
Archive for March, 2010

Je vous communique,

le communique des bloggeurs libanais, quelques bloggeurs une dizaine, qui se retrouvent pour creer une sorte d’association et groupe de pression.

en effet, les bloggeurs sont apparemment dans l’oeil du cyclone des services de censure, qui preferent un language plus poetitque et moins opposant!


Liberte oh Liberte…. ou es tu?

est-ce un averto ou une declaration de guerre entre les soit disant “services” et certains blogeurs?

Monde arabe, Ecrit, note, et Publie!

tu peux dire, Noter et Publier,

pour te brimer, laissons les tribunaux Travailler! INDEPENDEMMENT Des pressions politiques et Clientelaires!

Rita Chemaly

بيان صادر عن تجمّع المدونين في لبنان

هل يكون المدوّنون الضحيّة القادمة لقمع الأجهزة الأمنيّة في لبنان؟!

منذ تشكيل حكومة الوحدة الوطنية، ساد جو من التضييق على الحريّات العامة في البلاد، بدأت مع التضييق على الإعلام عبر محاولة وضع وثيقة مبادئ تحث على الرقابة الذاتيّة، والعمل على إصدار قانون يتيح التوقيف الأحتياطي للصحافيين، وصولاً إلى التضييق على حريّة التظاهر. وكان آخر مآثر النظام اللبناني، امتداد أيدي الأجهزة الأمنية اللبنانيّة نحو الإعلام الإلكتروني حيث ضاق صدر الأجهزة ببعض التدوينات الناقدة. فقد تمّ استدعاء المدوّن والصحافي خضر سلامة (محرر مدونة جوعان) من قبل أحد الأجهزة الأمنية لتوجيه “التنبيه” بسبب بعض مقالاته، وإفهامه ما يلي: “تغيير اللهجة، أو إغلاق المدّونة، أو كتابة الشعر حصرياً”.

بناءً على ما حدث، يرفض تجمّع المدونين في لبنان التعرّض للحريّات العامّة لا سيّما النشر على المواقع الإلكترونيّة، ويعيد التذكير بخطاب قسم رئيس الجمهورية: “فلنتحد ونعمل لبناء الدولة المدنية، القادرة، المرتكزة على احترام الحريات العامة، والمعتقد، والتعبير”. ويدعو التجمّع إلى وقف انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان والحريّات العامة. ونحث المدونين(ات) والناشطين(ات) إلى التضامن ونشر هذا البيان على مدوناتهم ومواقع الجمعيات التي ينتمون إليها. كما ندعو الإعلاميين إلى رفع الصوت عالياً لكي لا يسقط لبنان في الدوامة كم الأصوات الحرة.

بيروت في 24 آذار 2010

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GEAR – UN Gender Equality Architecture Reform – UN Gender Entity
GEAR Campaign CSW Report +

Dear GEAR Campaign Supporters,

The recent meeting of the 54th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) advanced the GEAR Campaign goal of continuing civil society pressure on governments to move forward in passing the resolution that creates the entity during this session of the General Assembly (which ends in September).  At the CSW, over 60 countries (list to be available soon) from all regions spoke in support of the new gender architecture in their speeches.  Governments initiated a resolution that was co-sponsored by 180 countries and introduced by the Joint Coordinating Committee of the Non-Aligned Movement and Group of 77/China (JCC) supporting the creation of the entity – indicating the wide spread assumption that this will happen. (The resolution is attached.)

The UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, called on governments to take action to create the entity without further delay, and the NGO Action of holding up a “GEAR UP NOW!” sign in the balcony on the day of his speech as part of the UN official observance of International Women’s Day on March 3rd was greeted with enthusiastic applause.  The sessions on the new entity were packed, and many other sessions that addressed UN structural issues assumed the new architecture as part of the future UN landscape.  All the NGO regional groups at CSW used this period to advocate for GEAR and specifically for a strong operational capacity in the new entity.

The General Assembly (GA) held several informal discussions on the System-Wide Coherence process (including gender architecture) before the CSW and has scheduled more March-June during which time, it is anticipated that a SWC resolution launching the new women’s agency will be drafted.  Now, the GEAR Campaign’s greatest concern is not whether the entity will be created but WHAT will be created.  We expect the resolution to be passed by the end of this GA session in time for the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Summit review in September, but there are still a number of important details to be resolved.  In order for the entity to be effective as a driver for the UN system on women’s rights and empowerment, it must have a robust country level operation that is more than just advisory to the UN system.  This requires that it be both a coordinating body for the UN’s work on women with the capacity to hold the system accountable for gender mainstreaming as well as able to engage in its own programmatic work and to support governmental and NGO work at all levels.

We remain concerned about the money to enable the entity to be effective.  Member states should pledge core, predictable, and multi-year voluntary funds now with a goal of growing to $US1 billion and beyond over time.  There has not been enough progress on financial commitments to date.  Further, we want the resolution creating this entity to recognize that civil society has played a vital role in work on women’s rights and that it is critical to  partner with us and tap into the expertise and insights of a diverse and wide-ranging NGO constituency, particularly women’s organizations.

We would like to see the Secretary-General initiate a transparent recruitment process for the Under Secretary General to lead the entity immediately.  We are encouraged that there are many rumors floating about names for this position which suggests the inevitability of the creation of the entity, but we would like a clear and accessible process begun soon to ensure a strong committed woman is appointed to this critical job.  The GEAR statement articulating these concerns is attached as a flyer with talking points which we hope will be used by GEAR supporters in the coming two months to advocate for this kind of entity.

