
Archive for April, 2011

Immediate Recruitment

Capacity Building and Awareness Raising Officer

Full-time, 1-year, renewable post

CRTD.A has launched its regional Arab Women’s Right to Nationality Campaign for approximately a decade now.  Over the past few years, the Nationality Campaign in Lebanon has developed in scope and has gradually included new and exciting initiatives namely a legal unit which seeks to provide advice and support to Lebanese women married to non-national men.

CRTD.A is now seeking to recruit a “Capacity Building and Awareness Raising Officer” for the Nationality Campaign.

Key tasks and responsibilities

1. Planning and coordinating and delivering CB workshops and awareness raising seminars for various audiences

2. Coordinating and implementing community mobilization activities

3. Organising media seminars

4. Organizing briefing sessions and meetings with parliamentarians and other decision makers

5. Providing timely and high quality reports

6.  Undertaking other tasks as required

Key competencies

1. At least three years, work experience in the field of capacity building & public awareness raising

2. Successful track record in facilitation, training, coaching and mentoring

3. Excellent communication and facilitation skills

4. Familiarity with participatory adult learning methods

5. Excellent writing skills in Arabic and English or French

Deadline for application: 15 May 2011

Interested candidates should send a detailed CV + 3 references + letter of motivation to vacancy@crtda.org.lb

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

No phone calls please.

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Chers amis, et amies,

priere de voir attachee la presentation qui a illustre le dernier texte presente a Sc po, sur les intifidas arabes, et le role des Reseaux sociaux…..

Un grand merci encore une fois a ceux et celles, qui m’ont aide a trouver des pistes, des photos et info manquantes….:

Global Voices, Samer Karam, le super groupe du MENA Network d’Aswat…..

a vous la presentation en langue francaise…

Arab uprising illustration of presentation at the Political Science Institute by Rita Chemaly


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Le Rôle des Nouveaux Medias et Réseaux Sociaux par Rita Chemaly Institut des Sciences Politiques Amphiteatre Walid Ben Talal

Chers amis, et amies,

pour ceux qui n’ont pas pu venir a Sciences Po, la semaine derniere, pour la table ronde organisee autour des Intifadas arabes,

(TABLE RONDE, Mercredi 20 Avril 2011, Amphiteatre Walid Ben Talal, Institut des Sciences Politiques, a 3h30pm, avec comme intervenants et intervenantes : Professeur Mme Fahmieh Charafedine, M. Raghid el Solh, M. Ghassan Slaiby, Mlle Rita Chemaly)

je vous prie de voir en piece jointe, ma presentation succinte du role joue par les nouveaux moyens de communications dans les revoltes, et je dis bien Revoltes, et par Revolution!Table ronde ISP Intifadas arabes et NTIC par Rita Chemaly

Pour avoir la presentation Power point aussi, je vous prie de m’envoyer un ptit mail.

voici quelques photos prises par Michele ( Merci) ! Un grand merci a l’equipe de sc po, et aussi une grande pensee a toutes et tous ceux et celles qui m’ont envoye les nouvelles, et photos et elements qui me manquaient!


Rita Chemaly Les reseaux sociaux et les revoltes arabes




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I am posting an article from CGN, about Women in Saudi-Arabia….

are they key players? or the change is yet to come?

Jeddah – “Saudi Arabia is not yet ready for women to participate in the upcoming municipal elections on 23 April.” The election commissioner made this bold statement late last month, referring to women’s roles as both voters and candidates. Two years earlier, however, the first female deputy minister was appointed, and in 2005 officials from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs promised that women would be able to participate in the 2011 elections.

This type of “one step forward, two steps back” behaviour means that Saudi women are still being denied their full rights as citizens. There are important currents of change and signs of hope for improved women’s rights in Saudi Arabia, however, reform driven by economic necessity and legislative change is not enough. Saudi Arabia requires a shift in the way people think about women.

The announcement by the Saudi king two years ago that reforms – such as codifying and standardising laws, establishing family courts and giving female lawyers the right to represent female clients – would be implemented in the justice system is encouraging. With the current lack of transparency and public discussion, however, we don’t know who is implementing these reforms and what exactly is being reformed.

Several government-backed institutions, such as the Khadija bint Khowailid Center for Women at the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce, are providing valuable studies and recommendations that support and guide the reform process, especially in the area of women’s empowerment through training and job opportunities. Lobbying at the relevant government ministries, they are changing the regulations that restrict women’s employment opportunities. For example they have opened the door for women to work in retail stores and factories.

Yet remaining challenges include social objections to gender-mixing in the workplace, the types and levels of jobs women can occupy and the stipulation that a male guardian must grant permission for a woman to work.

What is it about Saudi Arabia that it insists on treating women as second-class citizens?

Claims that the restrictions imposed on women are Islamic, especially the power given to the male guardian over every aspect of their lives, are inaccurate. In the early days of Islam, women played a leading role in supporting the Prophet Muhammad, advising him and spreading his message. In fact, his wife Khadija managed her own business and was the first person to believe in his message. And many other well-respected women have had prominent roles in government, politics and society throughout Islamic history.

The problem lies with conservative traditions and narrow interpretations of religious texts with no margin for differences of opinion.

The point for many religious conservatives is to keep women out of the public domain. However, the idea that the mere presence of a woman is a threat and could lead men to sin is insulting and demeaning to women. Women are more than just their bodies. They are complete human beings that can mentally and intellectually compete with the best of men.

Women need to be not only in the work force, but in positions of decision-making.

With the current upheaval in the Arab world, as both men and women have taken to the streets demanding democracy, justice, equality and freedom of expression, it is ridiculous that we are still debating whether women should be permitted to drive, travel alone and make their own decisions.

For far too long, extremely narrow interpretations of Islamic law and traditions have hindered women’s advancement. A major overhaul in the Saudi education system – from elementary to university levels – is needed. At a very young age, a Saudi boy learns he is privileged simply for being born male. But a young girl is ingrained with the belief she is the lesser because she is female. A curriculum for girls that is similar to boys’ would provide them with the same skills and knowledge. A religious and Islamic history curriculum that highlights women’s roles and contributions, as well as their rights in accordance with Islam, would raise awareness and instil better attitudes and treatment of women.

A comprehensive awareness campaign on equal rights, based on sharia (Islamic principles of jurisprudence), is also crucial. Educating society about the rights of women concerning education, marriage, child custody, inheritance, ownership, business and other things is key to creating a society that can truly claim it adheres to Islamic principles.

Until Saudi Arabia implements this grassroots renaissance backed by a reform in education and judicial system, it will continue to live a dichotomy of modern facilities but mental stagnation.


* Maha Akeel is a Saudi journalist. This article was written for the Common Ground News Service (CGNews).

