
Archive for January, 2015

A ceux et celles qui demandent pourquoi on aurait la possibilite de blasphemer en france et que la satire est libre:

“la loi n’interdit pas de se moquer d’une religion – la France est laïque, la notion de blasphème n’existe pas en droit – mais elle interdit en revanche d’appeler à la haine contre les croyants d’une religion, ou de faire l’apologie de crimes contre l’humanité.”– cela est pris du monde.
Donc l’idee de “tedniss el mou3takadat ” n’existe pas en france, mais au Liban elle existe.

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Appel à papiers

Appel à papiers: Reconsidérer les Intersections: une Définition du Genre et de la Sexualité Centrée sur la région MENA

L’une des rares revues académiques sur le genre et la sexualité basées dans la région MENA, Kohl: la Revue de Recherche sur le Corps et le Genre a vu le jour en Décembre 2014. Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à envoyer vos articles pour le premier numéro de Kohl, dont la publication est prévue pour mai 2015. Nous encourageons particulièrement les jeunes activistes, chercheurs indépendants, étudiants diplômés, ainsi que les nouveaux diplômés à postuler. Nous accueillons volontiers tout article venant de la part de contributeurs influents dans le domaine.

Cliquez ici pour envoyer votre article à travers le système de gestion éditoriale de Kohl.

Cliquez ici pour consulter nos directives de soumission.

La région du Moyen-Orient, du Sud-Ouest d’Asie et de l’Afrique du Nord a connu des insertions historiques d’influences occidentales et coloniales, et les domaines du genre et de la sexualité n’ont pas fait exception à ces dynamiques de pouvoir. En même temps, aspirer à un discours d’authenticité et opter pour un retour à un état précolonial ne joue pas en faveur des discours contemporains autour du genre et de la sexualité. Cette genèse récente des mouvements féministes et de la sexualité exprime la nécessité de redéfinir ces concepts vis-à-vis des contextes politiques et culturels actuels de la région MENA. Nous nous intéressons aux  articles qui historicisent ces mouvements et les mettent ainsi en contexte pour en définir les défis.

Un numéro introductif sur le genre et la sexualité dans la région MENA ne peut ne pas prendre en considération les fluctuations contemporaines des paysages géopolitiques. Que ces dernières aient entravé le travail des mouvements de base, ou simplement mené à des stratégies d’adaptabilité au changement, les politiques de sexualité alternent constamment entre l’ouverture et la fermeture des espaces privés et publics. Le déplacement et la mobilité à travers les frontières, au sein et au-delà de la région MENA, évoque la fluidité des espaces, en particulier en ce qui concerne les réfugiés, les demandeurs d’asile et les migrants.
Il reste à savoir si réinventer un noyau pour le genre et la sexualité au sein de foyers temporaires comme outil à la résistance ou à la survie répond à son propre contexte ou à un discours universalisé sur les droits humains.

Les sujets possibles incluent, sans se limiter à :

  • Redéfinir les termes et les concepts concernant l’identité, le genre et la sexualité
  • Contrer les manifestations orientalistes et les influences occidentales perçues auprès des mouvements de base de la région MENA, accompagné de stratégies de mise en contexte, et ce pour l’avancement et le développement du genre et de la sexualité
  • Mouvements des droits des femmes et droits sexuels : les défis sociaux, culturels et légaux pour l’organisation et l’adaptabilité au changement
  • Déplacement de l’idée de la ‘visibilité’ d’un spectre linéaire d’individualisme en faveur des « visibilités ambiguës »
  • La politisation et la dépolitisation de la sexualité dans une notion de décalage d’états-nations
  • L’interaction entre espaces privés et publics dans les questions de genre et sexualité dans la région MENA
  • La mobilité et le déplacement à travers les frontières et l’évolution des paysages géopolitiques concernant les réfugiés, les migrants, les demandeurs d’asile, et les cultures des pays hôtes
  • Les théories de l’intersection dans les efforts régionaux et les rencontres spécifiques

Le 1er Mars 2015
est la date limite pour l’envoi des articles.