Finally, we have attached a new document from the Deputy Secretary General’s (DSG) office, “Establishment of a New Composite Entity for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Key Messages, Background and Current Status.”  This document answers many of the questions that we planned to address in a GEAR Q&A.  It is a public document that we think is very useful in clarifying many points about what the entity is intended to do.  While we agree with most of its points, it is also clear from this document why we need to continue to advocate with governments and the UN for a stronger operational presence of the entity on the ground that goes beyond what UNIFEM has now as well as for the money to make this possible and for greater civil society engagement.

In the coming weeks, we urge you to continue to advocate for a resolution that creates the women’s entity with these characteristics – using both the DSG’s paper and the attached GEAR talking points.

Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) and Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
On behalf of the GEAR Campaign Working Group

GEAR Campaign Working Group:

Global Focal Points: Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL), Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)

Regional Focal Points: African’s Women Development and Communication Network (FEMNET), Asia Pacific Women’s Watch (APWW), Collective for Research and Training on Development-Action (CRTD-A), European Women’s Lobby (EWL), femLINKpacific, Foundation for Studies and Research on Women (FEIM), Servitas Cameroon and South Asian Campaign for Gender Equality (SACGE)/SAATHI

New York UN Lobbying Strategy Group: AIDS-Free World, Amnesty International (AI), Bahá’í International Community, UN Office, Care International, Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL), ENLACE and Feminist Task Force – Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP), Equality Now, Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, Huairou Commission, Human Rights Watch (HRW), InterAction, International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR), International Service for Human Rights, International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC), International Women’s Tribune Centre (IWTC), MADRE, FIMI, Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), World Federalist Movement (WFM) and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

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voici une courte video filmee  de Fadia Kiwan prise

de Kalam El Nass l’emission qui passe sur Lbci,

Dans cette courte intervention Pr Fadia Kiwan, explique quelles sont les lois et regulations qui doivent etre ameliorees sinon changees, et modifiees, pour respecter les Droits des Femmes:

le Droit a la Nationalite….

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Je regardais un film a l’eau de rose, de Julia Roberts, et soudain, cette publicite apparait:

protegez vos enfants de la corruption,

vous etes la source du changement,

vous pouvez mener le changement,

sauver votre Nation!

Votez pour un changement politique!

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Une Enquête Mondiale a  été réalisée ; Elle contenait la question suivante :
> ” S’il vous plait, quelle est votre opinion sur la pénurie d’aliments
> dans le reste du monde ? ”
> Cette enquête fut un échec total, car … :
> … en Afrique, personne ne savait ce qu’étaient des “aliments”
> … en Europe occidentale, personne ne savait ce qu’était une “pénurie”
> … en Europe de l’Est, personne ne savait ce qu’était une “opinion”
> … en Amérique du Sud, personne ne savait ce que signifie “s’il vous plait”
> … aux Etats-Unis, personne ne savait ce qu’était le “reste du monde”

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Exellente reponse de la Campagne ma Nationalite est Mon DROIT a la proposition de donner aux enfants des femmes libanaises mariees a des non-libnanais un papier : la celebre Green Card! une carte verte, une sorte de laisser passer!

ceux qui proposent cette solution ne comprennent pas que la


Les Femmes Libanaises ont le droit de donner leur Nationalite a leurs enfants et maris!

c’est un DROIT!

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Wheels on Fire

wheel chair dance Lebanon: wheel on Fire

Personal Information:
Check the you tube Video for the first dance of a Lebanese on wheel…
Though from different backgrounds, Maya Nehme and Fadi El Halabi share the same passion for dance.
Since he was a kid, Fadi dreamed of creating a dance group where people with disabilities or those without disabilities were able to dance together on stage. click the link to check the most astonishing pictures!

That dream came true as Fadi and Maya performed the first wheelchair dance show in Lebanon during the first international salsa festival in Lebanon 2009, an event organized by Ziad Kassis, that brought together many famous artists, teachers and performers. http://www.lebanonsalsafestival.org

The dance was very well received by the public; Fadi and Maya were both guests of the Lebanese famous TV show, Talk of the Town on MTV, during which they announced that they are willing to be the “Ambassadors of joy and hope” from Lebanon to the world.

Their aim is to motivate people with and without disabilities to follow their footsteps, to create a unique dance show for all.

Upcoming events:
With the generous support of Byblos Bank, Maya and Fadi will be performing “Wheels on Fire” at the 5th Cyprus Salsa Congress that will take place in the Grecian Park Hotel from the 26th to the 29th of March 2010. http://www.salsacyprus.com

Personal Interests:
Biographies of the dancers:

Maya Nehme was born in Lebanon.
As a child, Maya attended dance classes, and she was great at Piano, winning many competitions and the like. But most of all, Maya loved to sing.
At age 17 Maya participated in the Miss Lebanon Emigrant pageant and won the Miss Talent award.
After graduating from school, she tried out for Star Academy and managed to be among the finalists of the show. The following year , she was busy shooting the first and only Star Academy clip, commercials and Middle East concert tour.
In 2009, Maya released her first song “War2a Bayda” which she had written and composed and arranged by Walid Abdel Massih). War2a Bayda marked the official launching of her singing career.
Currently, Maya is a choreographer and teaches salsa, oriental, classic ballet and hip hop dance classes. She is working, as well, on her debut album.

