
Posts Tagged ‘United States’

Thank you Cases show for hosting me to shed light about women rights in Saudi-Arabia , KSA

to watch the show hosted by Farah Atoui and produced by Aly Sleem for Etejah TV Channel, follow the link


Kudos to all Saudi women driving, campaigning, speaking out and defying norms and bans,

You’ll do it one day, and achieve your political, social and economical rights!!

Rita Chemaly

Cases Rita Chemaly about women rights in Saudi Arabia KSA

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Join the Inaugural: Call for applications for Master of Public Administration (MPA) program at CEU. This two-year program offers students the opportunity to concentrate in Global Media and Communication in their second year.  Scholarships and fellowships available.



The CEU School of Public Policy (SPP) is seeking to recruit exceptional students from all parts of the globe to enroll in its inaugural class for the two-year Master of Public Administration (MPA) program to begin in September 2013. CEU is an English-language, graduate university located in Budapest, Hungary and is accredited in both the United States and Hungary. Applications are open until 24 January 2013.

Read the MPA brochure and apply now!


About the MPA

The School’s professional degree program will equip students to make innovative contributions towards addressing the paramount public policy challenges of the 21st century. The MPA curriculum consists of integrated components designed to foster intellectual growth and reflective thinking, the development of practical skills and experiential learning.

Areas of concentration initially offered will include analysis in a host of public policy areas such as: Regional and Global Governance, Human Security and Sustainable Development and Global Media and Communication. In cooperation with the Open Society Foundations and SPP’s network of worldwide partners, the program will entail a student-designed, policy-oriented practice component (called the passion project), which commences in the winter term of the first year of the MPA program, builds on a summer internship, and runs through the entirety of a student’s second year.

We are recruiting students with a passion for public policy and the public good ready to challenge established models and schools of thought.

Prospective students

The School of Public Policy seeks applicants for its inaugural class who are committed to making a positive difference in the world of global public policy. Successful applicants will demonstrate a strong academic record, an interest in public policy, and high leadership potential. Although not a requirement, it is preferable that applicants possess one to several years work experience, obtained through paid/unpaid employment, professional or volunteer work, and/or internship opportunities, and have exposure to international or multicultural environments.

Join us in promoting innovative solutions worldwide and foster change: in government, international institutions, within non-profits, or in the private sector.

Scholarships and fellowships

SPP will offer a number of merit-based fellowships and scholarships.

For further information about the School of Public Policy, visit the SPP website or Facebook page, or contact the SPP at sppadmissions@ceu.hu.

Join a community of action-oriented thinkers and policy makers.

About SPP

Launched in September 2011, SPP aspires to become (in the words of its founder George Soros) a “new kind of global institution dealing with global problems.” In its degree and non-degree programs (including executive education), SPP aims to create an educational experience that involves not only the acquisition of skills and knowledge but also the cultivation of a mindset that emphasizes entrepreneurship, innovation, cultural awareness and a commitment to the public good. Building on Central European University’s rich traditions of promoting diversity and open societies, the SPP will cultivate a rigorous interdisciplinary environment and a dynamic laboratory of ideas.


Further opportunities to specialize in media and communication studies at CEU


1) Media, Information and Communication Policy Specialization within the Master in Public Policy (1 year program and 2 year Erasmus program).Visit their Website.


2) Political Communication certificate within the Master in Political Science (1 and 2 year programs). Visit their Website.


3) Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations. Visit their Admissions Website.

Good luck!!

Rita Chemaly

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At an efficient salon severed coils of hair never remain on the floor for long. The strands are promptly swept up and binned, the matter given fleeting, if even that, notice by the average customer.

However, of late a number of hair donation drives have drawn attention to an alternative ending for your chopped locks.

Tony el-Mendelek sums up his hair salon’s latest initiative succinctly: “You donate for a good cause, and you change your look at the same time.”

“Cut for a Cause” is a weeklong drive, run through the prominent hairdresser’s salon in Dabayyeh, to collect human hair for use in the manufacture of wigs for young cancer patients, who often lose their hair as a result of chemotherapy treatments.

Mendelek and his team are offering a haircut free of charge to clients who agree to donate at least 10 cm of their hair to make wigs for young cancer patients. The hairdresser intends giving the collected hair to the Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon at the AUB medical center in Hamra.

According to Karen Khoury, public relations and communications manager for the center, CCCL, which treats children from a few months old up to 18 years, is “looking forward to receiving the donation but notes that it has not yet been confirmed.”

CCCL collects raw hair in 10-15 cm long ponytails and passes it along to a supplier who makes wigs for free for the center’s patients.