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if you know potential candidates looking for internships, or jobs,

do not hesitate to transmit the message:


just click on the link below

list of jobs in Lebanon

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I would Like to thank Silvia Randaccio pour la traduction!Rita!


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La società civile in Libano si

mobilita per la parità di diritti

Oltre 30.000 manifestanti di tutte le età si sono riversati per le strade di Beirut, chiedendo con i loro slogan l’abolizione del sistema confessionale in vigore nel Paese

Di Rita Chemaly* – Middle East Online (06/04/2011) – Traduzione e testo di Silvia Randaccio

La società civile in Libano si mobilita per la parità di diritti (11/04/2011) Lo scorso 20 marzo, la vigilia della Festa della Mamma in Libano, una folla eterogenea si è unita in una protesta di dimensioni eccezionali contro il sistema confessionale. La manifestazione è stata l’ultima di una serie iniziata un mese prima, il 27 febbraio, quando tremila giovani hanno accolto l’impegno di manifestare, ogni domenica, per la secolarizzazione del Libano, secolarizzazione che offrirebbe garanzia di pari diritti a tutti i cittadini. Le richieste sono chiare: i dimostranti vogliono uno stato secolare, leggi paritarie per le donne, la fine dell’attuale sistema in cui ogni setta religiosa può applicare norme diverse in materia di divorzio o diritto di successione, e infine l’istituzione del matrimonio civile.

La società civile libanese ha colto l’ocasione della mobilitazione popolare della regione per promuovere la campagna di sensibilizzazione contro il sistema confessionale di divisione dei poteri tra i diversi gruppi religiosi. Nonostante la Premessa alla Costituzione libanese affermi che: “L’abolizione del confessionalismo politico è un obbiettivo di base del Paese”, in seguito al Patto Nazionale del 1943 – un accordo non scritto – la divisioni dei poteri è stata stabilita su base confessionale con l’assegnazione dei seggi parlamentari tramite criteri di appartenenza religiosa e con la spartizione delle maggiori cariche tra le confessioni principali: il Presidente è sempre un cristiano maronita, il Primo Ministro un sunnita e il Presidente del Parlamento è uno sciita. Con la presenza di diciotto comunità religiose riconosciute, le leggi sulla persona che regolano il matrimonio, il divorzio, le adozioni, l’affidamento dei figli e l’eredità sono gestite dalle corti religiose di ciascuna comunità. Drusi, sunniti e sciiti applicano differenti interpretazioni della shari’a, mentre i cristiani ortodossi e le altre comunità utilizzano diverse versioni della legge canonica. La maggioranza delle legislazioni in vigore tende a favorire gli uomini sulle donne e a mantenere i valori patriarcali.

Inoltre, il sistema di separazione delle corti non solo genera una diversa applicazione della legge tra uomo e donna, ma anche tra le donne libanesi stesse. Ad esempio, le corti sunnite e sciite permettono agli uomini relazioni poligame, mentre le corti druse e cristiane non lo consentono; il divorzio è proibito dalle leggi cristiane, mentre le altre confessioni lo ammettono. Coloro che scelgono il matrimonio civile fuori dal Libano devono superare un altro ostacolo: gran parte delle leggi confessionali sul diritto della persona proibiscono il matrimonio tra membri di comunità diverse, e l’unione civile non è riconosciuta in Libano. Di conseguenza le coppie miste che non credono nel matrimonio religioso o che non vogliono cambiare l’identità religiosa di uno dei due partner, sono costretti a spostarsi in un paese vicino, come Cipro o la Turchia. In conformità con l’Articolo 25 decreto 60/1936, il matrimonio della coppia è riconosciuto in Libano, ma è regolato dal codice civile del paese in cui è stato effettuato – un vero rompicapo giuridico per i giudici libanesi che sono costretti a conoscere la legislazione straniera per affrontare qualunque questione legale inerente.

I numerosi tentativi di istituire un codice civile pertinente allo status dell’individuo, seppure come alternativa opzionale, sono falliti a causa del sistema politico e sociale di divisione del potere. Tuttavia, la società civile ha deciso di agire: un’intensa campagna di sensibilizzazione è stata lanciata lo scorso marzo dal movimento KAFA (“basta”), rete di associazioni di donne e organismi diversi. Lo scopo della campagna è la piena attuazione dell’Articolo 16 della Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sull’eliminazione di ogni forma di discriminazione nei confronti delle donne, che stipula l’uguaglianza tra uomini e donne nel matrimonio e lascia libertà decisionale ai singoli. Il movimento si batte affinché i cittadini libanesi siano soggetti tutti alla stessa legislazione, la quale garantisca equi diritti agli uomini e alle donne, uguali disposizioni in materia di matrimonio, eredità, divorzio, alimenti e custodia dei figli, oltre che accordi internazionali gender-sensitive. Un codice civile unificato metterebbe fine alle attuali disparità tra uomini e donne e tra donne libanesi di confessioni diverse, e sarebbe il primo passo nella realizzazione dell’obbiettivo costituzionale di abolizione del sistema confessionale.

redazione (@) arabismo.it

*Rita Chemaly è una ricercatrice di sociopolitica, autrice di Spring 2005 in Lebanon, Between Myths and Reality. È stata vincitrice del Premio Samir Kassir per la Libertà di Stampa nel 2007. Il suo blog è all’indirizzo www.ritachemaly.wordpress.com

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4 new job vacancy

Database Officer – Part Time

Greenpeace Mediterranean DEADLINE : 2011-04-30

LOCATION :  Beirut, Lebanon, WORKING AREA : Hamra

As a priority, s/he will assist the Fundraising Manager in developing and implementing systems and procedures to ensure that departmental and organisational goals are being met. In his/her role, s/he will work with the Fundraising Manager and other team members in Lebanon in developing and managing all aspects of Supporters Database including data segmentation, report running, and data maintenance.


Education Degree :Bachelor DegreeEducation

Area :Computer Science,

Work Experience :Not less than 2 years

Landline / Mobile:009611361255Fax:009611361254





New Media Campaigner

ORGANIZATION :Greenpeace Mediterranean

DEADLINE :2011-04-22

LOCATION :Beirut or Istanbul


Work with the New Media Unit Head to support New Media issues (maintaining and developing websites, social networks, new media advertising and developing outreach to new technologies eg. mobile devices) in Arabic speaking countries.

New Media

* Work on building Greenpeace Arabic web site (both for content and publishing) and marketing it.
* Responsible for web outreach, publishing and updating regular changes in the Arabic web site and Greenpeace social network accounts (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Flicker and others). Guarantee frequent and engaging updates to enlarge our audience.
* Strategize New Media parts of campaigns and pushes; visualize, maintain and follow-up online activity to help grow the scope of Greenpeace. Work together with the New Media Unit Head to improve and strengthen the online outreach.
* Provide internet solutions that help to promote and win our campaigns: story telling, cyber actions, mass mailing, etc.
* Prepare and send call to action emails to our list. Test different subject lines, graphics, text and analyze effectiveness through statistical analysis.
* Find ways to grow mailing list, social networks followers and web site visitors.
* Work closely with the communications department to deliver the campaign messaging from a new media perspective.
* Analyze reports on web traffic and mailing performance in order to improve impact.
* Report weekly to the Regional New Media Unit Head regarding online and fundraising developments.