Fadi el Halabi is born in Beirut, Lebanon.
He holds a Masters degree in clinical psychology from Saint Joseph University (USJ).
He taught psychology and had various internships and work experiences in the training and educational fields.
He was always passionate about culture and art; he attended many theaters, sculpture and drama therapy workshops.
He currently presents T.V. talk show Tawassol (on Future News) that focuses on social and topics of public interest.
He is a Psychotherapist and counselor for adults and couples in his private clinic.
He leads EDAN (Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network), NGO that is advocating for the inclusion for people with disabilities in all aspects of life.

Mini Biographies of the dancers:

Maya Nehme was born in Lebanon.
As a child, Maya attended dance classes, and she was great at Piano, winning many competitions and the like. But most of all, Maya loved to sing.
At age 17 Maya participated in the Miss Lebanon Emigrant pageant and won the Miss Talent award.
After graduating from school, she tried out for Star Academy and managed to be among the finalists of the show. The following year , she was busy shooting the first and only Star Academy clip, commercials and Middle East concert tour.
In 2009, Maya released her first song “War2a Bayda” which she had written and composed and arranged by Walid Abdel Massih). War2a Bayda marked the official launching of her singing career.
Currently, Maya is a choreographer and teaches salsa, oriental, classic ballet and hip hop dance classes. She is working, as well, on her debut album.

Fadi el Halabi is born in Beirut, Lebanon.
He holds a Masters degree in clinical psychology from Saint Joseph University (USJ).
He taught psychology and had various internships and work experiences in the training and educational fields.
He was always passionate about culture and art; he attended many theaters, sculpture and drama therapy workshops.
He currently presents T.V. talk show Tawassol (on Future News) that focuses on social and topics of public interest.
He is a Psychotherapist and counselor for adults and couples in his private clinic.
He leads EDAN (Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network), NGO that is advocating for the inclusion for people with disabilities in all aspects of life.

DEARS, Fady is a very good friend of mine, he just created a facebook fan: For more information check the Facebook fan page!

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i have received an email, from a breakfast restaurant in Lebanon, i just ate Breakfast, and they asked me to fill the comment card: here is the mail i Received!

Waouw! Truly Lebanese are the number one on customer service!

Dear Ms. xxxxx,

We, Zaatar W Zeit management are very content knowing that the taste of the “Halloum Plate, Zousheh & Labneh”
was gratifying to you; hence we eagerly wait to read more of your comments.

Jeita team is pleased to have provided you with a delightful experience that will keep you returning;
therefore they are looking forward to seeing you again.

Your feedback is the key to our enhancement, for this we are always keen to know it

Kindest Regards,

Customer Experience Manager

is it too much, or are Lebanese always searching perfection even for a halloumi sandwich or a mankouche?


very nice mail in fact!

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08 March 2010
Former “comfort woman” Lee Yong-Soo (L) stands beside her supporters holding portraits of Philippine, South Korean and Chinese comfort women who were sex slaves for Japanese soldiers during World War II, at a protest held in front of the Japanese parliament in Tokyo. Japan on 27 June 2007 brushed aside calls from US lawmakers for a fresh apology to wartime sex slaves, even as the former “comfort women” renewed their demands for Tokyo to acknowledge their plight. Japan said the US move to pass a resolution calling for an “unambiguous” apology from Japan for the coercion of women into army brothels during World War II would not damage relations between the two allies. Inset: Recruitment advertisements for comfort women in the Japanese Imperial Army.
Top: Former comfort women want Japan to do more to apologize. Bottom right: Rangoon, Burma. August 8, 1945. A woman who was in one of the Imperial Japanese Army’s “comfort battalions” is interviewed by an Allied officer.
Former Filipino “comfort woman” Piedad Nobleza, 86, at a demonstration outside the Japanese Embassy in suburban Manila. Elderly Filipino women and their supporters demanded Tokyo’s clear-cut apology and compensation for wartime sexual slavery by Japanese troops.
Local volunteers advocating for the “Comfort Women” resolution honoring survivor of a military rape camp organized by the Japanese Imperial Army during WWII. The “Comfort Women” were primarily girls under 18, some as young as eight, who were subjected to systematic rape and enslavement at “Comfort Stations” set up in Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, and China. Most of the survivors are in their 80’s.

From 1928 until the end of World War II, about 200,000 Asian women were forcibly drafted into sexual servitude by Japanese Imperial Army as “comfort women”. Survivors demand justice, compensation, apology & Japanese Gov. to admit its guilt. To date the Japanese Government has refused all their demands.

The story of Pak Kumjoo, one of the Japanese Army’s comfort women during World War II. The story of the army’s comfort stations begins in 1932, with Japanese Lieutenant-General Okamura Yasuji. Seeking a solution to the 223 reported rapes by Japanese troops, he asked for comfort women to be sent for his soldiers in China.

Pak (her surname) was about 17, living in Hamun, Korea, when local Korean officials, acting on orders from the Japanese, began recruiting women for factory work. Someone from Pak’s house had to go. In April of 1942, Korean officials turned Pak and other young women over to the Japanese, who took them into China, not into factories.

Pak’s history is not unusual. A majority of the women who provided sex for Japanese soldiers were forcibly taken from their families, or were recruited deceptively. Sometimes family members were beaten or killed if they tried to rescue the women, most in their teens. A majority of the 80,000 to 200,000 comfort women were from Korea, though others were recruited or kidnapped from China, the Phillipines, Burma, and Indonesia. Some Japanese women who worked as prostitutes before the war also became comfort women.

(Comfort women. For Caroline Berndt, the phrase evokes no comfort, only the brutality of men at war. As part of her honors thesis in Asian studies, Berndt, a  UNC-CH law student, translated the story of Pak Kumjoo, one of the Japanese Army’s comfort women during World War II.)

