
Posts Tagged ‘law’

The National Commission for Lebanese Women, that is a National machinery affiliated to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers , has prepared a Draft law aiming at Helping Women to be Candidates and Win the elections for the municipalities.

The municipalities elections in Lebanon are a family and neighbors issue. The Women who want to be candidate needs to be registered as a condition in the registry of the Municipality. “sejjel kayd”.

The discrimination appears in article 25, of the current Municipality law, in which a Women will loose all her links to the family, and networks that she has created in her municipality of origins ” sejil kaydiha el assassi”  if she gets married, as she is directly and without asking taken down from the registry of origin and enlisted in the registry of her “Husband”.

For me, it is a PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY in which a Women is the PROPRIETY of her FATHER until Marriage, after MARRIAGE, SHE IS THE PROPRIETY OF HER HUSBAND;

regardless my point of view of how the laws in LEBANON discriminate against women in the texts and make her directly affiliated to a MAN (the father or husband) , the new draft law is  a new step forward for women’s rights in Lebanon. this is done through this draft law amendment registered at the Parliament by the Active MP Ghassan Mukahiber, on the 11/4/2016 under registry number 168/2016,

as a Practical example, I as a married women from Achkout/Kesrwan , can be candidate after my marriage in Achkout if I wish ! Because in the Municipality of my Husband which is Deir Dourit/Chouf, no one have ever heard of me! 🙂 unlike Achkout, where all my activism, links, are tight 🙂

apart from this personal example, and for this,

 I am now asking ALL MPS (the reconducted oops! ) (another polemique here hein? ) to LEGIFERATE and VOTE and ratify this NEW amendment PRIOR TO THE 2016 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS!

WE AS WOMEN need IT!!!!  WE still fight for our rights in municipalities : a change of the law is a must!

Rita Chemaly

here is the text of the law amendment as presented to the parliament by Ghassan Mokhaiber.

here is the link to the Press release covered by our National News Agency! http://nna-leb.gov.lb/ar/show-news/216377/ 


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Do you know at what age it is okay for your to marry legally in Lebanon??

some confessions (sects) give for a girl at the age of 9 a special Licence to get married (check the catholics laws) !!! others the age of 14!!! (evangelical sects or confession)

for the Shiite confession a girl can get married at 9 too with the approval of the Sheikh!

as for boys the confessions give the boys the legal age of 16 for the catholics and 13 with a licence for the Israelite in Lebanon.

for all those who are interested in the legal age of getting married in Lebanon,

here is a snapshot taken from the official Lebanese CEDAW report of 2006 that was presented to the UN.

rita chemaly legal age of marriage in Lebanon between confessions

Rita Chemaly

Author and researcher in Political Sciences

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Today is a big day for women in Lebanon.

we as women are watching carefully the actions that will be done by the parliamentarians in the so long and waited General Assembly.

1- will they vote for the extension of the Maternity leave period from 49 days to 70 days for working mothers in Lebanon? (amendment of articles 28-29 from the Labor Law?)

2- Will they vote for the extension of the maternity leave period from 60 days to 70 days for working mothers employees in the public sector in Lebanon?? (Amendment of article 38 of law 112 of employees in the public sector?)

3- will they vote for the Law protecting women from domestic violence in the form presented by the Women NGOs of Lebanon mainly Kafa?  

If not, I , Rita Chemaly as a lebanese citizen won’t vote for them anymore!

isn’t it their job to legiferate?

No laws, No vote!

Rita Chemaly


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One of the most Horrible action against #human rights and human #dignity without talking about the freedom of choice,

the story as it has been prepared by NOW, is below for your information,

in both english and arabic.



“I was standing outside the nightclub with my friends when I was ordered by [municipality] police to get into the car, with no legal order” one of the transgender revelers harassed Saturday night at Dekwaneh club Ghost told NOW, on condition of anonymity. She said she was taken into a room where she was abused both verbally and sexually by municipality head Antoine Chakhtoura’s deputies.

“They hit me and pushed me around and insulted me by using derogatory terms like ‘faggot’ and ‘half-a-man,’ then they asked demeaning questions such as how much do I make per hour and whether I enjoy ‘sucking on it,’ then asked me to strip naked and then took photographs of me.”

Lebanese activists and experts believe Chakhtoura’s actions have set a dangerous precedent whereby the Lebanese official can apply his own conception of justice as Lebanese law.

Among those who were arrested late night Saturday were three gay men and a transgender person. Each were forced to undress in front of Chakhtoura’s policemen, under his order, so they could determine their gender.