Skills and Qualities

* General; Experience working in a cross-cultural environment; ability to analyze markets and trends; ability to travel to other GP offices; being a self starter and a self learner.
* Internet; At least 2 years experience in online journalism and managing websites; knowledge of Arab culture and internet trends, good knowledge in online action strategies and Social Networks platforms; experience in mass mailing techniques; very good knowledge of HTML/CSS; basic knowledge of web design software (e.g. Photoshop); knowledge of web programming language (E.g. Php, Javascript, Ajax) and experience in web design is an advantage.
* Languages: Fluent English and Arabic
* Commitment to Greenpeace’s core values in response to environmental and peace issues through non-violent direct action-led campaigning in line with its mission.



Clerk, SC3

ORGANIZATION :     United Nations High Commission for Refugees

DEADLINE :   2011-04-10

WORKING AREA :    Beirut

JOB DESCRIPTION :Under the direct supervision of Registration Officer and overall supervision of Senior Protection Officer, the incumbent shall perform the following tasks:

1. Counsel individual refugees to manage their expectations on protection, assistance and durable solutions;

2. Identify vulnerable refugees at the reception and refer them to appropriate units for further action;

3. Prepare detailed records of counselling sessions and follow-up on individual cases;

4. Conduct registration interviews, maintain registration and counselling data-base and provide regular input on daily actions specified above;

5. Drafts routine correspondence based on instructions provided by the supervisor or based on background information available on office files; and

6. Act as interpreter and translator when needed.


Education Area :           Human Rights, Protection,Social work or any other related field,

Work Experience :        Not less than 2 years

Others :            General organizational and computer skills; Ability to work under pressure; Appreciation of a multi-cultural environment; Empathy and social engagement; Liaising with external contacts; Excellent Drafting skills.


Languages        Understanding Speaking          Writing


Arabic Mother tongue Mother tongue Mother tongue


English Excellent           Excellent           Excellent


French Regular             Regular             Regular



Period: 1 year; renewable.

Contract:          Service contract

Contact Person   (Send your CV to the following fax number or e-mail address)

Name:  Please send CV & Cover Letter to email address stating in the subject

Email:   lebbeprg@unhcr.org



ORGANIZATION :     Institut Européen de Coopération et de Développement

DEADLINE :   2011-04-15


WORKING AREA :    Beyrouth (Chiyeh)


L’IECD (www.iecd.org) est une association de solidarité internationale créée en 1988, dont la mission est reconnue d’utilité publique. Sa mission est d’initier et de réaliser des projets de développement socioéconomique en partenariat avec des institutions locales. L’IECD intervient en particulier dans les domaines de la formation professionnelle et de l’appui aux petites entreprises.

L’IECD met en œuvre des projets au Proche Orient depuis 1994 et y a ouvert une délégation régionale à Beyrouth en 2007. Une équipe de plus de 30 personnes mène une quinzaine de projets dans la région.



1) Coordination des activités de contrôle de gestion en lien étroit avec le comptable, les coordinateurs et chefs de projets du Proche Orient :


– Travailler avec les chefs de projets sur le suivi financier de leurs projets

o Mettre en place et actualiser les outils permettant le pilotage optimal des projets.

– Etablir une procédure standardisée de suivi financier des projets

o Travailler sur un guide de procédure destiné aux coordinateurs et aux chefs de projet.

– Organiser des revues de projets régulières et systématiques

o S’assurer que les outils et les indicateurs sont correctement renseignés.

o Organiser des revues de projet avec le directeur des opérations et le directeur financier.

– Actualiser et mettre en place des outils de pilotage de l’activité de l’IECD au Proche Orient

o Mettre en place des indicateurs de gestion de l’activité en analysant les principaux risques et tendances de l’organisation.

– Veiller à la maîtrise des coûts et la structuration juridique et comptable de l’IECD au Proche-Orient

– Suivant profil, implication opérationnelle sur un ou plusieurs projets.


2) Implication sur un ou plusieurs projets.


IMPORTANT: priere de mentionner la reference ‘CDG Liban’ en sujet de votre mail de candidature.


Work Experience :        Not less than 5 years:

Related Links:

Others :            – Issu de l’enseignement supérieur, le candidat H/F dispose d’une formation en gestion, comptabilité, économie – Qualités – Prise d’initiatives et travail en autonomie – Bonnes capacités de communication et d’adaptation – Bonnes capacités de gestion et d’administration – Maîtrise d’Excel impérative – La maitrise de l’arabe est un plus. – Mobilité : déplacements à prévoir au Liban et en Syrie

Language Skills :

Languages        Understanding Speaking          Writing


Francais           Excellent           Excellent           Excellent


Anglais             Excellent           Excellent           Excellent





Period: 2 ans

Contract:          full time

Contact Person   (Send your CV to the following fax number or e-mail address)

Name:  IECD Contact

Position:           RH

Email:   contact@iecd-po.org

URL:    http://www.iecd.org

more news and info at:


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Job Vacancy Accountant

Position: Senior Accountant
Institution: Al Majmoua Microfinance
Country: Lebanon

Main duties and responsibilities: • Perform accurate recording of inflows and outflows, receipt keeping, Microloans disbursement process, bank and clients account reconciliation, generation of financial statements, office petty cash, payroll, funders reporting, production of key performance indicators • Perform general administration including filing Experience: Accounting degree with 3-4 years accounting experience preferably in a reputable company or accounting office Languages: English and Arabic Working location: Zokak El Blatt – Spears Salary: around USD 1,000 negotiable and commensurate with experience; CNSS and transportation allowance. Please send CV to alia@almajmoua.org (Subject Senior Accountant). Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

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Beyrouth – Le 20 mars dernier, jour précédant la fête des mères au Liban, 30 000 personnes de tous âges ont envahi les rues de Beyrouth pour scander des slogans et réclamer l’abolition du système confessionnel. Cet événement a fait suite à une série de manifestations organisées tous les dimanches depuis le 27 février dernier au cours desquelles 3000 jeunes ont réclamé un Etat laïc garantissant l’égalité entre les citoyens.

Leurs exigences sont claires: les manifestants veulent un état laïc, une loi sur le statut personnel qui garantisse les droits des femmes, la fin du système actuel qui permet aux sectes religieuses d’appliquer différentes lois civiles sur les questions relatives au divorce ou aux successions et l’introduction du mariage civil.

