
Posts Tagged ‘GBV’

Eager to tell you about the MOOC  on Gender Based violence in the context of migration!

The course will begin on May 15!

what is a MOOC? a MOOC is Massive Online Open Course , that is offered for free by the Global Campus of Human Rights coordinated by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC).

The Mooc addresses gender, migration, and Human rights studies. The Lecture I participate in, is related to gender based violence faced by migrants and asylum seeking girls in the MENA region. The Political Sciences Institute (ISP) of Saint Joseph University part of the Arab Master in Democracy and Human Rights,  has worked hard while dedicating a team to gather data, prepare, review, shoot, edit and produce the MOOC on GBV addressed by migrants girls and women in the region.  Examples for this specific lecture are taken from the newest published reports in the region related to GBV and SGBV.  Sexual Exploitation, trafficking  Statelessness, Child Marriage, Schooling and access to education are presented. Also main International Instruments addressing GBV are presented.

The MOOC is a free course of 5 hours per week, for 6 weeks, that is open to “upper year undergraduates; postgraduates; NGO activists and practitioners interested in interdisciplinary human rights, gender equality, women’s empowerment, migration; young lawyers and social scientists; active and motivated citizens from around the world.”

I am very excited to be part of this Global Campus MOOC, and to have prepared the first MOOC addressing GBV and women’s rights in the region. Can’t thank enough the team who helped put all the lecture together (ISP team you rock! )  as well as the friends who helped gather the latest information in a very short deadline. (Special thanks to Ghida, Hayat, Raghda, Zeina, Myriam, and special thanks to Jihad who filmed and edited the lecture ).

Stay tuned  and follow the link to participate and enroll  in the MOOC! https://www.eiuc.org/education/global-campus-mooc-gbv-migration.html 

In solidarity from Lebanon

Let us address GBV in our region and internationally with sustainable solutions!

Rita Chemaly



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For those who are interested, join us on Sunday at noon at Sodeco , for Migrant workers day In Lebanon.migrants worker day lebanon 2017 chemaly rita

Details below are taken from the facebook page, #WeWillNotBeSilencedAnyMore  #workersday2017, be many 

Rita Chemaly

Workers’ Day 2017
Abolish Sponsorship – Ratify C189 – Stop State Violence

For the eighth year in a row, we -migrant domestic workers and supporters- come together to claim labor rights, march, and celebrate workers’ day.
This past year did not witness any improvement of protection of migrant domestic workers (MDWs). On the contrary, we have seen the abuses continue against the lives, rights and freedoms of MDWs, while the abusers still enjoyed impunity.
Tragedies and deaths still happen on daily and weekly basis without proper investigations, domestic workers and their families are still being unjustly deported and subjected to political detention, especially the public human rights defenders among them.
The struggle continues, and we unite again to make our voices heard and to claim our rights. We hereby demand the Lebanese state to:
1. Abolish the sponsorship system and replace it with a just immigration and residency system that guarantees human rights, fair and ethical recruitment, labor mobility, and the possibility of MDWs to live outside the employer’s house and change employers.
2. Ratify and implement the ILO Domestic Workers Convention of 2011 (C189).
3. Expand the Lebanese labor law to cover all categories of laborers including domestic workers.
4. Reform the standard unified contract to guarantee basic rights including the rights to get the Lebanese minimum wage, terminate the employment contract, have a maximum hours of work and be paid for overtime, the rights to privacy and decent working and living conditions, the right to have a weekly day off outside the house and unaccompanied by employers, and the right to have proper health insurance.
5. Hold abusive employers accountable and establish an inspection mechanism coupled with accessible and affordable complaint mechanisms, fair and speedy trials and legal redress.
6. Hold to account and close down all abusive and unethical recruitment agencies and establish a black-list system for these.
7. Guarantee the right of domestic workers to organize and unionize.
8. Investigate properly the deaths of MDWs, and in case of unnatural deaths, bring to justice those who caused these deaths.
9. Stop state violence against MDWs including detaining MDWs who leave their employers’ houses, exercising violence in detention centers and police stations, and depriving MDWs’ children of legal residency. Authorities must stop detaining and deporting MDWs for administrative or trivial reasons such as expired residency permits or having children in Lebanon who should all be entitled to residency and education rights in Lebanon. Authorities must also ensure speedy return procedures to home countries for workers who need it, especially for parents with children in Lebanon and workers who are sick.