Discussing his motivation for undertaking this initiative, Mendelek told The Daily Star that “we as a team felt the urgency of this cause,” adding that his daughter was in fact the one that came up with the idea for the hair drive.

So far, he said, more than 10 clients have donated hair, with some individuals, very excited by the cause, allowing the hairdresser to cut 20-30 centimeters of their hair, and, in the process, completely transform their look.

The drive began last Saturday and is ongoing for one week, ending Nov. 3. All donors have to do to participate is contact the salon, state their intention to contribute to this initiative, and make an appointment.

As far as he is aware, Mendelek is the first independent hairdresser in Lebanon to offer cuts for free in exchange for hair donations; however, since November 2009, Cross Talk, a Christian ecumenical education NGO, has been accepting raw hair donations.

Rania Nasrallah, president of the NGO, says the organization receives at least one hair donation per week. Donors attend their regular hairdresser, get their hair cut and save at least 10 cm to contribute to Cross Talk, who in turn passes the hair along to CCCL.

This year, on Sept. 30 Cross Talk held a one-day donation drive at the Royal Hotel Dabbayeh, teaming up with 10 hairdressers to offer free cuts in exchange for donations.

Nasrallah says the event was an overwhelming success. “Eighty people donated, and almost half [of those] donated more than 25 cm,” she told The Daily Star, adding that one generous participant had donated 50 cm of hair.

Recently the organization has also had donors from overseas, who have heard about Cross Talk’s initiative through the media. Nasrallah mentions a woman from the United States, who saved hair from her haircut and brought it with her to Lebanon to donate. Another woman from Qatar, donated her children’s hair here, she adds.

Hair donations can be dropped off at Cross Talk’s centers in Broumanna, Hamra or Rabieh, Nasrallah adds. – With additional reporting by Dana Khraiche

For more information on Tony el-Mendelek’s offer contact 04-544-440 or 04-540-541.
November 03, 2012

By Niamh Fleming-Farrell

The Daily Star

Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Culture/Lifestyle/2012/Nov-03/193688-cut-for-a-cause-donating-hair-to-cancer-patients.ashx#ixzz2BHgLZcdG
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)


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Communication Officer / Reporter

About IOCC

International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is a US-based international relief and development agency established in 1992 by the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA). It offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination. IOCC has been working in Lebanon since 2001 and has more than a decade of experience in implementing community-driven programs that address a broad range of social issues, from relief to community development and education.

(For more information on IOCC, please visit our website at www.iocc.org).

Title: Communication Officer / Reporter  

Summary: The IOCC Middle East Regional Office is seeking an experienced Communication Officer/Reporter, based in Lebanon, to produce media stories on program achievements, which serve as a useful tool for communicating the benefits of the relief programs. These stories are produced for publication on IOCC’s global website, newsletters, the donors’ websites and publications, amongst other venues.

The responsibilities for this position include: extensive writing, editing, and proofreading, producing multimedia material; acting as the lead “storyteller” for the agency; contributing to the website; expanding IOCC’s social media presence and impact; and working collaboratively with staff, volunteers, and other stakeholders to ensure that IOCC stories convey the importance and the impact of the work done.

Essential functions include [but are not limited to]

§  Writing media stories and creating multimedia material that highlight how IOCC’s programs are helping to transform the lives of vulnerable target populations;

§  Carrying out the field work and interviews with program counterparts to collect information for the stories;

§  Timely submission and editing of all documents

Qualifications and Requirements:

§  Three to five years’ experience as a journalist, with preferably at least one year experience working in Lebanon and/or the Middle East;

§  BA in Journalism, communications or related field and work experience;

§  Superb writing and editing skills; the Communication Officer / Reporter will be a skilled, enthusiastic, and creative storyteller;

§  Ability to draw together multimedia features such as text, sound, graphics, photography, and video to create and maintain a distinctive and compelling agency “voice”;

§  2-3 years of social media experience; helpful to have an in-depth understanding of social media platforms, their participants and their community dynamics (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) and how they can be used in different scenarios.

§  Ability and willingness to travel to surrounding countries;

§  Frequent field visits;

§  Self-motivated and able to take initiative with minimal supervision;

§  Fluency in English (written and oral) and Arabic;

§  Good command of Microsoft Office applications;

§  Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines

Application and contact details:

Interested qualified candidates are requested to submit their resumes to  ilebanon@iocc.org by Friday, November 9, 2012. To ensure the timely review of your credentials, please insert “Communication Officer/Reporter” in the subject line of the email. No phone calls please. Top-rated candidates will be contacted

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The council of Ministers has Approved during his session on October 10 2012, the amendment of article 15 of the Public Code of Contractuals , Nizam el Am lil Oujara2! 🙂

now, a woman contractual in the public sphere can benefit from a 60 day maternity leave instead of a 40 days maternity leave!!!!