La société civile libanaise a saisi l’occasion des soulèvements populaires dans la région pour lancer une campagne en faveur de l’abolition du système de partage du pouvoir entre les différents groupes religieux. Bien que le préambule de la Constitution libanaise stipule que « La suppression du confessionnalisme politique constitue un but national essentiel (…) », du fait du pacte national de 1943 – un accord verbal – le partage du pouvoir a été établi sur une base confessionnelle; les sièges parlementaires sont attribués selon la religion des membres et les plus hauts postes sont pourvus par des personnes venant de sectes précises: le président est toujours un chrétien maronite, le Premier ministre un sunnite et le président du Parlement un chiite.

Avec 18 communautés religieuses reconnues, les lois sur les statuts personnels relatives au mariage, au divorce, à l’adoption, à la garde des enfants et à la succession sont traitées par des tribunaux religieux qui dépendent de chaque communauté. Les citoyens druzes, chiites et sunnites appliquent des interprétations différentes de la Sharia (principes islamiques). Quant aux communautés chrétiennes orthodoxes et non orthodoxes, elles appliquent différentes versions du droit canon. La plupart de ces lois tendent à favoriser les droits des hommes et à mettre en avant les valeurs patriarcales.

Le système des tribunaux différents entraîne non seulement une application inégalitaire de la loi vis-à-vis des hommes et des femmes mais aussi vis-à-vis des femmes elles-mêmes. Les tribunaux sunnites et chiites autorisent, par exemple, la polygamie pour les hommes contrairement aux tribunaux druzes et chrétiens. Le divorce est interdit par les tribunaux catholiques alors qu’il est autorisé par les tribunaux sunnites, chiites et druzes.

Ceux qui optent pour le mariage civil en dehors du Liban sont confrontés à un autre problème. Beaucoup de lois sur le statut personnel refusent le mariage si l’un des deux mariés est issu d’une communauté religieuse différente. Parce que le mariage civil n’existe pas au Liban, beaucoup de couples mixtes sur le plan religieux qui ne croient pas au mariage religieux ou de couples où l’un des deux ne veut pas changer de religion, sont obligés de se rendre dans des pays voisins, comme Chypre ou la Turquie.

En vertu de l’article 25 de l’arrêté n°60/1936, le mariage sera reconnu au Liban mais il sera régi par la loi civile du pays où il a été célébré – un casse-tête juridique pour les juges libanais qui doivent ainsi connaître le code civil du pays où le mariage a été prononcé afin de régler les questions juridiques pouvant survenir.

Plusieurs tentatives visant à instituer un code civil appartenant au statut de la personne, même à titre facultatif, ont échoué en raison d’un système politique et social basé sur le partage confessionnel du pouvoir.

Toutefois, la société civile a décidé d’agir. Une grande campagne médiatique à grand renfort d’affiches géantes sur le bord des routes a été lancée en mars dernier par le réseau KAFA (qui signifie « assez » en arabe), qui regroupe diverses associations et organisations de femmes. Cette campagne vise l’application pleine et entière de l’article 16 de la convention des Nations unies sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l’égard des femmes qui stipule clairement l’égalité entre hommes et femmes en ce qui concerne le mariage, et au choix du conjoint. KAFA préconise que tous les Libanais soient soumis à une même loi sur le statut personnel garantissant aux femmes les mêmes droits et obligations dans le mariage, la succession, le divorce, la pension alimentaire et la garde des enfants que ceux offerts aux hommes en vertu de la constitution libanaise et des accords internationaux sensibles à la spécificité des sexes.

Un code civil unifié sur les statuts personnels mettrait un terme aux inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes et entre les femmes libanaises de confessions différentes et constituerait le premier pas vers l’objectif constitutionnel qui est l’abolition du confessionnalisme politique.


* Rita Chemaly est chercheure en sciences sociales et politiques et auteure de l’ouvrage Le Printemps 2005 au Liban, entre Mythes et Réalités. Elle a obtenu le prix Samir Kassir pour la Liberté de la Presse en 2007 et blogue sur www.ritachemaly.wordpress.com. Article écrit pour le Service de Presse de Common Ground News (CGNews).

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بيروت – خرج ثلاثون ألف شخص من كافة الأعمار يوم 20 آذار/مارس، وهو اليوم الذي يسبق يوم عيد الأم في لبنان، خرجوا إلى شوارع بيروت يهتفون بشعارات تطالب بإنهاء النظام الطائفي في البلاد. ويشكّل ذلك آخر حدث في سلسلة من المظاهرات التي تنظّم كل يوم أحد من أجل لبنان علماني يضمن حقوقاً متساوية لكافة المواطنين.

مطالبهم واضحة: المتظاهرون يريدون دولة علمانية وقانون أحوال شخصية يضمن حقوق المرأة، ونهاية للنظام اللبناني الحالي الذي يسمح للطوائف الدينية بتطبيق قوانين مدنية مختلفة حول قضايا تتعلق بالطلاق أو الميراث، وإنشاء نظام للزواج المدني.

استغل المجتمع المدني اللبناني قوة اندفاع الانتفاضات الشعبية في المنطقة لإطلاق حملة لإلغاء النظام الطائفي في المشاركة بالسلطة بين الجماعات اللبنانية الدينية المختلفة. ورغم أن ديباجة الدستور اللبناني تنص على أن “إلغاء الطائفية السياسية” هو هدف وطني أساسي”، نتيجة لحلف عام 1943 الوطني، وهو اتفاقية غير مكتوبة، فقد تأسس نظام التشارك في السلطة على أسس طائفية، يتم فيه تخصيص المقاعد البرلمانية على أساس الدين، ويتم إشغال المناصب العليا بأناس من طوائف معينة. فرئيس الجمهورية مسيحي ماروني دائماً، ورئيس الوزراء مسلم سني دائماً ورئيس مجلس النواب مسلم شيعي دائماً.

وبوجود 18 طائفة دينية معترف بها فإن القوانين المتعلقة بالزواج والطلاق والتبني ورعاية الأطفال والميراث يتم التعامل معها من خلال محاكم دينية مختلفة تديرها كل طائفة. ويطبّق المواطنون الدروس والسنة والشيعة تفسيرات مختلفة للشريعة الإسلامية، كما تطبق الطوائف المسيحية الأرثوذكسية وغير الأرثوذكسية أشكالاً مختلفة من القانون الكنسي وتنزع معظم هذه القوانين لأن تفضّل حقوق الرجل وتؤكد على القيم الذكورية الأبوية.

ولا ينتج عن نظام المحكمة المختلفة تطبيقات غير متساوية للقوانين عندما يعود الأمر إلى الرجال والنساء وإنما بين النساء اللبنانيات أنفسهن. فعلى سبيل المثال، تسمح المحاكم السنية والشيعية للرجال بتعدد الزوجات بينما لا تسمح القوانين المسيحية والدرزية بذلك. أما الطلاق فهو ممنوع في المحاكم الكاثوليكية بينما هو مسموح في المحاكم السنية والشيعية والدرزية.

