
Posts Tagged ‘securite sociale’

Lebanese Mothers: Missing Their Babies

Lebanon currently has one of the shortest maternity leave periods in the world, offering only 49 days off work for new mothers. (Photo: Marwan Bu Haidar)

By: Chloe Benoist

Published Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A draft law addressing maternity leave is set to be presented in the upcoming fall Parliamentary session, aiming to lengthen time off work for new mothers. However, mothers, doctors and activists are saying it’s still not enough.

Lebanon currently has one of the shortest maternity leave periods in the world, offering only 49 days off work for new mothers. This embarrassing record is beaten only by Bahrain and the UAE, who both allow 45 days of recuperation after childbirth. A current draft law to increase the maternity leave to ten weeks is set to be presented in front of the Parliament in the upcoming months. However, it still falls short of the minimum 14 weeks recommended by the International Labor Organization.

The proposal, presented by MPs Gilberte Zwein of the Free Patriotic Movement and Michel Moussa of the Amal Movement Parliamentary Bloc, has already been approved by the Women and Children Committee, the Public Health, Labor and Social Affairs Committee and the Justice and Administration Commission. The proposal was also given the green light by Prime Minister Najib Mikati in April. For Moussa, the draft law represents “an acceptable step forward for both mothers and employers.”

But what might seem an acceptable compromise for politicians is far from sufficient for those directly affected by the law. For Jinane Khashouf, a 31-year-old human resources consultant and creator of a blog entitled Lebanese Working Moms, it was a struggle to conciliate work with the responsibility of caring for a newborn.



Khashouf said she was “lucky” that her now five-year old daughter was born in the summer while she was working as a teacher, hence giving her two and a half months off. However, she only had the seven-week long maternity leave after the birth of her son two years ago.

“It was not enough,” she said. “You want to go back to your daily life, but you are not ready: you are still breastfeeding, the baby is awake most of the time, but the show must go on.” Khashouf added that if it hadn’t been for her mother being able to take care of her youngest child while she was in the office, she would simply have chosen not to have a second child.

The pressure of balancing a career with motherhood is heightened by the fear of many women that they will be replaced at work, and this despite the existing law which prohibits the firing or women who are pregnant or on maternity leaves. “The law might say many things, but it is not always respected,” Khashouf said, noting that she knows of several women who were unlawfully dismissed from their jobs during or right after their pregnancy.

While hailing the draft proposal as progress, obstetrician Souha Nasreddine emphasized the need to aim higher, citing the negative health concerns a short maternity leave might entail.

“Having time off work to care for your newborn is not a benefit, it’s a need,” she stressed. She recommended a minimum of three months off, while noting that it is highly preferable for mothers to breastfeed until the age of six months. Unfortunately, working hours and a persistent taboo concerning breast pumps at work has meant that many mothers have had to stop breastfeeding their children much earlier than they would have liked.



According to Nasreddine, forcing mothers to get back to work so quickly also has a psychological effect on the newborn child. “The bonding during the first six months of a baby’s life is important for personality building,” she said, estimating that children separated too early from their mothers have a tendency to be more agitated, anxious and insecure.

The slow pace of reform also has some activists worried that Lebanon will continue to lag behind on international rights standards for decades. The former president of the League for Lebanese Women’s Rights, Linda Matar, recalled the last time the maternity leave law was updated twelve years ago, when private sector employees were granted nine extra days, finally on par with their public sector counterparts’ 49 days off. “It made no sense,” Matar said, referring to the old status quo. “Childbirth is the same, regardless of your place of employment.”

Additionally, while employers could previously legally fire women before their fifth month of pregnancy, women have been fully protected from termination of employment during the entire duration of their pregnancy and subsequent time off since 2000 – at least, according to the law.

Although they recognize the limitations of the current draft law, those who contributed to it highlighted the fact that this proposal represents the best possible outcome of negotiations between the feminist movement and economic actors. Rita Chemaly, a blogger and activist who also works at the National Commission for Lebanese Women, noted that while the commission initially hoped for a 12-week maternity leave, there was resistance from employers against extending the leave so dramatically.



However, Chemaly said she was hopeful. “I feel pretty confident that this law will pass,” she said. “This is not a polarizing subject. It transcends communitarianism and will benefit all women.” The fact that the proposal has already been approved by three parliamentary commissions strengthened her belief.

While Moussa shared Chemaly’s optimism about the proposal’s potential to pass, he did have a word of caution. “There is a chance that the current political tensions could negatively affect the outcome of the vote,” he noted. “We will have to see how the discussions go.”

For Matar, the relegation of this law to the backburner wouldn’t be anything new. She has been advocating for around sixty years trying to improve conditions for women in the country, and said that time and time again, progress is stifled by political paralysis.

“We are always told ‘now is not the time,’ whether we are at peace or at war,” she said. “Well, if not now, when? Women’s issues are always forgotten because they are not supported by the government.”

But more importantly than legal change, many agreed that Lebanon needs a drastic change in mentality regarding its perception of working mothers. For many women, being a stay-at-home mom is no longer an option the way it was a generation or two ago.



“Many women work because they have to work – otherwise they would simply switch to part-time jobs,” Khashouf said. “Quitting your job also means losing a huge part of your identity. We need to find options that work for everyone.”

Zeina Ibrahim, an office manager, agreed. “Working mothers have a lot of pressure in our society,” she said. “There is that expectation that you should give up your job, and that you are a bad mother if you don’t.”

Ibrahim changed jobs after giving birth to her son because of the long hours at her previous place of work, which made it impossible for her to be there for her child. Yet, she never considered giving up working altogether, knowing it would be very hard to find work again.

