales, si cheres a Durkheim , diverses sources pour les informations de l’audit.

on commence par une recherche litteraire ( en collectant via l’instance auditee, leur strategie, leur directives, des copies des mails addresses, les Termes de reference, leurs publications, leur organigram, leur circulaire et quelques decisions administratives, leurs agendas, et une panoplie de leurs programmes de formation. etc)

Plusieurs entretiens personnels peuvent aussi etre mis en place, avec des membres du personnel, des membres de l’administration, des experts techniques, meme avec l’equipe d’entretien ou bien avec les partenaires et les beneficiaires de l’instance auditee.

Les entretiens par groupe, les celebres focus groups , avec les equipes d’un meme programme, ou d’une meme branche.

Un Questionnaire peut etre aussi developpe, il aide a la comprehension des perceptions autour des questions du genre dans l’instance auditee (Banque, ministere, parti politique, universite, ONG, INGO, Donor….)

Suite a cela, plusieurs ateliers peuvent etre organises, ateliers interactifs ou les auditrices et auditeurs s’assurent des informations recues par les autres moyens, et des observations faites jusqu’a present.

Des Recommendations sont developpees, et generalement autour de 5 composantes de l’audit genre. (un autre billet a suivre autour du sujet)

La formation a l’ILO est interessante, elle permet de rencontrer sur un beau campus,  ou les ecureuils vivent dans les arbres et n’hesitent pas a se rapprocher de nous aux pauses cafes, des personnes differentes.

les “late night” discussions sont un plus, on “gazouille” en differentes langues et autour de sujets tellement diversifies!

a vous quelques photos du campus ….

a Suivre d’autres billets sur le sujet

Rita Chemaly



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CALL for students and professionals:  Are you interested in electoral systems? A USJ graduate or ISP student or alumni? Are you specialized in elections? Are you an electoral practitioner? A member of an NGO specialized in elections?

Join the course on elections organised by ISP-USJ and UNDP.

intensive-3-days-course-on-elections-at-isp-usj-rita-chemalyCall for registration in the 3 Day intensive Course on Electoral Systems

Course title:              Electoral Systems: A Comparative Perspective

Dates:                         Monday to Wednesday 17-19 October 2016

Location:                   Institute of Political Sciences, USJ , Huvelin Street,  Beirut

Working language:      English

Course overview:

The course is a short, intensive and participatory learning experience for electoral practitioners and graduates interested in exploring the essentials of the structure and functions of electoral systems from a comparative international perspective, and understanding the practical use of electoral systems as instruments for inclusion, representation and delivery capacity of democratic governments.

The course will cover the following broad issues around electoral systems:

  • Electoral systems as rules of the game for elections with discussion on where the rules are embodied, the essence of democracy as a government of the people, main elements of electoral systems including formula of representation, and the relevance of the type of electoral management bodies for the working of the electoral system.
  • Electoral system families around the world with review of proportional, majority and mix systems, and the variations within each family. Comparative look at electoral systems used around the world and those in the Arab region.
  • Inclusion and representation through electoral systems with a review of demographic versus territorial representation, gender and minority representation, the inclusion of poor, illiterate and persons with disabilities in the electoral system, and dealing with electoral justice in making electoral systems effective. Linkages between the different formulas of representation with the interests of politicians and leaders.

The course involves completing three days of interactive sessions, lectures and review of country experiences; daily group work will lead to the required end of course assignment. Participants will receive a certificate of completion.

The course will be led Professor Rafael López-Pintor, a pioneer in the democracy promotion movement who has helped improve the electoral systems of more than twenty countries. He will be assisted by Wissam Lahham and Rita Chemaly from the Political Science Institute. Other professors and experts in the field will also contribute to the interactive sessions, lectures and best practice case studies, fostering innovation, creative learning and networking amongst peers.

Detailed program of the 3 days can be downloaded :


Course fees:                 100$ for USJ students, 300$ for non USJ students and professionals

For registration, send a cover email explaining why you wish to attend the course with your CV to isp@usj.edu.lb, with the subject title “registration 3 Day intensive Course on Electoral Systems” by Friday October 7 2016, at noon at the latest. ISP administration will shortlist the candidates and inform them of their successful registration by email

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to all who might interested, kindly find below the KIP /AUB call for proposals and abstracts related to discrimination and sexual harassment.

