
Archive for the ‘campaign’ Category

Hat off #Nigeria for ratifying the Convention 190 of the ILO on #violence and #harassment at work .

#RatifyC190 was the campaign we led this summer with various African representatives from diverse countries. Various representatives from African countries participated to the symposium, on violence and harassment at work.

The symposium about the Convention Nbr 190 and recommendation Nbr 206 of ILO, that I was glad to facilitate and participate in while giving multiple sessions.

The Nigerian colleagues did great while advocating for the ratification and being able to do so in November 2022, increasing the numbers of states that joined the convention to 22!

Let’s cross fingers for Lebanon to join the fight! #C190, as well as other countries.

Tres contente, enfin le #Nigeria a ratifie la convention190 de l’OIT sur la violence et le harcelement au travail.

En ete nous avons mene avec des representants.es. de plusieurs organisations gouvernmentales, syndicales, non gouvernementales une action de plaidoyer pour faire connaitre la convention et la recommandation numero 206 de l’OIT. Avec les participants.es une campagne en ligne a ete menee aussi pour faire connaitre la Convention et demander sa ratification par les pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Fiere d’avoir participer au symposium, un grand merci aux responsables de l’OIT pour leur confiance.

Maintenant que le Nigeria a ratifie la Convention C190, c’est autour d’autres Etats de le faire. La campagne et les efforts de plaidoyer doivent continuer. Les magnifiques et dynamiques participants.es au symposium, je suis sure, vont continuer leurs efforts, prete pour toute aide pour mener les campagnes de plaidoyer et de lobbying direct a bien!

Rita Chemaly


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Lebanese women not satisfied with second class, Rita Chemaly

Lebanese women not satisfied with second class, Rita Chemaly
Beirut – On 18 May, Samira Souedian, the Lebanese widow of an Egyptian, was refused the right to pass Lebanese citizenship to her four children by the Lebanese Court of Appeal, despite previously winning her case in a district court in June 2009.

Women protesters took to the streets in support of Samira’s cause. Standing with multi-coloured posters in their hands, they gave interviews to the media, hoping to be heard by the country’s politicians.

Although men and women in Lebanon are entitled to most of the same rights, women are still struggling to achieve full gender equality under the law. Specifically, a Lebanese woman married to a foreign man does not have the legal right to pass her nationality to her husband or children, while a foreign woman marrying a Lebanese man is entitled to citizenship for herself and her children.

Article 1 of the 1925 Nationality Law states that citizenship is granted to those born of Lebanese fathers. The text says no more. The implication is obvious: those born of Lebanese mothers are not granted citizenship.

Citizenship in Lebanon is based on ancestry, not where one is born. But this discrimination is compounded in Lebanon’s patriarchal society by the fact that citizenship is only passed down from the father. This law clearly violates the principle of equality between men and women enshrined in Article 7 of the Lebanese Constitution.

Transmission of nationality is not a mere legal formality: it also carries social and financial consequences. Because these husbands and children are considered residents and not citizens, they must obtain residency and work permits and renew them each year. This is a costly procedure involving a tidy sum, roughly $2,000 to $3,300, massive red tape and long hours of waiting in line at the General Security office.

A number of associations have been mobilising their members to support the amendment of this legislation, including a group of fathers married to Lebanese women who founded “Fathers and Sons for Citizenship”. In addition, a campaign “My Citizenship is my Right and my Family’s Right”, implemented by a conglomeration of Lebanese non-governmental organisations, has been working since 2002 to raise public awareness of the issue and change the existing policy. And in 2008 the national Committee for the Follow up of Women’s Issues (CFUWI) launched the campaign “My Nationality is the Right of my Children” with support from international agencies like the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

A handful of legislators are also working to recognise the right of women to pass citizenship to their husbands and children. An emergency bill was presented for this purpose on 27 April 2009 by two members of Parliament – Bahige Tabbarah and Pierre Daccache – to the Parliamentary Speaker, Nabih Berri. In their proposal, the two legislators request that Article 1 of the 1925 Nationality Law be amended to include the following text: “Any person born of a Lebanese father or mother shall be granted Lebanese citizenship.”

Public figures who oppose this amendment argue that they are concerned about implications to the balance of power in government, as the Lebanese political system is based on religious demographics. Others counter that demographics have already changed in the years since the last census and that transferring citizenship through the father/husband already has the same potential to shift the balance.

Regardless, the transmission of citizenship is a fundamental right, stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which should take precedence over other political or social considerations. By changing the law and giving women this right, the state would grant them the full extent of their rights as citizens and bring about greater gender equality for Lebanon.


* Rita Chemaly is a social and political science researcher and author of the The Spring of Beirut and many articles. She was awarded the Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press in 2007 and blogs at www.ritachemaly.wordpress.com. This article was written for the Common Ground News Service (CGNews).

Source: Common Ground News Service (CGNews), 15 June 2010, www.commongroundnews.org
Copyright permission is granted for publication.

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We, women’s rights organisations, movements and allies committed to advancing women’s human rights, come together to form the Gender and Trade Coalition in the firm belief that a feminist alliance on trade justice is required to address the pernicious impact of trade rules on women’s human rights and to produce informed policy responses addressing the structural causes of gendered human rights violations.

We welcome the increasing recognition from governments and institutions that trade and investment rules create gendered consequences. We are concerned, however, that common policy responses are simply designed to increase the numbers and role of women involved in the free flow of capital, resources, and labour. This approach positions women as instruments of trade growth, failing to address any adverse discriminatory and exploitative consequences of the global, rules based neoliberal order on women’s human rights. This is regardless of the significant role women play as producers, consumers, traders, workers, and principal providers of unpaid care.