Another factor often cited as making life more difficult for working mothers is the lack of involvement of fathers in day-to-day childcare. For Chemaly, a paternity leave would be a great step for families to bond, “but there must be a change of mentality. People need to stop thinking it is a shame for a man to change a diaper before we can even think of passing a law.”

Nasreddine summarized the imperative to keep aiming higher and not relegate mothers’ rights as “simply” a women’s issue: “Working mothers need real support, and it’s not only for them, it’s for the whole society. Everybody needs to remember that they are not doing this simply for their own benefit; they are raising the country’s next generation.”

soruce: http://english.al-akhbar.com/content/lebanese-mothers-missing-their-babies

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Apres l’accord donné par la Commission des femmes et de l’enfance, une deuxieme commission parlementaire a donne son accord a l’amendement des articles 28-29 du Code du travail libanais et l’article 38 de celui des fonctionnaires. c’est La Commission de la  Justice et de l’Administration, presidee par le Depute Robert Ghanem….

Le but de l’amendement est de prolonger le Conge maternite de 7 a 10 semaines.

un ptit pas pour avancer les droits des femmes, dans l’attente de la ratification finale dans l’assemblee pleiniere et des 12 semaines stipulees dans les conventions internationales (ILO) et d’un conge paternite qui donnerait un role au papa dans l’education des enfants….

rita Chemaly

رفعت لجنة الادارة والعدل اجازة الامومة الى عشرة اسابيع خلال جلسة ترأسها امس النائب روبير غانم.
ومعلوم ان الاجازة كانت محددة بسبعة أسابيع، وقال غانم انه “تمّ تعديل المادتين 28 و29 من قانون العمل والمادة 38 من المرسوم الاشتراعي المتعلق بالموظفين، بحيث تكون هذه الاجازة سارية على الجميع”.

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plusieurs sites internet gouvernementaux sont pirates ce matin, par un parti qui se nomme “Raise Your Voice”  ,

Dont le site de la présidence libanaise, du ministère de la justice, des douanes,….

les pirates ont promis de continuer de pirater les sites du gouvernement, tant que celui ci ne s’attache pas a défendre les droits des citoyens….

a vous la capture d’écran prise d’un des sites pirates!

Rita Chemaly

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for all those who want to work legally in Beirut, here are the steps to follow, as my dad has a compagny, I am also helping him in the financial accounting part, so each year we have to go get papers ( formal forms to fill) and by Liban post, posting them to the ministry of finance, and here how we can work legally in leb! the great post is from This is Beirut, Rita!

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نرى أنفسنا كمجموعة نسوية جزء لا يتجزأ من كل حراك مدني ومستقل عن أطراف السلطة، خاصة وإن حمل هذا الحراك شعارات نراها من مبادئنا الأساسية والتي نناضل من أجلها كالمساواة، العلمانية والعدالة الاجتماعية. لقد آن الأوان لكي نتحرك كمواطنين ومواطنات، وكعاملين وعاملات حرمنا لسنوات طوال من أبسط حقوقنا الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية. على الرغم من ذلك، لطالما كان لدينا كامل الإدراك أن السلطة الذكورية مترسخة بالنظام الطائفي الذي يغذيها فنتعرض لاضطهاد مزدوج على الأصعدة السياسية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية لأننا أولاً نساء، وثانيًا لأننا رعايا لا مواطنات، ولأننا عاملات نُحرم من أبسط حقوقنا الاقتصادية. ولأن النظام الطائفي الذكوري يسخر نفسه لأصحاب المال، يقصينا من مواقع القرار، فيمنع بالتالي أن يكون لدينا المقدرة على التصرف بمواردنا ويحرمنا الأمن والأمان داخل المنزل وخارجه. لذلك كما اتخذنا الشارع في 14 كانون الثاني لنرفض الاغتصاب الذي يشرعه ويسهله النظام الذي نعيش في ظله، سننزل إلى الشارع لندعو إلى نظام يحمينا كنساء، كمواطنات وكعاملات. ولنا أن نتذكر في هذا المجال أن لا عدالة ممكنة لنا كنساء خاصة، من دون قوانين مدنية موحدة لجميع المواطنين وعدالة اجتماعية تضمن لنا خدمات صحية، وأجور عادلة وضرائب عادلة وغيره. نريد كمواطنات أولا وكنساء ثانياً أن نرى التغيير في بنية هذا النظام لصالح قوانين مدنية موحدة للجميع من أحوال شخصية إلى زواج وانتخاب وغيره. نريد أن يكون لنا حقوق متساوية للرجل في مختلف الميادين، في الأسرة والمجتمع، في السياسة وسوق العمل. وأخيراً نريد أن نضم صوتنا إلى أصوات النساء العربيات من المحيط إلى الخليج لنهتف سويا “حرية” و”عدالة اجتماعية”. لنستعيد الشوارع في ذكرى الصرخة الأولى ضد النظام الطائفي التي انطلقت السنة الماضية من أجل المساواة، العلمانية والعدالة الاجتماعية. لننضم إلى التحرك يوم 26 شباط 2012 عند الساعة 3:00 من بعد الظهر انطلاقا من الدورة وصولا إلى شركة الكهرباءنرى أنفسنا كمجموعة نسوية جزء لا يتجزأ من كل حراك مدني ومستقل عن أطراف السلطة، خاصة وإن حمل هذا الحراك شعارات نراها من مبادئنا الأساسية والتي نناضل من أجلها كالمساواة، العلمانية والعدالة الاجتماعية. لقد آن الأوان لكي نتحرك كمواطنين ومواطنات، وكعاملين وعاملات حرمنا لسنوات طوال من أبسط حقوقنا الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية. على الرغم من ذلك، لطالما كان لدينا كامل الإدراك أن السلطة الذكورية مترسخة بالنظام الطائفي الذي يغذيها فنتعرض لاضطهاد مزدوج على الأصعدة السياسية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية لأننا أولاً نساء، وثانيًا لأننا رعايا لا مواطنات، ولأننا عاملات نُحرم من أبسط حقوقنا الاقتصادية. ولأن النظام الطائفي الذكوري يسخر نفسه لأصحاب المال، يقصينا من مواقع القرار، فيمنع بالتالي أن يكون لدينا المقدرة على التصرف بمواردنا ويحرمنا الأمن والأمان داخل المنزل وخارجه. لذلك كما اتخذنا الشارع في 14 كانون الثاني لنرفض الاغتصاب الذي يشرعه ويسهله النظام الذي نعيش في ظله، سننزل إلى الشارع لندعو إلى نظام يحمينا كنساء، كمواطنات وكعاملات. ولنا أن نتذكر في هذا المجال أن لا عدالة ممكنة لنا كنساء خاصة، من دون قوانين مدنية موحدة لجميع المواطنين وعدالة اجتماعية تضمن لنا خدمات صحية، وأجور عادلة وضرائب عادلة وغيره. نريد كمواطنات أولا وكنساء ثانياً أن نرى التغيير في بنية هذا النظام لصالح قوانين مدنية موحدة للجميع من أحوال شخصية إلى زواج وانتخاب وغيره. نريد أن يكون لنا حقوق متساوية للرجل في مختلف الميادين، في الأسرة والمجتمع، في السياسة وسوق العمل. وأخيراً نريد أن نضم صوتنا إلى أصوات النساء العربيات من المحيط إلى الخليج لنهتف سويا “حرية” و”عدالة اجتماعية”. لنستعيد الشوارع في ذكرى الصرخة الأولى ضد النظام الطائفي التي انطلقت السنة الماضية من أجل المساواة، العلمانية والعدالة الاجتماعية. لننضم إلى التحرك يوم 26 شباط 2012 عند الساعة 3:00 من بعد الظهر انطلاقا من الدورة وصولا إلى شركة الكهرباء