“To see what happened to one woman is a way of making history concrete,” Berndt says. “I felt I was discovering her history sentence by sentence.”

Many women became sterile from the repeated rapes. Women who became pregnant or infected with a sexually transmitted disease were given a shot of the antibiotic terramycin, which the women referred to as “Number 606.” “The drug made the women’s bodies swell up and would usually induce an abortion,” Berndt says.

Nearly all of the two-and-a-half million Japanese soldiers who surrendered to the Allies in 1945 would have known about the comfort system, according to George Hicks’ book The Comfort Women. However, after the war the comfort stations quickly faded from public consciousness, and for years the issue received little attention. Accounts of former comfort women reveal that many told only a few family members or no one about their experiences.

The events that led to international awareness of the issue began in 1988. In that year, Professor Yun Chung Ok of Ehwa Women’s University in Korea began to lead an activist group that conducted and presented research about the comfort women. In 1990, 37 women’s groups in Korea formed the Voluntary Service Corps Problem Resolution Council and demanded that the Japanese government admit that Korean women had been forcibly drafted to serve as comfort women, publicly apologize, fully disclose what happened, raise a memorial, compensate survivors or their families, and include the facts in historical education.

In response, the Japanese government denied that women had been forced to work at comfort stations and maintained that it was never involved in operating comfort stations. In 1991, three Korean former comfort women filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government.

In 1992, Professor Yoshimi Yoshiaki of Chuo University found wartime documents in the Library of the National Institute for Defence Studies that confirmed that the Japanese Forces had operated comfort stations. On the same day that excerpts from the documents were published in Japanese newspapers, the government admitted its involvement.

Berndt says that meeting the comfort women’s demands could help Japan discourage what she calls the “commodification” of women, not only in war but in peacetime. According to Berndt’s sources, some Japanese corporations still reward hardworking businessmen by organizing “sex tours” of prostitution houses in cities across Southeast Asia.

Berndt also found reports that women from Southeast Asia are recruited by agencies for work in Japan as receptionists, host esses, and waitresses. When the women arrive, the agency takes their passports, and many become prostitutes.

“The idea that these types of practices are so rampant today scares me,” Berndt says. “If Japan could address the comfort women issue, it might send a stronger message against current practices.”

In 1993, 18 Filipina former comfort women filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government. So far, neither the Korean nor the Filipina women’s lawsuits have been resolved, and the Japanese government has not proposed alternative reparations satisfactory to the former comfort women. “I’m feeling pessimistic about the government or the courts giving the women what they want,” Berndt says. “But I do think that the women have continued to bond together and affirm their own dignity through their testimonies.”

Japanese Comfort Women: One Woman’s Story The account of Felicidad de Los Reyes

FROM 1928 until the end of World War II, about 200,000 Asian women were forcibly drafted into sexual servitude by the Japanese Imperial Army.

These women, many in their teens, were often either tricked by offers of legitimate employment or abducted by Japanese soldiers and forced into so-called comfort houses. There they were forced to sexually please their captors, sometimes several at a time up to several times a day. To resist, invited beatings, torture and even death.

According to the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, a Swiss-based international women’s rights organisation, they generally received little or no medical treatment even if they were injured in the process of rape and torture or became pregnant or infected with venereal disease.

Towards the end of the War, thousands were executed to conceal the existence of the comfort houses. In the Philippines, a human rights group has documented the cases of three survivors who bear the marks of where the Japanese tried to behead them.

About 60,000 comfort women survived the War and approximately one thousand are alive today, the youngest of whom is in her sixties. After decades of hiding what happened, they are now finding the courage to come out and tell their stories.

In the Philippines in 1993, about 150 women came forward when the Task Force on Filipino Comfort Women asked in a series of popular radio programs for comfort women to contact it.

One of these was Felicidad de Los Reyes. This is her story:

Felicidad was born on November 22, 1928 in Masbate, Philippines.

One day in 1943 three truckloads of Japanese soldiers from the garrison compound at the back of her school visited Felicidad’s class. Her Japanese teacher had organised the students to perform songs and dances for the visiting soldiers. The Japanese army often introduced Japanese civilian teachers into schools in its conquered territories.

Felicidad, then only 14, was made to sing. The following day her teacher told the class that the soldiers were so impressed with the students’ performance that they wanted to reward them. Felicidad was identified as one who was to be given an award and later that day two soldiers arrived to fetch her. They told her that she would be given the gift at the garrison. Thinking that there might be other students there, Felicidad went along. But when she got there, she did not see any of her school friends. Instead the only other women she saw were doing the soldiers’ cooking and laundry.

She became worried. She asked to leave. The two guards refused. Instead they took her to a small room in the compound and pushed her in. They told her that her gift was coming.

A few hours later five Japanese soldiers arrived. Three of them were in uniform and two in civilian clothes. One of them jumped onto her catching her by the arms and forcing her down onto the ground. When she struggled, another punched her in the face while another grabbed her legs and held them apart. Then they took it in turns to rape her.

Felicidad had no knowledge about sex. She did not even have her menstruation. So she did not understand what they were doing to her. She begged them to stop. But they just laughed and whenever she struggled or screamed, they would punch and kick her.

Confused and frightened and tired and in pain, she drifted in and out of consciousness. That night three more soldiers came and repeatedly raped her. For the next three days a succession of soldiers abused her.

The continual raping and beatings finally took their toll and on the third day she fell ill. Her body and mind could take it no more. But even though she was obviously sick, the abuse continued. Not even her fever drew pity from her rapists.

