
Archive for September, 2016

CALL for students and professionals:  Are you interested in electoral systems? A USJ graduate or ISP student or alumni? Are you specialized in elections? Are you an electoral practitioner? A member of an NGO specialized in elections?

Join the course on elections organised by ISP-USJ and UNDP.

intensive-3-days-course-on-elections-at-isp-usj-rita-chemalyCall for registration in the 3 Day intensive Course on Electoral Systems

Course title:              Electoral Systems: A Comparative Perspective

Dates:                         Monday to Wednesday 17-19 October 2016

Location:                   Institute of Political Sciences, USJ , Huvelin Street,  Beirut

Working language:      English

Course overview:

The course is a short, intensive and participatory learning experience for electoral practitioners and graduates interested in exploring the essentials of the structure and functions of electoral systems from a comparative international perspective, and understanding the practical use of electoral systems as instruments for inclusion, representation and delivery capacity of democratic governments.

The course will cover the following broad issues around electoral systems:

  • Electoral systems as rules of the game for elections with discussion on where the rules are embodied, the essence of democracy as a government of the people, main elements of electoral systems including formula of representation, and the relevance of the type of electoral management bodies for the working of the electoral system.
  • Electoral system families around the world with review of proportional, majority and mix systems, and the variations within each family. Comparative look at electoral systems used around the world and those in the Arab region.
  • Inclusion and representation through electoral systems with a review of demographic versus territorial representation, gender and minority representation, the inclusion of poor, illiterate and persons with disabilities in the electoral system, and dealing with electoral justice in making electoral systems effective. Linkages between the different formulas of representation with the interests of politicians and leaders.

The course involves completing three days of interactive sessions, lectures and review of country experiences; daily group work will lead to the required end of course assignment. Participants will receive a certificate of completion.

The course will be led Professor Rafael López-Pintor, a pioneer in the democracy promotion movement who has helped improve the electoral systems of more than twenty countries. He will be assisted by Wissam Lahham and Rita Chemaly from the Political Science Institute. Other professors and experts in the field will also contribute to the interactive sessions, lectures and best practice case studies, fostering innovation, creative learning and networking amongst peers.

Detailed program of the 3 days can be downloaded :


Course fees:                 100$ for USJ students, 300$ for non USJ students and professionals

For registration, send a cover email explaining why you wish to attend the course with your CV to isp@usj.edu.lb, with the subject title “registration 3 Day intensive Course on Electoral Systems” by Friday October 7 2016, at noon at the latest. ISP administration will shortlist the candidates and inform them of their successful registration by email

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to all who might interested, kindly find below the KIP /AUB call for proposals and abstracts related to discrimination and sexual harassment.

You can propose before October 30 2016: In one of the following categories:

A.    Scholarly Research: Proposal to present the findings of a research study

B.    Expert Panel Debate:  Proposal to bring together a small group of experts to debate a central question

C.    Conference Sub-theme Track: Proposal to organize your own track (i.e., a series of connected sessions) around a key question

D.    Training Workshops: Proposal to organize a skill-based training workshop

full details are in the link sent below  http://thekipproject.info/call-for-abstracts/.

Good Luck and in Solidarity

Rita Chemaly


below is the mail I received from KIP project Director:



Dear KIP Community,


In preparation for the KIP multi-disciplinary conference that will be taking place on March 31st and April 1st, 2017 at the Olayan School of Business, we are happy to announce our Call for Abstracts and Proposals focused on examining issues pertaining to Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in relation to gender and sexuality within the context of Lebanon.


The two-day conference aims at bringing together activists, students, academics, private and public sector representatives, international organization representatives, donors as well as interested members from the general public to discuss and debate multiple formulations and manifestations of sexual harassment and discrimination and chart paths and processes for advocacy, policy recommendations and change at the organizational, community and societal levels.


Throughout the conference, we hope to generate recommendations for policies, practices and theory that are informed by multiple local perspectives and that provide momentum for specific ways through which we can support each other in the implementation of positive change forward.