The movements and organisations we represent recognise that the policies of austerity–trade liberalisation; finance, investment and labour deregulation; privatisation of public goods and services; and the constraints on public policy making and service delivery–produce devastating human rights outcomes for many of the world’s women.

We believe the guiding principles of the global economic order upon which trade and investment rules are built are fundamentally destructive for the advancement of women’s human rights. We recognise that neoliberalism, austerity, and trickle-down economics has failed around the world, yet the rules of this model are being cemented and deepened through trade and investment rules. We believe that the existential crises facing humanity–climate change, mass displacements and migration, obscene inequality and growing authoritarian, patriarchal governance–are linked to the global economic rules that have shaped the past forty years.

Trade rules constructed around principles of competition rather than solidarity, growth rather than human and sustainable development, consumption rather than conservation, individualism rather than public good, and market governance rather than participatory democracy cannot be the basis of a trade agenda that advances women’s human rights.

We believe that economic cooperation and multilateralism based on equitable, fair, sustainable, and gender-responsive principles can play a significant part in advancing women’s human rights. Global cooperation–rooted in principles of transparency, democracy and participation–that ensures capital contributes to the public goods and services necessary for the fulfilment of human rights is necessary. Global cooperation that redresses harm resulting from global trade supply chains is essential.

We believe that trade policies must affirm the primacy of governments’ human rights obligations under the UN Charter and international treaties and customary laws. Should trade policies diminish state capacity to meet human rights obligations, including the right to development, they must be modified.

We believe trade rules must not increase protections for multi-national corporations who are exerting a gigantic influence on trade policy making, avoiding taxes and accountability and exploiting labour, natural resources and personal data for their own profit maximisation. Trade rules must increase accountability of corporations who commit grave human rights violations, rather than provide corporations with unique recourse when judicial systems hold them accountable.

We believe trade policies should meet sustainable development needs of all countries, especially developing and Least-Developed countries, and the people including the women within these countries. Therefore trade policies must ensure the widest possible access to essential medicines, technologies and data and information, rather than restrict access. Trade policies should promote the sharing of seeds, resources and knowledge rather than penalising solidarity. Trade rules should expand and not limit governments’ capacities for broad-based and decent job creation based on living wages, especially for women. Trade rules should support governments to develop pro-poor policies and access to food including through the provision of food subsidies, public stockholdings and through providing preferential support to local, especially small-scale, women producers. We believe trade rules should support, not discourage, the growth of public spending on and ownership of public goods and services essential for human rights and the reduction and redistribution of women’s disproportionate burden of unpaid care work. These include food, water and sanitation, energy, infrastructure, transport, early childcare and education, healthcare services–rather than encourage privatisation.

We believe powerful vested interests should be prevented from influencing trade policies or providing financial support to political parties where they stand to benefit from the outcomes of trade negotiations. Instead trade policies should be developed democratically and facilitate informed participation in decision and consent processes by representative organizations of those most potentially impacted, such as women farmers, women workers, and Indigenous women.

We form this coalition to increase consciousness, capacity, research, and advocacy for trade and investment policies that facilitate a more equitable, socially just and sustainable global society in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms are actively promoted and can be fully enjoyed by all women.


Endorse the unity statement and join the Gender and Trade Coalition:
Read the unity statement here: bit.ly/JoinGenderTrade.The Gender and Trade Coalition is in formation, and all signatories are invited to share any analysis, experiences, and proposals to shape the coalition. Keep an eye out for future updates or email contact@gendertradecoalition.org directly to get involved.

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I m soo happy , to see that the campaign against sexist Common sayings launched by the National Commission For Lebanese Women and UNFPA for the #16dayscampaignagainstviolence #GBV , received many reactions, and was shared massively. 
The campaign is simply reversing the common sayings, and exposing while putting “man” instead of “woman” the Cultural and social violence faced by Women, while asking the “man” do you accept if we say that to you? This is  Violence and this Violence should Not be Normalised in the Culture. This Violence needs to Stop. it is Unacceptable.
Below are the short movie prepared by NCLW and UNFPA Lebanon, and shared on TVs (huge thanks to LBCI, MTV, OTV, Future and Tele Liban) those are the TV channels I was able to screen, as well as for the news sites (NNA, Tayyar, FL) , bloggers (Thanks to Tarek) , friends, students (Thanks to Ursula) , and partners who reacted and shared this campaign. Changing mentalities is on the way!

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je mene des combats sur tous les fronts sans ambages, sans gants, meme dans la famille. Lors d’un tres beau diner de famille je decouvre lors de couper le gateau que des hommes seuls le coupent. Ou sont les femmes brillantes de la famille? une question legitime me diriez-vous. On me repond, une en se mariant a perdu le droit de faire partie de la Ligue familiale. Depuis dans la ligue une femme seule est presente. Ceux et celles qui connaissent mon combat pour les droits egaux de tous et toutes, vont savoir quelle a ete ma reaction. A la Kesrwanite que je suis et que je reste. Oui c’est ca. Quoi? c’est du n’importe quoi, parite et egalite dans les droits des membres de la famille on connait non? et on retrousse nos manches pour changer les lois, ou des status interieurs de ligues patriarchales?