Notre journal reçoit les travaux en cours, à condition qu’une version complète soit soumise. Veuillez respecter nos directives de soumission. Au cas où votre article a été retenu pour publication, sachez que notre équipe le traduira en une autre langue.

Pour plus d’informations, contactez kohl@gsrc-mena.org

Cet appel à papiers est disponible en version PDF

Kohlla Revue de la Recherche sur le Corps et le Genre, est une initiative du Centre des Ressources du Genre et la Sexualité (GSRC) en coopération avec le bureau du Moyen Orient de l’association Heinrich Boell Stiftung.

Below is the call for papers in english

Call For Papers: Rethinking Intersections: A MENA-centered Definition of Gender and Sexuality

One of the few academic journals on gender and sexuality based in the MENA region, Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research saw the light in December 2014. We are pleased to invite submissions for Kohl’s first issue, slated for publication in May 2015. Young activists, independent researchers, graduate students and fresh graduates are particularly encouraged to apply. We also welcome submissions from seminal contributors in the field.

Click here to submit a manuscript through the Kohl editorial manager system.

Click here to review our submission guidelines.

The Middle East, South West Asia and North Africa region has witnessed historical interpolations of Western and colonial influences, and the fields of gender and sexuality were not exempt from these dynamics of power. At the same time, purporting to a discourse of authenticity and pushing for a return to a pre-colonial status, remain unfavorable to the contemporary discourses of gender and sexuality. The recent rise of feminist and sexuality movements expresses the need to redefine these concepts in light of the current political and cultural contexts of the MENA. We are interested in papers that historicize these movements and that contextualize their challenges.

An introductory issue on gender and sexuality in the MENA region cannot disregard the contemporary fluctuations of geopolitical landscapes. Whether these have put a strain on grassroots movements, or have induced strategies of adaptability to change, sexuality politics is constantly pushed in and out of private and public spaces. Mobility across borders, within and beyond the MENA, evokes the fluidity of spaces, especially in relation to refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants. It remains unclear whether reinventing loci of gender and sexuality in temporary homes as a tool for resistance or survival responds to its own intersectional context or to a universalized discourse on human rights.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Redefining the terms and concepts around identity, gender, and sexuality
  • Counteracting Orientalist manifestations and influences in the MENA grassroots movements with contextualized strategies for the advancement of gender and sexuality
  • Women’s and sexual rights movements: social, cultural, and legal challenges to organize and adaptability to change
  • Displacing the idea of individualistic “visibility” in favor of “ambiguous visibilities”*
  • Politicizing and depoliticizing sexuality within a shifting notion of nation-states
  • The interplay of private and public spaces in questions of gender and sexuality in the MENA
  • Mobility across borders and changing geopolitical landscapes in relation to refugees, migrants, asylum seekers, and host cultures
  • Theories of intersectionality in regional efforts and in specific encounters

The deadline for submission is March 8, 2015.

We accept work in progress, provided full drafts are submitted. Please make sure to comply with the submission guidelines. If accepted for inclusion, please note that your paper will be translated to a second language by our team.

For further queries, please contact kohl@gsrc-mena.org

The call is available for download in PDF format.

Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research
كحل: مجلة لأبحاث الجسد و الجندر is an initiative of the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC) in cooperation with Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Middle East Office, Beirut.

*This term was borrowed from “Framing Visibility: Coming Out and the International Spectrum of Visibility,” an article by Lynn.

More details http://gsrc-mena.org/kohl/submission-guidelines/

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Picture taken by Emile Issa Lebanon https://www.ooshot.com/emile-issa/photo/32552

It was hard and a horrible week: we Watched on TV the murder of people in a country that is for us known as “safe”.