You can propose before October 30 2016: In one of the following categories:

A.    Scholarly Research: Proposal to present the findings of a research study

B.    Expert Panel Debate:  Proposal to bring together a small group of experts to debate a central question

C.    Conference Sub-theme Track: Proposal to organize your own track (i.e., a series of connected sessions) around a key question

D.    Training Workshops: Proposal to organize a skill-based training workshop

full details are in the link sent below  http://thekipproject.info/call-for-abstracts/.

Good Luck and in Solidarity

Rita Chemaly


below is the mail I received from KIP project Director:



Dear KIP Community,


In preparation for the KIP multi-disciplinary conference that will be taking place on March 31st and April 1st, 2017 at the Olayan School of Business, we are happy to announce our Call for Abstracts and Proposals focused on examining issues pertaining to Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in relation to gender and sexuality within the context of Lebanon.


The two-day conference aims at bringing together activists, students, academics, private and public sector representatives, international organization representatives, donors as well as interested members from the general public to discuss and debate multiple formulations and manifestations of sexual harassment and discrimination and chart paths and processes for advocacy, policy recommendations and change at the organizational, community and societal levels.


Throughout the conference, we hope to generate recommendations for policies, practices and theory that are informed by multiple local perspectives and that provide momentum for specific ways through which we can support each other in the implementation of positive change forward.


Based on this, the attached call invites local and international candidates across sectors and disciplines to submit proposals or abstracts by October 30, 2016 falling under one of the following four below categories:


A.    Scholarly Research: Proposal to present the findings of a research study

B.    Expert Panel Debate:  Proposal to bring together a small group of experts to debate a central question

C.    Conference Sub-theme Track: Proposal to organize your own track (i.e., a series of connected sessions) around a key question

D.    Training Workshops: Proposal to organize a skill-based training workshop


Please see full details in the Call for Abstracts and Proposals attached. The guidelines for submissions are available on the KIP website http://thekipproject.info/call-for-abstracts/.


It would be great if you would consider submitting and, if possible, circulating widely among your networks.


with best wishes







Charlotte M. Karam, PhD

Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior

Associate Dean of Programs

Director of the KIP Project
Olayan School of Business


American University of Beirut

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Are you interested in a Master on gender??

finally a university in Lebanon has prepared and is offering an MA in gender studies:

LAU has an  M.A. Program in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies . It aims to promote ” gender equality and inclusiveness”. “The program focuses on gender, the socially-constructed understandings of what it means to be female or male, and how understandings of gender affects people across all social categories.”

below is the pdf that IWSAW sent me! check it out !!!


MA gender studies in Lebanon by LAU rita chemaly



Rita Chemaly


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Many campaigns were led in Lebanon prior to the municipal elections, the aim is to see if they had an impact on women being candidates in their localities and if citizens voted for Women.

Today I wish to shed light in this post on the Women who won the municipal elections and their numbers in each Directorate in Lebanon !!

Mount Lebanon has good results without the quota system! It Appears that in Metn till now the number of women winners is the highest. (57 women won the elections) , while waiting confirmation from the ministry) ,  I am sure that in  6 years, we might have better results if a quota system is used in the electoral law! in Beirut a Women had the highest score of voters! that is a great news!

As for how many women won in each Directorate/kada2, here is a sneak peak to some basic name counting*:  In my hometown Keserwan/Mount Lebanon:  28 women won (Achkout and Ajaltoun   we have great women in the Municipalities!!Rima Malek will rock ajaltoun! ) in Keserwan 41 women didn’t win, the total number of women candidate is 69 and the uncertain names * is 32. In Metn: 57 women won! won of them in Sinel FIl is Z vicky who did a great job on the Women in Municipalities project, 44 women’s name are listed as not winners, 😦   As for Jbeil  24women won , 28 women didn’t win 😦 , Total of women candidates 52 and the uncertain names are 26. in the  Chouf: Mount Lebanon 43 women won ( we have one Cousine there!! yey!!!, let us see what they will implement in the region!!) , 58 women are listed as not winners, the total number of candidates is  101 and we have 10 uncertain names. For Aley: /Mount Lebanon: 35 women are listed as winners,  34 women are listed as not winners , and we have counted 12 uncertain name.  total number of candidates 69. In baabda, 39 women’s are listed as winners! 46 not!