Pour simple rappel des faits et verites concernant les femmes au liban : Une femme garde son nom de jeune fille jusqu’a sa mort. Cela veut dire, soit-elle une jeune fille, une sexagenaire ou une femme mariee. Je suis une Rita Chemaly, malgre mon mariage et bien, je garde mon nom de famille apres le mariage. Regardez simplement pour cela les epitaphes sur les tombeaux des femmes, sur les communiques de morts , necrelogie c’est ca? chequez les registres d’etats civils et les cartes d’identite vos meres gardent leur nom, et vos soeurs aussi.

Bref, on ne change pas d’identite en se mariant, juste de status.

Par consequent les femmes ont le droit de participer activement a la vie familiale. Les femmes ont plus que ce droit, A mon avis, elles doivent etre presentes paritairement aux hommes 50% 50% dans tous les postes de leadership.

Bon ceci etant dit, je rappelle qu’avec Lamia Moubayyed on avait pris la decision de ne plus participer a des panels et des evenements ou les femmes n’ont pas de role comme les hommes. Lamia avait hausse le ton lors d’une conference organisee par la banque mondiale, ou le panel etait forme d’hommes seulement. Cela doit faire effet de papillon sur toutes les ONG, sur les boards de toutes les societes privees et non privees, dans les evenements de toutes les Organisations internationales et dans toutes les ligues soient-elles familiales.

Femmes de ma famille et feministes hommes et femmes de ma famille on se ligue pour les droits de base? Feministes d’autres ligues, on vous aide aussi a amender vos status?

Liguons nous pour nos droits et celles de nos enfants , garcons et filles.


Rita Chemaly


l’image et l’instant qui m’ont fait sursauter! nna only men in chemaly s league dinner image

l’image publiee par l’agence nationale de l‘information NNA

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Je suis tres contente! Hier le Parlement libanais a vote pour le projet de loi prepare par la Commission Nationale des femmes Libanaises (WWW.NCLW.ORG.LB) et presente au parlement par le depute Ghassan Moukhaiber en avril 2016.  Le projet de loi Permet aux femmes libanaises mariees, d’etre candidates aux elections municipales dans leurs localites  d’origine.

Ce droit est tres IMPORTANT. Il permet aux femmes de ne pas perdre tout les accomplissements qu’elles ont construits toute leur vie jusqu’a leur mariage. ce droit permet aux femmes de garder leur propre identite et de choisir ou se presenter aux elections, sans perdre tous les assets qu’elles ont pris du temps, du temps de leur vie a batir dans leur village/region d’origine, avec leur famille. Ce droit permet aux femmes de ne plus etre exclues de leurs familles.

Ce droit permet aux femmes de participer activement au developpement de leurs regions, de ne pas etre simples spectatrices, pire des spectatrices de passage. Leur mariage leur coupait le droit de participer activement au developpement de leur localite d’origine. Les femmes qui etaient elues en tant que celibataires dans le conseil municipal, perdaient leur poste apres le mariage. Mais la nouvelle loi, La loi amendee leur permet de garder un lien fort avec leur region et pouvoir marquer leur region des traces indelebiles de leurs travaux!

Municipales dans quelques annees, vous allez voir le nombre de femmes qui vont 1 se presenter aux elections et 2 gagner et 3 developper leur localite!!!

En toute solidarite

Rita Chemaly


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Un coup grave pour les femmes libanaises: la loi electorale de 2017 ne comprend pas de quota pour les femmes.

Alors que le Liban a une des pires places concernant la participation politique des  femmes au sein du parlement, un tout tout petit 3% de femmes au sein de notre parlement en 2016.

avec une femme ministre au gouvernement, le Liban detient la pire des notes concernant la participation politique des femmes. la 143eme  place sur les 144 en ce qui concerne la participation politique.

Hier la coalition nationale pour les femmes en politique qui rassemble les ONGs, les activitistes et des entites etatiques qui ont pour mission l’avancee des droits des femmes, a hausse le ton.

les femmes libanaises sont pretes au combat, difficile certe, sans quota ou mesure positive de discrimination, mais pretes a s’allier et a se presenter aux elections .

en France dans le meme temps, une progression nette de 12 points pour les femmes dans l’Assemblee est soulignee par le Haut Conseil a l’Egalite.

une avancee de ” 12 points a été permise par l’effet conjugué des contraintes – loi sur le non cumul des mandats et doublement des pénalités financières pour les partis ne respectant pas la parité des candidatures – et l’objectif affiché de parité de la part du parti de la majorité présidentielle, arrivé largement en tête lors de ce second tour des élections législatives.”

Je ne peux que souhaiter a toutes mes amies partisanes au Liban , un combat difficile certe, de bien etre placee dans les listes des prochaines elections, et dans des circonscriptions ou elles peuvent gagner aussi.

en citant le Haut conseil a l’Egalite, je rappelle que ” la parité n’est plus une option mais une exigence démocratique. “


Rita Chemaly



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Voila, nous avons recu par courrier les brochures des candidats a la 10eme circonscription , les francais qui vivent a l’etranger peuvent choisir un ou une candidate et le ou la suppleante .

pour des infos sur le role des deputes, et leur suppleants: je vous attache le lien Wikepedia des dernieres elections de 2012. je vais essayer de suivre les campagnes de pres pour voir quelles sont les causes qui sont portees par les francais qui resident au Liban,

aussi, cela me donne de l’espoir, je reve d’organiser des elections au Liban

Rita Chemaly

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Eager to tell you about the MOOC  on Gender Based violence in the context of migration!