For more information visit Nasawiya’s page.

Laicite, egalite, justice sociale

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Hakki met…. Do you know hakki?

A handful of  protesters, met today at noon thirty in front of the general directorate of the Lebanese ministry of health…. they were chanting: “Hakki met hakki met… ala bweb el mestachfetyet“…

Protest in of the General directorate of the Ministry of Health in Lebanon ( old building on the left)

The general directorate is an old building near the Lebanese university, and the Museum square;  The offices can easily get unnoticed, there are just 2 small signs on the balcony of the directorate;

The protesters are those who prepared the “hakki 3layi” campaign, my colleagues of CRTD.A joined them, especially the ACGEN team ( the one who launched the campaign for health and education for all);

The protestors voiced out their frustration with the health care system in Lebanon : there is No health care system in Lebanon;

“Hakki met hakki met”…. 3ala bweb el moustachfayet”  Hakki is the arabic word of my right, and the protesters were chanting : ” my right is dead my right is dead… at the doors of hospitals”

The protesters chanted their demands, while standing near the “dummy” dead skeleton of Lebanese people who died because they were not allowed to be hospitalized ;

Protesters demanding a complete health strategy covering all lebanese

Yes, in Lebanon if an individual doesn’t have a proper health private insurance, or is rich enough to pay the hospitalization fees, it is very difficult to be admitted in the urgency;

As the slogans shows: the protesters highlighted the importance of health, the problem that many Lebanese have: they are indebted because of the health services they want; or they go to their political leader, and ask him ( usually he is a him) for a recommendation, and that causes the problem of “clientelism” in Lebanon;

One of the slogans that caught my eye was: your political leader is not your doctor…

za3imak mannou tabibak... Your political leader is not your doctor

The demands of the protesters were clear: the economical situation Lebanon is witnessing, is because of years of bad economical policies and strategies;

The protesters distributed a pamphlet were they explain that is it unacceptable to have more than 50% of Lebanese citizens without free health care, and it is unacceptable to have people dying because they were not admitted in the Lebanese hospitals ….

Lebanese people are not begging, they Want their rights!…

The minister of health Ali Hajj Hassan came down, and addressed the protesters,

He highlighted the fact that their demands are legitimate, and the Health should be a Right to all,

when the protesters said that they don’t have faith and confidence in him, and he is taking too much time to finish his health strategy,

he answered that with the governemnt, he was searching on how he can make sure that the taxation system can be more fair, how he can cover up the health expenses,

and he promised them to work asap on finishing the strategy for a health care for all, and submit it to the parliament for voting,

Lebanese health minister ALi hajj hassan hearing the protesters demands

Minister Ali Hajj Hassan addressing the protesters and promising to finish the policy offering free health care to all Lebanese

while waiting for the policy to change,

I hope that the Lebanese people take good care of themselves, specially with the bad weather Lebanon is witnessing,  they shouldn’t be sick, sickness is expensive in Lebanon, Very expensive.

Rita a Lebanese citizen, that is not insured, and hoping that the state of law will cover her or her family sicknesses ( la samaha allah)!

some pictures taken during the event:

One of the protesters adressing the people on the balcony of the ministry of health, asking them to come down and hear the screams of the lebanese

I don't have social security... I am an irregular worker

Minister Ali Hajj Hassan addressing the protesters

Demands of the collective action " a minute of death" in front of the ministry of health in lebanon

gathered around the skeleton representing lebanese who died because of the lack of health care

The money is spent for clientelism....