Here is the copy of the table posted on FB by NCLW:

Basic first counting of women winners in each of the results documents published by the ministry of interior

Basic first counting of women winners in each of the results documents published by the ministry of interior

*my colleagues at Nclw team have passed through the detailed results excel sheets as they have been published on the elections.gov.lb page  and counted as a first exercise the names of all the women in them. Noting that uncertain names were not counted in those who won or lost.  the uncertain names are the one such as “nidal” ” claude” “Michele” “andreh” “douha” “gaby”….. in arabic this might be for a women or a men name! 🙂 we might have more winning or just women candidates in those uncertain names! more to come soon!!! While waiting for the official stats and numbers  by the ministry and the UNDP leap team!

Also , I am so please to see that on Women in Front Facebook Page a great initiative is taking place:  tagging all the women winners in municipalities! that will create easily a great network for them!! thumbs up!

here is a collage I had fun creating it using what I saw online and  showing some of the municipalities and the great Women who won in Them!  Kuddos to all !


women winners collage municipal local elections lebanon rita chemaly 2016

Collage of Women Winners in Local Councils in Lebanon 2016 * credit fb screenshots! hehe 

Women Power!!:-)

Rita Chemaly

rita chemaly women and gender right activist Lebanon

During one Event held in 2016 aiming at encouraging women to be candidate in the elections!


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Achkout Municipal Council 2016 one Women on board Rita Chemaly

ACHKOUT Results for the Municipal Council 2016 Elections . Source Elections.gov.lb

Youpiii!!! The Ministry of Interior in Lebanon is doing great in Publishing Online the results of the elections of the municipal councils in Lebanon!!


I am sooo happy to be able to access such information!

Yippee!! It will be better if for the directorates other than Beirut we can have the results by Kalam and Ghouraf. It is needed to see how voters voted, to whom, was it different if they are women and men, (Gender segregated data and even as we have them communities segregated data!)  and what was the “abstentions”  numbers in each kalam /ghouraf!

Here is a sneak peak from the elections, of my beloved  Home Town Achkout! Yeyyy!!!!

Numbers and stats will mean something soon!!! Access to information is Important in the state of Law!

Rita Chemaly

I’m waiting for the Chouf results !!! hurry hurry in uploading them!

Elections results in Lebanon Rita Chemaly



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1- Researcher for Gulf Team:

The Middle East and North Africa Programme at the International Secretariat of Amnesty International is seeking to appoint a dynamic, team oriented person to the role of Iraq Researcher in the Gulf team.

As a research-based campaigning organization, investigating and documenting human rights issues is fundamental to our advocacy and lobbying work. Our Gulf team requires a researcher to take the lead in initiating human rights research and action by providing regional and thematic expertise, excellent research skills and sound political judgement. A campaign oriented approach to your work is essential. You will be required to conduct and co-ordinate research activities, monitor, investigate and analyse political, legal and social developments and human rights conditions, give authoritative advice on these areas and prepare human rights action materials.

With experience of working on human rights issues, you must have specialist knowledge and preferably first hand experience of the Gulf region in particular Iraq and an understanding and awareness of the cultures of the Gulf region. You’ll have a background in activism, academia, law or journalism with the ability to identify and thoroughly investigate those issues and ensure our voice has authority. You will need proven research and communication skills, impartial political judgement, coupled with strong strategic thought. Fluency in English, including excellent writing skills, is essential, as is the ability to speak and read Arabic fluently. ”

here is the source for the opening : https://careers.amnesty.org/vacancy/researcher—gulf-team-1332/1358/description/ 