عيد العمّال 2017
لإلغاء نظام الكفالة
للتصديق على الاتفاقية رقم 189
لإيقاف عنف الدولة على عاملات المنازل

للسنة الثامنة على التوالي، نجتمع معًا، عاملات منازل مهاجرات ومؤيّدين/ات لهنّ، للسير جنبًا إلى جنب في مسيرة مطلبية والاحتفال معًا بعيد العمّال.
لم يشهد العام الماضي أي تحسّن في أوضاع عاملات المنازل المهاجرات أو تقدّم في تعزيز حقوقهنّ، بل تزايد العنف والاعتداءات عليهنّ واستمرّت الانتهاكات لحريّاتهنّ وحقوقهنّ وأرواحهنّ، فيما بقي مرتكبو هذه الانتهاكات مُفلتين من أي شكل من أشكال المحاسبة والعقاب.
لا تزال المآسي وحالات الوفاة غير الطبيعيّة تحدث بوتيرة يوميّة أو أسبوعيّة من دون أي تحقيقات جديّة بشأنها، ولا تزال العاملات، وعائلاتهن،ّ معرّضات للاحتجاز والترحيل من دون وجه حق، وخاصّة الناشطات الحقوقيّات العلنيّات من بينهنّ المعرّضات بشكل خاص للاعتقال السياسي.

إنّ كفاح العاملات مستمرّ، وها نحن نتّحد مرّة أخرى لنُسمع أصواتنا ونطالب الدولة بحقوقنا. وبشكل خاصّ نطالبها بـ:
1• إلغاء نظام الكفالة واستبداله بنظام هجرة وإقامة عادل للعاملات يحترم حقوقهنّ الإنسانية ويؤمّن سبل استقدام سليمة، وتحرّكيّة العاملات وحقهنّ في التنقّل والانتقال، وإمكانيّة العيش خارج منزل صاحب/ة العمل، وحقهنّ في تغيير صاحب/ة العمل.
2• التصديق على اتفاقية منظّمة العمل الدولية رقم 189 المتعلّقة بالعمل اللائق لعاملات المنازل، وتطبيقها.
3• توسيع نطاق قانون العمل ليشمل العمّال والعاملات كافّة، وتحديدًا عاملات المنازل.
4• إصلاح عقد العمل الموحّد المُطبّق على عاملات المنازل بشكل يضمن لهنّ حقوقهنّ العمّالية البديهيّة، مثل الحقّ في الحصول على الحد الأدنى للأجور، والعدد الأقصى لساعات العمل وإعطاء أجر إضافي مقابل ساعات العمل الزائدة، والحقّ في يوم عطلة خارج المنزل من دون اشتراط مرافقة أصحاب العمل لهنّ، والحقّ في تأمين صحّي مناسب، والحقّ في الخصوصية وفي ظروف العمل والعيش اللائقة، والحقّ في إنهاء عقد العمل.
5• محاسبة أصحاب العمل الذين ينتهكون الحقوق ويسيئون إلى العاملات، ووضع آلية فعّالة للمراقبة والتفتيش، مقترنة بآليّات سهلة للتبليغ عن الشكاوى، وضمان المحاكمات والإجراءات القانونية السريعة والعادلة.
6• محاسبة مكاتب الاستقدام المسيئة والتي تتّبع سبل استقدام غير سليمة وإغلاقها، والعمل على تفعيل نظام القائمة السوداء لمنع تلك المكاتب من العمل مجدّدًا وأصحابها من فتح وكالات جديدة.
7• ضمان حقّ العاملات في التنظيم والعمل النقابي.
8 • التحقيق الجدّي في حالات الوفيّات غير الطبيعيّة لعاملات المنازل وسَوق مسبّبي الوفاة إلى العدالة.
9• وقف عنف الدولة ضدّ عاملات المنازل، بما في ذلك من تجريم ‘هروب’ العاملات المنزليات من بيوت أصحاب العمل، وممارسة العنف عليهنّ في مراكز الشرطة ومراكز الاحتجاز، وحرمان أطفالهنّ من الإقامة القانونيّة في البلاد. على السلطات التوقّف عن احتجاز عاملات المنازل وترحيلهنّ لأسباب إداريّة شتّى مثل انتهاء صلاحيّة الإقامة أو لسبب إنجابهنّ الأطفال، الذين يحقّ لهم أصلاً بالإقامة القانونية والتعلّم في لبنان. وعلى السلطات أيضًا ضمان إجراءات ترحيل سريعة للعاملات اللواتي يحتجن إلى المغادرة، وخاصّة الأهل وأطفالهم أو المرضى.