Hourray!!! We are still waiting for the amendment of the Labor law articles 28-29 (maternity leave), and hoping to extend this maternity leave to at least 10 weeks   in Lebanon… for all female employees!!!

A great Step forward By the Council of Ministers!!!

Rita Chemaly

Take a break… I arrive Mum!!

for you the article as it appears in the decisions of the Council of ministers:

الموافقة على طلب الهيئة الوطنية لشؤون المرأة اللبنانية تعديل المادة 15 من المرسوم رقم 5883 تاريخ 3/10/1994 وتعديلاته (النظام العام للأجراء) بحيث تعطى الأجيرة الحامل , إجازة بأجر كامل , تدعى إجازة أمومة , مدتها /60/ يوما


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Préparer un mariage au Liban, c’est un vrai casse-tete!

les idées vues, revues, et refaites par je ne sais qui sont -parait-il “obligatoires”! 

voila quelques unes des remarques que j’ai eu…..

Fleurs, voitures, restaurant, église, robe, chocolat, danseurs, ahhhh j’oublie les escarpins!!

Un must: la voiture de la mariée doit être BLANCHE:

En faisant un ptit tour, un fleuriste a Dbayeh me dit, ta voiture n’est pas blanche??? mais tu es la mariée! la voiture doit être Blanche?!?! Walaouw!!

ok ok…. On note…. la voiture de la mariée doit être blanche…

Must selon les règles du mariage… La voiture de la mariée DOIT être Blanche!!

bon je ne sais pas toujours pourquoi… mais les règles édictées par une société pareille…ouf!! je ne peux pas faire la révolution partout!! ca fatigue!!

priorité 2: Coiffeur et Extension de cheveux  :

j’oublie… les cheveux… Rita, tu dois aller chez un des coiffeurs connus de la ville… parfait! j’y vais…. euh.. j’y suis allée pour payer le down payement d’une amie: 600$ en premier payement, le reste le jour du mariage!!! une coiffure a 900$????? mais que va-t-il lui faire?? Planter des cheveux!??!! désolée, la coiffure est celle de “BLANCHE NEIGE”… 🙂 oui oui je vous assure, dans son menu, puisque le coiffeur a un menu, c’est effet Blanche neige, ouiiiiiii!!! j’ai le menu!!

attention les extensions de cheveux sont Obligatoires!! oui, un chignon sans deux tonnes de cheveux synthétiques ou coupés et vendus par de pauvres jeunes filles je ne sais ou, n’en est pas un!!

Rita! tu ne veux pas changer de couleur de cheveux???? Non… pourquoi?? mais tu as une mèche blanche!!? euh…. Mais je l’adore ma mèche blanche! elle est naturelle, est BELLE!!!!

OkAY!!! La je m’insurge! on ne touche pas a ma meche!! je l’ai depuis mon plus jeune age!! et ils insistent! faut la couvrir!!! Mdr!!!

Encore faut pas oublier,  le prix de la coiffure de la mariée est juste pour la mariée, et sans le make-up, je veux dire make over!

Make-up ….Make over priorité 3: 

Un institut de beauté qui prend 45$ pour un maquillage, sans faux-cils s’il vous plait m’a demandé 250$ pour un maquillage de mariage…. euh….. des prix hors normes?!!  aussi j’ai claqué la porte gentiment, surtout que la maquilleuse avait un gros chewing gum…et mastiquait comme un chameau… ouiii je suis méchante, mais un peu de retenue dis-donc!!!

L”institut hors prix ce trouve à Zalka…

oops… coiffure de mariage…. a la cruella liban

Toujours a Zalka… les Scarbineh brillantes et Haute Haute Haute!!!

ehhh la c’est l’horreur totale, pas tant qu’aux prix qui sont passables, mais au MODELS!!!

Louboutin et gaga bi rasskoun!!! ce ne sont pas des talons , ce sont des pièces qui tuent!!! si je donne un coup de pied a quelqu’un avec un double semelle et des talons pareils (minimum trouvable 10 cm ) je serais arrêtée!!!

les talons pour mariage….. Souk el zalka en offre une panoplie!!!!