Here are more details appearing on the page about this specific opening

  • Closing Date: 17 January 2016
  • Directorate: Research
  • Location: London
  • Type: Fixed Term Contract
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Working Hours: 35
  • Salary: £43,200

to download the full TOR of the researcher job file:Researcher – Gulf Team amnesty international

2- Gender sexuality and identity – PROGRAMME DIRECTOR (1371)

“Whatever a person’s gender, sexuality, race, religion or any other identity tag, no-one should be discriminated against on the basis of who they are. No one should have their rights violated because of their identity, or because they defend the human rights of others. That’s why we’re committed to ending human rights abuses on the basis of identity, and ending the prejudice and discrimination that fuel such abuses. It’s pioneering work – and it’ll be down to you to lead the way. 

About the role
In this highly influential role, you’ll shape and develop our strategies, policies, research and advocacy on gender, sexual orientation and other forms of identity-based discrimination – making us the recognised authority on human rights abuses grounded in such discrimination. Doing this successfully means working with people across Amnesty International (AI), strengthening our research methodologies and managing a team of dedicated staff as they advise us on how to how to research, advocate and campaign on equal rights. It will involve raising awareness, enabling staff to play their roles and generating external debate. As well as writing incisive analyses, reports and briefings, you’ll represent AI to the media and to policy makers. You’ll also manage a significant budget and develop a coherent and effective operational plan. More than that, you’ll keep up to date with emerging political, academic and human rights trends to better support those who are standing up to perpetrators of human rights violations throughout the world. Even more importantly, you will yourself be an important thought leader or entrepreneur in this area of work.

About you
An experienced human rights leader, you’ll have an impressive record of researching for advocacy and carrying out intersectional analyses of discrimination in relation to human rights. You’ll have a proven record of work and scholarship in identity-based discrimination. You’ll need specialist knowledge of international human rights and humanitarian law and a proven ability to inspire and motivate those around you. With practiced relationship-building and strategic planning abilities, you’ll be adept at successfully managing people and resources. You’ll also have shown your ability to write for a variety of publications and have the credibility, communication skills and political judgement to represent AI externally. A strong team player, you’ll be committed to working collaboratively and be passionate about ending identity-based human rights violations.”

here is the source of the opening: https://careers.amnesty.org/vacancy/gender-sexuality-and-identity—programme-director-1371/1397/description/

3 – finally a post that is for the BEIRUT Office: Regional Director  MENA: (1388)


Amnesty International has embarked on a global transition programme to ensure a more impactful and truly global presence for the movement. A movement that acts with greater legitimacy, speed, capacity and relevance as we stand alongside those whose rights are violated. We are adapting to a changing world by building on Amnesty International’s 50+ years of ground-breaking achievements for justice and freedom. We believe that by deepening our work in new global offices, including in the global South, we will be even more in line with our mission and core values. Our activists and staff around the world will have increased direct and indirect contact with defenders, partners and human rights violations in different parts of the world with our IS staff “closer to the ground”. As we build significant membership in the South, we will see international solidarity and democratic decision-making in full bloom.

In the past two years we have opened Regional Offices in Dakar, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Hong Kong and Mexico City – and now we are expanding our presence further. Over the next year we will establish new operations in Bangkok, Tunis, Beirut with other locations to come.

Our Beirut office will tackle a host of diverse human rights issues in the region. As Regional Director and leader of our presence in the region, we will look to you to develop and adapt our global strategies within the region. You will lead a multifunctional team to develop and deliver effective research, campaigns, communications, growth and fundraising plans. So you will need to create a culture of collaboration and integration as you establish the office, support your staff and take accountability for managing resources and increasing the impact of our work. At the same time, you will be guaranteeing that your team retain all that is distinctive about Amnesty including our values & beliefs, our global identity, coherence and consistency, our independence and impartiality and the centrality of the individual.

A politically astute, experienced, inspirational and resilient leader, you will bring your expert knowledge and experience as a leader capable of influencing the direction of Amnesty International’s impact within the region. You will have a sound knowledge of regional political and social contexts that comes from living and working in the region; with knowledge of international human rights law and regional human rights frameworks you will have a balance with your awareness of membership and constituency building, fundraising and media visibility within the region. You’ll be a strategic thinker who can create plans, manage staff directly and in a global matrix, allocate resources and maintain a strong network of government, NGO and media contacts. So you’ll have the communication, presentation and advocacy skills needed to represent AI to a variety of audiences, along with the credibility to influence them and effect positive change.

Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million people who campaign for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all. We reach almost every country in the world and have:

  • more than 2 million members and supporters who drive forward our fight for rights
  • more than 5 million activists who strengthen our calls for justice

Our aim is simple: an end to human rights abuses. Independent, international and influential, we campaign for justice, fairness, freedom and truth wherever they’re denied. And whether we’re applying pressure through powerful research or direct lobbying, mass demonstrations or online campaigning, we’re all inspired by hope for a better world. One where human rights are respected and protected by everyone, everywhere. We can only do this because of the generous donations from millions of people around the world.



Amnesty International s’est engagée dans un programme mondial de transition, afin d’assurer une présence plus efficace et véritablement mondiale du mouvement. Un mouvement qui a renforcé sa légitimité, sa rapidité, sa capacité et la pertinence de ses actions auprès des victimes de violations des droits humains. Amnesty International s’adapte à un monde en évolution en s’appuyant sur plus de 50 ans d’avancées majeures en faveur de la justice et de la liberté. Nous sommes convaincus qu’en accentuant notre travail dans de nouveaux bureaux à travers le monde, notamment dans les pays du Sud mondial, nous serons encore davantage en accord avec notre mission et nos valeurs fondamentales. Partout dans le monde, avec un personnel du SI « plus près de terrain », nos militants et les membres de nos équipes auront davantage de contacts directs et indirects avec les défenseurs des droits humains, avec nos partenaires et avec les personnes qui ont été victimes d’atteintes à leurs droits fondamentaux. En recrutant dans les pays du Sud un nombre significatif de membres, nous verrons s’épanouir la solidarité internationale et les processus décisionnels démocratiques.

Lors des deux dernières années, nous avons ouvert des bureaux régionaux à Dakar, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Hong Kong et Mexico – et nous continuons d’étendre notre présence. Au cours des prochaines années, nous mènerons de nouvelles actions à Bangkok, Tunis, Beyrouth et dans d’autres endroits à venir.

Notre bureau de Beyrouth se focalisera sur de nombreuses questions liées aux droits humains dans la région. En tant que directeur ou directrice régional-e et responsable de notre mouvement dans la région, nous compterons sur vous pour développer et adapter nos stratégies mondiales dans la région. Vous dirigerez une équipe multidisciplinaire dans le but d’élaborer et de réaliser des travaux de recherche efficaces, des campagnes, des communications ainsi que des plans de croissance et de collecte de fonds. Lors de la mise en place du bureau, vous devrez donc développer une culture de collaboration et d’intégration, et soutenir votre équipe. Vous serez responsable de la gestion des ressources et de la maximisation de notre impact. Dans le même temps, vous veillerez à ce que votre équipe ne perde pas de vue les caractéristiques propres d’Amnesty, notamment nos valeurs et nos convictions, notre identité mondiale, notre cohérence et notre constance, notre indépendance, notre impartialité et le caractère central que nous conférons à l’individu.

Avec l’intelligence politique qui est la vôtre, avec votre expérience, votre caractère mobilisateur et votre résistance, vous tirerez profit de votre expertise et de vos compétences à la tête d’une équipe pour accroître l’impact d’Amnesty International dans la région. Vous disposez d’une solide connaissance du contexte politique et social de la région, acquise en vivant et en travaillant sur place. Vous êtes au fait du droit international en matière de droits humains et des cadres régionaux relatifs aux droits humains. Vous faites également preuve de connaissances en matière de recrutement de membres, de recherche de soutiens, de collecte de fonds et de visibilité médiatique dans la région. Vous avez des capacités de réflexion stratégique et êtes capable d’élaborer des plans, de gérer une équipe tant directement que dans le cadre d’une structure mondiale, de répartir des ressources et d’entretenir un solide réseau de contacts au sein du gouvernement, d’ONG et des médias. Vous disposez donc des compétences nécessaires en matière de communication, de présentation et de travail de pression pour représenter Amnesty International auprès de publics variés. Vous jouissez également de la crédibilité suffisante pour avoir une influence sur ces publics et les orienter vers un changement positif.