Journées des Travailleurs 2017
Abolir le système du Kafala – Ratifier la Convention 189 – Arrêter la violence d’Etat

Pour la 8ème année consécutive, nous -les travailleuses domestiques migrantes et les supporteurs- s’assemblons pour revendiquer des droits du travail, marcher et célébrer la Fête du travail.
L’année qui vient de s’écouler n’a pas apporté d’amélioration dans la protection des travailleuses domestiques migrantes. Au contraire, nous avons vu les abus contre leurs vies, droits et libertés continuer pendant que les abuseurs profitent toujours de la même impunité.
Morts et tragédies continuent d’arriver tous les jours et toutes les semaines sans aucunes véritables enquêtes et les travailleuses domestiques migrantes et leurs famille sont toujours injustement déportées et sujettes aux détentions politiques, spécialement les défenseures publiques des droits humains parmi elles.
La lutte continue et nous nous unissons une fois encore pour faire entendre nos voix et réclamer nos droits. Nous demandons donc à l’Etat libanais de :
1- Abolir le système du Kafala et de le remplacer par un système d’immigration et de résidence juste qui garantit les droits humains, un recrutement juste et éthique, ainsi que la possibilité pour les travailleuses domestiques migrantes de vivre hors du lieu de résidence de leur employeur et de changer d’employeurs.
2- Ratifier et mettre en œuvre la Convention sur les travailleuses domestiques de l’OIT (C189)
3- Etendre le Code du Travail libanais pour inclure toutes les catégories de travailleurs, dont les travailleuses domestiques.
4- Réformer le contrat standard unifié pour garantir les droits fondamentaux des travailleuses domestiques dont les droits d’obtenir le salaire minimum libanais, de terminer leur contrat de travail, d’avoir un nombre d’heures de travail maximum et d’être payées pour les heures supplémentaires, le droit à l’intimité et à des conditions de travail et de vie décentes, le droit d’avoir un jour de congé hebdomadaire en dehors du lieu de vie et non-accompagnées par les employeurs, et le droit d’avoir une vraie assurance de santé.
5- Tenir pour responsables les employeurs abusifs et établir un mécanisme d’inspection accompagné de mécanismes de plainte accessibles et abordables, des procès équitables et rapides ainsi que des recours juridiques.
6- Tenir pour responsables et fermer toutes les agences de recrutement abusives et non-éthiques ainsi que d’établir un système de « black list » pour celles-ci.
7- Garantir le droit des travailleuses domestiques de s’organiser et de se syndiquer.
8- Enquêter convenablement sur les morts des travailleuses domestiques et dans les cas de morts non naturelles, traduire en justice les responsables.
9- Arrêter la violence d’Etat contre les travailleuses domestiques migrantes dont la détention de celles qui quittent le lieu de résidence de leurs employeurs, l’utilisation de la violence dans les centres de détention et les postes de police, et la privation de résidence légale aux enfants de travailleuses domestiques migrantes. Les autorités doivent arrêter de détenir et de déporter les travailleuses domestiques migrantes pour des raisons administratives ou triviales telles que l’expiration des permis de résidence ou avoir des enfants au Liban alors qu’ils devraient bénéficier du droit de résidence et à l’éducation. Les autorités doivent aussi s’assurer de mettre en place des procédures de retour rapides vers les pays d’origine pour les travailleuses qui en ont besoin, spécifiquement pour celles avec des enfants au Liban et celles qui sont malades

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For those interested here is the TOR posted by UNFPA for the development of facilitator’s modules  on stigma and discrimination against PLHIV and preventing/responding to GBV.