Les Zaffehs!!! 

ahhh, j’oublie les zaffehs, Rita, tu ne veux pas de zaffeh??? euh si j’adore!! mais pourquoi pas par des gens qui nous connaissent?? c’est pas le but d’une zaffeh?? avoir des personnes qui aiment les maries, et qui vont chanter et danser pour eux??

j’adorerais que des gens que j’aime chantent, jouent un instrument, ou dansent pour moi!!! cela serait un tres beau cadeau!!! et c’est comme ca que ca se faisait!!!!!!  sinon je pourrais appeler Jennifer Lopez, et chakira!! je suis Fan!

zaffeh… la troupe de danse traditionnelle libanaise

mais des gens que je ne connais pas?! euh… je deviendrais danseuse pour leur show! et leur “PORTEFOLIO”….oui, ils auront fait de la pub pour eux, dans un des grands mariage libanais, et ils ajoutent cela a leur carnet!! (el 3ariss jeyeh men franssa, w hiyeh ketbeh!) et walla… ana men achkout, w rodz  men deyr dourit….

Un violoniste connu pour 20 minutes prend la modique somme de 2500$… je ne l’ai pas appele, mon amie, docteure a l’universite l’a appele pour son mariage, il gagne plus qu’elle !!!!!

un triple salaire mensuel au Liban…. Mariage me dites-vous?!! mais c’est écoeurant!!

Violonistes au Liban… une panoplie trouvable sur Youtube

hummm… les restaurants et hotels? pour un mariage, tous les prix grimpent et changent… quant aux things to add… oulalalalaaaa… je pense que mon cheri va avoir lui même des cheveux blancs!

il a tellement entendu, sorry monsieur, cela c’est du extra pas dans l’offre!

Les Wedding Loans??? Une autre histoire au Liban…

oui au Liban, pour pouvoir faire un mariage les banques offrent des produits pour mariage! les wedding loans! pour moi prendre un prêt pour une journée et soirée, est une aberration… certains trouvent que c’est nécessaire….

voila quelques avis dont certains différents du mien trouvés sur le blog de E-Mabrouk:

“i don’t agree with you rami, not everyone in these days can make a wedding in lebanon…the minimum needed to make a wedding in lebanon bypassed the average of 20.000$…if we choose a normal wedding dresse, a normal zaffe,a normal photographer,ordinary cars, very small venue….these days the couples should work years just to make a wedding in lebanon which will pass in 24 hour as maximum….
LalousNovember 30, 2011 – 23:46

🙂 I like what’s happening below. From my point of view, I think the couple should not spend more than their in-hand budget and they shouldn’t take a loan for it; I think it’s weird to have loans for weddings! Besides, I will marry once in my life and I want it to be a great wedding but in the same time I won’t spend more that I can do. I will do whatever I can with my budget.
By the way, I think Lebanon is the best place on earth to make wedding in it. You can have a very small wedding and up ten million dollar wedding.

RamiNovember 28, 2011 – 16:26

honestly i disagree with Anna because we come life once and we get marry once, and the wedding in Lebanon became something very lovely to do and the couple must enjoy this event and spend all what they can to make it an unforgettable day. We have the finest wedding Zaffe in lebanon, finest wedding dresses in lebanon, finest wedding flowers in lebanon, finest wedding photographer in lebanon,finest wedding cars in lebanon…etc…so we need to take advantage from all of that…at least i will do that for myself when i get married 🙂

Rasha80November 27, 2011 – 23:32″


Oui oui… les gens au Liban prennent un prêt pour se marier!!! certaines banques à hauteur de 30 000$ d’autres dans les 15 000$ ;

il faut dire que tout restaurant a besoin d’un premier payement de 15000$ juste pour garder la date libre….  mais oh jeunes gens, emprunter de l’argent pour une soirée?! ?! ?! oh la la

et vous serez avec Votre Famille et Amis proches!!!!

deux exmples de prets bancaires pour mariage au Liban byblos bank et la Libano francaise…

ceci mis à part…. je ne peux que dire qu’il y a de bons moments quand même…

les billets suivants montrent les steps by steps que nous suivons…. et qui nous font plaisir !!! car des moments pareils ne sont vivables qu’une fois!

Aussi je mettrais le nom et addresses des gens professionnels qui nous ont plu!! pas de ceux qui arnaquent a tout bout de champ!!

et pour ceux qui le veulent un guide pour les mariages va suivre!!!