Amnesty International est un mouvement mondial réunissant plus de sept millions de personnes qui agissent pour que les droits fondamentaux de chaque individu soient respectés. Nous touchons presque tous les pays du monde et nous comptons : 

  • plus de 2 millions de membres et sympathisants qui font avancer notre lutte en faveur des droits
  • plus de 5 millions de militants qui renforcent nos appels à la justice

Notre objectif est simple : mettre fin aux violations des droits humains. Indépendante, internationale et influente, notre organisation se bat pour la justice, l’équité, la liberté et la vérité partout où elles sont bafouées. Que nous nous engagions en menant d’importantes recherches, par un travail de pression directe, en organisant des manifestations de masse ou des campagnes en ligne, nous sommes tous poussés par l’espoir d’un monde meilleur. Un monde où les droits humains seraient respectés et protégés par tous et partout. Notre travail n’est rendu possible que par les dons généreux de millions de personnes dans le monde.




شرعت منظمة العفو الدولية في تنفيذ برنامج انتقالي عالمي يهدف إلى ضمان أن تصبح المنظمة حركة ذات حضور عالمي حقيقي وأكثر تأثيراً، حركة تعمل بمشروعية وسرعة وقدرة أكبر وأكثر ملاءمة للواقع، وهي تقف إلى جانب الذين تُنتهك حقوقهم. إننا نتكيف مع عالم متغير عن طريق البناء على المنجزات المبتكرة التي حققتها منظمة العفو الدولية على مدى 50 عاماً ونيِّف من أجل العدالة والحرية. ونعتقد أننا بتعميق عملنا في مكاتب عالمية جديدة، بما فيها بلدان الجنوب، سنكون أكثر اتساقاً مع رسالتنا وقيمنا الأساسية. وسيكون نشطاء المنظمة وموظفوها حول العالم على صلة مباشرة وغير مباشرة، وعلى نحو متزايد، مع المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان والشركاء وضحايا انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في مختلف بلدان العالم، وسيكون موظفونا في الأمانة الدولية “أكثر قرباً من الميدان”. ومع بناء عضوية كبيرة في بلدان الجنوب، سنشهد ازدهاراً كاملاً للتضامن الأممي وصنع القرار الديمقراطي

وقد أنشأنا في السنتين الماضيتين مكاتب إقليمية في كل من داكار ونيروبي وجوهانسبرغ وهونغ كونغ ومدينة المكسيك- ونحن نقوم الآن بتوسيع حضورنا العالمي أكثر فأكثر. وخلال السنتين القادمتين سنقوم بإنشاء مواقع عمل جديدة في بانكوك وتونس وبيروت، مع مواقع أخرى في المستقبل.

ما يتعلق بدور المدير الإقليمي في بيروت

سوف يتعامل مكتبنا في بيروت مع طائفة متنوعة من قضايا حقوق الإنسان في المنطقة. ونحن نتوقع منك، كمدير إقليمي وكقائد لعملية تواجد المنظمة في المنطقة، أن تقوم بتطوير وتكييف استراتيجياتنا العالمية في المنطقة؛ وأن تتولى قيادة فريق متعدد الوظائف يضطلع بوضع وتنفيذ الخطط الخاصة بالبحوث والحملات والاتصالات والنمو وجمع الأموال. ولذا ينبغي أن تعمل على خلق ثقافة تعاون وتكامل أثناء تأسيس المكتب، ودعم موظفي المكتب، وتحمُّل المسؤولية عن إدارة الموارد، وزيادة تأثير عملنا. وفي الوقت نفسه، ينبغي ضمان أن يحافظ فريقك على كل ما هو مميَّز لدى منظمة العفو الدولية، بما في ذلك قيمها ومعتقداتها وهويتها العالمية وتماسكها واتساقها واستقلالها وحيدتها ومركزية الفرد بالنسبة لها.