Finally on the morning of the fourth day, a Filipino interpreter working for the Japanese visited her. She told him she was very sick and wanted to go home to recover. Feeling sympathy for her, he let her out of the compound.

When she arrived home, her parents who had no idea where she was, cried after learning what had happened. Just the year before an older sister had been taken by the Japanese. She died in a comfort house.

Fearing the soldiers would come looking for her, her father hid her in a nearby village. She stayed there for about a year until the American army arrived.

After the War, Felicidad returned to her home town. But her experiences at the hands of the Japanese soldiers had left deep psychological scars. She found it hard to socialise and could not face going back to school. She felt dirty. She dared not tell anyone outside her parents. She was afraid of how others would view her if they knew the truth. So she buried it inside.

When she was 25 she moved to Manila where she met her husband. Before marrying, Felicidad decided she could not conceal her experiences from the man she was going to marry, so she told him.

They were married in 1956 and had six children and 15 grandchildren. But outside her husband, she told no one else for almost 37 years.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: ANTHONY BROWN is an Irish-born journalist based in Brisbane. Anthony has written several articles on Filipino women’s issues for KASAMA. His most recent book “The Boys from Ballymore” is published by Penguin Books Australia Ltd.

IN late June 1995, Felicidad de los Reyes and Nelia Sancho visited Brisbane as part of a national speaking tour entitled Women’s Human Rights: Eliminating Violence Against Women in the Home and on the Battlefield. Organised by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, the tour was funded by a grant from the Office of the Status of Women.

The tour aimed to galvanise public interest and raise public awareness about gender-specific violence in the Asia and Pacific regions, in the belief that breaking the silence is a preliminary for ending the violence against women in the family and in war.

The final event of the Brisbane visit, a public meeting at the Miscellaneous Worker’s Union Building in Spring Hill, enabled Felicidad and Nelia to tell their stories to the local communities, show slides, and raise public awareness about the cause of Filipino “comfort women”, the activities of Lila Pilipina, and the issues which still need to be addressed. After an opening by Mary Crawford, MP, Nelia and Felicidad – as always during the tour- spoke powerfully and sensitively about the issues to a hushed audience.

Surviving comfort women throughout Asia are now demanding justice from the Japanese Government for what happened to them.

They allege the Japanese Government during the War not only knew what its soldiers were up to, but that the system of sexual slavery was official government policy.

They argue that the authorities systematically planned, ordered, conscripted, established the army brothels and encouraged the abductions of women in countries occupied by the Japanese Imperial Army.

Besides seeking compensation and prosecutions of those responsible, they want the Japanese Government to admit its guilt. To date the Japanese Government has refused all their demands.

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December 11, 2009

By Thalif Deen

UNITED NATIONS, Dec 8 (IPS) – A landmark U.N. treaty on women’s rights, which will be 30 years old next week, is in danger of being politically undermined by a slew of reservations by 22 countries seeking exemptions from some of the convention’s legal obligations.

“A reservation must not defeat the object and purpose of a treaty,” Ambassador Palitha Kohona, a former chief of the U.N. Treaty Section, told IPS.

If a state has intrinsic difficulties with a treaty, it has the right not to become a party, he said. “To become a party and then defeat the object and purpose of the treaty is unacceptable,” said Kohona, currently Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations.

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which will commemorate its 30th anniversary on Dec. 18, has been described as “an international bill of rights for women” and has been ratified by 186 member states.

But 22 member states, ranging from Algeria and Australia to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the United Kingdom, have exercised their right not to implement certain provisions of the treaty, even though they have signed and ratified CEDAW.

Algeria says it is prepared to apply the provisions of the treaty as long as they do not conflict with the provisions of the Algerian Family Code.

The government of Australia, on the other hand, says it does not accept the application of CEDAW in so far as it would require alteration of the country’s defence force policy – which excludes women from combat duties.

The UAE points out that it will not enforce one of the provisions of CEDAW because the provision violates the rules of inheritance established in accordance with the precepts of Shariah, the Islamic law.

Yasmeen Hassan, director of programmes at the New York-based Equality Now told IPS that lack of implementation of CEDAW is exacerbated by countries’ reservations to the treaty.

“Many countries, including most Muslim countries [with the exceptions of Afghanistan and Yemen], have significant and broad reservations to CEDAW that nullify their commitment to gender equality,” she added.

However, even in these cases, “the positive is that they are obligated to report on the situation of women which gives us a platform to advocate and push for change,” she explained.

Kohona said that human rights treaties tend to attract a noticeable number of reservations.

Some treaties, Kohona explained, may prohibit reservations. However, “states having the sovereign right to lodge reservations to treaties in the generality of cases when they become party, have exercised this right extensively,” he said.

Others, he pointed out, “have surreptitiously sought to achieve the same objective by crafting clever declarations of understanding.”

Consisting of a preamble and 30 articles, CEDAW defines what constitutes discrimination against women and sets up an agenda for national action to eliminate such discrimination.

According to the United Nations, the CEDAW treaty has triggered wide-ranging action in favour of women’s rights worldwide.

These include: new constitutional guarantees for women in Thailand; land- owning rights for women in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan; changes to the law of evidence benefiting women in the Solomon Islands; reproductive health rights in Colombia; and a new “Magna Carta” for women’s equality enacted in the Philippines.

But the United Nations complains that the Convention’s implementation is uneven, with seven countries still holding back ratifications: Iran, Nauru, Palau, Somalia, Sudan, Tonga and the United States.

However, 186 other states have ratified CEDAW – making it one of the most widely subscribed-to international treaties in existence.