The course will begin on May 15!

what is a MOOC? a MOOC is Massive Online Open Course , that is offered for free by the Global Campus of Human Rights coordinated by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC).

The Mooc addresses gender, migration, and Human rights studies. The Lecture I participate in, is related to gender based violence faced by migrants and asylum seeking girls in the MENA region. The Political Sciences Institute (ISP) of Saint Joseph University part of the Arab Master in Democracy and Human Rights,  has worked hard while dedicating a team to gather data, prepare, review, shoot, edit and produce the MOOC on GBV addressed by migrants girls and women in the region.  Examples for this specific lecture are taken from the newest published reports in the region related to GBV and SGBV.  Sexual Exploitation, trafficking  Statelessness, Child Marriage, Schooling and access to education are presented. Also main International Instruments addressing GBV are presented.

The MOOC is a free course of 5 hours per week, for 6 weeks, that is open to “upper year undergraduates; postgraduates; NGO activists and practitioners interested in interdisciplinary human rights, gender equality, women’s empowerment, migration; young lawyers and social scientists; active and motivated citizens from around the world.”

I am very excited to be part of this Global Campus MOOC, and to have prepared the first MOOC addressing GBV and women’s rights in the region. Can’t thank enough the team who helped put all the lecture together (ISP team you rock! )  as well as the friends who helped gather the latest information in a very short deadline. (Special thanks to Ghida, Hayat, Raghda, Zeina, Myriam, and special thanks to Jihad who filmed and edited the lecture ).

Stay tuned  and follow the link to participate and enroll  in the MOOC! https://www.eiuc.org/education/global-campus-mooc-gbv-migration.html 

In solidarity from Lebanon

Let us address GBV in our region and internationally with sustainable solutions!

Rita Chemaly



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Trash mountains in the Land of the CEDARS? it will be soon called the land of Trash = Lebanon.

Air pollution, Water pollution, Visual Pollution…. did I forget anything?

Trash that is not recycled, trash that covers the roads we take daily to work, to school, to university and now to Hospitals.


Trash mountain on road and Pedestrian passage, and some restaurants in Jal el Dib… Sahtein! 


Beautiful Lebanon and landfill of Trash!


Welcome all to Jal El Dib ! 

Refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle is the Zero Waste strategy that each Citizen from 1 to 90 years old can execute:

less plastic

less bags

less paper and cartons

reuse and recycle!!!

as for Our problem with trash… As a pregnant women I am now confined home as I am according to my doctor very very sick!

Thanks Trash burners in Antelias and Jal-El-Dib, xoxo!

I love you, as well as all sick children , sick moms, sick ladies, sick elders!

we love to take Antibiotics in Lebanon, as well as hystamed and other allergies medicines!

Money is poured in Lebanon regarding development: I think finding pro-active solutions with all MUNICIPALITIES AND LOCAL COLLECTIVITY is a MUST!

IT TOUCHES All kind of beneficiaries …. here you go donors, you might actually do effective Change!!! and Serve many!


a mad Sick pregnant Mom again!

Rita Chemaly



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A new episode in Gender based violence, was highlighted during a discussion on Women rights!

The Discussion was organised by proeminent NGO , RDFL.

A Lebanese member of Parliament (re-conducted illegally) went out of the paper prepared by him or “for him??” and said that a women has a role in pushing men to rape her!

I am still shocked by the insanity of such an MP. He don’t understand the Harm such words do for all women. Such Words make sexual harassment at work , in public spaces, as well as in a Home Legal!!!

I do understand now why Most of our rotten laws such as the Penal Code, have such inanities! (reference to article  522)

What I loved is that bloggers, media, women activists, women right defenders spoke out about this insanity, and a petition asking MP to resign is being circulated!

Here is what is being circulated on the web, through different platforms:

النائب ايلي ماروني هان المرأة اللبنانية عندما صرّح: “في بعض الاماكن وبعض المطارح بدنا نسأل شو دور المرأة في قيادة الرجل إلى اغتصابها” وكان النائب يحمل المرأة مسؤولية الاغتصاب هيدا التصرف مرفوض من قبل أي رجل (او امرأة)، وخاصة نواب الامّة. مطلوب من الجميع التضامن لنطلب منه الاعتذار أو الاستقالة. الرجاء نشر البوست المرفق ابتداء من الان على كل صفحاتكم وحساباتكم على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. وشكرا




Below is the link to the Video in which Lebanese member of Parliament states his inanities:

اليكم/ن الفيديو الذي يظهر المواقف الذكورية التي أطلقها النائب إيلي ماروني حول حقوق النساء وبشكل خاص الجنسية، المادة ٥٢٢ والإغتصاب الذي اعتبر أن للمرأة دور في حدوثه. كذلك، يظهر في الفيديو الرد الكامل للنائب ماروني على اعتراض الناشطة حياة مرشاد على كلامه حيث لوح بإلباسها البرقع كي لا تخجل من تمثيله لها في البرلمانhttps://www.facebook.com/sharikawalaken/videos/1207350935984570/


Below is the statement Written by women activists, and that is open to be signed by all:

بيان للتوقيع والنشر صاغته ناشطات نسويات رداً على تصريحات النائب #ايلي_ماروني المهينة للمرأة في لبنان



Below are the articles in the newspapers and media outlet that cover what happened:


LBC News

The Daily Star


Action is Needed by the Political Party Kataeb of that Mp.