ما يتعلق بك

إننا نتوقع منك، كقائد يتسم بالحصافة السياسية والخبرة والإلهام والمثابرة، أن تحمل معك معارفك وخبراتك وتجاربك كقائد قادر على توجيه تأثير منظمة العفو الدولية في المنطقة؛ وأن تتمتع بمعرفة رصينة بالأوضاع السياسية والاجتماعية الإقليمية المستمدة من العيش والعمل في المنطقة. وبتمتعك بمعرفة القانون الدولي لحقوق الإنسان والأطر الإقليمية لحقوق الإنسان، يمكنك خلق توازن مع وعيك ببناء العضوية وقواعد المؤازرين وجمع الأموال والحضور المرئي في وسائل الإعلام. والمطلوب أن تكون مفكراً استراتيجياً قادراً على وضع الخطط، وإدارة الموظفين بشكل مباشر، وضمن منظومة عالمية، وتخصيص الموارد، والاحتفاظ بشبكة قوية من الصِلات مع الحكومات والمنظمات غير الحكومية ووسائل الإعلام. وعليه ينبغي التمتع بمهارات الاتصال والتقديم والعمل الدعوي الضرورية لتمثيل منظمة العفو الدولية أمام جمهور متنوع، إلى جانب التحلي بالصدقية اللازمة للتأثير عليهم وإحداث تغيير إيجابي.


ما يتعلق بنا/ من نحن 

منظمة العفو الدولية حركة عالمية تضم ما يزيد على 7 ملايين عضو ومؤازر وناشط يناضلون من أجل عالم يتمتع فيه جميع البشر بجميع حقوق الإنسان. وتصل المنظمة إلى كل بلد من بلدان العالم تقريبا، وتتألف من:

  • أكثر من 2 مليون عضو ومؤازر يقومون بدفع نضالنا من أجل الحقوق إلى لأمام،
  • أكثر من 5 ملايين ناشط يعززون دعواتنا من أجل تحقيق العدالة.

وهدفنا بسيط: وضع حد لانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان. وبصفتها منظمة مستقلة ودولية ومؤثرة، فإنها تناضل من أجل العدالة والمساواة والحرية والحقيقة حيثما يجري الحرمان منها. وسواءً كنا نمارس ضغوطاً من خلال البحوث القوية أو كسب التأييد، بواسطة المظاهرات الجماهيرية أو الحملات عبر الانترنت، فإننا جميعاً يحدونا الأمل في عالم أفضل، عالم تحظى فيه حقوق الإنسان بالاحترام والحماية من قبل كل شخص في كل مكان. ولا يمكننا أن نفعل ذلك بدون التبرعات السخية لملايين الأشخاص من سائر أنحاء العالم.

حرية، عدالة، مساواة- هيَّا إلى العمل.

there is no salary salary scale for this post 😦 here r the details they give :

  • Closing Date: 17 January 2016
  • Directorate: Regional Offices and Global Operations
  • Location: Beirut
  • Type: Permanent
  • Working Hours: 35

good luck for all!!

Rita Chemaly


beirut-office-1388/1414/description/Here is the source:

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I have visited the university in 2009, and their research work is amazing!! My thesis was about civil society engagement and mobilization online and its impact on the political system and policies.

Below is the new call for research opportunities and the fuil links for more details,

good Luck! Rita Chemaly

Pre- and Post-Doctoral Opportunities at CMDS for Fall 2015 / Winter 2016

The Center for Media, Data and Society (CMDS) at the School of Public Policy of Central European University is pleased to announce the availability of research appointments for the fall 2015 or winter 2016. CMDS is one of Europe’s leading centers of communication research, with a mission to advance public understanding about the impact of media and communication policy on public life. The CMDS produces scholarly and practice-oriented research addressing the needs of policy makers, civic leaders, and citizens.
These are pre- and post-doctoral appointments with the expectation of residence in Budapest for 1-3 months, depending on the project. Ideal applications are working on doctoral projects, or have recently defended their doctoral work, and the stipend will be commensurate with experience. Researchers will conduct basic research on media, technology and political change. We welcome applications from a variety of disciplines, including the social, information and computer sciences, and media, law, or science and technology studies. In particular, we welcome applications related to these domains of inquiry:

  • Understanding violent extremism online: the role of social media and internet companies in responding to online extremism; policy responses at the EU and global level to online extremism; understanding the complexities of the relationship between technology, free expression, and policy that lie at the heart of the relationship between global security and human rights.
  • Civil society and technology: research examining the use of technologies and strategies that enable activists to mobilize, organize and advocate or policy change; how activists use different technologies and tech tools; how community media use analogue and digital spaces for communication and community engagement.
  • Internet policy advocacy: investigations into the role which civil society can play in advocating for a free and open internet; the potential of technology and online tools for mobilizing and organizing constituencies in support of an open Internet and for enhancing the security and privacy of online communication.
  • Digital rights, privacy and data protection: research into issues of digital media rights and ethics, privacy, surveillance, and their interplay with freedom of speech standards and practices; research examining the impact of data in society and the policies and practices of data collection and retention; research examining contemporary privacy norms and data protection issues, including the policy and practices of social media companies.
  • Strengthening journalism in Europe:  research into better understanding the environment and challenges for independent journalism and watchdog NGOs in Europe; examining media ownership in Europe, legal frameworks and freedom of expression.
  • Trends in regional protection of freedom of expression: research on contemporary legal, including judicial, and/or policy trends on the protection of freedom of expression, including media freedom.  This may include: comparative approaches to specific subjects/issues and their relationship with freedom of expression (e.g. defamation, national security, freedom of information, privacy, information law, incitement/”hate speech”, press regulation, development goals, shrinking civil society space) across regions; studies of approaches to such subjects within regions; or investigations of approaches to such subjects employed by particular actors, such as national courts and regional human rights courts, notably the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, or policy-makers at the national or regional levels.

Interested candidates should apply via email to cmds@ceu.hu. Please include an academic resume, a writing sample or representative publication, and the contact information for two referees. In your cover letter, please describe your proposed research project, and the ideal time frame and earliest start date. Review of applications will begin September 1, 2015.

– See more at: http://cmds.ceu.edu/article/2015-08-03/pre-and-post-doctoral-opportunities-cmds-fall-2015-winter-2016#sthash.Bxq8mAkL.XfgVwzLm.dpuf

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Job Vacancy

Regional Political Researcher, British Embassy Beirut

The British Embassy is recruiting a Regional Political Researcher. All applicants are invited to deliver their CV to the attention of the HR Manager, by 2 pm on Friday November 13th, 2014.


This role is as a political researcher in the British Embassy in Beirut. The role will help the UK understand political developments in the region, with a focus on the Syria conflict. You’ll do this through researching and writing reports, providing advice, and contributing to events and discussions.

Your responsibilities

 Monitor media and provide daily reports, highlighting and analysing important developments.

 Build a network of contacts with insight into regional politics that can inform UK views and understanding.

 Represent the UK at events, discussions and meetings.

 Compose, short focused political reporting on areas of interest to the UK.

 Organise events, visits, and meetings for you and your colleagues.

Person Specification

The job will require you to have a clear, developed understanding of politics in Syria and the region. You will need to demonstrate experience of using a range of sources to write objective and concise reports. Spoken and written fluency in English and Arabic is essential. You must hold a bachelors degree. An aptitude with Microsoft Office (Word, Outlook, and Excel) is required.

The job will require you to develop a network of contacts, and represent the UK in meetings and discussions, including with external contacts. It will require someone who can put their views across clearly, question and respond to people constructively.

The British Embassy in Beirut offers a competitive remuneration package in line with local labour law. Specific training and mentoring for the role will be provided for the successful candidate. The British Embassy is an equal opportunities employer and does not discriminate on grounds of ethnic origin, race, religious beliefs, disability, gender or sexual orientation.

To Apply:

Please send your CV (maximum 2 pages) to britishembassy.vacancies@gmail.com attaching a one-page introductory cover letter explaining how you fit the above criteria. Please state the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line of the email. Interviews will be held the week of 17 November.



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