Hassan of Equality Now said that although States’ implementation of CEDAW, and their commitment to rights enshrined therein, has been spotty, the convention has been an important tool for women’s rights activists all over the world.

“This instrument articulates the standards that we aspire to and can be used in holding governments accountable,” she noted.

Women’s rights groups have, with success, brought up State failures in complying with this treaty before the CEDAW Committee, and the Committee has issued recommendations that reflect such concerns, Hassan said. “Women’s groups can then use these concluding comments to push the government into action.”

Although CEDAW has not resulted in States automatically putting their houses in order with respect to women’s rights, it is an important advocacy tool to reach the ultimate goal of realisation of gender equality, she declared.

Asked about the status of women in his own country, Kohona told IPS that women’s rights have always been respected in Sri Lanka, given that it produced the world’s first elected woman prime minister – Sirimavo Bandaranaike, in 1960.

Sri Lanka has not expressed any reservations on the full implementation of CEDAW.

“Women have competed as equals in the job market in Sri Lanka and have overtaken men in the key professions like medicine, law, teaching, nursing, etc,” Kohona said, adding that Sri Lanka was ranked 12th in the world in the 2008 U.N. equal opportunity index.

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*  مركز “سكايز” للدفاع عن الحريات الإعلامية والثقافية *

التقرير السنوي لعام 2009

–  لبنان وسورية وفلسطين الأردن –

أصدر مركز الدفاع عن الحريات الإعلامية والثقافية “سكايز” (عيون سمير قصير) تقريره السنوي الذي يرصد القضايا المرتبطة بحرية الإعلام والثقافة في لبنان وسوريا وفلسطين والأردن في العام 2009.

وارتكز التقرير على الأخبار والملفات التي أصدرها “سكايز” في العام 2009 استناداً إلى المعلومات التي جمعها، سواء من مراسليه الصحافيين في البلدان الأربعة أو من مصادر صحافية وحقوقية معتمدة.

في لبنان، رصد “سكايز” ست حالات اعتداء على صحافيين على الأقل، وقع معظمها قبل الانتخابات النيابية التي جرت في حزيران/يونيو، أي في النصف الأول من العام 2009 الذي شكّل امتداداً للأعوام السابقة في انعكاس التوتر الأمني والسياسي في البلاد على عمل الصحافيين والمراسلين الصحافيين على وجه الخصوص. وبعد انتهاء الانتخابات والتوجه لتشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية وتهدئة الخطاب السياسي شهدت الساحة الإعلامية ارتياحاً ونوعاً من الاستقرار، وهو ما أكده مسؤولون إعلاميون في بيروت.

غير أن النصف الثاني من العام أقفل على ظاهرة الصرف الجماعي لمئات من الصحافيين والعاملين في مؤسسات إعلامية لبنانية. وقد أثارت هذه الظاهرة جدلاً واسعاً، بين المتفهمين للدوافع المالية للمؤسسات الصارفة، وبين المشيرين إلى دوافع سياسية للصرف في بعض الحالات، والمتخوفين من أن تشكل هذه الاجراءات أسلوباً غير مباشر في ترويض الصحافيين.

وعلى الصعيد القضائي، تحفل أدراج المحاكم بالعشرات وإن لم يكن المئات من القضايا المرفوعة بحقّ صحافيين، ويتركز معظمها على “القدح والذمّ”، ويتصّل بالخلاف السياسي الداخلي، وقد صدر حكمان بالسجن على صحافيَيْن لبنانيَيْن في 2009 ولم يجر تنفيذهما حتى صدور التقرير.

وثقافياً، يشير تقرير “سكايز” إلى استمرار الرقابة اللبنانية في التضييق على الثقافة، من حيث منع فعاليات أو افلام أو اقتطاع أجزاء منها. ويمارس الرقابة الرسمية في لبنان جهاز الأمن العام اللبناني في الشؤون السياسية، ويتعاون مع مرجعيات روحية في ما يتصل بالشؤون الدينية “الأخلاقية”، إضافة إلى الرقابة التي تنجح قوى لبنانية في فرضها من خلال قنوات مختلفة.

يذكر أن قتلة الصحافيَيْن سمير قصير وجبران التويني (2005) والمتورطين في محاولة اغتيال الصحافية مي شدياق (2005) ما زالوا خارج إطار المحاسبة.

في سورية، يسلّط تقرير “سكايز” الضوء على محورين أساسيين متصلين بحرية الرأي والتعبير. أولهما استمرار الضغط الكبير على الصحافة وحرية التعبير منذ إعلان حالة الطوارىء في البلاد في ستينيات القرن الماضي، وثانيهما الضغط المنظّم الذي تتعرّض له الثقافة الكردية بمختلف أشكالها.

ففي المحور الأول يشير تقرير “سكايز” إلى مواصلة السلطات السورية اعتقال صحافيين وكتّاب أو الحكم عليهم بالسجن (10 حالات على الأقل من بينها حالة ترحيل صحافي أجنبي في 2009)، ومنع العديد منهم من السفر خارج البلاد. وتجري معظم عمليات الاعتقال على نمط “الاختطاف” قبل أن تعود السلطات إلى الإقرار بوجود الصحافي أو الكاتب في عهدتها. كما تتركز التهم الموجهة للموقوفين على “إضعاف الشعور القومي” و”وهن نفسية الأمة”.

ورصدت في سورية عشرات الحالات التي منعت فيها صحف محلية وأجنبية عن التوزيع، إضافة إلى منع برامج تلفزيونية وإقالة القيِمين عليها وإغلاق محطات تلفزيونية خاصة تبثّ من داخل الأراضي، والتشويش على أخرى تبثّ من الخارج.