There is a need to amend and Delete article 522 which Blames Women being raped for their own rape, and which give them as a victory to the one who rape them!!

I call all Political parties to take action in Written against article 522 and against discriminatory articles of Penal code in Lebanon

Rita Chemaly




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Wonderful and amazing Video on gender equality by IWSAW-LAU, about the inequality facing women in Lebanon, and how decision makers are not considering the women voices!

The video, and the Lyrics are just great! by a simple cartoon they tackle GBV,  it tackles women stereotyping and the fact that law makers are not discussing women issues and rights with Women!!

I loved also  how they say that law makers prepare laws and forget them and Loose them in the drawers!!!

I remember that since 2011 many law amendments were presented to the Parliament in Lebanon regarding equality, and till now, LAWS were not Discussed !!! or Voted for….

MPs, did where , in which drawer did you hide those laws amendments?!!

Hat off IWSAW team!!!

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Screenshot_20160731-200918I’m so glad, a political party in Lebanon has organised an internal election today, to ask the voters from the grassroots partisans to choose their candidates for the parliamentarian election.

Good step for CPL. But, but where are the women candidates on those lists?!!! A big party such as CPL needs to have more women leaders in the party! Women who work on political decisions, not brunches or our “terwi2as”. Where are the women on the lists of tayyar???? How many where they?? Can we have all their names?

When we ask for a women quota, these are not just words! Political parties need to name their women as political candidates,  the party need to help women arrive to all leadership positions!!!!

I can’t see the next elections without asking where r the women candidates of CPL??

I’m sure many of the militants and partisans are women, great leaders, they need to be on the lists!!! The 71% of voters why didn’t they vote for the women in the lists??? How many did vote for women? Why? Are partisans not acquainted of voting for women in political parties??

Below is a snapshot taken from alain aoun timeline. Btw brackets mabrouk alain, simon and ibrahim! W …

I need answers from CPL leadership!

Rita Chemaly

below are the official results of the elections of Tayyar as published on Tayyar:

Only 3 women figured on the lists of Tayyar in all Kada2 for July 2016 elections.

  • Rindala Jabbour in Bekaa gharbi  ( won by tazkiyi)
  • Katia Kiwan in Chouf ( 39 votes)
  • Nadine Neemeh in Baabda  ( 65 votes)


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Many campaigns were led in Lebanon prior to the municipal elections, the aim is to see if they had an impact on women being candidates in their localities and if citizens voted for Women.

Today I wish to shed light in this post on the Women who won the municipal elections and their numbers in each Directorate in Lebanon !!

Mount Lebanon has good results without the quota system! It Appears that in Metn till now the number of women winners is the highest. (57 women won the elections) , while waiting confirmation from the ministry) ,  I am sure that in  6 years, we might have better results if a quota system is used in the electoral law! in Beirut a Women had the highest score of voters! that is a great news!

As for how many women won in each Directorate/kada2, here is a sneak peak to some basic name counting*:  In my hometown Keserwan/Mount Lebanon:  28 women won (Achkout and Ajaltoun   we have great women in the Municipalities!!Rima Malek will rock ajaltoun! ) in Keserwan 41 women didn’t win, the total number of women candidate is 69 and the uncertain names * is 32. In Metn: 57 women won! won of them in Sinel FIl is Z vicky who did a great job on the Women in Municipalities project, 44 women’s name are listed as not winners, 😦   As for Jbeil  24women won , 28 women didn’t win 😦 , Total of women candidates 52 and the uncertain names are 26. in the  Chouf: Mount Lebanon 43 women won ( we have one Cousine there!! yey!!!, let us see what they will implement in the region!!) , 58 women are listed as not winners, the total number of candidates is  101 and we have 10 uncertain names. For Aley: /Mount Lebanon: 35 women are listed as winners,  34 women are listed as not winners , and we have counted 12 uncertain name.  total number of candidates 69. In baabda, 39 women’s are listed as winners! 46 not!

Here is the copy of the table posted on FB by NCLW:

Basic first counting of women winners in each of the results documents published by the ministry of interior

Basic first counting of women winners in each of the results documents published by the ministry of interior

*my colleagues at Nclw team have passed through the detailed results excel sheets as they have been published on the elections.gov.lb page  and counted as a first exercise the names of all the women in them. Noting that uncertain names were not counted in those who won or lost.  the uncertain names are the one such as “nidal” ” claude” “Michele” “andreh” “douha” “gaby”….. in arabic this might be for a women or a men name! 🙂 we might have more winning or just women candidates in those uncertain names! more to come soon!!! While waiting for the official stats and numbers  by the ministry and the UNDP leap team!

Also , I am so please to see that on Women in Front Facebook Page a great initiative is taking place:  tagging all the women winners in municipalities! that will create easily a great network for them!! thumbs up!

here is a collage I had fun creating it using what I saw online and  showing some of the municipalities and the great Women who won in Them!  Kuddos to all !


women winners collage municipal local elections lebanon rita chemaly 2016

Collage of Women Winners in Local Councils in Lebanon 2016 * credit fb screenshots! hehe 

Women Power!!:-)

Rita Chemaly

rita chemaly women and gender right activist Lebanon

During one Event held in 2016 aiming at encouraging women to be candidate in the elections!


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The National Commission for Lebanese Women, that is a National machinery affiliated to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers , has prepared a Draft law aiming at Helping Women to be Candidates and Win the elections for the municipalities.

The municipalities elections in Lebanon are a family and neighbors issue. The Women who want to be candidate needs to be registered as a condition in the registry of the Municipality. “sejjel kayd”.