Following Saturday’s events, in an interview with the Lebanese television station LBC, Chakhtoura admitted that the detained were undressed, saying “Of course we made them take off their clothes, we saw a scandalous situation and we had to know what these people were. Is it a woman or a man? It turned out to be a half-woman and half-man and I do not accept this in my Dekwaneh.”

In an interview with NOW, Chakhtoura defended his actions saying “It is not my business what gender they decide to be, but they were violating moral codes of conduct and were taking drugs and it is my duty to put an end to it.”

However, the transgender person emphasized that she had no drugs in her possession and has asked the forces to give her a blood test to check for the viability of the accusations. Her requests have gone unanswered.

As for the sealing of the night club, Chakhtoura stressed to NOW that he believes it endorses sexual activities inside and outside its premises, and promoted the trafficking of drugs and “drunken” behavior. He also claims that his actions are justified by Article 74 in the municipal law code.

Ghost nightclub’s management has condemned the municipality’s accusation, stressing to NOW that the accusations against them are false and that the raid had no prior warning.

The manager, who also preferred to remain anonymous, explained that Chakhtoura came to the location and accused him of drug trafficking and prostitution, and when he was given the freedom to look into his accusations Chakhtoura replied “No, I don’t want to check, I want this place to be shut down.”

“I refused to close down,” then he walked out saying “but you have gay men in here.” Soon after, twelve of Chakhtoura’s policemen entered the nightclub, bullied customers out, and turned the music off. As of Monday afternoon, Ghost nightclub was sealed by order of the municipality, a note visible on its door with the names of the 4 persons who had been detained.

Lawyer and human rights activist Nizar Saghieh explained that the head of the municipality, in his actions, surpassed the relevant legal institutions and should thus be held legally accountable.

“By law, he is only allowed to gather the information needed and file a complaint to the public prosecution office. He has no right to take the decision on his own. His raid is illegal,” stressed Saghieh.

Until now, the club’s management has not filed a law suit against Chakhtoura and is waiting for the prosecution office to issue its own order, because they strongly believe Chakhtoura’s case is personal.

“Clearly, he has personal issues with homosexual men because this is not the first time these harassments take place, his men have been detaining passersby for over 6 months now,” the manager added.

Charbel Maydaa, the director of Helem, an NGO whose mission is to defend gay rights, confirmed the above allegations and explained that the organization has been monitoring the nightclub since they learned of the recurrent harassment and abuse of gay men and transgender people. Maydaa told NOW that customers near the nightclub are frequently exposed to abuse because of their appearance, and that victims were taken to the police municipality in the trunks of police cars.

Saghieh added that the municipal police’s detainment of customers is also illegal and should be looked into urgently because it is a clear violation of the constitution.

“They have no right to question subjects in any case; it is the judicial police jurisdiction and that is, if there was a crime at hand, but there isn’t one, transsexuality is not a crime, there is no legal finding to support it anywhere.”

Saghieh emphasized that if the subjects decide not to pursue a case, then it is  the lebanese civil society’s duty to address the issue as quickly as possible.

“This is a crime and Chakhtoura admitted to it publicly. Lebanese civil society should file a complaint against him at the public prosecution office.”

“This is very dangerous. He is forcing his own values, considering anything against them a crime, then punishing the wrong-doers. This should not be accepted,” said Saghieh.

SOURCE https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/reportsfeatures/transgender-club-victim-speaks-out

هذا ما حصل في ملهى المتحولين جنسياً في الدكوانة

رئيس بلدية يعتقل ويضايق مثليين ومتحوّلين جنسياً


“كنتُ أقف خارج الملهى الليلي مع أصدقائي عندما أمرتني شرطة البلدية بالدخول الى السيارة، دون أي مذكّرة قانونية” قالت لـ NOW واحدة من المشاركين في الحفلة الصاخبة الذين تعرضوا لمضايقات ليلة السبت الماضية في ملهى Ghost في الدكوانة، شرط عدم ذكر اسمها. قالت إنّها أدخلت الى غرفة حيث تعرّضت لأذى شفهي وجنسي من قبل مندوبي رئيس البلدية أنطوان شختورة.

“ضربوني وعاملوني بقسوة وأهانوني مستخدمين تعابير بذيئة مثل “مخنّث” و”نصف رجل”، ومن ثم طرحوا عليّ أسئلة مهينة مثل كم هو أجري في الساعة وإذا ما كنتُ أستمتع بالأمر، ومن ثم طلبوا مني ان أخلع ثيابي والتقطوا لي صوراً”.

يعتقد الناشطون والخبراء اللبنانيون أنّ أعمال شختورة تفرض سابقة خطيرة حيث يمكن لمسؤول لبناني أن يطبّق مفهومه الخاص للعدالة على اعتبار أنّه قانون لبناني.