وفي أيلول/سبتمبر أقفلت الأجهزة الأمنية “المركز السوري للإعلام وحرية التعبير” وهو المركز السوري الوحيد المتخصص بمراقبة قضايا الإعلام من داخل البلاد.

وعلى صعيد الرقابة الإلكترونية، واصلت السلطات في سورية حجب مواقع إلكترونية سياسية وحقوقية عن المتصفحين السوريين. وقد تمّ حجب موقع “سكايز” في أيلول/سبتمبر 2009 لينضم إلى المئات من المواقع المحجوبة (244 موقعاً) التي تتربع على صدارتها المواقع الكردية وتليها مواقع المعارضة السورية ومواقع عربية وأجنبية تنتقد السلطات السورية. كما يتواصل أيضاً حجب مواقع تواصل اجتماعية عالمية مثل الـ”فايس بوك”، و”يوتيوب”، إضافة إلى الآلاف من المدونات الشخصية.

وفي المحور المتعلق بالثقافة الكردية، يشير “سكايز” إلى مواصلة السلطات منع الأكراد (10% من السكان) من إصدار أي مطبوعة أو صحيفة بلغتهم، ومنع تدريس اللغة الكردية في البلاد، وقمع المشاركين بالأعياد والمناسبات القومية الكردية وتفريقهم بالقوة واعتقال العشرات منهم، ومنع العديد من حفلاتهم الفولكلورية واعتقال فنانيهم.  كما أجبرت السلطات السورية أصحاب المحال التجارية الكردية على تغيير أسمائها تحت طائلة المسؤولية، في إجراء وضعته السلطات في إطار “تمكين اللغة العربية”.

في الأردن، يتحدث تقرير “سكايز” عن وجود 5 حالات على الأقل جرى فيها الاعتداء على صحافيين أو التعرض لهم على يد أجهزة أمنية أو مجهولين في 2009. وتبدي السلطات الأردنية رغبة بتحصين العمل الصحافي في أراضيها من حيث وقف التعرّض للصحافيين وإحالة المعتدين عليهم على القضاء، في توجه يثمنه بعض المراقبين ويرجعونه إلى توجهات ملكية بهذا الشأن فيما يعتبره آخرون شكليّاً ضمن جوّ مسيطر يمنع التطرّق إلى الخطوط الحمر في المملكة.

وفي مجال منع الكتب الذي طبع المشهد الثقافي في الأردن في الأعوام الأخيرة، يبدو أن جهود رابطة الكتاب الأردنيين حققت تقدماً في “تحويل دائرة المطبوعات والنشر إلى دائرة صديقة” بحسب تعبير مراقبين.

وقد اتخذت إجراءات قضائية بحقّ ثلاثة كتب ومؤلفيها على الأقل في 2009، وصدر حكم قضائي بسجن الشاعر إسلام سمحان على خلفية ديوان شعري اعتبر مسيئاً للإسلام في حزيران/يونيو. إضافة إلى العديد من القضايا التي صدرت في معظمها أحكام بالتغريم وتركزت تهمها على الإساءة والقدح والذم.

في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة، يشير التقرير إلى تعرض أكثر من ثلاثين صحافياً فلسطينياً وأجنبياً في 2009 لإطلاق النار عمداً أو الاستهداف المباشر بالقنابل المسيلة للدموع أو الضرب المبرح على يد القوات الاسرائيلية أو وحدات المستعربين الذين يتخفون بزّي مصورين صحافيين ويندسون بين المتظاهرين، أو المستوطنين. وجرى معظم هذه الانتهاكات في التظاهرات الاحتجاجية على الاستيطان وبناء الجدار العازل واقتحام المسجد الاقصى وقضم الأراضي.

كما اعتقلت القوات الاسرائيلية اكثر من 20 صحافياً أثناء قيامهم بعملهم، وتعرض معظمهم لمعاملة سيئة ومصادرة المواد الصحافية.

وشددت السلطات الاسرائيلية الخناق على الثقافة العربية في الأراضي التي تحتلها، حيث منعت معظم أنشطة “القدس عاصمة الثقافة العربية عام 2009” وتعرّضت لفنانين فلسطينيين وأجانب بالضرب والملاحقة والمضايقة.

في مناطق الضفة الغربية الخاضعة للسلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية، طغى احتجاز الصحافيين على سواه من انتهاكات على الساحة الإعلامية  فيها في 2009، ولا سيما لناحية احتجازهم على أيدي عناصر الأجهزة الأمنية المختلفة، حتى أن منهم من تخطى عتبة الخمس عشرة مرة في “بورصة” عدد مرات الاحتجاز، كما حصل مع مدير مكتب فضائية “الأقصى” في الضفة الصحافي محمد إِشتيوي . كما أن منهم من تخطى عتبة العشرين مرة في الاستدعاء للتحقيق كما جرى مع مراسل صحيفة “فلسطين” التابعة لحركة “حماس” الصحافي مصطفى صبري.

وقد سجل في 2009 اعتقال ما لا يقلّ عن 20 صحافياً تعرّض معظمهم لسوء المعاملة والاعتقالات المتكررة، وتشكّل هذه الاعتقالات بمعضمها انعكاساً للخلاف الفلسطيني الداخلي بين حركتي “فتح” و”حماس”.

كما سجّلت حالات متفرقة من مداهمة مؤسسات إعلامية ومصادرة صحف وحجب مواقع ومنع من القيام بالعمل الصحافي.