Collective action: skeleton on the side walks of the lebanese roads

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Below are 3 articles covering the progress made in UAE: children of women married to foreigner can now ask for the nationality of their mothers;

this step is needed in Lebanon: Lebanese women married to no-lebanese, cannot transmit their nationality to their families.

With the actual law, Lebanon is not complying to his Constitution, or ratified international docs!

treating lebanese women and their families as citizens,  is a need to fulfill equality and to build a State of Law …

DOHA, DECEMBER 1 – Progress has been made in the field of equal rights for men and women in the United Arab Emirates. From now on, the children of female citizens of the UAE married to foreigners will be able to acquire their mothers’ nationality, due to a law recently approved by the federation.

According to the new law, at age 18 the children of an UAE mother and a foreign father can request their mother’s nationality as well as enjoy the same rights of UAE citizens even before reaching the required age for the official request.

So reports The Peninsula, a daily paper in Qatar, where this equal right has not yet been recognised but on which a wide-ranging debate has begun. ”I would like all Gulf countries, including Qatar, to establish a law like that of the UAE,” said Moza Al Malki, Qatari psychologist cited by the newspaper. The extension to mothers of the right to hand down their nationality to their children, as well as giving more rights to women, makes it possible to increase the number of citizens of the countries belonging to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), who are still a minority compared with the foreign community. In Qatar, for example, Qatar nationals total only 20% of the overall population, compared with 80% of foreigners without the chance for naturalisation. According to Sheikha Al Jefairi, the sole female member of Qatar’s Central Municipal Council, the country has a law which recognises the same rights to the children of Qatari women married to foreigners, but not the right to hold a Qatari passport. But however close the Qatari law comes to that of the UAE, it is not applied. ”I urge the authorities appointed by the Emit to take measures on the issue, ensuring that this law is enforced and that it has immediate binding effects,” said Al Jefairi. Qatar’s National Human Rights Committee has also taken a position on the issue and is putting pressure on the government. (ANSAmed).

UAE decision on nationality law highlights need for new approach
As the United Arab Emirates became the eighth Arab state to grant equal nationality rights to women Wednesday, campaigners in Lebanon warn the domestic struggle still has some way to go.

Currently, Lebanese women who marry foreigners can’t pass their nationality onto their children, unlike Lebanese men. Activists have been campaigning on the issue for years, having first presented a draft law to Parliament in 2005.

Ghida Anani, founder and director of Abaad, a Beirut-based regional gender research center, said the UAE decision might give some encouragement to other Arab countries, but that Lebanon was a very different scenario.

“Here we have the issue of the Palestinians, of confessionalism, and of quotas,” said Anani.

Many believe the introduction of the law would lead to the naturalization of Palestinian refugees married to Lebanese women, however a U.N. study showed in 2010 that only 18,000 Lebanese women had married non-Lebanese men between 1995 and 2008.

The campaign in Lebanon, Anani believes, needs a fresh approach.

“The campaign is losing momentum. I sense there is frustration and activists are not pushing hard enough on decision-makers.

“We need new and concrete arguments,” Anani added. “Politicians must be lobbied.”

Metn MP Ghassan Moukheiber, a member of Parliament’s Human Rights Committee who has publicly supported the nationality campaign for years, agrees that the struggle needs a new angle.

“We must find a solution to this problem, but this will only happen if we have a dialogue which addresses the concerns and fears of the people and the parliamentarians,” he said.

“We need to sit down with the key players and conduct straight talk about how we can improve the lives of Lebanese women,” he said. “We need to discuss the problems that no one wants to talk about publicly.”

Lina Abou Habib, executive director of the Collective for Research and Training on Development – Action, a Beirut-based regional gender equality center, sees encouragement in September’s decision by Labor Minister Charbel Nahhas to grant the right to work to the non-Lebanese spouses and children of Lebanese women.

CRTD is continuing to lobby MPs to study the draft law and is also conducting an extensive study on the daily ramifications that the absence of such a law has on the lives of Lebanese women.

The center is also encouraging Lebanese women to “be more vocal in demanding their rights. To consider what are the potentials and possibilities of active citizenship,” Habib said.

“I do believe there are solutions to these problems,” Moukheiber said, “We just need to find them.”

Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Local-News/2011/Dec-02/155801-uae-decision-on-nationality-law-highlights-need-for-new-approach.ashx#ixzz1fMzpmQ8C
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

(AFP) – 1 day ago

ABU DHABI — The United Arab Emirates announced Wednesday that children of Emirati women married to foreigners could apply for citizenship once they turned 18, moving closer to giving women the same nationality rights as men.

President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahayan decreed that the “children of women citizens married to foreigners should be treated as citizens,” WAM state news agency reported.

In the move, the children are to get the “right to apply for citizenship when they reach 18,” it added.

Most Arab countries link nationality to blood relation from the father’s side, disenfranchising women who face various forms of gender discrimination across the region.

Tunisia had for a long time been the only country that gave men and women equal nationality rights with few other countries responding to continued campaigns for the regulation to be changed.

But in 2005, Algeria amended its nationality law, giving women the right to pass citizenship to their foreign husbands and children.

In 2007, Morocco said the children of Moroccan women will automatically get the nationality, while foreign husbands can demand the citizenship after five years of marriage and residency in the country.

Egypt followed suit giving women the right to pass their citizenship to their children.

The campaign continues in many other Arab countries…

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voila le message que j’ai recu de Miriam,

” Salut a tous!

Je vous ecris parce que comme d’habitude vous etes ceux à qui je pense en premier dès qu’il s’agit de faire qqchose pour ce pays..