Based on this, the attached call invites local and international candidates across sectors and disciplines to submit proposals or abstracts by October 30, 2016 falling under one of the following four below categories:


A.    Scholarly Research: Proposal to present the findings of a research study

B.    Expert Panel Debate:  Proposal to bring together a small group of experts to debate a central question

C.    Conference Sub-theme Track: Proposal to organize your own track (i.e., a series of connected sessions) around a key question

D.    Training Workshops: Proposal to organize a skill-based training workshop


Please see full details in the Call for Abstracts and Proposals attached. The guidelines for submissions are available on the KIP website http://thekipproject.info/call-for-abstracts/.


It would be great if you would consider submitting and, if possible, circulating widely among your networks.


with best wishes







Charlotte M. Karam, PhD

Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior

Associate Dean of Programs

Director of the KIP Project
Olayan School of Business


American University of Beirut

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Trash mountains in the Land of the CEDARS? it will be soon called the land of Trash = Lebanon.

Air pollution, Water pollution, Visual Pollution…. did I forget anything?

Trash that is not recycled, trash that covers the roads we take daily to work, to school, to university and now to Hospitals.


Trash mountain on road and Pedestrian passage, and some restaurants in Jal el Dib… Sahtein! 


Beautiful Lebanon and landfill of Trash!


Welcome all to Jal El Dib ! 

Refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle is the Zero Waste strategy that each Citizen from 1 to 90 years old can execute:

less plastic

less bags

less paper and cartons

reuse and recycle!!!

as for Our problem with trash… As a pregnant women I am now confined home as I am according to my doctor very very sick!

Thanks Trash burners in Antelias and Jal-El-Dib, xoxo!

I love you, as well as all sick children , sick moms, sick ladies, sick elders!

we love to take Antibiotics in Lebanon, as well as hystamed and other allergies medicines!

Money is poured in Lebanon regarding development: I think finding pro-active solutions with all MUNICIPALITIES AND LOCAL COLLECTIVITY is a MUST!

IT TOUCHES All kind of beneficiaries …. here you go donors, you might actually do effective Change!!! and Serve many!


a mad Sick pregnant Mom again!

Rita Chemaly



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Un grand ouf, a la fin de la semaine 2 apres la rentree scolaire de mon ptit en petite section!

Invites par l’ecole pour une reunion parents des nouveaux petits avec l’administration et les profs, la reunion etait pour moi une facon de comprendre le deroulement du quotidien de jean-noel, petit ecolier de la petite section!

Revisiter le Lycee pour une ancienne qui y a passe 15 ans de sa vie est toujours un moment porteur d’emotions fortes. Mais la, j’ai visite un Grand Lycee renove, et tres beau ( tel que nouvellement botoxe  avec de nouveaux immeubles et cours de recre), je suis sure que les ptits en grandissants vont adorer le nouvel super bel amphi ou nous avons ete acceuillis  par l’equipe administrative et pedagogique cet aprem!


Voila cela s’appelle papier mache!


1- Les parents en classe de petite section, PS : Quel tintammare 🙂

Deja notre experience a commence positivement avec les profs de JN en petite section! Les premiers jours, Jn a joue a la cuisine, au puzzle et a dessine (gribouille) un tres beau dinosaure/ crocodile vert!


Le premier dessin fait par Jn , notre picasso le 1er jour d’ecole!

Les profs de JN au nombre de 3 etaient la , et c’etait juste “smooth”! elles parlaient avec lui et les autres enfants, les observait en train de jouer, d’ailleurs la classe est Ouf! Spacieuse, ensoleillee et donnant sur les toboggans, le reve! Elle est dotee d’une cuisine, coin sieste, coin musique, coin livres, coin poupees et linges, coin puzzle et quoi d’autre…. c’est juste un grand espace pour apprendre en jouant , en observant et en s’amusant! vive  les Decouvertes!


Jn au GLFL s’amuse comme tout!

Les profs de JN en PS : sont dotees d’un sens d’humour exceptionnel, et sont adorables!

Aujourd’hui lors de la reunion apres le jour 5 de la rentree, la  prof roula nous a directement mis en confiance en nous montrant les photos prises durant ces quelques jours: on y voit que Tous les enfants jouent, et participent aux activites de la classe! Yey!!! les parents pleurent et les enfants eux s’amusent , jouent au tobogan et au papier mache ( ouii j’ai appris quelque chose aujourd’hui) avec roula w rima w leila!