ويواجه هؤلاء الذين يلجأون إلى الزواج المدني خارج لبنان تحدياً آخر، فالعديد من قوانين الأحوال المدنية لا تعترف بالزواج إذا كان أحد أطرافه من طائفة دينية مختلفة، ونظراً لعدم وجود الزواج المدني في لبنان، يضطر العديد من أطراف الزواج المختلط الذين لا يؤمنون بالزواج المدني، أو الأزواج الذين لا يريد أحد طرفيهم تغيير دينه أو دينها، للسفر إلى إحدى الدول المجاورة مثل قبرص أو تركيا.

وبموجب المادة 25 من المرسوم رقم 60/1936، يتم الاعتراف بزواج شخصين في لبنان، ولكن تحكمه القوانين المدنية في الدولة التي تم بها هذا الزواج. ويشكل ذلك إزعاجاً للقضاة اللبنانيين الذين يتوجب عليهم أن يكونوا على علم ومعرفة بالقوانين المدنية للدولة التي تم فيها الزواج، حتى يتسنى حل أية قضايا قانونية.

وقد فشلت محاولات عديدة بترسيخ قانون مدني واحد يتعلق بوضع الفرد، حتى على شكل إجراء اختياري، نظراً لنظام سياسي واجتماعي يرتكز على تشارك طائفي للسلطة.

إلا أن المجتمع المدني قد قرر أن يتصرف، وقد تم إطلاق حملة واسعة ليافطات كبيرة على جوانب الشوارع في آذار/مارس من قبل شبكة “كفى”، التي تجمع عدداً من الجمعيات والمنظمات النسائية. وتهدف هذه الحملة إلى التطبيق الكامل للمادة 16 من معاهدة الأمم المتحدة حول إزالة كافة أنواع العنف ضد المرأة، والتي تنص بوضوح على المساواة بين الرجل والمرأة فيما يتعلق بالزواج وحسب رغبة الزوج أو الزوجة. وتنادي “كفى” بأن يخضع كافة أفراد الشعب اللبناني لنفس قانون الأحوال المدنية، الذي يضمن للمرأة نفس الحقوق والالتزامات في الزواج والميراث والطلاق والنفقة وحضانة الأطفال، التي تعطى للرجال بموجب الدستور اللبناني والاتفاقيات الدولية الحساسة بالنوع الاجتماعي.

سوف يضع قانون مدني موحّد حول الأحوال الشخصية نهاية للفروقات القائمة بين الرجال والنساء وبين النساء اللبنانيات من مختلف الطوائف ويشكّل الخطوة الأولى في الحفاظ على الأهداف الدستورية بإلغاء الطائفية السياسية.


ريتا شمالي باحثة اجتماعية سياسية ومؤلفة كتاب “خريف 2005 في لبنان: بين الأساطير والوقائع”. وقد فازت بجائزة “سمير قصير لحرية الصحافة” عام 2007 ولها مدونة عنوانها www.ritachemaly.wordpress.com

. كُتب هذا المقال لخدمة الأرضية المشتركة الإخبارية.

لقراءة المقال في اللغة الانكيزية


لقراءة المقال في اللغة الفرنسية:




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l’article de theo tel qu’apparu dans l’Orient

Une fois n’est pas coutume. Sauf pour les guerres, et les jeux de balle apparemment. Dans quelques jours, le Liban sera au rendez-vous avec une nouvelle compétition sportive à l’occasion de la commémoration du 13 avril 1975, date consentie – bien que controversée – du début du conflit libanais. L’interlude récréatif : un match de volley-ball, les sportifs : des politiciens et des responsables des deux camps rivaux de l’échiquier politique actuel.
Pour la seconde fois consécutive (après la compétition de football de l’année passée), c’est encore un sport de ballon qui commémore officiellement le déclenchement d’un conflit qui fut marqué par son « niveau monstrueux de violence sur un aussi petit territoire » (Corm, in L’Europe et l’Orient, 1991) et qui eut comme aboutissement la situation que l’on connaît, hélas trop bien, actuellement. Croyant avoir réussi le pari de l’amnésie, les responsables libanais pensent pouvoir se permettre le luxe de jouer une bonne partie de volley-ball et de l’élever au rang de commémoration nationale. Il semblerait que la construction mémorielle, processus autrefois occulté, se fait désormais à coups de compétitions sportives. Il semblerait même que le symbole mémoriel est désormais un objet gonflable.

Les images de politiciens en maillot, short et chaussettes, courant sur un terrain de sport durant un mach de volley-ball, tout en se jouant de la mémoire des Libanais, sont une grave mise en scène trompeuse. C’est le jeu de balle qui devrait faire déborder le vase de l’amnésie officielle entreprise au lendemain de la fin du conflit, lorsque fut proclamée une amnistie générale pour tous les crimes commis entre 1975 et 1990, tout en excluant les assassinats des personnalités politiques et religieuses (loi d’amnistie générale du 26 août 1991, n° 84/91).
Vingt et un ans se sont écoulés depuis la fin des guerres de 1975-1990 et il n’existe toujours pas de mémorial érigé au nom des civils tués, blessés et disparus, pour la plupart victimes de violences gratuites et perverses qui, très souvent, les attendaient au tournant d’une petite ruelle. D’autres faits, moins évidents mais tout aussi parlants, illustrent parfaitement cette amnésie voulue et entretenue. Tout d’abord, il n’a jamais été question de « justice ni de réparations à l’égard des victimes du conflit » dans la plupart des récits autobiographiques des acteurs de la guerre (Eddé, in Mémoires de guerres au Liban, 2010). Ensuite, la collection philatélique libanaise ne contient aucun timbre commémoratif qui invoque les événements de 1975-1990 ; de même, bien que les fêtes officielles ne manquent pas au Liban, ni le 13 avril 1975 ni – ce qui serait encore plus approprié – la date de la fin du conflit (encore faut-il pouvoir et vouloir l’identifier) ne font partie de la liste. Enfin, la reconstruction-éclair du centre-ville entretient parfaitement le mythe du Liban Phénix : l’image d’un Liban qui renaît brusquement de ses cendres et restaure sa gloire d’antan, comme si de rien n’était.
C’est dans cette optique que les responsables du pays/de la guerre s’amusent à jouer au ballon rond en misant, encore une fois, sur l’amnésie de la population libanaise.
Les uns pourraient se demander à quoi servirait vraiment de se rappeler de ces événements. Les causes sont plutôt évidentes. Au niveau moral, afin de mieux oublier, afin de dépasser et, plus important encore, afin de pardonner et de se faire pardonner. Au niveau intellectuel, afin de comprendre les racines internes de ces événements lourds de conséquences, afin d’assimiler leurs répercussions actuelles et, plus important encore, afin d’éviter que ces épisodes brutaux ne se renouvellent.
D’autres se demanderaient comment s’en rappeler. La réponse est un peu plus difficile. Les mécanismes de la construction mémorielle sont divers et complexes, mais leur présentation dépasse le cadre de ces quelques lignes. Bien qu’il ne suffise pas d’évoquer la guerre pour éviter une éventuelle récidive, reconnaître explicitement les événements et convenir ouvertement de leurs séquelles constitueraient déjà un premier pas – et un bon début – vers la conciliation et l’exorcisation du passé afin de mieux vivre le présent.
Le 13 avril 2011, le score du match de volley-ball importera peu, mais une chose est certaine : le déroulement même de la compétition est plus qu’une atteinte au souvenir des victimes et une banalisation grave de la mémoire ; c’est une irresponsabilité politique vis-à-vis des rescapés du conflit et, d’abord et avant tout, vis-à-vis des générations de l’après-guerre.