Je travaille depuis le printemps dernier avec un groupe de jeunes, tous n’appartenant à aucun parti, dans une action qui se veut ‘citoyenne’ (dans une mentalité ni ONG ni partis..), qui tente de travailler sur le changement du régime, mais le changement de base, la politique de base, cad replacer dans le discours et l’activité politique les definitions de citoyen en lien avec un un etat,de droits,d’obligation, d’espace public, de demande de compte etc…

Nous avons determiné que pour nous le changement du régime peut etre declenché par 4 pilliers: l’education, les droits sociaux (pr liberer le citoyen du besoin du za3im), les droits individuels (pour accentuer sur l’existence du sujet-personne à cote de la communauté), et les institutions (indépendance des pouvoirs, loi électorale etc…)


Quand la dernière affaire des salaires a surgi dans le pays, nous n’avons pas pu rester à l’ecart


Nous travaillons depuis pour lancer qque chose, autour des droits sociaux en general axé sur la connaissance:

“Pourquoi les prix sont-ils tellement élevés au Liban? Pourquoi les impôts sont-ils prélevés a 80% des factures consommation? Pourquoi n’y a-t-il pas de sécurité sociale pour tous?! Pourquoi n’y a-t-il pas de transport en commun? Pourquoi doit-on attendre au moins 2 ans avant le 1er emploi après la fac? Pourquoi la femme enceinte risque-t-elle son emploi? Pourquoi plus de 80% des handicapés sont-ils sans emploi?”

et surtout sur l’action à entreprendre pour les obtenir, nous ne voulons pas seulement ‘nne2’

Nous lancons ce samedi 3 dec au theatre babel de hamra, la campagne ‘hakki 3aleyi’ ( c a moi de lutter pour obtenir mes droits)

La rencontre comprendra l’intervention de 3 experts: kamal hamdan (expert eco), nizar saghiyeh (avocat) et jad chaaban (prof d’eco a aub), ainsi que de jeunes concernes, et tentera de lancer une premiere serie d’actions, ainsi qu’un groupe de travail sur une plus longue periode

en attaché le poster de l’evenement

Je vous attend! et pour ceux qui ne sont pas au Liban de le dire à vos amis!”


en souhaitant bonne chance a cette initiative,

Je vous transmet aussi le poster… Ambitieux


le Poster ambitieux de Hakki 3layyi

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the No Rights No Women campaign was launched last year during the international women’s day 8 March 2011….

since then…. so many things happened… or Not….

for you this video sums up the main key challenges

Rita Chemaly... a Lebanese Women



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Hello les amies/s pour garder un oeil sur les progres et defis auquels font face les femmes dans la region du Monde Arabe, a vous un article de par Fatima Outaleb, du Maroc.

Rita Chemaly!

Selon une étude récente réalisée par le Haut Commissariat au plan du Royaume du Maroc, l’institut national des statistiques, 68% des femmes marocaines ont subi des violences domestiques et 48% ont été victimes d’abus psychologiques.

C’est un chiffre choquant qui permet de mettre en évidence combien il y a encore à accomplir pour les droits des femmes. Mais la nouvelle encourageante est que, au cours des vingt dernières années, les diverses associations féminines du Maroc sont parvenues à faire basculer ce problème, jusqu’alors cantonné à la sphère privée, sur le devant de la scène publique et à en faire une question politique.

Les associations pour la promotion des droits des femmes ont commencé à apparaître au cours des années 90 afin de sensibiliser les gens aux problèmes alarmants de violences et de discriminations subies par les femmes et afin de faire évoluer la situation.

La loi de la famille, dont la première version date de 1957, permettait le mariage de très jeunes femmes et précisait que la charge de la preuve incombait aux victimes de violences domestiques si elles souhaitaient utiliser cet argument afin d’obtenir le divorce. La loi stipulait également qu’une femme souhaitant le divorce pouvait être forcée par le juge à retourner vivre auprès de son mari, même si celle-ci avait tenté de le quitter. De cette façon la violence à l’encontre des femmes marocaines était « légitimée ».

Changer cette réalité était alors devenu la priorité des mouvements féminins au Maroc. Afin d’accomplir quelques réformes, les groupes de défense des droits des femmes ont organisé des tables rondes, des pétitions et des ateliers afin d’analyser puis de modifier la législation.

L’une de ces campagnes, emmenée en 1992 par l’Union de l’action féminine (UAF), appelait à réformer en faveur des femmes le très conservateur code du statut personnel marocain (droit de la famille ou Moudawana) et cherchait à sensibiliser l’opinion publique sur l’augmentation du nombre d’incidents violents à l’égard des femmes, fait qui n’avait pas été explicitement reconnu par le gouvernement ni même par le grand public.

En 1993, la pétition de l’UAF a abouti à un amendement du code du statut personnel. L’un des changements principaux était que la femme avait acquis le droit de choisir son tuteur, un parent de sexe masculin en charge de signer le contrat de mariage au nom de la femme. Auparavant les femmes n’avaient pas voix au chapitre. Grâce à cette révision un mariage ne pouvait plus avoir lieu sans au minimum le consentement indirect de la femme.

Bien que ces actions n’aient introduit que des changements mineurs en ce qui concerne les droits des femmes dans le pays, elles ont au moins le mérite d’avoir porté ces problèmes sur le devant de la scène publique.

En 2002, le ministre des Affaires féminines, un poste crée en 1998, a mis en place une stratégie nationale, en partenariat avec des organisations féminines, afin de combattre les violences faites à l’encontre des femmes. Depuis lors, chaque année, en collaboration avec le ministère du développement, de la famille et de la solidarité, une campagne nationale est organisée pour promouvoir la mise en place de mesures et de mécanismes permettant la protection des femmes contre le harassement sexuel et la violence domestique.