TOR  – Development of Facilitator’s Modules for Two Thematic Areas

 Terms of Reference (TOR)
Development of Facilitator’s Modules for Two Thematic Areas
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
In line with its strategic plan to increase young people’s access to comprehensive, gender sensitive, quality, sexual and reproductive health services and information, and specifically within the framework of the “Let’s Talk Campaign” , UNFPA partnered with the NGO VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts Association) for carrying out the “72 Hours Movie Challenge” contest in 2013 and 2014. The themes of the contest were on “Stigma and Discrimination against people living with HIV” (PLHIV) and “Preventing/Responding to Gender Based Violence” (GBV) in 2013 and 2014 respectively.  Young people competed for the production of the movies within 72 hours (or 3 days). Three winning movies were selected under each theme by a renowned panel of Lebanese producers, directors and actors.
Based on the above, there exist therefore 6 winning short movies that depict realities, reflections and messages on the 2 thematic areas. The diversity and richness of information within the 6 movies should certainly be utilized as a complementary tool and/or multiplier effect to reach a wide range of young people and through different approaches.
The objective of the consultancy is to develop two facilitator’s modules for each of the 2 thematic areas i.e. stigma and discrimination against PLHIV and preventing/responding to GBV.
These 2 modules will be used by facilitators (who could consist of young leaders, trainers, teachers, peer educators, etc.) during awareness raising sessions within various youth settings. The outcome is expected to contribute to preparing the grounds for engaging in appropriate discussions and interactions among the participants on various HIV/AIDS and GBV related issues. It is anticipated that increased knowledge and discussion among young people on these issues would contribute to more positive attitudes as well as engaging in safe, responsible and harmless practices.
The rationale for the production of two facilitator’s modules is to make efficient and optimal use of the winning movies by a trained and capable person facilitating awareness-raising sessions with young people, in different settings (i.e. schools, clubs, camps, etc.). The consultancy will be undertaken in close collaboration with UNFPA and consultation with VAPA.
The UNFPA office will initiate the undertaking of the assignment by engaging a national consultant and in accordance with the agreed upon terms of reference.  The identification of the consultant will be made by UNFPA on basis of agreed upon criteria and requirements as per required qualifications (see Qualification section below).
The consultant’s main tasks will consist of (a) undertaking desk review and literature search of pertinent resources as well as similar material, (b) reviewing the six movies (3 for each topic) and related scenarios, (c) carrying out consultation and meetings with the production team/actors, UNFPA and VAPA, (d) developing a structured framework for the modules, and (e) finalizing the modules based on testing and feedback by UNFPA.
Specifically, the consultant will undertake the following key tasks for achieving the objective of this consultancy:
  • Draw up a plan of action and timetable for accomplishing the tasks of the consultancy;
  • Undertake desk review – including internet search –  and investigate/review similar resources developed/used in the country and/or the region;
  • Prepare a period of consultation/interview with the various partners/stakeholders;
  • Consult with UNFPA, VAPA, the script writers and production teams;
  • Develop a framework and structure for each of the two modules (i.e. PLHIV and GBV) on basis of literature review and consultation;
  • Elaborate content of each module;
  • Prepare and ensure timely delivery of the first draft of the 2 modules for review by UNFPA;
  • Pre-test the modules through the undertaking of focus group discussions with young people from different regions as deemed necessary for obtaining feedback including views and opinions of potential user (to be organized and supported by UNFPA);
  • Finalize the two modules on basis of comments received from the field and from UNFPA; and
  • Provide UNFPA office with an electronic and hard copy of the final modules (Arabic);
  • Proof read the final text once the graphic designer has worked on the layout.
The consultant shall provide the following deliverables which will consist of the final outcomes for this consultancy:
  • The final version of the facilitator’s modules in Arabic in both soft and hard copies for each of the 2 thematic areas (i.e. HIV and GBV).
It is suggested that each of the 2 modules includes the following sections (around 15-20 pages); a two pages background; a one page lesson plan for each activity, and two-three pages note for the facilitator:
1. Background
  • This section is suggested to include a definition on the topic, a brief situation analysis about the magnitude of the topic, statistics about the subject matter, some information about national efforts and systems, main players in the country, etc.
2. One activity for screening the movie
  • This activity aims at introducing the topic and engaging participants in a discussion covering the topic dealt with. It could be about expressing opinions, feelings and thoughts. It could also be about characters from the movies, the way they behaved, acted, etc.
3. Two activities to address general information on the related topic
  • Two activities on attitudes and perceptions about the related topic
  • Two activities on the political environment (legislative, political, etc.)
  • A facilitator’s note for each section
It should be noted that the content of each module can serve one or all three movies under each thematic area (i.e. HIV and GBV).
The duration of the entire consultancy is for 8 weeks starting from the date of the signature of the contract.
  • Advanced University degree in social/development sciences or other related areas with previous work experience and considerable skills in training material development
  • Significant  knowledge and expertise in HIV/AIDS and Gender/GBV;
  • Extensive experience in training material development, field work and focus groups;
  • knowledge with UNFPA’s work is an asset
  • Good communication skills
  • Strong analytical writing skills
  • Computer literate
  • Strong Arabic writing skills.
Interested candidates may apply online by providing:
  • A letter of intend
  • A most updated CV
The documents must be sent to the following email address: 
UNFPA: info-lebanon@unfpa.org 
by no later than June 22, 2015