Théodore CAPONIS
Chercheur en sciences politiques

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The Georgian Times on the Web: Comprehensive news site, daily international, national and local news coverage , breaking news updates, sports, reviews..

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for those who are interested to know more about Faith and Light  ( Imane w Nour)

do not hesitate to click below to read our illustrated presentation.

It will give you a hint on who we are, what we do,

Presentationfoi et lumiere Communaute saydeh 2011

If you are interested, YOU ARE WELCOME to our meetings ( mainly saturdays betwen 2 and 4).

also, do not hesitate to come to the RECITAL Offered by Abir Nehmeh, Saturday 9 April 2011n at 7.30 Pm at ST Elie, Antelias Church,


Looking forward to hear and see you!


ps: I am in Saydeh community ( in Antelias, ) Faith and Light has community all over Lebanon, for people not to be far from home!


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New Vacancies!

Dear friends,

do not hesitate to check the category vacancies, I am posting all the interesting vacancies in the development field, and the communication field….


also, do not hesitate to look at the link below from UNFPA: for the latest vacancies

UNFPA website  at http://www.unfpa.org.lb/Vacancies/vacancies.htm.


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FYI another vacancy is listed below!

good luck Rita!


Terms of Reference

 Project Coordinator

Project LBN3R11A
Enhancing national capacities for providing quality RH services at primary and secondary care levels in targeted areas

Ministry of Public Health
United Nations Population Fund


The joint partnership between UNFPA and MOPH was established since 1995 and continues under the 3rd programme cycle (2010-2014) through a series of strategic activities and building on achievements and concrete outcomes realized in the past years. The proposed activities for 2011 will be aligned with MOPH’s strategic directions and the MCH programme supported by the Italian Cooperation and will aim at enhancing MOPH’s capacities in providing quality RH services within various outlets at primary and secondary levels with particular emphasis on targeted areas (i.e. Marjeyoun, Hasbaya, Bint Jbeil, Rachaya, SW Bekaa, Halba, and Hermal). The proposed activities will consist of the following:

  • Enhance capacities of service providers on comprehensive RH package at PHC and secondary care level including for emergency response and in targeted areas
  • Enhance MOPH capacities for developing and operationalizing an RH commodity Security
  • Strengthen hospital capacities in training programmes on outreach
  • Generate evidence and knowledge in RH
  • Develop and pilot an RH monitoring system in targeted areas

A project coordinator will support the implementation of the above project activities and will operate under the overall guidance and supervision of the Director General. He/she will perform various tasks and activities of the project’s workplan implemented by the Ministry of Public health and supported by UNFPA. He/she will be based in the Ministry of Public Health and will conduct regular field visits where the activities are being carried out. He/she will be recruited for an initial period of one year with possible extension for a second year based on sound and satisfactory performance. Specifically, the project coordinator will carry out the following tasks and functions:

Implementation and Execution

  • Ensure timely and efficient implementation and follow up on the project activities in accordance with the agreed upon annual workplan (AWP)
  • Provide advise and briefing on the project’s progress and status to the various concerned stakeholders, implementing partners, as well as experts and consultants
  • Identify gaps, shortfalls and bottlenecks in the implementation of the related activities and propose amendments/modifications and/or corrective measures in the annual workplan based on emerging needs
  • Follow up on the actions and recommendations agreed upon between various actors (i.e. MOPH, other implementing partners, UNFPA, concerned stakeholders, experts and consultants, etc)
  • Identify and assess new and pertinent partners for implementation of project components
  • Provide logistical support in organizing projects events such as meetings, workshops, etc
  • Contribute to revising the project’s Annual workplan (AWP)
  • Identify supportive opportunities for maximizing and optimizing the implementation of the project’s activities
  • Draft Terms of Reference (TORs) for national consultants, project staff, firms/institutions, and NGOs for the implementation of various activities

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Undertake regular field visits (individual and joint) to ensure proper and efficient implementation of the activities
  • Support in the establishment and operationalization of an efficient monitoring system including identification of key indicators and generation of data for measuring progress
  • Prepare and consolidate various reports (i.e. progress, annual, training, financial reports, among others)
  • Attend and take minutes of all project related meetings


  • Ensure continuous collaboration and coordination with other related programmes/projects (i.e. Italian cooperation, etc) for ensuring a complementary and synergetic outcome of the various joint programme results framework
  • Ensure continuous flow of sharing of information with other UNFPA supported projects and interventions for maximizing mutual benefit
  • Contribute to the creation and sharing of knowledge among the various actors (i.e. through documentation of good practices and lessons learned among others)
  • Maintain a close collaboration with UNFPA’s media and communication officer for maximizing the visibility of the project’s achievement in various media channels (newsletter, website, newspapers, etc)
  • Contribute to organizing the RH coordination committee of the UNFPA CPAP chaired by MOPH and which convenes 2-3 times per year

Other Support

  • Review and provide comments on pertinent reports and documents
  • Identify and propose technical assistance needed for the project
  • Undertake other tasks as deemed necessary and in consultation with UNFPA


  • Masters Degree in Public Health or related field with considerable knowledge in development, heath, gender issues and empowerment of women, and human rights
  • Minimum 3-4 years of increasingly responsible experience in managing and coordinating development related programmes
  • Familiarity with governmental sector and community work
  • Strong analytical skills, a team player, dedication to perform within a multi-disciplinary collaboration, and the capacity to communicate efficiently and coordinate within a wide spectrum of partners, including government, NGOs and grassroots as well as community leaders
  • Fluency and good writing skills in English and Arabic
  • Excellent computer skills in various applications including word processing, database, power point, and internet