من بين أولئك الذين تمّ اعتقالهم ليل السبت الماضي كان ثلاثة مثليين وشخص متحوّل جنسياً. وكل واحد منهم أجبر على خلع ثيابه أمام رجال شرطة شختورة، بأمر منه، بحيث يتمكنون من تحديد هويتهم الجنسية.

بعد أحداث ليلة السبت، وفي مقابلة له مع محطة التلفزيون اللبنانية LBC، اعترف شختورة بأنّهم جعلوا المعتقلين يخلعون ثيابهم، قائلاً “بالطبع جعلناهم يخلعون ثيابهم،عندما رأينا وضعاً فاضحاً وكان علينا أن نعرف ما هم هؤلاء الأشخاص. رجال أو نساء؟ وبدا أنّهم أنصاف رجال وأنصاف نساء وأنا لا أقبل بمثل ذلك في الدكوانة التي أنتمي إليها”.

وفي مقابلة له مع NOW، دافع شختورة عن أفعاله قائلاً “ليس شأني أية هوية جنسية يريدون لأنفسهم، ولكنّهم كانوا ينتهكون قوانين السلوك الأخلاقية وكانوا يتعاطون المخدرات ومن واجبي وضع حد لذلك”.

غير أنّ المتحوّلة جنسياً أكّدت أنّه لم يكن بحوزتها مخدرات وطلبت من القوى [الأمنية] أن يُجرى لها فحص دم للتحقّق من صحة الاتهامات. ولم تتم الاستجابة لمطالبها.

وبالنسبة لختم الملهى الليلي بالشمع الأحمر، أكد شختورة أنّه يعتقد بأنّه يسمح بالنشاطات الجنسية داخل مبناه وخارجه، وأنّه يروّج لتجارة المخدرات ولسلوك السكيرين. وهو يزعم بأنّ أفعاله تبرّرها المادة 74 من قانون البلديات.

ومن جهتها أدانت إدارة ملهى “غوست” اتهام البلدية، مشدّدة لـ NOW على أنّ الاتهامات الموجهة لها باطلة وأنّ “الكبسة” على الملهي لم يسبقها أي تحذير.

وشرح مدير الملهى، الذي فضّل هو كذلك عدم الإفصاح عن هويته، أنّ شختورة جاء الى المكان واتهمه بتجارة المخدرات وبالدعارة، وعندما سُمح له بالتحقّق من صحة اتهاماته، أجاب شختورة “لا، لا أريد التحقّق، أريدُ إقفال هذا المكان”.

“رفضتُ الإقفال”، ومن ثم خرج قائلاً “ولكن لديكم مثليين هنا”. وبعد ذلك بقليل، دخل 12 من رجال شرطة شختورة الى الملهى، قاموا بالتنمير على الزبائن، وأطفأوا الموسيقى. ومنذ بعد ظهر يوم الإثنين الماضي، جرى إقفال ملهى غوست بالشمع الاحمر بأمر من البلدية، وتبدو ملاحظة عُلّقت على بابه بأسماء الأشخاص الأربعة الذين جرى اعتقالهم.

وفي هذا السياق، شرح المحامي والناشط في مجال حقوق الإنسان نزار صاغية أنّ رئيس البلدية تخطّى بهذه التصرّفات، المؤسسات القانونية المختصّة وبالتالي يجب أن يحاسب قانونياً على ذلك.

“كما ينص القانون، يُسمح له فقط بجمع المعلومات المطلوية ورفع شكوى الى مكتب المدعي العام. لا يحق له أن يتخّذ القرار بنفسه. إغارته على المكان غير قانونية” شدّد صاغية قائلاً.

حتى الآن، لم ترفع إدارة الملهى قضية على شختورة وهي بانتظار أن يُصدر مكتب الادعاء حكمه، لأنّهم يعتقدون اعتقاداً راسخاً بأنّ قضية شختورة قضية شخصية.

“من الواضح أنّ لديه مسائل شخصية حيال الرجال المثليين لأنّ هذه ليست المرة الأولى التي تحصل فيها هذه المضايقات، فمنذ أكثر من ستة أشهر يقوم رجاله باعتقال المارة”، أضاف المدير.

وبدوره أكّد شربل الميدع، المدير التنفيذي لجمعية “حلم” غير الحكومية التي تهتم بالدفاع عن حقوق المثليين، على الادعاءات السابقة وشرح أنّ الجمعية كانت تراقب الملهى الليلي منذ علموا بالمضايقات المتكرّرة وبالإساءة الى الرجال المثليين والأشخاص المتحولين جنسياً. وقال الميدع لـ NOW إنّ الزبائن قرب الملهى الليلي دائماً ما يتعرّضون للاعتداء بسبب مظهرهم، وأنّ ضحايا الأحد الماضي نُقلوا الى مقر شرطة البلدية في صناديق سيارات الشرطة.