The discrimination appears in article 25, of the current Municipality law, in which a Women will loose all her links to the family, and networks that she has created in her municipality of origins ” sejil kaydiha el assassi”  if she gets married, as she is directly and without asking taken down from the registry of origin and enlisted in the registry of her “Husband”.

For me, it is a PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY in which a Women is the PROPRIETY of her FATHER until Marriage, after MARRIAGE, SHE IS THE PROPRIETY OF HER HUSBAND;

regardless my point of view of how the laws in LEBANON discriminate against women in the texts and make her directly affiliated to a MAN (the father or husband) , the new draft law is  a new step forward for women’s rights in Lebanon. this is done through this draft law amendment registered at the Parliament by the Active MP Ghassan Mukahiber, on the 11/4/2016 under registry number 168/2016,

as a Practical example, I as a married women from Achkout/Kesrwan , can be candidate after my marriage in Achkout if I wish ! Because in the Municipality of my Husband which is Deir Dourit/Chouf, no one have ever heard of me! 🙂 unlike Achkout, where all my activism, links, are tight 🙂

apart from this personal example, and for this,

 I am now asking ALL MPS (the reconducted oops! ) (another polemique here hein? ) to LEGIFERATE and VOTE and ratify this NEW amendment PRIOR TO THE 2016 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS!

WE AS WOMEN need IT!!!!  WE still fight for our rights in municipalities : a change of the law is a must!

Rita Chemaly

here is the text of the law amendment as presented to the parliament by Ghassan Mokhaiber.

here is the link to the Press release covered by our National News Agency! http://nna-leb.gov.lb/ar/show-news/216377/ 


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This picture of Georges Clooney is going viral but even for a fun campaign some basic requirements/ conditions are not met: Clooney is the husband of a lebanese woman but because of the nationality law dating of 1925 can’t be lebanese as Amal alameddine can’t transmit her nationality to her hsuband as per lebanese law!!!

Aha again shedding lights on the biggest discrimination facing lebanese woman.

So georges help fight to amend this patriarchal law for lebanese women to be able to transmit their basic rights for their husbands and children!!!

Rita ChemalyFB_IMG_1459115490036

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#IWD2016, everywhere people are taking the #PledgeForParity , I can’t do it….

daily what I , as a young woman in Lebanon is Living is hell:

usually the top priorities are for me to Campaign for Women of my country to BE ABLE TO TRANSMIT THEIR NATIONALITY to their husbands and CHILDREN.

Usually the top priority is for me to scream :WE AS WOMEN need to have full equality in Marriage, divorce, adoption, INHERITANCE (which we don’t or because of our Rotten Personal status laws, or because of Practices aiming to prefer a boy to a girl , a brother on his sister, a man over with wife.)!

Usually my top priority for #IWD is for me to campaign for what typical women’s right movement in Lebanon has usually campaigned for ” Women in Politics”, “Women in leading positions”

What I am Campaigning for today , ON #IWD2016 and after almost a year living in the GARBAGE is for a CLEAN ENVIRONMENT IN LEBANON. #Planet5050 but for #Lebanon!

Do you know that we (women, men, children, elder) live in a river of garbage?

Pollution has eaten our WATER, pollution has eaten parts of our LUNGS, pollution made by US, HUMAN BEINGS IN LEBANON has turned what used to be ” the green Lebanon” to a GARBAGE BIN.

Today I will be busy campaigning for Women to have a leading role in Municipalities , as you may all know by now, it seems that the elections for the municipal councils in Lebanon are on May 2016.

The TOP priority of all Counciles should be an ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTION to the garbage CRISIS.

it is not possible for children to all be sick for more than months, it is not possible for elder people in Lebanon to all have oxygen all the time now!

we need SOLUTIONS that are ENVIRONMENTAL FOR GARBAGE that is polluting our AIR, ATMOSPHERE, WATER, and Health!!!!! Solutions made by ALL SEGMENTS OF A SOCIETY WOMEN AND MEN.

Again, as stated in november 2015 , I repeat the Same Scream from LEBANON:

SOS big SOS an environmental / HEALTHY PUBLIC Policy is NEEDED NOW!!! Garbage is polluting air, water, underground water, streets….!!! Reducing Reusing and Recycling is a step, what is else needed?!!! Women with a clear Environmental vision and a Will to implement ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS?!?!!







Rita Chemaly



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The Global Fund for Women have released the #DETERMINED campaign, in which the stories of women are told. All of these stories are part of “a powerful collective effort to create lasting change—a movement for women’s human rights.” To know more about what is a Movement? Check the beautiful Infographic Below!!!

Rita Chemaly movement  Global fund for women Rita Chemaly Lebanon GFW

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What is the Right that I miss the most as a Lebanese Women? This is the question I as a women rights activist is always asked, and my answer is Clear:  the Right to transmit my Nationality to my Children is THE Right we need to work on in Priority.