Required Competencies

Core competencies

  • Integrity/Commitment to mandate: Acts in accordance with Lebanese constitution and laws and holds himself/herself accountable for actions taken. Demonstrates personal commitment to the Ministry’s mandate and vision.
  • Knowledge sharing/continuous learning: Takes responsibility for personal learning and career development and actively seeks opportunities to learn through formal and informal means. Learns from others inside and outside the organization adopting best practices created by others. Actively produces and disseminates new knowledge.
  • Valuing diversity: Demonstrates an international outlook, appreciates differences in values and learns from cultural diversity. Takes actions appropriate to the religious and cultural context and shows respect, tact and consideration for cultural differences. Observes and inquires to understand the perspectives of others and continually examines his/her own biases and behaviors
  • Working in teams: Works collaboratively with colleagues inside and outside of the Ministry to allow the achievement of common goals and shared objectives. Actively seeks resolution of disagreements and supports decisions of the team.
  • Analytical and strategic thinking: Uses appropriate analytical tools and logic to gather, define and analyze information, situations and problems and draws logical conclusions from data. Demonstrates an ability to set clear and appropriate priorities focusing on tasks and activities which have a strategic impact on results. Anticipates and meets information needs of the team and other stakeholders.
  • Conflict and self management: Manages personal reactions by remaining calm, composed and patient even when under stress or during a crisis and avoids engaging in unproductive conflict. Expresses disagreement in constructive ways that focus on the issue not the person. Tolerates conditions of uncertainty or ambiguity and continues to work productively.
  • Results orientation/Commitment to excellence: Strives to achieve high personal standard of excellence. Takes action that goes beyond responding to the obvious needs of the situation and persists until successful outcomes are achieved.

Functional Competencies

  • Results-based programme development and management: Contributes to the achievement of results through primary research and analysis and effective monitoring of programme/project implementation. Uses analytical skills to identify opportunities for project development and participates in the design and application of proven successful approaches.
  • Innovation and marketing of new approaches: Enhances existing processes and products. Documents and analyzes innovative strategies, best practices and new approaches. Adapts quickly to change.
  • Leveraging the resources of national partners/Building strategic alliances and partners: Establishes, maintains and utilizes a broad network of contacts to keep abreast of developments and to share information. Analyzes and selected materials for strengthening strategic alliances with partners and stakeholders.
  • Advocacy/Advancing a policy oriented agenda: Prepares and communicates relevant information for evidence-based advocacy. Maintains a functioning network of contacts in the media and civil society to support advocacy efforts and takes opportunities for advocating for the Ministry’s mandate.

Candidates who meet the required qualifications may apply on line by sending an updated and comprehensive CV detailing their work experience that is relevant to the job requirements as indicated in the Terms of Reference. The CVs must be sent to Ms Rasha Hamra, at ministeroffice@public-health.gov.lb no later than april 16 2011

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Dears, you may find below the TOR of the project coordinator on gender mainstreaming… Good luck Rita!


Terms of Reference

 Project Coordinator

Project LBN3G11A
Gender Enhancement & Mainstreaming

National Commission for Lebanese Women
United Nations Population Fund


The National Commission for Lebanese women in collaboration with UNFPA is conducting the Gender Enhancement and Mainstreaming Project, building on achievements and concrete outcomes realized in the past 3 years of collaboration. The activities in this project aim to enhance the institutionalization of NCLW and support its role in policy making. The project will be executed by the National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW) through a participatory approach with a wide range of civil society groups, governmental institutions, and international organizations to follow up on the national validation of the national woman strategy, to develop a national action plan, and conduct studies to review status of laws on women equality in Lebanon.

In order to implement the various project’s activities, a project coordinator will be recruited for an initial period of 8 months (May-December 2011). The project coordinator will work in close collaboration with the Steering Committee for the implementation of the project activities and under supervision of the Project’s national director and secretary general. Specifically, the coordinator will carry out the following tasks:

Implementation and Execution

  • Follow up on the implementation of the project activities as per agreed upon Annual Workplan
  • Ensure timely and efficient implementation of the project’s activities in accordance with the workplan
  • Ensure proper identification of and follow up with the national experts/consultants and civil society groups/ national institutions who will be involved in the implementation of certain activities
  • Support in the drafting of Terms of Reference (TORs) for national consultants, experts/ firms/institutions, and NGOs
  • Ensure proper financial management of the project in accordance with the letter of understanding and agreements signed between NCLW and UNFPA in coordination with NCLW treasurer
  • Prepare and submit required project documentation and reports such as quarterly and final reports

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Assist in identifying shortfalls and bottlenecks in the implementation of planned activities
  • Ensure advising the Steering Committee & Secretary General of any shortfalls that require corrective action and propose relevant recommendations
  • Propose amendments and modifications in the workplan based on emerging needs and propose changes to SC after discussion with national director and secretary general
  • Support in the establishment and operationalization of an efficient monitoring system among all project experts/consultants
  • Contribute to the preparation and consolidation of progress reports


  • Ensure continuous collaboration and coordination with SC on project implementation
  • Ensure continuous flow of information to the SC
  • Contribute to synthesizing and documenting project and activities findings and lessons learned
  • Ensure continuous coordination, guidance and supervision with project experts/consultants
  • Upon request by SG, liaise with relevant partners including governmental institutions, civil society groups/institutions and others for maximizing the visibility of the project
  • Coordinate with Media Consultant at NCLW to ensure visibility of project’s activities

Other Support

  • Review and provide comments to SC on pertinent reports and documents
  • Provide input to various tasks such as workshops, research/studies/ newsletter and website content, etc
  • Undertake other tasks as deemed necessary and in consultation with the SG


  • Bachelor degree in Social Sciences or related field with considerable knowledge in Management of development, gender issues, and human rights
  • Minimum 3-5 years of responsible experience in coordination and monitoring development related programmes
    • Knowledge of international financial and procurement procedures especially those adopted by the UN
  • Familiarity with policy making work and strategic planning
  • Familiarity with gender issues
  • Strong analytical skills, a team player, dedication to perform within a multi-disciplinary collaboration, and the capacity to communicate efficiently and coordinate within a wide spectrum of partners
  • Fluency and god writing skills in English and Arabic
  • Excellent computer skills in various applications including word processing, database, power point, and internet

Candidates who meet the required qualifications may apply on line by sending an

  • Updated and comprehensive CV detailing their work experience that is relevant to the post requirements as indicated in the Terms of Reference.
  • A cover letter or correspondence specifying why they are applying for this post
    The CV and letter must be sent to Ms. Jumana Mufarej on info@nclw.org.lb, no later than april 15 2011.

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Lebanon: civil society mobilised for equal rights
Rita Chemaly
Beirut – On 20 March, the day before the Mother’s Day  in Lebanon, 30,000 people of all ages took the streets of Beirut chanting slogans and demanding the abolition of the country’s confessional system. This was the latest in a series of demonstrations that began on 27 February with 3,000 young people committed to demonstrating each Sunday for a secular Lebanon that guarantees equal rights for all its citizens.