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I am chocked, I just watch the episode of 7ki Jelis on You tube again, and I’m still chocked.

a woman that is a Judge has beaten and acted violently on 2 other people : one man and another woman.

more chocking that this Judge in Lebanon has terrorised other neighbors and didn’t let them approach to help the woman she has beaten so violently!

in my opinion this Judge must be Judged for exercing extra powers, as well as exercing Violence against other people whether they are women, men, elderly, foreign refugees!!

She needs to Be CRIMINALISED by her own institution: The Judiciary system in Lebanon, as she is Very Badly Representing it!! she needs to be also “kicked off” by other orders or networks she is member off.


OMG!!! we are working on empowering women, and combating Gender Based Violence, but with such a behavior that is inexplicable such a person is showing us how much work we still need to do!!!

Rita Chemaly

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dears, for those interested, a National coordinator post is available. attention for the deadline and requirements.

Good luck!

GBV IMS National Coordinator

GBV IMS National Coordinator

Duty Station: Beirut, Lebanon
Contract Type & Level: FTA – NO-B (ONLY for Lebanese Candidates)
Duration: One year (with possibility for extension
Vacancy Announcement Nb.: VA-FPA-LBN-2014-07
Vacancy Date: October 20, 2014
Closing Date: November 2, 2014

1. Organizational Location
The incumbent (i.e. GBV IMS National Coordinator) will be based partly at UNHCR Beirut Office, partly at UNFPA Country Office, according to a time division agreement between the two Agencies. He/she will undertake regular in-country travels to the five regions where the project is implemented: Akkar, Tripoli, Bekaa, South Lebanon and Mount Lebanon.
The incumbent will work under the umbrella of the national SGBV Task Force chaired by UNHCR and co-chaired by UNFPA and UNICEF. She/he will report to the SGBV Task Force Coordinator.
The incumbent will plan deliverables and priorities in collaboration with the chair and the two co-chairs of the SGBV Task Force and will keep them regularly informed of all programmatic and technical aspects of the Job Description. All administrative related matters will be reported to UNFPA, as the recruiting Agency.
The incumbent will work in close cooperation and coordination with the inter-agency GBV IMS Coordinator at the national level, as well as with the Field SGBV Coordinators in the five regions.
2. Job Purpose
The Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) was created to harmonize data collection on GBV in humanitarian settings, to provide a simple system for actors providing services to GBV survivors to collect, store and analyze their data and to enable the safe and ethical sharing of reported GBV incident data within and between relevant entities. The intention of the GBVIMS is both to assist service providers to better understand the GBV cases being reported as well as to enable actors to share data internally across project sites and externally with agencies for broader trends analysis and improved GBV coordination and response.
In Lebanon, increasing concerns regarding the ongoing conflict in Syria and spill-over of persons of concern into the country prompted the SGBV Task Force to consider means and modalities to improve data collection and analysis. In January 2013, a pilot GBV IMS roll-out was launched in Akkar (North Lebanon). In July 2013, the GBV IMS Global Team supported the progressive extension of the phased roll-out to the other regions in Lebanon. As of today, the 6 GBV specialized service providers (IRC, DRC, INTERSOS, IMC, Caritas, Makhzoumi) are using the system in the 5 above mentioned regions. An Information-Sharing Protocol endorsed by the Task Force in October 2013 allows the national compilation of a limited set of data.
In order to reinforce the dissemination of good practices and increase the quality and the quantity of GBV data available, the Government of Canada is funding a two-year project “Developing Field Level GBV Capacity for Improved Service Delivery, Information Management and Inter-Agency Coordination” in 6 countries, including Lebanon. As part of this project, the incumbent will be responsible for supporting the roll-out and driving the successful implementation of the GBV IMS in Lebanon, under the supervision of the SGBV Task Force Coordinator and the guidance of UNHCR, UNFPA and UNICEF.
3. Major Activities/Expected Results
With the support of the inter-agency GBV IMS Coordinator, the incumbent will facilitate the implementation of the GBVIMS in Lebanon, providing technical support to the organizations and agencies using the GBVIMS for data collection through their service provision to GBV survivors in order to improve and expand the use of the GBVIMS. In addition, the incumbent will support national efforts to roll-out the GBVIMS among potential additional GBVIMS users in coordination with the GBVIMS Steering Committee.
The incumbent should work closely and in collaboration with GBVIMS organizations, the National GBV IMS Steering Committee, the SGBV Task Force, the Global Team and all relevant stakeholders and/or coordination bodies.
1. Coordination:
  • Participate in GBVIMS coordination meetings at the field and national levels. Provide all support needed to the field GBV IMS coordinators, including in the identification of new GBV IMS users;
  • Maintain and update the work plan/strategy for the GBVIMS rollout ensuring a clear implementation process per region;
  • Ensure ongoing communication between the field GBVIMS Steering Committees and the national GBV IMS Steering Committees, and between the National GBV IMS Steering Committee and the SGBV Task Force;
  • Assist with any other issues related to the coordination of the GBVIMS.
2. Capacity Building/Coaching: 
  • In coordination with the SGBV Task Force Coordinator, the inter-agency GBV IMS Coordinator, the National Steering Committee and the Global Team, encourage organizations and agencies to use the GBVIMS through technical support, trouble shooting, training, and quality assurance;
  • Identify capacity building needs and liaise with the inter-agency GBV IMS Coordinator for follow up;
  • Document concerns, good practices and lessons learned from the rollout process.
3. Information & Analysis: 
  • Participate in and facilitate the process of revising the Information Sharing Protocol (ISP);
  • Support the consolidation of monthly reports from GBVIMS users;
  • Utilize GBVIMS data to support reporting, produce information bulletins for programming and advocacy purposes and every other relevant use.
4. Facilitation and Representation:
  • Help organize support missions to Lebanon and facilitate the delivery of technical outputs;
  • Represent the GBV IMS Steering Committee as requested;
  • All other tasks required from the supervisor.
4. Job Requirements
Core Competencies
  • Integrity/Commitment to mandate: Acts in accordance with UN values and holds himself/herself accountable for actions taken.
  • Knowledge sharing/continuous learning: Takes responsibility for personal learning and career development and actively seeks opportunities to learn through formal and informal means.  Learns from others inside and outside the organization adopting best practices created by others.  Actively produces and disseminates new knowledge.
  • Valuing diversity: Demonstrates an international outlook, appreciates differences in values and learns from cultural diversity. Takes actions appropriate to the religious and cultural context and shows respect, tact and consideration for cultural differences. Observes and inquires to understand the perspectives of others and continually examines his/her own biases and behaviors
  • Working in teams:  Works collaboratively to allow the achievement of common goals and shared objectives. Actively seeks resolution of disagreements and supports decisions of the team.
  • Analytical and strategic thinking:  Uses appropriate analytical tools and logic to gather, define and analyze information, situations and problems and draws logical conclusions from data. Demonstrates an ability to set clear and appropriate priorities focusing on tasks and activities which have a strategic impact on results. Anticipates and meets information needs of the team and other stakeholders.
  • Conflict and self management: Manages personal reactions by remaining calm, composed and patient even when under stress or during a crisis and avoids engaging in unproductive conflict. Expresses disagreement in constructive ways that focus on the issue not the person. Tolerates conditions of uncertainty or ambiguity and continues to work productively.
  • Results orientation/Commitment to excellence: Strives to achieve high personal standard of excellence. Takes action that goes beyond responding to the obvious needs of the situation and persists until successful outcomes are achieved.
Additional Competencies:
  • Offer great organizational skills and efficiency in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results;
  • Demonstrate strong organizational skills and ability to work independently and productively, with multiple stakeholders in a fast-paced environment;
  • Adopt flexible work attitude: the ability to work productively in a team environment and independently, and to handle requests or issues as they arise;
  • Has excellent interpersonal and communication skills and ability to successfully and effectively liaise with people in a wide range of functions in a multi-cultural environment;
  • Demonstrate understanding of issues related to confidentiality, data safety and other ethical concerns related to the sharing on sensitive data between humanitarian agencies.
  • Lebanese nationality;
  • MA (preferred) in public health, social work, women/gender studies, humanitarian or development work, or other related degree, or equivalent programming experience;
  • At least 3 years of Programme management or other relevant experience, preferably including at least 1 year implementing a GBV program in a humanitarian context;
  • Experience developing and facilitating workshops;
  • Experience in information management, database development, usage and management;
  • Demonstrated capacity to analyse data/statistics for humanitarian operations;
  • Excellent Computer skills: MS Word, Excel, Access and database software, including in depth knowledge of pivot table/chart analysis;
  • Fluency in English and, Arabic strongly preferred.