في قطاع غزّة الخاضع لسيطرة حركة المقاومة الإسلامية “حماس” منذ حزيران 2007، وقعت خمسة أعمال عنف على الأقل على صحافيين (اعتداء جسدي، تخريب) على يد عناصر أمنية أو مدنيين. واحتجزت القوى الأمنية التابعة للحكومة المقالة ثمانية صحافيين على الأقل لمدد متفاوتة. كما رصدت العشرات من الانتهاكات والمضايقات المختلفة بحق صحافيين في القطاع من استدعاءات ومصادرة أوراق ثبوتية إلى الفصل من العمل والمنع من السفر.

وقد أعلنت وكالة “رامتان” في شهر تشرين الأول/أكتوبر وقف عملها في فلسطين “بعد تراكم عدة عوامل لها علاقة بانتهاك القانون وحرية التعبير والصحافة، ومضايقات تتعرض لها، توَجها اقتحام مقر الوكالة (في غزّة) في شكل غير قانوني”.

في الشأن الثقافي، يشير تقرير “سكايز” إلى وقوع اعتداءين على الأقل على فنانين (مغنيَيْن فولكلوريَيْن) على يد مسلحين مقنَعين في حادثين منفصلين، وتفجير بعض مؤسسات المجتمع الاهلي والاماكن التي تُعد ملتقى للمثقفين من دون ان يتم كشف أي من المعتدين، وقرار وزارة الداخلية عدم السماح للنساء بالمشاركة في العروض الرسمية لفرق الدبكة الشعبية، وقرار إلزام المحاميات بارتداء زي خاص يشمل غطاء يحجب الشعر، وكذلك ملاحقة المتنزهين والمتنزهات على الشاطىء في وضح النهار.

ولعلّ اللافت في هذا السياق كان منع أي مظاهر احتفالية بالذكرى الخامسة للرئيس الراحل ياسر عرفات في جميع محافظات القطاع.

SK word

Skeyes (Samir Kassir eyes)

Center for Media and Cultural Freedom

Samir Kassir Foundation

Aref Saghieh Bldg. (Ground floor)

63 Zahrani St, Sioufi, Achrafieh

Beirut, Lebanon

Tel/Fax: (961) 1 397334

Mobile: (961) 3 372717

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cette photo est prise du blog de  qifa nabki: http://qifanabki.com/

je la trouve tres illustrative de nos manies Libanaises, entre sky bar, les valets parking, les arbres genealogiques….

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les amis, le centre libanais des droits de l’Homme a lance une petition contre les arrestations arbitraires, les detentions et autres!

pouvons-nous les aider?

CLDH launched a petition entitled “Stop the arrest, detention, and forced deportation of refugees” available at this address:

Many of you signed it but we need much much more signatories to present it to the Lebanese authorities.

Please circulate this petition as much as you can! It will take you a few seconds to do it but it is about dozens of human lives that are endangered by this inhumane practice!

Many thanks to all the persons who will help in this 🙂

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Rita Chemaly Web Science Unite de Recherche

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les adieux des employees de maison

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je suis entouree d’amour!
de graces,
de gens souriants
d’amis adorables
Dieu… merci
comment rendre cet Amour que je recois?
cet amour qui me berce,
et qui me porte tout le temps….
merci dieu pr mon habboub
merci dieu pr ma sandr
merci dieu pr esther
merci dieu pr une cathou
merci dieu pr cynthia
merci dieu pr les “ekhwe”
merci dieu pr la bouta
merci dieu pr une halloun super women
merci dieu pr un tonton pas comme les autres
merci dieu pr une maman pas comme les autres
merci dieu pr ma couz
encore et encore je ne peux que remercier dieu pr tout ce que je recois en ce bas monde, ce bas monde qui m’eleve si haut….
merci dieu pr charboul et clara
merci dieu pr boussa
merci dieu pr une marianou
merci dieu pr une pesha si loin a l’autre bout de la terre mais toujours dans mes prieres
merci dieu pr flo
merci dieu pr aicha
merci dieu pr une bea si genereuse et si adorable
encore et encore
a la fac? a l’universite? au boulot?
merci dieu pr tout
pourrais je jamais rendre cet amour?
un pere une mere que j’adore,
un meilleur ami dont je raffole,
une meilleure amie a qui je peux tout dire,
des gens sont passes dans ma vie,
leur amour et mon amour pour eux est toujours la….
merci dieu pr fredo,
merci dieu pr rami,
merci dieu pr tous ceux qui etaient la…..
voila, mon hymne a l’amour,
mon hymne a la vie,
avec ses hauts et ses bas qui nous portent haut avec le temps
merci dieu pr abdo,
merci dieu pr momo,
merci dieu pr doumit,
merci dieu pr taza,
merci dieu pr un nicolas,
merci dieu pr un melix,
merci dieu et encore merci,
la vie roule, elle nous change et on change,
mais la vie nous porte loin et toujours plus loin,
merci pr un wass, toto ou dan…
c mon hymne a l’amour,
mon hymne a la vie, el deneh douleb … elle roule elle change la vie, elle nous change et nous evoluons avec elle… grace a l amour et aux graces que nous recevons….
je suis amoureuse de la vie,
je suis amoureuse des gens qui sont autour…est ce normal??
je suis amoureuse de mes amis…. merci dieu!!!

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الموقوف بطرس مطانيوس حبشي موقوف لدى مكتب مكافحة المخدرات في الوروار الذي يرأسه العقيد عادل مشموشي وقد تمّ توقيفه في منطقة ضهر البيدر وهو يقود سيارة النائب ايلي كيروز الذي لم يكن في السيارة

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