Suite à ces actions, la problématique des violences faites aux femmes a reçu l’attention des leaders politiques et du public en général. Beaucoup de départements gouvernementaux ont depuis créé des unités pour la promotion de l’approche genre. En 2006, afin d’améliorer l’égalité des chances, le Maroc a adopté un « gender responsive budgeting » (GRB) (budgétisation sensible au genre : planification, programmation et budget mis en place par un gouvernement et qui contribuent à l’avancement de l’égalité des genres et au respects des droits des femmes) ce qui a permis d’aborder la promotion des droits des femmes avec des plans et des actions au niveau national.

En signant la Convention sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l’égard des femmes (CEDAW) de l’ONU en 1993, le gouvernement marocain a entrepris des mesures afin d’harmoniser ses lois nationales avec les dispositions du CEDAW. Entre 2002 et 2007, il a réformé le code du statut personnel encore plus en profondeur, ainsi que le code du travail, le code pénal et le code de la nationalité marocaine qui, après révision, permettait aux femmes de passer leur nationalité à leurs enfants.

De plus, la Constitution a été amendée en juin 2011 afin de régler la suprématie des lois internationales en matière de genres sur les lois nationales.

Sous la pression intense de la société civile, le Maroc s’est engagé à mettre en place une législation nationale afin de mettre fin à la violence faite aux femmes et afin de travailler à la mise en oeuvre des accords internationaux y relatifs.

L’année passée, une coalition baptisée le Printemps de la dignité, comprenant 22 organisations féminines, a soumis un mémorandum au ministre de la justice comprenant des suggestions d’amendements au code pénal. Le souci de cette coalition est que le code ne punit pas les violeurs. En fait, selon le code pénal, aussi bien le violeur que la victime peuvent être considérés coupables d’incitation à la prostitution, particulièrement si la victime est âgée de plus de 18 ans, quelques soient les circonstances, comme par exemple si la femme est victime de la traite humaine, ce qui devrait requérir des considérations spéciales et un traitement particulier.

Les groupes féminins sont parfaitement conscients que les réformes du code de la famille, du code pénal, du code du travail et du code de la nationalité marocaine n’auraient pu avoir lieu sans l’étroite collaboration de toutes les parties prenantes et sans une forte mobilisation des différentes organisations féminines. Et bien que quelques-uns cherchent à entraver les progrès de la démocratie et des droits des femmes, le Maroc s’est engagé sur la voie d’une avancée majeure. Un amendement récent au code pénal, qui légalise l’avortement sous certaines conditions, est un autre des symboles d’espoir pour les femmes marocaines.

Nous savons que le parcours vers la justice sociale est encore long et qu’il y a encore beaucoup à accomplir, mais si les organisations féminines continuent leurs actions avec la même conviction et le même engagement que ceux démontrés au cours des vingt dernières années, elles finiront par atteindre leur but et s’assureront ainsi que les générations futures seront à même de jouir de leurs droits, quelque soit leur sexe.


*Fatima Outaleb est membre du conseil d’administration de l’Union de l’action féminine (UAF) au Maroc. Article rédigé pour le Service de presse de Common Ground (CGNews).

Source : Service de presse de Common Ground (CGNews), 11 novembre 2011, http://www.commongroundnews.org

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عامود الكهرباء متهاوي  يهدد حياة  زوّار بيروت كل يوم  على جسر الدورا

اين الصيانة ومن يسهر على سلامة السكان والمواطنين؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

الجسر المعروف بمدخل بيروت الشمالي

كالعديد من الناس كل يوم و منذ عدة اشهر ارى و انتظر ان تعمل البلدية، ام شركة الكهرباء الى صيانة عامود الكهرباء المتهاوي الذي يهدد حياة العديد من سكّان  لبنان وزوّار بيروت

لكم جميعا هذه الصور ان لم تروا ام تشاهدوا هذا العامود واتم /انتن تدخلون الى بيروت على جسر الدورا

الم يلاحظ المسؤولون عن سلامة الناس الكارثة التي يمكن ان تقع في الدورا اذا تعثرت السيارات في عامود الاضاءة المنطفئ والمتهاوي؟؟؟؟ !!!؟؟؟؟؟

يمر تحت هذا الجسر والعامود المتهاوي: السيارات، الباصات التي تنقل الطلبة، المارة، الشاحنات الخ

من المسؤول اذا وقع العمود على السيارات والمارة؟

المواطنة ريتا الشمالي

Rita Chemaly Picture of Electrical Street Lighting Column in Beirut Dora's Bridge Lebanon

The Electrical street Lighting column in Dora ...an upcoming disaster

Street Lighting in Lebanon is off and can occur with casualties if it falls on cars or people

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L’Institut des Sciences Politiques de l’universite Saint -Joseph a ouvert le Master en Sciences Politiques avec de nouvelles options:

Une option Communication et Marketing Politique (preparant des specialistes  et experts en communication politique et campagnes electorales).

Une option “Politique exterieure et Cooperation internationale ” (preparant a la recherche, a l’enseignement et a la consultation publique et privée)

Une option “Droits de L’Homme et Démocratisation” avec pour objet les processus de transition, (Preparant les specialistes parmi les fonctionnaires publics, les responsables d’ONG, les missions de suivi et de monitoring de la situation des droits de l’homme, et les consultants en matiere de transition.)

a tous(tes)  les interessé(es) n’hesitez pas a consulter le site de sciences Po Liban ou d’appeler les numeros figurant sur la fiche ci dessous.