Rita (z bride to be)

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le numéro 9 de la publication du ministère de l’économie et du commerce est sorti!

a vous un synopsis de toutes les campagnes qui avisent le consommateur de ses droits….

des astuces pour reconnaître les viandes avariées, les tricheries : miel, lait liquide, café, sucre sel…..

toutes les astuces sont disponibles via le lien de la nouvelle publication

rita chemaly


صدور العدد التاسع من نشرة حماية المستهلك الإلكترونية (صيف 2012)
التاريخ: 27 آب 2012

 حرصاً من وزارة الإقتصاد والتجارة على شفافية عملها وسعياً لإتاحة المجال أمام المستهلك اللبناني للإطّلاع بشكل دوري على أحدث الإرشادات والنصائح التوعوية وعلى أنشطة الوزارة بوجه عام ومديرية حماية المستهلك بشكل خاص، قامت الوزارة بإصدار العدد التاسع (صيف 2012) من “نشرة حماية المستهلك” الالكترونية، المتوفر بشكل مجاني على الموقع الرسمي للوزارة  www.economy.gov.lb. تهدف هذه النشرة الى زيادة الوعي الثقافي فيما يتعلق بمفهوم حقوق وواجبات المستهلك والمحترف في لبنان، عبر التطرّق إلى جميع المواضيع التي تعالجها الوزارة ولا سيما هموم المستهلكين ومنها سلامة السلع وبالأخص موضوع الأمن الغذائي، الغش التجاري، محاربة التقليد والتزوير وغيرها من المواضيع. كما تشجع المستهلكين الى المطالبة بهذه الحقوق عبر تقديم الشكاوى على الخط الساخن 1739 التابع لمديرية حماية المستهلك، لأن الحماية الأمثل لا تستكمل دون التزام تام من المستهلك والتاجر على حدّ سواء بالأنماط السلوكية الصحيحة وبالقوانين والقرارات التي تدعو لها الوزارة للوصول إلى مجتمع أفضل.

وأبرز ما يتضمنه هذا العدد المقالات التالية:
الاستراتيجية الوطنية للأمن الغذائي“، بقلم معالي وزير الاقتصاد والتجارة الاستاذ نقولا نحاس؛
ضبط سلامة الغذاء: نظام تتبع ومهمات متكاملة بين الوزارات” ، مدير عام الاقتصاد والتجارة بالانابة م. فؤاد فليفل؛
خطة تفعيل العمل الرقابي داخل البلديات: نجاح مميّز ونتائج ملموسة للمستهلكين“، خبير الادارة والتسويق م. عماد يوسف؛
الغش في الغذاء: آفة حالية لمشكلة قديمة“، الخبير في العلوم الغذائية د. ايلي بو يزبك؛
التحضير للعام الدراسي 2012 -2013: مراقبة مبيعات الكتب والقرطاسية واللوازم المدرسية”، رئيس قسم الاسعار موسى كريم؛
مكتب مقاطعة إسرائيل: دوره وأهدافه“، الاستاذ هيثم البواب؛
تحديث وتطوير مركز تلقي الشكاوى 1739 من أجل خدمة أفضل للمستهلكين“، الخبير في المعلوماتية علي بيطار؛
ضبط تسعيرة مولدات الكهرباء“، الخبير الاقتصادي رازي وديع الحاج؛
اللحوم … نقاط سبع للتأكد من معيار جودتها“، الاخصائيتان في مراقبة سلامة الغذاء دانيا الخوري وماريز الشامي؛
عقد الترخيص باستعمال العلامة التجارية وآثاره الإيجابية في حماية المستهلك“، المراقب المساعد فادي علاء الدين؛
بالإضافة الى العديد من المقالات حول الانشطة التي قامت بها مديرية حماية المستهلك خلال فصلي الربيع والصيف.
للإطلاع على هذا العدد والأعداد السابقة أنقر على العنوان التالي:
كما ونتمنى عليكم المساعدة في إيصال هذه النشرة إلى أكبر عدد ممكن من المواطنين وذلك عبر إعادة توجيه هذه الرسالة إلى كل من يهمه الامر.
للراغبين بإرسال آرائهم أو باستلام أحدث نسخة من هذه النشرة على عنوانهم الإلكتروني الخاص فور نشرها، الرجاء توجيه رسائلكم إلى العنوان التاليcpdnews@economy.gov.lb


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a vous le billet de joe qui explique les adages porteurs de sectairianisme et de confessionalisme…..

a vous….


الطائفية في الأمثال الشعبية اللبنانية

قد يظن العديد منا أن الطائفية، كمنطق تفكير ومفهوم حياتيّ، أمرٌ مُستجد في مضمون تفكير وأقوال الشعب اللبناني، إلا أنه عند محاولة الاطلاع على مضمون الأمثال الشعبية اللبنانية القديمة، التي تعود الى مئات السنين نكتشف العكس.