Notre promesse aujourd’hui car elles nous ont tire les oreilles : essayer de parler en arabe/libanais  avec nos enfants a la maison, et faire plus attention a leur gouter : moins de sucre gras et de bonbons 🙂 , plus de fruits . Aie aie aie cela me rappelle que manger trop sucre et trop sale nuit a la sante!

Aussi, Parents de premiers enfants, essayer de ne pas avoir de bottes avec lacets! ouiiii les “chlik chlak” pour enlever les chaussures et les remettre avant la sieste et les activites sportives c’est plus simple! 🙂

Une super idee par une maman d’un des camarades de Jean-Noel, un groupe whatsapp pour les parents de la PSA! Chapeau! Rien de mieux , de plus rapide et efficace que l’utilisation des reseaux sociaux et des plateformes comme whatsapp pour les parents! Le courant entre les parents est tres bien passe , une photo de groupe des parents a ete prise !! yey!! si nous sommes tous et toutes clinquant,  dans 15 ans nous aurons plus de cheveux blancs a la diplomation des ptits. 🙂

Ce que j’adore, c’est que dans d’autres classes de PS, j’ai retrouve d’anciennes amies /s du Lycee qui sont la avec leur fils ou fille!!! Comme quoi le GLFL c’est bien des Generations!!!!

2- Les autocars: Connex la companie qui va accompagner nos enfants pour 15 ans! 3a hadir el bosta! toot toot vroom!

Nous habitons loin du lycee, et cela est plus simple pour nous d’utiliser le transport de ramassage scolaire  car trouver une place pour garer , deposer notre garcon et repartir travailler en plein centre de Beyrouth est juste une mission Impossible!

Jn est deja habitue a revenir en bus de la garderie depuis ces 2 ans, ainsi que de la colonie en ete. Mais la, on attend le bus tres tot, et le seul hic c’est le reveil a 5.45 am le matin!

Sinon, JN  a adore son Bus et surtout je dois la nommer car Jean-Noel l’adore: Madame ISABELLE!!! Elle et le chauffeur mikhael du matin nous acceuillent d’un grand sourire avenant avec un grand Bonjour!

Pour l’apres-midi, c’est ma maman/la teta de jn qui recoit mon fils qui revient avec un ptit bus avec une autre assistante, Mme Katia. Et parait-il tout ce passe bien aussi. d’ailleurs Mme isabelle nous a appele le 1er jour, elle avait confie Jean noel a son bus de retour, je vous ai dit qu’elle est adorable!

Le premier jour ou je devais envoyer JN en bus au Lycee, je n’ai pas dormi de la nuit. J’etais angoissee, je me posais des questions: ” est-ce qu’il se peut qu’il se perde, il ne va pas savoir leur montrer sa classe …” , bref, maman angoisse.

Je me suis reveillee a 4h et j’ai marque le NOM et Prenom de jn ainsi que notre numero de telephonne et sa classe partout! meme sur le dos du sac a dos, la gourde, ses habits, ses sous vetements!!! 🙂  mon mari pensait que je faisais simplement une crise d’angoisse. Avec un gros feutre des etiquettes scotchees partout et utilisation d’un vernis a ongle rouge pour bien marquer le nom et prenom de mon fils partout Vraiment Partout! je revois encore la tete de mon mari quand il a vu cela!

Il va de soit que le petit ne connaissant ni l’assistante ni le chauffeur pleure le premier jour, pour cela je vais proposer a connex et le lycee une rencontre comme celle avec les profs de la classe en presence des parents  des assistantes de chaque bus. Cela faciliterait l’integration des petites sections au Bus! Et cela les 2 premiers jours d’ecole. Pour les petites sections cela est Necessaire!  Tout simplement une ptite tente dans la cour les 2 premiers jours de l’integration/adaptation, ou les PS inscrits en bus vont visiter et faire connaissance avec les assistantes des bus de Connex .

Pour nous, cela c’est tres bien passe, le chauffeur et l’assistante sont adorables: Le jour 1 a l’aller Jean-noel a pleure, non mais vraiment pleure au debut, il m’a explique quand il est rentre que il m’avait perdue  😦  .