As a Women, the nationality law that dates from 1925  in Lebanon still prohibits Lebanese women married to foreigners from granting their nationality to their husband and children. 2704-salma-hayek-gibran_ Nationalite femme libanaise droit rita chemaly

the Article 1 of the 1925 Nationality Law states that citizenship is granted to those born of Lebanese fathers only. Not Lebanese Mothers. The implication is dreadful for Lebanese women and mothers: Children born of Lebanese mothers are not granted citizenship in Lebanon. that means no Lebanese passport, No lebanese social security, No access to Public schools, no access to Lebanese universities, no Access to Lebanese jobs protected by Syndicates…. In addition to all that a new Law passed in November 2015 in the Lebanese parliament, granting the  expatriates who have male ancestors only to get Lebanese Citizenship. Even the Constitutional Council wasn’t able to reject such a law that clearly violates the principle of equality between men and women enshrined in Article 7 of the Lebanese Constitution. (Read more about the rejection of annulment of such a discriminating law here)
Citizenship in Lebanon is based on ancestry from the FATHER /Men Side only,  not where one is born. In my opinion this is a  discrimination showing how Lebanon is a patriarchal society !

Today I read that Salma Hayek the Hollywood famous actress with Lebanese origins have clearly highlighted that women in Lebanon need to be able to TRANSMIT Their Nationality to their Children. True!! if as activists and lobbyist and advocates our voice is not heard by our elected Members of Parliament, maybe the voice of a Hollywood actress is more Powerful??? They can hear her voice easily???

Il faut noter que Shakira est d’origine libanaise, Salma Hayek Aussi, … mais la nationalite ne peut leur etre octroyee car elles sont des femmes, d’origine libanaise. Mika aussi  est d’origine libanaise par sa mere non??? donc il n’y a pas droit non plus! On le cree ce Lobby d’Acteurs et actrices et chanteurs pour demander ce Droit Primordial pour Nous Libanais et Libanaises???

Rita Chemaly

below are some of the links and article I wrote previously in English , french or Arabic  about this issue:

Lebanese women not satisfied with second class

Cartographie des discriminations qui atteignent les femmes au Liban 

Le Dossier que j’ai prepare sur la Nationalite pour le Magazine

Les femmes libanaises insistent pour transmettre leur nationalite a leur famille 

Transmitting the Nationality in Lebanon is only for Men

Patriarchy and discrimination against women should not prevail Lebanese women should have the right to transmit their nationality

La nationalite a ceux qui sont d’origine libanaise … aux hommes pas aux femmes!

je reve : je suis libanaise de 2nde classe?

Kindly note that in this blog, I featured more than 20 articles and short movie and covered plenty of protests and street movments about this issue. they are all featured under this tag: Nationality tag ; Discrimination tagwomen rights tag


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I think it is a Brilliant Idea for the wishes card  worked by the Hakkik Daman Ayeltik Campaign, a campaign that aims to raise awareness of women and men related to the discriminations faced by women regarding social security law and especially the inequality that women in Lebanon still face in this law.

the picture below is for wishes for the new year, and it states that your right is to have your wishes come true!

therefore, I will use it to ask all our lebanese Parliament members to work hard on amending the law and ensure that men and women are equal in Lebanon!!!! especially in the Social Security Law!!!

w especially that the CEDAW international committee has recommended you to do soo very very recently!!!  🙂

Rita Chemaly

campaign for womenr rights Lebanon 2015 Rita Chemaly.jpg

For more information about the laws and the campaigns running related to social rights and especially in the social security law,

here are the 2 facebook pages




Some of my previous posts about the same issue:

Small steps for gender equality, long road ahead in Lebanon







Members of Parliament we Want an Extension of the Maternity Leave In Lebanon 


Maternity Leave In Lebanon is in the drawer of Parliament because of Political problems

March 21 is mother day but in Lebanon women are not treated fairly maternity leave is a must

en Avril Le Conseil des Ministres Allonge le Conge maternite a 10 semaines

Lebanese Mothers: Missing Their Babies … an article about maternity leave by C.Benoit

Le conge maternite au Liban en route vers la ratification finale

A step Forward to women’s rights … Maternity leave in Labor law is amended



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Their motto: ” It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving ” … they are the “foodblessed” volunteers!  

Souper meals on wheels in LebanonWhat do they do ?  they are a ” a local hunger relief initiative run by a group of volunteers with a passion and will to fight hunger in Lebanon. ”

Their  mission combines environmental and social responsibility. “We work with strategic partners –including food and non-food companies- through recovering surplus food from events, organizing food drives, and fundraiser events to collect food (which includes surplus perishable food and non-perishable food items) and distribute it to local non-profit partners in need. While we help other non-profits, our efforts divert food wastes for reuse and better serve under privileged communities. A win-win-win model!”

Check this video!



Are you In?

If you are looking to donate your time or money or surplus food or anything else you can think of, please get in touch:


Here is the link to the website!


Wonderful work!!

Rita Chemaly



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A new campaign is launched by the ministry of Education, to encourage all children in Lebanon, to go to school:

a free education to all, without any registrations fees.

below is the description given by UNICEF Lebanon ” Free education up to grade nine will be provided for all children – Lebanese and non-Lebanese – in public schools this year. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), with the support of USD94 million through UNICEF, UNHCR, and international donors, launched its ‘Back to School’ campaign for free education today. The conference was headed by the Minister of Education and Higher Education Elias Abou Saab, and attended by key donors, including representatives from UNICEF, UNHCR, the Delegation of the European Union, the Embassies of Germany, United States, United Kingdom, Norway, Netherland, France, and the World Bank representing the Lebanon Syria Crisis Trust Fund.”

“إفادة مدرسية، صورتين شمسية وصورة عن هوية” هو كل ما تحتاجونه.

تسجيل أطفالكم بالمدارس الرسمية في لبنان هلسنة واصل، ل اللبناني وغير اللبناني. سجّلوا أطفالكم بأقرب وقت وبأقرب مدرسة رسمية مجاناً.