لوحة لقرية في جبل لبنان

لوحة لقرية في جبل لبنان

إن الأمثال الشعبية لخير دليل على واقع شعبٍ معين، وعلى طريقة تفكيره وأفكاره الاجتماعية السياسية والثقافية والاقتصادية. فالأمثال نابعة من تجربة حيّة لأناس أطلقوها وشاعت لصِحتها، ولتطابقها مع آراء الناس العامة. وهذه الأمثال تسلط ضوء واضح على معرفة الهوية الحقيقية للناس الذي راجت بينهم. كما إن هذه الأمثال تساهم في تشكيل الوعي الجماعي من خلال عملية التراكم الثقافي والتاريخي. فالأمثال الشعبية ليست مجرد كلمات سهلة القول وفيها نوع من القافية، بل هي مرآة صادقة لتجارب تاريخية، فردية وجماعية، تفسر ما حدث وما يحدث على المستوى الفردي والجماعي.

ولبنان، كما غيره من الشعوب يَكثر في تاريخه الكثير من الأمثال التي لا يزال يستعملها قسم لا بأس به حتى اليوم وفيها الكثير من الأمثال التي تدل على واقع وإحساس طائفي عُبر عنه من خلال هذه الأمثال، وهذه بعضها، مع تفسير عنها قدر المستطاع لفهما:

–  اللّي أَخَد من غير مِلّتو مات بعلّتو.  ( وتعني أن الذي تزوج من غير طائفته، سيواجه مصاعب جمّة في حياته)

–  موراني وخَيّر؟ شي بـ حَيّر! (وتعني أن الماروني لا يمكن أن يكون خيراً ومعطاء، قد يكون المقصود بها أن الماروني بخيل)

–  البَدَوي إذا غسّلتو بـ يموت. ( البدوي، أو البدو، هي الصفة التي كان يطلقها المسيحيين في جبل لبنان على المسلمون، دلالةً منهم على أن المسلمون آتون من الصحراء وحضارة البدو، ودلالة على رائحتهم النتنة)

–  إذا كانت الكنافة بيدخّلا توم، الماروني بـيحب الروم. ( دليل على “الحب” القاتل بين الموارنة والروم الأرثوذكس)

–  الروم ما بيكسّر راسو القدوم. ( هذا دليل رؤية الآخرين على إن الروم الأرثوذكس هم متعصبون وكثيري العِناد)

–  جازة نصرانية: لا فرّاق الا بالخنّاق. (مثل يقوله المسلمون، إذ يعتبرون أن الزواج المسيحي لا ينتهي سوى بأن يقتل أحد الزوجان الآخر، لأن طلاق المتزوجين مسيحياً صعب وشبه ممنوع)

–  التِّركي ولا بكركي. (بكركي هي مقر البطريركية المارونية. حين أراد الموارنة إقامة دولة لبنان الكبير، ظهر هذا المَثل عند العديد من الطوائف الأخرى، رفضاً منهم للدولة ذات الغلبة المارونية وتفضيلهم الحكم العثماني عليها)

–  الخوري مارون ومن أميون! (بلدة أميون كان يسكنها الروم الأرثوذكس فقط، بينما اسم “مارون” هو خاص بالموارنة، فالمثل هذا مقصود به إلتقاء المستحيل)

–  صلّي عند الروم، وقدِّس عند الموارنة. (الصلاة عند الروم الأرثوذكس قصيرة بينما قداسهم طويل، أما الموارنة فالعكس)

–  صباح إبليس ولا صباح القسيس. صباح الشيطان ولا صباح الرهبان. صباح النوري ولا صباح الخوري. (هذه الأمثال الشعبية تقال عن رجال الدين المسيحيين)

–  رَيتو حمار الموراني يشخّ بديارك. ( كان طبيب ماروني من البترون يأتي إلى قرى منطقة الكورة على حماره ليعالج الناس الأرثوذكسيين هناك. هذا القول هو دعاء على الآخر لكي يَمرض. كما راجت أيضاً في مناطق الدروز من جبل لبنان الجنوبي، حيث كان الدروز الإقطاعيين يملكون الأحصنة بينما الفلاحون هم من الموارنة ولا يحق لهم ركب الأحصنة بل فقط الحمير)

– تعشّى عند الدرزي ونام عند المسيحي. (أصل المثل يعود الى صفة الغدر التي كان المسيحيون ينسبوها للدروز، وفي هذا المثل خوف من أن يطعن الدرزي ضيفه في الليل)

الأمثال إذاً، هي جزءٌ من حياة الشعوب وتاريخها، تتضمن الموروث التاريخي وتعبر عن مضامين الفكر والثقافة العامة. وهي صوت الشعب العادي، والأصدق، بعيداً عن زيف الخطابات الطنانة والكتب النظرية. بعد هذه اللمحة من الأمثال الطائفية الرائجة في حينها والتي لا يزال بعضها يُستعمل لليوم، لا نستطيع سوى أن نقول أن الطائفية في ما بين الشعوب التي شكلّت دولة لبنان لاحقاً يَغلب عليها الطابع الطائفي، الذي لم يكن نتيجة لأي شكل من أشكال الأنظمة السياسية اللاحقة، بل إن الطائفية هي بصلب الهوية المكونة للبنانيين.