5. Notice:
  • There is no application, processing or other fee at any stage of the application process
  • UNFPA does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status
Interested candidates who meet the above qualifications should apply on line by submitting the following:
  • Letter of motivation
  • Updated CV
  • P11 form [click to download] detailing work experience that is relevant to the vacancy requirements as indicated in the Job Description

The above documents should be submitted to the following email address: info-lebanon@unfpa.org no later than 2nd November 2014.  

UNFPA will only be responsible to respond to those applicants submitting the required CV and P11 and in which there is further interest.\

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Finally a big compilation work was done and published and released!! All legislation related to women ( prepared, drafted, amended ) was compiled and categorised and published in one document.

Finally constituents can now ask their Member of Parliament of the status of each legislation that has not been studied neither voted!

Finally we Lebanese citizens can now know Which Member of Parliament has presented which law, draft law or project law.

the big data collection was undertaken by the NCLW and published in 2013. the compilation is available online for download at the E-portal Publication center http://e-portal.nclw.org.lb/getattachment/bfc56361-71c6-47b8-abf6-f342a330bc58/legal-study-final-PDF.pdf.aspx

For the researchers and activists and other interested in the topics here is a snapshot of the table of content :

For the others here is the pdf file you can download from here to : Legislation law draft law proposal related to women rights in Lebanon 2000 2013

 rita chemaly



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in Lebanon we need a law that protects women from the family violence!!

we need a law that criminalize forced sexual relations,

the law that passed today is a First Good step towards women rights, but We as Women in Lebanon need a Full Step!!!

Rita Chemaly

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Today is a big day for women in Lebanon.

we as women are watching carefully the actions that will be done by the parliamentarians in the so long and waited General Assembly.

1- will they vote for the extension of the Maternity leave period from 49 days to 70 days for working mothers in Lebanon? (amendment of articles 28-29 from the Labor Law?)

2- Will they vote for the extension of the maternity leave period from 60 days to 70 days for working mothers employees in the public sector in Lebanon?? (Amendment of article 38 of law 112 of employees in the public sector?)

3- will they vote for the Law protecting women from domestic violence in the form presented by the Women NGOs of Lebanon mainly Kafa?  

If not, I , Rita Chemaly as a lebanese citizen won’t vote for them anymore!

isn’t it their job to legiferate?

No laws, No vote!

Rita Chemaly


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