
Archive for the ‘report’ Category

J’ai eu la chance de participer a une formation intensive, de plusieurs semaines, au debut à distance, puis en face a face, sur l’audit participatif du genre au ITC ILO a Geneve. Cela Grace , a la Commission Nationale pour La femme Libanaise (NCLW: Chequez notre site http://www.nclw.org.lb )

Qu’est ce que l’Audit du genre et a quoi sert il?

Deja l’audit est Participatif. On ne peut pas faire d’audit sans la cooperation de l’instance/ organisation / Institution / Companie auditee.

aussi, l’audit est une methode de recherche, j’en parle souvent dans mon cours de sociologie politique. Suite a la methode quantitative et qualitative on peut parler aussi de l’audit participatif, lie au genre, on essaye tout simplement de voir si dans diverses composantes de chaque instance, les droits , l’egalite et le genre sont respectes. Nous utilisons pour cela, tout comme dans les sciences sociales, si cheres a Durkheim , diverses sources pour les informations de l’audit.

on commence par une recherche litteraire ( en collectant via l’instance auditee, leur strategie, leur directives, des copies des mails addresses, les Termes de reference, leurs publications, leur organigram, leur circulaire et quelques decisions administratives, leurs agendas, et une panoplie de leurs programmes de formation. etc)

Plusieurs entretiens personnels peuvent aussi etre mis en place, avec des membres du personnel, des membres de l’administration, des experts techniques, meme avec l’equipe d’entretien ou bien avec les partenaires et les beneficiaires de l’instance auditee.

Les entretiens par groupe, les celebres focus groups , avec les equipes d’un meme programme, ou d’une meme branche.

Un Questionnaire peut etre aussi developpe, il aide a la comprehension des perceptions autour des questions du genre dans l’instance auditee (Banque, ministere, parti politique, universite, ONG, INGO, Donor….)

Suite a cela, plusieurs ateliers peuvent etre organises, ateliers interactifs ou les auditrices et auditeurs s’assurent des informations recues par les autres moyens, et des observations faites jusqu’a present.

Des Recommendations sont developpees, et generalement autour de 5 composantes de l’audit genre. (un autre billet a suivre autour du sujet)

La formation a l’ILO est interessante, elle permet de rencontrer sur un beau campus,  ou les ecureuils vivent dans les arbres et n’hesitent pas a se rapprocher de nous aux pauses cafes, des personnes differentes.

les “late night” discussions sont un plus, on “gazouille” en differentes langues et autour de sujets tellement diversifies!

a vous quelques photos du campus ….

a Suivre d’autres billets sur le sujet

Rita Chemaly



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Dear readers anyone is interested in the call of proposal launched by KIP / AUB USAID project?

it covers:  15 research/data gathering projects.

Researchers, graduate students, and faculty based within civil society organizations, NGOs, academic institutions, think tanks and/or other related contexts working on relevant issues are encouraged to apply.

The project aims to  examine issues relating to gender and sexuality with the aim of positively contributing to the empowerment of women and other marginalized groups in Lebanon.

attached for you is the KIP project call for proposal with full details.

in brief: There will be 9 grants of $5,000 USD each which fund documentation projects where researchers gather information and data pertaining to gender and sexuality issues in public, judicial, legal, syndicated, private business, and civil society organizations. Additionally, there will be 6 grants of $10,000 USD each which fund theory-driven and knowledge-generating academic research projects.
We are seeking proposals that focus on either gathering data/information or generating knowledge relating to the following five thematic areas:
(1) Sexual Harassment and other forms of abusive behaviors or discrimination disproportionately targeting women and other marginalized groups at work, at school, in universities, and in other traditional or nontraditional structures in Lebanon.
(2) Barriers and facilitators affecting participation and representation of women and other marginalized groups at work, in government, in management and leadership as well as in other decision making roles in traditional or nontraditional structures in Lebanon.
(3) The current health and wellbeing practices and perceptions around of gender and sexuality in Lebanon.
(4) The next generation: the perceptions, attitudes and the current practices of youth and young adults in relation to gender equality and sexuality in Lebanon.
(5) Conceptual etymology and legal genealogy of gender, sexuality, and bodily rights in Lebanon.


The KIP Project is funded through a federal assistance award from the U.S. Department of State and under the direction of Associate Professor Charlotte Karam (Olayan School of Business, American University of Beirut). If interested, please send an email to the KIP Project Coordinator Ms. Zeina Mhaidly at zm32@aub.edu.lb.


Good luck to all!!!

Rita Chemaly

below is the full link to the PDF:


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You want to know what are the discrimination women are facing in Lebanon till 2014?  you wish to know what improvements were made till 2014?  The Official Cedaw Report of the Republic of Lebanon, that has been prepared by NCLW  (www.nclw.org.lb)  is now available in English and French and Spanish.

Below is a sneak through the table of content of the english version:

“Article 1 Definition of discrimination against women ………………………….. …….. 9

Article 2 The principle of non-discrimination and guarantee of its achievement ……………….. 9

The legislative situation and principle of non-discrimination ……………………… 10

Bills and proposals being studied or monitored .

17 IV. Civil society initiatives and efforts …….”

if you wish to download the versions here they are:

the arabic version is available for download here: https://ritachemaly.wordpress.com/2014/09/26/lebanon-official-cedaw-report-on-women-status-for-2014/

cedaw rapport en francais 2014 officiel Liban

cedaw report official Lebanon 2014 English version

they have been translated by the UN: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Pages/WelcomePage.aspx 

Rita Chemaly

unhcr translation cedaw lebanon 2014

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