يقول إبن عبدربه الأندلسي في كتابه العقد الفردي عن الأمثال: ” إن الأمثال أبقى من الشِعر وأشرق من الخِطابة”، يبدو أيضاً إن الطائفية هي أبقى عند اللبنانيين من كل مفهومٍ آخر.



أنيس فريحة، “معجم الأمثال اللبنانية الحديثة”

سعد الدين فروخ، “قاموس الأمثال البيروتية”

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Finally, the draft law aiming to amend the Labor Law articles 28-29,  prepared by the NCLW, and submitted to the Lebanese Parliament by Member of Parliament and director of committees  Gilbert Zwein and Michel Moussa on 26/7/2011, was accepted by the lebanese government as a first step; Usually the Parliamentarian committees should discuss them, and vote the amendments, but as Nabih Berri Said and to foster cooperation between the Lebanese powers, he consulted the Government on that Issue;

the response of the governement was positive, maternity leave of women, needs to be extended to a period of ten weeks;

while waiting for the vote of the general assembly,

we can just applaud this positive step toward equality and women’s rights….

and dream, and act for a Paternity leave too!

Rita Chemaly

for more information please follow the article in al Akhbar

في جلسته الأخيرة، وافق مجلس الوزراء على اقتراحي قانون مقدّمين من النائبين جيلبرت زوين وميشال موسى، يقضيان برفع إجازة الأمومة من أربعين يوماً إلى عشرة أسابيع. قد يكون ما يحصل إنجازاً، لكنه سيبقى منقوصاً ما لم يدرس في اللجان النيابية، ويحُز موافقة المجلس النيابي من بعدها… ثم ينشر في الجريدة الرسمية

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Un article de Elham Manea, politologue Yemenite a l’institut des sciences politiques de l’universite de Zurich, dans lequel elle retrace les changements survenus dans les relations tribales au Yemen.


Un  article qui a été publie dans le Daily Star Libanais le 6 avril 2012

rita chemaly

Tribalism in Yemen has changed deeply

February’s presidential election in Yemen by no means marks the end of the country’s troubles. However, the suggestion that the United States host a new arrangement based on decentralized negotiation between tribal and regional leaders is not the way to solve them.

Such a call ignores lessons from Yemen’s past and underestimates the deep changes that have taken place in Yemeni society over the last decades. Although the tribal system continues to operate as the prevalent mode of social organization, it is crucial to recognize that the nature of tribal networks and institutions has changed drastically.

Historically, tribal networks compensated for the state’s lack of capacity. The tribe assumed the role of protector and provider: securing tribal territory, protecting water wells, and resolving conflicts between its members or with other tribes. In many ways, the tribe was the institution of first resort for financial backing and social support in times of crisis. It is perhaps very telling that Aden – where the nuclear family has displaced the tribe as the main social unit – is more affected by poverty than regions that have preserved tribalism, such as Shabwah, Mahra and Al-Dali.

Tribal sheikhs were also once accountable to their constituents: They were elected and could be voted out. Thus, a sheikh was often regarded as a first among equals, rather than an absolute ruler. Custom (Irf) governed the mediation of conflict within or outside the tribe and could not be violated without loss of honor – a distinct disgrace – and threat of severe penalty.

However, the calculated politics of patronage applied by the former Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, changed the nature of the relationship between tribal leaders and their constituencies. Saleh and the sheikhs had a number of incentives to engage in a new relationship. From the regime’s perspective, offering assistance to warring or otherwise weakened tribes undercut potentially strong alliances against it, and by incorporating tribal forms of arbitration, the regime also depleted tribal resources that could be used in opposition to the state. On the other side of the bargain, this patronage system afforded sheikhs freedom from accountability to their constituencies.

By successfully co-opting these leaders and rendering them dependent on Sanaa for privileges and largesse, Saleh’s patronage system eroded tribal codes and norms – ultimately leading to a leadership vacuum. Many sheikhs today are dramatically wealthier than their fellow tribesmen – and thus no longer dependent on their constituencies. More tribesmen are alienated from their leaders – who often take up residence in Sanaa and are only just beginning to abuse their power.