Les nouvelles options du Master de L'Institut des Sciences Politiques

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You remember my article about my “sirlankiye is philippino“?

or Children crying when the maid is travelling, and waving with big smiles when supposed to be ” mums” do???

you remember the action taken because many of the domestic workers in Lebanon are abused??

They work 24 h a day, they DONT have a day off, If they do they are allowed for half a day at the house of the pple they work for,

the OWNERS!!

they are usually LOCKED in the houses, yes “walaw rita, they can run off with our jewlery and money!?” ” Bi ayaa deneh 3aysheh!?” ( in what country are you living?

Dears, the domestic workers issue is not ONLY a Lebanese one, it is also reiterate in DUBAI, S.Arabia, Syria, …..

The poor girls or guys, usually those are girls coming from poor countries like Ethiopia, Madagascar, Sirlanka, Philippine,

they are not used to the big houses Lebanese have, or the 2 or 3 houses each owner has, and one poor girl has to clean, I forgot they also need to do the grocery, prepare the lunch and clean after the owners eat, drink, or have a fiesta and late dinner. Walking the dog and waiting for the children coming back from school, and No RYEHAA is needed, walaw the owner treats “her” well” they pay her a salary of 150$ to 300# a month!!! rita!!! walaw! we need her!

It is THEIR DUTY not TO SLEEP before the owners ( my dog can sleep before me) not the Domestic worker I own ( TAB3ITEH, BETJANINE, NDIFEH, MRATTABEH…. Men khalliss el sahra w hiyeh bet dobb)

Usually they also eat the leftovers, ( rita, this is normal!! walaw?!)

they Have to Know how to make the tabbouleh, fattouch, clean the house, clean the dishes and the floor as their owner want…..

they have to come from those poor countries and know already everything!! walaw ma bi rouho 3a madrasseh??

sometimes they also work at the owner’s sister and brother place…..

I haven’t finished….

Some people accept to have a domestic worker and they treat them well, I know, Not all people do not know how to treat a human being, but, what we are witnessing is a Horror. and this Horror is a Horror… oups am I repeating my self?? euno it s not only a discrimination, w equality w bla bla bla it is a horror… again 🙂 or should I cry? 😦

The LAW of Labor in Lebanon DOESN’T cover those poor little and old domestic workers.

It is CLEARLY Stipulated that the law of labor and work in Lebanon doesn’t cover them….

There is NOT one Single rule or circular that PROTECT THEM from the hormones and nerves of their owners ( excuse my language and my subjectivity)

I read this article published in the daily star…. I wont comment on it….

It is good to have a clear vision and contract ACCEPTED by both parties ( D.W and Owners) Translated in the language of the D.W too!!!

It is important to train the D.W on their duties before passing the nerves on them ( YIII Shou ma btefham shi… walaw shou mahabbleh);

It is important for any family middle class or not, to Understand that not all people Know and understand arabic or the ” englished-lebanesed with french”…..

again…. I ll keep you reading the article of the daily star….



The making of maids: Lebanon’s first specialized training center opens

taken from the daily star Lebanon: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Local-News/2011/Jul-13/The-making-of-maids-Lebanons-first-specialized-training-center-opens.ashx#ixzz1S4ujkjeI

Many of Lebanon’s domestic workers, who flock to the country in their tens of thousands each year to clean and look after households, arrive unprepared for the task at hand and unaware of their rights.

This has left countless workers open to abuse and exploitation – a problem civil society groups and governmental agencies have sought to eradicate for years, without much success.

However, while much-needed legal enforcement seems a long way off, a practical solution has now emerged, promising to address some of the abuses by bridging the gap between agency employer and employee.

Lebanon’s first maid training center, The House Keeper Training Academy, opened its doors this week, and will be the only independent provider of training to incoming workers, who arrive from places as distant as Nepal and Sub-Saharan Africa.

“Most people have some kind of problem with their maid but there is one simple solution to this and that is knowledge,” said center founder and director, Rachid Beydoun.

“We will train them how to clean all the different rooms in the house and how to deal with different types of materials, products and electronic devices they find in the home.”

The Beirut-based center has been kitted out like a proper home where workers will be presented tasks like cleaning wine stains off difficult surfaces. They will also learn safety tips, such as what medicines to keep out of the reach of children and how to act appropriately with visitors, which has proved a point of contention in the past.

“These girls do not come from the same environment as us. They often have not used electronic equipment – such as hoovers – which can prove problematic for them,” said Beydoun, who hopes both agencies and employers will approach his service for help.

With just a four-day basic training, priced at $180, or an additional three-day course, starting from $90 for those looking to study more advanced aspects, including table service and food preparation, Beydoun expects to yield impressive results, stemming the return of workers to their agencies and easing worker transition into a new job.

Crucially, Ray Group – the organization behind the center – will also inform migrants of their legal rights, which permit them one day of rest each week and restrict working hours to 10 hours a day, while following up all course attendees for three months to ensure they are doing well in their new post.

“This is very much a [two-way street],” said Beydoun.

“We show them their rights so that they can be more responsible.”

Preparation, however, can only alleviate part of the mistreatment and racism experienced by the 200,000 domestic migrant workers thought to be residing in Lebanon. A recent study conducted by the Lebanese Center for Human Rights estimates that 70 percent of incoming workers are deceived about the nature of their work, while according to Human Rights Watch, the overwhelming majority receives virtually no access to justice, the potent mix of which, on average, causes one maid to die by committing suicide or trying to flee from their employer each week.

While civil society groups contacted by The Daily Star seem enthusiastic about the House Keeper Training Academy in principle, they refused to hand out judgment on the scheme until the first group of recruits finishes training.