Mais depuis ce premier aller en bus, le reste des jours, il attend ” le bus de Jean Noel” avec impatience et surtout attend ”  Mme isabelle ” avec un Sourire de tres tres Bon matin!!!!

3-L’administration: proviseur et responsables de cycles

Nous les avions deja rencontre l’annee derniere au Lycee, pedagogues, ils sont toujours presents quand nous sommes au Lycee, j’ai beaucoup aime le fait qu’ils sont presents a la rentree et sortie des enfants. Ils  et elles etaint aussi presents pour nous acceuillir a la porte du Lycee le 1er Jour!


L’equipe administrative et pedagogique au complet acceuille les parents des PS! GLFL rocks!

voila, c’est le Grand Lycee, mon ecole, ouiii meme 15 ans plus tard  et je suis tres contente que Jn y aille, et surtout qu’il s’y plait!

voila notre photo de famille prise par la marraine de Jn!


Rody Jn and Me in my Old School ! Grand Lycee franco libanais sept 2016

Bonne Rentree !!!

Rita Chemaly

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A new episode in Gender based violence, was highlighted during a discussion on Women rights!

The Discussion was organised by proeminent NGO , RDFL.

A Lebanese member of Parliament (re-conducted illegally) went out of the paper prepared by him or “for him??” and said that a women has a role in pushing men to rape her!

I am still shocked by the insanity of such an MP. He don’t understand the Harm such words do for all women. Such Words make sexual harassment at work , in public spaces, as well as in a Home Legal!!!

I do understand now why Most of our rotten laws such as the Penal Code, have such inanities! (reference to article  522)

What I loved is that bloggers, media, women activists, women right defenders spoke out about this insanity, and a petition asking MP to resign is being circulated!

Here is what is being circulated on the web, through different platforms:

النائب ايلي ماروني هان المرأة اللبنانية عندما صرّح: “في بعض الاماكن وبعض المطارح بدنا نسأل شو دور المرأة في قيادة الرجل إلى اغتصابها” وكان النائب يحمل المرأة مسؤولية الاغتصاب هيدا التصرف مرفوض من قبل أي رجل (او امرأة)، وخاصة نواب الامّة. مطلوب من الجميع التضامن لنطلب منه الاعتذار أو الاستقالة. الرجاء نشر البوست المرفق ابتداء من الان على كل صفحاتكم وحساباتكم على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. وشكرا




Below is the link to the Video in which Lebanese member of Parliament states his inanities:

اليكم/ن الفيديو الذي يظهر المواقف الذكورية التي أطلقها النائب إيلي ماروني حول حقوق النساء وبشكل خاص الجنسية، المادة ٥٢٢ والإغتصاب الذي اعتبر أن للمرأة دور في حدوثه. كذلك، يظهر في الفيديو الرد الكامل للنائب ماروني على اعتراض الناشطة حياة مرشاد على كلامه حيث لوح بإلباسها البرقع كي لا تخجل من تمثيله لها في البرلمانhttps://www.facebook.com/sharikawalaken/videos/1207350935984570/


Below is the statement Written by women activists, and that is open to be signed by all:

بيان للتوقيع والنشر صاغته ناشطات نسويات رداً على تصريحات النائب #ايلي_ماروني المهينة للمرأة في لبنان



Below are the articles in the newspapers and media outlet that cover what happened:


LBC News

The Daily Star


Action is Needed by the Political Party Kataeb of that Mp.

There is a need to amend and Delete article 522 which Blames Women being raped for their own rape, and which give them as a victory to the one who rape them!!

I call all Political parties to take action in Written against article 522 and against discriminatory articles of Penal code in Lebanon

Rita Chemaly




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Wonderful and amazing Video on gender equality by IWSAW-LAU, about the inequality facing women in Lebanon, and how decision makers are not considering the women voices!

The video, and the Lyrics are just great! by a simple cartoon they tackle GBV,  it tackles women stereotyping and the fact that law makers are not discussing women issues and rights with Women!!

I loved also  how they say that law makers prepare laws and forget them and Loose them in the drawers!!!

I remember that since 2011 many law amendments were presented to the Parliament in Lebanon regarding equality, and till now, LAWS were not Discussed !!! or Voted for….

MPs, did where , in which drawer did you hide those laws amendments?!!

Hat off IWSAW team!!!

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