More than that it was horrible to know that people were savagely murdered because of their drawings, “cartoons” in the Country of the Freedom, in the Country where expression of thought was born for me. At School 20 years ago I read Le Cid, Voltaire , the story of the “revolutionnaries”, ….. killing people for their thoughts in the Country of Moliere?! for me it was IMPOSSIBLE, Not CONCEIVABLE.

Today, all the family went to the I am Charlie gathering in Beirut, eventhough I have received sooo many messages of all those who wanted to “Enlight” me about the cartoons Charlie did, especially about christians. They asked me how can I accept such an “insult” to our “faith” they were specifically speaking about the christian faith .

Those lebanese friends who flooded my inbox, my news feed, smsed me,  and whats app me I understand them. I do. They have seen the cartoons and they said : oh “blaspheme”in arabic “istaghfara el lah el 3azim” .

First for me the believer blasphemes, not the non believer.

On a second thought , I would have probably reacted the same way if I didn’t receive the french education I had. no idea, probably. probably I knew that Charlie hebdo was born in France, in the country where the values are different than the values we have here in Lebanon.

Even if I usually dislike the satire “cartoons” of Charlie hebdo, what I have done in the past, is not to read it, and not to buy it, or to write a piece about how foolish and not empowering their cartoons are, and definetly not sharing their cartoons :-). simple as that.

Today, if I decided to be Charlie, it is because I am Charlie to the bones. I refuse to use VIOLENCE against anyone. I refuse to kill, and murder because of a drawing or a text or a saying. The “Je suis Charlie” is for me “a world without fear, without violence wihtout extremism, a world where I can express all what I WANT WITHOUT BEING AFRAID OF BEING SHOT DEAD BY OTHERS, or slammed , or lashed  . (in another part of the world: Raif the Saudi Blogger is being lashed because of his sayings!!) 😦

I am afraid for the freedoms in France  after  the savage murder of  January 7, I’m afraid that journalists will use this “wing cutting thing” that is the self-censorship. In Lebanon bounderies are so common, they do come from the big family, from work, from religious socialisation, from a center or association that has been created to check and approve any creation (artistic, movies, …) and so on, BUT Lebanon is a  country where so many charlies were savagely killed!!!! Samir Kassir is one of those Journalists that were killed , he was not afraid, and we shouldn’t be afraid to live in a world where thinking differently and expressing yourself differently will make You an easy goal for violence. Violence must End!!! in Lebanon and In france!!! Today and Tomorrow and again  I’ll be charlie in my bones for every part of the world!! I want to express my self freely and I want my child to be able to express himself freely without fear of what he might draw, write or sing.

Enough  censorship ,ENOUGH BOXES,  Enough barbarism!!! YES FOR FREE EXPRESSION! FREE THINKING!


The illustration is the banner I held taken in  a picture by Emile Issa during the protest in support of the je suis Charlie movement in Lebanon . To Watch all the album: https://www.ooshot.com/emile-issa/portfolios/charlie-hebdo-manifestation-beyrouth-11-1-15

title corrected as per the advice of Marhaba Nabil 🙂

Article edited on January 14/1/2015

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#JeSuisAhmed: The World That Hates Muslims by http://stateofmind13.com/

A Separate State of Mind | A Blog by Elie Fares

A couple of days ago, I decided that my reaction to the Charlie Hebdo attack would be to share the covers that had those journalists killed. I didn’t say whether I agreed with their content because that wasn’t the point at the time, and freedom of speech, to me, was absolute, with satire at its heart, as it aims to reconcile reason with power. Enforcing limitations puts us on a slippery slope until Paris on January 7th becomes conceivable. The world isn’t where it is today because visionaries cowered from challenging their dogmas.

In today’s world, however, freedom of speech is a reflection of the hypocritical scope with which we view things. In this relative specter, even satire becomes cruel when it’s aimed at the weak who aren’t allowed to answer back. Two days after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, this is our chance to sit down and talk.

Everyone’s up in flames over…

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