وأضاف صاغية أنّ اعتقال الشرطة البلدية للزبائن هو أيضاً غير قانوني ويجب النظر فيه بأقصى سرعة لأنه مخالفة واضحة للدستور.

“ليس لديهم الحق باستجواب أي كان في أية قضية كانت؛ فهذا من اختصاص الشرطة القضائية، هذا في حال كانت هناك جريمة، ولكن لا توجد جريمة، التحوّل الجنسي ليس بجريمة، ليس هناك أي حيثية قانونية لدعمها في أي مكان”.

وشدّد صاغية على أنّه في حال قرّر المعنيون بالحادثة عدم رفع أي قضية، فمن واجب المجتمع المدني اللبناني معالجة المسألة بأسرع وقت ممكن.

“هذه جريمة وقد اعترف شختورة علناً باقترافها. على المجتمع المدني أن يرفع شكوى ضدّه لدى مكتب المدعي العام”.

“هذا أمر شديد الخطورة. إنّه يفرض قيمه الخاصة، معتبراً أي شيء يعارض هذه القيم جريمة، ومن ثمّ يعاقب الآثمين الذين ارتكبوها. لا يجب القبول بذلك”، قال صاغية




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The council of Ministers has Approved during his session on October 10 2012, the amendment of article 15 of the Public Code of Contractuals , Nizam el Am lil Oujara2! 🙂

now, a woman contractual in the public sphere can benefit from a 60 day maternity leave instead of a 40 days maternity leave!!!!

Hourray!!! We are still waiting for the amendment of the Labor law articles 28-29 (maternity leave), and hoping to extend this maternity leave to at least 10 weeks   in Lebanon… for all female employees!!!

A great Step forward By the Council of Ministers!!!

Rita Chemaly

Take a break… I arrive Mum!!

for you the article as it appears in the decisions of the Council of ministers:

الموافقة على طلب الهيئة الوطنية لشؤون المرأة اللبنانية تعديل المادة 15 من المرسوم رقم 5883 تاريخ 3/10/1994 وتعديلاته (النظام العام للأجراء) بحيث تعطى الأجيرة الحامل , إجازة بأجر كامل , تدعى إجازة أمومة , مدتها /60/ يوما


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Now that the Electoral Law is finalised ,

and that the votes for or against it are prepared….

“This paper presents three possible scenarios for the forthcoming 2013 legislative elections – the “status quo”, the Boutros Commission Draft, and the Charbel Proportional Proposal – and argues for an effective and democratic electoral system that addresses the inequalities and traps for corruption present in Lebanon today. Taking into account Lebanon’s tenuous multi-confessional identity, standardization of voting practices, electoral zoning and expatriate voter inclusion, Ekmekji presents a thorough and recommendation-based analysis of the options available and the best road forward to reform in Lebanon. … ”


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Today, Tuesday, April the 3rd 2012, the Jinsiyati Campaign in Lebanon, lobbying for women to be able to transmit their Lebanese nationality for their children and families,  is organising a Sit in in front of the Grand Serail( Saraya), Riad el Solh Square at 10:30 ( while the Council of Ministers is meeting) to ask the governmental Committee in charge of working on the nationality law to:

– Indicate a clear timeline within which the committee will be working and assume agreeing on the draft law;

– Share the Terms of Reference of the Committee (  what are their sources, what are their info);

– Include civil society organisations in the process of the discussions ( the importance of consulting civil society organisations campaigning and working on this right since more than 10 years is a must, they know the cases, the numbers, the obstacles and hindrances as well as the citizen’s expectations);

– and last but not least, take into consideration our demands for FULL CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS for women without any conditions ( women should transmit their nationality to their families, the Lebanese Constitution has clearly stipulated that all citizens are equal) ;

The banners of the peaceful collective action of today are clear:

Transmitting the nationality is a Right , this is not the Settlement of Palestinians,

Nationality is a right for women in the state of Rights and laws

the nationality law of 1925 is old and need to be amended ASAP!!!

Rita Chemaly,

The nationality law is so old that it is part of our "tourath"

N'enterrez pas la Loi sur la Nationalite dans un de vos tirroirs ou comites!


the woman's right to transmit her nationality is not naturalisation or settlement!

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Kuddo to Moka & More for complying with the non-smoking in public spaces law!

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