Their demands are clear: demonstrators want a secular state, a personal status law that guarantees women’s rights, the end of Lebanon’s current system which allows religious sects to apply different civil laws on issues related to divorce or heritage, and the establishment of civil marriage.

Lebanese civil society seized the momentum from popular uprisings in the region to launch a campaign for the abolition of the confessional system of power-sharing between Lebanon’s different religious groups. Although the Preamble of the Lebanese Constitution stipulates that ”The abolition of political confessionalism is a basic national goal…”, due to the 1943 National Pact – an unwritten agreement – power sharing was established on a confessional basis where parliamentary seats are allocated on the basis of religion, and the highest positions are filled by people from specific sects: the president is always Maronite Christian, the prime minister always Sunni and the speaker of parliament always Shiite.

With 18 recognised religious communities, laws on personal status that deal with marriage, divorce, adoption, child custody and inheritance are handled by different religious courts run by each community. Druze, Shiite and Sunni citizens each apply different interpretations of sharia (Islamic principles of jurisprudence). And the Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christian communities apply different versions of canon law. Most of these laws tend to favour the rights of men and stress patriarchal values.

This system of different courts results not only in unequal application of the law when it comes to men and women, but also amongst Lebanese women themselves. For example, Sunni and Shiite courts allow men to enter into polygamous relationships, while Druze and Christian courts do not. Divorce is prohibited in Catholic courts, whereas it is permitted in Sunni, Shiite and Druze courts.

Those who opt for civil marriages outside of Lebanon face another challenge. Many personal status laws disallow marriages if one person in a couple is from a different religious community. And because there is no civil marriage in Lebanon, many religiously mixed couples that do not believe in religious marriage or couples where one partner does not want to change his or her religion, are obliged to travel to neighbouring countries like Cyprus or Turkey.

Pursuant to Article 25 of decree No. 60/1936, the couple’s marriage is recognised in Lebanon but governed by the civil law of the country where it was conducted – a legal headache for Lebanese judges who must therefore be familiar with the civil code of the country where the marriage was conducted in order to resolve any legal issues.

Various attempts to institute one civil code pertaining to the status of the individual, even as an optional measure, have failed due to a political and social system based on confessional power-sharing.

However, civil society has decided to act. A vast roadside billboard campaign was launched in March by the KAFA (which means enough in Arabic) network which brings together various women’s associations and organisations. The aim of this campaign is the full implementation of Article 16 of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women which clearly stipulates equality between men and women as far as marriage is concerned and at the spouse’s discretion. KAFA advocates that all Lebanese people be subject to the same personal status laws, which guarantee women the same rights and obligations in marriage, inheritance, divorce, alimony and custody afforded to men under the Lebanese Constitution and gender-sensitive international agreements.

A unified civil code on personal status would put an end to existing inequalities between men and women, and among Lebanese women of different confessions, and is the first step in upholding the constitutional aim of abolishing political confessionalism.

* Rita Chemaly is a social-political researcher and author of Spring 2005 in Lebanon, Between Myths and Realities. She won The Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press in 2007 and blogs at www.ritachemaly.wordpress.com. This article was written for the Common Ground News Service (CGNews).
Copyright permission is granted for publication.
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pour les interesses,

n’hesitez pas a voir le programme du 9ème séminaire francophone international pour la  promotion de la sécurité  et la prévention des traumatismes qui se tiendra sous le Haut Patronage de la Première Dame Madame Wafaa Michel Sleiman les 5, 6 et 7 mai 2011 à l’Université Saint Joseph, Campus des Sciences Médicales, à Beyrouth sur le thème: « Jeunes et passion du risque : A quel prix ? ».


Nous serons honorés de pouvoir compter sur votre participation et vous invitons à visiter le site www.cusfc.usj.edu.lb/seminairetraumatismes pour un supplément d’informations. 

N.B : Prière de vous inscrire directement sur le site www.cusfc.usj.edu.lb/seminairetraumatismes ou par téléphone au numéro 961 1 421 278

Nous vous rappelons qu’une traduction simultanée est assurée.

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Vacancy in Kafa!

Immediate Recruitment 

Program Coordinator 

KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation is a Lebanese non-profit civil organization working towards eradicating all forms of gender-based violence and exploitation of women and children through advocating for legal reform and change of policies and practices, influencing public opinion, and empowering women and children.

Since more than two years,
 KAFA started to work on engaging men in ending violence against women, in partnership with OXFAM GB. This initiative proved to be a successful approach in getting men to be involved in defending the human rights of women. This joint program is gaining more and more credibility, and recently got the approval of the EU on a 3 years project.

KAFA is now seeking to recruit a “Program Coordinator” for the project: Strategies and Approaches of Working with Men and Boys to end Violence against Women, to work on a full-time basis and to be committed to KAFA’s principles.

Key tasks and responsibilities 

●    Implementation and monitoring of KAFA’s three-year programme on: strategies and approaches of working with men and boys to end violence funded by EC

●    Programme budget monitoring; check that the expenditures are in line with EC and partner financial requirements and ensure following all EC procedures in procurement of services and materials

●    Prepare annual action plan and budget of the programme, prepare TORs and contracts for trainers and other service providers

●    Prepare monthly and quarterly reports on programme progress and prepare the annual programme report to be submitted to Oxfam GB

●    Arrange for with the partner the Steering Committee meeting and widely share meetings’ minutes with members and various stakeholders

●    Lead on and support the programme campaign components

●    Contribute to the support of men’s forum and initiate understanding and support to the forum at community level,

●    Develop monitoring indicators and ensure learning and changes are captured along the programme cycle

●    Seek advice as needed from KAFA Director, Oxfam GB as the partner

●    Follow up on all related media products including initiating and documenting using audio visuals to reflect on successes

●    Working with the project team to initiate electronic newsletter on the men�s forum as well as the white ribbon campaign in Lebanon

●    Maintain proper filing system and draft correspondence to partners

●    Liaise with Oxfam GB launching annual audits of the programme, Oxfam monitoring visits and missions to the programme

●    Manage and support the Project Assistant

●    Carry other tasks to ensure programme quality and timely delivery

Key competencies  

●    University Degree in Business Administration, Social Sciences, or related fields

●    At least four years of work experience in the field of NGO project management and grant management

●    thorough knowledge and experience in LFA, Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation skills

●    An understanding of and experience in working in the development and humanitarian sectors, with extensive knowledge of gender and diversity issues

●    Demonstrated capacity of social and communication, negotiation and facilitation skills

●    Aability to work with others and as a part of the team, and ability to work under stress

●    Excellent communication, negotiation and facilitation skills

●    Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Arabic

●    Computer competences

●    Ability to travel
Interested candidates are invited to submit their application no later than 10 April 2011. Please e-mail a motivation letter, a detailed CV + 3 references to kafa@kafa.org.lb.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
No phone calls please.

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