The most famous example is the case of the Jaashin area in Ibb, where the sheikh there evicted dozens of families in 2009 after they refused to pay “taxes” – they instead insisted on paying the municipalities directly. Additionally, there are reports of “private” prisons run by sheikhs who use them to intimidate and terrorize their own tribesmen – enough to cause Yemen’s Human Rights Minister Huriyya Mashhour to pledge to shut them down.

Saleh understood this reality belatedly. He mistakenly thought that securing the allegiance of sheikhs would ensure their tribes’ loyalties. But as was revealed in the uprisings that led to his removal from office, many tribe members did not follow the orders of their “leaders.” In this context, it is difficult to imagine how the United States would host a new arrangement based on decentralized negotiation with leaders who can no longer deliver.

Perhaps we should look to the Sultanate of Oman as a source of inspiration – particularly to its strategy used to integrate the region’s tribes and end the Dhofar Rebellion in the 1970s. Oman managed to overcome Dhofar’s isolation by connecting it to Muscat while simultaneously instilling a sense of national identity in its population through three major initiatives.

First, the government pardoned all the Dhofari fighters who were willing to switch sides: Those who accepted amnesty were retrained and incorporated into the armed forces. As a result, hundreds of Dhofari rebels deserted and joined Sultan Qaboos’ “Firqat” Irregulars. These squads ranged in size from 30 to 100 men, the majority of which were defected rebels and local tribesmen trained to operate as a paramilitary force.

Not only did this strategy help secure the support of the tribes from which members of the Firqat were drawn, but it also built up the squads as provisional regional governments, which may have helped rebuild trust in the central government. At the very least, this was a clear departure from previous policies of dispatching regular forces composed mostly of Pakistani soldiers.

The tribal factor was also especially important in Oman’s efforts to create an administrative network in the region and to ensure the allegiance of both tribal leaders and local people. Like the rest of the country at the time, Dhofar lacked a basic civil service. Starting in 1974, the new sultan set up several ministries to run Dhofar’s public affairs. And although the heads of these ministries lived in Muscat, local branches were set up for each, and their representatives were usually elected – rather than appointed – tribal leaders.

By addressing the economic and social demands and grievances of the population of Dhofar, the state aimed to undermine the very basis of the rebels’ cause. Between 1971 and 1975 the Omani government used generous funding from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to allocate 25 percent of the nation’s development budget to Dhofar alone and provide for the construction of local roads, airports, schools, clinics, and power stations. While promising to make the province economically self-sufficient by 1980, the overarching objective of the program was, however, to instill “pride in the community and a spirit of nation-building.” These efforts both appeased the Dhofari population and strengthened the connection between the center and the periphery.

All of this would not have been possible had the state been absent from the equation. The state is very much key to any attempt to solve Yemen’s problems, and hitherto has been hampered by weakness and corruption stemming from the rule of a single clan – one more interested in filling its coffers than addressing the needs of its population. But for this, we should not blame the state: Blame instead the leaders – and get to work.

Elham Manea is an associate professor at Zurich University’s Institute of Political Science. She specializes in Yemeni affairs and is the author of “Regional Politics in the Gulf” and “The Arab State and Women’s Rights: The Trap of Authoritarian Governance.” This commentary first appeared at Sada, an online journal published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2012/Apr-06/169391-tribalism-in-yemen-has-changed-deeply.ashx#ixzz1sYwdmhu1

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Today, Tuesday, April the 3rd 2012, the Jinsiyati Campaign in Lebanon, lobbying for women to be able to transmit their Lebanese nationality for their children and families,  is organising a Sit in in front of the Grand Serail( Saraya), Riad el Solh Square at 10:30 ( while the Council of Ministers is meeting) to ask the governmental Committee in charge of working on the nationality law to:

– Indicate a clear timeline within which the committee will be working and assume agreeing on the draft law;

– Share the Terms of Reference of the Committee (  what are their sources, what are their info);

– Include civil society organisations in the process of the discussions ( the importance of consulting civil society organisations campaigning and working on this right since more than 10 years is a must, they know the cases, the numbers, the obstacles and hindrances as well as the citizen’s expectations);

– and last but not least, take into consideration our demands for FULL CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS for women without any conditions ( women should transmit their nationality to their families, the Lebanese Constitution has clearly stipulated that all citizens are equal) ;

The banners of the peaceful collective action of today are clear:

Transmitting the nationality is a Right , this is not the Settlement of Palestinians,

Nationality is a right for women in the state of Rights and laws

the nationality law of 1925 is old and need to be amended ASAP!!!

Rita Chemaly,

The nationality law is so old that it is part of our "tourath"

N'enterrez pas la Loi sur la Nationalite dans un de vos tirroirs ou comites!


the woman's right to transmit her nationality is not naturalisation or settlement!

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