But for his part at least, Beydoun seems prepared, vowing to report any unregistered recruitment agencies, said to account for as much as 50 percent of the Lebanese market and blamed for the worst of the ill-treatment.

His center will also work to alleviate the language barrier, seen as a source of abuse, and will provide translators, in addition to booklets made by civil society group Caritas, which act as a multilingual household manual for domestic helpers.

Additionally, the team hired to train incoming workers will also consist of former domestic helpers who not only speak the same language as, but have also encountered the same challenges as the new recruits.

“I’m very excited to help the new girls and to teach them about all the different things they will have to do,” said Tala, an Ethiopian maid working in Lebanon for four years who will administer the training.

“I was lucky to have a madam who taught me everything but I can show new girls how to avoid any problems and to deal with any situation,” Tala, who declined to give her surname, said.



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L’article 14 de la loi sur la sécurité sociale au Liban, No 13955 du 26 septembre 1963, explique qui peut être enregistre à la sécurité sociale.

L’article 14 expliqueque  celui ou celle qui se sont enregistres à  la sécurité sociale peuvent aussi en faire bénéficier leur famille.

En effet, l’article 14 permet selon l’alinéa “a” de ladite loi, aux enfants qui sont enregistres dans la sécurité sociale, et dont les parents ont plus de 60 ans, ou qui ne peuvent plus travailler à cause d’une maladie physique ou mentale, de les prendre en charge et de les inscrire a leur nom a la sécurité sociale.

Pour vous la loi de la sécurité sociale au Liban en texte intégral, et je souligne en jaune le du dit article.

( référence la page 15 du document annexer en hyperlien.)

قوانين الضمان الاجتماعيloi de la securite sociale au Liban

La semaine dernière et après moult recherches, un gentil M. Hatum de la sécurité sociale a répondu au téléphone, il m’a demande de venir prendre les papiers a remplir de la sécurité sociale. J’etais allee et un autre vieux monsieur tres gentil m’a recue, et m’a donnee les formulaires, ( dernier etage de l’immeuble si je me souviens bien, il etait 12h).

les bureaux de la sécurité sociale ouvrent de 7h30 a midi. (12h) ( ils existent a Badaro dans la rue centrale, un immeuble blanc avec ascenseur, et a Dora une petite bifurcation a droite avant le pont, un immeuble des années 60-70)

pour les enfants qui veulent inscrire les parents a leur nom a la sécurité sociale, et selon les derniers papiers que j’ai pu avoir, il vous faut:

  • Du Mokhtar ( maire) une attestation du lieu de vie. ( Ifadet sakan)
  • Une attestation de travail:  ( Ifadet amal ) à  remplir le formulaire donne par la caisse nationale de la sécurité sociale au Liban, ( je vous le met en annexe ( attention ce formulaire est celui qu’on m’a donne a la secu sociale de Badaro en juillet 2011). cliquer sur le hyper lien : caisse nationale de la securite sociale attestation de travail
  • un papier pour montrer que les autres frères et soeurs ne sont pas responsables des parents. ( a faire signer par le Maire/Mokhtar) a  remplir le formulaire donne par la sécurité sociale au Liban, ( je vous le met en annexe ( attention ce formulaire est celui qu’on m’a donne a la secu sociale de badaro en juillet 2011).clicker sur le hyper lien : securite sociale attestation de prise en charge individuelle
  • Une demande d’investigation pour prendre en charge les parents; a  remplir le formulaire donne par la sécurité sociale au Liban, ( je vous le met en annexe ( attention ce formulaire est celui qu’on m’a donne a la secu sociale de badaro en juillet 2011).clicker sur le hyper lien :securite sociale investigation pour la prise en charge des parents
  • un extrait d’Etat civil familial du mokhtar qui assure du nombre de frères et soeurs. ( qui n’a pas plus de 3 mois).
  • les pièces d’identités des deux parents et de l’enfant qui veut les prendre en charge et leur copie  ( extrait d’etat civil personnel/individuel, et ou carte d’identité des membres de la famille moléculaire ( enfants et parents);

A savoir aussi: Actuellement la caisse nationale de la sécurité sociale au Liban, ne donne plus de cartons pour les enregistres a la caisse, mais une simple attestation a prendre en personne des bureaux de la sécurité sociale. N’oubliez pas de vous munir de votre carte d’identité et de votre numéro a la secu, sinon la recherche risque de prendre du temps…..

Pour plus d’informations sur la securite sociale et les médicaments couverts par la caisse nationale de la sécurité sociale au Liban: n’hésitez pas a lire mon article de la semaine dernière sur le sujet . j’y avais mis la liste des médicaments aussi. https://ritachemaly.wordpress.com/2011/06/30/la-securite-sociale-et-les-medicaments-quelle-couvre-au-liban/

Rita !  

Une citoyenne qui espère aider ceux qui veulent prendre en charge leurs parents, en mettant en ligne les derniers formulaires.

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Chers, et cheres,

pour vous aider a mieux connaitre les medicaments qui sont couverts par la securite sociale au Liban,

voila la derniere liste des medicaments que j’ai pu trouve.

sachant que j’ai essaye de multiples fois d’appeler la caisse de la securite sociale au Liban : 01-700804, mais personne ne repond apres que le repondeur automatique prenne la communication, ou le numero est TOUT le temps occupe!!!

a vous de transmettre la liste a tous vos amis et connaissances, au cas ou cela peut les aider!

medicaments couverts par la secu au Liban

Sur  ce, Bon weekend!

RITA une citoyenne qui ne prend pas comment un droit peut etre acquis au Liban….

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