خبروا كل من حولكم وساهموا بإدخال جميع الأولاد الى المدارس.

اليونيسف تشكر جميع الدول المانحة من حكومة ألمانيا، الاتحاد الاوروبي والحكومة الأمريكية لتمويل العام الدراسي وتقليل نسبة الانقطاع عن الدراسة.

‫#‏كلنا_عالمدرسة‬ ‫#‏لا_لضياع_جيل‬ ‫#‏واصل‬

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Funding & Reporting Officer Oxfam GB
Deadline for applications: Friday, October 9, 2015
Full time position
Location: Beirut, Lebanon


 Information Management

 Lead responsibility for managing Oxfam’s contract management database (CRIMSON), maintaining up to date proposal, allocations, income, reporting and other contract records

  • Maintain restricted funding information systems and records on donor contracts and income data on shared drive and hard files
  • Coordinate communications with existing donors including responding to information requests, income tracking, contract amendments etc.

Management of Funds


  • Review, edit and submit donor financial and narrative reports, (in close coordination with the Programme Manager, Regional Funding Coordinator and the finance team) ensuring consistency, accuracy, clarity and timely submission in compliance with Oxfam policies and procedures, and donor requirements.
  • Support the team to monitor restricted funding expenditure, ensuring the timely identification of problems (e.g. ineligible expenditure, miscoding etc), enabling appropriate corrective action, such as amendments and extension requests, to be taken.
  • Actively participate in monthly financial monitoring meetings.
  • Compile quarterly reporting, with a particular focus on compliance and systems risks associated with donor contracts.
  • Research new in country funding prospects to meet the set ambition of the programme.
  • Contribute to establishing and maintaining up-to-date funding grids and updates.


Programme Review and Key Learning


  • To assist the Programme Manager in the development of thematic reports to donors about ways of working, success stories and context.
  • Support preparation for audits, reviews or donor visits of donor funded programs as required.



  • Education to a postgraduate degree level in social sciences, development studies or related discipline.
    • Analytical skills and critical thinking with the ability to research, analyse, and report (e.g. researching donor priorities, evaluating proposals and reports, determining match between external funding opportunities and Oxfam objectives).
    • Strong interpersonal, communication and influencing skills: both written and verbal.
    • Knowledge of planning for, securing and managing funds from institutional donors, such as EC, ECHO, DFID, CIDA, and UN agencies.
    • Self-motivated, target-driven and an entrepreneurial approach to fundraising opportunities.
    • A team player with highly developed interpersonal, influencing and relationship skills.
    • Excellent communication skills – both written and verbal (English and Arabic).
    • Strong administrative and numerical skills and attention to detail.
    • Ability to manage her/his time effectively. Willing and able to adapt priorities in order to respond to changing demands.
    • An understanding of and experience of working in the humanitarian sector.
    • Good communication and interpersonal skills
    • Responsible, flexible and adaptable
    • Good team player and builder
    • Knowledge and skills in computer usage (Ms Word, Excel). Other applications are preferable
Experience required: 3 to 5 years
Education degree: Masters Degree
Period: 12 months
Salary: Competitive
Submission guidelines: Qualified applicants with the experience and skills requested are invited to apply to the role via the following link http://bit.ly/1MgD47e . The link can also be found in the Contact information section below. Any applications not submitted through the mentioned link, will not be considered.
Cover letter required? Yes
Michael Todd
HR Advisor

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it is a Shame! Freedom of expression and peaceful protesters are being  arrested in Beirut! more than this they are being stopped by water!!!

I didn’t blog about the #YOUSTINK movement before, but now I can’t but rally this #‏طلعت_ريحتكم great movement.

All what the protesters are asking is: for the Responsibles : MPS and Ministers to take Their responsibilities seriously or Resign, because they were not able to find a solution for the #garbagecrisis in Lebanon.

Videos are taken from Nadine Moussa’s facebook: <div id=”fb-root”></div><script>(function(d, s, id) {  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;  js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;  js.src = “//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3″;  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));</script><div class=”fb-video” data-allowfullscreen=”1″ data-href=”/nadine.moussa.14/videos/vb.519526221/10152907226256222/?type=1″><div class=”fb-xfbml-parse-ignore”><blockquote cite=”https://www.facebook.com/nadine.moussa.14/videos/10152907226256222/”><a href=”https://www.facebook.com/nadine.moussa.14/videos/10152907226256222/”></a><p>LlVE FROM RIAD EL SOLH  – THIS IS HOW FREEDOM IS RESPECTED ..</p>Posted by <a href=”#” role=”button”>Nadine Moussa</a> on Wednesday, August 19, 2015</blockquote></div></div>

this is live from Riad el Solh!!!

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Voila le celebre George Clooney  et Amal Alameddine viennent au Liban…  ils se sont maries, et la viennent visiter le beau pays des Cedres. Mais attention, Monsieur Clooney n’a pas Droit a la Nationalite Libanaise de sa femme.


voila, au risque de me repeter la loi de  1925 qui parle de la Nationalite au Liban discrimine contre la Femme Libanaise.

Yalla on la change cette loi pour les beaux yeux de Clooney? ou de sa belle princesse???

et attention pas de decret presidentiel cette fois car …. IL N’Y A PAS DE PRESIDENT maintenant !!! Youy

Rita Chemaly

clooney-amal alameddine Photo AFP

Below are the latest link related to the nationality issue I wrote:


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